Corporate Liquidation

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1. Fully Secured (Fair Value of the Asset) 30, 000

Unsecured (25% x 10, 000) 2, 500
Total Amount Received 32, 500

2. Total claims including interest 208, 000

Amount Secured 120, 000

Unsecured (75% x 88, 000) 66, 000
Total Amount Received 186, 000
3. Principal 15, 000, 000
Interest 200, 000
Fully Secured 15, 200, 000

4. Total Liabilities
Accounts Payable 160, 000
Mortgage Payable 200, 000
Total 360, 000
Asset fully pledged 200, 000
Balance (Unsecured) 160, 000
Total Assets at Fair Value
Current Assets 50, 000
Land and Building 240, 000
Total 290, 000
Asset fully pledged 200, 000
Net Free Assets 90, 000

Deficiency = Net Free Assets – Unsecured Liability

= 90, 000 – 160, 000 = 70, 000
Net Free Assets/ Unsecured Liability = 90, 000/ 160, 000
= 0.5625 or 56.25%
6. Total Assets, RV
Current Assets 33, 000
Land 90, 000
Building and Equipment 110, 000
Total 233, 000
Unsecured with Priority 34, 000
Partially secured
(FV of land pledged to N/P) 90, 000
Net Free Assets 109, 000
Unsecured without priority
Accounts Payable 83, 000
Bonds Payable 70, 000
Notes Payable30, 000
Total 183, 000

Percentage of Recovery 109, 000/ 183, 000 = 60%

Notes Payable:
Amount Secured 90, 000
(30, 000 x 60%) 18, 000
Received 108, 000
7. Total Assets, RV 246, 000
Unsecured with priority 42, 000
Fully Secured (face of liability) 70, 000
Partially, RV of assets 50, 000
Net Free Assets 84, 000
Total Unsecured Liability without priority
Unsecured creditors 200, 000
Portion of partially secured
(130, 000- 50, 000) 80, 000
Total 280, 000
Percentage of Recovery= 84, 000/ 280, 000 = 30%

Recovery of partially secured

Secured amount 50, 000
Remaining portion
(80, 000 x 30%) 24, 000
Amount recovered 74, 000
8. Debt #2
Secured amount 100, 000
Amount to be recovered from 70, 000 (squeeze) 42, 000
Desired amount 142, 000

Percentage of recovery= 42, 000/ 70, 000 = 60%

Net Free Assets = 60% ( 230, 000 + 30, 000 + 70, 000)
= 198, 000

RV= 198, 000 + Unsecured liability with priority

RV= 198, 000 + 110, 000 = 308, 000
9. Total Realizable Value of Assets 75, 000
Fully Secured creditors 40, 000
Unsecured creditors with priority 4, 000
Balance of Assets 31,000

Total Unsecured Liability 45, 250

Net Free Assets 31,000
Deficiency 14, 250
10. Total Assets, RV 405, 000
Liabilities with priority 35, 000
Fully secured 130, 000
Partially Secured 60, 000
Net Free Assets 180, 000
Liq. Value of sec. 10, 000
[(50, 000- 10, 000) x 50%] 20, 000
30, 000

RV of inventory 19, 200

[(23, 940- 19, 200)x 78 %] 3, 697
Total 22, 897
Total RV of Assets 167, 000
Unsecured creditors with priority 7, 000
Fully Secured Creditors 30, 000
Partially Secured Creditors 52, 000
Net Free Assets 78, 000
Percentage of recovery = 78, 000/ [112, 000 (60, 000- 52, 000)]
= 65%
Answer: 7, 000

30, 000

15. Secured 52, 000

(8, 000x65%) 5, 200
57, 200

16. 112, 000 x 65% = 72, 800


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