Descriptive Essays Sample

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Descriptive Essays Sample

Crafting a descriptive essay on the topic of "Descriptive Essays Sample" may initially seem like a
straightforward task, but it comes with its own set of challenges. The difficulty lies in balancing
vivid descriptions with a coherent narrative that engages the reader. It requires the writer to delve
into their creative reservoir, employing sensory details to paint a rich and immersive picture for the

One challenge is avoiding monotony while maintaining a logical flow. The descriptive nature of the
essay should not compromise the overall structure, leaving readers confused or disinterested. Striking
the right balance between descriptive language and maintaining the coherence of ideas requires
careful consideration and skillful execution.

Furthermore, choosing the appropriate language to convey emotions, sensations, and visual images
can be demanding. The writer must select words that resonate with the theme, creating a sensory
experience for the reader without being overly verbose or clichéd.

Another aspect to navigate is the challenge of originality. With a topic centered around descriptive
essays, there is a risk of falling into common tropes and overused descriptions. The task is to infuse
creativity and uniqueness into the essay, ensuring it stands out from generic examples.

In addition, maintaining a clear and concise focus on the chosen topic is crucial. It's easy to deviate
into tangential details or lose sight of the central theme when immersed in descriptive writing.
Skillful editing is essential to refine the essay and eliminate any extraneous elements.

In conclusion, composing a descriptive essay on the topic of "Descriptive Essays Sample" demands a
careful blend of creativity, structure, and originality. Overcoming the challenges associated with
balancing vivid descriptions, maintaining coherence, choosing the right language, and ensuring
originality requires dedication and a keen understanding of the art of descriptive writing.

For those seeking assistance or examples, it's worth noting that similar essays and a plethora of other
writing resources can be explored and ordered on platforms like .
Descriptive Essays Sample Descriptive Essays Sample
Contract Between Adam Cmar And Summer Lynn
This agreement, made on August 1, 2015, to begin on September 1, 2015 between
Adam Cmar and Summer Lynn Cmar,(going forward stated as Adam Summer Lynn or
Landlord(s) ), and Paul Eric Tickle,(going forward stated as Eric or Roommate(s) )
Melanie Margaret Tickle,(going forward stated as Melanie or Roommate(s) ) this
agreement poses as witnesses that Adam Summer Lynn have agreed to provide 2 ROOMS
to Melanie Eric Tickle, along with their son, Jeremiah, and the Tenant(s) have agreed to
receive both rooms from Adam Summer Lynn at 25 Wells Ct, in the City of Rocky
Point, North Carolina, to be occupied as a strictly private dwelling space by the above
named individual and no other persons. This Roommate Agreement is a legal and... Show
more content on ...
4.Rent. Eric and Melanie Tickle, hereby covenants and agrees to pay Adam Summer
Lynn the rent of the agreement that are stated below in equal monthly or weekly
payments in advance by the first day of each and every calendar month during the
agreement to Adam or Summer Lynn Cmar at 25 Wells Ct Rocky Point, NC 28457.

Cash is preferred, but if paying with check, please make checks payable to Adam or
Summer Lynn Cmar.
Mortgage Payment of House: $800/moInternet: $80/mo
Average Expected Water Bill: $100/mo Satellite: $80/mo
Average Expected Power Bill: $300/mo

**All numbers were averaged and high balled to help with any fluctuation**

Lump Sum Average of $1,360.00, divided by 2 (2 families of 2 adults and one child
each), equals $680.00. (This is where the $620.00/mo came from and we deducted
$60.00/mo due to Melanie s assistance with the children.)

Rent is due by the 1st of each month. A finance charge of up to 10% ($62.50) of rent not
paid will be automatically charged to the Roommates account after the tenth day of the
month unless extension is approved by Adam Summer Lynn.

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In the event that Eric or Melanie Tickle should break this agreement without the written
permission of Adam Summer Lynn, the unpaid rent for the remainder of the month will
become immediately due and owed to Adam Summer Lynn.
Fulcher s Speech
The emergence of the medieval crusades was spearheaded by the historically
influential speech of Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont. The meeting was a
result of Byzantine emperor Alexius I Comnenus enlisting in help from Urban in the
Greek war against the Turks. In the year 1095, French knights assembled at Clermont
to listen to Urban s call for reform. Here Urban II urged the people to fight off the
Muslim Turks and reclaim the Holy Land as he insists this was God s will. This
particular assembly played a crucial role in beginning a series of significant crusades
against the Muslim people (Britannica n.pag.).
There are different versions of Urban II s speech currently in circulation. Certain versions
of the speech are often given attention ... Show more content on ...
After dissecting the document, one is bound to recognize the overall significance of a
simple speech in creating a movement that greatly affected the course of history. Due
to Pope Urban s call to the Christian people for reform, many people enlisted in
partaking in the crusades. Majority of the people were swayed by Urban s words and
took his speech very seriously. The complete cooperation of the people may
conceivably be due to Urban s high position as pope. He phrased his speech in a
manner claiming it was God s will and that it was their duty as Christians to join. The
people did not challenge his outlook and followed his word believing that the killing
of the Turkish people was a brave deed, which was extremely honorable in terms of the
church. Society then was brainwashed into thinking that the paradoxical existence of
the religious wars or crusades was a noble deed when they were immorally killing
Turks just to claim land. Since Pope Urban II said the crusades were God s will, it
really did make the people believe these wars were God s will. It is indeed astonishing
yet horrifying how Urban s speech caused Christians to ironically go against their belief
of the immorality of killing by participating in a series of the so called religious
crusades. The speech given at the Council of Clermont was extremely powerful and
perhaps without this speech, many factors would
Essay On Ancient Egyptian Architecture
The architecture in ancient Egypt is one of the largest and most beautiful civilizations in
the whole history according to the big monuments and famous places like temples,
pyramids. And in this essay I ll be talking about the history of the architecture in ancient
Egypt and how they built some of the large monuments. To begin with, in ancient Egypt
they hadn t much wood for building so they used sun baked mud bricks and stones, also
they used the stones to build tombs and temples; in addition, they used bricks to build
castles and royal palaces; but, before they put any stone or brick they used granite as a
carcass for building. Furthermore, ancient Egyptians used mud to build their houses after
collecting it from the NileRiver and putting the mud into molds and dry it by using the
sun. To continue with, the architectures in ancient Egyptbuilt a large temple located on...
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A rectangular colonnade connects with a 36 meter high twin pylon or gateway,
leading to the temple s inner sanctuary. It was built in around 200 years starting in 237
BC by Ptolemy III; the Horus temple is popular with the sculptures that cover the
temple and its entrance that shows Ptolemy XII defeats his enemies. Of all the temple
remains in Egypt, the Temple of Horus at Edfu is the most well preserved and the only
one we know to have been completed. Built from sandstone blocks the huge Ptolemaic
temple was constructed over the site of a smaller earlier temple, oriented east to west,
towards the river, there are also many views in the temple that shows the architectures
work in ancient Egypt like the strange shape of champers, decorations in every corner of
the temple, and the sculptures that shows kings and the slaves serving
Strategic Transformation Of Alexander I And The
Napoleon Bonaparte was a strategic mastermind who aimed for the domination of all
of Europe. Russia was the opposing force to this plan. The Napoleonic Wars began in
1803 and lasted to 1815. The Napoleonic Wars affected Russia when they were under
the reign of tsar Alexander I. Russia s allies during the war were Great Britain, Prussia,
Sweden, and Austria (Greenspan). In this time Russiagrew as a country and became an
independent force to be reckoned with. Russia was greatly changed through the
Napoleonic Warsas a country, because of powerful leadership. The leadership and
decisions of Alexander I played a large role in the transformation of Russia. Alexander
I came to power after the assassination of Paul I, and his reign lasted from 1801 1825.
Alexander s reign followed a dark time in Russia of monarchs and tyrannies. Alexander
was favored by his subject for he wanted to create a new and happier beginning for all of
Russia. The beginning of Alexander I s rule was very crucial for Russia s success in the
Napoleonic Wars. Alexander atoned for the faults of his predecessor and once again
created an alliance with... Show more content on ...
This battle was fought on December second in 1805. Napoleon and his army
conquered a massive force put together by Russia and Austria. Alexander I and the
army that followed his lead were crushed by the strategic mastermind Napoleon
Bonaparte and one of his best generals Marshal Louis Nicolas (Kagan). Even though
the Russian and Austrian force of approximately ninety thousand was defeated there
were some positives for Tsar Alexander (Battle of Austerlitz). In this battle Napoleon
revealed his battle strategy to Alexander I and in being a bright ruler, he was able to
take advantage was of the weakness shown by the French army. This battle is seen as
one of the key reasons that Napoleon s conquest of Russia was such a failure
Persuasive Essay On Social Justice
Eliezer Yudkowsky once said, You are personally responsible for becoming more ethical
than the society you grew up in. This exact quote represents the initiative I plan on
taking to promote social justice. Though I have yet to make a humongous contribution
to the progress of society, I am steadily working towards it. The need for social justice is
everywhere due to the acts of injustice that people, primarily minorities, face everyday.
This includes police brutality, racism, and discrimination. That being said, action must be
taken and I will do my part by starting in my own community Atlanta,GA. On July 7th,
2016, Michael George Smith Jr. was found hanging from a tree in Piedmont Park. Police
ruled his death as a suicide, but of course everyone, including myself, suspected foul
play. In addition to Michael s death, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were both killed
earlier that week. Both whom were unarmed and not disturbing any peace, yet were still
shot and killed by the police. In response to all three of their deaths, protests erupted
throughout downtown Atlanta. The day of the protest, my grandma and I were both
watching the news, seeing everything that was happening. In the midst of us watching
the news, she mumbled damn, 50 years later and ain t none changed . It then began to
dwell on me that when it comes to police brutality, protesting has not changed anything.
Even back in 1992, when the LA riots occurred after the Rodney Kingbeating, all of

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