Presentation of Data

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Teacher: AIRA MAE M. MARQUEZ Mathematics
GRADES 1 to 12 Teaching
Dates and May 17, 2023 Quarter: 4th QUARTER

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and
importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the different forms
of data representation, measures of central tendency, measures of
variability, and probability.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and compute
accurately measures of central tendency and variability and apply these
appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in different fields.
C. Learning Competencies/ Uses appropriate graphs to represent organized data: pie chart, bar
Objectives graphs, line graphs, histogram, and ogive. M7SP-IVd-e-1
1. Identify different graphs to represent organized ungrouped data: pie
chart, bar graphs, and line graphs.
2. Uses appropriate graphs to represent organized ungrouped data:
pie chart, bar graphs, and line graphs.
Values integration: Cooperates in group activities (displays teamwork).
II.CONTENT Presentation of Data
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learners’ Materials Mathematics Quarter 4 – Module 3 “Presentation of Data”
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials (DepEd LR)
from learning resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Preliminary Activities
Review Multiply the following.
1. 5 x 5 = 2. 16 x 4 = 3. 27 x 2 =
Motivation 4 Pics One Word!

Your task is to identify four pictures and link it into one word.

Unlocking of Difficulties Definition of terms:

Pie chart – a pie graph or pie chart is another visual representation of
data. It is used to show how all the parts of something are related to the
whole. It is represented by a circle divided into slices or sectors of various
sizes that show each part’s relationship to the whole and to other parts of
the circle.
Bar graph – a bar graph uses rectangles (or bars) of uniform width to
represent data, particularly the nominal or categorical type of data. The
height of the rectangle denotes the frequency of the variable.
Two types of bar graph:
1. Vertical bar graph – which is something called a column chart, is
used to show the changes on the numerical value of a variable over
a period of time.
2. Horizontal bar graph
Line graph – a line graph is used to represent changes in data over a
period of time. Data like changes in temperature, income, population, and
the like can be represented by a line graph. Fata are represented by points
and are joined by line segments. A line graph may be curved, broken, or
B. Lesson Proper
Activity Identify and use appropriate graphs to represent organized ungrouped

Group 1: The data below shows the number of students of Grade 7 Math
Teacher’s Advisory Class
Home Teacher Number of Students
Ruth 38
Kristine 41
Geraldine 39
Marissa 37
Emman 45
Total 200

Group 2: Teacher Michelle conducted a survey on her advisory class,

Grade 7 – Begonia, about their mode of transportation in going to school.
The results are shown in the table below.
Mode of Transportation Frequency
bicycle 3
motorcycle 12
tricycle 15
car 5

Group 3: Ice Cream Sales

Days of the Week Sales
Monday 10
Tuesday 40
Wednesday 60
Thursday 30
Friday 50
Saturday 70
Sunday 90
Analysis 1. What are the different graphs used to represent organized ungrouped data?
2. What is pie chart? Bar graph? Line graph?
3. When are you going to use pie chart? Bar graph? Line graph?
Abstraction Pie chart – a pie graph or pie chart is another visual representation of
data. It is used to show how all the parts of something are related to the
whole. It is represented by a circle divided into slices or sectors of various
sizes that show each part’s relationship to the whole and to other parts of
the circle.
Example: Construct a pie chart for the data given below.
Favorite Type of Movie
Type of Movie Number of Votes
Science Fiction 1
Comedy 6
Action 4
Drama 5
Romance 4
Total 20
First, divide each value by the total and multiply by 100 to get a percent.
Type of Movie Number of Votes Percent of Each Vote
Science Fiction 1 ∗100=5 %
Comedy 6 ∗100=30 %
Action 4 ∗100=20 %
Drama 5 ∗100=25 %
Romance 4 ∗100=20 %
Total 20 100%

Favorite Type of Movie



Science Fiction Comedy Action

Drama Romance
Bar graph – a bar graph uses rectangles (or bars) of uniform width to
represent data, particularly the nominal or categorical type of data. The
height of the rectangle denotes the frequency of the variable. There are two
types of bar graph: the vertical bar graph, which is sometimes called a
column chart, and the horizontal bag graph. A vertical bar graph is used to
show the changes on the numerical value of a variable over a period of
Example: Create a simple bar graph on the data about Pet Popularity
shown below.
Type of Pets Number of Pets
Parrot 1
Dog 3
cat 6

Step 1: Decide on a title for your graph
Step 2: Draw vertical axis (y-axis) and horizontal axis (x-axis)
Step 3: Label the horizontal axis (type of Pet)
Step 4: Write the type of pets where the bars will be drawn.
Step 5: Label the vertical axis (Number of Pets)
Step 6: Decide on scale. Consider the least and the greatest number shown
on the data.
Step 7: Draw a bar to show the total for each item.

Pet Popularity
Number of Pets

parrot dog cat
Type of Pets

Line graph – a line graph is used to represent changes in data over a

period of time. Data like changes in temperature, income, population, and
the like can be represented by a line graph. Fata are represented by points
and are joined by line segments. A line graph may be curved, broken, or
Example: Amber wanted to join a 100-meter dash contest in his school. To
track her performance whether she is improving or not, her mother
recorded her running time from Monday to Sunday as shown in the table
below. Create a line graph on Amber’s training.
Days of Weeks Time (seconds)
Monday 17
Tuesday 16
Wednesday 17
Thursday 16
Friday 16
Saturday 15
Sunday 14
Solution: We use horizontal axis for the days and vertical axis for time in

Time (seconds)
TIme in Seconds

y ay da
y ay ay ay da
da sd s sd rid rd n
on Tu
e ne ur F at
u Su
M ed Th S
Days of Weeks

On which day is the fastest running time of Amber?

Solution: Sunday is the fastest running time of Amber.
Application Use appropriate graph to represent organize data.
1. Justin tracked the time he spent on homework per subject during
one week. The result is shown below.

Subjects Time spent

English 30
Health 22
Biology 24
Art 20
Physics 26
History 28
Total 150
2. The table below shows the favorite Movie of Students

Movie Title Number of Votes

Ice Age 5
Spy Kids 8
Up 10
Brave 6
Cars 1
3. The table below shows the bags of cans recycled for 6 days.

Days Bags Recycled

Day 1 6
Day 2 18
Day 3 8
Day 4 12
Day 5 10
Day 6 16
Assessment A. Each of the following is the title for a graph. Identify whether a pie
chart, bar graph, or line graph would best represent the data.
1. Project Cost Breakdown Percentage of Han’s Gallery.
2. Population of Region XII from 2000 to 2020
3. Favorite Drink of a Junior High School Students
4. Income of ABC Company Over the Years
5. Percentage of Sources of Chicken in Mindanao.
B. Use appropriate graphs to represent organized data.
Celebrity Types Teens Prefer in Ads

Celebrity Type Number of Votes

Sports stars 8
Music stars 33
Movie stars 16
Animated characters 11
TV stars 12

Agreement A. Use appropriate graphs to represent organized data.

The Amount of Popcorn Sold at a Theater
Time Bucket Sold
Monday 300
Tuesday 500
Wednesday 400
Thursday 250
Friday 450
Saturday 150
B. Have an advance study about using appropriate graphs to represent
organized grouped data.
Prepared by:


Teacher I SSHT VI Secondary School Principal

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