Whats The Weather Like

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES What's the weather like?

Activity Type Introduction

Reading, writing, In this weather worksheet activity, students learn weather
listening and speaking vocabulary and practice asking and answering questions about
activity, pairwork the weather.

Language Focus
Divide the students into pairs (A and B).
Give each student a corresponding worksheet. Tell the students
not to show their worksheet to their partner.
To learn weather Ask the students to look at the pictures and complete sentences
vocabulary and practice 1 to 8 with the weather words from the box.
asking and answering
When the students have finished, check the answers with the
questions about the
Exercise A - Answer key
Preparation 1. hot and humid 5. cloudy
Make one copy of the two 2. sunny 6. raining/rainy
worksheets for each pair 3. windy 7. snowing/snowy
of students. 4. stormy 8. foggy

Review the adjective and verb forms (e.g. raining/rainy) with the
Elementary (A1-A2) Next, focus the students' attention on the chart.

Tell the students that they are going to complete the missing
Time information in the chart by asking and answering questions with
their partner.
25 minutes
Go through the example questions on the worksheet with the

Check the students know how to answer the questions by

reminding them of the structure used in the sentences in the first
exercise. You may also need to pre-teach the words: degrees
Celsius, minus

The students then ask and answer questions and complete their
charts with the missing information.

When the students have finished, they compare charts to check

they have the correct answers.

Afterwards, students ask and answer the questions in Exercise C

with their partner.

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES What's the weather like?

Student A

A. Look at the pictures. What’s the weather like? Complete sentences 1 to 8 with the words
from the box.

snowing/snowy stormy windy sunny

foggy       hot and humid raining/rainy cloudy

1. It's ..................... 2. It's ..................... 3. It's ..................... 4. It's .....................

5. It's ..................... 6. It's ..................... 7. It's ..................... 8. It's .....................

B. Ask and answer questions with Student B to complete the missing information in the chart
below, e.g. 'What's the weather like in Singapore?' 'What's the temperature in Beijing?'

City Weather Temperature

London cold and rainy 5°C
Moscow snowing -3°C
Los Angeles sunny 21°C
Sydney stormy 25°C
New York
Madrid rainy and windy 12°C
Rio de Janeiro partly cloudy 18°C
Tokyo cloudy 14°C

C. Ask and answer the questions below with Student B.

What was the weather like…?

...yesterday ...last weekend ...last month ...on your last holiday

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES What's the weather like?

Student B

A. Look at the pictures. What’s the weather like? Complete sentences 1 to 8 with the words
from the box.

snowing/snowy      stormy      windy      sunny
foggy      hot and humid      raining/rainy      cloudy

1. It's ..................... 2. It's ..................... 3. It's ..................... 4. It's .....................

5. It's ..................... 6. It's ..................... 7. It's ..................... 8. It's .....................

B. Ask and answer questions with Student A to complete the missing information in the chart
below, e.g. 'What's the weather like in London?' 'What's the temperature in Moscow?'

City Weather Temperature

Singapore hot and sunny 35°C
Beijing foggy 10°C
Los Angeles
Bangkok hot and humid 33°C
New York raining 15°C
Johannesburg sunny 27°C
Rio de Janeiro
Budapest cloudy and windy 7°C
Paris snowy -2°C

C. Ask and answer the questions below with Student A.

What was the weather like…?

...yesterday ...last weekend ...last month ...on your last holiday

Teach-This.com © 2018 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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