5 Year Int Linear Algebra 2022

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M.Sc. (BHons.) 6th Semester5-Year Course

Examination, July-2022
Linear Algebra

Time allowed: 3 hours ]

[Maximum marks:60
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question
from each section. Question number 9 of
Section-Vis compulsory.

1. (a) Prove that the necessary and sufficient conditions

for a non-empty subset W of a vector
space V (F)
to be a subspace are

(i) u-ve W for u, v e W

i) aue Wfor a e F and u e W. 6

b) If W is a
subspace of V=V, (R) generated by
(1,2), find w and its basis. 6

2./ a) Extend the set of vectors (0, 1, 2), (2,- 1, 4) to

form a basis of R. 6

69767-P4-Q-9 (22) PT.O.

(2) 69767
Find a complement of a subspace W generated by
(1,0, 1) and (1, 2, 3) in V =R° (R).

33 (a) Prove that every n-dimensional vector space U (F)

is isomorphic to F". 6

b)IfT=R>R is alineartransformation defined

by T (P) =
(1, 1, 1), T (P,) =
(1, -

1, 1),
T(P)=(1,0, 0). T(p)-(1,0, 1), then varify that
P (T)+ (T)= dim R4=4. 6

4. (a) Let S={v, v V,} bea basis ofV, (R), defined by

v, -1, 1, 1), v, =(1,- 1, 1), v, =(1, 1,- 1).

Find the dual basis of S. 6

(b) Let V (F) be a finite dimensional vector space. If

V W, W, where W, W, are subspaces of
V, then V*=A(W) A(W,). 6


5. (a) Let T: R>R° be a linear operator defined by

2 , - 3
T(x,y,2)=(2x, 4x-y, 2x+3y-z). Show thatTis
invertible and find a formula forT- 6

b) Find the matrix representing the transformation

T:R3R$ defined by

(3) 69767
. T(x%, y, z) =(x +y+z, 2x+z, 2y-Z, 6y)
relative to the standard basis ofR and R<. 6

6. (a) Let T:R' (R)->R (R) be alinear transformation

defined by T (x, y, z) = (2x - y, x + y + z, 27).

Find the characteristic and minimal polynomial

for T. 6

be basis of vector
(6) Let B =
{u,, u, u , u} a

U be linear
space U (F) and T : U a

transformation. Then prove that for any vector

ue U,
[T(u), B]=[T,B] [u, B]

7. (a) Let V(F) be a inner product space. If u, v EV
suchthat |<u, v>|=|| u||. ||v||, thenshowthat u
and v are linear dependent. 6

(b) Prove that every inner product space is a


Let a, ß be two vectors in a complex inner

8. (a)
that a L B iff
product space. Then show
e Care
ll aa+bBP=| aa||2-+||bB||,where a,b

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(4) 69767
(b) Let T be a linear operator on an inner product
space V Then prove that T* exists and
TT*=T*T=I iff Tis unitary 6


9. (a) Show that the set S = {1, i} which is a subset of

vector space C over the field of real numbers

generate C over R

(b) Show that the function T R3R defined by

T (x, X x,) = xj+x2 +x is not a linear


(c)Showthat the linear-transformation T:R>R3

defined by T (x y, z, t) = (2x, y, z i t ) is a

. singular transformation.
(d) Letthelineartransformations T: R3> R such
that T, (x, y, z) = (4x, 3y-2z) and T, R?-> R?

suchthat T,(x y)=(-2x, y). Compute T, T, and

(e) Show that the determinant of a unitary operator
has absolute value 1.

( Define rank and nullity of a linear transformation.


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