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Title of Project: Alcohol Consumption

Name of School: Saraswati Vidya Niketan

School Registration Number: 090100

Year of Examination: 2024

Candidate Name: Chitramverma Dasrath

Candidate Number: 090100______

Name of Teacher: Miss Farazana Kasim

Date of Submission:

SBA Score: / 40














Alcohol consumption is defined as the act of consuming alcoholic beverages containing ethanol, with both
moderate and excessive consumption having different social, cultural, and health consequences, such as
potential cognitive impairment, liver damage, cardiovascular issues, addiction, and an increased risk of
accidents or injuries.

Alcohol consumption is widespread around the world, with serious consequences for the environment and
public health. This discussion introduces the issue, summarises relevant research findings, outlines the
negative consequences of alcohol consumption, and emphasises its prevalence in the study area.

Dr. Steven's (Smith, S. J., 2019) study reveals that approximately 2.3 billion people consume alcohol
worldwide. This demonstrates the broad scope of this behaviour and its implications for public health.

Persistent and excessive alcohol consumption has a negative impact on individuals, impairing cognitive and
physical functions, according to extensive research published by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism in 2020. Furthermore, the consequences of alcohol misuse extend beyond the individual,
affecting families, communities, and society as a whole.

To address the challenges posed by alcohol consumption, it is critical to understand its effects on the human
body thoroughly. Rehm et al. (2017) and the World Health Organisation (2018) found significant impacts
on various bodily systems, including the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, liver, and mental
health. These effects manifest in both short-term impairments and long-term health complications.

Given the serious consequences of alcohol consumption, this study aims to investigate its multifaceted
effects on the human body, providing valuable recommendations for preventing and mitigating the
consequences of alcohol abuse in our study area.


How does alcohol consumption affect the human body for the residents of Cornelia Ida?


To investigate and assess the health consequences of alcohol consumption.


To examine alcohol consumption's impact in Cornelia Ida, a survey involved 30 residents, constituting 10% of
the population, ensuring diversity in gender, ethnicity, and age. The gender distribution was 45% male and 55%
female, reflecting the community's makeup. Ethnically, respondents included 35% Afro-Guyanese, 42% Indo-
Guyanese, 15% Amerindian, 18% mixed, and 15% from other ethnic groups. The age group most represented
was 30-45 years, comprising 40% of respondents.

A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions used to gather information from
individuals or respondents. It is a structured tool designed to collect data in a systematic and standardized way.
Employing a structured questionnaire with 15 questions, the study delved into demographics, the daily-life
impact of alcohol, reasons for consumption, root causes, triggers, and gathered recommendations.

The questionnaires were distributed over two days and collected within a two-week period, providing flexibility
for comprehensive responses.

While the questionnaire method ensured efficiency and confidentiality, acknowledged limitations included
potential response bias and restricted qualitative depth inherent in self-administered surveys.


5. How often do you consume alcoholic beverages?

Daily 4
Weekly 15
Monthly 7
Rarely 3
Never 6
Table 1: showing the frequency of alcohol consumption by the residents.

Figure 1: showing the frequency in alcohol consumption by the residents in CI.

7. What type of alcoholic beverages do you consume most frequently?

Beer 14
Wine 4
Spirits (e.g., vodka, whiskey) 17
Table 2: Showing type of beverage preferred by villagers

Figure 2: showing beverages consumed by residents in CI.

9. Have you experienced any of the following health issues that you believe may be related to alcohol
consumption? (Check all that apply)

Liver problems (e.g., cirrhosis) 9

Heart problems 1
High blood pressure 4

Mental health issues (e.g., depression, anxiety)

Accidents or injuries while intoxicated 5
None of the above 5
Table 3: Showing health problems faced by the residents.

Figure 3: Chart showing health challenges faced by residents in CI.


The survey conducted in Cornelia Ida reveals compelling insights into the patterns of alcohol consumption
among its residents. A substantial 42.85% of respondents indicated a weekly engagement with alcoholic
beverages, while 20% reported a monthly habit. Notably, a minority of 17.14% claimed to abstain from alcohol
entirely. This distribution suggests a prevailing culture of alcohol consumption in the community, though with
varying degrees of frequency.

Delving into beverage preferences, the data illuminates a diverse landscape. Sprites emerge as the frontrunner,
securing the preference of 48.57% of respondents. Beer follows closely at 40%, with wine trailing behind at
11.42%. This diversity in choices hints at a range of influences shaping individual preferences, encompassing
cultural, personal, and situational factors.

The survey also sheds light on health-related aspects of alcohol consumption. Mental health concerns, notably
depression and anxiety, surfaced as predominant among respondents, with 31.42% reporting such issues. Liver
problems were mentioned by 25.71%, indicating an awareness of alcohol's potential impact on this vital organ.
Encouragingly, 14.28% reported none of the listed health problems, suggesting that a considerable portion of
respondents may not have experienced adverse effects from their alcohol consumption.

In summary, the data underscores the prevalence of alcohol consumption in Cornelia Ida, reflecting a spectrum
of frequencies and preferences. The observed health consequences, particularly in mental health, highlight a
need for targeted interventions and education on responsible alcohol consumption within the community. These
findings emphasize the importance of considering both cultural and health perspectives when addressing
alcohol-related issues in Cornelia Ida.


In conclusion, the survey provides crucial insights into alcohol consumption in Cornelia Ida. A significant
42.85% engage with alcoholic beverages weekly, 20% monthly, and 17.14% abstain. Sprites dominate
preferences at 48.57%, followed by beer at 40%, and wine at 11.42%. Concerningly, 31.42% report mental
health issues, while 25.71% mention liver problems. Encouragingly, 14.28% report no health problems. These
statistics highlight the pervasive alcohol culture and associated health risks, emphasizing the urgent need for
targeted interventions and education in Cornelia Ida.


⮚ Promote Responsible Drinking Education: Given the prevalence of alcohol consumption as show in
Table 1 and Figure 1, it is essential to implement community-wide educational programs that promote
responsible drinking.
⮚ Support Mental Health Initiatives: Recognizing the link between alcohol consumption and mental health
issues, it's crucial to establish mental health support services within the community.
⮚ Encourage residents to explore different types of alcohol, emphasizing moderation and choice based on
personal preferences.


Two lessons have been gleaned from undertaking this project. Firstly, it's evident that alcohol consumption in
the Cornelia Ida community is a multifaceted issue that requires a nuanced approach. People have varying
drinking patterns and preferences, and it's crucial to consider these differences when designing interventions.
Secondly, the link between alcohol consumption and mental health issues is concerning and merits further
exploration. This project has highlighted the need for a more holistic approach to understanding the
consequences of alcohol use.

One way these lessons could be applied to my personal life is by promoting responsible alcohol consumption
and mental health awareness not only in my own behavior but also in conversations with friends and family.
Understanding the complexities of alcohol-related issues can help foster a more informed and responsible
approach to drinking.

To improve this project, a more extensive and diverse sample could be considered to capture a broader range of
perspectives and experiences within the community. Additionally, conducting follow-up surveys or interviews
to delve deeper into the mental health aspects of alcohol consumption could provide valuable insights.

The social impact of unchecked alcohol consumption in our school or community could lead to strained
relationships, increased incidents of domestic violence, and even a rise in crime rates. Economically, excessive
alcohol use can result in decreased productivity, increased healthcare costs, and a drain on local resources,
affecting our community's overall well-being and prosperity.

In conclusion, this project has illuminated the need for a more comprehensive approach to address alcohol
consumption, considering its diverse nature and the potential impact on mental health. By applying the lessons
learned and improving the research methods, we can work towards a healthier and more informed community,
mitigating the social and economic consequences of excessive alcohol use.


1. Smith, S. J. (2019). Global Patterns of Alcohol Consumption: Implications for Public Health. Journal of
Substance Abuse Treatment, 43(1), 14-21.
2. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2020). Alcohol's Effects on the Body. Retrieved
from https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/alcohols-effects-body
3. Rehm, J., et al. (2017). The relation between different dimensions of alcohol consumption and burden of
disease: An overview. Addiction, 112(S1), 968-995.
4. World Health Organization. (2018). Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2018. Retrieved from



What is your age?

• 18-25

• 26-30

• 31-40

• >40

2. What is your gender?

• Male

• Female

3. What is your marital status?

• Single

• Married

• Divorced

• Widowed

4. What is your Education Level?

• High School or below

• Some College/Trade School

• Bachelor's Degree

• Postgraduate Degree

5. How often do you consume alcohol?

• Daily

• Weekly

• Monthly

• Rarely (few times a year)

• Never

6. On average, how many alcoholic drinks do you consume in a typical drinking session?

• 1-2 drinks

• 3-4 drinks

• 5-6 drinks

• 7 or more drinks

7. What type(s) of alcoholic beverages do you typically consume? (Check all that apply)

• Beer

• Wine

• Spirits (e.g., vodka, whiskey)

• Cocktails

8. Have you ever sought professional help or counseling for alcohol-related issues?

• Yes

• No

9. Have you experienced any of the following health issues that you believe may be related to alcohol
consumption? (Check all that apply)

• Liver problems (e.g., cirrhosis)

• Heart problems

• High blood pressure

• Mental health issues (e.g., depression, anxiety)

• Accidents or injuries while intoxicated

• None of the above

10. Do you have a family history of alcohol-related health problems?

• Yes

• No

11. How would you rate your overall health on a scale from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent)?

• 1

• 2

• 3

• 4

• 5

12. Do you engage in regular physical exercise?

• Yes

• No

13. Do you smoke tobacco products?

• Yes

• No

14. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get per night?

• Less than 5 hours

• 5-7 hours

• 8 hours or more

15. Employment Status:

• Employed

• Unemployed

• Student

• Retired


Assessment Criteria Total Marks

marks obtained
1. Background/Overview of Issue (2)
• Provides a clear, detailed description of a current health-related 2
or environmental issue
• Description is detailed but lacks clarity
2. Problem Statement (2) (2)
• Research problem is stated clearly 2

• Research problem is in an appropriate form – an observation or 1

3. Research Objective (2)
• Objective of the research is linked to the issue 2

• Objective of the research is realistic/feasible 1

4. Methodology (8)
• Sample used is identified and clearly described 2
• Data collection instrument is identified and clearly described 2
• Method of data collection is identified and clearly described
• Method of data collection is adequately justified 1
• ONE limitation of data collection method clearly stated
5. Presentation of Dat a (5)
• Data is presented in an appropriate form using tables, graphs and charts 1
• Data is presented in at least TWO forms 2
• Form(s) used for presentation of data is correctly labelled
• Data presented are accurate
6. Analysis and Interpretation of Data (5)
• Data is analyzed using appropriate calculations/statistics/themes 1
• Data is summarized accurately 1
• At least TWO statements of findings based on data presented
• Findings are consistent with analyses
7. Conclusion (2)
• Conclusion succinctly summarizes the project 2
• Conclusion is logical and based on findings 1
8. Recommendations (4)
• At least TWO recommendations proposed 2
• Recommendations are realistic 1
• Recommendations are informed by findings
9. Reflection: Candidate states the following information: (6)
• TWO lessons learnt after undertaking the project. 2
• ONE way in which the lesson learnt could be applied to his/her personal life.
• ONE way in which the project could be improved.
• ONE social impact and ONE economic impact the issue could have on his/her school or community
if not rectified. 2
10. Overall Presentation (4)
• Layout of report follows the correct format inclusive of cover page, table of contents, bibliography, 2
and appendices. If layout includes only two elements – 1 mark only
• Bibliographic information contains names of authors, publishers and dates of publication 1
• Consistent use of correct spelling and grammar 1

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