Achieving The American Dream Essay

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Achieving The American Dream Essay

Writing an essay on the topic "Achieving The American Dream" can be quite challenging. The concept of the American Dream
is multifaceted and deeply ingrained in the cultural and historical fabric of the United States. As such, approaching this topic
requires a nuanced understanding of its various interpretations and implications.

Firstly, defining what constitutes the American Dream itself is a complex task. Is it solely about financial success and upward
mobility? Or does it encompass broader ideals such as freedom, equality, and opportunity? Moreover, the perception of the
American Dream has evolved over time, shaped by socio-economic factors, political ideologies, and individual experiences.

Furthermore, exploring the attainment of the American Dream involves grappling with issues of privilege, inequality, and
systemic barriers. While some may argue that hard work and determination are the keys to success, others point to structural
inequalities that hinder certain groups from realizing their aspirations.

Moreover, the American Dream is often intertwined with notions of identity and belonging. Immigrants and marginalized
communities, for instance, may have unique perspectives on what it means to achieve success in America, highlighting the
complexities of the Dream's universality.

Additionally, analyzing the contemporary relevance of the American Dream requires consideration of current socio-political
realities. Economic instability, widening wealth gaps, and socio-cultural divisions all shape individuals' perceptions of their
opportunities for advancement.

In crafting an essay on this topic, one must navigate these complexities with care, drawing from a diverse range of perspectives
and scholarly sources. Balancing historical context with contemporary insights, and acknowledging the diversity of experiences
within the American populace, is essential for providing a comprehensive analysis.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Achieving The American Dream" can be challenging due to its multifaceted nature
and evolving significance, delving into its complexities offers valuable insights into the ideals and realities of American society.

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Children With Special Needs Should Spend Most Time With...
Nailya Rinatovna Akhmadullina
Mathew Chacko
MLS500: Graduate Research and Writing
1 November 2015
Children with special needs should spend most time with non disabled children Children with special needs are
slightly different from non disabled kids, but they re should not be a barrier between non disabled children and
children with disabilities. Special needs covers a wide range. Some children with physical disabilities use
wheelchair, or cane while other children with learning disabilities such as, autism, or emotional disorder.
Children with special needs are like all children they want to make friends. Non disability children want respect,
love, good education and job of their dream. Children with special needs can do the same things non disabled kid
do, but it can take them longer. It requires additional explanation or attention. Parents of children with special
needs usually feel isolated and uncertain about their child s future. Schools can help them find support that
children are not alone and help is available. Teachers should meet with parents in order to get to know the
children better, the specific of their children. Special teachers may come into the class to work one on one with
the student, for individualized attention. Change begins with an honest examination of understandings,
knowledge and belief. Children with special needs should spend more time with non disabled kids. Children with
special needs should study more at public school to learn from
Leadership Transition Essay
Studying leadership encompasses a broad range of perspective and ways of thought. Leadership in the context of
community engagement is particularly interesting due to its relevance to fostering community partnerships and
performing relevant and useful service. Relationships between a group and a community partner who have a need
to be fulfilled is best kept in working order to allow the best engagement and benefit possible. I specifically chose
to investigate the leadership transition, since it is highly relevant to particularly senior student leaders.
Furthermore, I chose to approach my interviews and analysis using the socially responsible leadership model.
This model popularized by Dugan frames leadership in college students as ... Show more content on ...
One student after tapping the new leaders remarked, I don t think it was their first choice, like they would ve
volunteered themselves for it. This sentiment reveals the disadvantages of using this form of choosing new
leaders. Another student leader expressed that he would have rather had an election or nomination: I wish more
people in our club knew each other better, cause I think that would help with a voting or campaigning I guess to
be the leader. But we meet so infrequently. Number of students can influence the choosing process, but this
student leader pointed to a lack of group cohesion. His comment suggests that more group bonding or
strengthening activities would have allowed him to conduct an election, but that was not possible this year.
Additionally all student leaders that were interviewed were also originally chosen to their position via this
method as well. This points to a reproduction of past leadership transition techniques and the difficulty in
breaking those in certain organizations. All in all, there are certainly barriers to choosing new leaders, and a lack
of interest and cohesion from group members seemed to be the most pressing matters.

Communication The most meaningful communication seemed to arise from face to face interactions within
leadership transition. One of the community partners spoke of having potlucks with her leaders and the
Policing Is A Major Effect On The World Terrorist Attacks...
Throughout the world the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 changed the way the world has looked at
terrorism. Everything from policing to the way people board onto airplanes and travel via public transportation
has changed in a tremendous way. Policing is a major effect that has changed at all different training drills to be
prepared for every situation for the different types of units just focusing on terrorism. The NYPD has changed in
a huge way from that day. They have started over five different units to try and combat terrorism. They train
every day for every situation and work hand in hand with the FDNY to make sure they are prepared. Since
September 11th the NYPD has stopped over ten major different terrorist attacks on our ... Show more content on ...
They even have units stationed overseas in ten countries, including in the Middle East, looking for new plots
against New York and learning from attacks overseas. (Pritchard, J 2016)

The newest unit of the NYPD is their new counterterrorism unit known as Critical Response Command, which
started in late November of 2015 and deployed the first unit out after the terrorist attacks in Paris back in 2015.
This new unit so far only consists of about five hundred with only one hundred and ten starting off. The unit
takes two stationed officers from each precinct at critical locations around the city, in addition to the NYPD s
emergency service unit. They will be equipped with heavy weapons, duty vest and smartphones that will help
them protect critical locations across the city. This new unit will work hand in hand with not only the other
thousand counter terrorism members of the NYPD but also with the FDNY. They will train together to make sure
they are trained for every situation and are able to handle any situation that may occur within the city.

Al Qaeda is one of the major terrorist organizations in the world, they are responsible for at least thirty attacks
worldwide and three on US soil, most famously they are responsible for the attacks on September 11th 2001. Al
Qaeda started in nineteen eighty eight by the leader Osama Bin Laden, who has been the leader for both attacks
in New York City. The major attack was the deadliest attack on US soil, which was the
Point Of View Of The Book Peter Pan
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magical place called NeverLand. In NeverLand is TinkerBell she is one of the fairys that i talked about she is also
Peters best friend. This shows that the book Peter Pan is a fiction story based on its details and illustrations. Point
of View: This story is third person point of view because there is a narrator that is telling the story. It is not first
person point of view because they do not use personal pronouns. And it is not second person point of view
because they do not use words like we. These show that it is third person point of view and not first person or
second person point of view. Protagonist: ... Show more content on ...
The rest of them are just friends. The lost boys are just boys that fell out of their cribs when nobody was looking.
Antagonist: The character that is making the main character react the most is Captain Hook he is just mad
because Peter chopped off half of his right hand and fed it to a crocodile and he also ate a clock that still ticks and
whenever he heard it he would act strangely to his mates. Setting: The story takes place in NeverLand somewhere
in the 1990 s part. They did not know what time of the day it was except for morning and night because they did
not have time they did not even know what day of the week it was because ever since they left London they lost
track of time and of the day. Conflict: The main problem in the story is that Captain Hook wants to capture Peter
and his crew but really Peter himself. He wants revenge on him because he fed his arm to a crocodile and ever
since then he has been afraid of that crocodile but really the ticking sound. That is also the problem because Peter
helped the indians and Captain Hook hates the indians. Plot Events: Some of the major
A Study of Digital Literacy in a Marginalised Community
Introduction: Many young students enter into higher education with less focus and understanding of the digital
and computing skills which is beneficial for higher education. Current as well in future, most of the new jobs will
require excellent digital skills and work will be based only on the digital world, improving digital literacy is an
essential part of the higher education and training.Courses either full or part time will help the young learners to
learn the subjects in the digital world enable students to gain the skills and confidence they need to use digital
technology not only to support their learning but also in the work environment.
Definition Digital Literacy: The concept of digital literacy was introduced by Paul ... Show more content on ...
Knowledge about Operating System:

Topic Don t Know Little Known Known Better Well Known

General Operating System (File Saving, Editing, Operating System) 3 24 33 97 Only 2% of the students do not
know about the operating system. Rest of the students has some knowledge about operating system. Though most
of the students do not have system facility, they learnt computer in their academic curriculum.
Knowledge about Mailing:
Topic Don t Know Little Known Known Better Well Known
Mail ID Creation, Mailing, File Attaching 67 30 30 30 43% of the students do not know about mail id creation,
sending mail, file attaching, 19% of them known little, 19% of them known better, 19% of them known well.
Group Mails Knowledge:
Topic Don t Know Little Known Known Better Well Known
Group Mails 118 29 5 5 75% of the students do not know about group mail, 19% of them known little, 3% of
them known better, 3% of them known well.
Knowledge about Browsing, You Tube:
Topic Don t Know Little Known Known Better Well Known
Browsing, You Tube 68 40 20 29 43% of the students do not know about youtude, browsing, 26% of them known
little, 13% of them known better, 18% of them known well.

Knowledge about Information Searching:

Topic Don t Know Little Known Known Better Well Known
Information Searching 60 34 33 30

38% of the students do not know about Information Searching, 22% of them known little, 21% of them known
better, 19% of them
What Is Digital Media Convergence
In this essay I am going to have an in depth look at the question what is digital media convergence , not just a
simple answer of what it is because the question may seem simple but in digital media convergence there are
several underlying convergences which make up the whole idea, in this essay I am going to try and cover what
these are and what effects technologically, socially and culturally they are having on us.

First of what is Digital media convergence? It can be simplified as several processes, these are technological,
social, industrial and cultural convergence. It also means the digitizing of old media so it can be incorporated into
new media.

Old and New Media

Old media is the idea of mechanical and analogue methods of conveying media while new media is the idea of
digital and binary ways of conveying media. For example if you look at the old media newspaper it was a
psychical object of the days before computer technology but has now been digitized into the new media format
by being made available to read through digital devices like smartphones and tablets. New and old media are
currently living in a mid way state due to its early days, by this I speak of the idea of a digital native and a digital
immigrant, it is the idea that some people, the digital natives are born into this world of technology and adopt it
as the way of life but to the older generations the digital immigrant technology is still to alien and new to them to
adopt, so currently we have
Britain and American Influence on Australian Pop Culture...
The Influence of American and British Popular Culture on Australia in the 1950s
In the 1950s America and Britain influenced Australia s popular culture in a number of ways. Although Australia
s national identity is evident in every part of popular culture, America and Britain both had a significant impact
on the development of Australian culture since World War Two. Throughout out the decade they changed the way
people thought about Australian fashion, music and entertainment. Fashion was based around celebrity images
and American cinema and television became a big hit.
In the 1950s, the fashion industry was based mostly around teenagers and young adults. Before this time,
adolescents were expected to follow in their parents ... Show more content on ...
Movies starring young men as the main character such as The Wild One and Rebel Without a Cause inspired
young men to follow punk style fashion trends. Wearing blue jeans, a white t shirt, and a leather jacket became
popular around this time, and it was causing a generation of young men to change their attitudes. This trend
became a symbol of teenage rebellion for boys everywhere. However, not all boys were following this punk style
of fashion. Many were leaning more towards the British styles and trends, including the teddy boy style, which
consisted of high waisted, narrow drain pipe trousers, long jackets, slim ties and large, shiny, pointed shoes.
( c_s 14_u 189_t 506_c 1873/nsw/history/australia s social and cultural history in the
post war period/social and cultural features of the 1950s/fashion in the 1950s)
By the 1950s it was becoming easier for more Australians to afford music products such as radios and vinyl
records. Before television was introduced in Australia, radio was evidently the most popular form of
entertainment. By 1955 and estimated 97% of Australian households owned a radio set. In the 1950s radio
announcers often used American accents to make their products seem appealing and modern to young audiences.
The vinyl record played a huge part of music in the 1950s because it was a new exciting and affordable way
San Jose
San Jose, hot, sweaty, and huge. This place was rich with culture, and this place would be where I would make it,
or break it. I had landed three days before and woke to the gentle shaking from my grandma urging me to wake
up. I tossed and turned then, it hit me, it was Day 1 of fighting. I got up and put my thin, white uniform on. After
I finished dressing, I stood and stared at my black belt, neatly folded on the hotel room chair. I picked it up, tied it
around my waist, and looked at myself in the mirror, this was it... My first Juniors as a black belt. Was I ready?
Well, that was the million dollar question, wasn t it. My grandma ushered me out of the hotel and into her car and
we set off. We drove in mostly silence, she asked if I had everything ... Show more content on ...
I walked away, trying not to let him get in my head, but I knew it was too late, he was there from the moment I
woke up that morning. Our coaches called us to our chairs at the opposite ends of the ring and I watched as he
entered the ring and sat with his coach, slipping his red helmet on and holding his rubber mouthpiece, he was
staring at me, no doubt he was sizing me up. My coach was talking but I wasn t listening, fear was coursing
through me and I didn t know what I was going to do. CHONG, HONG! The referee called and pointed at the
two sides next to him, signalling us (red and blue) to come into the ring. I took a breath and shuffled into the ring.
He stared me down and walked towards me, the referee telling us to take our stance. I put my headgear on and
placed my right foot behind my left foot. I nodded my head, more to myself than the referee and he called us to
begin. A quick glance to my right revealed a boy getting back up. The view to the left was more promising as I
saw my friends lined against the rail cheering my name with my grandma and grandpa behind them in the
Be Responsible and Take Action in Shakespeare, Aeschylus...
Shakespeare along with Aeschylus and T. S. Eliot use character from each of their respectable work including
Hamlet, Agamemnon and The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock to demonstrate one must responsibly be able to
decide and take action in desperate times in order to prevent tragedy or greater loss. Through the text of these
three prominent literacy works from the ancient history to the 1900 s, one element that is evident in all three
literature works is hamartia, which is directly related to the protagonist making a tragic error that eventually leads
to the final cataclysm. To get a deeper insight of how hamartia plays a big role in these works, the audience has to
get a better understanding of the main character/protagonist of each play and get familiar with their personality
traits along with how they act in desperate times in order to prevent tragedy, or be the cause of it. Prince Hamlet
in Hamlet , Agamemnon from Aescylus work along with Prufrock from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock are
seen as victims of their personality flaws through the text presented as eventually the outcome is seen as a tragic
end for these characters due to their fatal errors.
Point1: One must be able to balance between reason and passion as reason falls towards rational thinking while
passion leads towards making irrational decisions. Hamlet in Shakespeare s play is known as a tragic hero due
the fact that he was bound for greatness but his fall came as a result of his personality
Oracle Technology
Objects are checked out for editing and checked in for loading in the server memory in which of the following
mode: Mark for Review (1) Points Both A and B. Neither A nor B. Online (*) Offline IncorrectIncorrect. Objects
are checked out for editing and checked in for loading in the server memory in the online mode. 2. Oracle
Application Server is required in order to run OBIEE. Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) CorrectCorrect.
The Oracle Application Server is not required in order to run OBIEE. 3. What are the levels of building a BI
business case (from lowest to highest)? Mark for Review (1) Points Data and Infrastructure gt; BI Foundation
and PM Applications gt; Use, Governance and ... Show more content on ...
Dashboard layout and default look and feel can be modified using Custom Style Sheets (CSS). 18. Default look
and feel of dashboards can be modified. Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False CorrectCorrect. Default look
and feel of dashboards can be modified. 19. Which of the following types of BI Business cases focuses on
helping customers do the right things? Mark for Review (1) Points IT Alignment Effectiveness (*) Efficiency
Transformational CorrectCorrect. Effectiveness focuses on helping customers do the right things. 20. Which of
the following statements is TRUE? Mark for Review (1) Points An organization can best achieve significant
competitive advantage by focusing on management excellence, which can be described as having lean and mean
business processes. An organization can best achieve significant competitive advantage by focusing on
management excellence, which can be described as being smart, agile and aligned. (*) An organization can best
achieve significant competitive advantage by focusing on operational excellence, which can be described as
smart, agile and aligned. An organization can best achieve significant competitive advantage by focusing on
operational excellence, which can be described as having lean and mean business processes.
The Influence of Political Debates on Affirmative Action
Political Debates On Affirmative Action, Reparations and Welfare The Influence On Political Realignments of
Black and White Americans During the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton Administrations The objective of this study is
to examine the influence of political debates on affirmative action, reparations, and welfare on political
realignments of black and white Americans during the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton Administrations. It is reported
that gains made by African Americans during the decades of the 1950 s, 1960 s, and 1970 s failed to produce a
consensus for goals and tactics for the end of the millennium. (Walsh, 2005) The black middle class expanded in
the 1980s and the economic boom during the Clinton administration resulted in many blacks leaving the poverty
rolls and entering the workforce. However, during the Reagan era it is reported that he began a destructive spiral
of concentrating wealth in the hands of fewer people and deregulating business that culminated in the economic
crash we re still digging out of today. (Walsh, 2005) In addition, the banking deregulation act signed by Reagan
set into motion the savings and loan scandal effectively foreshadowing the repeal of the Depression era Glass
Steagall banking regulations a decade later. In addition, it is reported that rather than paying workers higher
wages that Big Capital, instead ¦figured out how to make more money by lending them that cash to stay in the
middle class. (Walsh, 2005) During the Reagan
Fireweed Skye Brannon
War is one of the most feared things in world. The fear of losing someone who is close to you is unbearable. The
short story Fireweed , by Skye Brannon, deals with problems of being an immi grant in America and the
difficulties with forgetting your past. Baluta and his family are immigrants from Liberia who are having a hard
time integrating with their traditions, language and values. The reason for their immigration is shown on (page 3,
line 95) The war will be coming soon.. As Baluta s father, says in the text, which could allude to the Liberian
civil war.

Baluta is a kind young man having a hard time. He fled with his brother from Liberia, because of war. Baluta
experienced many things in Liberia, and he might have some mental ... Show more content on ...
Sting, sting, sting, he stood still, holding tightly onto his fireweed. He saw little Alanso s ten year old body, limp,
naked in the sun... The flashbacks devel op in line with the environment Baluta is in. At the beginning when
Baluta is at home with his old Camero in the ghetto where the flashbacks deals with happy memories of his sister
Alanso. When the environment changes from the ghetto to the city where he works his flashbacks are becoming
more violent as for instance when he meets Tiffany with her blood diamond. At this point he gets a flashback that
deals with his father telling Baluta that the blood diamonds will cause war (page 3, line 95) They think they ve
found diamonds in our mountain. Baluta s father, Idirissa, had once told him gravely. The war will be coming our
way soon. Baluta remembered; it was the first time he had seen fear behind his father s strong
Technetium-99m Research Paper
Technetium 99m is the workhorse radioisotope used in 80% of nuclear medicine worldwide. It can help diagnose
many diseases such as heart, kidney, lung, liver, thyroid and bone cancer. Uses: 1. Technetium 99m is used to
image the skeleton, heart muscles, brain, thyroid, lungs, and bone marrow. Technitium 99, is used as radioactive
tracer which can be detected in the body by gamma cameras. Computers process the image when the gamma
camera is rotated around the patient. It takes 15 20 seconds for each projection which are collected every three to
six degrees and takes a total of 15 20 min for a total scan (Uses of Technetium 99m). 2. Myocardial perfusion
imaging is a typical diagnostic application of technetium 99, that is used to determine the flow of blood to
myocardium or heart muscle. It can diagnose heart wall motion or heart tissue damage after a heart attack (Uses
of Technetium 99m). 3. ... Show more content on ...
The technetium 99m radioisotope is used in brain and bone scans. In brain scanning, it can detect strokes and
illness and bone scans it is used directly as it heals skeletal injury (Uses of Technetium 99m). 4. Technetium 99 s
radioactive properties can be used to identify lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. Through an
immunoscintigraphy procedure in an immune system protein is capable of binding to cancer cells. After injection,
medical equipment is used to detect gamma rays emitted by the Technetium 99m. Tumor is detected where the
concentration is high. This technique is very helpful when finding cancer cell are hard to detect (Uses of
Evidence For Lizzie Borden
I have a story about lizzie borden and if she axe murdered her parents. The topic is mainly about if lizzie borden
killed her parents. A girl named lizzie borden killed her parents with a axe. Lizzie borden killed her parents with a
axe and did get away with the murder and got arrested for a year since the police didn t have evidence to know it
was her. Lizzie Borden was born on July 19,1860, at Fall River
The people that got killed were Andrew and Abby borden lizzie borden s father and stepmother. Lizzie borden s
parents got killed on 1892. LIzzie borden did have a sibling a sister. Lizzie Borden s parents were divorced and
lizzie didn t like her stepmother and they would fight a lot. Lizzie and her ... Show more content on ...
And the trial brought the idea of the expert witness to the forefront in American jurisprudence. The murders
remain one of history s great unsolved mysteries. Borden was acquitted of the crime, and debate over who killed
Andrew J. Borden and Abby Durfee Gray Borden generated a vein of publishing activity that has proven
enduringly profitable. That debate continues to this day.

Lizzie Borden took an axe And gave her mother forty whacks, runs a nursery rhyme nearly universally known
among Americans. When she saw what she had done She gave her father forty one. But the truth of the matter
remains unknown. Lizzie Borden had a sister named Emma Borden. Lizzie Borden s real mother died after she
was born.

Neither Lizzie nor Emma Borden ever got married. Lizzie graduated from a public high school in Fall River, and
became involved with a variety of organizations consistent with the image expected of a young woman from a
well off family in a small New England city. She was a member in good standing of Central Congregational
Church, where she taught Sunday school. Serving as secretary treasurer of the Christian Endeavor Society. She
was also active in the pro Prohibition Women s Christian Temperance Union and in the antipoverty Fruit and
Flower League.

Whoever killed Mrs.

The Simplicity of Solipsism Essay
In life, there s much that seems confusing. We always want simple explanations for everything, but there are
some theories that simply don t possess an easy way of putting it. Many of these theories are used in literature;
examples include nihilism, existentialism, and monism. However, there s one theory that s particularly
interesting: solipsism. Solipsism is the belief that nothing exists, or can be proven to exist, except one s own mind
and the creations of it (Glossary). Solipsism is a very old, and often misunderstood, theory. Although it s used in
literature, in books such as Grendel by John Gardner, solipsism also occurs in everyday life. However, it s not
always easy to find. If we wish to do so, we must to take time to ponder. ... Show more content on ...
Rather, the solipsist can attach no meaning to the supposition that there could be thoughts, experiences, and
emotions other than his own (Thornton). This states that a solipsist doesn t necessarily believe only he or she
exists, although it s possible. More precisely, the person is able to acknowledge that others thoughts, emotions,
etc. may exist, however he or she can t find real proof that anyone but him or herself subsists. Concisely, a true
solipsist comprehends, for example, the word pain as my pain. The person cannot perceive how this word is to be
applied in any sense other than this exclusively egocentric one (Thornton). Although there has yet to be a person
who has considered him or herself a solipsist, there is a type of person who could be thought of as one: a child.
Children below age six perceive the world differently than we do. The infant sees the world as populated by
objects which come in and out of view, [...] therefore, [...] in and out of existence. Epistemically the infant s
world is utterly solipsistic (Flanagan 144). When we think about it, this makes sense. A child doesn t care about
something unless it s in his or her sight, since it s all that the child knows to exist at that moment. Everything in
the child s universe is whatever he or she perceives it as in any given instant. For example, a child will not search
for a treasured rattle
Bar Magnets Essay
1. Bar magnet is the simplest form to explain magnetism. Bar magnets are permanent magnets and this means
that they have magnetism all the time, it can t be turned on and it can t be switched off. They have two poles that
include: north seeking pole (N) and south seeking pole (S). These poles appear to occur in equal and opposite
pair. Magnetic meridian is the vertical plane in which the magnet lies. Magnets are made of materials that can be
magnetized, which are also the ones that can be attracted to magnet, which are called ferromagnetic materials.
These include: iron, steel, nickel, cobalt, some alloys of rare earth metals and some naturally occurring minerals
such as lodestone. Mu metal is a nickel based soft magnetic alloy, ... Show more content on ...
Small bar magnets that are responsible for a magnetic behaviour are actually groups of atoms. Electron particles
show magnetic behaviour of their motion each electron has a magnetic moment. Groups of these atoms form
small domains, in which the magnetic moments of the electrons are aligned with each other. When material is
non magnetised the domains are aligned in random way so their magnetic field cancels each other out.

Properties of a simple bar magnet:

1. Unlike poles of magnet attract each other
2. Like poles of magnet repel each other
3. The force of the attraction of a magnet is greater at its poles than in the middle.

4. If a bar magnet is suspended by a thread and if it is free to rotate, its south pole will move towards the north
pole of the earth and vice versa.

A magnetic field is the magnetic effect of electric currents and magnetic materials. The magnetic field at any
given point is specified by both a direction and a magnitude (or strength); as such it is a vector field. A magnetic
field may be plotted by using a plotting compass to define the lines of force.

Bar magnet is placed on a sheet of white paper. Starting near one end of the magnet, the positions of the ends of
the compass needle are marked by pencil dots. The compass is then moved until the near end of the needle is
exactly over the dot furthest from the magnet and a
Health Disparities In Connecticut
Health Disparities: The Hispanic Population in Connecticut
As a one of the smallest States in the United States (U.S.), Connecticut has a very diverse, multicultural
demographic. Although it is a relatively healthy and economically prosperous State, there are disparities in health
outcomes in urban areas and for lower socioeconomic, ethnically diverse populations (United States Census
Bureau, 2015). In Connecticut s urban areas, ethnic minority groups demonstrate a disparity in health outcomes
primarily for Black and Hispanics residents. There is a higher rate of chronic illnesses for both ethnic groups
including: hypertension, heart disease, and cancer. The incidence of respiratory disease and asthma for children
and adults is significantly ... Show more content on ...
This results in Hispanics Americans living in very tightly knit segregated urban communities, in older housing,
and lack access to healthcare that can contribute to asthma exacerbation (Bhan et al., 2015). In the State of
Connecticut there is a program called, Putting on AIRS or Asthma Indoor Risk Strategies. This program designed
to assess environmental risk in the homes for asthmatic children and families. The hope is to reduce the
frequency of asthma related events by identifying environmental triggers. A public health nurse experienced in
asthma management, conducts asthma education in the home. There is also an assessment for environmental
asthma triggers in the home such as roach infestation or mold. The program follows participants over a six month
time frame, and has been shown to significantly improve outcomes for asthmatics (Nepaul et al.,
Barack Obama Validity
Obama s Presidency May Be Invalid By: Tony Martin Obama s Presidency is invalid. Documents of Obama s
birth certificate and federal law at the time contradict each other. His birth certificate shows that he should be a
legal citizen while federal law questions his legibility.
On October 28, 2008, in Pennsylvania Supreme Court Philip J. Bergs accused Barrack Obama of being an illegal
citizen causing him to lose the campaign. Bergs believes and strongly questioned Obamas validity.
Barack Hussein Obama II was born on August 4, 1961, in Hawaii. His parents, who met as students at the
University of Hawaii, were Ann Dunham, a white American from Kansas, and Barack Obama, Sr., a black
Kenyan studying in the United States. Obama s father left the ... Show more content on ...
Bergs is Obama moving to Indonesia. George Spelvin from Western Journalism stated, ...nearly one half of the
Obama candidacy challenge has to do with his adoption by Lolo Soetoro when his mother Stanley Ann Dunham
Obama married and moved to the police state of Indonesia. This helps Philip J. Bergs because looking further
into this statement and when looked into this information follows, When a male Indonesian citizen adopts or
acknowledges a child as his son, that child is deemed to be Indonesian because the country does not allow dual
citizenship status. The U.S. law neither allows dual citizenship nor intervention according to the l930 Hague
Convention protocols. This means that when Obama left America for Indonesia he lost his chance of being
naturalized meaning he would have to go back through the American Citizenship
Hydrogen Super Highway
Prashant Zanwar

University of Central Florida

I. Introduction To Maglev Technology And Application

1.1 Principle of Maglev System
Maglev is a system in which the vehicle runs levitated from the guideway (corresponding to the rail tracks of
conventional railways) by using electromagnetic forces between superconducting magnets on board the vehicle
and coils on the ground. The following is a general explanation of the principle of Maglev.

fig. 1.1

1.1.1 Magnetic Levitation

The 8 figured levitation coils are installed on the sidewalls of the guideway. When the on board superconducting
magnets pass at a high speed about several centimeters below the center of these coils, an electric current is
induced within the coils, which then act as ... Show more content on ...
It happens almost like magic, one scientist said. Q. Does low speed Maglev have advantages over light rail or a
rubber tire people mover system? A. Supporters cite lower capital costs, lower operating costs, tight turning
capabilities, virtually no noise pollution, smooth rides because levitated vehicles create no friction, less intrusion
on land and an opportunity to showcase the city and establish it as world leader of transit technology.

Critics of the Pittsburgh project are questioning the use of public money, the philosophy of building the largest
parking garage in Pittsburgh near Downtown rather than on the outskirts, competing with the Port Authority for
funds and riders and whether any short transit system to the Civic Arena serves a worthwhile purpose. Q. What
happens if I m aboard the Civic Arena Maglev shuttle and it breaks down? A. If there s a real emergency, riders
could open car doors manually to reach a combination emergency/maintenance walkway between the parallel
Maglev tracks. The Maglev plan proposes using a customized tow vehicle in case a car dies because of lost
power or a mechanical problem. It could go out on the track to push or tow a crippled car. Meanwhile, Maglev
would maintain service on the opposite track. Maglev cars are to contain recessed emergency wheels, so if the
cars lose their levitation, they can still ride on the guideway. Plans for the Civic Arena showcase project call for
building a
The Theories Of The Scientific Management Theory
Management, as defined by Richard Wilson, is the body of thought that seeks to explain and improve the
administrative control of businesses and their employees (2016). In this paper we will discuss some of the more
popular management theories including the Scientific Management Theory by Frederick W. Taylor,
Administrative Management Theory by Henri Fayol, Bureaucratic Management Theory by Max Weber, The
Hawthorne Studies Human Relations Management Theory by Elton Mayo, the Management Science Theory, and
the Organization Environment Theory of Open Systems developed by Daniel Katz, Robert Kahn, and James
Scientific Management Theory
Considered the father of management thought, Frederick Taylor was one of the earliest theorists credited with
developing and defining the theory of scientific management in the late 1800 s. His theories were designed to
improve the efficiency of a factory system and worker manager relations and to prevent soldiering, which was the
tendency of workers to only complete enough work to avoid being penalized or reprimanded (Biscontini, 2015).
Taylor s theory stressed the importance of strict time and motion studies of the industrial process. With the
development of the assembly line, such time and motion studies seemed appropriate for breaking large industrial
processes down into their smallest components and then training workers to perform only one small part of the
manufacturing process (Wilson, 2016).
Administrative Management Theory
Zachary Taylor Compromise Of 1850
Zachary Taylor, elected in 1849, only served sixteen months in office as president of the United States. Zachary
Taylor was a commemorated war general for his roles within the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, Seminole
Wars, and the Mexican War. Yet, it was only after the Mexican War did he get public recognition and received a
nomination by the Whig Party for president. Taylor never officially finished his education and never seemed to
particularly care for politics. Besides his own election, he had never voted and he did not even vote for himself.
Taylor was a peculiar candidate, he had no political experience whatsoever and to be potentially be a president
shocked many. Fortunately for him, former president Martin Van Buren caused a split of votes between himself
and Lewis Cass. He also happened to be slave owner, which appealed to many Southerners. It wasn t until he was
elected that his ideals were revealed. Due to his time with the army, he had a strong nationalist ideology as his
main goal was to preserve the unity of the Union. Taylor supported slavery, yet the idea of expanding slavery was
not apart of his agenda. ... Show more content on ...
Millard Fillmore supported the Compromise of 1850, a bill that would allow California to enter as a free state,
allow the citizens to choose whether or not they would be a free or slave state in the Utah and New Mexico
territories, end the slave trade in Washington, D.C., and also created a strict Fugitive Slave Act. Taylor had a
completely different stance on this issue as he apparently would have vetoed this bill and also was completely
against the spread of slavery. Fillmore was more concerned with providing a short term solution to the hostile
North and South who had conflicting
Sugar Dbq Essay
Sugar was relatively unknown to Europe until the fourteenth century. After its introduction to the people of
Europe, it gradually spread across the continent until it eventually reached the Atlantic nations. After the
discovery of the New World, Europe was eager to expand its territories. Sugar was soon brought to the Americas
with the explorers, and the global sugar trade was born. The sugar trade was driven by the high demand for sugar
in Europe, its appeal to European investors, and competition between European nations.
As soon as sugar became available to Europeans, they became obsessed with it. The increased consumption of
sugar, and increasing demand for it, exceed all comparison with any other article, used as an auxiliary, in food:
for, such is the influence of sugar, that once touching the nerves of taste no person was ever known to have the
power of relinquishing the desire for it (Document C). The addictive nature of sugar increased its popularity
across Europe. Sugar has a multitude of uses, culinary and otherwise, which appealed to them. According to
Document G, the British population increased gradually while the sugar imports and annual ... Show more
content on ...
According to Document I, wealthy absentee land owners were common in the Caribbean. Their investments into
sugar plantations necessitated so little work that they did not physically have to be present to acquire the benefits
of them. Owning a sugar plantation was just another easy investment for the land owners. The pictures in
Document J show the hard work performed by the slaves, and the single supervisor watching them. The
supervisor was the only worker that needed to be paid, while the slaves were being forced to work for free. The
plantation owners had much more profit without needing to pay for labor. For any wealthy person looking for
easy money, a sugar plantation was the way to
What Are The Economic Implications For The Australian Economy
Discuss the economic implications for the Australian economy of Australia s continuing current account deficits
Australia has a long history of large and persistent current account deficits. During the 1960s the current account
deficit averaged the equivalent of 2 per cent of gross domestic product. The CAD rose considerably, due to the
floating of the Australian dollar and the opening of the capital account in 1980s, and by 1990s CAD has sustained
around an average of about 4.5 per cent of GDP. However, in recent years the deficit has been falling and in 2011
it was just 2.25 per cent. The decline in the CAD has been affected by what is happening to the nation s levels of
saving and investment. The level of Australia s national ... Show more content on ...
Whether a recession or upswing occurs, the BOGS will adjust to the economic activity. Australia s narrow export
base is one structural factor affecting BOGS. Australia s main exports are mainly coal, beef, iron ores and wool.
Despite Australia having a strong manufacturing sector, many countries such as China are able to produce goods
more cheaply. If many countries can produce the same goods at a cheaper price, it affects the rate of Australia s
exports. .... The net primary income account, in the balance of payments, plays an ongoing part in the cause of
Australia s current account deficit (CAD). This occurs mainly due to the fact that the net primary account is
comprised of payments of interest and dividends on Australia s net foreign debt and equity. In 2011 2012, it was
equal to a deficit of 3.1% of GDP; however it is expected to increase in the future due to large returns to overseas
investors in Australia s mining industry. Cyclical and structural factors affect the net primary income account
which has a great influence towards the CAD. The relative size of Australia s interest repayments overseas is the
major cyclical factor affecting the CAD through the net primary account. The changing value of the exchange
rate and lead to the valuation effect, where the Australian dollar value of debt denominated in foreign currencies
will alter. Hence is there were to be a depreciation of the Australia dollar in global
Pharmacy Practice Experience At Walgreens Pharmacy Essay
I completed my second Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience at Walgreens Pharmacy in Tallahassee, FL.
Over the course of three weeks, I worked under the supervision of Aisha Wilder, PharmD, R.Ph. I also worked
alongside two pharmacy technicians and one pharmacy intern. Walgreens was founded in 1901 by Charles R.
Walgreens Sr. in Chicago, Illinois. The company has expanded to almost 8,000 stores nationwide. Walgreens goal
was to provide superb customer service, innovative merchandise and displays, provide merchandise and goods
that the customers desired and could afford, and to provide genuine value to the customers. Walgreens want to
champion everyone s right to be happy and healthy. There were three pharmacists employed at my site. I had the
opportunity to work with Dr.Wilder and Dr. Phuong. There was a senior technician by the name of Santia who
has been working at this location for eleven years. This pharmacy catered to the local community. Some
customers that came into this particular pharmacy were college students, middle aged individuals, and elderly
patients. I interacted with college students and elderly patients. Some prescriptions that were often filled included
medications for hypertension, oral contraceptives, and controls. I performed many activities while working at this
pharmacy. I filled prescriptions. I also assisted in serving customers that came in the drive thru. I checked the
voicemails and recorded new prescriptions that were called in by
Literature Review On 3p Industry

A review of literature is emphasizing the 3pl (third party logistics) performance which is cost efficient tool for
FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) companies. Companies outsource their logistics and warehouse activity to
the third party logistics to reduce the cost, which is directly effect on company s other core function like
production, procurement, finance. It gives competitive advantage to the company. Outsource the logistics and
warehousing also directly effect on asset reduction and staff retrenchment. Today the firms are establishing
symbiotic relationship among them, that is (win win situation) they all are beneficiaries. Logistics is one of the
last processes of the company who can improve corporate efficiency by the outsourcing. It also reduces the
distribution cost where manufacturing firm has many products and they do have also its outlets globally. 3PL has
grabbed the opportunity for the shipper in all expects, they are low cost then shipper, innovative machine, skilled
labor and fast moving ability. 3PL is improving its technology and also give technical knowhow to its technicians
for establishing better alliances. The research directly targets the main stream of the ... Show more content on ...
Company shifts the core employee on the functions and retrenches the other labor who is involved in
warehousing or logistics to save his capital investment. Company also saves his capital from skill training course
which is required in developing the knowhow about the technology. Company doesn t need to pay expenses like
rent of building, salaries and its expenses by outsourcing. Now days organizations has opportunity to reduce
fixed cost and overhead cost by outsourcing its logistics and 3PL has an ability to impress customer needs by
given efficient handling and innovative process of preserving food. (Van Damme, 2002, Chelliah,
Nr Case Study
1. They decided to launch the Discovery because they wanted the ability to tackle two user consumer segments.
LRNA created a three door discovery which was directed towards young childless adults and created a five door
version for families and older traditionalists. The first group which were young, affluent childless adults wanted
products that made visible statements about their image and accomplishments. The childless adults wanted
vehicles that were unique and different which would help set them apart from the crowd. The second segment,
which was conservative buyers were interested in vehicles that were smart and functional. This segment also
consisted of family buyers who wanted vehicles that were versatile and practical.

2. When ... Show more content on ...

In the 1940 s the jeep was used as a reliable and roomy general purpose 4WD vehicle used in the war. The jeep
was the prototype which many developed their impressions of rugged 4WD transportation. The jeep line included
the 11,800 basic off road Jeep wrangler, the 13,600 compact Jeep Cherokee and the luxurious 21,000 Jeep Grand
Cherokee. The Ford Explorer was the second best selling SUV brand and the number four selling vehicle in the
United States. The top of the line Ford Explorer was known as the Explorer Ltd, which was positioned as an
affordable luxury vehicle. Chevrolet was the third best selling car in the market. Chevrolet was known as a
quality product that offered consumer s style. AM General s Hummer being a newcomer in the market and was
positioned as an American legend. This 4WD car proved its credentials in Operation Desert Storm.

5. There are many factors an organization must consider when trying to move a brand forward. One key factor is
positioning. With the Range Rover potential consumers exhibited strong negative reactions. Consumers did not
want to spend over 50,000 dollars on a jeep. Research exposed consumers to three positioning options for the
brand. They came up with a luxury car alternative, the car the Queen drives, and the best off road vehicle
available. Consumer reactions were promising and were intrigued by the notions of British heritage and luxurious
styling combined with 4WD capability. Their chosen positioning helped
Narrative Essay About Moving To Mexico
When I was little i had to move to Mexico with aunties My mom was with me. She was like a dad to me too. She
was always there for me. we moved to a scary place were not that many people live. My mom and me lived with
my aunties me and my cousins would always fight. My mom would always be stressed because I would always
fight with them. Even though i would always fight with them We were still really close. We would look after each
other all the time. If one of us was in trouble we would help each other out and fix the problem together. It was
hard for me and my mom to be alone together without my dad. Me and my mom also became really close we
would look out for each other. When, my dad was not there I wouldn t feel as safe as i would. Me and my mom
had to get used to my dad not being there with us. We had to get used to doing things a man would do. It was
hard but by the months went by ... Show more content on ...
When, he was there everything was just great nothing could go better. But when he had to leave us because he
had to come back to Santa fe and work it would be hard watching him leave. But it was more sad watching my
mom sad or crying. I would always try to make her smile and make her happy so she won t feel sad. We pretty
much got used to being alone. I got used to watching my dad leave us and my mom got used to doing things a
man would around the house. There was nothing that we could do we had to let my dad leave us because he had
to work he had a job to do. My job was to try make my mom a happy person. As the days, weeks, months and
years when by. Me and my mom finally came back to Santa fe we were finally back together. Daily, i look
forward to waking up each morning to watch my little brother, dad and mom there for me and with a big smile
every dad. This made me learn it s hard to not have a dad around you a dad that you would feel some around
with. Even though me and my mom had hard time and also had bad memories but also good
Definition Of Digital Divide Definition Essay
Digital divide definition

Rouse (2014) defined the digital divide as a term that describe an inequity between people who have accessibility
to information and communication technology and those who don t or have limited access. Digital divide occurs
where there are differences between: city and rural areas educated and uneducated economic and sociological
more or less developed industrial countries (global digital divide)

Type of digital divide

According to Nielsen (2006), there are 3 types of digital divides. They are: 1. Economic divide People can t
afford modern technology. In some countries, they can t afford to establish communication infrastructure.
Moreover, when people don t have enough to buy food, they definitely unable to pay for technology. 2. Usability
divide People don t understand how to use those modern technology devices even if they have got them for free.
Computer devices can be too complicated to understand for some people. Furthermore, low literacy rate is also a
problem. Literacy is vital for self learning or Internet usage. There are few websites that use language which can
be comprehended by low literacy users. According to U.S. Department of Education, National Institute of
Literacy research which conducted on 2016, August 22, there are 14% of U.S. adults who can read below basic
level. 3. Empowerment divide People don t get the full use of the technology.
Ferrari Competitive Advantage
Ferrari has a celebrated history of producing exceptional automobiles both on the road and on the racetrack.
(Aloian, 1) Ferrari has been making cars since 1929 and has still been making cars since. They are one of the
nicest car brands out there. Ferrari makes all kinds of cars from SUV s to expensive supercars. Like any market
for anything there is going to be competition. Ferrari s competition is Lamborghini. But Ferrari is the superior car
brand because it is the best car for the cost, Ferrari has set the bar for modern car brands, and they have better
race history.

The first reason Ferrari is the superior car brand is because the cost is the best for the reliability and maintenance
of the car. In an article made by a man who bought ... Show more content on ...
When Ferrari first started making cars they were a lot different than all of the other car brands. They were doing
their own thing. At first people thought that what they were doing was weird and that the cars wouldn t turn out
good. But little did they know. In a book all about Ferrari they talk about some of their older models, they truly
were doing their own thing. But that was what Ferrari was best at, doing things their own way. (Ferrari) Ferrari
was the master of making something that most likely wouldn t work and making a masterpiece. Most of Ferrari s
cars were beautifully made cars they just did what they did the best they could and it was amazing the way they
did it. From making cars that should have front engines back engines to making cars look so beautiful it is just
amazing the way that they did it. Furthermore, Ferrari seems to always come out with amazing new cars every
year. One of the newest models is the 812 Superfast. This isn t just any ordinary car they have done extensive
research and testing to make this car truly the best in its class. On their website they state some details about the
car. On this occasion, intensive research and development focused on exploiting Ferrari s wealth of track derived
engineering know how has produced the 812 Superfast, designed to offer its drivers both benchmark performance
across the board and the most riveting and rewarding driving experience possible. (The Fastest and Most
Powerful Ferrari Yet) What really sets Ferrari aside from other car brands is the way that they make their cars.
They spend time on every individual car to test it and make sure that it lives up to its standards. The last reason
why they have set the ar for many modern car brands is because a lot of other car brands will use Ferrari engines.
They make their engines with care and with so much pride, and it really
Faraday s Law Of Electromagnetic Induction
ABSTRACT This lab is performed to analyze and understand Faraday s law of electromagnetic induction and
also its application in different magnetic components using Faraday s Electromagnetic Lab simulation software
2.07. In this lab we understand the properties of the bar magnet, the basic electromagnet and also the
electromagnetic induction in transformers. In the basic electromagnet, we observe the movement of the
electronics both in AC and DC current source and compare the movement of electronics in those conditions. For
better understanding of the electromagnetic induction in transformers, we observe the brightness of the bulb by
changing the number of the loops in the coil, varying the magnitudes of the input ac current and also varying

Faraday s law: A time varying current produces a magnetic field, and a time varying magnetic field produce an
electric current. The magnetic field intensity is linearly related to the current which produces it. The current can
be produced by an alternating magnetic field and that a time varying magnetic field can induce a voltage, or an
EMF, in an adjacent circuit. This voltage is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux linkage, or
magnetic flux, or current, producing magnetic field.[1] Faraday s law of induction states that emf is induced
whenever the magnetic flux linkage changes. We can also say that emf is induced in the conductor whenever the
conductor cuts magnetic flux, and the
Summary Of The End Of Men By Hanna Rosin
Women are Rising In The End of Men?, an article featured in The Atlantic in summer 2010, author Hanna Rosin
illustrates the drastic, ascending shifts perceived in modern society. Rosin poises the theory of how men were
traditionally seen as the superior gender. The author believes there is a contractionary shift in gender roles and
that the new era is [B]etter suited to women (Rosin 304). Recent studies show that women are becoming
prominent in the workforce, education, and family. Accordingly, she explains how women are miraculously able
to balance work while nurturing their children. Rosin believes that this occurs because men are not biologically
made to tend children. Additionally, Rosin analyses how men lost 8 million jobs during the Great Recession
(Rosin 306). During that time, women were becoming what made a majority of the workforce. There were
increases in women s presence in what used to be male dominated fields: school, politics, and business. Rosin
questions this drastic shift concerning women and men s roles in society, stating how they are now equally
competing for jobs. Moreover, the way women behave now show their commendable abilities in the workforce
and how society is changing as they establish their dominance and authority everyday. Once, women were
frowned upon, but nowadays, more people favor having girls than boys. Today s era is commending women with
their admirable work ethic and self worth. Throughout most of history, men dominated the
Bank Of Americ Talent Management Program
Assignment 1: Bank of America Talent Management Program The talent management program that facilitates the
realization of the objective of improving efficiency in operations at the Bank of America entails the use of an
integrative system in preparing individuals for leadership. According to the program, the management prioritizes
global consistencies as the first step in the identification of talent for retention at the bank. The subsequent
considerations are cultural distinctiveness and individual owners. As part of its strategy, the bank infuses the three
elements to facilitate the recruitment of the employees with the ability to fulfill the organization s objectives.
When commencing the process, the organization emphasizes on ... Show more content on ...
There is also the utilization of the scientific tools in the simulation of situations. For this reason, the program tests
individual s competencies; thus making it easier for the administration to retain best in the organization for longer
periods. Strengths of the program The advantages of the program are that it enables the institution to broaden its
scope to target employees from different parts of the globe unlike the situation before in which the management
relied on domestic talent in running operations. Aside from facilitating consensus in decision making, the
program enhances flexibility in operations. For instance, after its integration in human resource administration at
the Bank of America it became the norm for the organization to customize its goal in line with the needs of the
employees. Additionally, it presents management the opportunity to employ a diverse array of tactics in the
selection of personnel to serve the organization in various capacities. Courtesy of its existence at the Bank of
America, the institution has the chance of searching talent beyond borders, thus creating the opportunity for the
most competent individual to serve the organization in various capacities. Another maverick of the program is
that it emphasizes on the continuity in the advancement of talent nurturing,
Adult Arts Learning Essay
Adult Arts Learning

The motivations and objectives of both providers and participants in adult arts learning are diverse. Adult
educators seeking to foster transformative learning invoke the role of imagination in developing new
perspectives; they view the arts as a way of engaging adults in imaginative exploration of themselves and their
relationship to the world (Dirkx 2000; Kazemek and Rigg 1997). In adult literacy education, analysis of paintings
and poems can be a means of developing visual and linguistic acuity, critical thinking, and aesthetic judgment
(Dreybus 2000; Kazemek and Rigg 1997). Greene (in Elias, Jones, and Normie 1995) speaks of aesthetic
education as a form of critical literacy to empower people to read and name ... Show more content on ...
107). Such therapeutic benefits of creative activity are often an important motivation for arts participation. In
Bardsley and Soskice s (1998) survey, one third of adult arts learners sought job related skills, but the majority
were motivated by increased confidence, maintenance of physical and mental abilities, and recovery from loss or
illness. Similarly, in a music appreciation course, two thirds of adult participants cited therapeutic motivations
such as coping with stress (Buell in Jones, McConnell, and Normie 1996).

These examples involve different providers: adult educators (Dirkx, Dreybus, Kazemek and Rigg), artists/arts
educators working with adults (Apol and Kambour, Buell), and educators using the arts in other subject areas
(Alburty). In addition, a great deal of adult arts learning takes place formally and informally in museums, parks,
galleries, theatres, and similar venues, organizations that may not view their role as primarily educative
(Chadwick and Stannett 2000). With many different providers, there are multiple, sometimes competing,
purposes for adult arts education. Is it to develop the individual, to maintain the dominant culture, or to change
the culture (Elias et al. 1995)? Is it to develop appreciative audiences or creative practitioners (McDaniel and
Thorn 1997)? To liberate creativity or to develop technical skills (Milton in Elias et al. 1995)? Is art the means or
a goal in itself; that is, are the arts used for
Essay about Handel and Bach Comparisons
Jacob Zeller
Professor Davidson
History of Music 114:01
15 November 2012
Bach v. Handel When thinking of composers, whose works changed the world of music forever, many names
may come to mind. Among those on that list, both Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel are figures
whose effect on music has been felt worldwide. Born in the same year, these composers have much in common
and many differences that illustrate their importance to their era and music as we see it today. Their individualism
and creativity influenced much of their time and together, their works defined the Baroque Period as we know it
today. Johann Sebastian Bach, born in the year 1685, was a German born composer, virtuoso organist and
keyboard player, a ... Show more content on ...
His career includes 42 operas, 29 oratorios, 16 organ concerti, over 120 cantatas, trios and duets, chamber music,
odes, and many ecumenical pieces, his most famous work being the Oratorio Messiah. Composed in 1741, the
oratorio was preformed first in Dublin in 1742. It had a scriptural text from the King James Bible and was written
for modest vocal and instrumental forces. The work, although very much in the style of Handel, is a series of
thoughts on the Christian idea of redemption and utilizes a mixture of traditions. After Handel s death in 1759,
the Oratorio began to gain popularity even further and was adapted to larger scale choirs and orchestras. Handel
has very much influenced the world of music, especially through his operas, and has grown in popularity
throughout the years. As the inventor of English Oratorios and being so well known for his Italian operas his style
and influence is felt around the world even still in the music of today. So where are the similarities between these
two composers? Both being German and born in the same year, both excelled at organ and studied the music of
German and Italian composers. Being masters at counterpoint, both exhibited similarities in their skills and
styles. Aside from Bach s absence from opera, both composers had remarkable influence on nearly every
contemporary genre. They both made huge impressions on keyboard pieces, being exceptionally skilled at organ.
Emollient Agents Make Our Skin Smoother Essay
Emollients are agents that soften and make the skin smoother. They are also called moisturizers. Emollients are
used for dry skin or eczema. When a moisturizer is applied to skin, it covers the skin with a protective layer that
reduces the amount of water loss in the skin and prevents dryness. Emollients also prevent the skin form itching
and eczema from flaring up.
Are emollients, emulsifiers, and lotions polar or non polar?
Most lotions contain oil or other non polar ingredients. They also contain large quantities of water which is polar.
The oil in the lotion is emulsified so it can be mixed with the water. But, both ingredients still remain in the lotion
which makes it both polar and non polar. Emulsifiers are used to make ... Show more content on
Many people buy lotions thinking that it has special ingredients that will help moisturize their skin, but in fact
water is the widely held ingredient in hand lotions.
Oil: oil is another important ingredient in hand lotions. Some lotions use liquid oils and others use solid oils or
butters. Avocado, coconut, Shea, and olive oils are some of the most popular oils used in lotions.
Glycerin: it is also known as a humectant. It attracts moisture from the air to the skin and it is also used as a
lubricant to make the lotion smooth.
Citric acid: this is used as a preservative to prevent the other ingredients from spoiling. Citric acid also helps
lower the PH of the lotion and it makes it more suitable for the different skin types.
Other ingredients that are used are scents, color, etc.
How do hand lotions work?
When hand lotion is applied, it creates a barrier on the skin that prevents the oils from escaping and does not
allow any harmful substance to enter the skin that can cause dryness or irritation. It also blocks water from
leaving the skin and attracts water, this helps to maintain moisture in the skin.
The purpose of hand lotions
There are hand creams designed for different purposes. Most people use hand lotions for dry skin, usually in the
winter time. Lotions soften the hand and it looks more visually appealing. Some people use lotions because they
have eczema, and lotion prevents it from flaring up. Others may use
Analysis Of The Book The Jewels
Far away in a land near the edge of the world as a young, girl named Micah. Being unwise and filled with joy she
tiptoes near the edge of the sand, leaving small prints in her wake. The impressions are soon washed away with
the water that surpasses all obstacles. As the foam bubbles and multiplies, blocking the view of the world below,
Micah awaits to find the treasures untold. The girls smile widens in disbelief as she hopes and dreams about who
she could be with all the riches from down under the dark waters. The jewels could finally pull her out of the
rags, that seem to have a way of only finding her. Although, if she could have the gold it could drag her to a place
of no return, since it has already been the death of many men. She sits down her joy slowly dissipating as she
realizes a friend like this would never reveal all the secrets that are hidden within. Still, her friend continues to
calmly wave back with a wiseness beyond Micahs years. Since she is only seventeen and she does not recognize
or see all that is to be seen and know about the world like her friend, who has been around since before the
dinosaurs. This girl is me, and the friend that awaits close by is the ocean.
The name I received at birth is Micah and I am seventeen years old, and unlike the ocean I only go by one name.
When the ocean was first created it was called by many names, the Seven Seas, Poseidon s realm, and even Davy
Jones Locker. The ocean may not be alive, but many seem to say that it
Essay about Wilfred Owen Speech
Ok what I have got here today is a detailed speech and I intend to explain two poems Disabled and Dolce et
Decorum est. , both written by Wilfred Owen. I would choose these two poems to be in an anthology because I
found the poems to be very dramatic and extremely detailed. Owen intends to shock us by demonstrating what a
soldier might expect in a situation between life and death. He is not afraid to show his own feelings. Wilfred
Owen is an anti war poet and expresses his ideas and feelings through various themes and poetic devices which I
will be discussing throughout this speech.
Wilfred Owens themes portray his attitude towards what war is and what might happen to an individual during
warfare. The war strips the individuals of ... Show more content on ...
Owen intends to shock us by presenting the reality he is feeling, this is why I had chosen this to be one of my
poems Owen usesgraphic descriptions, speaking in a very direct and straightforward way, using words that
convey ugliness and also shows the reality of war which clearly changes our thoughts of war in the end. Wilfred
Owens captivating poem Disabled relates to the after effects of what war can be responsible for. The poem
depicts an ironic contrast between a strong limbed, handsome youth hero in battle and a wrecked body in a
wheelchair which occurs when a man becomes horribly wounded. His themes are clear that there is no glory in
war and war strips men of their youth.

Owen demonstrates how naive the minds of young boys were during the period of the war. Quotes such as Aye,
that was it, to please the giddy jilts or Someone said he d look a god in kilts suggests that he joined the army to
impress others and to maintain this popular image that he seemed to possess. Then the quotes Germans he
scarcely thought of he had no fears and He thought of jewelled hilts for daggers in plaid socks of smart salutes
further demonstrates that the young soldier clearly has no real view on what war
Of Ambrose Bierce s An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge
When someone is captured by the enemy in war, they are more than likely going to die. Escaping and running
thousands of miles back home where family is does not happen like one might see in the movies. In war, people
die. Ambrose Bierce tried to express that heavily when he wrote An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge. Looking
into it through a New Historicism criticism, Ambrose Bierce s background, the background on the Civil War, and
how the plot more specifically the war is portrayed can back up the idea that Ambrose Bierce wrote An
Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge as a message to say that war is something that should not be romanticized. To
start off, a look into Ambrose Bierce s past might help explain why his message is that war should not ... Show
more content on ...
Ambrose Bierce does what a lot of writers do not, which is portray the war how it actually might have been. It is
portrayed very violently and there is a real feeling of fear throughout the story when Peyton is trying to escape
from the enemy soldiers. This helps portray the message because war is a scary thing, but romanticizing it makes
it sound a lot more bearable, when in reality it is not. The imagery also helps because it brings the story to life by
instilling in the reader s head how Peyton Farquhar was feeling moments before his death. Bierce uses the image
of water quite a bit in the story to explain the surroundings, which were not ideal, but it can also work as a way to
show how his mind was flowing before he was hung. Peyton s mind was flowing very rapidly through what he
thought was his last moments alive, and that is similar to the rapid flowing of the water. Overall, there are a lot of
elements that can help express Ambrose Bierce s message while writing An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge,
which was: War is not something that should be romanticized. Some of those elements are Ambrose Bierce s
background, why Ambrose Bierce had such a strong disliking for the war, the background of the Civil War, the
plot structure, and the
Ssa2211 As1
Name: Wang Minghui
Matriculation no. A0105569Y
Tutor s name: Dr Donna Brunero
Tutorial group: GE2
Total word count: part1 1137 words; part2 264 words.

About two hundred years ago, Raffles arrived at a small fishing village in Melaka Strait, took charge of it and
started a new generation. Now, this small fishing village is named Singapore and became one of the most
globalized countries in the world. Raffles, the adventurer in 1819, is still an iconic hero in Singapore s social
memory. This paper will interpret the founding of Singapore in 1819 as a result of four main factors: Raffles
ambition as a clerk of the East India Company, the Anglo Dutch competition, Malay policy and Temasek s
revival as a trading emporium in 14th ... Show more content on ...
Without signing with signing with Raffles, Hengku Husian would probably have to continue to eke out a living
on Pulau Penyengat, while without signing with Tengku Husian, Raffles would not get the opportunity to plan
and run the small island and turned it into a significant port, and that turned out to be a fateful step on Singapore s
way of being an international big city.
Last by not least, the finding of Singapore also can be seen as the remaining effect of 14th century trading
emporium in Temasek (Singapore). Connecting the booming civilizations of Asia China, India and Middle East,
Melaka Strait s trades were greatly affected by those countries, and Temasek, as a gateway of hinterland and a
collection of various products, attracted most of businessmen to trade here. With the growing trades between
China, India and Southeast Asia and their friendly relationship with it, Temasek as a main port established an
emporium which can be an evidence of Singapore s strategic location. In the meantime, China s huge demands on
Singapore s main products hornbill casques, lakawood and cotton also brought Singapore great profits. In a
degree, the success of Singapore as a port can be described as a product of a good relationship and policy with
main trading countries. Similar situation happened in 1819. As main traders in Southeast Asia, British, or EIC,
had signed a treaty with Singapura to develop its
Quebec Sovereigntists Swot Analysis
This essay looks to discuss Quebec sovereigntists and federalists, and how they differ in their understandings of
Canada and Quebec. To accomplish this, the paper looks at three points of contention; how to understand history,
the nature of the Quebec state, and recognition of Quebec. The three points of contention show where the two
view diverge and why, but the paper views these points as merely pieces of the puzzle. As such only after looking
at all three points does the paper reach a conclusion about the real differences between the two views. The paper
concludes that sovereigntists view Quebec as distinct enfranchised nation within the confines of Canada, and
while viewing Canada as a subjugator and an enemy to Quebec. In comparison, ... Show more content on ...
First, only the sovereigntists us Quebec`s history as a means to define Canada. Do to the nature of their
relationship, they see Canada as a force that undermines Quebec. The federalists may agree that Canada
undermined Quebec in the past, but this does not lead them to make any decisions about the country as whole
like the sovereigntists. But this does mean that both agree about the nature of Quebec`s history. Secondly, both
want to move on from this history. But this is where differences arise. Federalists hold that to move on from the
past, Quebec must simply forget about it and instead value progress. But to the sovereigntists it s not so simple.
They view history as creating a path for Quebec`s future, a path of subjugation by Canada. As such, the
sovereigntists search for a critical juncture to create a new path. They conclude is sovereignty as it naturally
follows from the history of Quebec. This in turn brings us to the final comparison, the justification for
sovereignty. Sovereigntists see sovereignty as following naturally from the history of Quebec, and furthermore
being justified by the nature of the history. Federalists however do not. This is presumably due to the fact that
they do not see history as creating a path, and as such see the future as open and free. Thus the history of Quebec
causes sovereigntists to have a negative view of Canada, create a path for Quebec, and justifying sovereignty,
while federalists see the past as not
Ol Lima Steakhouse
1. Introduction:
General Manager of Ol Spurs Steakhouse in Brisbane, a locally owned steakhouse and restaurant has reported
productivity and profit loss, which is negatively affecting the brand and the company s profit margins. After
careful consideration, it was discovered that employees within the various sections are confused who should be
doing what and to whom they should be reporting. This report will analyse the issue and discuss key management
factors when addressing staff. Two management theories will be proposed as recommendations to measure the
problem and to prevent the issue from happening in the future.

2.0 Analysis of the issue:

Ol Spurs Steakhouse is emerging in becoming a leading steakhouse restaurant in Brisbane s strong restaurant
market. With a growing reputation and high service and stock demands staff are becoming confused between
various sections within the department and unsure whom they should be reporting to. The issue in mind, the
application of planning, organising and controlling should rectify the issue and prevent confusion from
happening again in the future.

2.1 Problem Identification: ... Show more content on ...

Confusion in the workplace often leads to employee depression, poor interpersonal, team dynamics, dysfunction
and lack of engagement (Moriarty, 2012), which ultimately affects the productivity of the business. The issue
arises from poor planning and organisational processes, which can ultimately create a situation that leads to a
company going bankrupt. (BBC Monitoring Middle East,
Sarin Gas Tokyo
The 1995 gas attack in the Tokyo subway system stands as one of the most prominent terrorist chemical attacks
against civilians to date. Though the Japanese government was warned of the impending violence nine months
prior, they were caught ill prepared when it unfolded (Wright Martin, 2008). The group known as Aum Shinrikyo
was responsible for the subway attack and this was not the first time they used sarin gas. The city of Matsumoto
was the test bed that served as the proving ground for the events that took place in Tokyo (Wright Martin, 2008).

Sarin gas, though not considered a persistent agent, does have the capability to kill large numbers of people in
relatively short fashion. As a method to attack critical infrastructure such as a subway system or other confined
locale, sarin is ideal as it is a colorless liquid at normal temperatures with a vapor pressure of 2.9 millimeters of
mercury at 25 degrees Celsius and generally ingested via the respiratory system (Organisation for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons, n.d.). The specific volatility of sarin is 17,000 mg/m3 at 25 degrees Celsius (Organisation
for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, n.d.). This quality is ... Show more content on ...
There will always be groups who hate another for varying reasons and seek to destroy vice engage in productive
activities. Sarin gas is an insidious way to cause death and panic amongst relatively unprotected civilian
populations and will continue to prove attractive as long as there is a perceived benefit to using it. Chemicals
provide the terrorists with a tool that can cause the death toll of a nuclear weapon if properly employed, but
without the need for difficult to obtain fissile material. A chemical attack of any form against a developed nation
is going to degrade many aspects of that society as such an attack is not personal in nature, but against an entire
Pain With Pain Has No Gain
Pain Has No Gain I had my first surgery during the summer of 2015. Sitting at home in my cozy living room, a
sense of pain came across my throat and my ears felt like they were full of water. I asked my mom to look in my
mouth because every time I swallowed, it felt like a piece of sandpaper scraped my throat. I remember her saying
we should go to the doctor in the morning because of the white, clammy spots deep in the back of my throat that
should not be there. The worst was yet to come. The next morning came around and my mom took me to the
hospital. When we got there, we off course had to check in at the front desk. After that we sat in the clinic waiting
room watching the kids play with monster trucks and colored blocks for what seemed to be forever. Finally the
nurse announced my name and I could go to the back room, she asked for symptoms that have been unusual. We
had to do so many tests, including the one where they poke a stick in the back of your throat. I never looked
forward to that because it was the most painful part of the whole process. I hated the dreadful taste the tongue
depressor left in my mouth. The nurse then left the room with the swab that she swiped across my throat. We sat
there in silence until she came back, the worse was expected, I tested positive for strep throat. After having to
stay home an extra day from school, due to having to wait a full 24 hours for the antibiotic to kick in, I sluggishly
walked around the house for what seemed
World War II War Strategies
World War I War Strategies Compared to World War II War Strategies The strategies, weaponry, and war tactics
used in World War I and World War II differ in many ways. World War I took place from 1914 1918 and World
War II took place from 1939 1945. These two wars were the biggest conflicts in all of military history. The wars
share a great impact on our country today. The two wars both took place between different countries and
alliances. The alliances were divided into two groups. The first group of the world s warring nations in World
War I was called the Central Powers which included the countries of Germany, Austria Hungry, Turkey, and
Bulgaria. The second group was called the Allied Powers which included the countries of France, ... Show more
content on ...
An intelligent use of airforces is to use bombers to destroy everything the enemy possessed. This was a
technological based attack. Tactical air warfare is when planes attack the troops on the battlefield. Some pilots
enjoyed the use of fighter bombers. This is a plane that could drop and fire bombs, cannons, machine guns, and
rockets. Troops also used a torpedo to sink ships. Tanks had small calliber guns which were very useful for
bunker breaking attacks. Most soldiers were equipped with submachine guns. These submachine guns were very
light so the soldiers had great mobility while carrying the weapon. The alliance with the most advanced
weaponry and tactics gave some a great
Therapeutic Relationship
Everyone must have had a pet before, even if it was as small as a fish or as big as an elephant. We ve all had that
one pet, that we will forever remember. The loving relationship between a dog and a person is so unexplainable
but very special in its own way. I ve had a dog when I was born and it would always be there from my first time
to talk to being with me my sophomore year. I had a Chinese Shar Pei, whose name was Kane. He was the most
precious pet to me and not one other pet can replace his 1,000 rolls or the two different colored eyes. Everyone
thought he was ugly but he s beautiful to me. The relationship we had was unique. In this relationship it
contained us both knowing what we thought and getting in trouble together. The loving
Apple Inc Strategic Analysis
Case 10: Apple Computer and Steve P. Jobs


The current performance at Apple Inc. shows a slightly higher gross margin percentage of 33.9 compared to 32.9
for the previous year. This is based on figures from the quarterly report ending March 29, 2008 and the date for
the comparison figure is the previous year ending March 31, 2007.
The revenue for that same quarter was $7.51 billion with a net quarterly profit of $1.05 billion. The Macintosh
computers unit showed a 51% unit growth while the IPOD unit showed a 1% unit growth. According to Steve
Jobs, Apple s CEO, We re delighted to report 43 percent revenue growth and the strongest March quarter revenue
and earnings in Apple s history. * Strategic ... Show more content on ...
* Another low rate risk is occasional revenue fluctuations. This is an anticipated occurrence and it can be
recuperated in the following stronger months. * Technology failures and security breaches are a serious concern.
Without strong security in place a company s network can be compromised and details of products currently in
development released. These security breaches could also be caused by failure of a firewall or other detection
software. * The currently volatile U.S. economy and currency are a heavy concern for businesses. If, a year ago,
fifty dollars bought the same components that seventy dollars buys now; that increased cost will either have to be
absorbed or passed to the customer. * The previous threat also leads into the credit risks of current accounts
receivable. If businesses are failing due to their increased costs that causes defaults, write offs, and negative
income for your own company. * Microsoft and PCs have larger presence in the business market than Apple s
computer systems.
· Corporate Structure * Four geographic operating segments consisting of the Americas, Europe, Japan, and the
retail sector. * Americas segment covers both North and South America. * The European segment includes the
Middle East and Africa
Jane Addams Expository Essay
To have quality work is harder than what most would think. Questions about Why can we not just pay the people
? Or try to let other people work ? It seems easy to do but is harder to carry out, we need to have people who
stand up against Labor( Sweatshops) and that is what Jane Addams did. Jane Addams started off by opening hull
house she was letting in European people in who had nowhere to go and no money. She stood up for not letting
children labor all day long for work they shouldn t do, and even the women she stood up for not letting them
work in sweatshops where they were worked too much. She even made a juvenile court for the children who did
wrong, so they wouldn t have to be with adult criminals. She opened up daycares for children ... Show more
content on ...
Some thought women and children should know their place, or other countries should stay out of America. She
stood up against all the hate towards her to keep going. She hoped for social equality and what she gained was
just that. Her hard work paid off as she was giving facts that people needed to know. They needed to know that
no one was going to hurt them and that no matter the gender or age, we were all the same and that we should be
treated the same. As Jane Addams was making her mark in this world she was making a difference just for, her
one stand of opening the Hull House. She was making the bad for future to come so we may build onto it history/jane addams

Wikipedia was the jumping off point for our topic. When it came to finding out who Jane Addams was we
learned did about how she opens the hull house to help others and how it was helping many children. This site
was also helping us get the basis of a research that we could use to find more credible sites and books. It also let
us know about the hull house because we didn t even know that it existed so it gave us this whole new thing to
research about
learning lab denmark Essay examples
Project Report On Learning Lab Denmark Based on Richard Ivory School of Business Study on Organizing from
MERGEFORMATINET Table of Contents Executive Summary Analysis study on Questions Has designing and
leadership at Learning Lab Denmark been effective so far Why/why not What about organisational culture What
are the opportunities and challenges of designing and leading Learning Lab Denmark Identify tensions, problems,
issues, paradoxes, characteristics, and dilemmas that make organizational design and leadership ongoing
challenges in new ventures such as Learning Lab Denmark. What is ... Show more content on ...
LLD S design structure was creating an inability to deal with interdependencies between divisions. The culture of
LLD is like business with profits, but it should be like educational institute, it should not see any profits, for its
research. It should see only societal benefits for research. It should be non profit organization. LLD from
inception with clear cut objectives and goals to deliver did not have right organization structureAs DPU as an
separate entity, use of their facilities and on top handle administrative work of LLD was the first point of failure
of LLD. Old and New structures can never mix together both have their own benefits and style.DPU weighted
their style of management and follow SOPs are the classic case of organizational culture. LLD following, DPUs
organizational culture has seen point of failure in their work environment as well projects. Two leaderships
Managing Director and Research Director with clear cut separate roles are not seen to be ineffective, in fact that
strengths LLDs strategy. Boundary crossing could be an important part of the organization today and that
important aspects of learning take place between organization and not only within Since its creation, LLD has
been experiencing many challenges and facing managerial problems. Given its complex organization, the most
critical managerial problem is the lack of unity and coordination inside the organization (which means among
The Devil And Tom Walker Romanticism
Most people have never heard of the Rationalist and Romantic movements. They are a major part in today s
literature. The story The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving is a story about a man who is conflicted
with the devil and he and his wife search for wealth. The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe is a short
but mind twisting story about the plague of the Red Death, and people trying to use wealth to hide themselves
from it. Another amazing short story would be The Devil and Daniel Webster by Stephen Vincent Benét which is
inspired by Irving s story, and it has to do with Jabez Stone who is stuck in a predicament with the Devil and
needs to be saved. All of the stories are Romantic movements from various different authors. ... Show more
content on ...
The swamp was where the Devil was in the story, The swamp was thickly grown with great gloomy pines and
hemlocks, some of them ninety feet high, which made it dark at noonday, and a retreat for all the owls of the
neighborhood (Irving 4). Tom s wife managed to get cemented in the swamp, and later died. She would have
never gone in there if it was not for Tom and his feelings about the swamp. Tom was scared, but also wanted the
money that he found out was buried in the swamp. These feelings all came together to influence Mrs.Walker to
go into the swamp where she eventually met her demise. It is assumed in the story that the Devil killed her. She
would not have died if it was not for Tom and his incite on the swamp. Similarly, in the story of the Devil and
Daniel Webster, the Devil almost lead to the death of Daniel and Jabez. In the story of Daniel Webster, the Devil
summoned people up from Hell to help jury a case between Jabez Stone and the Devil, and with that, the fire
burned blue and the door blew open and twelve men entered, one by one (Benét 314). This illustration shows the
power that evil can have, and although it may not be the most realistic representation, the point still stands. Jabez
Stone made a deal with the Devil, and if it was not for Daniel Webster, Jabez would not be alive. Jabez was due
to give his life to the Devil because of the deal that he made with him.
Court Observation At Harris County Criminal Justice Court
Quan Nguyen
Business Law
Professor Donna Kohlhausen
November 14, 2016
Court Observation Paper The court I attended was the court # 184, on October 25th 2015 at Harris County
Criminal Justice Court , located in downtown of Houston city. The Judge in charge was Jan Krocker. It was an
aggravated sexual assault of child case between The State of Texas vs. Samuel Gallegos. As I entered the court,
the trial has already commenced so I did not really know how a real trial started. I sat in the back where the
public sits, facing the judge bench. The courtroom was cold and quiet. Especially it was very small, much smaller
and less impressive than I expected.. Everyone was in formal dressing code. There were just a few number of
spectators and family members in the court room. There was a clerk who was typing everything what was
happening during the court time. Judge Krocker appeared to have things under control and had the proceedings
moving forward smoothly. She was a very friendly lady with short blonde hair. She was listening attentively. She
spoke clearly and distinctly so that everyone in the courtroom could hear. Samuel Gallegos is a white man about
5 8 tall. He looked quite nervous while some police officers were standing behind him. From what I understood,
this case was really happening back in 2014 and the suspect has criminal history relating to assault of child and
another related case to this case. On my left hand side were the bailiffs while some others stood observed
Benjamite s Persuasive Speeches
David was a brave man. His heroics were becoming songs (1 Samuel 18:7) and those songs greatly angered King
Saul to the point of wanting David killed. David, not wanting to die, fled from King Saul wrath. The future king
dwelt in the wilderness as Saul relentlessly pursued him. Having one enemy desiring to kill someone is enough,
but David had other enemies. Enemies that can be more dangerous than the one trying to end your life. One such
dangerous enemy was Cush the Benjamite. The danger of Cush s opposition could have brought even more
enemies against the embattled David. While Cush was not directly trying to kill David as Saul was, this
Benjamite was spreading lies that only fueled the anger of the King and could have ignited more rage against ...
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Jesus was a prime example to believers today in that He fulfilled the Father s will to the point of death. Our
amazing Father, creator of the universe, illustrated by His own life the need to be under authority. The point is
illustrated well when Jesus said, That the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me
commandment, even so I do (John 14:31). Christians can be comforted knowing that there is an example to
follow. Paul said, Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1; cf Luke 6:40; 1 Pet. 2:21).

Understanding that God has made requirements allows believers to understand that God requires those statutes to
be kept and that by His expectations mankind will be judged. Peter understood this in Acts 5:29 when he stated,
We must obey God rather than men. God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33) therefore He would
not provide random, nonsensical rules to follow, but a pattern laid out that leads believers to a home in Heaven.
In Philippians 3:17 Paul states, Brethren join in following my example and observe those who walk according to
the pattern you have in
My Personal Short-Term Academic Goals
My primary short term academic goal is to earn my Associate of Applied Science degree in Business
Administration with a concentration in Event and Meeting Planning before the end of 2016. My short term plan
includes reducing and eliminating the academic tuition cost from out of my pocket by obtaining scholarships,
grants and tuition assistance from my employer and sponsors. Further, I plan to reduce the time required to obtain
the degree, to quickly have the necessary skills and education to jump start my own business as a Special Events
Planner in 2017.
My primary long term academic goal is to earn a Bachelors of Science in Communications in 2 years. All of my
academic goals correlates s with my overall short and long term career goals, which includes enhancing my
current 27 years of experience as a Human Resources Manager to continue to learn over the next decade to
contribute to the strategic mission and goals of the agency for which I am employed. Building my knowledge
regularly to build my academic portfolio for consideration for a senior executive service position in the
government. I believe by having further my academic knowledge with obtaining a B.S. degree, in
Communications would nicely compliment, be more competitive among other HR professionals, and balance the
number years of HR experience I possess to contribute to resolving today s and future HR economic and U.S.
governmental hiring challenges.
Based on my research, different organizations need people
Social Class and Correct Answer
* Question 1 0 out of 2 points | | | Why is ideology more effective than force as a means to maintain stratification?
Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | Ideology appeals to reason, and people naturally prefer reason over coercion. |
Correct Answer: | Coercion is ineffective because it breeds hostility and nourishes rebellion. | | | | | * Question 2 2
out of 2 points | | | What is the ideology supporting the concept that a society s ruler is God s direct representative
on earth to administer justice and punish evil doers?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | the divine right of kings |
Correct Answer: | the divine right of kings | | | | | * Question 3 2 out of 2 points | | | What name is ... Show more
content on ...
| Correct Answer: | They manipulate trade and the debt owed by the weaker nations. | | | | | * Question 14 2 out of
2 points | | | In democracies, what are the two methods used by the ruling elite to control information?Answer | | | |
| Selected Answer: | technology and the selective release of information | Correct Answer: | technology and the
selective release of information | | | | | * Question 15 2 out of 2 points | | | Traditionally, what were the three factors
on which slavery was based?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | war, debt, crime | Correct Answer: | war, debt,
crime | | | | | * Question 16 2 out of 2 points | | | Who was the sociologist who argued that stratification applies
only to societies that have at least minimal resources and can accumulate surpluses?Answer | | | | | Selected
Answer: | Gerhard Lenski | Correct Answer: | Gerhard Lenski | | | | | * Question 17 2 out of 2 points |

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