Lecture 5

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Heat Transfer I

Lecture 5

 Analysis of Steady State Heat Conduction

 Introduction

 Multidimensional Heat Transfer

 Steady-state Conduction
 Steady Versus Transient Heat Transfer

 1-D steady state conduction in plane walls

 Conduction in a Composite Plane Wall

 Solved examples

 Understand multidimensionality and time dependence of heat transfer.

 Analyze one-dimensional heat conduction.

 Solve various heat transfer problems in this concern.


What is the Thermal Contact Resistance?

Is there any two solid surfaces form perfect thermal contact when they are
pressed together? Explain!

Why the air gaps of varying sizes which formed by pressed

two solid surfaces act as insulation?

Resistance to thermal conduction caused by a gap between

two solid rough surfaces when pressed together.

Yes…When they are mirror finished.

Because of the low thermal conductivity of the air.


What are the factors which affect thermal contact resistance?

How thermal contact resistance can be minimized?

What is Thermal diffusivity?

 surface roughness,
 material properties,
 temperature and pressure at the interface of the composite solids,
 type of fluid filling the gap (at the interface).

The thermal contact resistance can be minimized by applying

 a thermal grease such as silicon oil
 a better conducting gas such as helium or hydrogen
 a soft metallic foil such as tin, silver, copper, nickel, or aluminum

Thermal diffusivity is a property represents how fast heat diffuses through a material.

Heat transfer equipments are designed primarily on the basis of heat transfer analysis.

The heat transfer problems encountered in practice can be considered in two groups:
rating problems, and
sizing problems
The rating problems deal with the determination of the heat transfer rate for an
existing system at a specified temperature difference.

The sizing problems deal with the determination of the size of a system in order to
transfer heat at a specified rate for a specified temperature difference.
An engineering device or process can be studied by the following ways:
experimentally (testing and taking measurements), or
analytically (by analysis or calculations)
The experimental approach has the advantage that we deal with the actual physical
system, and the desired quantity is determined by measurement, within the limits of
experimental error. However, this approach is expensive, time consuming, and often

The analytical approach (including the numerical approach) has the advantage that it
is fast and inexpensive, but the results obtained are subject to the accuracy of the
assumptions, approximations, and idealizations made in the analysis.


o Heat transfer is a vector quantity (has direction beside its magnitude).

o The direction is indicated with (+) or (-) signs.
Multidimensional Heat Transfer

Heat transfer problems are classified as:

• one-dimensional
• two dimensional
• three-dimensional

In the most general case, heat transfer through a

medium is three-dimensional. However, some
problems can be classified as two- or one-dimensional
depending on the relative magnitudes of heat transfer
rates in different directions and the level of accuracy


heat transfer is dominant in

one direction and heat transfer is dominant
negligible in other heat transfer is dominant in in three directions.
directions. two directions and T(x,y,z)
negligible in the third
T(x) direction.

 Temperature distribution in a
substance does not change with
(time-independent conduction).
 The rate of heat loosed by the
hot material is exactly equal to
the rate of heat removed by the

 Steady implies no change with

time at any point within the
 Transient implies variation
with time or time dependence
 In the special case of variation
with time but not with
position, the temperature of
the medium changes
uniformly with time. Such
heat transfer systems are
called lumped systems.
Steady Heat Conduction in Plane Walls

Heat transfer through the wall of a house can

be modeled as steady and one-dimensional.
The temperature of the wall in this case
depends on one direction only (say the x-
direction) and can be expressed as T(x).

for steady operation

In steady operation, the rate of heat transfer

through the wall is constant.

Fourier’s law of
heat conduction
1-D steady state conduction in plane walls (a wall separating two fluids)

 Heat transferred thro’ different

modes in the same case or problem:
(there is no pure or single mode for
an specific case or problem).
 A plane wall separating two fluids
as an example:

 Heat flows through a vessel

containing hot liquid (boiler)
wall with convection on the
outside and convection on the
inside while with conduction
through the wall itself.
 The heat flux density (q) will
be constant through the wall Analysis of heat transfer in a
(steady state). vessel containing hot liquid
Analysis of 1-D conduction problems for a plane wall

To analyze such kind of problems, write down equations for the heat flux (q):

1- Convection from liquid to the inner surface of the wall is:

q = hi (Ti – T1) (Eqn. 1)

Where hi is the convection heat transfer coefficient.

2- Conduction from the internal surface of the wall

to its external surface is:
q = (k/L) (T1 – T2) (Eqn. 2)

Combined convection-radiation from the external

surface of the wall to the ambient air is:
q = ho (T2 - To) (Eqn. 3)

Where ho is the combined convection-radiation coefficient.

Since the heat-flux density (q) is constant through the wall, we can isolate the
temperature differences in Eqs. (1) through (3), and this results in:

Ti – T1 = q (1/hi)
T1 – T2 = q (L/k)
T2 - To = q (1/ho)

Rearrange by adding member to member of these equations to

eliminate the intermediate temperatures T1 and T2 and the result is:

The term within parentheses is the reciprocal of the

overall heat transfer coefficient, so generalizing:

Conduction in a Composite Plane Wall

A composite wall can be analyzed as same as the previous analysis done for a plane wall.
Consider temperature profile in an insulated wall separating two fluids in steady state
heat transfer as shown in the following figure:


Generally, depending on the composition of the wall:

Where i = 1, 2, 3, etc.

The number of heat transfer methods in the case under analysis is equal to the
number of generated equations and also equal to the number of partial
resistances in the denominator
Example 6:
The walls of the houses in a cold place are to be constructed using a “cavity wall”
design. This comprises an inner layer of brick (k = 0.5 W/m K and 120 mm thick), an air
gap and an outer layer of brick (k = 0.3 W/m K and 120 mm thick). At the design condition
the inside room temperature is 20ºC, the outside air temperature is -10ºC; the heat transfer
coefficient on the inside is 10 W/m2 K, that on the outside 40 W/m2 K, and that in the air
gap 6 W/m2 K. What is the heat flux through the wall and the surface temperatures?


For surface temperatures (T1, T2, T3 and T4):

T1= Tin – (q/hin)
= 20 – (27.3/10) = 17.27 °C
T2= T1 – [q (Lin/kin)]
= 17.27 – [27.3 (0.12/0.5)] = 10.72 °C
T3 can be found using Tgap (in two steps), or can be delayed after we find T4 then directly
T4 = (q/hout) + Tout
= (27.3/40) + (- 10) = - 9.32 °C; then:
q = kout/Lout (T3 – T4)
T3 = [q (Lout/kout)] + T4
= [27.3 (0.12/0.3)] + (- 9.32) = 1.6 °C
Example 7:
A steel container contains a liquid at 140 °C and is exposed to cold air at 15 °C. The
thickness of the steel wall is 8 mm [thermal conductivity 35 W/(m · K).]. Calculate the
heat loss through the system and the temperature profile across the steel wall if the
container is insulated with mineral wool [thermal conductivity 0.05 W/(m · K)] with 1.5
cm thickness. The convection heat transfer coefficient between the liquid and the steel
wall is 300 W/(m2 · K) and that the combined convection-radiation coefficient between
the mineral wool and the ambient air is 4 W/(m2 · K).

q = U ∆T

U= = = = 1.81 W/(m2.K), thus:

q = 1.81 (140 - 15) = 226.25 W/m2

The temperature drop between the liquid and the internal wall (see figure 1-7) is:
q = hi (Ti – T1)
Ti – T1 = q/hi ; Then:
T1 = Ti – (q/hi) = 140 – (226.25/300) = 139.25°C
q = k1/L1 (T1 – T2) ; then:

T2 = T1 – [q ()Lout/kout]
= 139.25 – [226.25 (0.008/35)] = 139.19 °C
2. Heating and Cooling of Buildings

Write about heating and cooling of buildings and try to cover the following:
 Design conditions for heating and cooling
Indoor design conditions
Outdoor design conditions
 Good compromise between economics and comfort
 The heating and cooling loads
 Heat gain from people, lights, and appliances
 Cavity wall construction
 Solar radiation and solar collectors
 Air conditioners and coolers
 Annual energy consumption

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