Essay Review Service

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Essay Review Service

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Review Service" presents a unique set of challenges that
demand both careful consideration and a thorough understanding of the intricacies involved. First
and foremost, the task requires a comprehensive exploration of the diverse aspects of essay review
services, encompassing their significance, functionality, and impact on academic and professional

To begin with, delving into the topic necessitates a deep dive into the multifaceted nature of essay
review services. This involves scrutinizing the purpose they serve in the realm of academia and how
they contribute to the enhancement of writing skills, critical thinking, and overall academic
performance. Furthermore, understanding the nuances of the review process itself, including the
criteria used and the potential benefits or drawbacks, adds another layer of complexity.

One must also grapple with the ethical considerations surrounding essay review services. Exploring
the fine line between constructive feedback and academic integrity concerns becomes imperative.
The essay should address questions about the responsible use of such services, potential risks of
dependency, and the ethical obligations of both service providers and users.

Additionally, weaving together a coherent narrative involves evaluating the evolving landscape of
essay review services in the digital age. This may include discussing the rise of online platforms, the
role of artificial intelligence in feedback generation, and the implications of technological
advancements on traditional reviewing methods.

Moreover, articulating a balanced perspective is essential. Addressing both the advantages and
disadvantages of essay review services ensures a nuanced and comprehensive exploration. This
demands a careful evaluation of differing opinions, potential biases, and the diverse experiences of

In conclusion, navigating the complexities of crafting an essay on the "Essay Review Service" topic
demands a meticulous approach. Balancing the exploration of its multifaceted aspects, tackling
ethical considerations, and analyzing the evolving landscape require a writer's dedication to thorough
research and critical thinking.

For those seeking assistance with essays on this topic or others, a variety of resources are available.
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Essay Review Service Essay Review Service
Microbial Communities Associated with Hydraulic
Microbial Communities Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing
Background Information Microbial communities have been observed around wells that
were created using hydraulic fracturing. Shale beds, like the Barnett Shale in Texas, are
believed to be sterilized due to the thermogenic origin of the gas formations. The gas in
the shale is entirely of thermogenic origin and was generated during heating events that
resulted in temperatures of up to 150 °C (Montgomery et al., 2005). These temperatures
are much higher than the currently established temperature limit for life (122 °C) and
likely sterilized the formation (Jones Lineweaver, 2010). (Struchtemeyer, 2011)
Microorganisms may be present due to microorganisms present in the water used ... Show
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(Struchtemeyer, 2011)

Microorganisms Present in Hydraulic Fracturing

The microorganisms present in hydraulic fracturing fluids can vary widely. The
microbial community in SM frac pond water consisted primarily of Actinobacteria,
Bacteroidetes, Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria,
which accounted for 92% of the total community (Fig. 2e). These five phyla/classes
were also present at high abundance in CT frac pond water (Fig. 2a), which also
contained large fractions of sequences that were affiliated with Firmicutes and
Cyanobacteria (Fig. 2a). (Struchtemeyer, 2011) These are the microbes that were present
in the frac pond, before use.

Firmicutes and actinobacterio are both gram postive class of bacteria, as well as
bacteroidetes. Proteobacteria contain an large variety of prokaryotes, it is the largest
phylum of bacteria. It is known that the alpha, beta, and gamma varieties are found
around hydraulic fracturing well sites. Lastly cyanobacteria were present, which are
prokaryotic oxygenic phototrophs containing chlorophyll a and phycobilins. As can be
seen, bacterial populations can be very diverse around hydraulic fracturing well sites.
Bacterial communities present in the flowback were not the exact same as the original
bacteria in the freak pond. In the Struchtemeyer paper there were two different sites
sampled, so there
Attention Getter For Housewife Research Paper
SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To persuade the audience be aware of a housewives s contribution,
respecting them, and starting valuing them.
THESIS STATEMENT: As a society, we must start valuing women who choose to be a
housewife as we do working women.
PREVIEW STATEMENT: First, introducing the problem that housewivesare facing now.
Next, talking about the cause of housewives don t receive enough respect and attention
from the society. Finally, showing possible solutions that can help housewives improve
their status.



Attention Getter:
When I was in the kindergarten, there was a thing that I remember until now. One day,
the teacher gave us an assignment which is introducing your parent s ... Show more
content on ...
①Education, jobs, friends, and money are increasingly changing the image that
women have of themselves. (a). To my great despair, an article in the website called
The cambridge student on 11 April 2015 spoke out in defence of the housewife
Meggie Fairclough said that. In the quest for women to become independent , an older
ideal of womanhood has been weakened: that of the woman as housewife. (b).
Getting well education is seen as an escape from the country s confines a chance to
make one s fortune independently. (c). It s as if young women can only come in two
types, with one going through higher education, off to save the world, and the other
staying at home, with a perceived lack of academic ability or potential. ② People
have the solid idea, which is working women=high educated=better contribution to
society, (a). People pay more attention to women who have a higher level education
because they think those women contribute to our society. (b). In contrast, according
to the survey, 7 key findings about stay at home moms last updated on April 8, 2014 on
the website, PewResearch center, shows that Stay at home mothers are younger, poorer
and less educated than their working counterparts. Those labels show and make people
think housewives are lake of ability, so that they don t give enough respect to them.

TRANSITION: Because we don t want to

Historical Reference Of Social Psychology
Historical Reference of Social Psychology
Social psychology uses scientific methods to understand how people s opinions and
behaviors are influenced by the actual presence or the implied presence of others. Social
psychology is an integrative field that builds the gap between psychology and sociology.
Sociology, on the other hand, is the scientific study of human behavior. In addition, social
psychology is a comparatively new field that originated in the early 20th century. In 1954
Gordon Allport nominated Auguste Comte, the French philosopher as the founder of
social psychology, he saw it as a science separate from both psychology and sociology; he
called it la morale positive (Allport, 1968). In this historical overview, evidence of ...
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He also suggested that psychology should be divided into two branches: social
psychology and physiological psychology. This suggestion helped in the early distinction
of social psychology from psychology.
In North America, G. Stanley Hall, was the major promoter of psychology. In 1883, he
founded the first experimental laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. He also
published the first psychological journal in English called the American Journal of
Psychology in 1887 (Bringmann, Bringmann, Early, 1992). He explored on topics like
vision, the brain, sensation, hearing, the will and the self. Both Wilhelm Wundt and G.
Stanley Hall s scientific studies helped in the development of social psychology as a
distinct field.
Social Psychology s Historical Link to Sociology
According to Deflem, (2013) Auguste Comte invented the word sociologie and created
the science of sociology. However, it was not institutionalized until several years later. It
was Norman Triplett that conducted the first credited social psychological experimental
study in 1895 (Davis Becker, 1995). He discovered that individuals performance was
augmented due to the presence of their perceived competition. From this conclusion, he
developed a theory called theory of dynamogenesis (Davis Becker, 1995). Nevertheless,
his discovery raised more questions than answers; these questions lead to further
Female Genital Mutilation And Women
Chapter one:Introduction
1.1 Background:
Female Genital Mutilation refers to several manners of conducting operations of women
and girls, involving the partial or total removal of external genitalia. This practice is
considered a traditional practice amongst many people and communities throughout the
world. While the practice has been ongoing for centuries it has been deemed a human
rights violation on the grounds that it inflicts harm on females, including damaging them
in a physChapter one:Introduction
1.1 Background:
Female Genital Mutilation refers to several manners of conducting operations of women
and girls, involving the partial or total removal of external genitalia. This practice is
considered a traditional practice amongst many people and communities throughout the
world. While the practice has been ongoing for centuries it has been deemed a human
rights violation on the grounds that it inflicts harm on females, including damaging them
in a physical, sexual, and psychological manner. These rights violations fall under The
Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women and Protocol to the African Charter on Human and
People s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa.
1.2 Statement of the problem:
Female Genital Mutilation has been executed over generations due to the social
dynamics which have made it difficult for girls, and their families to abandon the
practice. The practice has no health
Government Should Not Be Run Like A Business
Government should not be run like a business because a system that was established to
protect and ensure the public good should always put equity before efficiency.
Government is inherently different from business, and therefore should run differently.
Though business like mechanisms can create a more efficient and potentially innovated
government, government and business should be run differently, since they are inherently
different in their conceptual values. Appleby explains some of these differences. He
argues that no one can serve the public as it should be served unless he or she has a
public interest attitude with certain special characteristics. In addition, business has much
narrower extent, while public officials are more broadly stimulated, with a breadth of
view and a public interest attitude. Government is complex as well as vastly
interdependent with many other nonprofit and private organizations. Also, the
government is subject to public scrutiny and public outcry. According to Denhardt and
Denhardt, government acts, in concert with private and nonprofit groups and
organizations, to seek solutions to the problems that communities face. In the process, the
role of government is transformed from one of controlling to one of agenda setting,
bringing the proper players to the table, facilitating, negotiating, or brokering solutions to
public problems often through coalitions of public, private, and nonprofit agencies.
Finally, government is different from business

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