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4 Differentiation 1 4 Anformal ideas of limit and convergence. Definition of derivative as t +h) = r= pf 2M) Derivative of x" (in Q) Derivative interpreted as gradient function and as rate of change. 2. Differentiation of a sum and a real multiple of functions. ‘The'second derivative. 99-3 sLodal maximum and minimum points. {36 Ug of te Tt and second dervative in optimization problems Of the second derivative;
2x. Therefore, i ‘The expression f'(x) = 2xis called the derived expression or the gradient function or the first derivative of f(x) with respect to x. Investigating the slopes of curves Using your GDC plot the graph of y= x* for —3
©) fe) = 4x2 + 7x-3 4) flx)= 5x3 - 2x3 © fle) = le~ 3 @fy~ 3-245 hy fla) = 9x8 +3 i) fe) = 22-4 — 4x2 i) fod= Fe -2Ve 4 Find 22 for each ofthese functions. a) y= x(x 3) b)y=x2-2) ©) y= x'(4— x2) 4) y= Qx- 5) ©) y= (x+ 3x4) y=(ata4y 8) (x + 5)(2x—1) h) y=2(x-3)? i) y= (+ 8)(e-2) dD y=*@ +) 5 Differentiate each of these expressions with respect to x. (Aix 8) WG-1) Vel? 43) 4 +7 xt5 Deter Ns 3242 62-7 yy 23 a h) SeDifferentiation 1 115 6 Find f'(x) for each of these functions. tyr ) , \ a) fix) = °(3x-1) b) f(x) = 2x%{x— 1)? . . _ Vet _ 38 +5) yrange ye ©) fa) = 4) f= SG ° poy FED 9 fls)= Ge S16—8 _ Gx=1P —oet3 ay % Vy 2 a fe)= Wf) Sx te Os Myx = (x+ 1? +5 2 L = xa i fl)= D1) =F AAS. oy 3 iy 3S . Live 4 44 The second derivative - 3 XR 2 ¥ Differentiating a function gives you another function, the derived | Go function or first derivative. You can differentiate this function to shor ey get the second derivative of the original function. 5 2 -3.4y! vig 4 8 . Given that f(x) = 1 ~ x°?, then Fx) = 287 2 *116 Differentiation 1 Equations may contain derivatives of functions (these are called differential equations). Sane = Y sna fh i ley ae find G7-and 5, Hence show that y satisfies Substituting into the LHS of oy fa sya ct gy =0 gives ey fay, we oz &) 3(4s*)(242) — 2128) = 288x! ~ 2884 =0 as required, 1 Find 7 2 for each of these functions. aly= oo +50 b)y=x?- 1 a OyRz Mya x dyn v y=te-2 8) y= (245) h) y= (x? ~1)(2e+3) i) ye F ad ) ya 5 aa Dyes » 2 Given that ab cand dare constants, find the values of © and ‘ga foreach ofthese functions, os Dyrett tet dyn tes Oya Wate 4) y= (ax + bye +d) y= te y x4.5 Tangents and normals to a curve ‘Asyou saw on page 108, the gradient of a curve at a point P is the gradient of the tangent to the curve at the point P Find the gradient of the curve f(x) = 22 + i at the point P(1, 2). ‘Toffind the gradient of the curve, first find f(x): L =e4h fo) x = état of) = 2x- 0? 1 =ox-+ 2 ‘The gradient of the curve at the point P(1, 2) is given by f(1): 1 f)=20)— Gy ‘The gradient of the curve at point P is 1. ‘You may be given the gradient ofa curve at a point and asked to find the coordinates of the point. The gradient of the curve y= 3a? + x— 3at the point Pis 13. Find the coordinates of point P. When y= 322 +x~3,then 4 dx ge 13 at point P. Therefore, 6x+1=13 wee? To find the y-coordinate of point P substitute x= 2 into yrBttx— 3: y= 3QP 42-3 =u The coordinates of point P are (2, 11). Differentiation | 117118 Differentiation 1 Ene The curve C is given by y = ax? + bVzx, where a and bare Constants. Given that the gradient of C at the point (1, 1) is 5, find and b. Rewriting y= ax? + bVcas y= ax? + bxt and then differentiating gives gy ba ae 2ax+ * = 2ax+ 6 ad Now the point (1, 1) is on the curve C. So: 1s ally + Kay “ +b The gradient of the curve when x= 2a(1)+ 2 =5 20 4at+b=10 [2] Solving [1] and [2] simultaneously with the GDC or algebraically gives a = 3 and b= —2. 1 Find the gradient of each of these curves at the point given, a) y= x, at (3,9) b) y= 2x? — 4, at (2, 12) ©) y= Viet 2,at (9,5) Oyns—wat-2 yas 2 ala dy=xt3ae9 wyy=2-S,at(-2) i) y=axt7at(-3,-2) i) y= 223 at (1, -4) 2 Find the coordinates of any points on each of these curves where the gradient is as stated. a) y= x3, grad 12 b) y = 3x?, grad —6 4 ©) y= x4 + 1 grad 32 y=, grad ~16 ©) y= 78, grad f) y= 8 + 2x1, grad 29 S22 +3,grad0 — h)y=Vx+5,grad 1 +3 grad -1 D y= grad 3Differentiation 1 119 3 The curve C is defined by y= ax? + b, where aand bare ‘constants. Given that the gradient of the curve at the point (2, =2) is 3, find the values of aand b. 4 Given that the curve with equation y= Ax? + Bx has gradient 7 at the point (6, 8), find the values of the constants A and B. 5 Accurve whose equation is y= 7 + epasses through the point (3,9) with gradient 5, Find the values of the constants aand « 6 Given that the curve with equation y = aVx+ bhas gradient 3 at the point (4, 6), find the values of the constants a and b. B 7 Acurve with equation y= AVz + We for constants A and B, ‘passes through the point (1, 6) with gradient ~1, Find A and B. Equation of a tangent You can use differentiation to find the equation of the tangent line toa curve at a particular point. 1 Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y= x at the point P(3,9). ‘The gradient of the tangent to the curve at point P is given by & evatuated wien x=3. 3 ‘The tangent is a straight line, 0 its equation is given by y= mx+ ¢ The gradient of the tangent at point P is 6, so the equation of the line is yr6xte ‘The tangent passes through P(3, 9). Therefore, (3) +6 “ 9 ‘The equation of the tangent is y= 6x— 9. ner120 Differentiation 1 Note: The result in example 4 can easily be checked and illustrated using your GDC. Plot the graphs of y = x? and y = 6x ~ 9 on the same set of axes to see that y= 6 ~ 9 isa tangent to the curve y= x2, Using your GDC show that the tangent and the curve intersect at the point (3, 9). Find the equation of the tangent to the curve f(x) = 5a the point P(—1, 1). Find the coordinates of the point where this tangent meets the curve again. fe) 3- x? Therefore, Sle) =a =F The gradient of the tangent to the curve at the point P(—1, 1) is ‘The equation of the tangent is y= 2x+ c ‘The tangent passes through P(—1, 1). So: 1=2%-1l+e =3 The equation of the tangent to the curve at the point Pis yo et3. The tangent meets the curve again at the points whose xc-coordinates satisfy ree a=4 28+32-1=0 2 Qx- 24 2e+ I <0 Solving this equation gives or w2+2x+1=0 x=} or (x+1)(x+1)=0 x=-1 2x —1, (1) = 1. This is, in fact, just point P. The tangent meets the curve again at the point with coordinates (5, 4). Factorise. Factorise again. x= —1 isa repeated root, which means the straight ine, just touches the curve ~ itis a ‘tangent (see page 108).Differentiation 1 121 ‘When two straight lines are perpendicular, the product oftheir gradients is —1. Proof Let PQ and RS be two straight lines which are perpendicular, as shown. By inspection of the diagram, angle UWV = 6. Let the gradient of PQ be m. The gradient of RS, mgs, is given by wu ms oy {1 From triangle WUV, tang= wu 2. UV = WUtan (1 Substituting [2] into (1] gives WU 1 ms Winn 0” tend Now -1 Gradient of PQ X Gradient of RS = mx (=) ‘Therefore, when two straight lines are perpendicular, the product of their gradients is ~1. Equation of a normal ‘The normal to a curve at a point P isthe straight ine through P which is perpendicular to the tangent at tangent othe curve atP salt the carve atP Since the tangent and normal are perpendicular to each other, if the gradient of the tangent is m, then the gradient of the normal a is—— m122 Differentiation 1 Bence Find the equation of the normal to the curve y= 3:2 + 7x— 2 at the point P where x= —1. When x= —1, Y=3(-1P + 7(-1)— 2=-6 ‘Therefore, P has coordinates (~1, —6). When y= 338+ 72~2,then 2 6447, At the point P(-1, -6), yl Lg = Seley SOD F7=1 The gradient of the tangent line at P is 1. Therefore, the gradient of the normal at P is wy The equation of the normal at P is yrrxte ‘The normal passes through P(—1, ~6). Therefore, ~6=-(-1) +e 7 The equation of the normal to the curve at the point P(-1, -6)is y= ~x 7. Exercise 4F 1 Find the equation of the tangent to each of the following curves at the point indicated by the given value of x. a) y= 2? +3,wherex=2 — b) y= 2x?— 1, wherex=1 3 ) y= 6x—~ x*, where x= 4 9 =o where x= oy yp where x °) y= 5 ~Sywhere x= -2 f) y= 6V%,where x= 4 8) y= x? ~ 10x + 30, where x= 5 xt4 h)y= =, where x= ~2 i) y= (23), where x= 2 ; Dy * 7? where x25Differentiation 1 123 2. Find the equation of the normal to each of the following ‘curves at the point indicated by the given value of x a) y= x? ~ 3x, where x= 2 b) y= 28 + 4 where x= 6 6) y= Sphere x= 3 d) y=2V, where x= 9 ©) y=6— where x= 1 f) y= x? + 2x? ~ 3, where x 3 The two tangents to the curve y = x? at the points where y=9 intersect at the point P. Find the coordinates of P. 4 a) Find the values of x at which the gradient of the curve y= Rm 6x2 + 9x4 2is zero. 'b) Hence find the equations of the tangents to the curve which are parallel to the x-axis. 5 Find the equations of the two normals to the curve y=Bt Set 3x? — x? which have gradient 5. 6 Show that there is no point on the curve y= x3 + 6x— lat which the gradient of the tangent is 3. 7 a) Find the equation of the tangent at the point (1,2) on the curve y= x3 + 3x—2, 'b) Use your GDC to find the coordinates of the point where this tangent meets the curve again. 8 a) Find the equation of the normal at the point (2, 3) on the curve y= 2x? — 12x? + 23x M1. ) Use your GDC to find the coordinates of the points where this normal meets the curve agan. 9 The tangent to the curve y= ax* + Lat the point (1, b) has gradient 6, Find the values of the constants a and b. 10 The normal to the curve y = x? + cat the point (2, d) has iient +, Find the values of the constants cand a.124 Differentiation 1 4.6 Gradient as a rate of change ‘The gradient of a curve is given by dy _ difference in y ‘dx difference in x ‘The derivative a therefore represents the rate of change of ywith respect to x. It shows how changes in y are related to changes in x, ‘A common rate of change connects velocity, displacement and time. ‘Suppose sis the displacement of a body at time #, as shown in the graph relating sand Suppose P and Q are any two points on the graph as shown. ° . ‘The length QR represents the distance travelled between the two points P and Q. The length PR represents the time taken to travel this distance, ‘The gradient of the line PQ represents the average velocity of the body during this time interval ‘You can use the same technique as in section 4.1 to show that as. Q moves closer to P the gradient of the line PQ gets closer to the gradient of the curve at P. Therefore the gradient of the tangent at is equal to the velocity at that instant (point). So: Ed ‘The displacement of a body at atime seconds is given in metres by s= f+ 38 Find a) the velocity of the body at time ¢ b) the initial velocity of the body. a) The velocity vis given by +b) The initial velocity is the velocity when f= 0. Substituting The initial velocity of the body is 3 m s~!. ‘When distance is m metres (m) and time in seconds (5)the Units of velocity are’ metres per second (ms).Differentiation 1 125 Similarly, the rate of change of velocity with respect to time is called the acceleration. dv ‘The adceleration a at time tis given by a pepe a ee “The displacement s metres of a body at time # seconds is given bys=20— 2 +2.Find a) the velocity after 1 second 'b) the acceleration after 1 second ) the time at which the acceleration is zero. ‘The velocity is 4m s~! after 1 second. ) The acceleration is given by ana r-2 de When += 1, a= @ = 12(1)-2 ‘of acceleration are’ it santana =10 ‘The acceleration is 10m s~* after 1 second. c) When the acceleration is zero, 12t-2=0 ‘The acceleration is zero when t= 3 second. 1. The displacement, smetres, of a body at a time t seconds is given by the formula s= P+ 34. 2) Find an expression for the velocity of the body at time ) Calculate the velocity of the body when t= 2.
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