OOU - Eng, Phys, Chem & Bio1

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Choose the correct option to fill the blank spaces
1. The guest...........breakfast by the time the bus arrives. a. shall have finished
b. have finished c. had finished d. are finishing
2. You can go on.........................what you are saying. a. will be understanding
b. an understanding c. understanding d. waste understanding
3. When he was knocked on the head, he fall...............to the ground. a. fainted
b. unconscious c. collapsed d. noisily
4. It so..............hard that all the cares have stopped moving. a. will rain b. rained
c. rain d. rains.
5. The principal will be going away on leave, in his absence the vice-principal
will...........the school. a. overlook b. take over c. look after d. care for
Choose the word that is nearly composite in meaning to the underlined word.
6. The able-bodies should take care of the............... a. feeble b. weak-minded c.
suffering d. softhearted
7. The chairman ordered him either to withdrew or to......his allegations. a. affirm
b. drew c. express d. complete
8. He shows plenty of goodwill to his neighbours, but they bear nothing
except.............towards him a. bad luck b. malice c. anger d. unhappiness
9. I supported you said but I..........the way you said it a. argued about b. objected
to c. interfered with d. investigated
10. Though many of us were poor quite a few were........... a. arrogant b. prodigal c.
a affluent d. luxurious

1. A fair coin is tossed ten times. What is the probability of getting two heads?

a. b. c. d.

2. A man bought 220 mangoes at N5x. He sold each of 3x kobo and made a gain of
N8. Find the value of x. a. 2 b. 5 c. 10 d 6.
3. Calculate the sum of infinity of 1 + ± + a. 0.33 b. 0.67 c.

1.5 d. 25

4. If “P + “C2, then n can be a. 1 b. 2 c. d. 3

Page 2
5. Express tan 221/2o in the sum form. a.+v2-2 b.1-v2 c.v2-1 d.+v2+1
6. If sin (x-a) = cos (x+a), then tan is a. 0.8 b.0.75 c.1.0 d.6.28
7. Simplify 11013 a.101003 b.11002 c.1110 d.10112
8. A binary operation x is defined on R, the set read umbers by xy = VXY =
VXY, for all X, YER. If X* (2*8) = 6, Find. a.2 b.4 c.9 d.10
9. Find the mean deviation of 5,8,7 and 2. a.0 b.2 c.5 d.10
10. The volumes of two similar solid cubes are 729cm3 and 512cm2. Find the ratio
of their lengths. a.4:3 b.9:7 d.9:8

1. Which of the following is not true about semi conductor? a. moving holes are
equivalent to moving positive charges b. there are two kind of charges carrier;
free electron and hole c. the escape of a valence electron from an atom produces
electron holes pair of charge carrier d. Increase in temperature increases its
electrical resistance (in a semiconductor, the electrical resistance decrease in
2. The minimum energy necessary to remove an electron from a given atom at
infinity is called......... a. excitation b. ground state energy c. ionizing energy
d. binding energy (The minimum amount of energy required an electron from an
atom is called ionizing energy).
3. Find the de Broglie wavelength of a 0.01kg pallet having a velocity of 10m/s 663
x1034js. a. 6.63 x 1031m b. 6.63 x10-32 c. 6.63 x 10-33m SQL: De Broglie
formula for wavelength w=I=h/33 2s VM where V is electron volt of hpe . e
=hip, (where P =mass x velocity)e =6.63 x 10-34 /0/0; x 10=6.63 x 10-35
4. A set-up transformer is designed to operate from a 25v supply. If the transformer
is 80% efficient, determine the current in the primary coil when the output
terminals are notconnectedto24ov 100w lamp. A5.0A b4.0A c.2.5A d.2.0A
SOL: Efficiency = Output/input x 100/1 input; Power 1 per i.e. 80=100/251 p x
100/1, 1p x 100/1, 1p= 100 x 100/25 x80=5A
5. AN object of mass 0.2kg and density 600kg4 is suspended with a string so that it
is immersed in paraffin of density 900kgm-3. Find the tension in the string
a.0.2N b.2.0N c.1 .0N d.0 INSOL: D=M/V. When D=660, 600=0.2/N,
V=0.2/600=3.3 x 1034. Thus 1/10 of V = 1 /10 x 3.33 x 10 = 3.33 x 10-34. 3.33x10-
, there when D=900kgm-3, D= MV where V=33x10-5, M=900kgm-3 x
3.33x10-5, m=0.03, F=10 x 0.03, F=0.3.
6. A rocket burns fuel at the rate of 20kgs-1 and reject it with a velocity of 5.0x
103ns-1. Calculate the thrust exerted b gas on the rocket. a.1.0 x 105ms-1 b.2.0 x

Page 3
105=ms-1 c3.0x105ms d.5.0x105ms-1. SOL: The thrust exerted y the gas on the
rocket is the mass x velocity. i.e. 5x105 x 20kg-1 = 1.0x105.ms-1.
7. Which of the following pairs consist fundamental quantities only? a. velocity
and gravitational potential b. acceleration and field strength c. momentum and
work done d. moment and mass. (All are derived unit except mass; N.B Mass,
length, time, temperature, velocity, amount of substance etc. are all fundamental
8. One of the limitations of Thomson’s model of the atom in that it does not explain.
a Small angle b. stability of the atom c. ionization process d. the variation of the
effective atomic radius (Thomson’s concluded in what is called plum pudding
mode) of the atom which deal with larger angle carrying a current of IGA and
2.5min length is placed in filed of flux density 0.14T. What is the force of the
wire if ft is place at 60° to field? a.30.3N b.20.5N c.15.3N d.10.5M SOL:
F=BILSIN. Therefore, F=0. 14x2.5x10sin 60, F=3.30N
9. In the transformer, the magnetism of the core is repeatedly reverse by the

1. In bird, the’ following feathers possess after shaft a. Quill and filoplumes
b. Down and filoplumes c. Covert and down d. Quill and covert
2. The nutritive layer of the eye in mammals is............... a. refracting media
b. conjunctiva c.corner. d. Sciara
3. Ultra fit ratio in the Kidney takes place in the a. Bowman’s Capsule
b. Pelvis c. Loop of Henle d. Proximal Convulatrfd Tubule
4. Which of the following bones is not a component of the fore limb?
a. Olearanon b. Ulna c. Tilia d. Humerus
5. The condition in which the anthers mature before the stigma is called.............
a. protandry b. Epigyny c. Hypogyny d. protogyny
6. In most true ferns, sporangia are grouped into........ a. indusium b. fronds
c. son d. Prothalls
7. The ration of carriers to sucklers in the F2 generation derived from a parental
cross at two carriers of heamoglobins S gene is a. 3:1 b. 1:3 c. 2:1 d.
8: In which part of a leguminous plant can bacteria like Azotobacteria be found? a.
Spongy mesophyll b. Root nodes c. stern internodes d. Stem nodes
9. In a dicotyledonous stem, companion cells are round closed to the..................
a. Endodermal cells b. Silver tubes c. Xylem vessels d. Pericylic fibres
10. The position occupied by an organism in a food chain is referred to as..............
a. Trophic level b. Niche c.Level d. feed level

Page 4
1. Natural water includes the following except a. Rain water b. Spring water.
c. pure water d. Lake water SOL: Of all the options, only water is not a source
of nature water. Source of natural water. Source of natural include rain or
precipitation, spring, stream, well lake, pond, sea etc. Pure water are used in
the option means treated water, which is not actually pure, following the
criteria for purity.
2. Which of the following methods cannot be used to remove permanent hardness
from water? a. Adding of washing soda b. addition of cause by the presence of
Ca and MFC ions in water either as chloride, carbonate hydrogen, carbonate, or
sulphates. These ions can be substitute using soluble metals like sodium
containing compound such as washing soda (Na2Co3. 10H2O), caustic soda
(NaoH)3 and permute of zeolite (NaNsoi3), NB: alum is double salt which
conforms to the general formula MM (SO4)3. 12H2o where M= can be A12+.
Cr3+ or Fe3+
3. If the solubility or sodium tetraoxosulphate (IV) at 30° is 18g per 100g. How
much is this gram per kilogram? A. l8g per 100g b. l80g per100g c. l80g per
1000g d.l80g per mg SOL: 16g per 100g=18g per 100/1000 (converting from
g to k)=18g per 0.1k, 180g per lkg4.
4. The following are example of colloid except a. Milk b. starch in water
c. aerosol d. ammonium chloride
5. The pH of the solution M, H,O, and P are 4,6,8 and 10 respectively. Therefore
a. non of the solution is acidic b. the H of the 0 made neutral by adding water
c. the most acidic solution is P. d. M is the most acidic solution.’ (According to
S, resen’s equation, PH=-log10 1/H+. Therefore a solution with a lower H and
a higher H+ concentration is more acidic than that of a higher P and a lower ft
6. Sodium chloride may be obtain from brine by........... a. detection b. distillation
c. evaporation d. sublimation. (Brine is concentrated solution of table or
common salt Nacl) and water (H2o). While Nacl alone can be gotten from brine
by evaporation to dryness; both nacl and H2o can be collected separately by
distillation, due to large difference in their boiling point with Nacl higher in
boiling point than H2o).
7. Oil spillage in pond and creek can be 4 cleared by............. a. Burning of the oil
layer b. spraying with detergent c. spraying with common slat d. spraying with
oil (oil is an immiscible solvent with water, forming the upper layer due to its

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lower density. The spreads over the surface, cutting off the oxygen supply to the
aquatic bodies from the atmosphere (reducing dissolved oxygen). Detergent
having hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail interlinks these two immiscible
liquid and dissolved the oil).
8. Which of the following is a chemical compound? a. Soap b. milk c. urine
d. gold (A chemical; compound contain atom or a particular element and that of other
element combining together in a means and have chemical formulae not symbol which
is for elements. Soap=C17H35Ha (compound). Milk=no formula (mixture).
9. Crystallization is a separation method used a. where purity of the product
important b. Where beauty of the product is important c. where the product is
a solid d. Where the product cannot be destroy by heat.
10. Which hydroxide dissolves in water to form an alkaline a. Aluminum hydroxide
b.Calcium hydroxide c. Copper hydroxide d. Iron hydroxide


1.A 2.A 3.4 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C
1.D 2.C 3.D 4. 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.B
1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.A 10****
1.C 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A


Faculties: Medicine, Health Science, Environmental Humanities
Instruction Attempt all questions
Time: 40 Minutes

1. Dog and bark, donkey and__________ a. Roar b. Chant c. Bleat d. Bray

2. Fish and swim, horse and___________ a. jump b. Gallop c. walk d. dance

These are three sentences in each of the following questions. Which of them
to second and third?
3. 1. My father puts his money in the bank
2. My father collects big interest on his money
3.my father has a lot of money a.1,2,3, b.1,3,2, c.2,3,1 d.3,1,2

Page 6
4. 1. We had English Language lesson in our class
2. Our teacher was absent.
3. We had to rend out books ourselves a.1,2,3, b.1,3,2 c.2,2,3 d.3,1

Choose the letter that best completes the first word and begins the second
5. Be( )ieve
g h
t a.a b.c c.i d.m

6. Pee( )
e a. c b.i c. p d.f

7. Children from wealthy families are always brilliant students. a. True b. false
c. Not always
The letters of the words are given as indicated.
Educational 1234567.8950
How will you write the word

8. CAUTION a.4326109 b.4350789 c.3426789 d.4536789 e.4526778

9. Decode 212341 a. DEDUCE b. DEDUCT c. DEPART d. DEDUCT
Below are some statements, pick
A. If it is always true
B. If it is often true
C. If is never true
D. If it is impossible to say how true it is

10. The earth revolves round the moon ABCD

11. Women are good teacher A B C D
12. John likes 400 but not 300; he likes 100 but not 99; he likes 2500 but not 2400.
What does he not like? i.900 ii.1000 iii.1100 iv.1200
13. A fallacious argument is: i. Disturbing ii. Valid iii. False iv. Necessary
14. If you rearrange the letters “ANLDEGN” you would have the name of a (n):
i. Ocean ii. Country iii. State iv. City v. Animal
15. NASA received three messages in a strange language from a distant planet. The
scient studied the messages and found that “Necor Buldon Stock” means

Page 7
“Danger Rocket Explosion” and Edwan Mynor Necor” means “Danger
Spaceship Fire” and Buldon Gimlizor gondon” means “Bad gas Explosion”
What does “Slock” means” i.Danger ii. Explosion iii. Nothing iv. Rocket
16. If some wicks are slicks, and some slicks are Snicks, then some wicks are
definitely snicks. The statement is: i.True ii.False iii. Neither

Which word(s) replace(s) the underlined in following:

17. He is a virtual kill joy. a. hates joyful people b. ruins other people’s happiness
c. killed a young lady called Joy d. is generous
18. Nma is an absolute knockout. a. Nma is a great boxer b. Nma has been knocked
out c. Nma is exceptionally attractive d. Nma usually knocks out her opponents
19. Emeka’s kleptoma has defied cure. a. Emeka needs special surgery b. Emeka
cannot slop stealing.

From the options, choose the appropriate word of phrase that best completes
the following sentences
20. He needed a few minutes more to his lecture. a.round up b.round together
c.round off d.round in
21. My aunt always want to pair me_____with the wrong ladies. a.up b.off
c.together d.on
22. With the way the rains are coming, we are in_____a long period of temperature
weather. a.to b.for c.with d.on
23. No one ever cared for me like Ada______ a. had done b.was c.would do
24. Until I married, I_____ a.used to come to school early b.used to come school
early c.usually came to school early d.usually coming early to school
25. Your international passport would______for an indemnification document.
a.pass on b.pas out c.pass through d.pass off
26. Juliet loves painting more than Joan, but Juliana loves than_______a.even more
b.much more c.most more d.more than much
27. The whole story sounded _____ a far gone b. far flung c. farfetched d. faraway
28. As he was completely unprepared for the lecture he spoke_______a. off head
b. extempore c. spontaneously d. extra-sense
29. He got a short prison term than he deserved because there were circumstances.
a. extraterrestrial b. extraneous c. extinguishing d.extenuating
30. It is generally believed that life is possible in the moon ____ no one has been
living there a.whereas b. however, c. but d. nonetheless
31. Our students now walk in ______since the increase in the rate of kidnapping.
a. two b.twos c.twosome d.two’s

Page 8
32. One instruction is crucial in this examination_____only Gabriella has
discovered it. a. but b. whence c. and d. hence
33. The rat is quietly_____the cake. a.biting b.eating c.chewing d.nibbling
34. NACA is_____ a. National Action Committee on AIDS b. National AIDS
Consultative Authority c. National Assembly Committee on AIDS d.
Nigerian Aviation council amalgamated
35. Which one of these does not belong to the group a. PHCN b.Visa Phone c.
MTN d.Etisalat
36. The Nigerian Police is a parastal in the Ministry of a. Defence b. Foreign
Affairs c. Federal Capital Territory d. Internal Affairs
37. The Attorney General of the Federal and Ministry of Justice is_____________
a. Mr. Ogbonna Onova b. Dr. Sam Egwu c. Mr. Michael Aondoakaa d.
Prof. Dora Akunyili
38. The umbrella organization that unites all Christian churches is known as........
a. Roman Catholic Church b. Pentecostal churches c. Orthodox Churches
d. Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN)
39. Year anniversary is known as a.Golden Jubilee b.Silver Jubilee c. diamond
Jubilee d. Matal Jubilee
40. The essential ingredient of democracy is______ a. Rule of law b. President
c. National Assemble d. Political parties
41. Major sea ports in Nigeria are found in all of the flowing towns except.
a. Lagos b. Port Harcourt c. Calabar d. Onotsha
42. On December 10, 2005, Sosoliso plane crashed at the Port Harcourt Airport and
claimed how may lives? a. 107 lives b. 207 lives c. 95 lives d. 117
43. Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the USA on the a. 4th of Nov
2008 b.20th of Jan 2009 c. 29th of may 2008 d. 27th of may 2009
44. What two numbers come next in the following series? 1,3,0,10,15,-,-, a.21,28
b.20,26 c.21,25 d.16,20
45. If Ihc code AXISEM represents the number 9.54207, what number is
represented by the code XlS + SEX? a.AIM b.MIM c.MES d.SIX
46. How many 5s below have 3 immediately after them,
62534105253167523531353? a.3 b.5 c.4 d.6
47. ZAIRE is represented by the number 98765.GABON by 48321. What is the
number representing NIGERIA? a. 1754768 b.7158678 c.17356S8
48. 2 is to ¼ as 1 is to______ a.1/8 b. ¼ c. ½ d.2
Which should be the next number in each family of numbers in number 33 and

Page 9
49. /5, 3/10, 4/17 a.4/19 b.3/20 c.5/26 d.5/21.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.8 12.D
13C 14. 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.B 19.D 20.C 21.C 22.B 23.A 24.A
25.C 26.B 27.A 28. 29.D 30.C 31.C 32D 33.B 34.A 35.A 36.A
37.C 38.D 39.A 40.A 41.D 42.D 43. 44.C 45.A 46.C 47.D 48.C
49.C 50.A




Using the code above, choose from the given alternatives the correct way of writing
the following words

5. Which of these is not one of the president 7-point agenda? a. food security
b. wealth creation c. amnesty of militant d. land tenure reforms.
6. The first capital of Nigeria is a. Abuja b. Lagos c.Ibadan d. Calabar
7. The 2009 confederation Cup was won by. a.USA b.Brazil c.South Africa
8. Economic melt down is a term used to explain a. Global economic recession
b. international monetary fund c. budget deficit d.Scarcity
9. The President of America, Mr. Barrack Obama was sworn in on a.20th January
2009 b.20th January2008 c. 4th January2009 d. 10th January 2009
10. Democracy day in Nigeria is usually celebrated on the a. 27th May b. 29th May
c. June 12th d. 1st October
11. The governor of the Central Bank is a.Prof. Chukwuma SoIudo b. Lamido
Samuel c.Tony Elumelu d.Cecilia Ibru
12. 12. Clean and Green is associated with which of these states a.Kanu
b.Anambra c.Imo d.Lagos
Page 10
13. FERMA is......... a. Federal Roads Maintenance Agency b. Federal Economic
Resources Monitoring Agency c. Federal Entrance Road Maintenance Authority
d.Federal Road Management Authority
14. Roll back Malaria is a national health policy aimed at.... a. developing
insecticides for mosquito b. Eradicating malaria c. Encouraging the sale of
malaria drugs d. treating patient of malaria.
15. A teacher came to a class meeting at 12.02pm but he was 12 minutes late. The
meeting must have started at a.12.00am b.11 .50am c.11 .50pm d.12.14pm
16. The village drum is played at the hour at every quarter of an hour between 11.59
and 1.10pm on the same day it will be played ___________a.twice
b.five time c.once d. four times
17. Which is smallest? a.3/4 b.5/8 c.8/10 d.13/14.
18. A small company is owned by Emeka, Chima and Chidera. Emeka own 1/5,
Chima owns 3/8 and Chidera share is worth N8,500.00. What is the total value of
the small marks be raised if both of them are to be given equal treatment? A. N
14,783.00 B. N51 ,000.00 c.N36,125.00 d. N20,000.00
19. A student score in an examination [result was raised from 27 marks. Another
student scored 27 marks. To what score must this student’s marks be raised if
both of them are to be given equal treatment? A. 80 B. 35 C. 50 D. 30
20. /3 of one flank of a house is painted red, % of it is painted blue and 4.5 metres
of, it is painted white. What is the length of the house? A.12m B.135m
C.144m D.120m
21. The word “marine” is represented by the number 715263. What word does
“6263” represent. a. mine b. Nine c.Area d. Ream
22. Which one of the five choices make, the best comparison? LIVED is to DEVIL
as 6323 is to a.2336 b.6232 c.3236 d.6332
23. Which one of these five is least like the other four? a. Mule b. Kangaroo c.
Cow d.Deer e.Donkey
24. Which number should come next? 144 122 10081 64? a.17 b.19 c.36 d.49
25. Even the most ____ rose has thorns a. Ugly b. Weathered c. Lonely d.
Noxious e.Tempting
26. Hand is to Glove as Head is to a. Hair b.Hat c.Neck d.Earring

In question 27-3 1, choose the option that has the same consonant sound as the one
represented by the underlined letter(s).
27. Hair a.heir b.hour c.house d.honest
28. Education a.hand b.sure c.doctor d.procedure
29. Stomach a.rich b.challenge c.chatter d.canoe
Page 11
30. Tough a.fish b. Hough c.Ghana d.gorgeous
31. Rich a.chief b.catch c.medicine d.charlatan
In question 27-31, choose the option that has the same vowel sound as the one
represented by the underlined letter(s)
32. Ouar a.quarrel b.key c.high d.my
33. Bead a.tea b. bat c. board d. broad
34. Ball a. bat b. sword c.dot d.hot
35. Rate a.wait b.rent c.rat d.wet
36. Son a. burn b. so c. ban d.but

Select the right word or aggression to replace the underlie ones from the alternative
37. The committee gave a blank cheque in its management of company. a.clear
directive b. free hand c.unsigned cheque d.generous sum of money
38. The labour market is full of unemployable applicants. a. that cannot be
employed b. that are unwilling to be employed c. that are not qualified to be
employed d. that are too unskilled to be employed
39. Even the blue chip companies are affected by the global economic meltdown.
a. companies operating with compared chips b. companies with blue as their
colour emblems c. companies that produce cheap goods d. first rate
40. The courtyard has remained to verdant a. Evergreen b. fertile c. sterile d.
41. There are telltale sighs of frustration in his altitude. a.story telling b.tailed
c. revealing d.obvious
42. The judges found the features of the beauty queen intimidating a. fearful
b. sustained c. overwhelming d. frightening
43. He led a kamikaze attack at the garrison a. heroic b. suicidal c. unplanted d.
44. Asia is the largest continent of the word while___ is the smallest content of the
world a.Africa b.Australia c. North America d.South America
45. Six babies born together are know as a. quadruplets b. sextuplet c. triplets
46. Match the following birth related matters. Four babies born together are called
quadruplets seven babies born together are called a. Heptapicts b. Nonaples
c. Quadruplets d. twins
47. The election has never been about me its been about you who made this speech
and when? a. Obasanjo, speech before the election b. Barrack Obama speech
before the election c. Hilary Clinton speech before the election d. Umaru
Musa Yaradua speech before the election

Page 12
48. Find out the one that cannot be formed from CROCODILE a.Coil b.Cock
c.Lice d.Door
49. Pick out the one that does NOT belong to the group a.clinic b. maternity
c.supermarket d.hospital
50. Choose the word that most suitably completes that relationship. Mother and
daughter, father and a.brother b.grandfather c.son d.niece


1.A 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.C
13.D 14.B 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.*** 21.B 22.C 23.D 24.D
25.A 26.B 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.B 31.A 32.B 33.B 34.C 35.A 36.A
37.A 38.A 39.D 40.D 41.A 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.B 46.C 47.B 48.D 49.C 50.C

Page 13
APTITUDE TEST: 2015/2016

There is another interesting fact about eye movement if you! Record the eye movements
of someone who is reading you will notice that from time to time, the reader goes back
and look’s again at something he has read before, in other words, he regresses to an
earlier part of the test probably because he comes back to where he left off and continues
reading. At one time, it was thought that regression was a fault, but it is a fact a very
necessary activity in efficient reading.
There are several different kinds of fault in reading, which are usually more
exaggerated with foreign learners. The most common one is that most people read more
slowly than they should. There is no rate at which people’ ought to read of course; it
depends on your purpose in reading, how difficult the people read everything at the
same slow speed and do not seem to realize that they can read faster or slower as
required. Other people say they read down to something near speaking Speed, which is
of course much slower than reading “speed Another habit which can slow you down is
following the line with your finger; or with a pen. If you want to be able to read faster
the secret is simply to practices under timed conditions. This means that you should give
yourself a certain amount of time to read with understanding then check your time when
you nave finished. Students who have practiced fast reading even for only an hour a
week, have shown average improvements of over 50% over a term of ten weeks’
duration. Reading fast does not necessarily mean reading with loss comprehension - in
fact student usually show small increase in comprehension as well as a dramatic increase
in speed.
1. The expression ‘There is no rate at which people ought to read of
course................ it is used to A. Justify regression in reading B. Condemn slow
reading habits C. Justify a variety of reading speeds D. Recommend regression
in reading
2. According to the passage, the reader regresses so that he can A. look again at
what he has read before B. appreciate what he is reading C. make sense of what
he is reading D. Remember what he is reading.
3. For effective reading, the writer implies that speaking speed is A. normal
B. Inadequate C. necessary D. significant E. compounded
4. The word ‘exaggerated’ as used in the passage, means A. Pronounced
B. Problematic C. Falsified D. compounded
5. The writer implies when you read unfamiliar material, your reading speed will
be A. faster B. regular C. irregular D. slower.

In each of questions 6 to 10, select the option that best explains the information
conveyed in the sentence.

Page 14
6. If I left the country, I would arrange for my family to join me. A. He left the
country and his family joined him. B. In the event of his leaving the country, his
.family would join’ him C. He did not leave the country and his family did not
join him. D. He may not leave the country.
7. A state of mutual hatred existed far years between the two villages of Umuna
and Ogboma, A. Umuna hated Ogboma B. Ogboma and hated Umuna
C. Ogboma and Umuna hated themselves D. Umuna and Ogboma hated each
8. The painting in the museum was beautifully faked. A.The painting was a good
deceptive replica. B.The painting was well-framed and displayed C.The
painting was deceptively decorated in the museum. D. The painting was
carefully hung in museum.
9. Ade: Do you mind if I sit down hare? Bola: well, yes I do actually. A. Bola is
reluctantly granting the request. B. Bola is willingly accepting the request C.
Bola is certainly rejecting the request D. Bola is objecting to the request
10. The President held forth for several minutes on the need for patriotism.
A.The President was silent for some minutes when patriotism was being discussed
B.The President whispered a few things about patriotism. C.The president spent time
saying a few things about patriots. D. The President gave a rather long speech on the
importance of patriotism.

In each of question 11 to 20, fill each gap with the most appropriate option from the
list provided.
11. Without our relentless campaigns, we might sure of victory in the race for the
National Assembly. A. never have been B. have never be C. never had been D. be
12. We are hungry, we anything to eat since morning. A.didn’t have B.hadn’t had
C. haven’t had D. never had
13. To check desertification in the arid zones trees should be planted
A. Drought-proof B. Drought-resisting C. drought-effective D. drought
14. The loquacious young lady reeled of all the names of the players. A. off head
B. off hand C. at hear D. at hand
15. I like the character that played the role of a political at the last convention of our
party. A. thorn coat B. turn coat C.Turn coat D. turned coat
16. All the traders in the market saw the woman buy......the imported suits. A. Up B.
Off C. Over D. Out
17. The man declared his intention from the A. outset B. inset C. onset D. offset
18. The Team Manager told us that the race would only be won by the A. flat
footed B. bare-footed C. swift-footed D. fore-footed

Page 15
19. The Governor-ejected the bill and withheld his. A. accent B. ascent C. access
D. ascent
20. The new school is not provided with, for science practical A. enough equipment
B. equipments C. an equipment D. enough equipments

In each of the questions 21 to 25, select the option that best explains the information
conveyed in the sentence.
21. If he were here it could be more fun. A. He did not show up and so the occasion
lacked much fun B. He was being expected to supply more fun. C. There
was no fun because he was not present. D. He was expected but did not show up
to liven up the occasion
22. Though he is our elected representative, he often takes a rather jaundiced view
of our problem. A. Me takes a rather bazy view of our problems B. He lakes
unfavourable position concerning our problem. C.He takes a rather of our
forceful view of our problem D. He takes sickly view of our problems
23. When I visited James I only gave him a congratulatory card on account of his
promotion. A. The only person I visited was James and nobody else. B. It was
only James that I gave a congratulatory card to. C. All I gave James when I
visited him was a congratulatory card. D. All I did when I visited James was
given a congratulatory card.
24. The events of last Friday show that there is no love lost between the Principal
and the Vice-Principal. A. They like each other B. They work independently
C. They cannot part company D. They dislike each other
25. The politician’s inflammatory remarks were heavily criticized...................
A.The politician’s rude remarks were heavily criticized B.The politician’s provocative
remarks were heavily criticized. C.The politician’s bombastic remarks were heavily
criticized D.The politician’s tribalistic remarks were heavily criticized

1. The nucleus is considered the control organelle of a cell because it................ A.
Contains the genetic material B. Contains the nuclear sap C. is bounded by
the nuclear membrane D. is located at the centre of the cell.
2. Regulation of blood sugar level takes place in the A. pancreas B. Ileum
C. Liver D. Kidney
3. The heart of the adult frog consists of A. two auricles and two ventricles B.
one auricle and one ventricle C. two ventricle and two auricles D. one ventricle
and two auricles

Page 16
4. A group of organisms of different species living in a particular area is described
as a A. colony B. community C. population D. niche
5. A freshwater plant such as water lily can solve the problem of buoyancy by the
possession of A. arenchymarous tissue B. dissected leaves C. thin cell walls of
the epidermis D. water repelling epidermis
6. Soil micro-organisms are beneficial because of their involvement in
A. photosynthesis B. translocation C. cycling of nutrients D. espiration using soil
7. One of the ways in which body cells differ from gamete cells is in the A. type
of centromeres they contain B. number of chromosomes pair they contain C.
type of chromatids they contain D. number of chromosomes they contain 8. In
the blood transfusion agglutination occurs when A. white blood cells from two
individuals meet B. two different antibodies meet C. two different antigens
meet D. contrasting antigens and antibodies meet.
9. The richest sources of vitamin A are A. palm oil and groundnut oil B. palm
oil and carrots C. rice and groundnut oil D. oranges and carrots
10. Yellowing of leaves is a symptom associated with deficiency of A. iron, calcium
and magnesium B. nitrogen, sulphur and potassium C. sulphur, phosphorous
and iron D. magnesium, nitrogen and iron
11. The construction of dams may lead to an increase in the prevalence of
A. typhoid fever, measles and yellow fever B. tuberculosis, leprosy and typanosomiasis
C. guinea worm, malaria and tuberculosis D. malaria, biharziasis and onchocerciasis

12. Which of the following can be obtained by fraction of distillation? A. Nitrogen
from liquid air B. Sodium chloride for sea water C. iodine from a solution of
iodine in carbon tetachloride D. Sulphur from a solution of sulphur in carbon
13. Atoms of element X (with 2 electrons in the outer shell) combine with atoms of
Y (with7 electrons n the outer shell). Which of the following is FALSE? The
compound formed A. has formula XY B. is likely to be ionic C. containsX 2+
ions D. containsY-1 ions
14. Which of the following represents the type of bonding present in ammonium
chloride molecule? A. ionic only B. covalent only C. ionic and dative covalent
D. dative covalent only
15. Maganese (iv) oxide is known to hasten the decomposition of hydrogen
peroxide. Its main actions is to A. increase the surface of the reactants
B. increase the concentration of the reactants C. lower the activation energy for the
reaction D. lower the heat of reaction
16. Which of the following salts can be melted without decomposition? A. Na2CO3
B.CaCO3 C. MgCO3 D.ZnCO3
Page 17
17 Which of the following, in clear solution, forms a white precipitate when carbon
(iv) oxide is bubbled into it for a short time? A. KOH B. NaOH
C. Ca(OH)2 D. Al(OH)3
18. Copper (ii) tetraoxosulphate (iv) is widely used as a A. fertilizer B. Fungicide
C. disinfectant D. purifier
19. Which of the following metals can be prepared in samples by the thermal
decomposition to their trioxonitrate (v) salt A. copper and mercury B. silver and copper
C. mercury and silver D. magnesium and mercury

20. Which of the following metals will provide the greatest shield against ionizing
radiation A. iron B. manganese C. aluminium D. lead
21. The process of energy production in the sun is A. nuclear fission B. nuclear
fusion C. electron collision D. radioactive decay
22. The electromagnetic wave that can produce a heating effect on the environment
A. garnma rays B. x-rays C. ultraviolent rays D. infrared rays
23. Which of them following statements is true of the properties of a moving coil
galvanometer? A. it has a small number of turns of coil B. there is a strong permanent
magnet to give high magnetic flux C. the coil has small area
D. there are strong hair springs to give a large control couple
24. By what factor will the size of an object placed 10cm from a convex lens be
increased if the image is seen on the screen placed 25cm from the lens? A. 2.5 B. 1.5
C. 0.4 D. 15.0
25. A wire of 5? is drawn out so that its new length is two times the original length.
If the resistivity of the wire remains the same and the cross-section area is halved, the
new resistance is A. 20? B. 50? C. 10? D. 15?
1.C 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.A
12.C 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.C 1 7.C 18.*** 1 9.B 20.A
21.D 22.D 23.C 24.*** 25.B
1. A 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.B 1l.D
12. A 13.B 14.*** 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.C
20. D 21. 22. D 23.B 24.A 25.A

Page 18
For Medicine & Health Science, Science, Education.
(Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics)

NB: Shade your JSMB Registration Number, Post UME form number, Faculty of
Choice, Question Type, Subjects Answered and the Exam Date. ii. Answer English and
any other three qualifying subjects.
iii Time: 50mins Type: D


In the university, students study some courses that do not seem to immediately relate to
their chosen fields of study. University syllabuses stipulate that these courses must be
studied and passed. Many graduates realized in later life that these courses that initially
seemed unimportant to the students are important to them in discussion with people and
indeed in finding solutions to general problems of existence. Branded general studies in
universities, these courses in some cases provide scientific knowledge to students of
Humanities, social sciences and other courses that do not immediately emphasize
science. Similarly some provide humanistic knowledge to students in medicine.
Engineering, the sciences and other related disciplines. The ultimate reason for this is
to make a graduate know, a little of everything even as he obtains a deep knowledge of
his chosen discipline. A doctor who is not humane may poison instead of healing a
patient. A graduate of religion who is a total novice in elementary science may not be
able to prevent an electric fire by switching off a burning appliance even if he had the

Answer the following questions

1. Which is the best title for the passage? A. Description of general studies courses
B. Provision of general studies courses C. Advantage of general studies courses
D. Planning of general studies courses
2. Which of these best describe general studies A. they are courses that are
important in a student’s discipline B. they are courses outside a students
discipline C. they are courses that seem unimportant D. they are courses that
students discuses after graduation
3. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. humanities students
emphasize courses in the sciences B. humanities students emphasize courses in
the humanities C. humanities students emphasize courses in the social sciences
D. humanities students emphasize courses in mathematic
4. ‘Stipulate’ as used in the passage means A. suggest B. insist C. advice
D. consider
5. ‘Ultimate’ as used in the passage means A. temporary B. sufficient
Page 19
C. significant D. fundamental
6. Anther word for ‘immediately’ as used in the passage is A. lately B.
Correspondingly C. apparently D. satisfactorily
7 Anther expression for ‘humane’ as used in the passage is A. considerate and
respectful B. intelligent and strong C. religious and wise D. kind and slow

The underlined consonant sounds of each of the following (Nos. 8- 14) are the same
except in one. Identify the odd sound.
8. A. throat B. truth C. toad D. throes
9. A. thin B thank C. those D.ing
10 A.guy B.gem C. gene D.gel
11. A. treasure B measure C. seizure D. pleasant 12. A. clear
B. chair C. Kin D. cane
13 A. Change B snare C. Chew D. Cheat
14. A. the B. there C. thorn D. this

1. A stone thrown upwards from ground level with an initial velocity u. if the stone
covered a total distance of 90m before hitting the ground. Determine u. neglect air
resistance and take g=10ms2 A. 120ms B. 60ms-1 C. 30ms-1
D. 15ms-1
2 A cylinder contains water, the level of the water being 8cm above the bottom of the
cylinder. A spherical metal bob of diameter 6cm was pat into the cylinder and the level
- the water rose to 9cm find the internal diameter of the cylinder. A.8cm B. 10cm
C. 12cm D. 16cm
3. Tendon in a man’s leg is 0.01m long and has a cross sectional area of
1.6x10-5m2 if Young’s modulus for the tendon is 1.6 x 108Nm-2. Find the
extension of the tendon when a force of 5N is applied. A.0.5x106m
B. 1.6x105m C.2.0x105 D.3.2x104m
4. Three quarters of a radioactive element decayed after three days. Find the half
life of the element. A. 1 day B. 11/2 days C. 21/4 D.4days
5. Which of the following are true about cathode rays?
i. they are electrons because they are negatively charge.
ii. They are charge particles because their motion is affected by a magnet iii.
They have the same nature as x-rays iv. They can be diffracted. A. i, ii only B.
ii,iii only C. ii,iv only D. i, iv only 6. If C is collector, B base and E emitter of
a transistor, the transfer characteristics of the common base configuration is a
plot of A. IC against VCB with constant

Page 20
B. IC against IE with VCB C. IE against VEB with VCB constant D.IE against
IC with VEB constant
7. A. man stands 3m in front of a plan mirror, if the mirror is moved 1 m away from
the man the distance between him and his image is A.4m B.6m C.8m
8. The velocity of light in a liquid is 0.80 as fast as it is in air. Find the refractive
index of the liquid. A. 0.40 B. 0.80 C. 1.25 D.1.60
9. When an object is placed at a distance greater than twice the focal length in front
of a convex lens, the image formed is A. real, inverted and diminished B. Real
erect and magnified C. virtual, erect and diminished D. real inverted
and magnified
10. Which of the following are true about evaporation?
i. it is possible to freeze a liquid by evaporation. ii.
evaporation takes place at all temperatures iii. solids do
not evaporate iv. it does not involve change of the
density of a liquid
a. i,ii,iii,iv b. i,ii,iii,only c. ii,iii,iv only d. i,ii,iv only
11. A lead rod is 150cm long at 20 c. To what temperature must the rod be heated
to make it expand by 9m? The coefficient of linear expansion is 2.7 x 10-50C-1.
A. 184°c B. 208°c C. 222°c D. 242°c
12. A mercury thread has length of 12cm and 25cm respectively at the ice and steam
points. Find the temperature when the thread is 18cm long A.46.2°c B.55°c
C.69.3°c D.86.4°c

1. The pollutant that is associated with genetic mutation is.... A. carbon (ii) oxide
B. chlorofluorocarbon C. radioactive fallout D. sulphur (iv) oxide
2. 2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)
In the reaction above, the effect of a decrease in pressure on the equilibrium position
will lead to: A. decrease in the amount of oxygen produced B. decrease in the
amount of sulphur (iv) oxide produce C. increase in the amount of sulphur (iv) oxide
produced D. no change in the concentration of both the reactants and products.
3. Which of the following cannot be used as a catalyst? A. manganese
B. copper C. chromium D. platinum
4. Metal X will be above metal Y in the activity series if X A. displaces ions of Y
from solution B. has a higher relative atomic mass than C. has a higher
melting point than D. has a higher boiling point than 5. An element with mass
number of 133 and atomic number 55 has
A. 55 electrons and 55 neutrons B. 55 electrons and 78 neutrons

Page 21
C.78 electrons and 78 neutrons D.78 electrons and 55 neutrons
6. Which if the following pairs of species contains the same number of electron?
[C6, O8, Ne10, Mg12, Al13, Cl17] A.Mg2+ and Al3+ B.Cl-1 and Ne C.Na+ and Mg
D. C and O2-
7. Diamond is a hard substance because its carbon atoms are held by: A. strong
dixectional covalent bond B. van der waals forces C. delocalized bonds
D. strong electrostatic forces
8. What type of bond will be formed between element P and Q if their electro
negativity values are 0.8 and 40 respectively. A. covalent bon B. coordinate
bond C. Ionic bond D. metallic bond
9. The value of in equation below Cr2O2- + 14H+ + ye + 2Cr3- + 7H2O is A. 2
B. 3 C. 5 D.6
10. C2H4 belongs to the same homologous series as A.C6H12 B.C6H14 C.C6H10
11. What is the molecular formula of a compound whose empirical formula is
C3H7N and - its molecular mass is 162? (H=1, C=12, N=14) A.C5H7N
B.C24H2N28 C.C5H7N2 D.C10H14N2
12. Benzene produces more soot than ethane on burning because it A. has a higher
degree of unsaturation B. has a higher molar mass C. is a liquid at room
temperature D. undergoes addition reaction only

1. Give an equation for the circle with centre (3,-5) and radius 2. A. X2 + y2 +
6x-10y B. x2 + y2 + 6x + 10y-20 C. x2 + y26y D. x2 + y2-6x+10y + 30=0
2. Find the equation of the line through (4,1) and (-2,3). A. x + 3y 7 = 0
B. x 2y = 5 C. x + 4y = 3 D. 2x + 3y = 5
3. Find how many terms of the progression 5, 9, 13, 17........have a sum of 2414.
A.43 B.28 C. 34 D.32
4. The limit of the sum of convergent geometrical progression is 6 and the first term
is 4. Find the sum of the first four terms. A.1 B. C. D.

5. If A is an acute angle such that Tan A = . Find 2 sinA cosA. A. B.

C. D.
6. Find sin 75 without using tables. A v2/4 + (1 + v3) B.1-v3 C. 1 + v3 D.
¼ (v3 + 1)

Page 22
7. Chemistry
3 2 3
4 3
4 Economics

The venn diagram above shows a class of 20 students with the subjects they offer.
How many students offer physics and chemistry only? A.10 B.8 C.7
8. The radius of a circle whose area 154cm is. a.7cm b.14cm c.3.5cm d.22cm
9. A pieces of wire 22cm long is bent into an arc of a circle of radius 4cm. The
angle the wire subtends at the center of the circle is. a.315o b.300o c.250o
10. A cylindrical can 14cm in diameter and 20cm deep can hold........liters of water.
a.3.32 liters b.2.44 liters c.2.89 liters d.3.08 liters
11. Find xo from the diagram below:
..B A
100o A.80o B.110o C.30o D.70o x

Do E x

12. Without using tables, find the value of: log2(5/3) + log2(6/7) – log2(5/28). A.log8
B.log126 C.log4 D.log2

1. Secondary thickening allows: a.the roots to grow longer b.the shoots to grow
taller c.the stem to grow wider yearly d.the roots to absorb minerals
2. The problem of using air as a respiratory medium is A. Air contains nitrogen as
well as oxygen B. there is risk of desiccation C. many organisms compete for
atmospheric oxygen D. air carries more carbon dioxide than oxygen
3. In what form is energy stored during tissue respiration. A. Potential energy
B. Heat energy C.ADP D.ATP
4. Tissue respiration involving the oxidation of sugar is represented as.
A. C6H12O6 + 6O2 !12H2O + 6O2 + 2880KJ
B. C6H12O6 + 6O2 !6H2O + CO2 + 2880KJ
C. C6H12O6 + O2 !6H2O + 6CO2 + 2880KJ D. C6H12O6 +
6O2 !6H2O + 6CO2 + 2880KJ
Page 23
5. The byproducts of fermentation are A. Lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide,
energy B. Alcohol, sugar, oxygen, carbon dioxide C. Lactic acid, energy,
water, carbon dioxide D. Alcohol: carbon dioxide, water, energy
6. The removal of toxic waste products of metabolism in living organism is known
as: A. Defection B. Filtration C. Excretion D. Guttation
7. Match the loop of henle with its function A. Re-absorption of nutrients B.
Filtration of blood C. Concentration of urine D. secretion of waste materials
8. Excretory products of plants are not listed in A. Alkaloids, anthocyanin,
carbondioxide B. Gum, mucilage, oxygen C. Resins, tennins, water
D.Ammonia, urea, uric acid
9. The bulk of the internal tissues of a leaf is A. Cuticle B. Epidermis
C. Mesophyll D. Vascular bundle
10. Which of the following is an insect? A. Millipede B. Centipede C. Crab
D. Praying mantis
11. Which of the following possesses exoskeleton? A. Hydra B. Earthworm. C.
Mosquito D. Rat
12. Where would you find a ball and socket joint? A. At the ankle B. At the elbow
C. Between the atlas and axis D. At the hip.


1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.C 12. B 13.C 14.C .

1.*** 2.*** 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.C 10. C 11. D 12. A

1.A 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C 11. D

1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.A

Page 24

1. A metal cube of surface area 0.1 35m2 has a density of 9.Oxl 03kgm3. The mass
of the cube is A. 1.2 x 103kg B. 66.7kg C. 30.4kg D. 11.5kg
2. An object of relative density 9 weighed 25N when completely immersed in
water. Calculate the loss in weight of the body. A.2.3N B.218N C.3.1N
3. Which of the following are true of the resistance thermometer?
i. It involves the use of a wheat stone bridge ii. It has very fast
response time when following varying temperature iii. It is useful for
temperature measurement in enclosed regions
A. i and ii only B. ii and iii only C. i and iii only D. i, ii and iii
4. Because of the anomalous expansion of water. A. the density water is least at
4°C B. 1g of ice at 0°C has a larger volume than 1g of water at 4°C
C. Water has negative coefficient of expansion between 0°C and 4°C
D. 1cm3 of water at 4°C has a smaller mass than 1cm3 of water at l0°C
5. An object is placed 20cm in front of a concave mirror of radius of curvature
30cm. The image is A. real, magnified, and inverted B. Virtual, magnified
and erect C. real, diminished and erect D. virtual, diminished and inverted 6.
The distance between an object and its virtual image in a convex lens is 20cm,
if the magnification of the image is 4, calculate the local length of the Lens
A. 6.7cm B.8.9cm C. 10.0cm D. 13.1cm
7. When a glass rod is rubbed with silk A. both the rod and the silk acquire
negative charges B. the rod acquires negative charge and the silk positive
charge C. the net charge is positive D. the net charge is zero
8. A force F, exists between two point charges separated by a short distance.
When the distance is halved, the force becomes F2. The ratio F1: F2is
A.1:2 B.2:1 C.1:4 D.4:1
9. Given that the first Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom has a radius of 0.0529nm,
find the radius of the third orbit A. 0.6348nm B. 0.4761nm C.0.3174nm
D. 0.15.8nm
10. Alpha particles are emitted when Al1327 is bombarded by deuterons. Find the
number of neutrons in the produce atom A.25 B.18 C. 13 D. 12

Carefully read through the passages below and answer the questions that follow The
price of oil affects the cost of almost everything. It helps determine not just the cost of

Page 25
driving to work or flying off on holiday, but also the cost of furniture, food and anything
else which has to be transported from factory to shop floor. The past three global
recessions were all triggered by a jump in oil prices. Thus, it should be alarming that oil
prices have more than tripled since late, and so far, though, the world economy has held
up remarkably well global GPD growth is strong and inflation remains modest. How
can this continue?
11. From the above, it is certain that oil is A. unavailable B. indefinable
C. Indispensable D. Dispensable
12. The oil being spoken about includes all but A. human fuel B. aviation fuel
C. automobile fuel D. locomotive fuel
13. That the price of oil helps determine the cost of living is an indication that
A. without oil we will all be dead B. without oil life will be difficult
C. without oil food will no longer grow D. without oil, man will not live long
14. From the information available in the passage A. every holiday maker
files on aero plane B.every holiday maker files to his destination C.Some
holiday makers chose to fly D.Some holiday markers burn more fuel through
flying 15. According the passage, the transport system all over the world is
A. wholly dependent on oil B. particularly dependent on oil C. entirely
dependent on oil D. largely dependent on oil
16. According to the passage above A. the current world recession is due to the
cost of oil B. the past three global recession saw oil scaling the heights C. the high
cost of oil may likely lead to a global recession D. There are no indices to show impact
of oil on the global economy
17. As the passage reveals A. the price of oil has been steadily increasing since the
past four years. B. the price of oil has increased since 2001 C. the price of oil has
remained steady since 2001 D. oil price have hit the roofs since 2001 18. The world
economy, according to the passage A. has not felt the impact of this rise yet B. has
been feeling the impact of this rise C. has withstood the pressures of this rise so far
D. can no longer withstand the pressures of this rise
19. The abbreviation GDP clearly stands for A. Gross Domestics Products
B. General Duties Product C. Gross Duties Payments D. Gross Domestic
20. The expression “How long can this continue?” means that
A. the global economy is tired B. the global economy is begging for answers C. the
global economy is not sure of tomorrow D. the global economy may soon collapse

Use the sets P and Q as given below to answer questions 44 to 46
P={3,4,6,8,9,12,15,16,18,20}; Q{3,5,6,9,10,12,15,18,20}

Page 26
Which of the sets is
21. PuQ? A. ={3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,16,18,20}
B. ={3,4,6,8,9,12,15,16,18,20,3,5,6,9,10,12,15,18,20}
C. ={7,11,13,14,17,19} D. ={3,6,9,12,15,18}

22. PnQ? A. ={7,11,13,14,17,19} B. ={15,8,10,4,16}

C. ={4,5,8,10,12,15,16,20} D. ={3,6,9;12,15,18,20}

23. As proper subset of P? A. ={3,6,9,12,15,18,20}

B. ={4 , 8, 12, 16,20,24)
C. ={3,4,6,8,9) D.={6,12,18,24}

Using the sequence 2,5,8,11,14,17.............. Answer questions 47-50.

24. What is the common differences. A. 2 B. 3 C. 17 D.57
25. Find the 11th term of the sequence A. 32 B. 35 C. 33 D. 25
26. What is the difference between the 21st and 30th terms? A.27 B.9 C.29 D.24
27. What is the sum of the first eleven terms of the sequence? A.33 B.176 C.352

Use the sequence 3,6,12,24,48 to answer question 52-53

28. What is the common ratio of these sequence? A.3 B.12 C.2 D.18.6
29. What is the seventh term of the sequence? A.72 B.192 C.96 D.384
30. Find the sum of the first seven terms of the sequence A.381 B.384 C.576

31. Which of the following in a molar solution would be the product conductor of
electricity? A. ammonia B. sodium chloride C. hydrochloric acid D. zinc
tetraoxosulphate (Vi)
32. How many moles of oxygen atoms are presented in 4.0g of the gas. (0=16)
A. 0.25 B. 0.50 C. 1.00 D. 4.00
33. In the periodic table, all the element within the same group have the same
A. atomic number B. number of electrons in the nuclei of their atoms
C. number of electron available for bonding
D. number of isotopes
34. How many atoms are there in 0.3mole of an element? {Avogadro’s constant
=6.0 x 1023) A.2.0x1024 B.1.8x1024 C.1.8x1023 D.3.0x1022
35. Milk exposed to air for a few days testes sour due to the presence of

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A. ethanoic acid B. Citric acid C. lactic acid D. tartaric acid
36. A substance which produces the hydroxonium ion as the only positive ion when
dissolved in water is A. an acid B. an acid salt C. a normal salt
D. a base
37. Petrol can be obtained from fuel oil by A. hydrolysis B. Hydrogenation
C. dehydration D. cracking
38. Which of the following is not true of metals? A. they are good conductors of
heat and electricity B. they are ductile and malleable C. their oxides are basic
D. they can be used as insulators
39. Which of the following is not a property of chlorine? A. it is greenish yellow
and has a choking smell B. it bleaches litmus paper C. it is a liquid at room
temperature and pressure D. it has a higher density than air
40. If calcium has atomic number 20 and mass number 40, the constituent of the
atom is A. 20 protons, 10 neutrons and 10 electrons B. 20 protons, 20 neutrons
and 20 electrons C. 20 protons, 20 neutrons and no electrons D. 10 protons,
10 neutrons and 20 electrons

41. Which of the following storage organs is not a stem? A. corn B. cassava tuber
C. Yam tuber D. ginger
42. Which of the following produces the male gamete in flowering plants?
A. ovule B. pollen grain C. stigma D. ovary
43. When an offspring inherits one of a pair of contrasting genes from both parents,
the offspring is described as A. homozygous B. recessive C.
D. dominant
44. The vertebrae are separated from each other by A. muscle bands B. Ligaments
C. bone discs D. cartilage
45. Between which pair of listed bones is a hinge joint found?
A. atlas and axis B. capitulum and transverse process C. humerus and ulna
46. Which of the following is used to test for reducing sugar? A. iodine
B. Fehling’s solution C. blue litmus paper D. million’s reagent
47. In which structure is glycogen stored in a mammal? A. spinal cord B. kidney
C. liver D. pancreas
48. The external respiratory structure of an insect is called A. proboscis B. trachea
C. nostril D. spiracle
49. Which is the correct order that shows how oxygen reaches the blood in man? A.
nostrils, trachea, bronchi, alveoli, capillaries B. nostril, alveoli, bronchi,
trachea, capillaries C. nostrils, bronchi, trachea, alveoli, capillaries
D. nostrils, trachea, alveoli, bronchi, capillaries

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50. Which of these is associated with tissue respiration? A. conservation of energy
B. oxygen absorption C. oxidation of digested food D. release of carbon dioxide


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.*** 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C

11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. A 22. D
23.C 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.D

31. D 32. A 33. C 34. C 35. A 36.A 37. D 38. D 39. B 40.***

41. D 42. B 43. A 44. D 45. D 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. C 50.***

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