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Purpose of A Conclusion in An Essay

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Purpose Of A Conclusion In An Essay

Crafting an essay on the purpose of a conclusion in an essay may initially seem like a straightforward
task, but delving into the intricacies can reveal a challenging endeavor. The conclusion serves as the
final impression that readers carry away, and as such, it must encapsulate the essence of the essay
while leaving a lasting impact.

One of the challenges lies in striking the right balance between summarizing key points and
introducing new insights. A conclusion should not merely restate information but should synthesize
the main ideas, offering a fresh perspective or a call to action. Crafting this synthesis requires a deep
understanding of the essay's central theme and a keen ability to connect disparate elements in a
meaningful way.

Additionally, the challenge lies in avoiding clichés and trite phrases. Conclusions that resort to
overused expressions risk sounding formulaic and may fail to engage the reader. The task, therefore,
is to find a unique angle that reinforces the essay's purpose and resonates with the reader.

Moreover, crafting a conclusion demands a keen awareness of the target audience. Different
audiences may require different approaches – whether it be a call to action for a persuasive essay, a
reflection for a personal essay, or a recommendation for further research in an academic essay.
Striking the right chord with the intended audience requires a nuanced understanding of their
expectations and preferences.

In summary, composing an essay on the purpose of a conclusion involves navigating the fine line
between recapitulation and innovation, avoiding clichés, and tailoring the conclusion to the specific
needs of the audience. It is an intricate task that requires a writer's ability to synthesize information
effectively and leave a lasting impression.

For assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, one can explore the services
provided at HelpWriting.net . Professionals in the field can offer support, guidance, and expertise to
make the essay writing process more manageable and successful.
Purpose Of A Conclusion In An EssayPurpose Of A Conclusion In An Essay
Lobster Research Paper
The objective of this project was to cook, and serve lobster utilizing a method, which
was given, to prepare the lobster as well as a recipe for the lobster. In addition to this
we also needed to create rice pilaf, asparagus, and a vinaigrette salad using the various
ingredients provided to us. This project is supposed to give us our first glimpse into
implementing our newly found skills from Culinary class into our cookinglifestyle at
home. To begin, I par boiled my lobster on high for the allotted amount of time before
removing them from the heat, and then shocking them in ice cold water. Following this
step, I put them in the refrigerator in order for me to make them the following day. The
next day I began by removing the lobster meat... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The comment cards were basically designed with a few question that I was curious
about, as well as an area for the recipients own comments on the meal. On my comment
cards I include two questions for my participants to answer using a rating system of 0
5, 0 being worst and 5 being the best. The first question was, on a scale from 0 5, how
would you rate the overall taste of this meal. To this question my mother answered by
bubbling in the number 4. In response to the same question my step father responded
by bubbling in the number 3. The second question I asked about the meal was, on a
scale from 0 5, how well do you believe the components of this meal were put together.
To that question my mother answered by bubbling in the number 4. My step father
answered bubbling in the number 4. To end my comment card, as I have previously
stated, I included a portion for comments about the meal from my participants. In this
section my mother said that the meal in general was, quite delicious and well put
together. The presentation was delightful. My step father said that the meal was,
Filling, appetizing, and the meal itself was really delicious , and also stated he only gave
me a 4 because he did not want to be biased and give me a 5, which I
Paranoid Personality Disorder Research Paper
Paranoid Disorder
Paranoid personality disorder is a condition that usually begins early in life and is
characterized by feelings of extreme distrust for others. The individual will often feel
that they are being personally victimized by others and are very sensitive to criticism.
Individuals with this disorder hold grudges for a long time when they feel that they have
been wronged. Clients with paranoid disorder may also be pathologically jealous.
Some factors that may play a role in development of paranoid disorder:
Genetics: Family history of delusional disorder or schizophrenia
Environmental Factors
Risk Factors
Gender: More common in men
Family history of mental illness
Substance abuse
Signs and Symptoms
Behavioral ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Explain every procedure fully before you perform it. Rationale: As with any patient, the
client is less likely to fear a procedure if it is explained properly and they know what to
3. Keep the client informed and involved in their treatment planning. Rationale: The
client will be more likely to continue treatment if they are actively involved in their
treatment planning.
4. Administer Alprazolam (Xanax) per providers order. Rationale: The client with
paranoid personality disorder will often have great anxiety. A) Monitor for changes in
weight. Rationale: Weight changes are a common side effect. B) Monitor for
constipation. Rationale: Common side effect of Xanax
5. Encourage the client seek supportive therapy. Rationale: Therapist will be able to
assist the client in developing a more detailed, long term treatment plan and will
prescribe medicine if needed.
6. Offer emotional support to the client. Rationale: All too often clients with mental
illness have no one else to listen to them. Simply discussing their feelings with someone
may be therapeutic for the client.
7. Encourage the client to continue to attend therapy and take all medications as ordered.
Rationale: The client has less of a chance of relapse of symptoms if treatment plan is
Comparing Thoreau s Views On Philosophy And Religion
Thoreau said, Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the
song still in them ? As a Christian, I think Thoreau recognized the spiritual truth of
Romans 8:26, that says, men have groanings too deep for words. I feel sure most
people experience these deep inner struggles. These are spiritual struggles that cannot be
easily expressed in words but are more easily pondered in the spirit and in the heart.
Throughout the ages, man has always wondered WHY? What is the meaning of life?
What is my purpose? That is the reason we have things like philosophy and religion.
Philosophy and religion are both attempts to answer, WHY? Most of us have this inner
yearning for something more. Thoreau and Emerson (as well as many other
transcendentalists) believed that organized religion and political parties corrupted the
purity of individuals. Therefore, many transcendentalists (Thoreau, Emerson, Muir, etc.)
sought solitude as a refuge so they could truly experience life and spirituality free from
the trappings of organized religion or political parties. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The simple man may be content with just his basic needs food, water, and shelter.
However, most of us want and have a desperate desire for more. Thoreau believed that
many people waste their lives on the temporary things like food, fun, and trivial pursuits.
If Thoreau thought things were bad in his day he should see us now? Almost everyone I
know has fallen into this trap of chasing the next latest fad or gadget. How many of you
were eagerly awaiting the launch of Iphone 6? In my opinion, Thoreau was exactly right.
We waste ourselves on things that do not matter (cars, clothes, celebrity gossip, tv, MTV,
etc.) usually at the expense of things that do matter (our families, our planet, our
Lockheed Martin Case Study
The airplane will take over both land and water travel. Flying has no barriers , Allan
Martin once predicted regarding the future of aviation. Expanding upon that, he made
this predication when the industry was less than ten years old, a bold and defiant
statement to those who believed aviation was only for the dare devils and dreamers.
Lockheed Martinhas over a hundred years of visionary leadership which has driven its
company from the construction of planes in a small rented church to a place of authority
in modern day aeronautics, missiles control, rotary systems and space systems. There are
many things to admire about the humble beginnings of this massive, global force
including its commitment to employee growth, international and global influence, human
resource management and overall managerial effectiveness. Although, LockheedMartin
excels in many areas of overall leadership and business benchmarks, that is not the
reason I chose to focus my research on it. My decision to research Lockheed Martin
stems from a story I heard from a business professor in a college lecture, the lecture was
about problem solving and how a good leader responds to a problem with creativity. It
focuses on Glen Martin, co founder of Lockheed Martin, and his completion of his first
aircraft. Glen was renting a church in California where he was completing his first
construction of an aircraft. Glen painstakingly constructed his aircraft for thirteen months
within the empty church
Essay On Alternative Dispute Resolution
This paper will examine when it is appropriate to attempt alternative dispute resolution
(ADR) processes for disputes and conversely when it is fitting for matters to be decided
in a courtroom with black robed judges and well dressed lawyers. Complementing the
correct intervention [courtroom, facilitative ADR or another form of ADR] at the right
time, price and place with the right disputants is not necessarily an easy task (Wade
2010, p. 13) and the line separating alternative dispute resolution processes and judicial
intervention can be blurred especially as judicial officers conduct, refer or mandate
parties to participate in ADR (Sourdin, 2009, p. 190). Proof that fine panelled courtrooms
may not be the answer to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But ADR is much more than that. The consensual interaction between the disputants
during an ADR process is how conflict is resolved (Street, 2002). Whereas a court
determination takes over responsibility for the matter (Heilbronn et al, 1996, p. 262) and
imposes an outcome that may not be palatable to either party (David, 1991, p. 4).

A decision made in a traditional courtroom may attempt to remedy the fallout from a
dispute but it may not solve the problem that caused the conflict in the first place.
When there is a need for the parties to a dispute to continue to have a relationship (for
example in families and workplaces) failing to address the issues that caused the conflict
in the first place may mean that it hasn t been resolved and this may lead to further
conflict. If the serious [and] important needs of parties in dispute are not met this can
compound... the problem (Zehr, 1985, p. 1).

In addition to the monetary costs associated with court action and tremendous social
costs there are also psychological costs associated with anxiety and hostility [and]... lost
opportunities for productive, cooperative endeavors (Burgess, 1989 as cited by Spencer
and Hardy, 2009, p. 669). Alternative dispute resolution can decrease the transaction
costs connected with legal action (Burgess, 1989 as cited by Spencer and Hardy, 2009,
p. 669) as parties attempt to work together
Las Papas Essay
Las Papas
By ilyssa ye Las Papas is the story about a single man with a child. The story starts in
the kitchen where the man was going to cook a dinner for his son and himself. He was
about to try out a new Italian recipe for Chicken cacciatore , when he received a
disapproving remark regarding the dish from his son. Having heard this he suddenly
recalls similar event that had happened when he was fifteen and disapproved his father s
cooking by calling it too spicy . At the same moment peeling and chopping potatoes he
realizes that even though he was born and grew up in Peru, the place where a potato papas
originated, he doesn t know much about the history of this magnificent vegetable which
grows underground without seeing a light ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The potato also reminds him of his mother s stories, and the different in cultures between
America and Peru. Are potatoes harvested at night in the moonlight? He was surprised
how little he knew about something that came from his own country. As he thought about
it, he believed harvest wasn t even the correct term. Gathering? Digging? What do you
call this harvest from under the earth? (Pg 313, Ortega) The father is trying to remember
how potatoes are harvested, and it surprised him that how little he actually knew about
them. It shows that the lost of his old culture when he lives in Peru and he is a bite
guilty and astonish that he doesn t know this simply and base facts about his culture.
Boiled, baked, fried, or stewed: the ways of cooking potatoes were a long story in
themselves. He remembered what his mother had told him as a child: at harvest time,
the largest potatoes would be roasted for everybody, and, in the fire, they would open
up just like flowers. The potatoes were probably the one of the lost varieties, the kind
that turned into flowers in the flames. (Pg 313, Ortega)The culture of Peru is reflected
through the symbol potato. The father think about the time when he was a child and his
mother told him stories about his culture and how different ways the potatoes were
cooked in the past. So when the father cooks the potato it reminds him of the culture of
peru and all the different ways that people there cooks
The Upside Of Down Syndrome
Lauren Thometz
November 11, 2014
Anatomy/Physiology 1
Research Paper

The Upside of Down syndrome

Down syndrome is a common chromosomal disorder that is caused by abnormal cell

division resulting in extra genetic material from Chromosome 21. Down syndrome
occurs frequently in that 1 out of 800 babies are born with this disorder. Those born with
Down syndrome tend to experience specific physical characteristics, cognitive
impairments, mental and medical help problems. Down syndrome is extremely special
to me because I grew up with an aunt who has this disorder. My aunt Lisa is beautiful,
funny, outgoing, and smart. She lives and enjoys life as it is thrown to her. Some days
are harder than others, but she is 62 years old and refuses to let her disability hinder her
life. Down syndrome is not who she is, but something she has.
Dr. John Langdon Down was an English physician who had a strong calling towards
mental retardation and was the first to describe what he felt was someone with Down
syndrome. He based his findings off of distinct characteristics. Before this syndrome got
the name Down syndrome he used the term Mongloid due to the similarities that were
shared in the Mongolian race. It wasn t until later when they determined the cause of
Down syndrome, which is an extra chromosome. Therefore making Down syndrome a
chromosomal disorder. This condition is characterized by a combination of major and
minor differences in body structure. Typically, doctors are able to

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