Presentation To IT Teachers On ECCB Sponsored STEM Summer Camps 2024
Presentation To IT Teachers On ECCB Sponsored STEM Summer Camps 2024
Presentation To IT Teachers On ECCB Sponsored STEM Summer Camps 2024
Coding . Programming . Robotics . Generative AI .
Website and App Development .
Presentation to Education Officials, 30 November 2023
younger 11 -12 13 -14 15-16 17-18 Older than
than 11 18
Zero 1-2 3-4 5 -7 8 or more
Lecture with About 50% Very little lecture Mainly lecture
some hands-on lecture and 50% and mostly and very little
exercises/project hands-on hands-on hands-on
work exercises/project exercises/project exercises/project
work work work
“It was a very engaging and interactive camp. It was also very informative
and I learned different things. My critical thinking and problem solving
skills improved from the C++ course; I learned about structure and
syntaxes for HTML/CSS; I learned about gradient in colors, which colors
evoke which emotions, which colors go good together, a general
understanding on how to use Canva from the Graphic Design course; and
finally, my problem solving skills also improved from the robotics course
and I got a deeper understanding of robots overall such as the type of
robot programming, the parts of a robot like motors and sensors. Overall,
I am very happy that I attended the camp as it increased my knowledge
significantly and helped me to discover my creative side.”
Transforming The ECCU Together 11
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
“I have learnt a lot. Some stuff I learnt are how to make apps for app
inventing we made a lot of apps and I loved making them. The class
Robotics I learnt about robots and to build one takes a lot of time and
patience. Robots can work automatically or by a remote. The class HTML I
learnt how to make my own websites. When making your own website you
will need the app notepad++ to type the things you want on your website.
The class graphic design I learnt how to be creative and I am making my
own poster for an exercise we talked about in class. I have learnt a lot and
overall my experience of learning and meeting new people was great!”
“At the camp I learnt several things and did things I never thought I was
capable of. I worked in the field of STEAM along with my group and we
created a robot. This was my first time ever doing something like that.
Along the way I formed friendships and learnt how to work with a large
group. My experience at the camp was most definitely memorable and I
will absolutely be coming back for years to come.”
“Innovate my world really filled my heart with great joy! I also had an
amazing time with the other codify members, and formed a close bond with
them. The days spent huddled around the computer coding with my
teammates and our supervisors were probably my favourite part of the
camp! It was quite informative and even though I do not see a career that
pertains to coding this experience has truly peeked my interest . This was
truly a wonderful and memorable experience! .”
Source: IDB
Transforming The ECCU Together
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Transforming The ECCU Together
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
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