Philippine Competition Act 2023
Philippine Competition Act 2023
Philippine Competition Act 2023
1. What is the Philippine Competition Act? a. To enable the Philippine Competition Commission to
review mergers and acquisitions and prevent those
a. A law that promotes and protects competition in that may substantially lessen competition in the
trade and commerce in the Philippines market
b. A law that regulates the importation and exportation b. To encourage companies to merge and strengthen
of goods in the Philippines their market position
c. A law that grants exclusive rights to companies with c. To streamline the process of mergers and
dominant market power acquisitions in the Philippines
d. None of the above d. None of the above
2. When was the Philippine Competition Act signed into 7. What is the definition of an abuse of dominant
law? position?
a. 2013 a. A company that has a significant market power and
b. 2014 engages in anti-competitive behavior
b. To create an environment that is conducive to 9. Under the Philippine Competition Act, what is the
innovation and growth percentage threshold for a merger or acquisition to be
subject to mandatory notification to the Philippine
c. To protect consumers from anti-competitive behavior Competition Commission?
of businesses
a. 10%
d. All of the above
b. 25%
c. 35%
5. What is the definition of a cartel?
d. 50%
a. A group of businesses that collude to fix prices or
b. A group of businesses that engage in exclusive 10. What is the definition of an anti-competitive
dealings with each other agreement?
c. A group of businesses that monopolize a certain a. An agreement between businesses that restricts
industry competition in the market
12. What is the definition of a vulnerable market? a. To allow the Philippine Competition Commission to
settle competition allegations without formal
a. A market that is new and still emerging proceedings
b. Engaging in false advertising in the market a. To streamline and expedite the merger review
c. Granting exclusive rights to a certain product or
service to favored companies b. To provide legal representation to companies
undergoing merger review
d. None of the above
c. To provide financial assistance to companies
involved in mergers and acquisitions
15. What is the purpose of the Philippine Competition d. None of the above
Act enforcement guidelines?
b. To provide guidance to the Philippine Competition a. An agreement among competitors to set prices or
Commission in enforcing competition laws price ranges for goods or services
c. To provide guidelines for the civil courts in b. An agreement among competitors to allocate
competition-related cases markets or customers
24. What is the definition of an essential service? c. To provide a strict interpretation of relevant markets
a. A service that is essential for the provision of public d. None of the above
c. A service that is exclusive to a certain company a. A practice where a company refuses to sell to its
customers or supply to its competitors
d. None of the above
b. A practice where a company grants exclusive rights
to certain products or services to its own subsidiaries
25. What is the purpose of the Price Act in relation to c. A practice where a company refuses to comply with
the Philippine Competition Act? competition laws
26. What is the definition of bid data? c. To provide a strict interpretation of mergers and
a. Information that is commonly used in the tendering
or procurement process d. None of the above
32. What is the definition of exclusive dealing? b. To provide guidance in the conduct of investigations,
hearings, and adjudication of competition cases
a. A practice where a company enters into a contract
with a supplier or customer that excludes competitors c. To provide guidance in the drafting and filing of
documents related to competition cases
b. A practice where a company grants exclusive rights
to a certain product or service d. None of the above
33. What is the purpose of the Philippine Competition b. A violation of trade laws that leads to reduced trade
Commission Guidelines on Abuse of Dominant Position? volume in the market
a. To provide guidance in analyzing abuse of dominant c. A violation of import and export regulations that
position cases leads to reduced trade efficiency in the market
d. All of the above 41. What is the purpose of the Philippine Competition
Act Guidelines on Leniency for Decisions of Public
Bodies or Officials?
36. What is the definition of an antitrust agreement? a. To provide guidance on how to report anti-
a. An agreement that restricts competition in trade or competitive practices of public bodies or officials
commerce b. To provide guidance on how to interpret and enforce
b. An agreement that promotes competition in trade or leniency provisions for decisions of public bodies or
commerce officials
c. An agreement that exclusively grants certain c. To provide guidance on how to investigate and
benefits to a specific company gather evidence for leniency cases involving public
bodies or officials
d. None of the above
d. None of the above
43. What is the purpose of the Philippine Competition b. A practice where a supplier or manufacturer grants
Commission Rules on Leniency Plus? exclusive rights to certain products or services to its
own subsidiaries
a. To provide guidance on how to apply for leniency
plus c. A practice where a supplier or manufacturer refuses
to deal with its customers or supply to its competitors
b. To provide guidance on how to interpret and enforce
leniency provisions for leniency plus cases d. None of the above