English project:
Inés Linares Castro
Isabela Rodriguez Gomez
Yoel Sanchez Gutierrez
Natalia Quesada Leiton
Abril Arce Villalobos
Paula Arley Salazar
Tabla de contenido
Cast: ............................................................................................................................. 3
Summary: .................................................................................................................... 5
First scene:.................................................................................................................. 6
Second scene: ............................................................................................................ 6
Third scene: ................................................................................................................ 7
Fourth scene: .............................................................................................................. 8
Fifth scene:.................................................................................................................. 9
End of the video: ...................................................................................................... 10
Natalia: Phycologist
Yohel: Tyler (drug addict)
Abril: Rebeca (suffers low self-esteem)
Isabela: Jessie (sexual harassment victim)
Paula: Kim (suffers family issues)
Paula: Kim is a teenager, her parents have been absent since she was a kid,
her only wish is to tell them all her personal problems, but they only insult her and
act like they don’t care about her feelings, she feels misunderstood all the time,
alone, she fell into a big depression, she didn’t have any friends, didn’t go out and
she tried to hurt herself multiple times.
Abril: Rebeca is a teenager who had very serious and unpleasant problems
with her and people around her, because she is concern by how she looks physically
and not only that, but it bothers her and she is affected about her image, this is
because she has some issues with her self-esteem, actually she has low self-
esteem, which is the set of perceptions, thoughts, evaluations, feelings and
behavioral tendencies directed towards oneself, towards our own perception, and
towards the traits of our body and our character.
Isabela: Since Jessie was a kid her life turned into a hell, it all began when
she started school, it all felt like a total disaster. In the morning when she used to
take the bus a man was always staring at her with his pervert eyes, at the beginning
he just looked at her in a weird way but then, he started telling the grossest words
she has ever heard, and when time passed he started touching her. She was
completely terrified. Leaving the bus was like her safe place. One day Jessie was
alone in her house and this miserable man tried to enter to her home at the middle
of the night. Fortunately, she called 911 and they came immediately, they put a
restriction but after that day she started feeling sad, scare and just exhausted of her
life, she was depressive.
First scene:
Second scene:
Phycologist: Here we are now with my first patient, his name is Tyler and he
has depression because of his substance abuse. So, tell us Tyler how are
felling now?
Tyler: Doctor honestly, I have been feeling so down lately, I’m sick of
depending on drugs, but I just can’t quit smoking, it’s the only thing that makes
feel good.
Phycologist: Tyler and why do you only feel good when you smoke?
Tyler: Because when I’m sober nothing makes me happy, I’m angry and tired
all the time, I feel like I fall in to a deep sadness, and nothing makes sense
for me anymore.
Tyler: I’ve been smoking since I was 15 years old, I remember doing that to
forget about all my problems, I tried to quit it a few times but it was stronger
than me.
Phycologist: How this have affected your life?
Phycologist: Tyler I know how you’re feeling, and it’s a hard situation, but
nothing is impossible. You should go to rehab, and look for something that
keeps you busy, like maybe some sport or a hobby.
Tyler: Thank you doctor for your advices, this is what I needed it, because I
feel lonely and you made feel companied.
Third scene:
Phycologist: Now we are with Kim, she is a teen that unfortunately suffers
family issues. Kim what kind of attitudes bothers you about your family?
Kim: In many situations they don’t respect my feelings, they don’t care what I
think and I don’t get the attention I want from them. Also, they think they are
always right and what only matters their opinion.
Kim: I am very sad, because I feel so lonely all the time, I don’t have anyone
to talk about my problems, and wish that my parents listen to me just for once,
because in my house I feel like a weirdo and I have felt that all this situation
is my fault.
Kim: I wish my parents would change their attitude, that they would be more
understanding and empathetic. I wish they were more loving and paid more
attention to me. Doctor what do you think is the best solution in this situation?
Fourth scene:
Phycologist: This girl sit next to me is Rebeca she is going to tell us about her
situation with her low self-esteem. Rebeca do you actually care about what
others think of you?
Rebeca: yes, the only thing that matters to me is that people like me, I don't
care how I perceive myself, I just want the approval of others.
Rebeca: I feel terrible, I hate seeing myself at the mirror, and I hate my
thoughts but I can’t help thinking all these awful things, also I don’t feel
comfortable with my body.
Phycologist: Why do you only care about your body and not your personality?
positive things, for example, tomorrow you are going to look at the mirror, and
you are going to say something like “my hair looks good today”, and a near
future you will a new person.
Fifth scene:
Jessie: So much fear, I always feel terrified and worried about what could
happen, I get so anxious just to think about it.
Jessie: I called 911, because my mother was out of town she was at a
business trip, so I was alone and that was the solution that came to my mind.
I’m so glad this couldn’t do anything because the police came just on time,
but after that day, I started feeling anxious all the time, sad, and I felt in to a
deep depression.
End of the video:
If you are passing through a similar situation, please call one of this numbers,
to get help:
• 911
• 2272-3774
• 2225-2870
• 2511-5776.