Prescription Drug Abuse Essay

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Prescription Drug Abuse Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of prescription drug abuse is a formidable task that requires a
comprehensive understanding of the topic and a nuanced approach to presenting information. The
complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of prescription drug abuse, involving medical, social,
and psychological dimensions.

To begin with, thorough research is essential to grasp the various aspects of prescription drug abuse,
such as its prevalence, root causes, societal implications, and potential solutions. This involves
delving into medical journals, psychology publications, and sociological studies to acquire a well-
rounded understanding of the issue.

Once the research phase is complete, the challenge lies in organizing the information coherently. The
essay must follow a logical structure, guiding the reader through the complexities of prescription
drug abuse without overwhelming them. Striking a balance between providing sufficient information
and maintaining readability is no easy feat.

Moreover, addressing the ethical considerations surrounding prescription drug abuse adds an
additional layer of difficulty. Balancing the need for accurate information with sensitivity to the
individuals affected by this issue requires a careful choice of language and a thoughtful approach to

Additionally, synthesizing the information gathered into a coherent argument or thesis statement is
crucial. The essay should not merely present facts but should also offer insights, analysis, and
potentially propose solutions. This requires a deep understanding of the topic and the ability to
critically evaluate the available information.

In conclusion, writing an essay on prescription drug abuse demands a blend of research skills,
organizational prowess, ethical considerations, and critical thinking. It is a challenging task that
requires a commitment to thorough exploration and an ability to communicate complex ideas
effectively. For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate process, various resources are
available, including professional writing services like , where similar essays and
more can be ordered to simplify the academic journey.
Prescription Drug Abuse EssayPrescription Drug Abuse Essay
Sunil Bharti Mittal

Family support:
Sunil Bharti Mittal, born October 23, 1957 is an Indian businessman. He is the chairman
and managing director of the Bharti group. The $4.5 billion turnover company runs India
s largest GSM based mobile phone service.
Sunil s father, Sat Paul Mittal, an MP, was always in public life. It was Sunil who
started in business (making cycle parts in Ludhiana, India) in 1976 at the age of 18 with
borrowed capital of Rs 20,000.The son of a politician, Sunil Mittal is a Punjabi. He has
built the Bharti group, along with two siblings, into India s largest mobile phone operator
in just ten years.15 years back, his company, Bharti Telecom, was a manufacturer of
telephones of the push button variety, and made its money by ... Show more content on ...
Vision for the venture: In five years Bharti should be a very large corporation. A
billion dollar one! Personally, in another seven years, I d like to play a larger role in
society. No, not politics If I can be of any use to the government then, I ll be available.
By then the company should run on its own steam. Empowering people is important. I
ve had some desires but no time. I used to fly planes. I d like to do something for my
intellectual enrichment.
Growth Of Bharti telecomm in initial years: Bharti Tele Ventures was incorporated on
July 7, 1995 as a company with limited liability under the Companies Act, for promoting
telecommunications services. Bharti Tele Ventures received certificate for
commencement of business on January 18, 1996. The Company was initially formed as
a wholly owned subsidiary of Bharti Telecom Limited. The chronology of events since
Bharti Tele Ventures was incorporated in 1995 is as follows: Calendar year Events
1995 Bharti Cellular launched cellular services AirTel in Delhi
1996 STET International Netherlands NV, or STET, a company promoted by Telecom
Italia, Italy acquired a 20% equity interest in Bharti Tele Ventures
Bharti Telenet launched cellular services in Himachal Pradesh.
1997 British Telecom acquired a 21.05% equity interest in Bharti Cellular
Bharti Telenet obtained a license for providing fixed line
Family Background And History That May Affect Planning

Family Background
Describe relevant family background and history that may affect planning and service
provision for this family.

Ms. Goodall was adoptive as a child. She reports that she knows some of her family on
her biological side of the family, but not communicates with them on regular bases.
However, Ms. Goodall seems to not get along with her adoptive parents. She still resides
in the home even though there is an order protection against her adoptive father, Mr.

Ms. Goodall is currently engaged as a home health aide and also receives some financial
support from her boyfriend, Mr. Ruby.

Case Update
Summarize the key family events, services, and casework activities since the last Family
Assessment and Service Plan. Include legal activities, if any.

Reason for Referral/ Presenting Problem/ Mandated Services

Ms. Goodall walked into HDWC on 02/11/2015 for assistance. She was referred by ACS
Community Representative. She requested for assistance to address her concerns of
childcare for Myan, housing, early intervention, and mental health services to address her
bi polar and depression to address problems within her family. Ms. Goodall admits to
discontinuing mental health services, including her prior prescribed medication. In
addition, engaging in substance abuse while pregnant with Myan.

Living Environment

Ms. Goodall living situation is not stable. She at first did not have any place to stay for
herself and her daughter, Myan.
Sigmund Freud s Freudian Theory
Freudian Development Sigmund freud, a physician at the time, created the theory
based on an author s perception in life toward his or her literary work. The freudian, or
psychoanalytic theory is one of many, but is one of the most common when criticizing a
literary work. Sigmund Freud s psychoanalytic theory applies the contributions of the
unconscious memories, the Oedipus and Elektra complexes, and the three levels of
consciousness toward an author s work. One of Freud s key elements toward his way of
criticism was the the effect of past experiences on the conscious and unconscious mind. It
s best explained in Thornton s article when he asserts, ...when a hysterical patient was
encouraged to talk freely about the earliest occurrences of... Show more content on ...
The first stage, or the oral stage, involves the security and feeding provided to the infant
by it s mother. This stage determines one s capacity to form emotional bond, and these
unattended needs during this stage result in a severely impaired oral stage during one s
adult life (Mitchell). This is then followed by the anal stage, when defection and
urination of the growing infant require attention. This stage is summarized by Mitchell
when he writes, ...when the child begins to realize that it is a pleasurable experience to
manipulate particular areas of the body, such as the mouth, the anus and the genitals. As
a teenager humans then develop and enter the phallic stage, which involves the discovery
of self pleasure. Gaining a deeper understanding of our sexuality, we then reach the
Latency stage, where we find sexual attractions toward certain objects. It is then left to
the final stage, or the genital stage, where humans develop a general familiarity with his
or her genitals, along with the feelings that become associated. This can often be found
within authors that lack these body stages when he or she is developing, because the
events or relationships between characters in that particular author s literary piece. The
role in human development extends even further with the Oedipus and Elektra
complexes. Oedipus refers to young males, and how the sexual attraction toward his
Congenital Heart Defects And Infants
Congenital Heart Defects in Infants
Cynthia Shepherd
Liberty University

Congenital heart defects have become more prevalence in infants in the United States.
The causes of congenital heart defects in infants are unknown. However, several factors
have been linked to prenatal factors such as maternal insulin dependent diabetes, maternal
alcoholism, maternal rubella during pregnancy, and maternal age over forty. Many
infants have been diagnosed with congenital heart defects in utero and the first week of
life. Congenital heart defects have been detected in utero with the use of ultrasound in
obstetric care. Other congenital heart defects have been diagnosed during the first week
of life with symptoms in infants such as failure to thrive, failure to grow, feeding
intolerance, hypoxia, signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure. The objectives of
this paper are to present overviews of the congenital heart defects and outline the surgical
treatments for the congenital heart defects. Keywords: congenital heart defects, surgical

The heart is a muscular four chambered organ whose primary purpose is to pump blood
throughout the body. The heart is the first functioning organ in the embryo. Its first
pulsatile movements begin during the third week after conception. This early
development of the heart is essential to rapidly growing embryo as a means of circulating
nutrients and removing waste product. Most of the
Social Exchange Theory
Theories Of Relationship Theories Of Relationship [Document Title] [Document Title]
Elizabeth Wiwoloku Elizabeth Wiwoloku Introduction There are two main theories
applied to relationships, Social Exchange Theory and Equity Theory underpin commonly
used behavioural therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Enhanced Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy and Integrative Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. More recent studies
in neuroscience and behavior and the importance of language have led to the
development of Relational Frame Theory and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as
an alternative approach. In this essay I will outline the relationship models comparing
and contrasting them Social exchange theory Social exchange theory analyses... Show
more content on ...
Simpson et al. found that participants in existing relationships rated people of the
opposite sex as less attractive than participants not in relationships. This suggests that
people judge prospects of new alternative relationships as less profitable if they are
already in a committed relationship. The CLA may provide an explanation as to why
many women choose to stay in abusive relationships. If investments in the relationship
are high (e.g. children, financial security) amp; alternative prospects are bleak (e.g.
poverty, homelessness), then a woman may see staying in the abusive relationship to be
more profitable than leaving it. Blau (1977) argued that interactions are expensive , as
they take time, energy and commitment and may involve unpleasant emotions and
experiences. Therefore what we get out of a relationship must exceed what goes in.
Rusbult found that costs and rewards from a relationship were weighed up in
comparison to possible alternative relationships when deciding whether they should be
maintained which supports that social exchange models idea that people assess
rewards by making comparisons. Walster et al believed that social interactions involve
an exchange of rewards, like affection, information, status. The degree of attraction or
liking reflects how people evaluate the rewards they receive in relative to those given.
Costs of being in a relationship may be effort, money spent, time spent, or low self
esteem, whilst the rewards may be pleasure,
Walmart vs. Target
Millions of people a day shop at the two biggest retail chains stores around the round
world. What are the difference between Wal Mart and Target that make consumers pick
one over the other? Both The chain stores have many similar and difference when
concerning to prices, quality, and quantity. In this essay I will talk about why people
chose to shop at one than the other or do they shop at both. Do you go to Walmart for
certain things and go to target for the other?
Walmart has about 9,600 retails around the world it s the World s 18th largest public
corporation. It is also the biggest private employer in the world with over 2 million
employees, and is the largest retailer in the world. Walmart is a much bigger brand than
Target as ... Show more content on ...
When concerning savings I would have to say both are winners and sometimes losers
in that department, and I say that because many times Walmart and target brands are
not that much cheaper than the name brands and when it to regular brands being
marked down like big toys or bikes you can really find a better deal at mom and pop
stores. It really depends what you re looking for when you re looking for a good deal,
its best to check the sales ad every Sunday and check between Target and Walmart. Both
stores normally have similar items in their sales ad at the same time for different
occasions like Christmas and valentine for example, that s when you know which stores
has the better deal on savings.
I do most of my grocery shopping at Walmart because I notice to big difference when
shopping elsewhere, it s only a select items that I can t get at Walmart that when I have
to go somewhere else. I mainly shop at target for clothes and household items they have
very go styles and good quality when it comes to that department. Walmart and Target
are good companies when concerning savings in general, if you are really a penny
pincher you have to know which place is best to shop at for the right items.
I really have to say it really depends on how the consumer wants to shop. Some like to
shop at a clean and helpful friendly place and some people don t care that much on

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