Music Q1 Leasson 4

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Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 1, Week 1

QUARTER I: Music of the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Periods

A. Music of the Medieval Period (700 – 1400)

The Medieval period is also known as the Middle Ages or Dark Ages that started with the fall of the
Roman Empire. During this time, the Christian Church influenced Europe’s culture and political affairs.

Monophonic plainchant or Gregorian Chant was named after Pope Gregory I, who made this the
approved music of the Catholic Church. Pope Gregory’s action made monophonic plainchants popular.
Although it was originally transmitted orally, scholars agreed to put it in notation to assist dissemination
of chants across Europe.

Characteristics of the Gregorian Chants:

• monophonic
• Free meter
• Modal
• Usually based on Latin liturgy
• Use of Neume notation

The music sheet below is a notated Gregorian Chant written in Neumes:

During the latter part of the Medieval Period, secular music which was not bound by Catholic traditions
emerged. Most of these songs were performed across Europe by groups of musicians called

Troubadour Music:
• Usually monophonic
• Sometimes with improvised accompaniment
• Tells of chivalry and courtly love
• Originated in France
• Written in the French language

Suggested Music: Listen to the link that features a Gregorian chant of the Medi-eval Period.
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 1, Week 1


The term Renaissance comes from the word ― renaitre which means rebirth, revival, and
rediscovery. The Renaissance Period is a period of looking back to the Golden Age of Greece and Rome.
The invention of printing in the 1400’s paved the way for a wide distribution of renaissance
compositions. With the emergence of the bourgeois class, renaissance music became popular as
entertainment and activity for amateurs and the educated. Lute was the prominent instrument of the
renaissance era.
The influence of the Roman Catholic Church started to decline as the new music genre arose.
Though sacred music was still of great importance, secular music became more prominent in the
renaissance period. This era was also known as the ―golden age of a capella choral music.
Other historical facts during this era is the discovery of the actual position of earth in the solar
system by Copernicus, the invention of compass creating a wider navigation not only of the lands but
also of the oceans, and Martin Luther’s Protestant reformation.

Characteristics of Renaissance Music

• Mostly polyphonic
• Imitation among the voices is common
• Use of word painting in texts and music
• Melodic lines move in a flowing manner
• Melodies are easier to perform because these move along a scale with a few large leaps

Vocal Music of the Renaissance Period

 Vocal Music was more important than Instrumental Music

 Close relationship between words and music to enhance the meaning and emotion of the text
 Emphasis on capturing the emotion and imagery of the text or words.

Types of Renaissance Vocal Music


Two Main Forms of Sacred Renaissance Music

1. Mass – is a polyphonic choral composition made up of five (5) sections.

What is its 5 Main Sections?

- Kyrie “Lord Have Mercy”

- Gloria “Glory to God in the Highest”
- Credo “Apostle’s Creed” or “Nicene Creed”
- Sanctus and Benedictus “Holy, holy,” and “Blessed Is He”
- Agnus Dei “Lamb of God”
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 1, Week 1
2. MOTET – a polyphonic choral work set to a sacred Latin text other than the ordinary of the mass.

What is the difference between Mass and Motet?

- A Mass is always based on a specific text that is part of the liturgy of a given day
- One difference between a renaissance Mass and a Motet is that the motet, while usually sacred,
was not always specifically connected to texts from the liturgy of the Mass.

2. Madrigal – a secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy.
- It was written and expressed in a poetic text and sung during courtly social gatherings.
- It is the most important secular form during the Renaissance period.

What is Madrigal and its characteristics?

- Polyphonic (producing many sounds simultaneously; many-voiced.)
- Sung a cappella
- Through-composed (A song is said to be through-composed if it has different music for each
stanza of the lyrics.)
- Frequently in 3 to 6 voices


The word baroque can be traced from the ancient Portuguese noun barocco – a pearl that is not
round but of unpredictable and elaborate shape or pearl of irregular shape .
Baroque became popular and successful because the Roman Catholic Church encouraged its
development. The Catholic Church decided at the time of the council of Trent that the arts communicate
religious themes through man s direct and emotional involvement.

Characteristics Baroque Music

1. Melodies sound elaborate and ornamental
2. Primarily contrapuntal textures with some homophony
3. Dynamic contrast– alteration between loud and soft , also known as Terrace Dynamics
4. Harpsicord and organ are the keyboard instruments that are commonly used.
5. Orchestra consists of strings and continuo

Vocal Genres
1. Opera - a drama set to music and made up of vocal pieces with orchestral accompaniment and
orchestral overtures
2. Oratorio - a large scale musical composition for orchestra and voices that incorporates narratives
on religious themes.
3. Cantata - a musical composition, often using a sacred text, often with instrumental
4. Chorale - musical compositions that resemble a harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the
Protestant Church
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 1, Week 1

Instrumental Genres
1. Concerto Grosso - is the music between a small group of solo instruments called concertino and
the whole orchestra called tutti.
2. Concerto – it employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra.
3. Sonata - a musical composition for one or more solo instruments.
4. set of instrumental compositions, originally in dance style, to be played in succession
5. Fugue - a musical composition in which one or two themes are repeated or imitated by
successively entering voices and contrapuntally developed in a continuous interweaving of the
voice parts
Schools Division Office of Quezon City


Ecols St., Commonwealth
Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila

Worksheet No. 1 Quarter 1, Week 1

NAME: __________________________________ DATE: ____________

Grade & Section: __________________________ SCORE: __________

Activity 1: GUESS WHEN?

Direction: Classify the items in the box according to the HISTORICAL PERIOD to which it belongs. Write
the words in the COLUMN BELOW.

Concerto Grosso Gregorian Chant Mass Fugue

Troubadour Music Oratorio Madrigal Lute
Chorale Polyphony Monophony
Motet Concerto Irregular-shaped pearl


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