Accessory Brakes Descrip
Accessory Brakes Descrip
Accessory Brakes Descrip
he engine brake, exhaust proved to be unreliable. still in the shortest possible distance
brake, transmission retarder, Cummins, et al, had begun re- without loss of control, as in emer-
and electromagnetic drive- search and development of an engine gency stops. Because of design and
shaft retarder are four types of acces- brake in 1956. During the same period manufacturing limitations, foundation
sory braking devices used in mo- (1954), the Williams Controls, for- brakes cannot effectively dissipate the
torhomes today. These systems en- merly known as Willams Air Control, temperatures reached when used re-
hance stopping ability in both hilly developed an exhaust brake. They peatedly and for extended periods of
and level terrain. An added benefit is experimented with butterfly- and guil- time. The foundation brakes of a 15-
that they help to preserve brake linings lotine-type valves and ultimately fo- ton, 4x2 vehicle descending a 12 per
and tires. In addition to examining the cused on the guillotine, which is still cent grade, 4.35 miles long, produce
workings of these devices, it is inter- in use today. enough energy to melt a 463-pound
esting to explore the history of acces- The importance of accessory metal casting. On a 6 percent gradient,
sory brakes, which have been in exis- brakes is dramatically demonstrated in the foundation brakes of a 19-ton 4x2
tence for a number of years. data compiled by Telma Retarder Inc. vehicle traveling at 40 mph reach 752
Sarrazin, a French engineer, was The chart below, provided courtesy of degrees Fahrenheit after only 15 sec-
granted a patent to use eddy currents Telma, compares brake surface area to onds. The hotter brake linings get, the
as a vehicle retarder in 1926. In 1936 weight ratios. The chart indicates that less efficiently they perform (up to 60
Telma purchased the rights to the pat- heavy trucks have almost four times percent loss of efficiency above 520
ent and began producing the Telma less brake friction area per ton than degrees Fahrenheit). It will take the
electromagnetic retarder. In August
1961, C. Lyle Cummins Jr. and G.S.
Haviland presented a paper titled “The Type of Vehicle Brake Surface (Sq. In.) Weight (Tons) Sq. In./ton
Jacobs Engine Brake, A New Concept 2,202 pound car 117 1 117
In Vehicle Retarders” at the Society of 8,900 pound truck 223 4 56
Automotive Engineers (SAE) national 14,500 pound truck 330 65 51
West Coast meeting in Portland, Ore- 37,000 pound truck 750 16.5 45
gon. In this paper, Cummins acknowl- 80,000 pound truck 1,128 36 31
edged that “the concept of retarding a
vehicle by converting an engine into
some form of air compressor is not cars. above vehicle 15 minutes at 19 mph to
new. Patents dating back at least 40 According to the Telma literature, bring the temperature of its brakes
years show attempts at this.” These “Foundation brakes are designed to down to 392 degrees Fahrenheit.
patents all made use of shifting cam- maintain a vehicle in a stationary posi- “When foundation brakes are ap-
shafts and extra cam lobes to change tion for indefinite periods, as in park- plied, heat is generated. This heat ra-
exhaust valve timing. All of them ing, and to bring the vehicle to a stand diates to the wheels and eventually to