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Subject: Grade 8 English: Home Language Name:

Topic: English HL: Exam Term 2
Total: 101 Marks Date:

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Question 1: Text Input 3 marks

Correct the homophone in the following sentence:

He was so happy to receive the male to deliver to the tired soldiers.

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This text refers to question: 2, 3, 4
My Younger Brother's Appetite
Jack Prelutsky

My younger brother's appetite

Is finicky and very slight.
He's almost guaranteed to hate
Whatever's placed upon his plate.
"I will not eat these greens!" he groans,
"This chicken has too many bones,
The cantaloupe is far too sweet,
There's too much gravy on the meat."

He whines, "The salad tastes like soap,

The spaghetti's more like rope,
I cannot stand those soggy peas,
And I won't touch this awful cheese!"
My younger brother doesn't eat
Enough to fill a parakeet.
However did he get to be
The size and shape of two of me?

Question 2: Multiple Choice 4 marks

Identify which figure of speech best describes the following phrase:
‘His head was spinning with ideas. '

A simile
B metaphor
C personification
D alliteration

Question 3: Multiple Choice 4 marks

Identify the letter that makes the following phrase an example of assonance: ‘Hear the mellow wedding
bells. '

A a
B e
C h
D o

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Question 4: True/False 2 marks
‘He has a heart of gold ' is an example of personification.


This text refers to question: 5, 6, 7

Types of Adjectives:

Descriptive adjectives - They describe the qualities of a noun eg. dry, beautiful, ugly

Proper adjectives - Adjectives formed from proper nouns eg. French, Shakespearean

Adjectives of quantity - These deal with the number of something eg. five, first, thirteenth

Compound adjectives - Adjectives joined by hyphens eg. feather-light, half-ripe

Articles - "The" (definite article) and "a" and "an" (indefinite articles) are also adjectives.

Question 5: Please Fill In The Blanks 4 marks

The word “awesome" in the phrase “awesome movie" is a (1) and the word “Asian" in the phrase “Asian
food" is a (2) .

Possible Answers: Descriptive adjective | Proper adjective | Article | Compound adjective

1 2

Question 6: Multiple Choice 4 marks

Identify the compound adjective in the following sentence:
My mom baked a feather-light cake.

A cake
B feather-light
C My
D cake

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Question 7: True/False 2 marks
The word “shy" in the following sentence is a descriptive adjective:
The shy boy sits in the corner.


This text refers to question: 8, 9, 10

Prepositions are the small words that connect two words or phrases to one another. Prepositions are words
that indicate the position of something related to something else.

Eg. up, under, next to, over, to, in, of, alongside etc.

Question 8: Multiple Choice 4 marks

Complete the sentence with the best preposition:
Not everybody enjoyed the concert, but ... the most part it was a success.

A in
B on
C over
D for

Question 9: True/False 2 marks

Prepositions are doing words.


Question 10: Please Fill In The Blanks 4 marks

Complete the phrase by choosing the best preposition that matches the verb:
Stay positive and look (1) , don't keep looking (2) you.

Possible Answers: up | over | behind | in

1 2

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Question 11: True/False 2 marks

The antonym for straight is curly.

I braid my straight hair before school some mornings.


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Question 12: Please Fill In The Blanks 4 marks

I (1) play soccer and I bought a can of coke.

This is an example of a (2) .

Possible Answers: can | will | homophone | homonym

1 2

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This text refers to question: 13, 14
“Building a skyscraper” by J.S. Tippett

They’re building a skyscraper

Near our street.
Its height will be nearly
One thousand feet.

It covers completely
A city block.
They drilled its foundation
Through solid rock.

They made its framework

Of great steel beams
With riveted joints
And welded seams.

A swarm of workmen
Strain and strive
Like busy bees
In a honeyed hive

Building the skyscraper

Into the air
While crows of people
Stand and stare.

Higher and higher

The tall towers rise
Like Jacob’s ladder
Into the skies.

Question 13: Text Input 3 marks

Refer to stanza 2.
Provide your own antonym for the word “solid".

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Question 14: Multiple Choice 4 marks
Refer to stanza 1. The rhyme scheme used in this stanza is ... .

A abcb
B abab
C abcd
D aabb

This image refers to question: 15

Question 15: True/False 2 marks

Refer to the advertisement to answer the following statement:

The catch phrase in the advert is: "Get well soon".


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This text refers to question: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Adverbs are words that tell you more about another word (usually the verb) in a sentence.

Different types of adverbs:

Adverb of manner: describes how something is done.

Adverb of degree: describes to what extent something is done.
Adverb of place: describes where something is done.

Question 16: Multiple Choice 4 marks

Which one of the following is an adverb of degree?

A immediately
B there
C very
D always

Question 17: Please Fill In The Blanks 4 marks

The word ‘imaginatively' is an adverb of (1) and the word ‘yesterday' is an adverb of (2) .

Possible Answers: manner | place | time | degree

1 2

Question 18: Please Fill In The Blanks 4 marks

The word ‘well' is both an adverb of (1) and an adverb of (2) .

Select your answers in alphabetical order.

Possible Answers: manner | place | time | degree

1 2

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Question 19: Please Fill In The Blanks 4 marks
The word “almost" is an adverb of (1) and the word “up" is an adverb of (2) .

Possible Answers: manner | place | time | degree

1 2

Question 20: Multiple Choice 4 marks

Which one of the following is an adverb of place?

A everywhere
B now
C soon
D happily

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This image refers to question: 21

Question 21: True/False 2 marks

The following sentence has been rewritten correctly:

Nadia loves coffee.

Coffee was loved by Nadia.


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Question 22: Multiple Choice 4 marks
Which word in the advertisement is used to manipulate the viewer into watching the event at the specified

A Sunday
B Feb.
C Live
D abc

This text refers to question: 23

reliable insane immature intentional

Question 23: Text Input 3 marks

Find a synonym from the list that matches with the word "childish" in the sentence below:

I wish you would grow up! You are so childish.

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This text refers to question: 24, 25
Punctuation terms and definitions:

Full stop (.) - used at the end of a sentence and for abbreviations

Comma (,) - used to separate parts of a sentence, items on a list or additional information from the rest of
the sentence

Question mark (?) - used to indicate a question

Exclamation mark (!) - used to indicate that something has been said with great energy

Quotation marks ("___") - used to indicate direct speech or someone else's words

Ellipsis (...) - used to indicate that something has been left unsaid or is incomplete

Question 24: Text Input 3 marks

What is the symbol for an ellipsis?

Question 25: Please Fill In The Blanks 6 marks

Punctuate the following sentence correctly:
To me (1) at the age of eleven (2) Santa Claus was a bit like God (3)

Possible Answers: , | ? | .

1 2

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This image refers to question: 26

Question 26: Text Input 3 marks

Change the meaning of the sentence below by replacing the word in bold with an antonym.

What time will the plane arrive from New York City?

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This text refers to question: 27, 28
Simple sentences are sentences that contain one finite verb and deals with one idea.

Eg. The man sings a song.

Complex sentences are sentences that contain one main clause (main idea) and a subordinate clause. The
subordinate clause starts with a subordinating conjunction like "because", "however", "although", "until",
"while", "that" etc.

Eg. The magazine has many articles that I like to read.

Question 27: Please Fill In The Blanks 4 marks

Which coordinating conjunctions best complete the following sentence?:

I like teaching children (1) it is hard work (2) requires lots of patience.

Possible Answers: but | if | and | until

1 2

Question 28: True/False 2 marks

A simple sentence is a sentence that deals with more than one idea.


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Question 29: Text Input 3 marks
Refer to the advertisement to answer the following question:

Name the specific product that is being advertised.

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Question 30: Text Input 3 marks
Rewrite the following sentence from the Active Voice into the Passive Voice:

The beagle enjoys a walk.

Total: 101 Marks

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