A Book Essay

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A Book Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "A Book Essay" is an endeavor that presents its own set of
challenges. The complexity arises not only from the broadness of the subject matter but also from the
multitude of angles from which it can be approached. Choosing a specific book or a particular aspect
of the book to focus on requires careful consideration and often involves extensive reading and

One of the difficulties lies in striking a balance between summarizing the book's content and
providing insightful analysis. It's crucial to avoid merely reiterating the plot or themes without
delving deeper into their significance or exploring their implications. This requires a keen
understanding of literary techniques, thematic elements, and contextual factors that influence the
book's meaning.

Additionally, crafting a coherent and compelling argument necessitates thorough research and critical
thinking. This involves gathering relevant sources, evaluating their credibility, and synthesizing their
insights to support one's interpretation of the book. Furthermore, organizing ideas in a structured
manner and articulating them effectively in writing is a skill that requires practice and refinement.

Moreover, addressing the expectations and requirements of the essay prompt while maintaining
originality and depth can be challenging. It's essential to offer fresh perspectives and meaningful
insights that contribute to the discourse surrounding the book, rather than regurgitating conventional
analyses or clichГ©d interpretations.

Overall, writing an essay on the topic of "A Book Essay" demands a combination of literary analysis
skills, critical thinking abilities, and effective writing techniques. It requires careful planning, diligent
research, and thoughtful reflection to produce a piece of writing that is both intellectually engaging
and academically rigorous.

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A Book Essay A Book Essay
Tom Jones Education Analysis
Eighteenth century England held different expectations for the education women would
receive, their roles in marriage and the family, as well as society, and their sexuality.
These expectations were largely different depending on whether the woman was from
the poor and working class, or from the middle and upper classes. It is through these
social expectations of women that the characterizations of women in Henry Fielding s
novelTom Jones will be explored and criticized. The characterizations of Mrs. Waters,
Mrs. Western, and Sophia Western will be the primary focus, but Mrs. Fitzpatrick,
Bridget Allworthy, and Lady Bellaston are also characterizations that merit consideration
Education, particularly literacy, was rising among both the lower classes and women
during the age of Enlightenment. A women s education was now thought of as essential
to her future occupation as a mother, who would need to teach her own children in their
formative years, and it was for this reason that a womans education was vastly different
than a man s.
The education of middle and upper class girls [was] significantly different from [that] of
poor, artisan, or labouring girls (Simonton 35). Middle and upper class woman could
receive private tutoring or go to boarding school and they had more access to tools of
learning, such as books. As a lower or working class woman, they might forego schooling
in favour of work, or if they did go to school it would generally be for a brief time and
Historical Literature Of Studying The Cyclical Behavior Of...
Literature Review
For this aspect, it should review historical literature of studying the cyclical behaviour of
wages in detail compare with last part and it is very useful to make a contribution for
latter aspect in this paper.
The literature review begins with Keynes (1936) believed that the patterns of real wages
and employments over the business cycle shows the movements of a fixed and short run
labour demand schedule, which means he agreed with the opinions of classical
economics. It implied prediction of countercyclical wage movements through a cycle
of empirical testing and new theorizing until today. While Dunlop (1938) and Tarshis
(1939) are found and interpret some evidences to supporting non Keynesian theory
and they propose that procyclical correlation of real wages over business. They states
that countercyclical movements of real wages is not perfect conclusion and the
measurement is not complicated and accurate. This a first time someone studied
procyclical theory and then economist start to use procyclical as a glossary to describe
this economic prediction while other glossary also appear, such as countercyclical ,
weakly procyclical and noncyclical . Many economists also make numerous studies
against this economic prediction and proposed many evidences of procyclical
correlation of real wages. Bodkin (1969) found that the acyclic data of real wages could
not be rejected and it is an interesting result presented by Bodkin. He found that the
Who Is Banquo In Macbeth
Banquo s character has a significant role in Macbeth because hes is the foil to Macbeth,
he enhances Macbeth s actions by being the complete opposite but shares qualities with
Macbeth. (Macbeth Essay | The Role of Banquo in Macbeth)
In Elizabethan English, Lord Banquo, the thane of Lochaber is classified a nobleman
or baron. As a noble he would function as middle class between peasants and royalty.
He would be expected to provide work, land, and protection to the peasants. (Nobles in
the Middle Ages) He would also provide funding supplies and military service. Their life
would be focused around military strategy, social affairs, financial obligations and
responsibilities. Banquo got that classification by showing his loyalty to the king; ...
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Banquo would always want be loyal to the king especially after the witches told him his
prophecy because his descendants would become king and to make sure his family after
him would be proud and have a good life, but the main difference between Banquo and
Macbeth is Banquo has absolutely no temptation to become king. Based on the setting
and the time period of 1606 I would have to assume that Banquo is christian; christians
would often pair witches and magic with ideas of the devil like in (Act 1, Scene 3)
What, can the devil speak true? (shakespeare navigators). Macbeth is told he would be
king but Banquo is told that he himself will not be king but his descendants will hold
the royal throne. Banquo is a father of Fleance who goes to england to get Malcolm
the king after killing Macbeth. It seems Banquo is motivated and believes in karma. He
argues that evil only offers gifts that only lead to destruction. I believe that his wisdom
threatens Macbeth.(Macbeth Study Guide) He also warns Macbeth by saying to win us
to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths in act scene. Banquo suspects
Macbeth of having something to do with king Duncan s death, Banquo tells Macbeth I
think you have come about your title most foully. (Act 3, scene 1) he is also worried
about his son s safety because Macbeth knows that Banquo s descendants are to be
Girls Bedding Research
Before we have even been born, society gives us so many expectations that we are
supposed to live up to. When told by the doctor that you are going to be a girl, a baby
shower is thrown and everything is pink. Pink is the color associated with the soft and
more feminine side, while blue is the strong and more masculine side. Girls are given
dolls and pretend kitchens while boys are given toy guns and cars. While they might
not notice as kids, you begin to learn what is expected of you as you grow up, which
can lead to many unnecessary problems. There has always been a separation of males
and females and the way they are raised and taught, even what jobs they take on. Over
time these have become more of genderboundaries. I believe that this behavior and way
of thinking can, over time, have a negative impact on the way we are upbringing
children today. When walking through the store, you see specific isles for Girls Toys
or Girls Bedding , but what if you wanted a toy gun or liked one of the boycomforters?
Target is starting to shy away from this by becoming gender neutral to please more of the
customers. They don t want... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
What about a job you wanted to pursue but were told you couldn t? What about not
getting paid as much as a coworker of the opposite sex? According to TNS Research
Surveys, 68 percent of women surveyed believe gender discrimination exists in the
workplace. A chick mechanic? Cool. A Male hairdresser? Probably gay. Femalebody
builder? She must want to be a man. Male babysitter? Probably a creep. These
stereotypes are constantly being put upon people who are thought to be different than
another. Everyone should be allowed to be their own person without being judged on
who they are. Everyone should be allowed to be able to follow their dreams and make
the most of their career. Some people have different interests than one another and should
not be judged solely on
the cultural affects of national geographic Essay
Thailand is a country enveloped in much mystery and cultural tradition. This fact is
reflected very clearly in a series of pictures taken from the article, The Many Faces of
Thailand in the February 1996 issue of the National Geographic magazine, titled, Into the
Heart of Glaciers I will attempt to analyze the way in which the pictures portray the
richness of Thailands cultureand people and prove this statement about the National
Geographic s photography, They originated in a search for ways of teaching about the
third world that did not objectify and were not paternalistic but that fostered both a sense
of how lives around the globe are interconnected and a capacity for empathetic
understanding. (Collins, Lutz 3)... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
According the picture description, prostitution serves intercontinental clientele and some
800,000 citizens are HIV positive and one in three prostitutes may be infected with the
virus. This photograph shows a less harmonized side of Thai life than the first yet still
maintains the theme of religion seen in the lives of many Thai people. It shows a Thai
woman pausing to respect a spirit house while being stared at by what looks like two
American men. There are many things that come to mind when seeing this photo but one
major thing is the way the men are staring at the woman. The way in which the men are
checking out the Thai woman while she is pausing to pay respects to her religion is
extremely distasteful. In my opinion National Geographic may have been trying to say
something about the way tourists treat natives when visiting Thailand with this
photograph. As for the mention of AIDS, I believe it was brought up within this
photograph because the nonchalance of sexuality is shown here. It is very doubtful that
the men are considering HIV when hiring prostitutes while vacationing in Thailand.
Culturally the photographs tell completely different stories but are tied into the same
theme of showing Thai people to be religious and traditional. In the next photograph the
Royal Guards are shown riding in a truck that looks like a greenhouse. The soldiers are
protected from Bangkok s dirty air,
Patient Zero Analysis
In Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry, the DMS has to stop a bio weapon, that turns
people into zombies, from spreading in the US. Joe and echo team have to raid
terrorist s warehouses and protect important people from the pathogen like the first
lady, while Gault who is behind the pathogen works on making the pathogen even
better. Joe ends up taking out El Mujahid at the ceremony of the new liberty bell. Echo
team and Joe figure out that the people they are trying to stop have been playing the
DMS, Gault figures out that El Mujahid s wife has been creating secret parts of the
pathogen, and Joe finally figures out who on echo team was the traitor. Throughout
these tricks and feints Maberry proves that it helps to have a good sense of victory to
keep going even if you are out played. Joe and echo team figure out that the people
they are trying to stop have been playing the DMS. During the story echo team and the
DMS raid a crab factory that is supposed to house more test subjects for the pathogen.
The DMS sets up a big plan to get fake cops and firefighters, which are actually DMS...
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Inside the DMS someone opens a secure crate that was filled with pathogen
experiments, they get out and start attacking the guards and scientists. Then Joe and
his team go to release of the new liberty bell to protect the First Lady. While they re
there the liberty bell was armed with darts that contain the pathogen in them, so Joe
has to chase down El Mujahid. But when he gets there he finds Ollie, one of his team
members, laying on the ground while Skip, another echo team member, was standing
next to El Mujahid and admits to being the mole. This really hit Joe hard but now he
has try really hard to make a positive goal that comes out to victory, otherwise he would
fall to El Mujahid and save no one. You? Yeah, he said What . . . you thought it was
Dudley Do Right over there? He jerked his head at Ollie, (Maberry 394)
Liability Insurance Coverage
Our litigious culture makes liability coverage a necessity. Headquartered in NewYork
City, Sun Ray Corp is an insurance agency offering everything from home insurance to
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Here are some facts regarding liability coverage:

What Is It? Liability coverage is insurance that protects your assets if someone is injured
on your property or if you injure someone or damage someone s property.

What Kind Of Protection Does It Provide? If your dog bites someone, or if someone slips
and falls on your property, they can sue you. Legal costs can quickly add up if you re
forced to defend yourself in court, and liability coverage foots the bill for legal expenses
if you find yourself the target of a lawsuit. If you lose the lawsuit and damages are
awarded, liability coverage will bear some or all of the expense, depending on how much
insurance you have. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
The best way to determine your needs regarding liability insurance coverage is to consult
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Grendel s Flaws In Beowulf
Throughout his battles with Grendel and his mother, Beowulf shows that beyond a
doubt he is the strongest warrior in the land, yet he displays serious flaws in his
character that could have cost him that title. Beowulf is very strategic; the weapons he
uses, the location in which he battles even the monsters he chooses to battle are all
chosen to prove himself to be the best. In his first battle with the monster Grendel,
Beowulfeasily and confidently defeats his enemy, yet in this battle with the monster s
mother, he faces his flaws dead on. Beowulf always emerges as the hero, at least on the
The environment in which Beowulf battled his enemies, played a critical role in the way
Beowulf defeated the monsters and found victory. In ... Show more content on
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The Bible states that no man should feel jealous toward their neighbor, in fact envy is
one of the seven deadly sins. Grendel is the manifestation of this sin. Being the
descendant of the tribe of Cain, it is written that Grendel pay the price of his ancestors
sins . He would be an outcast and like his ancestor, full of jealousy, Conceived by a pair
of those monsters born/Of Cain, murderous creatures banished/By God, punished
forever for the crime/Of Abel s death. (Raffel 14.20 23). Being defeated by Beowulf,
the Jesus like figure, Grendel signifies the destruction of sin, the merciless destroyer of
people. Grendel s mother did not symbolize sin, but rather the consequence of
disobedience toward the social norm. Women in the Anglo Saxon days were seen as
peace weavers and loving beings. They were a sign of peace and yet Grendel s mother,
in an attempt to get revenge for her son, attacks Grendel, Squatting with her weight on
his stomach, she drew/A dagger, brown with dried blood, and prepared/ To avenge her
son ( Raffel 32. 621 623). In the end, the vengeful woman is taken down by a stronger,
more intelligent
Informative Speech On Abothi
Abothi is a soldier, he goes to his position every day on the Ugandan front lines. He
brings his gun, his pack and in all it probably weighs around 50 pounds. He hopes he
does not have to kill anyone today, but he can never be sure. Abothi never wanted to
be a soldier, but he was forced to by the people that were now his commanders. Abothi
is only 10 years old, he is forced by terrorist groups to kill and serve as a soldier for
them. They kidnapped him from his home, along with any siblings, he might have had
were all taken from their homes. Abothi is just one of millions of child soldiers in the
Middle East and Africa that are fighting for terrorist and other radical groups. Most
terrorist groups need these soldiers because they have no one else to fight for them and
these kids are easy to take. Many developing countries and terrorists groups worldwide
use boys as young as... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
America and other powerful nations must come down harder on this issue they need
to have a stricter no tolerance policy for child soldiers. I interviewed high schooler
Zachary Ford to see if he knew anything about the issue. When asked if he had ever
heard of children ages 10 to 15 fighting, he seemed shocked he said, I ve never heard of
anyone that young, I ve heard of child soldiers, but I never thought they were that
young. I then asked him if he had ever heard of Kony 2012 he said, I heard about it
back in 7th grade but never really knew what it was about. People used to make jokes
about it, but I never really understood them until now. Zach is an example of someone
who had heard In 14 countries around the world, according to the United Nations,
children are recruited and used in armed conflicts as informants, guards, porters, cooks,
and often, as front line armed combatants. This statistic is from U.S. must get tough over
child soldiers. from CNN
Symptoms And Treatment Of Crohn s Disease
Crohn s disease had a long way to travel before it was given its name. In 1913, Dr.
Dalzid was the first to recognize that there was a disease that was different from
intestinal tuberculosis (Dr. Crohn, 2009 2015). He noticed this difference, and had a
hypothesis that this different disease could be caused by a different bacteria. His
scientific guess was that this different disease was caused by mycobacterium (Dr. Crohn,
2009 2015). Yet, all of the test done on the tissue that was taken from patients came up
negative for that bacteria (Dr. Crohn, 2009 2015). It wasn t until later when three other
doctor s, Dr. Leon Ginzburg, Dr. Gordon Oppenheimer, and Dr. Burrill Bernard Crohn,
decided to study this peculiar disease that it went through... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Some risk factors include age (usually diagnosed before age 30), ethnicity (Eastern
European Jewish), family history (genetic), cigarette smoking increases chances, non
steroid/ anti inflamatory medication (ibuprophen, Advil, Motrin IB, Naproxen
sodium, Voltaren, Solaraze), and one s geographical location (urban or industrial area,
diets high in fat, and northern climates). The reason it is believed to have a genetic
link is because immunologic abnormality continue because many individuals have
high levels of various antibodies in the blood (VanMeter Hubert, 2014). Many have
done studies to investigate this disease, and the studies have shown that it is a
possibility that this is a type of immune disease, and some believe that it is an
autoimmune disease, yet neither theory are completely confirmed as truth at this time.
Though these studies have shown that there are two genes that have been confirmed
to be linked to Crohn s if these genes are mutated or defective in any way (VanMeter
Hubert, 2014). Though the medical field does not have an exact grasp on how this
disease develops there is always hope. There are some common signs and symptoms
that one may have if they are experiencing the onset of Crohn s disease. When one
experiences excessive diarrhea, blood in their stool, fever, fatigue, cramping (abdominal
pain), mouth sores, or severe weight loss (Diseases, 2014). This can lead to other
complications such as perianal
How Is Naruto Portrayed In Dawn Of The Arcana
Comparing Manga Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto is a Manga about a young ninja in
training and his battle against the forces of evil in his quest to become the next Hokage.
Dawn of the Arcana by Rei Toma is a Manga about a young princess who is forced to
marry to stop to rival nations from going to war. Both Naruto and Dawn of the Arcana
entertain audiences through strong characters, symbols and emotions. This is evident
throughout Naruto. Especially in the action see as you can see the emotions on the
characters faces such as determination. In Dawn of the Arcana you can see different
emotions on the face of the characters instead of determination there is despair in their
faces. Both Naruto and Dawn of the Arcana have unique characters that are symbolised
through the different costuming.... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Both of the main characters fit into stereotypes but in many aspects also break these
stereotypes. Naruto fits the stereotype of a young boy in the fact that he is a trouble
making and is out seeking adventure. He is very violent and breaks the stereotype of
a young boy in the fact that he is a ninja and that he has superpowers. Nakaba in Dawn
of the Arcana is a young princess and she fits that stereotype better than Naruto fits his
stereotype of a boy. Nakaba has all things that a stereotypical princess has, servants,
guards, a castle and royal attire. But she still does break the stereotype of a young
princess in many ways. Most princess aren t forced to marry in order to stop a war and
Nakaba is much too violent to be a princess. Both of these characters can be related to be
their audiences but offer unique qualities to keep the reader
Tao Of Pooh Book Report
The Tao of Pooh, by Benjamin Hoff was an unsatisfactory text about the philosophy of
Taoism. One element of this book that appeared especially interesting was how this
book included several excerpts from the Winnie the Pooh books as well as early Asian
vignettes. The most entertaining yet confusing aspect of the text was how Hoff
connected the children s books to several philosophies. He connected each character to
the mindsets and beliefs of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. However not
everything about this book was as easy to fathom as the original Winnie the Pooh Books
written by A.A Milne. Several features of The Tao of Pooh that were hard to comprehend
were the vocabulary, use of illustrations, and overall meaning. Understanding the
vocabulary was extremely difficult due to the use of words that could only be understood
by... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Several examples of these overwhelming words are combative, dissertations and
pompous. The vocabulary proves that anyone under the adolescent age would not be
recommended to read this book. Another reason why this book should only be read by
well educated people is because of the drawings. The illustrations featured in the book
deceive the reader, making them think the book they are about to read will be childish,
quick and comprehensive. However the text is far too complicated for childish people,
in fact it is extremely advanced and confusing. The illustrations are simply unnecessary
and do not add anything but a distraction from the reading. Several pictures included in
the text simply don t relate to what is occurring in that specific chapter. One example of
this is on page 114, where a picture of Pooh in a forest is included. Although beautifully
illustrated, the chapter is talking about Ode to Joy by Beethoven, not about Pooh in a
forest. The overall meaning of The Tao of Pooh was very abstract and often extremely
unrelated, similar to the illustrations.
Eye Colour Discrimination Experiment
The experiment was to be a division of eye colour starting with blue eyed student
having superiority and then the following day, the roles would be reversed. Jane
divided the class into 9 brown eyes and 9 blue eyes. The students who had blue eyes
were told that they were better and smarter than their inferior brown eyed peers. Brown
eyed students were given punishments and told that they could not interact with the blue
eyed students; this lead to pupils withdrawing, becoming confused, angry, and sad. The
blue eyed students were delighted in knowing that they were the superior group and took
full advantage of it. As a result, Jane Elliot had created segregation and prejudice. The
following day, Jane stated to her pupils that she had made... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
Jane and her pupils spoke about how this division of eye colour made them feel. As
she states, I created a microcosm of society in a day. Jane Elliot demonstrated that true
discrimination in not something that can be effectively understood unless it is
experienced. Jane s highly controversial experiment suggests that child who were part
of the out group took on the role of inferiority and children in the in group became
superior; thus resulting in a reinforcement of the stereotype. It can be concluded that
children are fundamentally easy to manipulate and will into doing things that are
morally incorrect. Also, social pressure can have a damaging effect on a child s
behaviour and moral senses. Unfortunately, prejudice still lingers on in our society.
People who are homeless or disabled, gay, and black are commonly portrayed as part
of the out group and become targets for prejudice and discrimination. The harbouring of
prejudice feelings can lead to tyranny. A more recent example is David Copeland, his
hatred for gays and people of colour rocked the nation as he became a one man killing
machine. Influenced by the right wing extremist, David s hatred was validated. He stated
that his main intent for the bombings was to spread fear, resentment and hatred
throughout this country; it was to cause a racial
Anthology on Individual Rights
An anthology is a collection of works that portray a theme. One prevalent theme that is
essential to the world around us is having individual rights. These rights are prominent
in Self Reliance , From Bonifacius: Essays to Do Good , From Poems on Various
Subjects. On Being Brought from Africa to America. , and From Narrative of the Life
of Frederick Douglass: Chapter X, . Within this anthology, the reader(s) will discover
passages that represent the balancing act of individual rights versus societal rights in
America. In Self Reliance , by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the audience can see a theme of a
desire for an individualistic society. Ralph Emerson wrote: Whoso would be a man, must
be a nonconformist (935). This statement is... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Another piece of evidence for this belief is, It is easy in a world to live after the world
s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the
midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude
(Emerson 937). This proves that Emerson believed that it was easier for an individual
to follow the example of the men who came before them; however, the world cannot
advance if individuals only repeat what others have done. At the same time, Emerson
is saying that an individual who follows their own thoughts will live happily among
the larger population; however, they will maintain their solidarity. Emerson believed
that individuals who do not conform to the ways of the world and follow their own
path will prosper. From Bonifacius: Essays to Do Good , by Cotton Mather,
demonstrates the belief that individuals who do good deeds will be honored. Mather
was a puritan and used his writings to spread his beliefs, such as: the kingdom of God
in the world calls for innumerable services from us. To do such things is to do good
(Mather 198). Mather used his belief in God to attempt to persuade individuals that if
they did good deeds, that were required by God, they would be doing good. He
believed men doing good would feel a sense of accomplishment from serving their
master. Similarly, he wrote: To have done good, was accounted honorable (Mather 199).
On the same
Rationing Healthcare
Rationing Healthcare: America s Best Bet John Curry Keller Graduate School Health
Rights/Responsibilities HSM 542 Prof. Michelle Gomillion February 24, 2013 Abstract
Rationing Healthcare: America s Best Bet Introduction. Within the last decade private
insurance premiums have doubled, rising four times faster than wages. Insolvency of
the current government assisted healthcare programs, Medicare and Medicaid, are on
track to occur within the next eight years (Singer, 2009, para. 3). Facts such as these
lead most experts and scholars such as Peter Singer, bioethics professor at Princeton
University, to believe rationing of healthcare is not only necessary but highly desired for
all stakeholders involved. The fact of the... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
QALY is a unit designed to enable a comparison of the benefits achieved by different
forms of health care (Singer, 2009, para. 22). Andre and Velasquez state the morals of
such rationing would be unjust and take away constitutional rights to receive equal
care. Proponent s arguement. Many proponents for rationing healthcare resources feel
it is only a matter of time before it becomes necessary. Healthcare analysts and
providers predict a health care crisis because of: * Costs of Healthcare * Increased
number of uninsured individuals * Unknown status of current healthcare system
Factors that are affecting these conclusions consist of: * Expenses are rising faster
than the cost of living. * Medicare and Medicaid spending (which comprises 26 percent
of the federal budget) is expanding faster than the economic growth rate * Individuals
and their families continue to pay a significant amount out of pocket (Ukleja Center for
Ethical Leadership, 2012, Slide 3) While these factors are compelling, the numbers
representing US spending costs ultimately lend credence to the argument for healthcare
rationing. In June of 2011, the National Coalition on Health Care reported healthcare
spending reached 18.2% of US Gross Domestic Product (GDP), up by 5.1% from the
prior year (The National Coalition on Health Care, 2011, p. 1). With a continued climb in
Argumentative Essay On Michael Jordan
Name: JakobNey
Topic: Is Michael Jordan the GOAT
Argumentative Essay
Summer Session
Mr. Grenier

Is Michael Jordan the G.O.A.T?

Is Michael Jordan the Greatest of all Time, I think so and if you don t you should.
Michael Jordan went to College at North Carolina for three years, and was one of the
best or probably the best player in college basketball. During that time in college Jordan
carried the Tar Heels to the 1982 NCAA Championship, and earned College Player of
the Year in 1984. Jordan averaged 17.7 points per game in the three season before he
thought he was ready for the National Basketball Association. These achievements were
amazing in college basketball, some people may make the argument that Kobe or Lebron
never went to ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
In the first round of the playoffs the Bulls lost to the Celtics. Even though Michael was
injured he was still voted to the NBA All Star game but could not play because of his
injury. Now what do you think, you should think Michael Jordan is the G.O.A.T because
Kobe again lost in the off season to the Utah Jazz in four games with Shaq, also
Lebron didn t even make the playoffs. In 1887 the Bulls acquired Scottie Pippen and
Horace Grant 2 very young talented rookies to help Jordan, this season Michael made
it past the first round of the playoffs beating the Cavaliers in 5 games but then ended
up getting bested by the Detroit Pistons in 5 games. Jordan took home every major
honor, he won his first Most Valuable Player, first Defensive Player of the Year, was
voted for the All NBA First Team, The All Star game Most Valuable Player, and the
NBA Slam Dunk Contest winner. This was Jordan s first amazing explosive season
where he started becoming the G.O.A.T. 1988 89 season Jordan was again the NBA s
leading scorer and this time the Bulls made it to to Conference Finals for the 3rd time
ever. In the First round of the playoffs Chicago beat the Cavaliers in 5 games, in the
second round they beat the Knicks and advanced to the Finals against the Detroit
Pistons where they were bested in 5 games. In 1989 90 Phil Jackson became the Head
Coach of the
Comparing Apple Vs Apple
The smartphone industry is a very up and coming place. In the US, more than 77% of
adults own a smartphone (Smith). There are many different kinds of smartphones. They
can vary in shape, size, color, and brand. Two of the largest brands of smartphone are
Samsung and Apple. They make two of the hottest phones on the market right now. Just
recently Samsung made the Galaxy S8, and Apple came out with the iPhone8. Both
phones are reported to be top of the line. Both being high end devices have many
similarities, but they also have differences that set them far apart from each other. Let s
start off with one big difference between these two phones, the camera. We re again
treated to a solitary 12 megapixel f/1.8 rear snapper... The Galaxy S8 comes with a 12
megapixel Dual Pixelrear camera (Spendelow). The difference between the cameras
here is that the Galaxy has a dual camera, whereas the iPhone does not. The iPhone 8
Plus and the iPhone X do have the dual camera if you re willing to spend the extra
money. These two phones also have different camera resolution. The Galaxy s camera
resolution is 2960 x 1440 pixels, and the iPhones is 1334 x 750 pixels (Bushnell).
Between the two phones camera resolution, the Galaxy has the iPhone beat. The
Samsung s front facing camera is also a little bit better than the iPhone s. The iPhone s
camera is 7 megapixels whereas the Samsungs is 8 megapixels (Kidman). However,
the iPhone has reportedly been seen with warmer colors, helping with the contrast of
pictures. Overall, the Samsung s dual rear camera and 8 megapixels front facing
camera has the iPhone beat. Another big difference between the two phones is the
hardware and internal specs. One main difference between these two phones is the
two kinds of operating systems they use. Samsung uses Android 7.1.1, and the iPhone
uses iOS 11. Two separate systems tailored to the devices needs. They both are top of
the line operating systems and are the most up to date systems you can use (Kidman).
Both operating systems are fine tuned to the use of the consumer and are both
extremely customizable. The iPhone Has a 2GB RAM and uses the A11 Bionic
processor, and the Galaxy has a 4GB RAM and uses the octa core Exynos 8895 processor
The Pain of the Okies Exposed in The Grapes of Wrath Essay
The Pain of the Okies Exposed in The Grapes of Wrath

The Dust bowl was an ecological and human disaster in the Southwestern Great Plains
regions of the United States in the 1930 s. The areas affected were Oklahoma, Texas,
New Mexico, and Colorado. The poor handling of the land and years of drought caused
this great disaster (Jones History ). During this time the Okies a name given to the
migrants that traveled from Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, or anywhere in the Southwest or
the northern plains to California encountered many hardships. These hardships are
brilliantly shown in John Steinbeck s The Grapes of Wrath. Scholars agree, The most
important fact about the dust storms was not scientific but human: their tragic effect ...
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While in grammar school John had a paper route that went through the Mexican
neighborhoods. These trips helped inspire his later stories. As in grammar school,
Steinbeck was picked on in high school. This time it was not just students, but the
teachers also classified John as stupid based only on his physical features. In one
account of Steinbeck s life we are given evidence that teachers would often make fun of
him in front of their classes. Regardless of his dramas in high school Steinbeck graduated
in 1918 with the other twenty four students in his class (Swisher 15).

Steinbeck attended Standard on and off for six years, but never earned a degree. When
Steinbeck was not attending school he was working as a laborer. He often worked with
migrants and lived with them. The exposure Steinbeck received from migrants would
later help shape the characters he wrote about (Swisher 15).

Steinbeck never graduated Standard and it would take years before he was truly
recognized. In 1935 Pascal Covici declared he wanted to be Steinbeck s permanent
publisher. When Covici published Tortilla Flat it soon became settled on the best seller
list, making Steinbeck famous (Swisher 17 19). Now Steinbeck was known and it helped
him land good opportunities in the writing field. When the chef editor from the San
Francisco News,
Contex and Principles for Early Year Learning

Question: An explanation of the legal status and principle of the relevant Early Years
Framework and why the early year frameworks emphasise a personal and individual
approach to learning and development

1.1 The statutory framework for the EYFS sets out the legal requirements relating to
learning and development and the legal requirements relating to welfare. The EYFS
framework has statutory force by virtue of Section 44 of the Childcare Act 2006.
The EYFS is a central part of the ten year childcare strategy Choice for parents, the best
start for children and the landmark Childcare Act 2006.
This Act, which regulates the childcare in England, formalise the important strategic ...
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All early years providers are required to meet the EYFS requirements.
From September 2008 it is the legal responsibility of these providers to ensure that their
provision meets the learning and development requirements, and complies with the
welfare regulations.
The Early Years Foundation Stage 2012 (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years
providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy
and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children s school readiness and
gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation
for good future progress through school and life.
Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to
fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child s
experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances.
A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and
high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the
most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.

The EYFS seeks to provide:

quality and consistency in all early years settings, so that every child makes good
progress and no child gets left behind;
a secure foundation through learning and development opportunities which are planned
around the needs and interests of each
Comparison Of Anne Of The Green Gables
To begin with, the primary aim of this research paper is to investigate the similarities
of Lucy Maud Montgomery with the main protagonist of her book, Anne of Green
Gables. This will be accomplished by looking back at the early life of the author, her
childhood, and the hardships that she had overcame. Also, several works that had
interpreted and analyzed Montgomery s life had a substantial contribution to this
research paper. The novel Anne of the Green Gables was written by Lucy Maud
Montgomery in the year 1908. In particular, the Anne of the Green Gables was held as
a children s novel. The story followed the life and journey of Anne Shirley, an 11 year
old orphan child. Notably, the novel had touched the hearts of many people across the
globe, thus it is unquestionable when a mini series adaptation of the novel was released
in many... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Actually, it was co authored by Benjamin Lefebvre. The book tackles the way the book
had dominated the Canadian readers and their perception on the hidden meanings that
exists in the Anne of the Green Gables. Additionally, Ned Bustard s book titled Anne of
Green Gables Comprehension Guide contains method of dissecting the novel penned
by Montgomery. As a matter of fact, several authors had taken a special interest in the
life story of Lucy Maud Montgomery. The works of these authors are vital in the
comparative analysis of Anne Shirley and Montgomery. An example of this is the book
Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Gift of Wings that was written by Mary Henley Rubio. In
addition, Catherine Andronik had fancied Montgomery s remarkable life journey, thus,
giving her the motivation to pen the Kindred Spirit: A biography of L. M Montgomery,
Creator of Anne of Green Gables. Another is the Wheel of Things: The Biography of
L.M. Montgomery by Mollie
Tully s Marketing Plan
Tully s Marketing Plan
Brand Vision
The vision of Tully s is to have the best tasting coffee at the best value. Tully s is truly a
company that gives back to its customers and communities within the regions they have
stores. They have handcrafted their coffee from day one of the brand and will continue
to do until the doors close. They make no apologies for longer wait times because
perfect coffee is on the end of each wait.
Brand Definition
The Tully s Brand definition is to provide the world s ultimate coffee experience with the
highest quality products and service. They are all about quality not quantity. They want
this vision each time you hear or see the name Tully s. Each step of roasting harvesting,
creating drinks to ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
They are taking this brand outside of the US and are keeping current Tully s from
closing. They love their employees and their customers and want to do the right thing
by them not just what puts money in their pockets. This brand will always be a part of
Seattle history and I think the owners will be able to tell its story to their grandchildren
about how they saved a bad cup of Joe . Tully s is truly on its way up and out of the dark
cloud of it s past.
Tully s company overall has a great relationship within its four walls. Each department
has a relationship with the next because often there are many people that wear many
different hats, meaning they work in multiple offices. This is done on purpose so that
each department talks to each other. So for the marketing department and sale
department this is no different. Within these two departments they work closely together
on creating relationships with customers here in the U.S. and overseas. Part of the Tully s
brand is that they help aid communities that they operate in and this is part of their
missions and vision so this turns into a sale pitch to the public. They use community aid
to sales their product just as much as they love doing the work that shows their care of
the world around them. Working together in this visions helps each department
individually and together build a strong brand name. The sales team in turn supports
marketing in that the vision of
The Death Of A Ball Turret Gunner
Since the beginning of time, humans have sought after power and control. It is human
instinct to desire to be the undisputed champion, but when does it become a problem?
Warfare has been practiced throughout civilization as a way to justify power. Though
the orders come directly from one man, thousands of men and women pay the ultimate
sacrifice. In Randall Jerrell s The Death of a Ball Turret Gunner , Jarrell is
commenting on the brutality of warfare. Not only does Jarrell address the tragedies of
war, he also blames politics, war leaders, and the soldier s acknowledgement of his
duties. (Hill 6) With only five lines of text, his poems allows the reader to understand
what a soldier can go through. With the use of Jerrell s poem, The Vietnam War, and
Brian Turner s Ameriki Jundee , the truth of combat will be revealed. To understand
what a soldier goes through, Jerrell s poem must be explored. His poem s time era is
important, it taking place during World War Two, because it was the most prominent
war America has faced. The title alone tells the reader that someone has died.
Immediately in the first line, Jerrell reveals the speaker of the poem is retelling his
death story. In the first line, Jerrell talks about him being in his mother s belly and then
falling into the state. By his mother, he means the B 17 bomber. He has physically
fallen asleep and reawakened in the turret s chair. He could also be talking about the
stages of his life. When he sleeps, he reminisces
Explain What Political Economic And Social Freedoms Did...
In 1850 The Northern free blacks started to become more free.There was a slave
population in the U.S which was 476,000. Slaves are becoming more free in voting
and political freedom. What political, economic, and social freedoms did free blacks
have in the North? In The North the free northern blacks had some political, economic,
and social freedoms. By the 1830 s Free northern blacks had a few political freedoms. .
This is because the states population voted for this reasons for blacks to vote and also
male jury duty. The only state that voted for black males to vote and do male jury duty
was Massachusetts. There was 5 states that had voting restricted and 6 other states voted
no for black male voting. The proves why we should all just
Heart Of Darkness Enlightenment Essay
Characters in a novel are normally not just static. They develop in myriad ways ranging
from intelligence to physical characteristics. Charles Marlow from Heart of Darkness is
one of these types of characters. Marlow s development is not like most characters. His
changes are not simple they are multidimensional. These changed qualities add up to
create an overall sense of enlightenment. What exactly is Marlow s enlightenment is
something very hard to distinguish as there multiple definitions for enlightenment.
However, Enlightenment can be best defined as a state in which one person becomes
more knowledge or more spiritually aware that is greater than themselves. Therefore, it
is possible to say that there many degrees in which a person is... Show more content on
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His partial enlightenment can be seen through his more developed intellectual self,
greater wisdom and his prejudice in the novel. The areas in which Marlow becomes
more well versed are his wisdom and the intellectual self. However with everyone he
still fails in certain areas most specifically with his prejudices. These prejudices focus
primarily on his narrow minded view of women and the unwillingness to accept the
differences in culture and the people. It is also important to note that he realizes in
some of these areas the more enlightened view;however, he still chooses the wrong
view or at least does these things for the wrong reason. Some of these viewpoints of
Marlow may have been subject to the views in these societies. For example, women in
the Victorian Age were seen as weak housewives that stayed within the house, and For
Marlow it was too much to accept just like the true nature of the humans. Marlow s
reluctance then posits that what we choose to learn about or truly become more
enlightened about is ultimately subject to our own personal limitations and what we
like to hear. The reason why it is so hard for Marlow to accept the universal truth is
because it is not what he wants to hear. Additionally, the people surrounding us also limit
who we tell this information to because if we believe that we can not handle a
Success And Success In George Gladwell s The Trouble With...
I think Gladwell s purpose for writing The Trouble with Geniuses, is to open our minds
to a topic that a lot of us have a major misconception about. Gladwell presents his ideas
with great examples throughout chapters 3 and 4 of the outliers. His topic is about
success and how it is obtained. He talks about a scientist by the name of Turmin who did
an experiment and selected a group of geniuses and watched their progress and downfalls
throughout their lives.
Turmin did not get the results he expected he thought they would be exceptionally
successful in winning the Nobel prize or coming up with major inventions. But that was
not the case, yes some of them did well but then again some of them did not. So Gladwell
brings this experiment to show us that our idea about the connection between geniuses
and success is incorrect, that they are not automatically going to be successful because
there are other factors that either help or prevent geniuses from being successful.
In my opinion, Gladwell s target audience is all genders from the age group of teens up
till young adults. This book and these chapters specifically are great for those who just
about embrace the world. The book can give them guidance and encouragement about
being successful and how you have to work at things, that being a genius is not enough
and there are some things that are not genetic and you have to acquire them. An example
from the book is
Oppenheimer and Langon both were geniuses but only Oppenheimer was
Contrast in Days of Obligation Essay
Contrast in Days of Obligation Acclaimed American author Richard Rodriquez s
autobiography Days of Obligation conveys that his feelings for both Mexico and the
United States can be expressed through contrasts. Rodriquez uses pathos, tropes, and
schemes to articulate his feelings. His purpose for writing about the contrasts between
Mexico and California is to help readers understand the differences that affected his
life. Rodriguez s relationship with his literate audience is personal, since he is opening
about his personal life and his views on it. In the passage, Rodriguez s use of pathos is
evident in many places. In the first paragraph alone he uses it when he states that Mexico
play the tragic part; California plays the role... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This figure of speech is seen in the fourth paragraph when Rodriguez says I use the
word comedy here as the Greeks used it, with upmost seriousness, to suggest a world
where youth is not a fruitless metaphor; where it is possible to start anew; where it is
possible to escape the rivalries of the Capulets and the McCoys; where young women
can disprove the adages of grandmothers. The uses of these schemes are important in the
passage because they stress emphasis on certain things that help him in explaining and
conveying his feelings. Another way Rodriguez explores and conveys his conflicted
feelings is with use of tropes. He uses rhetorical question, which is asking a question, not
for the purpose of eliciting an answer but for the purpose of asserting or denying
something obliquely. The most effective rhetorical questions in conveying his feelings is
in the second to last paragraph. He questions things such as How shall I present the
argument between comedy and tragedy, this tension that describes my life? Shall I start
with the boy s chapter, then move toward more
mature tragic conclusions? These questions help define the confusion Rodriquez faces
for the reader. Through the use of pathos, schemes, and tropes, Rodriquez offers his
conflicting feelings about California and Mexico. By contrasting Mexico and California
with these styles of writing, he sets up
A Report On The Website And E Newsletter 1842
When Jones et al. (2014) distributed the 32 item questionnaire on the NRAS website
and e newsletter 1,842 people were members of the NRAS, but once the study was
complete only 247 people participated. This included 217 females and 30 males.
Approximately 96% of NRAS members are from either England or Scotland. The
participants ranged in age from 40 60 years old, disease duration, physical activity
levels, and self efficacy. Researchers found positive correlations between the age of the
participant and the duration of the disease and also a correlation between physical
activity levels and self efficacy for exercise, as expected. Although 58% of participants
stated they had previous medical conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and
osteoarthritis, this test was carefully and professionally designed for joint issues
associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. The final questionnaire represented a S BX2=
774.47, df=692 (degrees of freedom, number of values in final study), p 0.001,
RMSEA=0.06, 90% CI, and SRMR .10. The most important value in validating our data
is the low p value indicating strong evidence against the null hypothesis (Rumsey, 2013).
This means that the data collected shows strong evidence against no relationship between
physical activity and joints Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. From the 32 factor
questionnaire, each question was put into the 5 subscales developed by the initial small
focal group. The final results revealed that 72 % of patients
The Beatles Influence On Music And Religion
The last major technological breakthrough that Frith discusses is the invention of
magnetic tape. Magnetic tape was such a huge leap in recording technology, because of
the control it now gave artists within the studio. This new tape allowed for artists to
splice, dub, cut, and recording multiple track on a tape. This gave artists complete
control over their pieces of art. No longer were they restricted by what they could
perform live. They could produce pieces of musicthat had the purpose of not being able
to be recreated live, because it is how the artist wanted to represent their music. Music
started to be recorded in a much more intentional and methodical way (Frith 271 272).
He asserts By the end of the 1960s the studio was, in itself,... Show more content on
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The Beatles level of success enabled their music to attain major influence throughout the
United States. Because of this, their music was distributed to youth all over the United
States. Through the technology that the band took advantage of during the recording
process, they were able to accurately express their ideas and opinions. The lyrics of
Within You Without You demonstrate The Beatles expressing opinions on spirituality
and religion that specifically discuss thinking for oneself. While the youth were being
introduced to The Beatles music, they were simultaneously gaining a new independence
from their families. With America s youth having such a strong connection to popular
music, The Beatles beliefs about spirituality influenced them. Although these children
had grown up in a country where participation in organized religion was a very common
practice, they began to lose their faith in the organized religions that they participated in,
and grew to make their own decisions regarding whether or not their religious texts were
infallible. Dr. Aaron Esman say that adolescence ... serves as the weathervane to the
observer of the cultural climate, (95). Therefore, the change in beliefs of youth in society,
have a direct influence on society as a whole through
Pacifism In The Vietnam War
When you think of anti war movements and pacifism during the Vietnam War, you
typically think of peace, love, and hippies. However, there was so much more to the
movement, and it impacted an abundance of lives. Even though there were people who
opposed the war, there were a few that supported the government, and the reasoning for
the United Statesinvolvement in this conflict. However, many people viewed the
Vietnam War in negative ways, which lead them to execute acts that made a huge
statement to the rest of the country, and both the US and Vietnamese governments.
Despite unity in opposition to the Vietnam War, Pacifists and anti wargroups were
unalike in their reasons for opposing the war, the draft, and how they expressed their
opposition... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
This idea was more common in the church, but it was also a very mainstream idea.
Pacifism, for many people, is a very sacred idea, and this thought of going to war, for
what seemed like no reason, was very obscure for them. When pacifism first started to
rise, however, it was confined to just church members, because they did not want to
identify with the hippies, who did not necessarily care if they had to use violence to
get their point across. Michael Casey said in his article about pacifism in the church:
From religious outsiders to insiders: The rise and fall of pacifism in the Churches of
Christ, As most in the Churches of Christ assimilated into the American mainstream,
pacifism simply faded away (Casey). After a while hippies became a rising trend,and
the church was being pushed into this mainstream role that they did not completely
agree with. So as a result, the church stopped publicizing their views. In the mainstream
journals of the Churches of Christ during the Vietnam War, discussions over pacifism
almost completely disappeared. Few preachers bothered to speak about the question,
(Casey). However, they never stopped their push for peace. The push for peace and an
end to the Vietnam War lead to massive amounts of division between Americans. For
many soldiers it was hard to come home because they felt hated by those who supported
the anti war movement. Since the older generation had already experienced war, it
William Faulkner s A Rose For Emily
In Williams Faulkner s A Rose for Emily the story begins by the town going to Emily
Grierson s funeral in amongst her home. When Mr. Grierson died the family left a large
sum for the town to use, in result the town suspended taxing the family. When new
mayors of the town came into action they tried to make the familypay taxes, however
when Emily reasserted the officials that she did not have to pay taxes. The people to
officialized the family s agreement to the town as to not paying taxes had all passed
away ten years before. The man everyone thought Emily was to marry left her
suddenly, the house began to smell a putrid odor, then the judge of the town ordered
for the property to have lime sprinkled around it. Emily s father died, although for
three days she refused to tell people he had died, she then turned his body into the
mortician, to be buried. Emily then has been seen every Sunday taken on buggy rides
with a man beneath her ranking as a result the town feels pitiful for her to forget her
family pride. Emily orders arsenic labeled For Rats . The townspeople believed she was
going to use it to poison herself. A minister was ordered to her house, when he left the
house he spoke of how he would never... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
Her idiosyncratic behavior is covered by the town as they care for her as a
consequence look out for her as their own. The town distrusts when Emily finds a man
to share her love with, the town pitty s her because he s not as high status as her family
once was. The town is determined to keep the high standing identity. The people of the
town adapt to the changes trying to hide the fact Emily has a mental illness nevertheless
is highly dysfunctional. When they find Homer s body as well as her hair on the pillow
next to him, she had spent most of her life lying next to his dead decaying
Popper And Kuhn On Nature Of Scientific Progress
Popper and Kuhn held differing views on the nature of scientific progress. As seen in
Popper s falsification theory, he held that theories can never be proved only disproved
or falsified. Once a theory is proved false we move on to the next. Kuhn, on the other,
hand argued a new paradigm may solve puzzles better than the old one but you cannot
describe the old scienceas false. Both seem to share the Kantian idea that the really real,
independently existing world is completely unknowable. Kuhn further asserts that the
empirical world, which is knowable, is partly constructed by our categories and
concepts. The fundamental difference in their views are best stated in Kuhn s own
words, A very different approach to this whole network of problems has been
developed by Karl R. Popper who denies the existence of any verification procedures at
all. Instead he emphasizes the importance of falsification, i.e., of the test that, because its
outcome is negative, necessitates the rejection of an established theory. Clearly, the role
thus attributed to falsification is much like the one this essay assigns to anomalous
experiences, i.e., to experiences that, by evoking crisis, prepare the way for a new
theory. Nevertheless, anomalous experiences may not be identified with falsifying ones.
(Kuhn, 145) As seen by this passage, the fundamental difference between Popper and
Kuhn is that Popper disregards verification and Kuhn asserts that falsification only takes
place once a
Summary Of Sudhir Venkatesh s Gang Leader For A Day
In chapter 2 of Sudhir Venkatesh s Gang Leader for a Day, Venkatesh spends time with a
Chicago drug kingpin nick named J.T. During his time spent with this kingpin, Venkatesh
explores the troubled projects of Chicago such as the Robert Taylor complex and begins
to learn the inner operations of the kingpins business. He learned that J.T ran the central
operations of these miniature complexes and ran his illicit business like a legitimate
corporation with an established hierarchy. He also learned that these apartment
complexes were often united through the community being so knit close together, with
all of them being understandable towards J.T illicit operations and each other s vices.
This can be noted through the estimation that 15 percent... Show more content on
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The book is a perfect example of how the American dream creates an ideal reality but
cannot successfully compensate to fulfill its fantasy. In part, this is because of the lack
of government funding to these areas, as noted that A staggering 90 percent of the
adults in Robert Taylor reported welfare cash disbursements, food stamps, and Medicaid
as their sole form of support, (Venkatesh). This implicit problem is noted in the system,
that is, the industrial prison complex that the American government allows to operate.
Essentially, the prison model follows a capitalist complex that allows for profit systems
that entraps low income Americans and enforces them to buy expensive bonds or
lawyers to escape harsh penalties for petty crimes. If the victim does not take a loan from
an expensive bondsman or pay an expensive lawyer, then the victim will pay through
served time and a record which will prohibit them from obtaining most jobs, forcing these
victims to receive government disbursements and to supplement their income with petty
crime, effectively repeating the process. From a functionalist perspective, this is not
what creates a stable society, and is the opposite of what America should be doing to
create a stable, overall, structural society. Entrapping the lower class does nothing for
social stability, and the prison complex is a latent function that needs
Hypertension Of Hypertension And Secondary Hypertension
Hypertension is defined as blood pressure greater than 140/90 mm Hg on two or more
blood pressure readings taken at each of two or more visits after initial screening. There
are two types of hypertension which are the primary (essential) hypertension and
secondary hypertension. Essential hypertension is referred to patients with hypertension
without any secondary identifiable cause. Secondary hypertension has an identifiable
cause, such as renal artery stenosis or pheochromocytoma, and is managed as part of the
primary condition (Papadakis, 2014).
The Joint National Committee published JNC 7 in 2003 which established different
classification of hypertension. According to JNC 7, blood pressure was considered
normal when systolic was less than 120 mmHg and diastolic was less than 80 mmHg.
The prehypertension range was systolic 120 139 mmHg or diastolic 80 89 mmHg. Stage
1 hypertension was categorized as systolic of 140 159 mmHg or diastolic 90 99. Stage 2
hypertension was categorized as systolic greater than 160 mmHg or diastolic greater
than 100 mmHg (JNC 7, 2003).
Hypertension is a major medical problem in America with high morbidity and mortality.
According to Center for Disease Control statistics released on 2015, it is estimated that
about 70 million American adults have high blood pressure, with a ratio of 1 out of
every 3 adults in America living with hypertension (CDC, 2015). In 2012, CDC
conducted a statistical analysis of data collected by National Health and
Priestley s portrayal of Inspector Goole in An Inspector...
Consider the ways in which Priestley s portrayal of Inspector Goole and the way in
which he carries out his investigation of the Birling family and Gerald Croft create
dramatic interest? An inspector calls was written in 1945 by J.B Priestley. The play is
set in 1912 and centres on Arthur Birling, a prosperous manufacturer and his family, who
are celebrating the engagement of their daughter, when they are suddenly and
dramatically interrupted by the arrival of the police inspector. The inspector,
investigating the suicide of a young working class woman, uncovers each of the family s
shameful secrets that link them with the young girl and her death. Priestley was a strong
believer in socialism, opposing capitalism which exploits and... Show more content on
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Written just after the war Priestley gives the audience the chance to go back to their
old ways of social classes and boundaries and face another World War or to move
forward with this new way of living, where everyone is equal and there are no class
barriers. The family have placed themselves in a kind of dolls house, shutting out the
rest of the world, shutting out any opposing opinions or any of the terrible things that
happen in the real world to other people . The inspector s visit will be the catalyst that
will shatter all of these fake thoughts and feelings, Mr Birling in particular is very
guilty of the selfish capitalist opinions which contrast to Priestley s and later the
Inspector s opinions. When the inspector calls on the Birling family, they, and Gerald
Croft are in the midst of a family celebration, all are dressed in expensive evening wear
and having just finished a their meal the men are smoking cigars and all are drinking
toasts to themselves, feeling full of self importance, and rather pleased with life. Mr
Birling is described as a heavy looking, rather portentous man in his middle fifties with
fairly easy manners but rather provincial in his speech. He is very much concerned with
his social positioning and twice mentions that he was Lord
The Relationship Between The Euro And The Euro
Germany is part of the Eurozone consisting of 19 states of the European Union, which
also includes Austria, Estonia, Cyprus, Portugal, Belgium, Malta, Netherlands, Italy,
Ireland, Greece, Luxembourg, France, Slovakia, Spain, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia and
Finland. The official currency of the Eurozone is the Eurowhich is issued through the
European Central Bank. (Wikipedia, 2017) In 2002 all the old currencies of the states of
the Eurozone were discontinued and today the Euro is rated as a major reserve currency
along with the Japanese Yen, US Dollar, British Pound and Swiss Franc. (Oanda, 2017)
The exchange rateis very important to a multinational company. Exchange rate is the
price of foreign currency stated in terms of domestic... Show more content on
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For a retail customer who deposits 100,000 they can see a fee of 400 just for the
privilege of storing their cash. Bigger German banks have also considered the same
route, yet have not pulled the trigger so far. The larger banks have already passed on
negative rates through to their institutional clients. There is a growing concern that
customers will start withdrawing funds and storing them elsewhere. (International
Banker, 2016) This negative interest rate environment represents the decline in strength
of the German banking system which has been trending extremely little profitability. In
2016, according to the European Banking Authority (EBA), Germany ranked third from
the bottom within the rankings of the EU with a trifling 2.6% return on equity within
the first quarter. The EBA conducted a stress test that unveiled 4 out of the top 10
biggest deficits in capital strengths belonged to the country s lenders. The German
Banking System is the most fragmented in the Eurozone. There are so many banks
competing for market share that profitability is negligible for the biggest lenders and
spread out among a large number of banks in the country. The five largest banks in
Germany only make up 32% of the market share. Negative rates are forecasted to stay
put for the foreseeable future while the European economy and inflation remain weak.
The ECB s negative interest rate policy has cost banks in the European Region 2.64
Billion Euro so far. (International
Character Motivations in Antigone
The main characters in Sophocles drama, Antigone, are Antigone herself, the play s tragic
heroine and Antigone s uncle and King of Thebes, Creon. Both characters are ruled by
powerful motivations and beliefs; however, they differ from one character to the next.
Antigone s motivation is love for her family she puts it above all else. In fact, she is
willing to sacrifice her life to defend that love. Antigone goes to great lengths to bury her
deceased brother, who according to an edict issued by King Creon, died in dishonor,
consequently making it illegal for anyone to bury his body. Through her actions to
comply with her motivations, it is revealed that Antigone s actions are also fueled by her
strong beliefs that, first, the gods laws ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
For these reasons, his character is a feared leader. First of all, the fact that he issues
that his nephew cannot be buried shows that one, he demands loyalty, even over loyalty
to the gods, and two, he defends his country over his family. He continues displaying
his beliefs when he doesn t revoke the edict even after his wife, and niece clearly
disagree with it. Creon s pride continues to take precedent when he begins falsely
Predicting The Future Of The Election Before The Voting...
Predicting the Future Life is full of surprises but there are three things that ultimately
determine how you live your life: past, present, and the future. We live our daily lives
on those three fundamentals. For example, if it was cold yesterday and it is still cold
now, it will probably still be cold tomorrow. This is the same way for Presidential
elections. If a candidate were to maintain their strong lead from the beginning of the
election, unless something were to happen, it is expected that they will continue that lead
in the futureas well. So if meteorologists are able to reliably predict the outcome of the
weather, can Psephologists reliably predict the outcome of the presidential election
before the voting deadline of November 8th? There are always people who try to stay
ahead and predict the future. The very first official weather forecast was made in the
1860s and the first official gallup poll for presidential election has dated back to
Roosevelt vs. Landon in 1936 (The Birth of the Weather Forecast). Since then, both
weather forecast and presidential predictionhas both been reliable but not perfect. From
1936 to 2012, they have predicted 16 out of 20 correctly, or with an 80% accuracy. Most
of the incorrect predictions are only off by 1% margin besides the year 1948 where the
margin of error was a whopping 5% (Election Polls Accuracy Record in Presidential
Elections). This was a tragic year for the pollsters. 1948 presidential election
Galapagos Research Paper
The Galapagos Islands is an archipelago and a province of Ecuador. It is mostly known
for its wildlife and the inspiration for Charles Darwin s theory of evolution. Furthermore,
the Galapagos are considered to be some of the youngest islands in the world with exotic
species. Overall, there are twenty major islands that constitute the Galapagos. The island
itself was discovered by the Fray TomГЎs de Berlanga, the Bishop of Panama, on March
10, 1535. As time elapsed, there have been more individuals who have influenced the
islands, including tourists. Today, it is one of the most preserved lands in the world and
is labeled by UNESCO as a World Heritage Centre.

As with the label by UNESCO, Wild Ark , a conservation organization, also hopes to
Embracing Depression Essay
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Oscar Wilde Perhaps I
feel compelled to write on the subject of depression because it is a selfish disease. It
seeps into every crevice of one s life; it refuses to be ignored, to be relegated to some
obscure cornerof the mind. Perhaps I m writing about it because of what I have learned
about my relationship with the disease. Perhaps the time has come when I m readyto stop
cursing the depression and start embracing it.

What I m about to say is terribly unfashionable, and I hope that you will forgive any
offense that it may cause. In all truthfulness, I m glad that I have lived with depression as
a companion. ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
On a recent episode of ER, a physician who was deaf queried, Did you ever think that
being deaf might not be so bad? She had accepted that her deafness was a part of her
life, without allowing it to define who she was. For quite a while, I wasn t able to see
my depression in that way. When it was first diagnosed, I didn t want to admit that this
was something that would affect my existence. I wanted to rid myself of the illness
immediately. As the years passed, however, I let myself become the incarnation of the
disease. Lurking at the edge of my consciousness was the thought that I should resist the
attempts to heal the depression. A part of me believed that if I let the medications and
psychotherapy take the depression away from me, I would be lost. Rather than seeing
myself as a person with depression, I saw myself as a depressed person. The distinction
is subtle but significant.

I have finally reached the point where I can see both the horrors and the beauty of
depression. It is something that should be neither glorified nor reviled. I am able to hate
the illness for stealing away moments of my childhood while simultaneously appreciating
the insight it has helped me to gain. Had I not known the absolute anguish it brought, I
would not now recognize supreme happiness. Had I not experienced the heartache of
personal defeat, I would not find such succor in emotional triumph. Had there not been
times when I thought of
Youth Needs More Organizations For Our Youth
The number of participants in this community is outstanding. The numbers increase as
we gain members. Everyone cares for this community and spends a lot of time to
continue to make Rolla a great place to live. Rolla is full of comfort and a lot of
individuals spend a lot of time supporting one another. However, the economic status
seems to be a bit intense. Here is why, while this is a great place to live it can be hard for
our citizens to find a good job here in this area. While there are a lot of opportunities for
our college students, those who are looking for a great career have difficulties in finding
one in this area. While there are a lot of organizations for community members who are
adults, there are not a lot of organizations for our youth. I believe that our youth needs
more organizations. Type of organizations for our youth not only encourages them, but
also motivates them. Motivation is so important. While Rolla has, The Community
Partnership for our youth there is a need for Extension. This can give this community a
better understanding about the role of youth in the community development process.
Equally important, a need exists to better recognize the benefits and opportunities
presented through youth involvement in community development activities (Journal of
Extension, 2007, p.1). Our youth deserves equality and acceptance. Our youth also needs
to feel they have an important role in our community. Different types of activities allow
Copyright Law On The Planet
Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the
planet (Mark Twain). The concept of copyright in the United States has a large history.
The first form of copyright in the United States stems from Article 1, Section 8, Clause
8 of the U.S. Constitution in the year 1787, where Congress shall have power . . . to
promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors
and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries. These
exclusive rights were originally extremely limited, as the first CopyrightAct of 1790 only
applied to maps, charts, and books. As time has advanced, copyright practices in the
United States have undergone several reforms, among the most recent being the
infamous Digital Millennium Copyright Act(DMCA) of 1998. Said act updated United
States law to the requirements of the World Intellectual PropertyOrganization (WIPO),
such as placing limitations on the liability of online service providers for copyright
violations made by users. The act, however, has been a subject of controversy in recent
times, as some content creators abuse it to control access to their content. This is
accomplished through methods such as copyright trolling, in which the copyright holder
produces works solely for the purpose of litigation rather than distribution. Oftentimes,
these practices are thought to be a violation of fair use, which enables copyrighted work
to be used without
Standardisation and Adaptation Within International...
THE UNIVERSITY OF HULL Integration of Standardisation and Adaptation Marketing
Mix Strategy Reference to Shiseido Company in UK and China Being a Dissertation
submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business
Administration (General) in the University of Hull by Ai Jun Hou , BA (Honours) (April
20, 2001) Acknowledgement This dissertation reflects the contribution and insights of
many people. I shall take the opportunity to thank the following people who have played
a significant role in stimulating my thinking and provided encouragement, support and co
operation for this work. i. Mandy Brown University of HULL My project supervisor,
whose support, guidance and encouragement are... Show more content on
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4.0 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.4 4.5 4.6
4.7 4.8 4.9 Introduction Cultural factor Language Education Value and Attitudes
(Customer Perception) Consume Behaviour/Pattern Physical Condition/Demographic
Climate Ethnic Urbanisation Factor Economic Factors GNP GDP Inflation Rate Interest
Rate Exchange Rate Balance of Payment The Stage of Development Political/Legal
Factors Competitive Factors Technology Factor Stage of Product Life Cycle
Organisational Factor The Nature of the Product 37
The Financial Meltdown Of 2008
The Lehman Brothers scandal is what many consider to be the catalyst that started the
financial meltdown of 2008. This paper is meant to look at what took place during the
start of the meltdown and what caused Lehman to fail. Who was involved? What
caused one of the largest banking institutions in history to fail? What could have been
done differently? These are a few of the questions I d like to address in the next few
pages. In the Fall of 2008 things were starting to look bad for Lehman Brothers. Much of
their investments were in the housing market which was beginning to fall, and fall hard.
On Friday September 12, Hank Paulson the US Treasury Secretary under President
George W. Bush, flew to New York for a meeting regarding... Show more content on
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Fulds goals were essentially to overtake rivals like Goldman or Merrill who had been
in the game for a long time, using borrowed money was his solution to this. In 1994,
right around when Dick Fulds was appointed CEO, Lehman shares were valued at $4
/share, by 2007 at Lehman s peak, shares were valued at a staggering $84/share. This
massive growth was primarily attributed to Lehman s expansion into other more complex
investments, including credit default swaps. As defined by Investopedia, A credit default
swap is a particular type of swap designed to transfer the credit exposure of fixed
income products between two or more parties. In a credit default swap, the buyer of the
swap makes payments to the swap s seller up until the maturity date of a contract. In
return, the seller agrees that, in the event that the debt issuer defaults or experiences
another credit event, the seller will pay the buyer the security s premium as well all
interest payments that would have been paid between that time and the security s
maturity date. At the time this was seen as a normal practice, but firms began to
speculate with these swaps and this is what ultimately caused many large financial firms
like AIG to collapse. Risk was the name of the game and was how Lehman began to
operate under Fuld. It was believed that the firms creating these complicated risky
investments were distributing risk wide
Atlas Shrugged Economy
Atlas Shrugged Essay In this essay I will be explaining how this economic situation in the
movie Atlas Shrugged could happen in the near future and how this economic situation
could not happen in our future. The argument I am for is how this economic situation
that took place in Atlas Shrugged could happen in the near future. I believe it could
happen but not to the extent that happened in the movie. The reasons I believe that it
could happen are because free trade could become a thing that stops because of too
many trade restrictions and we will only have to use the goods and services that the
United States has to offer. Another reason that I believe this could happen is because I
think the demand for goods and services with exceed the supply that the market can
offer and prices will rise because products are hard to come across and make. Another
way this could happen is because of communismthe government will demand that people
only produce things that will help the government... Show more content on
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They could argue that the monetary policy is concerned with the management of
interest rates and the total supply of money in circulation and it will only improve and
the federal reserve will be able to put a stop to it before it happens. Another thing
people will say is that capitalism would stop it because people will produce goods and
services that will help them out so everything will be supplied that they need to stop a
economic failure. They could also argue and say that Oligopolies would collaborate and
make sure they make things needed to stop the economic situation. The last reason
people could say it would not happen is due to perfect competition, every firm does not
have any market power. As a result, the industry would produce the optimal level of
output because none of the firms have the ability to influence market
Analysis Of A Harbor In Moonlight
Claude Joseph Vernet is a very largely known French artist from the early 1700 s. He
has been known to be one of the best landscape painters of all time. Vernet paints from a
different perspective than many artists and his art leaves a lasting impact on viewers
minds. Many of his paintings are famous including A Harbor in Moonlight which is
located at the St. Louis Art Museum.
A Harbor in Moonlight stood out as a very interesting piece. What initially caught my
eye was the different lighting and shades of every color in this painting. My first
reaction was a sense of calmness and relief. There are many reasons that I got the
initial first feelings that I did. The biggest reason is the arrangements of lighting.
Vernet does a good job of incorporating lighting into every part of this piece. I feel that
the lighting plays the biggest role in this artwork because without it, it is very dull and
dark. The result of a dull and dark painting would not be anywhere near the same result as
the lighting.
It almost seems like the lighting is meant to say something or symbolize something. Just
by looking at it, each light has a different role and level of importance in the picture.
The main sources of light that stood out to me were the fire, moon, lighthouse, and
even the reflection of light on the surface of the water. All of them provide a different
sense of feeling in this scene. The fire gives me a feeling of security and safety, because
people gather around a fire and come
A Random Walk Down Wall Street Essay
A Random Walk Down Wall Street

There is a sense of complexity today that has led many to believe the individual investor
has little chance of competing with professional brokers and investment firms. However,
Malkiel states this is a major misconception as he explains in his book A Random Walk
Down Wall Street . What does a random walk mean? The random walk means in terms of
the stock market that, short term changes in stock prices cannot be predicted . So how
does a rational investor determine which stocks to purchase to maximize returns? Chapter
1 begins by defining and determining the difference in investing and speculating.
Investing defined by Malkiel is the method of purchasing assets to gain profit in the form
of reasonably ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
I used the term speculated because often times these forecasts were not based on any
kind of asset valuation or operating game plan. It was purely based on the hype
surrounding the security. These were short term investments and were based on the
premise that a buyer could pay any price for a stock as long as they expected future
buyers to assign a higher value . This theory is also known as the greater fool theory.
Now that the two theories have been explained, let s look at some historical examples
from Malkiel that really paint the picture in chapter 2. The first speculative craze noted
was over tulips in the seventeenth century in Holland. The tulips were brought from
Turkey and the Dutch valued the beauty and rarity of the new flowers. Thus the prices
for the flowers inflated. As the prices rose merchants would by stockpiles to sell to the
public. The more expensive they got the more the public believed they were making
smart investments. People would sell off the personal belongings to get their hands on
the bulbs. The mania surrounding the bulbs created a bubble that would soon burst. The
prices got so high some people decided to cash in and sell them to make a handsome
profit. Soon others joined in causing a snowball effect and the prices tumbled. Eventually
there was no demand and they were worthless. Many went
Summary Of The Monomyth As A Hero s Journey
Throughout life, it has become evident that people are shaped by the experiences and
actions of the people around them. It is merely impossible to survive in complete
isolation; the actions of others create long lasting impacts on how people live. This is
evident both in fictional and nonfictional scenarios. As literature progresses, it has
become seen that almost all fictional stories, and sometimes even nonfiction, are based
around the same recurring storylines. This theory, brought about by Joseph Campbell, has
been explored tremendously within the last century. Joseph Campbell, an American
mythologist and writer, has become known for his theory of the monomyth, also known
as the heros journey . In this theory, there were eighteen stages that each common hero
was known to undergo before achieving an ultimate success. After further research,
Campbell reduced his theory into twelve stages. Each of these stages are known to
evidently lead the hero to their goal, and these stages include struggle as well as parts
that are not too difficult. Throughout the idea of a monomyth, there are a few
components that are absolutely necessary for the monomyth to be considered as a true
hero s journey , and these components include: the ordinary world, the call to adventure,
entering the unknown or the forest , and the reward/journey home. The ordinary world is
the part in which the yet unborn hero is raised in; this is where they began and where
they will eventually realize their
Everyday Use ¨everyday Use By Alice Walker
In the story ВЁEveryday UseВЁ by Alice Walker she uses different types of conflict. She
used plot, characteristic, and setting to get her point over. Alice used a mother and her
two daughters to tell about the conflict that you should not show favoritism. Alice shows
a lot of internal element in this story. Walker has different points of view to make a
statement about the family. The story ВЁ Everyday, UseВЁ Walker uses setting in the
story. The setting is at the narrator house with her youngest daughter Maggie. The setting
tells about their new house and swept yard. The narrator has flashbacks about when she
seeВґs Maggie in the yard, coming out of the burning house.
The plot in ВЁ Everyday UseВЁ Walker presents the narrator and her daughter and their
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Dee the oldest has left for school and came back learning to read and has a sense of style
of her own. Maggie the youngest is crippled because she was burned by a fire and
knows more about the family heritage than anybody else.
The whole story reflects on plot, setting, and characteristic. The narrator tells about her
family and how they act. However, her two daughters are very different from each other.
The characters have different personalities. The story is showing different types of
elements from each character. Walker shows different points of view in the story of
Everyday Use .
A yard this is more comfortable than most people know.It is a not just an extended
living room. When the hard clay is swept clean as a floor and the fine sand around the
edge lined with tiny irregular grooves, anyone who can come and sit and look up into
the elm tree and wait that the breezes never come inside the house ( l. 3 4).
I am the way my daughter wanted me to be: a hundred pounds lighter, my skin like a
uncooked barley pancake, my hair glisten in the hot bright lights. Johnny Carson has
much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue ( l.
Essay On Breaking And Entering
Breaking And Entering
It was a bleak morning and then I turned the sparkly tv on. This is live news straight
from the action. There has been a bank robbery at the High Top Bank, there is a
lightning fast pursuit going on. The Police are driving like a crazy pack of bulls. They
are saying, whoever is behind that wheel is a phenomenal driver. The driver has lead
them into a shrubby, mysterious forest where there are a couple of rally driving tracks.
The police chased the driver to the tracks but when they got to the tracks they didn t
know where to go but they then saw a line of car tracks on the ground so they decided
to go down that track. When the police went down the track there was no car it just lead
them to a farm, the driver ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
He asked theIR boss if he was there today and his boss said that yes, he is in today, I
think saw him on his way to the toilets. So Charlie and Dylan went on their way to the
toilets. When they got there, a window was open and Caleb wasn t in there. Charlie
asked a question. If he isn t in the toilets where would he have gone? . The favourite
spot to go to is the kitchen. When they got to the kitchen area they saw him and asked
him if they could speak with Caleb in a spare room that was free. They spoke quietly so
no one could hear them talking. After an hour they were done talking, and there were no
clues to make him guilty, so they said thank you for speaking with us.Вґ The next person
that they looked at was Isaac Rumbel. He is 40 years old. He s tall, he has brown hair
and brown eyes. One of his hobbies is hunting, so that might give us a clue because he
would know the forest very well. Isaac owns a farm near where the crime happened, they
went to his house, 49 Cambodia Drive. When they got there they both said that is a
aged farm. There were two cars at the front of the driveway, Charlie and Dylan went and
knocked on his door, instead of Isaac coming to the door his wife did, his wife said that
he is in bed, i will go get him for you. Isaac came to the door, Charlie asked him if they
Moral Theory Of Lawrence Kohlberg
Lawrence Kohlberg was a theorist and a scholar of child growth. He focused on the
ethical development of kids and how they mature the wisdom of right, justice, and wrong.
Kohlberg noted that teenagers underwent certain phases during moral growth. Through
his observations, he developed a theory that human beings develop from one phase to
another through an invariant pattern, not missing any stage. His conclusions have been
proven by critical cultural studies conducted throughout the world. These phases were at
levels known as pre conventional, conventional and post conventional morality.
Level One: Pre Conventional Morality
Stage One: Obedience and Punishment Orientation
Stage One is alike to the first phase of the ethical thinking. The ... Show more content on
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They trust that individuals should obey the beliefs of the family and the society and act
well at all times. Having good behavior typically means that a person should have
respectable reasons and good personal feelings such as trust (Kohlberg, 1971).
Stage Four: Maintaining the Social Order
At this phase, a person should reason when interacting with the family members and
close friends. One should make an effort of understanding the needs and wants of others
and attempt to help. Respondents at this phase are more anxious with the whole society.
They put more importance in observing laws and carrying out duties that ensure social
order is upheld (Kohlberg Kramer, 1969). For example, individuals should reason on the
possible effects of breaking the law before doing so. For instance, it could probably lead
to chaos rejecting the functioning of society.
Level Four: Post conventional Morality
Stage Five: Social Contract and Individual Rights
At stage five, individuals aim at ensuring that the community keeps performing.
Nevertheless, a society functioning smoothly is not essentially the best because a society
needs to be well structured. Stage five focuses on the components of a healthy society
and those at this stage think of the community in a theoretical way by considering the
values and rights that the society ought to maintain (Kohlberg, 1971). Moreover, they
trust that a healthy community is a social pact in which all individuals
Cue Digital Media Essay
Elevator Pitch
Cue Digital Media is a full operational digital marketing firm that specializes in the
influencing, marketing and offering of video services for sports, entertainment, news
and media company. Our goal is to use the power of the social media to enhance the
marketing services offered to our clients. We make use of the power of search engine
optimization to ensure the news or information received from our clients reaches a global
audience (CueDigitalMedia, 2016). We also offer other web marketing services such as
using our high scores to improve on the traffic of our clients websites.
As one of Canada s leading digital advertisement firms, Cue Media is an online firm that
deals with the dissemination of online news, entertainment and sports news. The
company also offers marketing and advertisement services to other companies by use of
online platforms that apply the search engine optimization to increase traffic. In addition,
it also deals with creation of branded entertainment, partnerships and sponsorship with
major brands such as Fortune 100 brands (RogersDigitalMedia, 2016).
As part of its growth in the digital and content marketing industry, Cue Digital Media
has been increasing its niche over the years. Comscore Media Metrix reports that as of
October 2013, Cue Media was able to increase its reach to over 10.3 million
unduplicated Unique Canadian Males (CueDigitalMedia, 2016). This was in addition to
the exclusive and selective reach the company

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