Assignment 4 210110735

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Name: Parada Aguirre Susana

Student's ID: 210110735

Career Bachelor of Human Capital Management

Subject: Foreign Language IV v2

Homework title Assignment 4 Gay Families

Assignment PART 1
Reported speech conversation

a) Read one more time the text and pay attention to sentences between quotation marks
b) Select 25 of them (you will transform them into reported speech).
c) Copy those 25 sentences and paste them along with their parenthesis (1), (2), (3), (4),
(5) … (65).

Direct Speech # Reported Speech

Who does she think she is? (18) Mrs. Valle asked who she thought she was.
Mrs. Madrid said definitely that the girl
“she cannot definitely stay here” (47)
could not stay there.
Mrs. Madrid said that needed this
“We needed this extraordinary meeting” (1)
extraordinary meeting
Mrs. Madrid said that something was not
“Something is not right in this school” (2)
right in that school.
Mrs. Madrid said that could open the doors
“this can open the door to hell” (4)
to hell
“we have to do something to repair this Mrs. Madrid said that they had to do
situation” something to repair that situation.
“I still don’t understand the reason for this Mr. Lopez said he did not understand the
urgent meeting” urgent reason fort he meeting.
The school secretary asked if they wanted
“Do you want some coffee? (8)
“I am very glad you have attended on time Mrs. Madrid said that she was very glad
the meeting” they had attended on time the meeting.
“As you know I have two daughters in this Mrs. Madrid told them that she has two
school” daughters in this school
Mrs. Madrid told them that she want to
“I want to talk to all of you because it came to
(12) talk to them because it came to her ears an
my ears an unbelievable situation”
unbelievable situation”
“this uncomfortable situation cannot Mrs. Madrid said that uncomfortable
continue in this prestigious and well-known (13) situation cannot continue in that prestigious
school” and well-known school
“I have complete knowledge of a hideous Mrs. Madrid said that she had complete
thing” knowledge of a hideous thing.
“What is going on?” (16) Mrs. Valle asked to herself what is going on
Mrs. Valle said that she is nobody to
“She is nobody to question my preferences” (20)
question her preferencess
Mrs. Valle said that She is married to a
“I am married to a woman” (22)
Mrs. Valle said that Yes, she is a lesbian
“Yes, I am a lesbian mother” (24)
“I have a wife” (25) Mrs. Valle said she has a wife
Mrs. Valle said that her daughter, her wife
my daughter, my wife and I form a gay family (26)
and she form a gay family
Mr. López said that he was in trouble with
“I am in trouble with these ladies” (28)
these ladies
Mr. López said he did not want to lose his
“I do not want to lose my job” (29)
Mr. López said that he needed to think
“I need to think quickly of a convenient
(30) quickly of a convenient solution for
solution for everyone”
Mrs. Valle said that she requested
"I request respect for me and my family” (38)
respect for her and her family.
Mr. López said to the ladies that Lucy had
“Ladies, Lucy has been studying in this
(41) been studying in that institution since
institution since kinder garden”
kinder garden.
Mr. López said that he does not see evil
“I see no evil acts” (44)
Mrs. Valle asked Mrs. Madrid if she had
“Do you have time to spend with them after
(60) time to spend with her family after all that
all that gossiping every day?”
gossiping every day.
Mrs. Valle said Mrs. Madrid thatit was not
“That is not my problem Mrs. Madrid” (62)
her problem.

Assignment PART 2
It is yor turn!

How does this story end? Think about what Mr. Lopez is about to say. Use the following
format and write no less than 10 sentences, in both forms direct and indirect speech. Use
the examples in order to guide your through and remember to be original, creative but
most of all very respectful.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Mr. Lopez said that he is the principal of that
Mr. Lopez said . "i am the principal of this school"
Mr. Lopez said. "I will not allow any more Mr. Lopez said that he not to allow any more
disrespect" disrespect.
Mr. Lopez said: "the respect is a fundamental Mr. Lopez said that the respect is a fundamental
value in this school" value in that school
Mr. Lopez said: "I will support Mrs. Valle and her Mrs. Valle said that he would support Ms. Valle
family." and her family.
Mrs. Valle said: "I appreciate the support of Mr. Mrs. Valle said that she appreciate the support of
Lopez" Mr. Lopez
Mrs. Valle said: "From now on I will not pay Mrs. Valle said that from now on she will not pay
attention to any comment" attention to any comments.
Mrs. Valle said: "I do not want to have any more Mrs. Valle said that she did not want to have any
problems." more problems.
Mr. Lopez said: "We apologize for the Mr. Lopez said that they apologize for the
inconvenience caused to you and your family" inconvenience caused to her and her family.
Mr. Lopez said: "This type of situation will not Mr. Lopez said that these situations would not be
happen again" repeated.
Mr. Lopez said: "On behalf of the entire Mr. Lopez said that on behalf of the entire
educational community we apologize" educational community they apologize.

Write your personal conclusion about gay families (please write it up with no
less than 50 words).

I think I am a bit old-fashioned, for me to say family is a man, woman and children,
but despite that I do not judge or discriminate anyone for their tastes or sexual
preferences, if I need to support or help I do it, I think it is not something natural,
but it does not affect me if someone decides to form their family as best suits them.

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