Assignment 4

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León, Gto.

Student´s name
Student ID

Study program

Teacher´s name

English 4

Assignment 4

1. Download and read the document: Assignment 4 Reading
controversial issues

2. Create a new document, name it assignment_4_0000000. replace

000000 for your actual students ID number for example

3. On the first page create a cover page with at least the following:

o UVEG Logo

o Student's full name

o ID number

o Study program (career)

o Teacher's name

o Subject (English 4)

o Title (Assignment 4)

4. Create Page 2,

5. Type the title PART 1

6. Copy paste the following table.

7. Fill in the black cell as indicated in PART 1 Assignment 4 Reading

controversial issues adding as many rows as necessary

Direct Speech # Reported Speech

Mrs. Valle asked who she
Who does she think she is? (18)
thought she was

"she cannot definitely stay Mrs. Madrid said definitely that

here" the girl could not stay there.

“We needed this Mrs. Madrid said they needed

extraordinary meeting” this extraordinary meeting.

“Something is not right in this Mrs. Madrid said that something

school” wasn't right at school

“I think that this strange Mrs. Madrid said that this

situation can lead into a strange situation could lead into
terrible physiological disorder a terrible physiological disorder
among the school girls” among the school girls

“this can open the door to Mrs. Madrid said this could
hell” open the door to hell

Mrs. Madrid said they had to do

“We have to do something to
(5) something to repair this
repair this situation”

They asked themselves what

“What is she talking about?” (6)
she was talking about

“I still don’t understand the Mr. López said, he did not

reason for this urgent (7) understand the reason for this
meeting” urgent meeting

The secretary asked if them

“Do you want some coffee? (8)
wanted some coffee

“What is the reason of this (9) Mr López asked what the

reason for the special meeting
extraordinary meeting?”

Mrs. Madrid said that she was

“I am very glad you have
(10) very glad they had to attend the
attended on time the meeting”
meeting on time

“As you know I have two Mrs. Madrid said she had two
daughters in this school” daughters in that school

Mrs. Madrid said that an

“I want to talk to all of you
unbelievable situation came to
because it came to my ears (12)
her ears.
an unbelievable situation.”

“This uncomfortable situation

Mrs. Madrid said that “this
cannot continue in this
uncomfortable situation could
prestigious and well-known (13)
not continue in this prestigious
and well-known school”

“Mrs. Valle has an mmmmhhh Mrs. Madrid said that

‘irregular’ marital status.” (14) Mrs. Valle had an mmmmhhh
'irregular' marital status "

“I want her to explain to us, Mrs. Madrid said that she

right now about her marriage.” (15) wanted an explanation about
her marriage right now.

“What is going on?” Mrs. Valle said what was going


Mrs. Valle said, was this

“Is this the mediaeval era?” (17)
medieval time?
“Who does she think she is?” Mrs. Valle said, who thought
she was.

How can this lady talk to me Mrs. Valle said, how could this
this way?” lady talk to her like this?

“She is nobody to question Mrs. Valle said, she was no one

my preferences” to question my preferences.

“Mr. Lopez, ladies, I Mrs. Valle said Mr. Lopez,

understand that Mrs. Madrid ladies, I understand that Mrs.
is talking about my Madrid was talking about her
preferences” preferences

Mrs. Valle said, she was

“I am married to a woman” (22)
married to a woman.

Mrs. Valle said, this was a

“This is a situation I am not
(23) situation that she not ashamed
ashamed or regretted”
of or regretted.

Mrs. Valle said, yes, she was a

“Yes, I am a lesbian mother” (24)
lesbian mother

and “I have a wife”

Mrs. Valle said, that she had a

8. Create page 3

9. Type the title PART 2

10. Copy and paste the following table

11. Think about what Mr. Lopez is about to say. Use the following format
and write no less than 10 sentences, in both forms direct and indirect
speech. Use the examples in order to guide your through and
remember to be original, creative but most of all very respectful.

# Direct Speech Reported Speech

Ex Mr. Lopez said "I need Mr. Lopez said that he needed
. discretion for this situation" discretion for that situation.

Mr. Lopez said that the rules of

Mr. Lopez said "The rules of
the school were respectful about
1 school are respectful about our
the student´s dignity.
student’s dignity.

Mr. Lopez said, “the regulation Mr. Lopez said that the
2 says nothing about the marital regulations did not specify
status of the parents”. marital status of the parents.

Mrs. Madrid said, I’m worry Mrs. Madrid said that she was
3 about this situation, it can worried about this situation, it
represent discredit. could represent discredit.

Mrs. Valle said, my marital Mrs. Valle said, her marital

status is not a problem and status was not a problem and
Lucy is very good student and Lucy was a very good student
respectful. and respectful.

5 Mrs. Madrid said, I know Lucy Mrs. Madrid Said that she knew
is very good student, however Lucy was very good student,
however they needed to care
we need to care the values.
the values.

Mr. Lopez asked what the Mr. Lopez asked what the
reason for this meeting is? reason for the meeting was?

Mrs. Madrid, I think we need to Mrs. Madrid said, she thought

discuss the regulations about they needed to discuss the
this topic to protect our school regulation about this topic to
community protect your school community.

Mrs. Valle said, it was ok for she

Mrs. Valle said, It´s ok for my, if
8 if Mrs. Madrid want to discuss
you want to discuss the topic.
the topic.

Mrs. González said, I know the Mrs. Gonzalez said, she knew
9 parent’s society will support to the parent´s society would
Mrs. Valle support to Mrs. Valle

Mr. Lopez said, we don´t need Mr. Lopez said, they didn't
to discuss this topic and as I need to discuss this topic and
10 said "The rules of school are as he said "The rules of school
respectful about our student’s are respectful about their
dignity. student’s dignity.

12. Fill in black cells considering the instructions in PART 2

of Assignment 4 Reading controversial issues
13. Type a paragraph of conclusion on that same page.


Inclusive families today are a reality, as part of a society we should to respect

the different point of views, currently we coexist not only with heterosexual
families, their sexual orientation does not determine their abilities, childhood
education imply to respect other people to avoid future rejection and social
exclusion that can cause depression, anxiety, violence. If we support the
respect, we will create a better society.

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