Integrative Cardiology
Integrative Cardiology
Integrative Cardiology
Published Volumes
series editor
andrew t. weil, md
edited by
Stephen Devries, MD, FACC, FAHA
Associate Professor of Medicine,
Division of Cardiology
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University
1 2011
Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further
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ISBN 978-0-19-538346-1
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To my father, Robert Devries, of blessed memory—who taught
by example to care deeply about others and to go beyond.
Stephen Devries
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Foreword ix
Contributors xi
Preface xiii
ardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. It is
multifactorial in origin, with a complex interplay of genetic and life-
style influences. A strong relationship exists between diet and heart
health. Stress and other mental/emotional factors play roles as well. Given this
complexity, integrative medicine is ideally suited to both prevent and treat
diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
When I was a medical student in the late 1960s, I was taught that atheroscle-
rosis was irreversible. We now know that is reversible, by lifestyle change
or drug therapy or a combination of the two. Practitioners of integrative med-
icine understand the innate healing capacity of the organism and are not
surprised that many cardiovascular conditions can be stabilized or reversed
through creative application of conventional and unconventional therapies.
Because they are trained in lifestyle medicine and whole person medicine,
they are able to design broader, more effective, and more cost-effective treat-
ment plans than those relying solely on drugs or the techniques of invasive
I am especially pleased to introduce this volume in the Oxford University
Press Integrative Medicine Library series because the editors are longtime
friends and colleagues. Dr. James E. Dalen, an eminent cardiologist and leader
in American academic medicine, was Dean of the University of Arizona’s
College of Medicine in the early 1990s, when I first proposed creating a fellow-
ship program in integrative medicine. As the first medical school dean to
encourage such a program, he took a risk and withstood much criticism.
Today, the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine is a Center of Excellence of
the College of Medicine and the world leader in training physicians and allied
health professionals in medicine of the future. Jim Dalen continues to be a
staunch proponent of integrative medicine and its application to his own spe-
cialty. His co-editor, Dr. Stephen Devries, was one of the first cardiologists to
graduate from the Arizona Center’s fellowship training and is now a leading
practitioner of integrative cardiology.
Together Drs. Devries and Dalen have assembled an outstanding team of
contributing authors and a wealth of useful information for clinicians inter-
ested in using the philosophy and practices of integrative medicine to main-
tain optimum heart health and to manage cardiovascular disease most
effectively. I am certain you will find this book as useful as I do.
Andrew T. Weil, MD
Series Editor
Tucson, Arizona
May, 2010
ardiovascular disease is the most prevalent chronic condition and
most common cause of death in the United States. Treatment of
cardiovascular disorders now consumes more than 10 percent of our
health care expenditures (Lloyd-Jones et al., 2009). How did we get to where
we are now—and where are we going?
Before World War II, nearly all patients with heart disease were diagnosed
as “cardiacs” and treatment was essentially the same for all: a low salt diet,
digitalis, and restricted activity. Over the ensuing decades, the marriage of
medicine and technology has allowed the cardiologist to accurately diagnose
and treat almost every possible type of heart disease.
As a result of these advances, heart disease mortality decreased by an
incredible 64 percent from 1950 to 2005 (National Center for Health Statistics,
2008). From 1994 until 2004, deaths due to stroke and heart disease decreased
by 25 percent. By comparison, cancer deaths decreased by only 5 percent
during the same time period (Rosamond et al., 2007).
This incredible progress, resulting from the infusion of advanced technol-
ogy into cardiac care, has come at a price. The first is the impact on health care
costs. The high-tech treatment of heart disease is very expensive, and is one
of the major causes of the escalation of health care costs, stranding millions of
Americans with inadequate or no health insurance (Dalen and Alpert, 2008).
Lack of adequate health insurance is a significant barrier to preventive health
care in the U.S., and is one of the main reasons that the American health
outcomes trail other Western nations (OECD).The World Health Association
ranked U.S. health care 39th among 191 countries in 2000 (Blendon et al.,
The second significant side effect of high-tech cardiac care is that it has
become very impersonal. Most initial visits to a cardiologist are made by
patients who already have symptoms of heart disease. In fact, many patients
first meet a cardiologist when they are admitted on an emergency basis for
an acute coronary syndrome or for congestive heart failure. The cardiologist
is seen as the person who orders (and performs) a variety of invasive pro-
cedures. The patient may be rushed to a catheterization laboratory for a per-
cutaneous coronary intervention procedure. By necessity, there is usually
minimal time to explain the reason for the procedures or to discuss alternative
At discharge, patients frequently leave with prescriptions for multiple
expensive medications. Many fail to take all the prescribed medications
because of the expense, or because they do not fully understand the reasons
why they are necessary. To compound the problem, patients may experience
side effects from medication and are often reluctant to continue them.
Consequently, they may be regarded as “noncompliant.”
Despite the many successes, conventional cardiac care often leaves patients
feeling overwhelmed and confused. Patients may be led to believe that their
fate rests with an endless series of complex diagnostic tests and expensive
medications—leaving them little control of their own health destiny.
And there is evidence that we are losing ground in the fight against cardiac
disease. A recent study compared the prevalence of risk factors in American
adults aged forty to seventy-four in 1988 and in 2006 (King et al., 2009).
Obesity increased from 28 percent to 36 percent. Those eating a healthy diet
decreased 16 percent. Regular exercise decreased 10 percent. Especially sadly,
the percentage of smokers did not decline, remaining at 26 percent in 2006.
Clearly we must do much better.
best possible outcome taking into account the intangible, but vital, nuances of
each patient’s culture, beliefs, and preferences.
Cardiology is ideally suited for an integrative approach. Heart disease is
largely preventable. The influence of nutrition, physical activity, metabolic
factors, and emotional state on heart health is unmistakable. The wide-angle
lens of integrative medicine is a perfect model to address these multifaceted
needs. One of the major benefits of an integrative approach to cardiovascular
care is that patients take an active role in their treatment.
The meteoric rise of integrative medicine is a clear message that patients
are not satisfied with the status quo (Eisenberg et al., 1998, Nahin et al., 2009).
In growing numbers, patients are pursuing scientifically valid options that
include, but go beyond the usual of prescriptions and procedures. They want
to know about a broader range of options for treatment—but even more, they
are pursuing preventive measures with an intensity that is not matched by
offerings of conventional medicine.
This book provides the interested health care practitioner with the tools
needed to begin the journey toward an integrative approach to cardiology. It is
not intended as a comprehensive cardiology text, but more as a starting point
from which to develop integrative strategies focused on maintaining heart
Authors were selected because they are leaders in their respective areas
and share the common background of academic medicine. Yet all are clini-
cians who have been asked to share their best practices. The charge to each
of the authors was to focus on the approaches they have found most effective
in their own practice, and to support their contributions with the best scien-
tific evidence available.
The first section of the book describes the core elements of integrative
cardiology, beginning front and center with a discussion of nutrition.
Foundational chapters that follow discuss exercise, botanicals, aspirin, meta-
bolic cardiology, acupuncture, spirituality, mind–body approaches, and energy
Andrew T. Weil, in his chapter on nutrition, focuses on the primacy of
food as medicine for maintaining heart health. Current nutritional trends
are placed in geographic and chronological perspective. Dr. Weil emphasizes
the value of a Mediterranean style antiinflammatory diet for heart health and
distills complex nutrition science into very practical strategies.
In the chapter on exercise, Craig S. Smith reviews the latest in maintaining
heart health, and reviews tips on how to incorporate exercise into a successful
heart health program.
The role of botanicals in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular
disease is discussed by Tieraona Low Dog in Chapter 3. Dr. Low Dog reviews
the science showing that botanicals can lower blood pressure, improve lipid
profiles, and reduce symptoms of congestive failure. The potential for both
synergy and adverse reactions involving botanicals and prescription therapy is
Although the value of nonprescription therapy is challenged by some,
over-the-counter aspirin is, without a doubt, one of the most potent therapies
available in all of medicine. James E. Dalen describes how to use this time
honored therapy most effectively in Chapter 4.
Metabolic cardiology, as discussed by Stephen T. Sinatra in Chapter 5,
describes how biochemical interventions with nutritional supplements can
promote energy production in the heart. The role of coenzyme Q10, l-carnitine,
d-ribose, and magnesium for support of cardiac systolic and diastolic function
is highlighted.
John Longhurst, in Chapter 6, reviews the scientific underpinnings of the
2000-year-old therapy of acupuncture. He describes how acupuncture may
be a useful adjunct in the treatment of hypertension, and outlines the promise
of its expanded future role in cardiology.
In Chapter 7, Mary Jo Kreitzer and Ken Riff discuss how spiritual practices
such as prayer, meditation, journaling, and interacting with nature can have
important health benefits for patients with cardiovascular disease. We are
reminded that the potential to incorporate spiritual belief for healing is
immense, yet largely untapped.
Kim R. Lebowitz, in Chapter 8, emphasizes the mind–body connection, and
reviews the evidence that depression, anxiety, and stress are not only risk factors
for the development of cardiovascular disease, but lead to adverse outcomes,
including cardiac death. She describes techniques to deal with depression,
anxiety, and stress using stress management programs, relaxation therapy, and
physical activity—therapies that can be as effective as drugs in some patients.
The role of energy medicine in the care plan of patients with cardiovascular
disease is reviewed by Rauni Prittinen King in Chapter 9. The historical
origins of “hands-on healing” techniques such as therapeutic touch and
Qigong date back to Hippocrates. These approaches can be highly successful
in addressing an aspect of healing that is often neglected, yet powerful and
without side effects.
The second section of this book illustrates how the core elements of integra-
tive cardiology described in the first half can be best utilized for prevention
and treatment. This section leads with an overview of integrative approaches
to prevention, and continues with chapters on hypertension, coronary artery
disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, and cardiac surgery. Emphasis
has been placed on practical, clinically useful approaches backed by the best
available literature.
Blendon, R. J., Kim, M., Benson, J. M. 2001. The public versus the World Health
Organization on health system performance. Health Aff (Millwood), 20, 10–20.
Dalen, J. E., Alpert, J. S. 2008. National Health Insurance: could it work in the US? Am
J Med, 121, 553–4.
Eisenberg, D. M., Davis, R. B., Ettner, S. L., Appel, S., Wilkey, S., Van Rompay,
M., Kessler, R. C. 1998. Trends in alternative medicine use in the United States,
1990-1997: results of a follow-up national survey. JAMA, 280, 1569–75.
King, D. E., Mainous, A. G., 3rd, Carnemolla, M., Everett, C. J. 2009. Adherence to
healthy lifestyle habits in US adults, 1988-2006. Am J Med, 122, 528–34.
Lloyd-Jones, D., Adams, R., Carnethon, M., DE Simone, G., Ferguson, T. B., Flegal,K.,
Ford, E., Furie, K., Go, A., Greenlund, K., Haase, N., Hailpern, S., Ho, M.,
Howard, V., Kissela, B., Kittner, S., Lackland, D., Lisabeth, L., Marelli, A.,
McDermott, M., Meigs, J., Mozaffarian, D., Nichol, G., O’Donnell, C., Roger, V.,
Rosamond, W., Sacco, R., Sorlie, P., Stafford, R., Steinberger, J., Thom, T.,
Wasserthiel-Smoller, S., Wong, N., Wylie-Rosett, J., Hong, Y. 2009. Heart disease
and stroke statistics–2009 update: a report from the American Heart Association
Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation, 119, e21–181.
Nahin, R. L., Barnes, P. M., Stussman, B. J., Bloom, B. 2009. Costs of complementary
and alternative medicine (CAM) and frequency of visits to CAM practitioners:
United States, 2007. Natl Health Stat Report, 1–14.
OECD Health at a Glance 2009, OECD Publishing.
Pleis JR, Lucas JW, Ward BW. Summary health statistics for U.S. adults: National Health
Interview Survey, 2008. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat
10(242). 2009.
Rosamond, W., Flegal, K., Friday, G., Furie, K., Go, A., Greenlund, K., Haase, N., Ho, M.,
Howard, V., Kissela, B., Kittner, S., Lloyd-Jones, D., McDermott, M., Meigs, J.,
Moy, C., Nichol, G., O’Donnell, C. J., Roger, V., Rumsfeld, J., Sorlie, P., Steinberger, J.,
Thom, T., Wasserthiel-Smoller, S., Hong, Y., Committee, F. T. A. H. A. S., Stroke
Statistics Subcommittee 2007. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics–2007 Update: A
Report From the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke
Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation, 115, e69–171.
Integrative Cardiology
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The Foundations of
Integrative Cardiology
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Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health
key concepts
nderstanding of the relationship between dietary habits and cardio-
vascular health has developed slowly and changed greatly in recent
years. Epidemiological data first brought to light significant correla-
tions between diet and incidence of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease,
and myocardial infarction (MI), all rare conditions in many parts of the world
that became epidemic in Western, industrialized societies in the twentieth
The atherogenic effect of high intake of saturated fat was suggested by a
dramatic decrease in heart attacks in Holland, Belgium, Denmark, and other
European countries suffering the deprivations of the Second World War,
followed by a dramatic increase in heart attacks with the return of peace
and prosperity, along with meat, butter, and other animal-derived foods
(Malmros 1980). The incidence of myocardial infarction, especially in middle-
aged men, was at an all-time high in the U.S. in the middle of the last century,
and treatment for it was often ineffective. More alarming was the finding that
early atherosclerotic changes could be found at autopsy in healthy American
men under twenty who had been killed in accidents or war, changes that were
absent in most men of all ages in Asia, Africa, and many other parts of the
world (Beaglehole and Magnus 2002).
As the evidence for saturated fat as a cause of elevated serum cholesterol
and arterial disease grew, physicians urged patients to substitute margarine for
butter, cook with safflower and other polyunsaturated vegetable oils, and
decrease consumption of whole-milk products and eggs.
Medical focus on elevated serum cholesterol as the main risk factor for MI
and on dietary saturated fat as the main driver of elevated serum cholesterol
led, by the 1970s, to condemnation of dietary fat in general as the most harm-
ful element in the Western diet, the one responsible for epidemic atherosclero-
sis in our population. It followed that a healthy, heart-protective diet was
primarily a low-fat diet. A few prominent physicians advocated ultra-low-fat
diets, even advising patients to avoid olive oil and oily fish because of pre-
sumed adverse effects on serum cholesterol. Ornish (1990) demonstrated
reversal of coronary atherosclerosis in patients who followed a strict program
of group support, moderate exercise, stress management, and an ultra-low-fat,
vegetarian diet. The dietary component of his program has never been evalu-
ated apart from the other interventions.
More recent data on the rising incidence in China and Japan of “Western”
diseases, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as people in
those countries have moved away from traditional diets in favor of Western
ones, strongly suggests the importance of nutritional influences relative to
other risk factors. When I lived in Japan as an exchange student in 1959, most
Japanese ate traditional breakfasts of miso soup, steamed rice, a small portion
of broiled salmon or other fish, seaweed, steamed and pickled vegetables, and
green tea. When I returned in the mid-1970s, I found it hard to get that kind
of breakfast except in hotels. The morning meal I saw most Japanese eating in
those years was bacon or sausage and eggs, white toast with butter, or cereal
and milk, and coffee.
Such radical changes in eating habits can affect the health of populations
very quickly, even over a few years. Between 1999 and 2002, I made three trips
to Okinawa to collect information on healthy aging for a book I was writing.
Okinawa had the highest concentration of centenarians in the world, the great-
est rates of longevity, and unusual numbers of very old people in good health.
I found the traditional Okinawan diet (different from that of the rest of Japan)
Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health 5
most interesting. It included a great variety and abundance of land and sea
vegetables, fruits, unusual herbs and spices, fish, tofu, and pork (long sim-
mered to remove fat). But it seemed risky to me to attribute Okinawan health
and longevity to diet alone. People there are genetically distinct, are more
physically active throughout life than we are, and enjoy clean air and water.
Okinawan culture also values aging; the oldest members of the community are
considered living treasures and included in all community activities.
Nevertheless, within a few years of my last visit, Okinawan longevity plum-
meted, especially among men. Experts attributed the change mostly to changed
eating habits, in particular, the sudden popularity of American-type fast food
(Onishi 2004).
Research on nutrition and health has come a long way since the simplistic
view of high intake of dietary fat as the main risk factor for disease in general
and heart disease in particular. It is now clear that the typical Western diet is
unhealthy both because of what it does not provide as well as because of what
it does. We know that there are good fats and bad fats; some types of fat are
strongly heart protective. We know that carbohydrate foods differ in how
quickly they digest and raise blood sugar; those with the highest glycemic load
can be very unhealthy for the many genetically susceptible people in our pop-
ulation. We have confirmed the protective effects of key micronutrients on
cardiovascular health and have identified many protective phytonutrients in
fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, and beverages. And the new view of athero-
sclerosis and coronary heart disease as an inflammatory disorder makes it a
priority to evaluate the influence of dietary choices on the inflammatory pro-
cess (Fito et al. 2007; Lichtenstein et al. 2006).
With this broader knowledge, we can easily see why the mainstream North
American diet promotes obesity, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease:
Proposed heart-healthy diets of recent years have not addressed all of these
problems and are overly restrictive, making long-term adherence difficult
except for highly motivated patients. Ultra-low-fat diets may worsen omega-3
fatty acid deficiency and fail to lower glycemic load. Ultra-low-carbohydrate
diets may be high in animal foods and unhealthy fats and low in protective
phytonutrients and micronutrients. Calorie-restricted diets may include pro-
cessed foods and worsen deficiencies of essential fatty acids. All of these diets
can reduce risk of cardiovascular disease; recent research shows no significant
advantage to any one of them (Dansiger et al. 2005). But all may fail to pro-
mote optimum long-term health, and their restrictive nature makes it likely
that people will not stick to them.
A more realistic strategy is to design a nutritional program that addresses
all the problems of the mainstream diet without denying people the pleasures
of eating. Very low-fat foods tend to be tasteless and uninteresting. Carbohydrate
foods are comfort foods for many. Vegetables need to be prepared in ways that
make them appetizing.
Using the Mediterranean diet as a template for such a nutritional program
is a sensible starting point. A composite of the traditional diets of Italy, Greece,
Crete, parts of Spain, the Middle East, and North Africa, the Mediterranean
diet is high in fish but low in red meat, high in low-to-moderate glycemic load
carbohydrates, low in sugar, rich in vegetables and fruit, and liberal in the use
Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health 7
of olive oil. Absent are the refined, processed, and manufactured foods that
North Americans consume in such high quantities. Heart health (and general
health) of Mediterranean peoples who eat this way is superior to that of North
Americans (de Lorgeril 1999; de Lorgeril et al. 1994).
It is important to note, however, that the traditional Mediterranean diet,
like the traditional Japanese diet, is rapidly going out of fashion, as fast food
and processed food become increasingly available and popular throughout the
region. In fact, it may only be in remote areas today that people eat the way
their grandparents did.
However, a great advantage of the Mediterranean diet is that it appeals to
people all over the world and can be adapted to local circumstances. Some
descriptions of it in words or pictures fail to distinguish between truly whole-
grain foods and those made with pulverized grains (flour), which have a much
higher glycemic impact. (This is an important point. Many people think that
whole wheat bread is a whole-grain product, and the Food and Drug
Administration allows it to be so labeled. In fact, when grains are milled into
flour, whether or not they retain the germ and some bran, the starch in them
is reduced to tiny particles with a very large collective surface area available for
enzymatic conversion to glucose. All food products made from pulverized
grains have much higher glycemic loads than whole or cracked grains that are
parched, boiled, or steamed.) Also, I think the antiinflammatory power of the
Mediterranean diet can be improved with a few tweaks and additions.
The antiinflammatory diet I recommend is a key strategy for healthy aging,
intended to increase the likelihood of compression of morbidity in the later
years of life. My specific recommendations follow.
• Most adults need to consume between 2,000 and 3,000 calories a day.
• Women and smaller and less active people need fewer calories.
• Men and bigger and more active people need more calories.
• If you are eating the appropriate number of calories for your level of
activity your weight should not fluctuate greatly.
• The distribution of calories you take in should be as follows: 40 to
50 percent from carbohydrates, 30 percent from fat, and 20 to 30 per-
cent from protein.
• Try to include carbohydrates, fat, and protein at each meal.
• Try to eat 40 grams of fiber a day. You can achieve this by increasing
consumption of fruit (especially berries), vegetables (especially beans),
and whole grains.
• Ready-made cereals can be good sources of fiber, but read labels to
make sure they give you at least 4, and preferably 5, grams of bran per
one-ounce serving.
• The best way to obtain all of your daily vitamins, minerals, and micro-
nutrients is by eating a diet high in fresh foods with an abundance of
fruits and vegetables.
• In addition, supplement your diet with the following antioxidant
Vitamin C: 200 milligrams a day
Vitamin E: 400 International Units IU of natural mixed tocopherols
(d-alpha-tocopherol with other tocopherols, or, better, a minimum
of 80 milligrams of natural mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols)
Selenium: 200 micrograms of an organic (yeast-bound) form
Mixed carotenoids: 10,000 to 15,000 IU daily.
• In addition, take daily multivitamin–multimineral supplements that
provide at least 400 micrograms of folic acid. They should contain no
iron (unless you are female and having regular menstrual periods)
and no preformed vitamin A (retinol).
• Take 2,000 IU a day of vitamin D with your largest meal.
• Women may take supplemental calcium, preferably as calcium
citrate, 500 to 700 milligrams a day, depending on their dietary intake
of this mineral; men should avoid supplemental calcium.
• Try to drink six to eight glasses of pure water a day or drinks that
are mostly water (tea, very diluted fruit juice, sparkling water with
• Use bottled water or get a home water purifier if you tap water tastes
of chlorine or other contaminants, or if you live in an area where the
water is known or suspected to be contaminated.
Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health 11
Healthy Sweets
How much: Sparingly
Healthy choices: Unsweetened dried fruit, dark chocolate, fruit sorbet
Why: Dark chocolate provides polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Choose
dark chocolate with at least 70 percent pure cocoa and have an ounce a few
times a week. Fruit sorbet is a better option than other frozen desserts.
Red Wine
How much: Optional, no more than 1–2 glasses per day
Healthy choices: Organic red wine
Why: Red wine has beneficial antioxidant activity. Limit intake to no more
than 1–2 servings per day. If you do not drink alcohol, do not start.
How much: 2–4 cups per day
Healthy choices: White, green, oolong teas
Why: Tea is rich in catechins, which are antioxidant compounds that reduce
inflammation. Purchase high-quality tea and learn how to correctly brew it
for maximum taste and health benefits.
Healthy Fats
How much: 5–7 servings per day (one serving is equal to 1 teaspoon of oil,
2 walnuts, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed, or 1 ounce of avocado)
Healthy choices: For cooking, use extra-virgin olive oil and expeller-pressed
organic canola oil. Other sources of healthy fats include nuts (especially
walnuts), avocados, and seeds (including hemp seeds and freshly ground
flaxseed). Omega-3 fats are also found in cold-water fish, omega-3 enriched
Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health 13
eggs, and whole soy foods. High-oleic sunflower or safflower oils may also be
used, as well as walnut and hazelnut oils in salads and dark roasted sesame
oil as a flavoring for soups and stir-fries.
Why: Healthy fats are those rich in either monounsaturated or omega-3 fats.
Extra-virgin olive oil is rich in polyphenols with antioxidant activity, and
canola oil contains a small fraction of omega-3 fatty acids.
How much: 4–5 servings per day minimum (one serving is equal to 2 cups
salad greens, or one-half cup vegetables cooked, raw, or juiced)
Healthy choices: Lightly cooked dark leafy greens (spinach, collard greens,
kale, Swiss chard), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts,
kale, bok choy, and cauliflower), carrots, beets, onions, peas, squashes, sea
vegetables, and washed raw salad greens
Why: Vegetables are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids, with both antioxi-
dant and antiinflammatory activity. Go for a wide range of colors, eat them
both raw and cooked, and chooseorganic when possible.
How much: 3–4 servings per day (one serving is equal to 1 medium-sized
piece of fruit, one-half cup chopped fruit, or one-quarter cup of dried fruit)
Healthy choices: Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, nectarines,
oranges, pink grapefruit, red grapes, plums, pomegranates, blackberries,
cherries, apples, and pears––all are lower in glycemic load than most tropical
Why: Fruits are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids, with both antioxidant
and antiinflammatory activity. Go for a wide range of colors, choose fruit
that is fresh and in-season or frozen, and buy organic when possible.
Recent research has questioned the value of “vitamin therapy” with supple-
mental antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and selenium) for
improving serum cholesterol levels or existing coronary artery disease
(Brown et al. 2001). Most studies have used d-alpha-tocopherol, not the full
complex of tocopherols and tocotrienols that occur in natural vitamin E, and
they have used isolated beta-carotene, not a complex of carotenoids more
representative of the family of pigments found in many fruits and vegeta-
bles. I recommend the above forms and doses of vitamins C and E, mixed
carotenoids, and selenium for general health-protective effects, especially
because daily consumption of fruits and vegetables is generally low in much
of the North American population.
Beaglehole, R., P. Magnus. 2002. The search for new risk factors for coronary heart
disease: occupational therapy for epidemiologists? Int J Epidemiol 32: 1177–22.
Bonaa, K., L. Njolstad, P. Ueland, H. Schirmer, A. Tverdal, T. Steigen, H. Wang,
J. Nordrehaug, E. Arnesen, K. Rasmussen. 2006. Homocysteine lowering and
cardiovascular events after myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med 354: 1578–88.
Brown, B., Z. Zhao, A. Chait., L. Fisher, M. Cheung, J. Morse, A. Dowdy, E. Marino,
E. Bolson, P. Alaupovic, J. Frohlich, J. Albers. 2001. Simvastatin and niacin, anti-
oxidant vitamins, or the combination for the prevention of coronary disease. New
Eng J Med 345: 1583–92.
Dansiger, M., J. Gleason, J. Griffith, H. Selker, E. Schaefe. 2005. Comparison of the
Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone diets for weight loss and heart disease
risk reduction: a randomized trial. JAMA 293: 43–53.
Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health 15
Simopoulos, A., and J. Robinson. 1999. The Omega diet: The lifesaving nutritional pro-
gram based on the diet of the island of Crete. New York: HarperPerennial.
Wang, T., M. Pencina, S. Booth, P. Jacques, E. Ingelsson, K. Lanier, E. Benjamin, R.
D’agostino, M. Wolf, and R. Vasan. 2008. Vitamin D deficiency and risk of cardio-
vascular disease. Circulation 117: 503–11.
Weil, A. 2001. Eating well for optimum health: The essential guide to bringing health and
pleasure back to eating. New York: Quill.
key concepts
t has long been recognized, and promoted, that regular physical activity is
associated with improved personal longevity and health. In recent decades,
this belief has been reinforced by an increasing body of evidence in the
scientific literature demonstrating a wide range of health benefits linked to
physical fitness, regardless of age, place of origin, or gender. The cumulative
effect of this evidence has led to a heightened awareness in both the medical
profession and the general public of the importance of regular physical activity
as both a preventive and therapeutic tool. While there have been formal
recommendations and calls to action for increased physical activity by the
Exercise places a considerable demand upon the heart which, in turn, undergoes
dramatic physiologic changes to accommodate the body’s needs. Despite massive
Exercise 19
< 3 METs or <4 kcal/min 3–6 METs or 4–7 kcal/min 6 METs or > 7 kcal/min
Boating, power Canoeing, leisurely (up to 4 mph) Canoeing, rapid (>4 mph)
Mowing lawn, riding Mowing lawn, power mower Mowing lawn, hand push
mower mower
Pate et al. 1995. Physical activity and public health—a recommendation from the Centers
for Disease Control and prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine. JAMA 273:
neuron and can be one of two types: red or “slow” fibers (twitch type 1) and
white or “fast” fibers (twitch type 2). Metabolically, the muscle types are dis-
tinct, allowing for specialization. Fatigue-resistant type 1 fibers have a high
oxidative (oxygen-using) capacity, which is best suited for endurance exercise.
Type 2 fibers have a high glycolytic (glucose-using) capacity and best suited for
burst activity with heavy loads, but are prone to fatigue. The relative amount of
each muscle type in the body is genetically predetermined and cannot be
altered with exercise training. However, regular exercise can increase blood
supply to muscle via recruitment of capillary networks, as well as increase the
Exercise 21
When ATP is used for muscle contraction, PCr “donates” a high-energy phos-
phate to keep ATP concentration high near the muscle. This rapid availability
of phosphate near the actin-myosin complex serves as the first energy “buffer”
for muscle and is particularly useful for bursts of activity. The use of creatine
as an oral supplement has been shown to improve muscle performance for
short intense activities, but not for endurance work. Whether the use of cre-
atine supplementation helps patients with heart failure—who are unable to
provide enough blood flow to meet the energy demands of peripheral muscle—
remains uncertain.
Anaerobic glycolysis is the process in which glucose is utilized to produce
ATP, ultimately yielding lactate. This occurs when the energy requirement of
muscle outstrips its oxygen supply. It is a particularly useful pathway during
short intense exercise, as the speed at which ATP is produced is 100 times that
of oxidative phosphorylation (but yields less ATP per molecule).
Oxygen-dependent oxidative phosphorylation of glycogen and free fatty
acids is the most efficient, and largest, source of intracellular ATP. With exer-
cise training, skeletal muscle is able to increasingly utilize fat as a substrate for
oxidation, prolonging the duration and amount of work performed until gly-
cogen stores are utilized. Peripheral muscle fatigue during endurance activity
is not limited by the availability of high energy phosphates, but is instead trig-
gered by the depletion of glycogen stores and the rise of blood lactate concen-
tration. The threshold of exertion at which this occurs is called the lactate
threshold, and is not due to lack of oxygen delivery to muscles, but rather to
Despite a nearly 15-fold increase in whole body oxygen uptake and a 10-fold
increase in minute ventilation with intense exercise, systemic arterial oxygen
content remains remarkably stable even with extreme exertion. The partial
Exercise 23
Stroke volume, on the other hand, increases in a hyperbolic fashion with exer-
cise (Blomqvist and Saltin 1983) by two mechanisms: changes in the contrac-
tility of heart muscle and increases in left ventricular end-diastolic volume
(LVEDP). Diastolic volume can increase up to 40 percent during exercise,
increasing cardiac output via the Frank-Starling principle. The augmentation
of venous return to the heart during exertion is accomplished through greater
negative intrathoracic pressures generated by increased respiratory effort,
and increased venous flow via the pumping of limbs and venoconstriction.
Changes to cardiac contractility are not related to venous return and filling
characteristics per se, but are reflective of a more intrinsic forceful contraction
due to neurohormonal effects, which results in greater emptying of the left
ventricle (ionotropy).
The body’s response to intensive exercise requires a highly coordinated and
tightly coupled biofeedback across many organ systems. While maximal car-
diac output usually limits aerobic capacity, habitual exercise and physical
activity increases the capacity and efficiency of almost all systems involved in
this integrated response.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) remains the leading killer of both men and
women in most developed areas of the world, and in the United States it
exceeds the number of deaths of the next seven causes combined (American
Heart Association 2002; Yusuf et al. 2001). Because CHD is often fatal, and
over one-half of individuals who die suddenly from CHD have no prior symp-
toms, it is imperative to identify strategies to reduce the risk of CHD in the
general population. A sedentary lifestyle carries a risk for development of
CHD on par with the more traditionally recognized factors of cigarette smok-
ing, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia (Fletcher et al. 1996). Physical
inactivity has now been recognized by the American Heart Association as one
of the four modifiable risk factors for CHD (Fletcher et al. 1996). While the
benefits of habitual exercise appear to apply to both the general population
and individuals with established coronary heart disease, it has been more dif-
ficult to demonstrate the cardioprotective effects of exercise in the general
population due to lower event rates when compared to individuals with estab-
lished cardiovascular disease.
Despite these limitations, there exists an abundance of evidence to recom-
mend exercise training to the general population on its own merits. Short- and
long-term aerobic exercise is associated with increased quality of life for both
physical and psychological attributes. In addition to reductions in body weight
and fat content, exercise is beneficial in prevention and management of mus-
culoskeletal injuries and disorders (Braith and Stewart 2006). Regular exercise
is also associated with reduced prevalence and severity of stress, anxiety and
depression (Martin et al. 2009; Martinsen, Medhus, and Sandvik 1985;
Warburton, Gledhill, and Quinney 2001).
The physiological changes in the heart induced with exercise may be intrin-
sically cardioprotective, but may also favorably modify other risk factors for
disease. When combined with a smoking cessation program, exercise facili-
tates short- and long-term smoking cessation and attenuates the weight gain
Exercise 25
often seen after cessation (Marcus et al. 1999; Shepard and Shek 1999). These
diverse benefits of exercise translate into more cost-effective health care, with
reductions of over $300 per year in direct medical costs for individuals with
regular physical activity and, approximately $5000 per year of life saved in
individuals with known coronary heart disease (Ades, Pashkow, and Nestor
1997; Pratt, Macera, and Wang 2000).
Improvement in exercise capacity is the most consistent benefit seen with
regular exercise (Wenger et al. 1995). As cardiac output is the major determi-
nant of exercise capacity, it is not surprising that many of the structural and
functional changes that occur with endurance training augment stroke volume
in particular. These changes include alterations that directly affect cardiac
functioning (central adaptations) or improve peripheral oxygenation extrac-
tion for any given CO (peripheral adaption). The latter is likely due to the
increase in skeletal muscle capillary networks seen with exercise. A 1–5 month
regimen of aerobic exercise performed at 50–80 percent of maximal heart rate
for 30 minutes 3–5 times weekly is frequently used in the literature to elicit
exercise-induced physiological changes, and will often result in an increase in
exercise capacity upwards of 30 percent.
favorable milieu for the release of the vasodilators nitric oxide and prostacy-
clin from vascular endothelium, as opposed to prolonged periods of exposure,
as seen with chronic hypertension (Niebauer and Cooke 1996).
26.2 6.4
25 7.1
6.6 6.8
15 26.1 27.4 29.4
10 19.7 20.8
Low Moderate High Low Moderate High
Men Women
Level of Physical Activity
Figure 2.1. Effect of physical activity level on life expectancy (LE) at age 50 years.
All LEs have been calculated with hazard ratios adjusted for age, sex, smoking, exami-
nation at start of follow-up period, and any comorbidity (cancer, left ventricular
hypertrophy, arthritis, diabetes, ankle edema, or pulmonary disease). CVD indicates
cardiovascular disease.
Franco et al. 2005. Effects of physical activity on life expectancy with cardiovascular disease.
Archives of Internal Medicine 165: 2355.
Percentage Surviving
>8 MET
75 75
>8 MET
5–8 MET
<5 MET 50 5–8 MET
<5 MET
0 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0 0
0 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0
B Normal Subjects
Subjects with Cardiovascular Disease
Percentage Surviving
Percentage Surviving
75 75–100% 75
50–74% >100%
50 50 <50%
<50% 50–74%
25 25
0 0
0 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0 0 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0
Years of Follow-up Years of Follow-up
Figure 2.2. Survival Curves for Normal Subjects Stratified According to Peak Exercise
Capacity (Panel A) and According to the Percentage of Age-Predicted Exercise
Capacity Achieved (Panel B) and Survival Curves for Subjects with Cardiovascular
Disease Stratified According to Peak Exercise Capacity (Panel C) and According to the
Percentage of Age-Predicted Exercise Capacity Achieved (Panel D).
Myers et al. 2002. Exercise capacity and mortality among men referred for exercise testing. NEJM
346: 793. Reprinted with permission.
Distinct from other risk factors, beneficial effects on hypertension are seen
in both acute and long-term exposure to exercise. Immediately at the end of
exercise, reductions in cardiac output and heart rate are seen from a simulta-
neous increase in vagal tone and removal of sympathetic stimulation. Due to
persistent vasodilatory responses in the muscle vascular bed, systemic vascu-
lar resistance remains low for up to 12 hours after intense activity, with even-
tual normalization of blood pressure by baroreceptor reflexes (Pescatello et al.
1991). Over 40 randomized trials have demonstrated a reduction in resting
blood pressure and some have shown a decreased incidence of hypertension
with long-term aerobic exercise (Arroll and Beaglehole 1992; Seals and
Hagberg 1984). The baseline resting blood pressure appears to be an important
mediator of the magnitude of the exercise effect. Normotensive subjects, on
average, will decrease systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 2.6 and 1.8mmHg,
respectively. Hypertensive subjects demonstrate greater reduction, with mean
systolic and diastolic reductions of 7.4mmHg and 5.8mmHg (Fagard, 2001).
The magnitude of exercise effect on blood pressure (up to 15mmHg in some
studies) suggests the initiation of regular aerobic regimen may be the sole
intervention required for mildly hypertensive patients. Conversely, lack of
exercise is a risk factor for the development of hypertension (Blair et al. 1984).
Exercise 31
Regular aerobic exercise has favorable effects on lipid profiles, but the effect is
modest as assessed by standard serological assays. While early observational
studies showed significant lipid differences in runners as compared to their
sedentary peers, confounding variables of a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle,
body weight, and comorbidities made any causal relationship difficult to con-
firm (Wood et al. 1976; Wood et al. 1988; Williams et al. 1986). Subsequently,
randomized trials have found a definite beneficial effect of exercise, albeit
more it is modest than original cross-sectional studies had suggested.
A metaanalysis of 52 trials of at least 12 weeks of exercise training showed
reductions in triglyceride and LDL-C concentrations of 3.7 percent and 5 per-
cent, with an increase in HDL-C of 4.6 percent (Leon and Sanchez 2001a; Leon
and Sanchez 2001b). In comparison to the effects of exercise on hypertension,
exercise intensity and duration mediate the effect on lipoproteins, with dura-
tion of exercise contributing more (King 1995 et al.; Kokkinos et al. 1995). In
addition, there is a graded dose–response in modifying lipoproteins with
regards to exercise duration. In a randomized trial involving men and women,
frequent low-intensity exercise was associated with significantly higher HDL
levels than higher intensity, less frequent exercise (King et al. 1995). Another
randomized study comparing frequency of high intensity regimens found only
a significant decrease in very-low-density lipoprotein and increase in HDL
with more frequent exercise (Kraus et al. 2002). This effect was independent of
change in body weight.
Several studies have also suggested gender plays a role in exercise effects
on lipoproteins (Stefanick et al. 1998; Wood et al. 1991). Gender-specific
changes in lipid profiles were seen in several studies where men and women
were randomized to diet alone, diet with exercise (moderate intensity), or
controls. While weight loss occurs in both genders and both intervention
groups, diet alone did not change HDL levels compared with controls, and
actually caused a decrease in HDL concentrations in women (Wood et al.
1991). An AHA, step-2 diet alone was not found to reduce total cholesterol
or LDL, but when added to exercise produced significant decreases in both
(Stefanick et al. 1998). Diet with exercise does appear to significantly raise
HDL in men, but not in women (Wood et al. 1991). These results highlight
the importance of including regular exercise into any dietary intervention,
and in the difficulty in isolating the effects of both due to differences in base-
line lipid profiles, body mass, and the broad variability of diet and exercise
Exercise 33
Change (%)
−10 Control group
Exercise group
−12 Diet group
Diet-plus-exercise group
−14 ∗ † ‡
Women Men Women Men
HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol
Figure 2.3. Mean Changes in Plasma HDL Cholesterol and LDL Cholesterol Levels
in the Study Groups at 1Year. The vertical lines represent 95 percent confidence
intervals. Significance levels, after Bonferroni’s adjustment for the six pairwise com-
parisons, are indicated as follows: the asterisk denotes P<0.05 for the comparison with
the control group, the dagger P<0.001 for the comparison with the control group, and
the double dagger P<0.001 for the comparison with the exercise group.
Stefanick et al. 1998. Effects of diet and exercise in men and postmenopausal women with
low levels of HDL cholesterol and high levels of LDL cholesterol. NEJM 339: 12. Reprinted with
• Age >40 years, with or without CVD risk factors other than diabetes
• Age >30 years and
Diabetes of >10 years duration
Cigarette Smoking
Secondary complications of diabetes (retinopathy, nephropathy-
including microalbuminuria)
• Known coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease
• Autonomic neuropathy
• Advanced nephropathy with renal failure.
In the United States, one woman dies every minute from cardiovascular dis-
ease (Mosca et al. 2004). Despite this, only 7 of the 43 studies of exercise and
primary prevention of cardiovascular events have included women (Manson
et al. 2002). Thankfully, several of these studies, most notably the Nurse’s
Health Study and the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study, were
of considerable size (over 70,000 subjects each) to allow for definite conclu-
sions regarding the protective effect of physical activity and cardiovascular
risk. The available evidence suggests that women derive similar cardioprotec-
tive effects from exercise as men. In women with or without cardiovascular
disease, physiologic changes with exercise occur on par with men, resulting
in increases up to 20–30 percent of VO2 max with training (Cannistra
et al. 1992; Spina et al. 1993). In addition to physiologic changes, clinical
outcomes are also similarly improved in women, despite the lack of improve-
ment in lipid profiles as seen with men (as above). All cause mortality is
increased 5-fold in the least conditioned women, and cardiovascular risk is
reduced by 30–50 percent with exercise in both genders. Cardiovascular ben-
efit appears to be independent of age and ethnicity in postmenopausal women,
and can be obtained with both moderate and vigorous exertion (Manson
et al. 2002).
The Young
While physical activity in children is difficult to quantify, over the last several
decades children have been spending more time in sedentary activities, and
the prevalence of childhood obesity is increasing (Ross and Gilbert 1985;
Ross and Pate 1987; Dietz and Gortmaker 1985). Cardiovascular events in
children remain rare, but exercise habits in childhood have been shown to
mirror activity levels as an adult (Kuh and Cooper 1992). A majority of
12-year-old children will have developed one modifiable cardiovascular risk
factor (Riddoch and Boreham 1995). The efficacy of direct intervention on
childhood risk factors remains controversial, but there is evidence that school-
based programs can reduce the sedentary behavior patterns observed with
advancing age (Kelder, Perry, and Klepp 1993).
Participation in organized team sports is highest in adolescence and young
adulthood. While cardiac events remain low in this age group, the sudden
deaths of young competitive athletes are tragic and often due to unsuspected
cardiovascular disease. Both in the United States and Europe, the incidence of
sudden death in young athletes appears to be increasing (Maron, 2003). The
majority of deaths that occur in U.S. athletes under the age of 35 are due to
congenital or acquired cardiac malformation, as opposed to coronary artery
disease in older individuals. Most of these deaths are due to hypertrophic car-
diomyopathy or coronary anomalies, and occur in sports with intense bursts
of activity, such as football or basketball. The combined prevalence of all of
these disease states in young athletes is approximately 0.3 percent, with the
MVP (4
) )
(4% %
VC (6
yo Coronary artery
anomalies (17%)
Indeterminate LVH -
possible HCM (8%)
Figure 2.4. Distribution of cardiovascular causes of sudden death in 1435 young com-
petitive athletes. From the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation Registry, 1980 to
2005. ARVC indicates arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; AS, aortic
stenosis; CAD, coronary artery disease; C-M, cardiomyopathy; HD, heart disease;
LAD, left anterior descending; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; and MVP, mitral
valve prolapse.
Maron, B. J. et al. 2007 (Update). Recommendations and considerations related to preparticipa-
tion screening for cardiovascular abnormalities in competitive athletes. Reprinted by permission
from Circulation 2007; 115:1643–1655. Copyright 2007 American Heart Association.
Exercise 39
Medical history∗
Personal history
1. Exertional chest pain/discomfort
2. Unexplained syncope/near-syncope†
3. Excessive exertional and unexplained dyspnea/fatigue, associated with exercise
4. Prior recognition of a heart murmur
5. Elevated systemic blood pressure
Family history
6. Premature death (sudden and unexpected, or otherwise) before age 50 years due to
heart disease, in ≥1 relative
7. Disability from heart disease in a close relative <50 years of age
8. Specific knowledge of certain cardiac conditions in family members: hypertrophic
or dilated cardiomyopathy, long-QT syndrome or other ion channelopathies,
Marfan syndrome, or clinically important arrhythmias
Physical examination
9. Heart murmur‡
10. Femoral pulses to exclude aortic coarctation
11. Physical stigmata of Marfan syndrome
12. Brachial artery blood pressure (sitting position)§
∗ Parental verification is recommended for high school and middle school athletes.
Judged not to be neurocardiogenic (vasovagal); of particular concern when related to exertion.
Auscultation should be performed in both supine and standing positions (or with Valsalva
maneuver), specifically to identify murmurs of dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
Preferably taken in both arms.
Maron, B. J., et al. 2007. Recommendations and considerations related to preparticipation screen-
ing for cardiovascular abnormalities in competitive athletes: 2007 Update. Reprinted by permis-
sion from Circulation 2007; 115: 1643–1655. Copyright 2007 American Heart Association.
warrant further cardiac evaluation. The use of a routine screening ECG, while
recommended by the European Society of Cardiology and the International
Olympic Committee, has not been universally accepted, and at present, is left
up to the discretion of the practitioner. Possibly due to physiologic changes
of exercise on the heart, ECG abnormalities can occur in up to 40 percent of
well-conditioned athletes (Maron et al. 2007). Furthermore, exercise-induced
cardiac enlargement can often mimic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy on echo-
cardiograms, making it difficult to distinguish between an adaptive physiologic
response and a life-threatening cardiac condition. At present, a targeted and
complete personal and family history, combined with a thorough physical
examination, appear to be the most practical screening strategy for young
adults prior to initiation of competitive sports.
The Elderly
The benefits of exercise far outweigh the potential risks, but consideration
should be given to individualize recommendations in an effort to avoid poten-
tial harm. The most common risk of exercise is musculoskeletal injury, typi-
cally from overuse. As up to one-third of injured adults fail to return to exercise
within a year (Hootman et al. 2002), proven prophylactic strategies such as
gradual initiation of exercise, supervised activity, and stretching are of tanta-
mount importance. Intensity and nature of impact correlate more closely with
musculoskeletal injury than duration and should be adjusted accordingly.
Rare, but potentially catastrophic, risks of exercise include cardiac arrhythmia,
myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death.
cant medical comorbidities would likely necessitate further testing and possi-
bly specialist consultation prior to starting exercise under close supervision.
For individuals with known or suspected cardiovascular disease, the American
Heart Association has published recommendations for secondary prevention,
which include enrollment in cardiovascular rehabilitation programs (Fletcher
et al. 2001). While all individuals derive benefit from exercise training, the
purpose of the medical evaluation is to help guide the level of supervision and
monitoring required during exercise and the individualization needed in the
exercise prescription.
A fitness facility, not a health care provider’s office, may be the site of initial
contact where an evaluation should be performed. The American College of
Sports Medicine/AHA (among others) has published pre-participation screen-
ing questionnaires which will prompt for referral to a healthcare professional
if indicated (Balady et al. 1998).
In the medical evaluation of an apparently healthy individual, the medical
history should focus on risk of cardiovascular disease and the chance of injury if
unsupervised. The latter may include severe obesity or neuromuscular disorders.
Prior MI, bypass surgery, angioplasty, valvular heart disease, congestive heart
failure, or congenital heart disease should be referred for further evaluation and
possible testing prior to initiation of exercise. Symptoms of chest discomfort,
shortness of breath with daily activities, and leg pain consistent with peripheral
arterial disease should be considered cardiovascular disease equivalents and
require referral for subsequent evaluation. All murmurs on exam should be
regarded as indicating cardiovascular disease and triaged accordingly.
Absent any concerns generated in the history and physical examination, age
is the predominant factor determining further evaluation (Fletcher et al. 2001):
• For men <45 years and women <55 years of age with no signs or
symptoms of cardiovascular disease no further workup is required.
• Men ≥ 45 years and women ≥ 55 years with diabetes or 2 other risk
factors for coronary artery disease should perform an exercise stress
test if vigorous exercise is planned. An abnormal test should be fol-
lowed up accordingly and the patient medically managed as if cardio-
vascular disease is present (Gibbons et al. 1997).
the same (if not more) cardiovascular protection in less time, as well as the
opportunity to improve cardiovascular fitness.
To confer benefit, exercise does not need to be continuous but can be per-
formed throughout the day in short intervals, allowing for integration into
one’s daily life. Emphasis should be placed on aerobic activity, with resistance
training as a supplement. The American Heart Association and the American
College of Sports Medicine recommend 30–60 minutes of moderate intensity
five days a week, or 20 minutes of high intensity exercise three times per week
(Haskell et al. 2007). This equates to a minimum of 150 minutes spent per week
in moderate aerobic activity. Other societies have recommended similar tar-
gets, with slightly longer duration of intensive exercise at 75 minutes per week
(U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 2008). Not surprisingly, the
total amount of exercise performed does highly correlate with weight loss in
addition to cardioprotection.
Significant health benefits can be derived from occupational and leisure-
time activities. Leisure activity should target between 700–1000 kcal/week
to confer benefit. As previously mentioned, prior studies have demonstrated
reduced cardiac event rates in individuals with physically active jobs. However,
unless one hour of brisk walking per day is reliably performed (i.e. postal
route), supplemental activity off-hours should be incorporated into daily
life. Heavy-lifting occupations that meet requirements are increasingly rare
in today’s society. To meet criteria, greater than 20lbs of lifting at least once
an hour, or constant moving of loads without mechanical help, would be
necessary to achieve cardiovascular benefit.
Flexibility and stretching exercises should be encouraged, but not take the
place of, aerobic exercise. Emphasis should be given to the hamstring and
lower back areas in an effort to reduce chronic lower back injury. In addition,
individuals over 40 years of age should avoid repetitive high-impact aerobic
activity, and vary the exercises performed accordingly.
Although resistance training affects cardiovascular risk factors less than
aerobic exercise, it is an accepted and encouraged part of a comprehensive
exercise regimen. In addition to its previously described benefits, increased
muscle mass can reduce the chance of subsequent injury and increase the basal
metabolic rate. Performance of 8–10 exercises targeting the large muscle groups
(chest, arms, back, abdominals, and legs) is recommended. The exercises need
only consist of a single set of 8–12 repetitions (10–15 repetitions at less weight
for older persons to prevent injury) and be performed 2–3 times per week.
This appears to be the minimum required for muscle group adaptation and
maintenance. Any cardiovascular benefit from additional sets and frequency
appears to be small (Feignenbaum and Pollock 1997).
Physical inactivity is the cardiac risk factor that affects the largest number of
individuals in the population, and its reduction through exercise confers ben-
efits on par with other well-established cardiovascular therapies. In addition to
improving cardiovascular health, adherence to an exercise program has a broad
range of benefits for the individual and the society. Greater emphasis on adher-
ence to formal exercise programs involving research, health care policy, and
pubic service announcements would reap considerable benefits for the popula-
tion as a whole. In addition, a health care provider’s act of encouraging, educat-
ing, and supporting regular daily exercise may provide the greatest opportunity
to improve the long term health and quality of life of the individual.
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Botanical Medicine and
Cardiovascular Disease
key concepts
erbal medicine, also referred to as phytotherapy or botanical medi-
cine, utilizes plants, plant parts, and preparations made from plants
for therapeutic and/or preventive purposes. Herbal medicine gave
rise to the modern sciences of botany, pharmacy, perfumery, and chemistry.
The role of herbal medicine in the management of cardiovascular disease has
been a long and distinguished one. Ancient physicians and healers noted that
remedies such as squill and foxglove could ease the suffering from dropsy, an
outdated term for congestive heart failure (CHF). Hawthorn was noted to ben-
efit the aging heart centuries ago. As the science of pharmacy evolved, the first
effective treatment for hypertension, reserpine, and for CHF, digoxin, were
derived from plants (Rauwolfia serpentina and foxglove, respectively). Through
isolating the potent actives in these plants, pharmaceutical products can be
produced with a consistent and uniform composition. Indeed, one primary
drug discovery model has been the identification, isolation, and production of
single active compounds. These active compounds can then be researched,
patented, and sold as drugs.
While some drugs are made directly from plant material, these isolated
compounds are not considered herbal medicines in the classic sense, because
in traditional practice, the plants themselves are considered medicinally func-
tioning wholes. They are chemically complex mixtures and thus the entire
plant, or the part being used (the root, leaf, or seed, for example), is considered
the “active.” Unfortunately, there has been little financial incentive to study
herbal medicines that can be easily grown in the garden or harvested in the
wild. And for herbal manufacturers that do spend the money to do clinical
trials on their herbal product, there is no “patent protection” as there is for
drugs. Furthermore, there is no way for consumers or clinicians to readily dis-
tinguish the clinically tested product from the myriad of “me-too” products in
the marketplace which piggyback off the research of others.
All too often the research that is undertaken is focused on the use of one
particular herb for one specific condition, though most experienced herbal
practitioners individualize their prescriptions based upon the unique charac-
teristics of the patient. Herbal mixtures are often preferred over single herbs
as they are thought to offer greater efficacy, and to some degree, greater safety.
Multi-herb formulations may have additive, or synergistic, effects, and second-
ary herbs can be included to modify potential side effects from the primary
herb. For example, hawthorn may be combined with hibiscus or dandelion for
a patient who has some early CHF. Hawthorn is a positive inotrope and has
been shown to improve CHF symptoms, while hibiscus and dandelion have
noted diuretic activity. Given the number of traditional medical systems that
utilize herbal formulations, the focus on single-herb preparations may be a
critical shortcoming in botanical research. Nevertheless, monotherapy is prob-
ably the best approach for the clinician who is just starting to use herbs in his
or her practice. Getting to know each herb in this way allows the practitioner
to gain greater familiarity and expertise with its use.
Knowledge and tradition are not stagnant, and the field continues to evolve
alongside modern scientific research. Today, we know that plant sterols can
effectively reduce cholesterol and are added to food products as part of a
Botanical Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease 57
With widespread consumer use, but a general lack of knowledge about the
safe and effective use of dietary supplements, particularly herbal medicines,
among the majority of health care providers, it is important to address
concerns of safety. Overall, the majority of the herbs and herbal supplements
generally available in the United States and Europe have a relatively good
safety profile when used appropriately, if they are manufactured to high qual-
ity standards. As more concentrated herbal products are introduced into
the marketplace, many of which will be taken for extended periods of time,
new questions of safety will undoubtedly arise. The chronic use of certain
herbs (e.g., comfrey, licorice) can cause hepatic, renal, or electrolyte abnor-
malities. Like any chemically active substance, whether an herb is safe or toxic
depends upon the dose, type of product, and underlying constitution and
health of the patient.
Perhaps more worrying to clinicians is the concern that concomitant use of
botanical remedies with prescription or over-the-counter medications may
lead to adverse interactions, especially in the elderly and those with dimin-
ished renal or hepatic function. A national survey noted that 16 percent of
prescription drug users also reported taking one or more herbal supplements
within the prior week (Kaufman, 2002). It is imperative that clinicians talk
with patients about their use of botanical medicines and other dietary supple-
ments, to help prevent potentially dangerous herb–drug interactions. There
are wide variety of herbal practices and products available, which makes
generalizations difficult; however, by asking a few open-ended questions, clini-
cians should be able to assess the patient’s beliefs, cultural practices, and use of
botanical remedies. Some questions clinicians might find useful follow.
• When you were growing up did you, or your family, ever use any
medicinal plants or herbal remedies to improve your health or treat
an illness?
• How do you use herbs or herbal remedies in your home?
• Are you taking any herbs or herbal medicines now? If so, what are you
trying to treat and do you think the herbs are working?
Document all patient responses in their medical chart and be alert for
potential adverse effects and herb–drug interactions, as well as any therapeutic
Botanical Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease 59
There are a number of herbs that may be used to address mild cases of
hypertension. Without question, Rauwolfia serpentina is the best known and
understood. The roots of Rauwolfia have been used in India for centuries to
relieve anxiety and treat psychiatric disorders. The isolated alkaloid, reserpine,
revolutionized the management of hypertension in the 1950s. Reserpine
depletes adrenergic neurons of norepinephrine, resulting in decreased sympa-
thetic tone and vasodilation and also likely explaining its traditional use for
certain psychiatric illnesses. Studies show that reserpine plus a thiazide diuretic
has similar efficacy to nifedipine or enalapril (Griebenow et al. 1997; Manyemba
1997). There are concerns for side effects from reserpine (e.g., sedation,
depression) one study noted adverse effects in eleven patients (17.2%) in the
reserpine/diuretic group and nine patients (14.3%) in the enalapril group
(Griebenow et al. 1997). Low dose reserpine is used in a number of poorer
countries when diuretics are not sufficient to control blood pressure. Rauwolfia
is still used by some naturopathic practitioners in non-standardized prepara-
tions. Given the variability of alkaloid levels in the root, this practice should
not be encouraged.
More commonly, herbalists will use diuretics to lower blood pressure
(discussed later in this chapter). A recent metaanalysis concluded that garlic
(Allium sativum) preparations modestly reduce blood pressure in patients with
hypertension. One study showed that grape seed extract reduces systolic and
diastolic blood pressure by twelve and eight points, respectively (Sivaprakasapillai
et al. 2009). Other plants such as linden flower (Tilia platyphllos) and mistletoe
(Viscum album) are also used. But it is hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) that is
gaining the most attention. The calyces (the outer parts of the flower) are used
in the traditional medicines of India, Africa, Mexico, and South America.
Commonly sold in the American southwest and Mexico as Flor de Jamaica,
studies show that hibiscus is an effective hypotensive agent. It is a reliable
diuretic and inhibits calcium influx into vascular smooth muscle cells (Ajay
et al. 2007; Wright et al. 2007, Ajay 2007). Two studies have shown the
standardized extract (9.6 mg anthocyanins) to be as effective as captopril
and lisinopril in lowering blood pressure (Herrera-Arellano et al. 2004;
Herrera-Arellano et al. 2007). A study of type 2 diabetics found significant
reduction in systolic blood pressure after one month (Mozaffari-Khosravi et al.
Botanical Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease 61
Cardiac glycosides have a low therapeutic index and care must be taken when
prescribing them. Given the variability of glycoside levels in the herbs, stan-
dardized products are highly recommended. Only qualified health care pro-
fessionals who are well-versed in the management of cardiac patients should
administer these cardioactive botanicals.
In general, herbalists focus on cardiac tonics when addressing the aging heart
and treating mild hypertension and early heart failure. While there are a
number of cardiac tonics, those that dominate the field come from great herbal
traditions. From Euro-American tradition we have hawthorn ( Crataegus spp),
from Ayurveda there is arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), and from the Mediterranean
and Middle East comes Bishop’s weed (Ammi visnaga). Papyrus writings from
ancient Egypt describe the use of Ammi visnaga for the treatment of asthma,
painful kidney stones, and angina. Arjuna tree bark has been used to treat
angina for more than 3,000 years (Narayana and Kumaraswamy 1996).
Experimental studies show that it exerts significant positive inotropic and
hypotensive effects, increasing coronary artery flow and protecting the myo-
cardium against ischemic damage. It also has mild diuretic, antithrombotic,
prostaglandin- enhancing, and hypolipidaemic activity (Dwivedi 2007).
Hawthorn, a flowering shrub in the rose family, has been used by physicians
and herbalists for roughly 2,000 years, and its efficacy and uses have been par-
ticularly widely researched. Hawthorn is widely accepted in Europe as a treat-
ment for mild cases of CHF and minor arrhythmias. While there have been
many clinical studies, the largest was the Survival and Prognosis: Investigation
of Crataegus Extract WS 1442 in Congestive Heart Failure (SPICE) trial.
Conducted in 13 European countries, researchers randomized 2681 patients
with NYHA class II-III heart failure and a left-ventricular ejection fraction
(LVEF) <35% to receive either WS-1442 or placebo for two years, in addition
to their standardized CHF therapy (Holubarsch et al. 2007). Overall, no
beneficial effect was noted. However, in a prospectively planned subgroup
analysis, patients who received hawthorn and had an LVEF of 25 to 35 percent
showed a significantly reduced risk of sudden cardiac death from month 12
to month 24; no such signal emerged for patients with the poorest ventricular
function. This is consistent with the notion that hawthorn is a tonic and that
it is most beneficial in cases of modest dysfunction. It also speaks to its
anti-arrhythmic action. Herbalists generally combine hawthorn with omega-3
Tea is good for the heart. A metaanalysis (Peters, Poole, and Arab 2001) of tea
consumption in relation to stroke, myocardial infarction, and all coronary
heart disease concluded that the incidence rate of myocardial infarction was
estimated to decrease by 11% with an increase in tea consumption of 3 cups
per day (95% CI: 0.79, 1.01) (1 cup = 237 ml)
Botanical Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease 63
fatty acids, likely resulting in an additive effect. Importantly, the SPICE trial
found no evidence of herb–drug interactions with any of the drugs taken by
the participants. Cochrane reviewers concluded that when taken in totality,
the evidence “suggests that there is a significant benefit in symptom control
and physiologic outcomes from hawthorn extract as an adjunctive treatment
for chronic heart failure” (Pittler, Guo, and Ernst 2008).
Diuretics, both in conventional and herbal medicine, are used in the manage-
ment of hypertension and heart failure. Many plants have diuretic effects,
but those that have shown the most promise using modern scientific methods
include parsley (Petroselinum sativum), horsetail (Equisetium spp), fennel
(Foeniculum vulgare), hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa), and the African tradi-
tional medicine Spergularia purpurea, with all showing diuretic and naturietic
effects (Wright et al. 2007).
Parsley is both a culinary herb and an herbal medicine. While the herb can
be used as a diuretic, the seeds are stronger. Parsley seed reduces the activity
of Na+–K+ ATPase in both the renal cortex and medulla, leading to a reduc-
tion in sodium and potassium and resulting in osmotic water flow into the
lumen and diuresis (Kreydiyyeh and Usta 2002). The German Commission E
recognizes both the root and leaf of dandelion for the stimulation of diuresis
(Blumenthal 1998), though studies indicate that the leaf is superior (Wright
et al. 2007).
Diuretics are often used in conjunction with hawthorn for those with mild
hypertension. Serum electrolytes should be periodically monitored.
Several plant and natural products that are well known for lipid management
include plant sterols, psyllium (Plantago ovata), red yeast rice (Monascus pur-
pureus), garlic (Allium sativum), guggul (Commiphora mukul), artichoke
(Cynara scolymus), and policosanol. The most beneficial in clinical trials are
phytosterols, psyllium, and red yeast rice. Phytosterols impair intestinal
absorption of cholesterol, resulting in a 10–15 percent reduction in LDL-C
with daily intakes of 2 to 3 grams (Plat and Mensink 2001). Plant sterols can be
safely combined with statins, niacin, or red yeast rice, and both the American
Heart Association and the National Cholesterol Education Program Expert
Panel endorse their use. Psyllium and other soluble fibers should be encour-
aged for cardiovascular and overall health.
Red yeast rice products are prepared from cooked, non-glutinous white rice
fermented by the yeast Monascus purpureus. Red yeast rice contains naturally
occurring statins referred to as monocolins, as well as isoflavones and plant
sterols (McCarthy 1998), all of which contribute to its lipid-lowering effects. A
metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials reported that LDL-C is lowered
by 27–32 percent, triglycerides are lowered by 27–38 percent, and HDL-C is
raised by 15–22 percent (Liu et al. 2006). Quality control is a concern, how-
ever, as laboratory testing has found that red yeast products vary widely in
their monocolin content and some contain the mycotoxin citrinin, which is
nephrotoxic in animals (Consumerlabs 2009; Heber et al. 2001). Strict regula-
tions and guidelines are needed to limit the total daily amount of monocolin
and guarantee the absence of mycotoxins.
Red yeast rice can be a suitable choice in patients who do not tolerate statins.
Given the variability in monocolin content, it is advisable to draw labs 8 to
10 weeks after initiation of therapy to determine effectiveness and possible
impact on liver function. Coenzyme Q-10 is often recommended in conjunc-
tion with red yeast rice, as it is with prescription statin drugs.
Nervine relaxants are those herbs that have a mild tranquilizing or calmative
effect. As chronic stress and depression have both been associated with
increased risk of cardiovascular disease, herbalists generally consider the addi-
tion of a nervine relaxant in their treatment protocol. Those that are typically
used specifically for the cardiovascular system include motherwort (Leonurus
cardiaca) and valerian (Valeriana officinalis). Motherwort is often included
in formulae for hypertensive individuals with a nervous/stress component.
The alkaloids in motherwort, stachydrine, and leonurine are mildly sedating
and hypotensive. Research suggests that leonurine is an inhibitor of vascular
smooth muscle tone, probably acting by inhibiting Ca2+ influx and the release
of intracellular Ca2+ (Chen and Kwan 2001). Lavandulifolioside, another con-
stituent, is responsible for the negative chronotropic and hypotensive effects
reported with motherwort administration (Milkowska-Leyck, Filipek, and
Botanical Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease 65
Strzelecka 2002). Those with a “nervous heart” often find relief from palpita-
tions and anxiety-provoked simple tachycardia.
Valerian is often considered in cases where hypertension is accompanied by
stress and insomnia. It is unclear if the hypotensive activity reported by clini-
cians is due to the general calming effect of the herb or a direct vasodilatory
effect. One study found that when valerian was given for seven days to indi-
viduals performing psychological stress tests, there was a significant decrease
in systolic blood pressure and heart rate compared to controls (Cropley et al.
2002). Valerian has been used for at least 1000 years as a calming agent and
sedative. It was officially categorized as a tranquilizer in the United States
Pharmacopoeia from 1820 to 1942. Unlike conventional benzodiazepines, val-
erian is not addictive and has been shown to reduce anxiety (Andreatini et al.
2002) and total stress severity and to induce sleep (Wheatley 2001).
best used in clinical practice. Unlike many pharmaceutical drugs, there are few
long-term outcome studies using medicinal plants. While this chapter cites the
clinical trials that are being conducted on herbal medicines for cardiovascular
health, the research literature reflects only a very small percentage of plants
that have potential benefit. There is a definite need for more rigorous and
creative research in this area.
The following is a list of resources that clinicians may use to obtain current,
authoritative information regarding the safe and effective use of herbal therapies.
Health Canada
The Canadian government regulates natural health products by licensing those
with proof of safety and efficacy. This is a helpful Web site that provides a list of prod-
ucts licensed in Canada and also contains a number of monographs.
Natural Standard
This subscription-only site is an independent collaboration of international clini-
cians and researchers who have created a database that can be searched by CAM subject
or by medical condition. The quality of evidence is ranked for each supplement.
Consumer Labs
This site, available by subscription, evaluates commercially available dietary supple-
ments for composition, purity, bioavailability, and consistency of products.
key concepts
aily aspirin consumption for the prevention of myocardial infarction
and stroke is a classic example of an unconventional therapy that has
become conventional therapy.
Aspirin was first synthesized in 1853 by Bayer. It began to be used for the
treatment of rheumatism in 1899 (Dalen 1991). The first report suggesting that
aspirin may have a cardiovascular indication was a paper by Craven published
in 1950. He reported that aspirin prevented heart attacks. Six years later,
Craven reported that aspirin also prevented strokes (1956). Craven based his
reports on clinical observations and a clinical trial without controls. As a busy
general practitioner, he noted an increased incidence of bleeding in patients in
An Aspirin a Day Is Even Better than an Apple a Day! 71
Complications of Aspirin
Contraindications to Aspirin
TOTAL 14 17
WHS = Women’s Health Study HOT = Hypertension Optimal Treatment Study PPP = Primary
Prevention Project PHS = Physician’s Health Study UK = British Physician Study
An Aspirin a Day Is Even Better than an Apple a Day! 73
The appropriate dose for primary and secondary prevention of stroke remains
controversial. All agree that it is 325 mg/day or less. However, some suggest
81mg (one baby aspirin), some say 162 mg (two baby aspirin), and some sug-
gest 325 mg (one adult aspirin). Others suggest any dose from 81 to 325 mg.
Determining the recommended dose should not be so difficult. The price of
aspirin is minimal and there is no difference in the incidence of major bleed-
ing in doses ranging from 81 to 325 mg.
There is some evidence that the dose for secondary prevention in patients
with a history of coronary artery disease or stroke is less than the dose required
for primary prevention The European Stroke Prevention Study found that
50 mg of aspirin per day decreased the risk of recurrent stroke by 18% in
patients with a history of stroke or TIA. (Diener, 1996).
In patients with stable angina pectoris Juul-Moller reported a 34% reduc-
tion in myocardial infarction (MI) or death as compared to placebo in patients
treated with 75 mg of aspirin daily. (Juul-Moller, 1992.) In a study of 796 men
with unstable angina there was a 31% reduction in myocardial infarction or
sudden death with 75 mg of aspirin per day. (RISC Group,1990). Other studies
of secondary prevention in patients with a history of stroke or myocardial,
infarction have found doses of 160 mg or 300 mg per day to be effective.(Lewis,
1983; ISIS-2, 1988; CAST,1997).
The most commonly recommended dose for primary prevention of myo-
cardial infarction and stroke is 81 mg/day (Bhatt et al. 2008). I believe that this
dose is too low. Doses less than 162 mg/day failed to prevent stroke and myo-
cardial infarction in six primary prevention trials (Collaborative Group of the
Primary Prevention Project 2001; Hansson et al. 1998; Ogawa et al. 2008;
Ridker et al. 2005; Belch et al. 2008; Fowkes. 2009.
Strong evidence that an aspirin dose of 162 mg/day is effective in the pri-
mary prevention of myocardial infarction was reported by the US Physicians’
Health study. (Physicians’ Health Study Group, 1989). More than 20,000 US
physicians were randomized to 325 mg of aspirin every other day or placebo.
After five years of follow-up there was a 44% reduction in MIs in those taking
I am convinced that the optimal dose for primary and secondary preven-
tion of myocardial infarction and stroke in men and women is 162 mg/day
(Dalen 2010) . This can be given as 2 baby aspirin a day, one-half adult aspirin
a day, or one adult aspirin every other day; whichever is most convenient for
the patient. There is no clear evidence that buffered aspirin or enteric-coated
aspirin are less effective or have fewer side effects than regular aspirin.
Some patients who have been prescribed long-term aspirin therapy develop
myocardial infarction or stroke. When this occurs does it mean treatment fail-
ure, or does it indicate that the patient is resistant to aspirin? Or, is there
another explanation?
Treatment failure is certainly a reasonable explanation. No therapy, conven-
tional or unconventional, is 100 percent effective. Patients have myocardial
infarction and/or stroke despite effective therapy of hypertension or hyperlipi-
demia, so why should aspirin therapy be any different?
Some suggest that the explanation for the occurrence of vascular event in
patients prescribed aspirin is aspirin resistance, that is, the failure of aspirin to
suppress thromboxane generation and thus not prevent platelet aggregation.
Some have suggested that all 30 million patients taking aspirin therapy should
be tested for aspirin resistance.
The gold standard for determining aspirin’s effect on platelets is optical
aggregometry, also called light transmission aggregometry. Several other
platelet function tests that can be performed at the bedside are also available
(Dalen 2007).
Unfortunately, these tests are not concordant. The incidence of aspirin
resistance utilizing optical aggregometry is less than 1 percent in most reports.
The incidence with the two bedside tests is much higher; in the range of 20 to
30 percent (Dalen 2007).
Reports that patients with laboratory evidence of aspirin resistance are at
increased risk of myocardial infarction or stroke are inconclusive. The clinical
relevance of aspirin resistance is uncertain. I agree with the recent recommen-
dation from the American College of Chest Physicians that routine testing for
aspirin resistance is not indicated (Patrono et al. 2008).
There is a third explanation for the occurrence of stroke or myocardial
infarction in patients prescribed aspirin: noncompliance (Dalen 2007). A very
significant study reported on 190 patients with myocardial infarction who had
been prescribed 81 to 325 mg aspirin/day. Seventeen (9 percent) were aspirin
resistant by light aggregometry. When the 17 were questioned, 10 admitted
that they were not taking the aspirin. When the test was repeated after the 17
were observed ingesting 325 mg aspirin, only one patient was found to be aspi-
rin resistant (Schwartz, 2005).
An Aspirin a Day Is Even Better than an Apple a Day! 75
Several other studies have confirmed the findings of Schwartz: aspirin resis-
tance is very rare in patients who actually take aspirin. Noncompliance is the
most common explanation for aspirin resistance as measured by laboratory
tests. The most common cause of stroke or myocardial infarction in patients
who are compliant with aspirin therapy is treatment failure. There is no evi-
dence that myocardial infarction or stroke occurring in patients prescribed
aspirin is due to aspirin resistance.
Bridges, C. R., Eisenberg, M. J., Ferrari, V. A., Hlatky, M. A., Kaul, S., Lindner, J. R.,
Moliterno, D. J., Mukherjee, D., Schofield, R. S., Rosenson, R. S., Stein, J. H., Weitz,
H. H. & Wesley, D. J. 2008. ACCF/ACG/AHA 2008 expert consensus document
on reducing the gastrointestinal risks of antiplatelet therapy and NSAID use: a
report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical
Expert Consensus Documents. J Am Coll Cardiol, 52: 1502–17.
CAST (Chinese Acute Stroke Trial) Collaborative Group. 1997. CAST: randomised
placebo-controlled trial of early aspirin use in 20,000 patients with acute ischae-
mic stroke. Lancet 349: 1641–1649.
Collaborative Group of the Primary Prevention Project (PPP). 2001. Low-dose aspirin
and vitamin E in people at cardiovascular risk: A randomised trial in general prac-
tice. Lancet 357: 89–95.
Craven, L. L. 1950. Acetylsalicylic acid, possible preventive of coronary thrombosis.
Ann West Med Surg 4: 95.
Craven, L. L. 1953. Experiences with aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) in the nonspecific
prophylaxis of coronary thrombosis. Miss Valley Med J 75: 38.
Craven, L. L. 1956. Prevention of coronary and cerebral thrombosis. Miss Valley Med J
78: 213.
Dalen, J. E. 1991. An apple a day or an aspirin a day? Arch Intern Med 151: 1066–69.
Dalen, J. E. (2006). Aspirin to prevent heart attack and stroke: what’s the right dose?
Am J Med 119: 198–202.
Dalen, J. E. (2007). Aspirin resistance: Is it real? Is it clinically significant? Am J Med
120: 1–4.
Dalen J. E. 2010. Aspirin for the primary prevention of stroke and myocardial infarc-
tion: ineffective or wrong dose? Am J Med 123: 101–102.
Diener, H. C., Cunha, L., Forbes, C., Sivenius, J., Smets, P. & Lowenthal, A. 1996.
European Stroke Prevention Study. 2. Dipyridamole and acetylsalicylic acid in the
secondary prevention of stroke. J Neurol Sci, 143: 1–13.
Fowkes G. 2009. Aspirin for asymptomatic atherosclerosis trial. Presented at European
Society of Cardiology 2009 Congress, August 30, 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
Hansson, L., Zanchetti, A., Carruthers, S. G., Dahlof, B., Elmfeldt, D., Julius, S.,
Menard, J., Rahn, K. H., Wedel, H. & Westerling, S. 1998. Effects of intensive
blood-pressure lowering and low-dose aspirin in patients with hypertension: prin-
cipal results of the Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) randomised trial.
HOT Study Group. Lancet, 351: 1755–62.
ISIS-2 (Second International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group. 1988.
Randomised trial of intravenous streptokinase, oral aspirin, both, or neither
among 17,87 cases of suspercted acute myocardial infarction: ISIS-2. Lancet 332:
Juul-Moller, S., Edvardsson, N., Jahnmatz, B., Rosen, A., Sorensen, S. & Omblus, R.
1992. Double-blind trial of aspirin in primary prevention of myocardial infarction
in patients with stable chronic angina pectoris. The Swedish Angina Pectoris
Aspirin Trial (SAPAT) Group. Lancet, 340: 1421–5.
An Aspirin a Day Is Even Better than an Apple a Day! 77
Lewis, H. D., JR., Davis, J. W., Archibald, D. G., Steinke, W. E., Smitherman, T. C.,
Doherty, J. E., 3rd, Schnaper, H. W., Lewinter, M. M., Linares, E., Pouget, J. M.,
Sabharwal, S. C., Chesler, E. & DEMOTS, H. 1983. Protective effects of aspirin
against acute myocardial infarction and death in men with unstable angina. Results
of a Veterans Administration Cooperative Study. N Engl J Med, 309: 396–403.
Ogawa, H., Nakayama, M., Morimoto, T., Uemura, S., Kanauchi, M., Doi, N., Jinnouchi,
H., Sugiyama, S. & Saito, Y. 2008. Low-dose aspirin for primary prevention of ath-
erosclerotic events in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial.
JAMA, 300: 2134–41.
Patrono, C., C. Baigent, J. Hirsh, and G. Roth. 2008. Antiplatelet drugs. American
College of Chest Physicians Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines. (8th
Edition). Chest, 1336: 199S–233S.
Peto, R., Gray, R., Collins, R., Wheatley, K., Hennekens, C., Jamrozik, K., Warlow, C.,
Hafner, B., Thompson, E., Norton, S. & et al. 1988. Randomised trial of prophylac-
tic daily aspirin in British male doctors. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed), 296: 313–6.
Ridker, P. M., Cook, N. R., Lee, I. M., Gordon, D., Gaziano, J. M., Manson, J. E.,
Hennekens, C. H. & Buring, J. E. 2005. A randomized trial of low-dose aspirin in
the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in women. N Engl J Med, 352:
RISC Group. 1990. Risk of myocardial infarction and death during treatment with low
dose aspirin and intravenous heparin in men with unstable coronary artery dis-
ease. Lancet 336: 827–830.
Schwartz, K. A., Schwartz, D. E., Ghosheh, K., Reeves, M. J., BarbeR, K. & Defranco, A.
2005. Compliance as a critical consideration in patients who appear to be resistant
to aspirin after healing of myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol, 95: 973–5.
Singer, D. E., Albers, G. W., Dalen, J. E., Fang, M. C., Go, A. S., Halperin, J. L., Lip, G.
Y. & Manning, W. J. 2008. Antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation: American
College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th
Edition). Chest, 133: 546S–592S.
Steering Committee of the Physicians’ Health Study Group. 1989. Final report
of the aspirin component of the ongoing physicians’ health study. N Engl J Med
321: 129–35.
Metabolic Cardiology
key concepts
ptimal cardiovascular function is dependent on maintaining adequate
energy reserves. Metabolic cardiology highlights the importance of
sustaining key enzymatic and biochemical reactions that revitalize the
energy charge in oxidative ischemic or hypoxic hearts (Sinatra 2005; 2009).
Efforts to support the metabolic needs of the heart have well documented
benefits, yet are not known to most cardiologists. The therapies to be outlined
carry the added advantage of an excellent safety profile a key factor in light of
the finding that the fourth leading cause of death in the United States is prop-
erly prescribed medications (Lazaron, Pomeranz, and Corey 1989). The impor-
tance of supporting energy production in myocytes and the preservation of
the mitochondria in these cells will be the focus of this discussion.
Metabolic Cardiology 79
and the efficiency of ATP turnover and recycling is central to our appreciation
of cellular bioenergetics. It is now widely accepted that one characteristic of
the failing heart is the persistent and progressive loss of energy. The require-
ment for energy to support the systolic and diastolic work of the heart is abso-
lute. Therefore, a disruption in cardiac energy metabolism, and the energy
supply/demand mismatch that results, can be identified as the pivotal factor
contributing to the inability of failing hearts to meet the hemodynamic require-
ments of the body. In her landmark book, ATP and the Heart, Joanne Ingwall,
PhD, describes the metabolic process associated with the progression of CHF,
and identifies the mechanisms that lead to a persistent loss of cardiac energy
reserves as the disease process unfolds (2002).
The heart consumes more energy per gram than any other organ, and the
chemical energy that fuels the heart comes primarily from adenosine triphos-
phate, or ATP (Figure 5.1). The chemical energy held in ATP is resident in the
phosphoryl bonds, with the greatest amount of energy residing in the outer-
most bond holding the ultimate phosphoryl group to the penultimate group.
When energy is required to provide the chemical driving force to a cell, this
ultimate phosphoryl bond is broken and chemical energy is released. The cell
then converts this chemical energy to mechanical energy to do work.
The consumption of ATP in the enzymatic reactions that release cellular
energy yields the metabolic byproducts adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and
inorganic phosphate (Pi) (Figure 5.2). A variety of metabolic mechanisms have
evolved within the cell to provide rapid re-phosphorylation of ADP to restore
ATP levels and maintain the cellular energy pool. But, these metabolic mecha-
nisms can easily become disrupted, tipping the balance in a manner that creates
a chronic energy supply/demand mismatch that results in an energy deficit.
O O O Adenine
O− P O P O P O
O− O− O−
3 - Phosphates OH OH
Figure 5.1. ATP is composed of D-ribose, adenine, and three phosphate groups.
Breaking the chemical bond attaching the last phosphate group to ATP releases chem-
ical energy that is converted to mechanical energy to perform cellular work.
+Pi −Pi
Figure 5.2. When ATP is used the remaining byproducts are adenosine diphosphate
(ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). ADP and Pi can then recombine to form ATP in
the cellular processes of energy recycling. When oxygen and food (fuel) is available,
energy recycling occurs unimpeded millions of times per second in every cell in the
body. Lack of oxygen or mitochondrial dysfunction severely limits the cell’s ability to
recycle its energy supply.
5’ nucleotidase
Net Loss
Adenylate kinase of
AMP deaminase
Figure 5.3. When the cellular concentration of ATP falls and ADP levels increase, two
molecules of ADP can combine. This reaction provides one ATP, giving the cell addi-
tional energy, and one AMP. The enzyme adenylate kinase (also called myokinase)
catalyzes this reaction. The AMP formed in this reaction is then degraded and the
byproducts are washed out of the cell. The loss of these purines decreases the cellular
energy pool and is a metabolic disaster to the cell.
D-Ribose PRPP
IMP Hypoxanthine
Figure 5.4. Replacing lost energy substrates through the de novo pathway of energy
synthesis begins with D-ribose. D-ribose can also “salvage” AMP degradation prod-
ucts capturing them before they can be washed out of the cell. Both the de novo and
salvage pathways of energy synthesis are rate limited by the availability of D-ribose in
the cell.
Metabolic Cardiology 83
The chronic mechanism explaining the loss of ATP in CHF is decreased ATP
synthesis relative to ATP demand. In part, the disparity between energy supply
and demand in hypertrophied and failing hearts is associated with a shift in
relative contribution of fatty acid versus glucose oxidation to ATP synthesis.
The major consequence of the complex readjustment toward carbohydrate
metabolism is that the total capacity for ATP synthesis decreases. At the same
time, the demand for ATP continually increases as hearts work harder to cir-
culate blood in the face of the increased filling pressures that are associated
with congestive heart failure and cardiac dilation.
The net result of this energy supply/demand mismatch is a decrease in the
absolute concentration of ATP in the failing heart, and this decrease in abso-
lute ATP level is reflected in a lower energy reserve in the failing and/or hyper-
trophied heart. A declining energy reserve is directly related to heart function,
with diastolic function being the first to be affected, followed by systolic func-
tion, and finally global performance (Figure 5.5). In ischemic or hypoxic
hearts, the cell’s ability to match ATP supply and demand is disrupted leading
Sodium/Potassium Pump
Figure 5.5. Cellular energy levels can be measured as the free energy of hydrolysis of
ATP, or the amount of chemical energy available to fuel cellular function. Healthy,
normal hearts contain enough energy to fuel all the cellular functions, with a contractile
reserve for use in emergency. Cellular mechanisms used in calcium management
and cardiac relaxation (Diastole) require the highest level of available energy. Sodium/
potassium pumps needed to maintain ion balance are also significant energy consum-
ers. The cellular mechanisms associated with contraction require the least amount of
cellular energy. Thus, when ATP levels drop, and since more energy is required to
break calcium bonds, diastolic dysfunction deteriorates. Therefore, filling the heart
with blood requires more ATP than emptying the heart.
D-ribose (Ribose)
Coenzyme Q10
Acetyl CoA
HMG-CoA reductase
Mevalonic prophosphate
Figure 5.6. Statin drugs (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors) can reduce natural coen-
zyme Q10-synthesis in the body.
Metabolic Cardiology 89
and left ventricular contractility in CHF without any side effects (Belardinelli
et al. 2006).
In a long-term study of 424 patients with systolic and/or diastolic dysfunc-
tion in the presence of CHF, dilated cardiomyopathy, or hypertensive heart
disease, a dose of 240 mg/day maintained blood levels of Coenzyme Q10 above
2.0 g/ml, and allowed 43 percent of the participants to discontinue one to three
conventional drugs over the course of the study (Langsjoen et al. 1994).
Patients were followed for an average of 17.8 months, and during that time, a
mild case of nausea was the only reported side effect. This long-term study
clearly shows Coenzyme Q10 to be a safe and effective adjunctive treatment
for patients with systolic and/or diastolic left ventricular dysfunction with or
without CHF, dilated cardiomyopathy, or hypertensive heart disease.
These results are further confirmed by an investigation involving 109
patients with hypertensive heart disease and isolated diastolic dysfunction
showing that Coenzyme Q10 supplementation resulted in clinical improve-
ment, lowered elevated blood pressure, enhanced diastolic cardiac function
and decreased myocardial thickness in 53%of study patients (Langsjoen,
Willis, and Folkers 1994).
Plasma CoQ(10) concentration has been shown to be an independent pre-
dictor of mortality in patients with congestive heart failure (Molyneux et al.
2008). New Zealand researchers studied the relationship of plasma CoQ10
levels and survival in patients with chronic heart failure. In their cohort of 236
patients (mean age 77 years), they concluded that plasma CoQ10 concentra-
tion was an independent predictor of mortality. A blood level of 0.73 Mol/l∗ or
more was the best predictor for survival. Researchers suggested that lower con-
centrations of plasma CoQ10 might be detrimental in the long-term prognosis
of CHF.
The effect of Coenzyme Q10 administration on 32 heart transplant candi-
dates with end-stage CHF and cardiomyopathy was reported in 2004 (Berman
et al. 2004). The study was designed to determine if Coenzyme Q10 could
improve the pharmacological bridge to transplantation and the results showed
three significant findings. Following six weeks of Coenzyme Q10 therapy, the
study group showed elevated blood levels from an average of 0.22 mg/l to
0.83 mg/l∗, an increase of 277 percent (note that different labs in other coun-
tries have different standardizations of CoQ10). By contrast, the placebo group
measured 0.18 mg/l at the onset of the study and 0.178 mg/l at six weeks. Second,
the study group showed significant improvement in 6-minute walk test dis-
tance, shortness of breath, NYHA functional classification, fatigue, and episodes
of waking for nocturnal urination. No such changes were found in the placebo
group. These results strongly show that Coenzyme Q10 therapy may augment
pharmaceutical treatment of patients with end-stage CHF and cardiomyopathy.
Metabolic Cardiology 91
I have suggested that a new emerging field in “Metabolic Cardiology” will most
likely be realized by those who treat the energy-starved heart at the mitochon-
drial level (Sinatra 2004).
Carnitine is derived naturally in the body from the amino acids lysine and
methionine. Biosynthesis occurs in a series of metabolic reactions involving
these amino acids, complemented with niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and iron.
Although carnitine deficiency is rare in a healthy, well-nourished population
consuming adequate protein, CHF, left ventricular hypertrophy, and other car-
diac conditions causing renal insufficiency can lead to cellular depletion and
conditions of carnitine deficiency.
The principal role of carnitine is to facilitate the transport of fatty acids
across the inner mitochondrial membrane to initiate beta-oxidation. The inner
mitochondrial membrane is normally impermeable to activated coenzyme
A (Co A) esters. To affect transfer of the extracellular metabolic byproduct
acyl-Co A across the cellular membrane, the mitochondria delivers its acyl
unit to the carnitine residing in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Carnitine
(as acetyl-carnitine) then transports the metabolic fragment across the mem-
brane and delivers it to coenzyme A residing inside the mitochondria. This
process of acetyl transfer is known as the carnitine shuttle, and the shuttle also
works in reverse to remove excess acetyl units from the inner mitochondria for
disposal. Excess acetyl units that accumulate inside the mitochondria disturb
the metabolic burning of fatty acids. Other crucial functions of intracellular
carnitine include the metabolism of branched-chain amino acids, ammonia
detoxification, and lactic acid clearance from tissue. Carnitine also exhibits
antioxidant and free radical scavenger properties.
Although the role of carnitine in the utilization of fatty acids and glucose in
cardiac metabolism has been known for decades, the relationship between
carnitine availability in heart tissue, carnitine metabolism in the heart, and
carnitine’s impact on left ventricular function has been elucidated only recently.
Two independent studies have investigated the relationship between tissue
carnitine levels and heart function and have evaluated the possibility that
plasma or urinary carnitine levels might actually serve as markers for impaired
left ventricular function in patients with CHF.
In the first study of carnitine tissue levels and CHF, the myocardial tissue
from 25 cardiac transplant recipients with end-stage CHF and 21 control donor
hearts was analyzed for concentrations of total carnitine, free carnitine, and
carnitine derivatives. Compared to controls, the concentration of carnitines in
the heart muscle of heart transplant recipients was significantly lower in patients,
and the level of carnitine in the tissue was directly related to ejection fraction.
This study concluded that carnitine deficiency in the heart tissue might be
directly related to heart function (El-Aroussy 2000).The second study measured
plasma and urinary levels of L-carnitine in 30 patients with CHF and cardio-
myopathy and compared them to 10 control subjects with no heart disease
(Narin 1997). Results showed that patients with CHF had higher plasma and
urinary levels of carnitine, suggesting that carnitine was being released from
the challenged heart muscle cells. Similarly, the study demonstrated that the
level of plasma and urinary carnitine was related to the degree of left ventricular
systolic dysfunction and ejection fraction. This finding suggests that elevated
plasma and urinary carnitine levels, reflecting loss of carnitine from compro-
mised cardiomyocytes, might represent measurable physiological markers for
myocardial damage and impaired left ventricular function.
A previous investigation examined the effect of long-term carnitine admin-
istration on mortality in patients with CHF and dilated cardiomyopathy. This
study followed 80 patients with moderate to severe heart failure (NYHA class
III/IV) for three years. After a three-month period of stable cardiac function
on standard medical therapy, patients were randomly assigned to receive either
two grams of carnitine per day or a matched placebo. After an average of 33.7
months of follow up, 70 patients remained in the study (33 taking placebo and
37 supplementing with carnitine) and at the end of the study period 63 had
survived (27 placebo and 36 carnitine). This study determined that carnitine
provided a benefit to longer-term survival in late-stage heart failure in dilated
cardiomyopathy (Rizos 2000).
A similar placebo-controlled study evaluated 160 myocardial infarction
survivors for twelve months (Davini et al. 1992). Eighty subjects were included
in each group; the study group received a daily dose of 4 grams of L-carnitine;
the controls received a placebo. Both the carnitine and control groups contin-
ued their conventional therapeutic regimen while on the test substance.
Subjects in both groups showed improvement in arterial blood pressure, cho-
lesterol levels, rhythm disorders, and signs and symptoms of CHF over the
study period, but all-cause mortality was significantly lower in the carnitine
compared to the placebo group (1.2 percent and 12.5 percent, respectively).
A further double-blind, placebo-controlled trial by Singh and coworkers
studied 100 patients with suspected myocardial infarction. Patients taking
carnitine (2 g/day for 28 days) showed improvement in arrhythmia, angina,
onset of heart failure, and mean infarct size, as well as a reduction in total car-
diac events. There was a significant reduction in cardiac death and non-fatal
infarction in the carnitine group versus the placebo group (15.6 percent vs.
26 percent respectively) (Singh et al. 1996).
Metabolic Cardiology 93
3. L-carnitine: 2,000–2,500 mg
4. D-ribose: 10–15 grams
5. Magnesium: 400–800 mg
key concepts
■ Although theoretically acupuncture should be able to modify
many cardiovascular risk factors, such as obesity, smoking,
hypercholesterolemia and hypertension, only hypertension has
been shown to be modified in well-constructed clinical trials.
Better prospective randomized clinical trials are necessary to
determine acupuncture’s influence on other risk factors.
cupuncture originated over 2,000 years ago as a therapy in Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM). The technique and practice of acupuncture
was shaped empirically through trial, error, and success and, in fact,
even today much teaching of this ancient technique is based on observations
of masters and practitioners that were recorded in texts and passed down
to students as dogma. Only in the last few decades has modern science begun
to provide insight into the mechanisms and actions of acupuncture. Since
the early 1970s there have been over 500 randomized controlled clinical trials
investigating the clinical influence of acupuncture (Klein and Trachtenberg
1997; Vickers 1998), yet its influence has been proven rigorously for only a few
diseases, most notably pain and nausea and vomiting.
Acupuncture is a form of energy-based medicine, and the energy is referred
to as Qi. This energy flows through a system of twelve principal channels, or
meridians, that lie along the skin’s surface and are named after and connect to
twelve Chinese organs. Although somewhat controversial, there is no proven
anatomical basis for the meridians and they cannot be reliably detected with
instruments that measure skin resistance. Furthermore, the Chinese organs,
while sometimes named similarly to Western visceral organs, are not exactly
equivalent. For example, the heart meridian connects to the Chinese heart,
which actually represents the Western equivalent of the heart and the brain.
Along these meridians are small nodes or acupuncture points (acupoints)
through which therapists place sterile stainless steel needles during treatment.
Although neither the meridians nor acupoints have a physical basis, they are
useful because they direct the therapist where stimulation should occur to
obtain the best clinical result. Thus, meridians and acupoints act as road maps
for acupuncture therapy. A number of acupoints have been shown experimen-
tally to exert strong cardiovascular responses (Figure 6.1).
active GB37 ST37
Figure 6.1. Diagram of acupoints along meridians that cause strong (active points,
filled circles) or weak (control points, open circles) cardiovascular responses. See text
for discussion of individual points. Meridians are identified according to Traditional
Chinese Medicine theory as belonging to the principal Chinese organs to which they
connect and influence, including the gallbladder (GB), large intestine (LI), lung (L),
pericardial (P) and stomach (ST) meridians. The numbers for acupoints refer to stan-
dardized reference system to distinguish points along each meridian. Modified from
Li, Ayannusi, Reed, & Longhurst 2004.
Acupuncture is one of the few areas of integrative medicine for which the
mechanism of cardiovascular action has been explored (Lin et al. 2001;
Longhurst, J. 1998; Longhurst, J. C. 2002).
Over the last two decades, studies in both China and the United States have
used a number of experimental preparations that lend themselves to acupunc-
ture and careful measurement of its action to modify cardiovascular function.
We now recognize that many meridians overlie neural pathways containing
both motor and sensory nerves, which can be activated by needle stimulation.
Motor nerve activation during electroacupuncture is useful because it pro-
vides a gauge to adjust the stimulation intensity, which generally is set at motor
threshold. Sensory nerves, on the other hand, carry information resulting
from acupuncture stimulation to the brain, which biologically transduces the
input from different sources of acupoint stimulation to modify autonomic and
humoral output to the heart and vascular system. Thus, from a physiological
perspective, acupuncture needle stimulation activates sensory neural path-
ways, which provide input to regions of the central nervous system that regu-
late cardiovascular function (Longhurst J.C. 2007b). Acupuncture-related
activation of thin fiber somatic sensory pathways (including both finely myeli-
nated group III and unmyelinated group IV nerve fibers) provides input to
the spinal cord dorsal horn and ultimately the intermediolateral columns
(containing sympathetic motor nerves), arcuate nucleus in the ventral hypo-
thalamus, midbrain ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vlPAG), especially the
caudal vlPAG and the rostral ventrolateral, and raphe pallidus nuclei in the
medulla (rVLM and NRP)—regions that regulate sympathetic (and probably
parasympathetic) outflow. Input derived from manual acupuncture and
low frequency, low intensity electroacupuncture to these lower brain regions
leads to the release of a number of modulatory (inhibitory) neuropeptide
systems, including opioids (endorphins and enkephalins), γ-aminobutyric
acid (GABA), nociceptin, serotonin, and endocannabinoids, as well as excit-
atory amino acids like glutamate and acetylcholine, which ultimately inhibit
sympathetic (and likely parasympathetic) outflow to the heart and vascular
system (Longhurst, J. C. 2002; 2007b). In the spinal cord, acupuncture appears
to inhibit sensory inflow and sympathetic outflow through both opioid and
nociceptin mechanisms of blockade (Zhou et al. 2006, Zhou et al. 2009).
When blood pressure is within the normal range, acupuncture causes only
minimal changes (Li et al. 2004). Conversely, acupuncture inhibits sympa-
thetic outflow and reduces blood pressure when it is elevated during excitatory
Future Research
Asamoto, S., and C. Takeshige. 1992. Activation of the satiety center by auricular acu-
puncture point stimulation. Brain Res Bulletin 29(2): 157–64.
Augustinsson, L. E., C. A Carlson, J.,Holm, and L. Jivegard. 1985. Epidural electrical
stimulation in severe limb ischemia: Pain relief, increased blood flow and possible
limb saving effect. Ann Surg 202: 104–10.
Acupuncture in Cardiovascular Medicine 113
Averill, A., A. C. Cotter, S. Nayak, R. J. Matheis, and S. C. Shiflett. 2000. Blood pressure
response to acupuncture in a polulation at risk for autonomic dyreflexia. Arch.
Phys. Med. Rehabil 81(11): 1494–97.
Ballegaard, S., E. Borg, B. Karpatschof, J. Nyboe, and A. Johannessen. 2004. Long-Term
effects of integrated rehabilitation in patients with advanced angina pectoris: a
nonrandomized compartive study. J. Altern. Complement. Med 10: 777–83.
Ballegaard, S., A. Johannessen, B. Karpatschof, and J. Nyeboe 1999. Addition of acu-
puncture and self-care education in the treatment of patients with severe angina
pectoris may be cost beneficial: an open, prospective study. J. Altern. Complement.
Med 5: 405–13.
Ballegaard, S., B. Karpatschof, J. A. Holck, C. N. Meyer, and W. Trojaborg. 1995.
Acupuncture in angina pectoris. Do psycho-social and neurophysiological factors
relate to the effect? Acupunct. Electrother. Res 20: 101–16.
Ballegaard, S., C. N. Meyer, and W. Trojaborg. 1991. Acupuncture in angina pectoris:
does acupuncture have a specific effect? J. Intern. Med 229: 357–62.
Ballegaard, S., S. Norrelund, and D. F. Smith. 1996. Cost benefit of combines use of
acupuncture, shiatsu and lifestyle adjustment for treatment of patients with severe
angina pectoris. Acupunct. Electrother. Res 21: 187–97.
Ballegaard, S., F. Pedersen, A. Pietersen, V. H. Nissen, and N. V. Olsen. 1990. Effects of
acupuncture in moderate stable angina pectoris. J Intern Med 227: 25–30.
Cabioglu, M. T. and N. Ergene. 2005. Electroacupuncture therapy for weight loss
reduces serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol levels in obese
women. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 33(4): 525–33.
Chao, D. M., L. L. Shen, S. Tjen-A-Looi, K. F. Pitsillides, P. Li, and J. C. Longhurst. 1999.
Naloxone reverses inhibitory effect of electroacupuncture on sympathetic cardio-
vascular reflex responses. American Journal of Physiology 276: H2127–H2134.
Chiu, Y. J., A. Chi, and I. A. Reid. 1997. Cardiovascular and endocrine effects of acu-
puncture in hypertensive patients. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 19(7):
Collins, H. and S. DiCarlo. 2002. TENS attenuates response to colon distension in para-
plegic and quadriplegic rats. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 283: H1734–H1739.
Cramp, F. L., G. R. McCullough, A. S. Lowe, and D. M. Walsh. 2002. Trancutaneous
electric nerve stimulation: The effect of intensity on local and distal cutaneous
blood flow and skin temperature in healthy subjects. Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil
83: 5–9.
Dung, H. 1986. Role of the vagus nerve in weight reduction through auricular acu-
puncture. Am J Acupuncture 14: 249–54.
Emanuelsson, H., C. Mannheimer, F. Waagstein, and C. Wilhelmsson. 1987.
Catecholamine metabolism during pacing-induced angina pectoris and the effect
of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. Am Heart J 114: 1360–66.
Flachskampf F. A., J. Gallasch, and O. Gefeller. 2007. Randomized trial of acupuncture
to lower bldood pressure. Circulation 115: 3121–29.
Fu, L. W., Z. L. Guo, and J. C. Longhurst. 2008. Undiscovered role of endogenous
TxA2 in activation of cardiac sympathetic afferents during ischemia. J Physiol 586:
key concepts
n a compelling book titled Love and Survival: The Scientific Basis for the
Healing Power of Intimacy, Dean Ornish, most well-known for demon-
strating that comprehensive lifestyle changes can reverse even severe
coronary heart disease, writes about the emotional, psychological, and spiri-
tual dimensions of “opening your heart.” He notes that in his experience, when
the emotional heart and the spiritual heart begin to open, the physical heart
often follows. The core message conveyed is that “anything that promotes a
sense of isolation often leads to illness and suffering. Anything that promotes
Defining Spirituality
emotional stress, physical illness, or death. Spirituality has also been described
as a process and sacred journey (Mische 1982), the essence or life principle
of a person (Colliton 1981), an experience of the radical truth of things
(Legere,1984), and the propensity to make meaning (Reed 1992). Waldfogel
(1997) notes that the experiences of joy, love, forgiveness, and acceptance all
depend on, and are manifestations of, optimal spiritual well-being. Cohen
(1993) adds that spirituality involves finding deep meaning in everything,
including illness and death, and living life according to a set of values. Chiu
et al. describe spirituality as a power, force, or energy that stimulates creativity,
motivation, or a striving for inspiration (2004). The simplest and most straight-
forward definition is from Pargament (1997), who defined spirituality as the
“search for the sacred.” Table 7.1 lists characteristics commonly associated
with spirituality.
low levels of isolation and stress, even when controlling for factors such as
smoking, diet, weight, and exercise. Interestingly, these psychosocial effects
had a much more powerful effect on premature deaths than did the beta-
blocker drugs that were the primary focus of the study. Williams et al. (1992)
studied over 1,300 men and women who had undergone coronary angioplasty
and were found to have at least one severely occluded coronary artery. In
following these patients five years post-procedure, it was found that men
and women who were not married and who did not have a close confidant
were three times more likely to have died than those who were married, had a
confidant, or both.
In addition to the extensive body of literature on the health-related benefits
of social support and community, many studies have been conducted that have
focused more specifically on the relationship between spiritual health and heart
health. Haskell (2003) reported that patients who score higher on spirituality
or religious scales have lower mortality due to coronary artery disease or car-
diac surgery-related complications. Similarly, Morris (2001), in reporting on
Ornish’s Lifestyle Heart Trial, reported that the degree of spiritual well-being
may be an important factor in the progression or regression of coronary artery
disease. Patients with the lowest scores on spiritual well-being had the most
progression of coronary obstruction, while those with the highest scores had
the most regression. Spirituality has also been found to be correlated to depres-
sion in patients with chronic heart failure. Depression is known to be associ-
ated with a variety of adverse health outcomes in cardiac patients, including
poor quality of life, more frequent hospitalizations and higher mortality. In a
study of outpatients with heart failure, Bekelman et al. (2007) found that greater
spiritual well-being was strongly associated with less depression, thereby sug-
gesting that spirituality may be a modifiable coping resource that potentially
could reduce or prevent depression, and thus improve quality of life, among
other outcomes. Not all studies, however, have reported consistent results in
relating spirituality with positive health outcomes. In a study of 503 patients
surviving an acute myocardial infarction, Blumenthal et al. (2007) found little
evidence that self-reported spirituality, frequency of church attendance, or fre-
quency of prayer was associated with cardiac morbidity or all-cause mortality
in patients with depression and/or low perceived support.
There is a growing body of literature focused on the effects of intercessory
prayer on health outcomes in patients with heart disease. The studies (Aviles
et al. 2001; Benson et al. 2006; Byrd 1988; Harris et al. 1999; Krucoff, Crater,
and Lee 2006) have varied considerably in methodological rigor, the popula-
tions studies, and the endpoints measured. While trends have been reported in
the various studies, as a whole, the results have been inconclusive.
Assessing Spirituality
Are there any specific practices or restrictions I should know about in providing your
health care?
“Being with” patients is a way for health care providers to more deeply con-
nect with patients, and in doing so, provide spiritual support. This requires,
however, cultivation of skills such as deep listening, compassion, and presence.
• Deep listening: Enables the health care provider to be alert for mean-
ings, connections, and yearnings reflected in conversations. It is impor-
tant to listen to both what is said as well as what is not said. Authenticity
is critically important. Patients can sense when the listener is distracted
or not really interested.
• Compassion: Cultivating compassion develops within us a conscious-
ness of other’s distress and suffering and a desire to alleviate it.
• Mindfulness: The skill of mindfulness enables us to be anchored in
the present moment and free ourselves of reactive, habitual patterns
of thinking, feeling, and acting.
• Presence: When we are truly present to another human being, we are
intentionally choosing to be with another in a healing way. This requires
more than just physical presence. In Western culture, there is a strong
bias toward action. Health care providers too often feel that they are
not effective unless they are doing something. Presence requires being,
not doing. This may be especially challenging for providers during
times of expressions of anger or anguish by patients or families. It is
also difficult because in a fee-for-service environment, providers are
paid to “do something” and are not paid for presence.
caregivers and the patient. Health care providers also noted that their personal
experiences with serious illness and death helped them to more effectively
provide spiritual care to patients.
Many patients engage in spiritual self-care practices that health care provid-
ers should be aware of which enhance their health, well-being, and ability to
cope with illness. Commonly used spiritual practices include the following:
Spirituality of Physicians
Koenig (2008) has described seven reasons physicians may want to assess
and address their patients’ spiritual needs.
1. Many patients are religious, and many would like their faith to be a
factor in their health care.
2. Religion influences patients’ abilities to cope with their illnesses.
3. Religious beliefs and practices may influence health outcomes.
4. Patients may be isolated from their traditional sources of religious
5. Religious beliefs may impact medical decisions and choices of therapies.
6. Religious commitments may influence the type of follow-up care and
support a patient receives after leaving the hospital.
7. The Joint Commission requires a spiritual history be taken and docu-
mented on every patient admitted to an acute care hospital.
Spirituality and scientific biomedicine are not mutually exclusive. They deal
with different components of the human being and the relationships between
human beings. As Sulmasy (1999) observes, there is no reason that physic-
ians can not practice excellent biomedicine and still be aware of the spiritual
dimension of their work, and be responsive to the spiritual needs of their
Yet these different components are interconnected and interwoven in both
the physician and the patient in subtle but powerful ways. Many patients seem
to do better physically when their spiritual needs are addressed (Siegel 1986).
Similarly, physicians seem to be far more satisfied in their practice when they
allow themselves to include both their patients’ and their own spirituality in
their work (Sulmasy 1997). The physician–patient relationship is strength-
ened. Physicians will find it easier to maintain a compassionate demeanor with
their patients as they nurture their own spiritual dimension. Physicians may
be able to rise above their profound dissatisfaction with the circumstances sur-
rounding health care as they rediscover the deeper meaning of their work and
its implications.
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, it may be that the most profound
revolution awaiting Western biomedicine is not genomics, nanotechnology, or
Spirituality and Heart Health 131
artificial organs, but rather the reintroduction of spirituality into the practice
of medicine, resulting in extraordinary improvements in the satisfaction of
patient and healer alike.
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Cardiac Behavioral Medicine: Mind–Body
Approaches to Heart Health
key concepts
t was Hippocrates who commented, “You ought not to attempt to cure the
body without the soul. The cure of many diseases is unknown to physi-
cians because they disregard the whole.” In the seventeenth century,
William Harvey, one of the pioneers of cardiovascular physiology, observed a
more specific connection between emotions and cardiovascular functioning,
Phillips 2005). This chapter will review depression, anxiety, and stress within
the cardiac population, as these are the most common psychological anteced-
ents and consequences of cardiac illness.
• Depressed mood∗∗
• Loss of interest in most activities∗∗
• Increased tearfulness
• Appetite or weight change
• Insomnia or hypersomnia
• Psychomotor agitation or retardation
• Fatigue or low energy
• Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
• Diminished concentration or decision-making
• Suicidal thoughts or behaviors
Symptoms appear for at least two weeks and are associated with distress or impairment in
At least one of these symptoms must be present, plus at least four others
Depression clusters with a majority of the established risk factors for heart
disease and is associated with unhealthy lifestyle behaviors.
Several studies have found that obesity is associated with an increased risk
of depression, with 25 percent of obese individuals meeting criteria for depres-
sion (Joynt et al. 2003; Simon et al. 2006). Depressed individuals have a greater
BMI and present with increased central and whole-body adiposity compared
with matched controls (Miller et al. 2002).
Depressed individuals are more than twice as likely to develop diabetes over a
13-year period, and diabetics are twice as likely to be depressed compared with
the general population. Depression negatively influences glycemic control and
increases risk of diabetic complications (Joynt et al. 2003).
Cardiac risk reduction via behavior change can be challenging for most
patients, but may be particularly daunting to an individual with clinical depres-
sion. Remember, depressed individuals are likely experiencing diminished
motivation, apathy, and deficits in concentration and memory, not to mention
possibly suicidal thoughts—each of which alone can be a major barrier to
successfully executing lifestyle changes and appropriately following medical
recommendations. Recognizing and addressing depression is an important
first line of treatment for patients who require behavioral risk reduction.
Cardiac Behavioral Medicine: Mind–Body Approaches to Heart Health 141
The seminal studies of Frasure-Smith et al. (1993; 1995) evaluated the impact
of MDD on survival among 222 post-MI patients. Depression emerged as an
independent risk factor for mortality, conferring a risk equivalent to that of
established risk factors, including left ventricular ejection fraction and previous
MI. Those who were depressed in the hospital were four times more likely to
die within 6 months, compared to those who were not depressed, regardless
of disease severity and risks factors (Frasure-Smith et al. 1993). Mortality rates
at an eighteen-month follow-up were 40 percent among those who experienced
recurrent depression in the hospital (e.g., they were depressed in the hospital
plus had a prior history of depression) compared with 7 percent for those
who were non-depressed (Frasure-Smith et al. 1995). Investigations that did
not formally assess for clinical depression have found associations between
depressive symptoms and cardiac outcomes among post-MI patients, including
increased mortality and repeat cardiac events (Rudish and Nemeroff 2003).
The relationship between depression and mortality has been most thor-
oughly investigated in the post-MI population, but depression also appears to
predict cardiac and all-cause mortality among patients with unstable angina,
CAD, congestive heart failure, individuals without coronary disease at the
time of study enrollment, and among patients undergoing coronary artery
bypass graft (CABG) and valve surgery (Blumenthal et al. 2003; Burg et al.
2003b; Carney and Freedland 2003; Ho et al. 2005; Jiang et al. 2001; van Melle
et al. 2004).
The presence of MDD or subclinical depressive symptoms, particularly
among patients with CAD and those undergoing CABG, has also been associ-
ated with morbidity and less favorable cardiac outcomes, including repeat
hospitalizations, subsequent cardiac surgery, myocardial ischemia, MI, angio-
plasty, increased health care costs and utilization, failure to return to previous
activities, continued surgical pain, and diminished quality of life (Burg et al.
2003a; Carney et al. 1988; Carney and Freedland 2003; Frasure-Smith et al.
2000; Jiang et al. 2003; Mallik et al. 2005; van Melle et al. 2004).
Although the link between depression and poor cardiac outcomes is well
established, the mechanisms of action are minimally understood. The most
obvious explanation is behavioral. Given that depressed individuals are less
physically active, more likely to smoke, less compliant with medical recom-
mendations, and less likely to eat a heart- healthy diet, lifestyle behaviors seem
to be the most plausible explanation for why depression can lead to the devel-
opment of CAD or a poorer prognosis after a cardiac event. However, lifestyle
behaviors account for no more than 50 percent of the variance in this relation-
ship, and in most studies, depression remains a predictor of morbidity and
mortality independent of these risk factors (Carney et al. 2002; Rudisch and
Nemeroff 2003).
Physiological mechanisms must be involved as well, although there is min-
imal concrete empirical support for any particular pathophysiological mecha-
nism at present. Despite depressed individuals appearing sluggish on the
outside, there is evidence that depression is associated with physiological
hyperarousal, either heightened sympathetic activity, diminished parasympa-
thetic regulation, or both. Depression is associated with a high resting heart
Cardiac Behavioral Medicine: Mind–Body Approaches to Heart Health 143
rate and decreased heart rate variability (Joynt et al. 2003; Rozanski, Blumenthal,
and Kaplan 1999). Other hypothesized physiological pathways include inflam-
mation that leads to endothelial damage, hypercoagulability as reflected by
increased platelet activation in depressed individuals that may lead to throm-
bus formation, and rhythm disturbances that predispose depressed individu-
als to sudden cardiac death (Joynt et al. 2003; Rozanski, Blumenthal, and
Kaplan 1999; Rudisch and Nemeroff 2003).
patients, anxiety can manifest itself as excessive worry, fear, phobias, panic
attacks, agoraphobia, or increased health-checking behaviors.
Epidemiological data demonstrate an association between anxiety symp-
toms and CAD outcomes (Kubzansky et al. 1998; Kubzansky and Kawachi
2000). Several large-scale community-based longitudinal studies have demon-
strated that anxiety disorders are associated with increased risk for the devel-
opment of CAD, ventricular arrhythmias, coronary death, and sudden cardiac
death. Specifically, the multivariate relative risk of fatal CAD among the most
anxious in these studies ranged from 2.41 to 7.8, compared with those not
presenting with anxiety (Kubzansky and Kawachi, 2000; Watkins et al. 2006).
Furthermore, a dose-dependent relationship has been observed between anxi-
ety symptoms and cardiac death (Rozanski, Blumenthal, and Kaplan 1999).
Most of the longitudinal studies have examined men only, despite an increased
prevalence of anxiety among women. One study that included women, the
Framingham Heart Study, found anxious symptoms associated with increased
MI and coronary death at a 20-year follow-up among homemakers, but not
among women employed outside the home (Eaker, Pinsky, and Castelli 1992).
Much less is known about the prevalence of anxiety in specific sub-cardiac
populations, or the relationship between anxiety symptoms and disorders with
the development or progression of non-CAD cardiac disorders.
Anxiety among cardiac patients can stem from patients’ perceived inability
to predict or control cardiac events, symptoms, or disease course. As human
beings, we constantly search our surroundings for a sense of order and control.
With any perceived loss of control or predictability, anxiety can result. In an
effort to increase a sense of predictability, patients can become hypervigilant
toward their surroundings and their bodies; they may start to avoid circum-
stances that they perceive as dangerous, and they may engage in health-checking
behaviors or other safety behaviors to inflate their sense of safety.
• Palpitations or increased heart rate
• Sweating
• Trembling
• Shortness of breath
• Sensation of choking
• Chest pain or tightness
• Nausea or abdominal distress
• Dizziness, lightheadedness, or feeling faint
• Numbness or tingling sensations
• Chills or hut flashes
• Fear of dying
• Fear of losing control or going crazy
• Feelings of detachment from oneself or feelings of unreality
∗A panic attack requires at least 4 symptoms present during a discrete period of intense fear
or discomfort. The onset of symptoms is abrupt and symptoms reach peak intensity within
10 minutes.
many patients with panic disorder present to the ED and often undergo costly
and invasive cardiac testing, with normal results. In fact, panic disorder is 30
to 50 times more common among patients with noncardiac chest pain com-
pared with the general population (Fleet, Lavoie, and Beitman 2000).
Among cardiac patients, anxiety often is related to physical health, resulting
in increased awareness and perception of physical sensations, as if looking at
one’s body through a microscope. A cognitive model of panic asserts that mis-
interpreting a physical symptom as threatening will trigger fear and physiolog-
ical arousal (hence, more physical symptoms), creating a self-sustaining
downward spiral of anxiety and physical symptoms, resulting in a panic attack
(Craske and Barlow 1993). See Figure 8.1 for an example of how catastrophic
thoughts can trigger and sustain panic.
Following a new diagnosis, cardiac patients may have difficulty interpreting
physical symptoms accurately due to limited experience with their new health
condition, often leading to anxiety. For example, Michael was a 59-year-old
professional Caucasian married male, newly diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.
He became astutely aware of all symptoms in his body following this diagnosis,
and he was uncertain how to determine which symptoms were benign and
which warranted medical attention. As a result, he called his cardiologist every
time he noticed a new symptom, which initially resulted in several urgent
Physical symptom
e.g., palpitations
Figure 8.1. A model of the interactive cycle of physical symptoms, cognitive distor-
tions, and emotions that can lead to panic.
phone calls per week. With education and more experience with his body,
Michael became more adept at interpreting his symptoms more accurately.
Additional information, often acquired through a combination of personal
experience and medical feedback, will be sufficient for many patients to decrease
their anxiety about their physical symptoms. This is comparable to having a
new baby. At first, a new parent is unsure of which patterns or symptoms exhib-
ited by the baby are benign versus problematic. First-time parents are more
cautious and call their pediatrician’s office more often than repeat parents, who
have learned from firsthand experiences with their previous children. For many
patients, a new diagnosis brings about a healthy increase in anxiety that will
resolve with experience and increased comfort. For others, however, the panic
becomes more frequent and disabling, leading to panic attacks.
In an effort to predict cardiac events and control their health, anxious cardiac
patients may start to avoid certain places or activities that they perceive as
dangerous or embarrassing should they fall ill. Just as Pavlov’s dogs learned to
salivate by the sound of a bell, cardiac patients can develop learned responses
based on their cardiac experiences. If Laura’s ICD fired at the movie theater,
she may start to avoid the movie theater in hopes of avoiding another dis-
charge. After Ron experiences chest pain on the treadmill, he may choose to
ignore exercising in an attempt to avoid similar symptoms. This logic works
well when situational factors are responsible for cardiac events. In a majority
Cardiac Behavioral Medicine: Mind–Body Approaches to Heart Health 147
There remains much to learn about the association between anxiety and car-
diac health, including gaining a better understanding of the potential pathways.
Current theories suggest physiological and behavioral pathways. The increased
Table 8.5. Common Areas of Worry and Stress Among Cardiac Patients
• Fear of physical symptoms, such as fatigue, breathlessness, palpitations, or
• Body image concerns including surgical scars, implanted devices, or weight changes
• Lack of independence
• Fear of intubation with surgery
• Fear of ICD discharge or syncope
• Fear of death
• Fear that heart will stop (or will not restart after surgery)
• Fear of being a burden to others
• Worry about meeting financial obligations
• Fears about inability to caregive or parent effectively
• Worry about life expectancy and inability to meet goals
• Concern about treatment side effects
• Worry about test results and prognosis
• Fear of pain and inadequate pain management
• Concern of contributing to stress in the marriage or family
risk of cardiac death associated with anxiety is related to sudden cardiac death
and not MI (Kubzansky et al. 1998; Rozanski, Blumenthal, and Kaplan 1999),
suggesting that ventricular arrhythmias may be a possible mechanism (Watkins
et al. 2006). Reduced heart rate variability further suggests abnormal auto-
nomic control among anxious individuals. Alternate possibilities include the
promotion of atherogenesis, perhaps through hypertension, and the triggering
of coronary events, possibly through plaque rupture or coronary vasospasm.
From a behavioral perspective, anxiety is associated with poor sleep, decreased
activity, an unhealthy diet, increased smoking, and increased alcohol and
drug use (Kubzansky et al. 1998; Kubzansky and Kawachi 2000). The extent
to which these behaviors mediate the relationship between anxiety and CAD
is unclear.
Stress is a common experience among cardiac patients and has been correlated
with the development of CAD and the onset of acute cardiac events. Stress,
unlike depression and anxiety, is not a diagnostic clinical syndrome, but
rather a reaction to a real or perceived danger or challenge. Stress incorporates
physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms, and can often lead
to psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety (Baum, Gatchel,
and Krantz 1997). One of the most predictable and prominent physiological
Cardiac Behavioral Medicine: Mind–Body Approaches to Heart Health 149
Hormones secreted
Sexual functioning
Immune functioning inhibited
Blood flow diverts from
extremities to larger muscles
Anecdotal reports and case studies have long speculated about an association
between acute stress and cardiac events. Retrospective studies have found that
up to one-quarter of heart attack patients report experiencing anger or upset
in the hours prior to symptom onset (Krantz et al. 1996). Epidemiological
studies have found increased cardiac events following large-scale acute stres-
sors such as earthquakes and terrorist activity. On the day of the 1994 Los
Angeles earthquake, the occurrence of sudden cardiac death rose from a daily
average of 4.6 to 24 on the day of the earthquake (Leor, Poole, and Kloner
1996). Meisel et al. (1991) reported a sharp increase in myocardial infarction
and a 2-fold increase in sudden cardiac death among residents near Tel Aviv
during the initial days of the missile attacks during the 1991 Gulf War.
Ventricular arrhythmias more than doubled among New York City residents
with defibrillators in the month following September 11, 2001 (Steinberg
et al. 2004).
Laboratory and observational studies have found that mental stress can
trigger myocardial ischemia among patients with CAD, including those who
do not have exercise-induced ischemia (Holmes et al. 2006; Ramachandruni
et al. 2006). Mental-stress induced ischemia is predominantly silent and may
occur in 40 to 70 percent of patients with CAD (Krantz et al. 1996). Laboratory
studies have documented myocardial ischemia during mental stressors, includ-
ing arithmetic tests, speech tasks, and when recalling a situation that previ-
ously made the patient angry (Holmes et al. 2006; Rozanski, Blumenthal,
and Kaplan 1999). In addition to ischemic events, laboratory mental stressors
have been found to trigger the onset of blood pressure increases (with rela-
tively low heart rate increases), wall motion abnormalities, and acute drops
in ejection fraction among individuals with CAD (Krantz et al. 1996). It is
worth noting that the contrived laboratory stressors may underrepresent the
potency of mental stress in real-life situations. Ambulatory monitoring found
that emotional distress experienced during daily life among individuals with
CAD more than doubled the likelihood of transient ischemia in the subse-
quent hour (Gullette et al. 1997).
Treatment Modalities
Treatment goals for emotional distress in cardiac patients are multiple and
include: 1) reducing emotional distress; 2) improving quality of life and patient
functioning; and 3) enhancing the patient’s ability to follow medical recom-
mendations and engage in healthy behaviors. Ideally, a reduction in depres-
sion, anxiety, and stress also would translate into reduced cardiovascular risk,
but large clinical trials to date have yet to show a significant treatment effect on
cardiac outcomes (Lichtman et al. 2008; Writing Committee for the ENRICHD
Safety considerations are a salient concern that may prevent some care pro-
viders from prescribing antidepressants or anxiolytics to cardiac patients.
There are minimal clinical trials exploring the safety and efficacy of antide-
pressants in cardiac patients, but those limited trials have focused on post-MI
patients. Results from these trials indicate that two selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants are relatively safe for patients with CAD and
are effective in treating moderate, severe, and recurrent depression: sertraline
and citalopram (Glassman et al. 2002; Lespérance et al. 2007; Roose and
Miyazaki 2005). These two SSRIs are considered the first-line antidepressant
drugs for patients with CAD (Lichtman et al. 2008). The Sertraline
Antidepressant Heart Attack Randomized Trial (SADHART) found sertraline
to be more effective than placebo in reducing moderate and severe depression
in 369 depressed post-MI patients who were randomized to treatment or
placebo for 6 months. A non-significant trend favored sertraline over placebo
in reducing severe adverse cardiovascular outcomes (Glassman et al. 2002).
A post hoc analysis of the Enhancing Recovery in Coronary Heart Disease
Patients (ENRICHD) study found that patients treated with an SSRI (non-
randomized, but added in addition to cognitive behavioral therapy or usual
care) had a 42 percent reduction in adverse cardiac outcomes, including recur-
rent MI and death, compared with depressed participants who did not receive
antidepressants (Writing Committee for the ENRICHD Investigators 2003).
SSRIs have no significant impact on blood pressure, heart rate, or cardiac con-
duction, making them a much safer and more favorable option over tricyclic
antidepressants, which have been associated with antiarrhythmic properties,
adverse side effects such as postural hypotension, and a less tolerable side effect
profile (Glassman et al. 2002; Roose and Miyazaki, 2005). Less is known about
antidepressants in non-CAD cardiac patients or about the safety and efficacy
of anxiolytics in cardiac populations. The most common pharmacological
treatment of anxiety includes benzodiazepines and SSRIs (Janeway 2009).
Cardiac Behavioral Medicine: Mind–Body Approaches to Heart Health 153
Many antidepressants have anxiolytic properties that can reduce the irrit-
ability and worry that often accompany anxiety.
1. Sit in the therapist’s office with only the therapist present (note: he initially required a
friend to be present).
2. Sit in the waiting room for 10 minutes without my friend present.
3. Walk in place to get my heart rate up, with therapist present.
4. Close the bathroom door when showering or using the restroom (note: he initially
required a friend to be present for fear of syncope).
5. Ride an elevator by myself.
6. Stand outside my house by myself for 10 minutes.
7. Walk down the street by myself for 15 minutes.
8. Eat a meal at home by myself.
9. Sit in my car by myself for 10 minutes.
10. Drive around the block by myself.
11. Stay at home alone for 1 hour.
12. Drive on the highway with a passenger present.
13. Drive on the highway for 2 exits (and back) by myself.
14. Stay at home alone all day by myself.
15. Drive myself to visit with friends at my old job.
16. Leave my house and walk to a restaurant or store by myself (gone 2 hours).
17. Drive on the highway at night and/or when raining.
This graded hierarchy was created with direct input from the patient, based on his presenting
fears and his degree of distress in certain circumstances, particularly those circumstances in
which he was alone.
Cardiac Behavioral Medicine: Mind–Body Approaches to Heart Health 155
treatment for anxiety. Because anxiety and relaxation contradict each other,
the body cannot be both relaxed and anxious at the same time.
To date, the ENRICHD trial is the only published randomized clinical trial
that examined psychotherapy (CBT) for treatment of depression in patients
with CAD. A total of 2,481 post-MI patients with either depression or low
perceived support were randomized to six to twelve weeks of CBT or usual
care, with patients receiving an SSRI when indicated for severe or persistent
depression. At 6 months, CBT was favored over usual care in reducing depres-
sion, despite improvements in both groups. Although CBT was effective at
reducing depressive symptoms, treatment had no impact on cardiac outcomes
or survival (Writing Committee for the ENRICHD Investigator, 2003).
Lespérance et al. (2007) recently evaluated the impact of short-term interper-
sonal psychotherapy (IP) plus simultaneous use of citalopram among clini-
cally depressed individuals with CAD (the CREATE trial). Following twelve
weeks of treatment, citalopram was superior to placebo in reducing depression.
However, there was no additional benefit to IP above clinical management.
Of note, the clinical management control consisted of weekly 25-minute
sessions with a trained therapist who focused on education, support, encour-
agement of adherence to medication use, and problem-solving for side effects.
These findings could suggest that the active problem-solving approach of
clinical management (in some ways similar to CBT) may not be inert.
Patients typically benefit from information about stress, particularly about the
physiological effects of stress on the body. Understanding the physiology
During stressful situations, many individuals are apt to forego healthy life-
styles and behaviors, which can be detrimental to healthy coping. Protecting
sleep, exercising regularly, eating a well-balanced diet, and minimizing alcohol
consumption are simple ways to reduce the effects of stress on the body and to
increase the body’s resources to cope with stressful events. Something as simple
as poor sleep in the hospital can diminish someone’s coping resources, so that
events seem more overwhelming or challenging. Patients should be encour-
aged to protect their health by engaging in positive behaviors, particularly
during stressful times.
Given the prevalence of emotional distress in cardiac patients and its impact
on morbidity and mortality, comprehensive cardiac care should incorporate
assessment of emotional functioning (see Table 8.7). Emotional distress hin-
ders patients’ compliance, impedes their success at making lifestyle changes,
contributes to a diminished quality of life, and predicts poorer cardiac outcomes.
The accumulation of research findings within cardiac behavioral medicine
emphasizes the importance of addressing emotional health routinely with
cardiac patients, which was recognized by the American Heart Association
in 2008 with their endorsement for the screening of depression in patients
with coronary heart disease (Lichtman et al. 2008). A positive screen should
result in a referral to a mental health professional and closer follow-up moni-
toring of patients’ cardiac health (Lichtman et al. 2008). As a cardiac psycholo-
gist, I strongly encourage the medical team to SERF with their patients. This
is a simple acronym I created based on a compilation of the existing research
and suggested best practices to date, to provide professionals with an easy
guide of how to incorporate emotional functioning into conventional clinical
There are no diagnostic tests for depression or anxiety. The only way to for-
mally diagnosis a patient with a psychological disorder is through clinical
evaluation by a mental health professional. In lieu of comprehensive assess-
ment, screening for emotional distress is gaining popularity in cardiac settings.
In 2008, the American Heart Association formally recognized depression as a
risk factor for morbidity and mortality among patients with coronary heart
disease and called for routine screening of depression (Lichtman et al. 2008).
Screening questions require minimal time or expense and can be completed in
multiple settings and by a variety of team members. A positive screening will
alert the medical team that a patient requires a referral to a mental health
professional for a complete evaluation and possible treatment. Additionally, a
positive screening will alert the medical team that a patient may be at increased
risk of noncompliance, unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, morbidity, mortality, or
the development of heart disease.
To determine whether an individual is at increased cardiac risk due to
depression, a depression screening should incorporate the following three
questions, at a minimum:
1. Have you (or has anyone close to you) recently noticed a change in
your mood or personality for the worse?
2. Have you been feeling anxious or stressed lately, to the point where
your mood or routines have been affected?
3. Does everyday life seem harder to cope with lately?
Patients often are upset to learn afterwards that their experience of depres-
sion following a cardiac event was not an isolated incident. Patients should
be educated up front about the potential emotional consequences of a cardiac
Cardiac Behavioral Medicine: Mind–Body Approaches to Heart Health 161
procedure or surgery in the same manner that they are educated about poten-
tial physical complications. At minimum, patients should be educated about
the symptoms and prevalence of depression, especially after a heart attack and
after cardiac surgery. Educating patients about depression, anxiety, and stress
does not facilitate the development of these conditions, yet the information
can provide relief and comfort if those symptoms arise. Furthermore, patients
should be informed that depression and stress have a negative impact on their
cardiac health so that patients respond appropriately to symptoms when they
emerge. The negative stigma that often surrounds mental illness (and which
can be a barrier to seeking treatment) can be reduced if the topic is addressed
directly and proactively by the medical team.
of follow-up best suited for distressed cardiac patients is unknown, but may
include more frequent office visits, EKGs, or assessment of blood levels of
Symptom Presentation:
• Change in sleep (insomnia or hypersomnia)
• Change in weight without effort
• Increased irritability
• Sadness or tearfulness
• Minimal motivation
• Excessive fatigue or lack of energy
• Excessive worry about physical symptoms
Functional Impairment:
• Has not returned to previous levels of activity as expected
• Requests an extension of medical leave from work
• Unnecessary avoidance of certain activities or situations because of health concerns
• Poor hygiene
• Difficulty coping with medical status or life changes
• Reduced interest in previously pleasurable activities
American Psychiatric Association. 2000. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental dis-
orders. 4th ed., text revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
Anda, R. F., D. F. Williamson, L. G. Escobedo, E. E. Mast, G. A. Giovino, and P. L.
Remington. 1990. Depression and the dynamics of smoking. Journal of the
American Medical Association 264: 1541–45.
Babyak, M., J. A. Blumenthal, S. Herman, P. Khatri, M. Doraiswamy, K. Moore, W. E.
Craighead, T. T. Baldewicz, and K. R. Krishnan. 2000. Exercise treatment for major
depression: Maintenance of therapeutic benefit at 10 months. Psychosomatic
Medicine 62: 633–38.
Barbour, K. A., T. M. Edenfield, and J. A. Blumenthal. 2007. Exercise as a treatment for
depression and other psychiatric disorders. Journal of Cardiopulmonary
Rehabilitation and Prevention 27: 359–67.
Baum, A., R. J. Gatchel, and D. S. Krantz. 1997. An introduction to health psychology.
3rd ed. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Beck, J. 1995. Cognitive therapy: Basics and beyond. New York: The Guilford Press.
Bernstein, D. A, C. R. Carlson. 1993. Progressive relaxation: Abbreviated methods. In
Principles and practice of stress management. 2nd ed., ed. P. M. Lehrer and R. L.
Woolfolk, 53–87. New York: The Guilford Press.
Bhattacharyya, M. R. and A. Steptoe. 2007. Emotional triggers of acute coronary syn-
dromes: strength of evidence, biological processes, and clinical implications.
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 49: 353–65.
Blumenthal, J. A., S. Williams, A. G. Wallace, R. B. Williams, T. I. Needles. 1982.
Physiological and psychological variables predict compliance to prescribed exer-
cise therapy in patients recovering from myocardial infarction. Psychosomatic
Medicine 44: 519–27.
Blumenthal, J. A., W. Jiang, M. A. Babyak, D. S. D. S. Krantz, D. J. Frid, R. E. Coleman,
R. Waugh, M. Hanson, M. Appelbaum, C. O’Connor, and J. J. Morris. 1997. Stress
management and exercise training in cardiac patients with myocardial ischemia:
Effects on prognosis and evaluation of mechanisms. Archives of Internal Medicine
157: 2213–23.
Blumenthal, J. A., M. A. Babyak, K. A. Moore, W. E. Craighead, S. Herman, P. Khatri,
R. Waugh, M. A. Napolitano, L. M. Forman, M. Appelbaum, P. M. Doraiswamy,
and K. R. Krishnan. 1999. Effects of exercise training on older adults with major
depression. Archives of Internal Medicine 159: 2349–56.
key concepts
Energy Medicine
nergy medicine, also referred to as vibrational medicine, is the art and
science of bringing balance and well-being into our lives. Our bodies
are always looking to return to their natural state of health. The energy
healing modalities are techniques to assist or enhance the process of healing.
For the body to function at its absolute peak of performance, all parts
and processes must be interconnected by a system that delivers energy and
information at the fastest possible speed available in nature. In the living body,
each electron, atom, chemical bond, molecule, cell, tissue, and organ has its
own vibratory character (Oschman 2000), as does the body as a whole. Energy
medicine seeks to understand this vibratory energy, and to interact with it to
facilitate healing (Gerber 1988).
When we are around other people, we are continuously interacting energeti-
cally, with words, sound vibrations, and our very acts of thinking. With healing
There is a vertical flow of energy that pulsates up and down the field
in the spinal cord. It extends out beyond the physical body above the
Properties of Chakras
head and below the coccyx. I call this the main vertical power current.
There are swirling cone-shaped vortexes called chakras in the field. Their
tips point into the main vertical power current, and their open ends
extend to the edge of each layer of the field they are located in. (Brennan
The healing power of touch dates back to Hippocrates, the Greek physician
and father of modern medicine who noted that, “a force flowed from people’s
hands.” Hippocrates used various words for this energy. Pythagoras, in Greece,
referred to a “vital energy perceived as a luminous body that could produce
cures.” Paracelsus referred to a vital force and matter, calling it “illiaster.” Today
we call this “energy” flow. This energy has various names depending on the
culture; Chi in China, Prana in India, Ki in Japan, or Mana in Polynesia, for
example (Brennan 1993). Multicultural “bioenergy” healings have been
reported throughout the history of humankind. Native Americans and aborig-
inal Australians, for example, have learned these techniques from their ances-
tors, as did the ancient Egyptians and Greeks (Bruyere 1989).
Dr. Valerie Hunt is internationally recognized for her pioneering research
on human energy fields. She has discovered vibration patterns during pain,
disease, and illness, and in various emotional and spiritual states. She has
found scientific evidence of individualized field signatures and subtle ener-
getic happenings between people and within groups (Hunt, 1995).
There are many paths to healing the body, mind and soul. Healing Touch
and other energy-based therapies, including acupuncture, acupressure, Reiki,
reflexology, Therapeutic Touch, and others, use the concept of the human
energy system as the basis of their approaches.
A tradition that is well over 2,500 years old, acupuncture represents one of the
longest continuous forms of healing in existence. Acupuncture is based on
important energy concepts, most notably Qi and Yin/Yang. Yin/Yang explores
the important coexistence and necessary balance of opposites in the universe
and within each individual (Stux 1998). Qi describes the vital force, or energy,
that flows through each person. In a state of health, one’s Qi circulate through-
out the body in energy tracts known as meridians (Beinfield and Korngold
1992). Illness manifests as blockage or deficiency in one or more aspects of
a meridian. Acupuncture techniques attempt to maintain balance and reduce
illness by restoring the flow of Qi through the manipulation of acupuncture
points and meridians (Kaptchuk, 2000).
Since the 1970s, when acupuncture first became popularized in the West,
more than 1400 randomized controlled trials have been completed to examine
its efficacy. A 1998 consensus statement by the National Institute of Health
(NIH), as well as follow-up studies, endorsed the use of acupuncture for the
adjunctive treatment of pain conditions (low back pain, fibromyalgia, tennis
elbow, headache, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.) as well as other
conditions (including nausea from pregnancy, surgery or chemotherapy;
hypertension, infertility, asthma, stomach disorders, and addiction). The NIH
study concluded “further research is likely to uncover additional areas where
acupuncture will be helpful” (1998) leading to more than 10 million treat-
ments each year in the hope of maximizing the benefits of this positive,
energy-based treatment (National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference
1998; White 1999).
Tai Chi and Qigong, the preeminent health practices developed in ancient
China, are the major branches of modern Traditional Chinese Medicine. They
consist of deep relaxation techniques for stress reduction, breathing exercises,
visualizations to enhance mental acuity, self-massage, acupoint stimulation,
and gentle fluid movements coordinated with the breath to release physical
and emotional stress. All of these exercises promote the flow of bio-photon
energy throughout the body known as “Qi” or “Chi.” Qi Gong creates rather
than exerts energy, so practitioners simultaneously feel completely relaxed and
The unique contribution of Qi Gong to mind–body practice is the primary
focus on the mind to guide the physical and emotional body. Techniques
may be performed standing or in a seated position, so physically challenged
individuals may experience the full benefit of the exercises. There are thou-
sands of Qi Gong systems; the most popular in the West is the more physically
oriented Tai Chi.
Taylor-Piliae and colleagues conducted a study to determine whether Tai
Chi improves balance, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility in patients
with cardiac risk factors. Thirty-nine adults participated in a 60-minute Tai
Chi exercise class three times per week. Statistically significant improvements
were observed in all balance, muscular strength, and endurance and flexibility
measures after six weeks with further improvement by week 12 (Taylor-Piliae
et al. 2006). In 2004, Yeh and colleagues randomized 30 patients with conges-
tive heart failure to 12 weeks of either Tai Chi or the standard care. Patients in
Energy Medicine 173
the Tai Chi group demonstrated decreased levels of B-type natriuretic peptide,
and improved 6-minute walk tests (Yeh et al. 2004). Multiple studies have
demonstrated a reduction in blood pressure (Schaller 1996; Thornton, Sykes,
and Tang 2004) and improvement in heart rate variability in patients taught
Tai Chi and Qi Gong (Lee et al. 2002; Lu and Kuo 2003).
Since the 1950s, the Chinese government has conducted hundreds of
scientific studies on the medical effectiveness of Qi Gong using Western
medicine-approved measurements. The NIH has funded over 11 studies to
date regarding Qi Gong’s effectiveness in treating coronary disease, hyperten-
sion, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, basal cell carcinoma, geriatric health, and
Healing Touch
located in each joint. The largest are in the shoulders, hips, and knees. Smaller
energy centers are located in the palms of our hands and soles of our feet.
(Hover-Kramer 2002). The first major chakra is located at the base of the spine
(root), second below the naval (sacral), third above the naval (solar plexus),
fourth at the mid chest (heart), fifth at the lower part of the throat (throat),
sixth in the forehead just above the eyebrow (third eye) and seventh on top of
the head (crown). These chakras work with the endocrine glands to provide
continuous communication with the physical body. Each of the major chakras
has a color and sound vibration.
The first chakra, or root, is at a lower vibration, creating a red color.
The sacral or second is orange, the solar plexus chakra is yellow, the fourth or
heart chakra is green, the fifth or throat chakra is sky blue, and the sixth chakra
is indigo. The seventh chakra has the highest vibration and gives the color of
white with a hue of lilac. This is the same prism of color seen in the rainbow.
Therefore, we are light beings as well as physical beings.
Healing Touch training is organized in five levels of workshops. Certification
as a practitioner is available to those who meet eligibility requirements and
have successfully completed Levels 1–5 as taught by a certified Healing Touch
First or Root Chakra (Physical): Color Red, Gland Adrenal, Sound Lam, Note C
In Balance: Profound connection to nature and understanding of its flow. Grounded.
Imbalance: Inability to trust nature. Focus on material possessions. Fear and need to
satisfy own desires and wishes. Ungrounded.
Second or Sacral Chakra (Emotional): Color Orange, Gland Gonads, Sound Vam, Note D
In Balance: A considerate, friendly, kind, and open person.
Imbalance: Unstable, unsure in sexual and emotional matters. Guilt and cannot express
feelings. Suppresses natural needs.
Third or Solar Plexus (Mental/Self): Color Yellow, Gland Pancreas, Sound Ram, Note E
In Balance: Feeling of inner calm, peace, and wholeness. Logical thinking. Inner
acceptance and tolerance of others. A balance of the spiritual and material worlds. Healthy
self esteem.
Imbalance: No trust in natural flow. Shame and need to dominate. Great need for material
security. Poor self esteem.
Fourth or Heart Chakra (Love and Forgiveness): Color Green, Gland Thymus, Sound
Yam, Note F
In Balance: Feeling of wholeness. Acceptance of the flow of life and relationships. Able to love.
Imbalance: Love given is not sincere. Cannot accept love given by others. Looks for
rewards. Grief.
Sixth or Third Eye Chakra (Intuition): Color Indigo, Gland Pituitary, Sound Am, Note A
In Balance: Awareness of spiritual side of being. Inner awareness and knowing in everyday
life. Dreams and Wisdom. Connects to the universe.
Imbalance: Rejects spiritual aspects of self and others. Illusions. Focus on science and
intellect. Only sees obvious, surface moving. Afraid of intuition.
Seventh or Crown Chakra (Spiritual): Color White/Lilac, Gland Pineal, Sound Om,
Note B
In Balance: Living with the knowledge of unity. Knowing that the self reflects in the
divine. Abandon individual ego for universal ego.
Imbalance: Unable to let go of anxiety, fear, and attachment. Unable to imagine cosmic
unity. Unsatisfied and depressed.
When a person is admitted to a critical care unit, they are not only in physical
crisis, but in emotional and spiritual crisis as well. They are afraid of pain,
potential disability, and dying. A holistic approach requires listening to those
concerns and finding an opening to discuss difficult topics. I instruct my stu-
dents of Healing Touch (many of them nurses and doctors) to introduce
Healing Touch as a stress reduction technique. For the anxious and worried
patient, less information is often more. If the patient wants to have more details
frequently they will ask for them.
Since Healing Touch works on all levels—body, mind, emotions, and spirit—
the patient will usually easily express their fears and concerns. Energy healing
is also a wonderful way to ease the dying process, whether it is in the hospital,
hospice, or a home setting. Healing Touch has techniques that relax the body,
allowing pain, anxiety and even struggled breathing to ease. When curing is
not possible, healing can still take place. Very frequently a dying person will
want to heal life issues such as troubled relationships. During a treatment they
may “experience” their deceased loved ones’ presence. The Healing Touch pro-
vider may be totally unaware of this communion.
Frequently, family members present during the Healing Touch treatment
find the environment to be very healing for them. This is due to the calm
energy that is created by the grounded provider of Healing Touch. After all the
emotional turmoil loved ones have gone through, whether this is a sudden
death or the result of a prolonged illness, the emotional exhaustion and letting
go is often appreciated.
Beinfield, H., and Korngold, E. 1992. Between heaven and earth: A guide to Chinese
medicine. New York: Ballantine Books.
Brennan, B. 1987. Hands of light. New York: Pleiades Books.
Brennan, B. 1993. Light emerging: The journey of personal healing. New York: Bantam
Bruyere, R. 1989. Wheels of light: A a study of the chakras, vol. 1. Sierra Madre, CA: Bon
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Integrative Approaches to
Cardiovascular Disease
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Integrative Approaches to
Preventive Cardiology
key concepts
ardiologists are typically regarded as disaster relief specialists. It all
begins with their training. Most young physicians enter the field of
cardiology with the anticipation of caring for patients in the throes of a
life-threatening emergency. The molding of cardiologists as high-tech emer-
gency specialists is further reinforced in their hospital-based training programs.
Training rotations are typically divided into segments defined either by pro-
cedures (cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology, or echocardiography,
for example) or by inpatient clinical service (coronary care unit or telemetry
unit, for example). It is no wonder when, at the completion of training, most
newly minted cardiologists gravitate toward managing patients with advanced
cardiovascular disease.
The focus of most cardiologists, based both on interest and expertise, is to
work with patients with advanced disease. Patients, on the other hand, are
increasingly focused in a different direction—one emphasizing prevention
and self-care. Based on the nature of their training, it is not surprising that
most cardiologists feel ill prepared when it comes to prevention.
A growing segment of the public seeks to become more proactive in their
health care. Patients are asking questions about how they can best protect their
health. They want to know about diets, exercise and, in many cases, they want
to explore all options available to them—including the use of nonprescription
therapy. Unfortunately, cardiologists are typically poorly prepared to address
these therapies. Patients tell me that they have rarely received helpful dietary
information from physicians. Occasionally, referrals are made to a dietitian
or exercise specialist, but patients often perceive that these referrals are made
without the gravitas associated with other “high-tech” prescriptions. When
patients inquire about supplements, they are often met with ridicule or, at best,
a lack of information. Because training in medical school and beyond typically
does not include discussion of nonprescription therapeutics, physicians often
cannot help their patients in sorting through the potential role of therapies
other than pills and procedures.
Moreover, when pills are used—whether they are prescription or over-the-
counter—they are an incomplete solution at best. For example, prescription
statins have been shown to provide no more than a one-third reduction in
the risk of future cardiac events. Although this is a powerful and important
treatment, it still leaves two-thirds of the risk on the table—a risk that a more
comprehensive approach to prevention can address. It is in this gap that an
integrative approach to preventive cardiology is born.
An integrative approach to preventive cardiology is the intelligent combi-
nation of a wide variety of therapies combining conventional and alternative
strategies. The foundation of an integrative approach rests on lifestyle changes
incorporating nutrition, exercise, and mind/–body connections. These inter-
ventions are highly effective, cheap, and offer myriad benefits extending far
beyond the promotion of cardiovascular health. For those with several risk
factors or with established heart disease, the “foundations” of lifestyle changes
are conjoined with the best that science has to offer, including conven-
tional medication and procedures. In this chapter, the palette that makes
up this integrative approach to preventive cardiology will be explored, with
Integrative Approaches to Preventive Cardiology 185
Although the study design of the Lyon trial did not specify the quantity
of any particular food item to be eaten, a diet history was recorded at the com-
pletion of the trial to better understand what was actually consumed
(Simopoulos and Visioli 2000). For example, the intake of fresh vegetables in
the Mediterranean diet group was 427 ± 222 [SD] g vs 340 ± 203 g in the
controls, p<0.005; fresh fruit in the Mediterranean diet group was 271 ± 218 g
vs 214 ± 201 g in the controls, p = 0.05.
The dramatic decrease in cardiovascular events associated with the
Mediterranean-style diet is not surprising in light of subsequent studies dem-
onstrating benefit from its constituent parts. In a combined analysis from the
Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals’ follow-up study, each serv-
ing of fruit or vegetables was associated with a 4 percent reduction in the risk
of coronary disease (Joshipura et al. 2001). Of particular note, each daily serv-
ing of green leafy vegetables was associated with a 23 percent reduction in the
risk of coronary disease. Similarly, in a trial examining the use of fish oil in
survivors of myocardial infarction, a 53 percent reduction in the risk of sudden
death was noted as early as four months after one gram per day of fish oil was
started (Marchioli et al. 2002).
The Lyon diet study was performed in Europe, raising questions about the
reproducibility of the findings to other regions and cultures. An Indian study
performed in 2002 examined 1000 participants either with coronary artery
disease or at high risk for heart disease. Individuals were encouraged to eat
large amounts of fruit, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. Mustard seed oil or
soybean oil were used in place of olive oil due to accessibility and local prefer-
ence. High intake of foods rich in omega-3 was encouraged and sources were
largely from mustard or soybean oil, walnuts, grains, and vegetables rather
than from fish. After two years of follow-up, there was a 52 percent reduction
in total cardiovascular end points in the Mediterranean-style diet group
compared to controls (Singh et al. 2002).
Since the Lyon Diet Heart Study and the Indo–Mediterranean diet study were
published, several retrospective analyses have been performed demonstrating
benefits of the Mediterranean style diet extending beyond the cardiovascular
Integrative Approaches to Preventive Cardiology 187
• vegetables: 1 colorful side salad with both lunch and dinner every day and
a side of vegetables with dinner
• fruit: berries with breakfast and an apple or orange later in the day
• fish: 2 fish dinners per week
• grains: minimize refined carbohydrates and emphasize “whole” grains
• oil: exclusive use of olive or canola
• red meat: minimize
The gulf between the typical Western diet and the Mediterranean-style
“ideal” diet is wide, and many patients will not be able to consistently adhere
to the optimal levels of intake. Fortunately, benefits can still be accrued by
incremental adherence, as there exists a “dose-response” relationship between
adherence and benefit. Both the NIH–AARP (Mitrou et al. 2007) and the
514,000 patient metaanalysis (Sofi et al. 2008) demonstrated clear incremental
benefit with increasing degrees of adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet.
Therefore, if a patient currently is consuming one serving of vegetable or fruit
per day, clear benefit would be expected from an incremental change, by even
as little as one additional daily serving of vegetable, fruit, and fish.
moderate intensity physical activity, including brisk walking at 3–4 mph for
five days per week, results in up to a 30 percent reduction in all cause mortality
(Lee and Skerrett 2001). Unfortunately, the potential benefits of exercise are
rarely realized. Health care professionals are often pessimistic regarding the
capacity of their patients to adopt an exercise program. This attitude can
become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as the likelihood of patient success is related,
in part, to the patient’s perception of how important exercise is to the health
care professional.
How much exercise is required in order to obtain benefit? Although there
appears to be a dose-response relationship between exercise and all cause
mortality, even modest levels of exercise are beneficial. In a group of over
44,000 men enrolled in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, as little as
thirty minutes per day of brisk walking was associated with an 18 percent
reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease (Tanasescu et al. 2002). More
intensive exercise, including running one hour or more per week, resulted in
greater benefit, with a 42 percent risk reduction. In a study of over 73,000 post-
menopausal women enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative Observational
Study, even women with a relatively low level of exercise (median of 4.2
MET-hr/week) experienced a 27 percent reduction in risk of coronary heart
disease (Manson et al. 2002). Again, more active women, who exercised 10.0
MET-hr/week or 32.8 MET-hr/week, had successively greater risk reductions
of 31 percent and 53 percent, respectively.
The mechanism of benefit from exercise for the prevention of heart disease
is multifaceted. Exercise is clearly beneficial in reducing hypertension, improv-
ing dyslipidemia (reducing LDL cholesterol, reducing triglycerides, and
increasing HDL cholesterol), improving glycemic control, and reducing stress.
Exercise has also been shown to be a powerful mediator of endothelial func-
tion (Hambrecht et al. 2000).
Although aerobic exercise is typically recommended for cardiovascular
health, resistance training confers additional benefit, including a favorable
influence on blood pressure and glycemic control (Braith and Stewart 2006).
In men, resistance training is associated with a reduction in the risk of coro-
nary heart disease. Men who trained with weights for 30 minutes or more per
week had a 23 percent reduced risk of heart disease compared to no resistance
training (Tanasescu et al. 2002).
A common dilemma for the practitioner is whether or not to proceed with
stress testing in a sedentary, but asymptomatic, individual prior to beginning
an exercise program. The rationale to do so is supported by a study demon-
strating that the relative risk of cardiac arrest during exercise in a previously
sedentary individual is as high as 56-fold compared to the risk at rest (Siscovick
et al. 1984). The ACC/AHA Exercise Guidelines do not recommend routine
Practical tips: the goal of exercise for primary prevention of heart disease
should include, as a minimum, 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise on
most days. A simple strategy of brisk walking for 30 minutes per day, broken
into 10–15 minute blocks if necessary, is an excellent start. More intensive exer-
cise sessions for longer duration appeared to be of additional benefit and
should be encouraged as a goal. The addition of resistance training to an aer-
obic program has added benefit, not only for general fitness, but also for car-
diovascular health. These recommendations are in accordance with American
Heart Association Guidelines for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease
(Pearson et al. 2002).
for treatment of LDL, along with the rationale for therapy, are carefully sum-
marized in the Adult Treatment Panel guidelines (Grundy et al. 2004).
Despite the clear importance of LDL, there is considerable controversy that
this marker may not be the best indicator of LDL-related risk. Conventional
lipid tests measure the cholesterol content in LDL. Interestingly, the choles-
terol content of LDL particles can vary substantially from person to person.
The explanation for this is that some individuals have a predominance of small,
dense LDL particles. For others, the LDL cholesterol exists as larger, more
buoyant particles. Smaller particles are associated with greater risk, as they are
more easily oxidized and are mechanically better able to intercalate within the
plaque (Tribble et al. 1992).
If the LDL particles are small and, therefore, carry less cholesterol per par-
ticle, any given LDL cholesterol concentration will be associated with a greater
number of LDL particles. Therefore, two individuals can have the same LDL
cholesterol level, yet have a very different number of atherogenic LDL particles
and, consequently, very different risks.
Interestingly, the risk of cardiovascular events is more closely linked to the
number of LDL particles than to their cholesterol content, with higher risk
closely linked to a higher number of atherogenic particles (Barter et al. 2006).
For that reason, many lipidologists argue that a test of the number of athero-
genic particles is a more useful gauge of risk, and a superior end point to ther-
apy, than the LDL cholesterol.
A useful, and simple, indicator of the number of atherogenic particles is the
calculation of non-HDL cholesterol. This term is obtained from the standard
lipid panel, and can by calculated by subtracting HDL cholesterol from the
total cholesterol. Non-HDL cholesterol has been found to more closely corre-
late with cardiac risk than LDL-C, especially in situations where triglycerides
are > 200 mg/dl (Packard and Saito 2004).
An alternative measurement of the number of LDL particles (LDL-P) is a
nuclear magnetic resonance test. This is a proprietary test that typically is
reported bundled with an assessment of LDL size, and is a better predictor of
cardiovascular risk better than LDL cholesterol (Hsia et al. 2008).
Arguably the most robust measurement of atherogenic particle burden is
Apolipoprotein B (ApoB). The value of ApoB as a marker of risk is the conve-
nient fact that each atherogenic particle, including low density lipoprotein,
very low density lipoprotein, intermediate density lipoprotein, and lipoprotein
(a), contain one and only one molecule of ApoB. Therefore, ApoB can be
considered an aggregate marker of the overall risk of atherogenic particles.
This is a relatively cheap and reproducible test demonstrated to correlate with
cardiovascular risk to a degree similar to LDL-P and superior to non-HDL
cholesterol (Sniderman 2005).
ApoB (mg/dL) 97 78 54
the counter products have substantial cholesterol lowering value and may be
an ideal solution under certain circumstances. Therefore, it is incumbent on
the clinician interested in integrative approaches to acquire a thorough under-
standing of the science behind the use of supplements.
As an introduction to this topic, it is important to make note of supple-
ments commonly mentioned for treatment of cholesterol that are not particu-
larly helpful for that purpose. Commonly used supplements with little or no
significant benefit for cholesterol management include garlic (Khoo and Aziz
2009), gugulipid (Szapary et al. 2003), and policosanol (Dulin et al. 2006).
Over-the-counter products shown to have the greatest potency for LDL
reduction include: soluble fiber, plant stanols/sterols, soy, niacin, and red
yeast rice.
The water-soluble portion of fiber has been shown to both reduce the intesti-
nal absorption of cholesterol as well as decrease hepatic synthesis. Each daily
gram of soluble fiber intake can decrease LDL-C by 2.2 mg/dL (Brown et al.
1999). Rich dietary sources of soluble fiber include: kidney beans (6 grams/
cup), oatmeal (2 grams/cup), oat bran (2 grams/cup), orange (2 grams/whole
fruit), broccoli 2 grams/cup), and apples (1 gram/whole fruit). Fiber supple-
ments added to dietary sources of fiber can have additional benefit. Twice daily
use of psyllium 5-gram supplement results in a 7 percent reduction in LDL-C,
as well as a reduction in glycemic measures (Anderson et al. 2000).
therapy: it lowers LDL, shifts LDL particle size to the more favorable larger
forms, lowers triglycerides, reduces Lp(a), and raises HDL. Niacin reduces the
mobilization of free fatty acids from the periphery, thereby reducing the pro-
duction of VLDL and LDL.
The benefits of niacin are dose-dependent, with LDL reduction in the range
of 3–17 percent with doses ranging from 500 to 2000 mg per day. Reductions
of cardiovascular events with niacin have been reported when used as mono-
therapy (Canner et al. 1986), as well as in combination therapy with other lipid
lowering agents. The combination of over-the-counter niacin and simvastatin
resulted in an 89 percent event reduction in the HDL Atherosclerosis Treatment
Study (Brown et al. 2001).
Be aware that “no-flush” and “flush-free” niacin are ineffective for lipid
Red yeast rice is the most potent over the counter therapy available for reduc-
tion of LDL cholesterol. This is a fermentation product which results from
growing the yeast Monascus purpureus on rice. Red yeast rice contains mona-
colins, constituents that are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, or statins.
Analysis of red yeast rice reveals nine monacolins; the one present in greatest
concentration is monacolin K, also known as lovastatin (Heber et al. 1999).
The monacolin content and, therefore, the cholesterol lowering properties,
vary greatly between different brands of red yeast rice (Gordon et al. 2009).
Need for caution exists, as some brands have been found to contain citrinin, a
nephrotoxic substance that should be removed during the fermentation pro-
cess (Gordon et al. 2009).
If red yeast rice is a form of a statin, why recommend it instead of prescription
statins? There are two reasons to consider doing so: 1) patients who are philo-
sophically opposed to taking prescription medication for cholesterol reduc-
tion; 2) patients who have experienced adverse reactions to prescription statins
(particularly myalgias).
A growing body of literature supports the use of red yeast rice. Reductions
in LDL cholesterol season with red yeast rice are typically in the range of 20 to
30 percent (Becker et al. 2009; Heber et al. 1999; Lin, Li, and Lai 2005).
A 12-week study of red yeast rice prescribed at 2400 mg per day resulted in
a decrease in LDL cholesterol of 23 percent, a decrease in triglycerides of
15 percent, and no significant change in HDL cholesterol. Of note, no myalgias
were reported among patients in this study (Heber et al. 1999).
Red yeast rice may be better tolerated than prescription statins; some
patients who have experienced adverse reactions with multiple prescrip-
tion statins, even at low dosages, have been able to take red yeast rice, with
excellent results.
Niacin 10–20%
Although patients often fear liver toxicity from statins, the adverse reaction
most likely to trigger discontinuation of therapy is muscle pain. The package
insert for most prescription statins lists the incidence of myalgias as being
3–5%. Based on personal communications from primary care physicians, this
number is likely a considerable underestimate. Determination of a causal rela-
tionship between statin use and muscle complaints can be perplexing, as
muscle pain is ubiquitous and distinguishing baseline muscle aches and pains
from those related to statin use can be difficult. Relying on serum CK levels to
gauge a cause and effect relationship between myalgias and statins is problem-
atic, as histologically proven muscle inflammation related to statin use may
exist in the absence of elevated circulating CK (Phillips et al. 2002).
Dealing with statin intolerance is frustrating for both patients and medical
providers. Doctors may suspect that adverse reactions are experienced as a
type of “self-fulfilling prophecy,” in which patients, reluctant to have initiated
statins in the first place, seemingly will themselves into an adverse reaction.
In response, many patients report that their complaints of muscle aches after
starting statin therapy are minimized by their health care providers, who often
advise patients to “tough it out” and continue taking their statin.
In order to maximize the chance for patients to distinguish statin-related
myalgias from everyday muscle pain, I always have a discussion with patients
prior to beginning statin therapy. I ask them to make a mental note of muscle
pains they experience from time to time and suggest that similar discomfort
should not trigger alarm after beginning statin therapy. If a new pattern or
increased severity of muscle discomfort should develop, this could be a warn-
ing sign of an adverse reaction and should be considered as a possible adverse
reaction. Based on the severity of symptoms, I advise patients to either lower
the dose or discontinue the statin.
Although psychological factors undoubtedly play a role in some patients
with statin intolerance, there is a growing understanding of the biochemical
basis for statin-related myalgias, including insights into genetic predisposi-
tion. A unique single nucleotide polymorphism has been associated with a
Integrative Approaches to Preventive Cardiology 199
17-fold increase in the risk of statin-related myalgias (Link et al. 2008). A more
complete understanding of genetic determinants of statin-related myalgias
could allow for prediction of individuals best suited for lower dosages or alter-
native treatments.
In patients with statin intolerance, a search should be made for reversible
factors that can predispose individuals to adverse reactions. Metabolic causes
of statin intolerance include: 1) hypothyroidism, and 2) low vitamin D level.
All patients with dyslipidemia should be screened for hypothyroidism, because
it can be a contributing factor in the development of dyslipidemia, as well as
lower the threshold for statin-related myalgias (Antons et al. 2006).
Low-circulating Vitamin D has also been implicated as a trigger for statin
intolerance, with an association noted between statin-related myalgias and
vitamin D 25 (OH) levels below 30 (Duell and Connor 2008) and 32 ng/ml
(Ahmed et al. 2009). Furthermore, statin-related myalgias in patients with
vitamin D deficiency may improve with vitamin D replacement therapy
(Ahmed et al. 2009; Duell and Connor 2008).
Once metabolic impairments have been excluded, tolerance to prescription
statins may be enhanced by changes in the method of statin administration.
Variations in statin administration can include: choosing a different brand of
statin; decreasing the daily dose; or decreasing the dosing frequency. Many
patients intolerant of one or two brands of statins will have no problem with a
different brand. There is a theoretical rationale for believing that the more
lipid-soluble statins may have a lower risk of myalgias, but this relationship has
not been proven. Regardless of the statin chosen, the use of the lowest possible
dose will increase the likelihood of tolerance.
Some of the most potent statins can be given at even one-half or one-quarter
of the lowest pill strength with upward titration as tolerated. For example,
rosuvastatin at a dose of 1 mg, which is less than one-quarter of the lowest
strength tablet available, has been shown to reduce LDL by 34 percent (Olsson
et al. 2001). Appreciation of the potency of even extremely low statin dosages
is enhanced by the knowledge that a 50 percent reduction in dosage would
be expected to reduce LDL cholesterol lowering by only 7 percent (Roberts
In addition to using a different statin at a lower dose, lengthening the dosing
interval may be useful. Significant LDL reduction has been noted with statin
dosing frequencies ranging from one to three times a week (Gadarla, Kearns,
and Thompson 2008; Mackie et al. 2007; Ruisinger et al. 2009). In the study
of twice a week statin dosing, 40 patients previously intolerant of at least
one statin were given rosuvastatin 5 or 10 mg (Gadarla, Kearns, and Thompson
2008). A 26 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol was observed over the
8-week study period. Over the 8-week study, 80 percent of patients were able
Therefore, although the rationale behind coenzyme Q10 appears sound, the
clinical data regarding improvement of coenzyme Q10 on statin-related myal-
gias is conflicted. Nevertheless, the safety profile of coenzyme Q10 is excellent
(Hathcock and Shao 2006). Based on available information, coenzyme Q10
doses in the range of 100 to 200 mg/day may be considered in an effort to
reduce the risk of myalgias.
The role of coenzyme Q10 in cardiology extends beyond its use in patients
treated with statins, to include patients with congestive heart failure (Molyneux
et al. 2008) and hypertension (Rosenfeldt et al. 2007) as well. These areas are
discussed in detail in the chapters on metabolic cardiology, congestive heart
failure, and hypertension.
For the patient who is philosophically opposed to the use of prescription cho-
lesterol agents, several approaches may be helpful. Many individuals have an
inordinate fear of the risk associated with statin medications and, on occasion,
a discussion with the patient describing the actual, minor risk of adverse reac-
tions may be helpful. Patients typically fear permanent damage to their liver,
which, fortunately, is extremely rare. For example, in my 20 years of practice, I
have not personally had a single patient experience severe or permanent liver
damage related to cholesterol therapy.
Nevertheless, if patients adamantly refuse to use prescription cholesterol
therapy, over-the-counter products may be considered. For such patients,
the lowest risk (and lowest potency) option could include the addition of sol-
uble fiber, as well as the plant stanols or sterols. This strategy could be expected
to lower LDL cholesterol in the range of 10–20 percent. If additional LDL
Author’s Recommendation
HDL cholesterol has several beneficial functions, including the “reverse trans-
port” of LDL cholesterol out of the plaque, as well as potent antioxidant capa-
bilities. Low levels of HDL are associated with increased risk of vascular disease.
Interestingly, there are gender differences in normal HDL levels, with higher
values expected in women. Normal values for men are 40–45 mg/dL and for
women, 50–55 mg/dL. Consequently, HDL levels associated with increased
risk are gender dependent: < 40 mg/dL for men and <50 mg/dL for women.
Population studies show an increase in cardiovascular risk for individuals
Integrative Approaches to Preventive Cardiology 203
with low HDL, even if LDL is well controlled (deGoma, Leeper, and Heidenreich
Relative to our understanding of the benefits of treating LDL, the impact
of HDL-raising therapy is lacking. One prospective HDL-raising trial, the
VA–HIT study, demonstrated an approximately 2 percent lower cardiovascu-
lar risk for each 1 mg/dL increase in HDL (Robins et al. 2001). More studies
are needed to determine the conditions and agents most likely to achieve clin-
ical benefit from raising HDL.
In any effort to optimize HDL, the first strategy is to remove influences
known to depress levels. Factors that decrease HDL include: smoking, high
glycemic load diet, and the use of a wide range of medication including beta
blockers and thiazide diuretics. When such medication is used in those with
low HDL, consideration should be given to determine if acceptable substitutes
are available.
Lifestyle measures are fundamental to raising HDL levels, with particular
impact resulting from reducing glycemic load in the diet, weight loss, and aer-
obic exercise. Carbohydrate intake, especially that contained in high-glycemic-
load food, stimulates a decrease in HDL, paired with an increase in triglycerides
(Liu et al. 2001). Emphasizing low-glycemic-load food choices, as well as foods
rich in monounsaturated fat, can be effective in raising HDL. Reducing the
intake of foods such as bread, chips, rice, potatoes, and sweets and replacing
them with fruit, vegetables, and nuts is a key strategy for raising HDL. These
measures typically have the added benefit of weight loss, which also raises
HDL (Dattilo and Kris-Etherton 1992).
Aerobic exercise can also be useful in raising HDL, but relatively high
amounts are needed for significant improvement. Running for 45 minutes four
days per week, covering 4.5 miles/session, was associated with a 4 mg/dL
increase in HDL (Kraus et al. 2002). Although both intensity and duration of
exercise influence the degree of HDL increase, the number of minutes per
week of exercise appeared to be the strongest determinant of change in HDL.
A metaanalysis suggests that the minimal energy expenditure to raise HDL is
approximately 900 kcal, or 2 hours of exercise per week (Kodama et al. 2007).
The mean increase in HDL observed with exercise was 2.5 mg/dL. A dose-
response relationship was suggested with each additional 10 minutes of exer-
cise per workout session associated with a 1.4 mg/dL increase in HDL. In this
analysis, the total number of minutes exercised per week was more influential
for raising HDL than the frequency or intensity of exercise.
Pharmacologic therapy for HDL includes alcohol, fibrates, niacin, and
insulin-sensitizing agents. Alcohol intake is associated with up to a 55 percent
reduced risk of myocardial infarction in those with the highest consumption
of alcohol (three or more drinks per day) compared to those with less than one
Pioglitazone 5 mg/dL
Fibrates 4 mg/dL
Fish oil has long been associated with cardiovascular health. It has potential
beneficial antiinflammatory, anticoagulant, antihypertensive, and antiarrhyth-
mic properties (Kris-Etherton, Harris, and Appel 2002; Maki et al. 2008). In
addition, fish oil is an extremely effective therapy for reduction of triglycer-
ides, but it is not particularly effective at raising HDL or lowering LDL.
Nevertheless, fish oil is useful in favorably altering the type of LDL, assisting in
the conversion of the more risky small, dense particles into the more desirable
larger, buoyant forms (Maki et al. 2008).
Fish and fish oil have been shown to be protective against cardiac events,
although the data is stronger for secondary than primary prevention. Benefit
of fish for secondary prevention has been shown in the Diet and Reinfarction
Trial (DART), in which men with prior MI who consumed 2–3 fish meals per
week had a 29 percent reduction in all cause mortality, mostly due to a lower
rate of coronary death (Burr et al. 1989). In the GISSI trial, post-MI patients
were randomized to fish oil containing EPA 465 mg and DHA 375 mg (total
EPA and DHA of 840 mg) or placebo, with the result of a 53 percent reduction
in sudden cardiac death by 4 months in the group receiving fish (Marchioli
et al. 2002).
The active ingredients in fish oil are EPA and DHA. Accordingly, recom-
mendation for fish oil dosage should include a specific daily total of EPA
and DHA, as opposed to the total content of omega-3. For prevention, the
recommended daily total of EPA and DHA is 840 mg. For treatment of
elevated triglycerides, a dose range between 1000 and 4000 mg of EPA and
DHA per day may be helpful.
Over-the-counter products vary greatly in their concentration of EPA and
DHA. Despite containing a total omega-3 content of 1000 mg, the total EPA
and DHA per pill can range from 100 to 500 mg. Over-the-counter fish oil
preparations can be excellent choices, as long as they provide the desired daily
total of EPA and DHA. A prescription version of fish oil is also available,
Lovaza™, which contains 840 mg of combined EPA and DHA per tablet, the
exact content of the omega-3 used in the GISSI trial.
Vegetarians can find non-fish sources of DHA in pill form derived from
algae. Flax seed and flax oil are alternative, but less efficient, sources of omega-3.
Flax is rich in alpha linolenic acid but contains no DHA or EPA. Conversion of
alpha-linolenic acid to the active DHA and EPA requires enzymes that function
poorly in most individuals. Therefore, only approximately 5 percent of alpha-
linolenic acid is converted into EPA, and less than 1 percent into DHA (Plourde
and Cunnane 2007).
The active ingredients in fish oil are EPA and DHA. Accordingly, recommenda-
tion for fish oil dosage should include a specific daily total of EPA and DHA
(typically listed on the back of the supplement bottle), as opposed to the total
content of fish oil (listed on the front of the bottle). For prevention purposes,
the recommended daily total of EPA and DHA is 840 mg. For treatment of
elevated triglycerides, a range of 1000 to 4000 mg of EPA and DHA per day
may be helpful.
units (smaller isoforms) are associated with higher risk (Emanuele et al. 2004;
Kronenberg et al.1999).
Lp(a) can accompany elevated LDL-C or, alternatively, may be markedly
elevated in the face of a desirable appearing standard lipid profile. Clinical
situations where evaluation for Lp(a) may be especially relevant are those in
which the patient has a personal or family history of premature atherosclerotic
disease (Bostom et al. 1996; Genest et al. 1992). The risk of Lp(a) appears to be
linked to the circulating level. Given a reference range of Lp(a) of < 30 mg/dL,
adjusted risk increases from 1.7-fold for levels over 30 mg/dL, to 3.6-fold for
levels in excess of 120 mg/dL (Kamstrup et al. 2008).
Lp(a) levels are not appreciably influenced by diet, exercise, or administration
of statins. Niacin is the only agent in common use for treatment of dyslipidemia
that reduces the level of Lp(a), up to 39% at dose of niacin 2,000 mg per day
(Capuzzi et al. 1998). The highest risk of elevated Lp(a) levels appears to be in
those with concomitant increased levels of LDL-C (Maher et al. 1995; Suk Danik
2006) and, therefore, another approach to treatment is to reduce LDL-C. To date,
however, there has not been a prospective Lp(a) intervention study, and the opti-
mal approach to treatment has not been identified. In high-risk individuals,
some experts suggest intensive treatment of LDL-C (no data to guide how
aggressive to be, but in practice, levels are often reduced to at least< 100 mg/dL,
with more aggressive goals set by some to 60-80 mg/dL). A second approach is
to treat Lp(a) itself with niacin in maximally tolerated doses up to 2,000 mg. The
most aggressive treatment of Lp(a), again without supporting data, is to give a
statin to lower LDL-C to a value between 60–80 mg/dL, in addition to a maxi-
mally tolerated dose of niacin up to 2,000 mg. An alternative approach, for those
who refuse or do not tolerate prescription medication, includes the use of red
yeast rice to lower LDL-C, combined with over-the-counter niacin.
Framingham risk score (Boekholdt et al. 2006). A link exists between CRP and
the metabolic syndrome, as the level of CRP rises incrementally with the
number of criteria for metabolic syndrome—up to an increase of 6-fold for
individuals with 5 criteria (Rutter et al. 2004).
Levels of high-sensitivity CRP associated with low risk are < 1 mg/L, neu-
tral values between 1.0 and 3.0 mg/L, and elevated levels > 3 mg/L (Yeh and
Willerson 2003).
Although there appears to be an association between high levels of CRP
and the incidence of coronary disease, no studies have been performed to
determine whether CRP reduction, as a goal of therapy, is associated with
improved outcome. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that lifestyle mea-
sures known to improve cardiovascular outcome also reduce CRP. Diet is one
of the most potent interventions for reducing CRP, with a significant reduction
accompanying weight loss(Selvin, Paynter, and Erlinger 2007). Other dietary
measures associated with reduced CRP include: lower glycemic load diets (Liu
et al. 2002), reduction in trans fats (Lopez-Garcia et al. 2005), and adoption of
a Mediterranean-style diet(Church et al. 2002; Esposito et al. 2004). Aerobic
exercise also leads to reduced markers of inflammation, regardless of body
mass index (Church et al. 2002).
In addition to lifestyle changes, statins also have been known to dramati-
cally decrease CRP, with reductions of 30–40 percent noted with both pre-
scription statins (Ballantyne et al. 2003) as well as with red yeast rice (Li et al.
2005). Other agents that lower CRP include omega-3 fatty acids(Lopez-Garcia
et al. 2004) and probiotics (Kekkonen et al. 2008).
et al. 2006, Lonn et al. 2006). In each of these studies, combined multivitamin
therapy was successful in lowering homocysteine levels but, paradoxically, no
clinical benefit was observed, and the primary end points were not achieved.
In fact, the NORVIT study of multivitamin therapy in patients with diabetes
or vascular disease demonstrated a trend toward harm in the active treatment
group. Of note, mean plasma homocysteine levels were not severely elevated
at baseline in either the HOPE-2 or NORVIT trials (12.2 and 13.1 μmol/liter,
The failure of homocysteine reduction with folic acid, vitamin B6, and
vitamin B12 for secondary prevention is puzzling. Explanations include the
possibility that homocysteine is a marker rather than a trigger for atheroscle-
rosis, as well as the possibility that high-dose multivitamin therapy may have
adverse consequences that offset the benefits of homocysteine reduction. Folic
acid stimulates cell proliferation and, perhaps, accelerates growth of constitu-
ents within the atherosclerotic plaque.
Much remains unknown about the role of homocysteine and its treatment.
Unresolved issues include: the role of vitamin therapy to lower homocysteine
levels for primary prevention; the preventive value of multivitamin therapy in
selected patients with extremely high homocysteine levels; and the potential
benefit of therapies other than folic acid, B6, and B12. Betaine (trimethylgly-
cine) has been shown to reduce homocysteine (Schwab et al. 2002), but no
outcomes data is available using this agent.
middle-age and older outpatients (Holick 2006). Factors associated with low
vitamin D levels include: living in cold climates with decreased sun exposure;
darkly pigmented skin; obesity; and advanced age. On average, levels in most
individuals tent to be about one-third lower in the winter compared to the
summer (Tangpricha et al. 2002).
How can Vitamin D levels be increased? The body’s primary source of vita-
min D is internal production stimulated by sun exposure. Exposure of arms
and legs to midday sun for 5 to 30 minutes (depending on skin pigment, age,
and geography) twice a week has been estimated to be sufficient to maintain
healthy vitamin D levels (Holick 2007).
Dietary sources of vitamin D include fish and dairy products. Wild salmon is
among the richest whole food dietary sources of vitamin D, with 360 IU per
3.5 oz serving. Cod liver oil contains 1,360 IU per tablespoon. Vitamin D-fortified
skim milk has approximately 100 IU per cup (2009, Dietary Supplement Fact
Beyond nutritional sources, supplemental vitamin D is often required to
replenish severely depleted levels. Vitamin D can be administered by prescrip-
tion in the form of vitamin D2 50,000 IU pills, which are typically taken once
every one to two weeks. Alternatively, over the counter vitamin D3 can be pre-
scribed in dosages of 1,000 to 5,0000 IU per day. Either strategy is effective, and
vitamin D levels should be checked 2–3 months after beginning therapy.
Mind/Body Interventions
The mere act of a health care professional inquiring about, and acknowledg-
ing, the emotional state of the patient during the clinical encounter is healing.
Most of us begin life with a healthy heart. As we enter middle age and beyond,
heart disease becomes so common that we can mistakenly believe it is inevi-
table. To the contrary, heart disease is largely preventable. In this chapter,
I have attempted to illustrate the many ways we can act to maintain heart
health, including the use of strategies that are not often included in physician
training. For example, the fact that nutritional therapy is one of the most
powerful interventions in cardiology is a concept foreign to many. Or, that a
mind–heart pathway, although largely out of view, can frighten us to death if
provoked, or lower our blood pressure and relieve chest pain if soothed.
This chapter has explored a wide range of tools at our disposal for preven-
tion of heart disease including exercise, nutrition, supplements, mind–body
paths, and medication. The integrative practitioner seeks to expand the con-
ventional view and to explore as many opportunities as possible to promote
heart health.
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Integrative Approaches to Preventive Cardiology 223
key concepts
ptimal nutrition, exercise, weight management, nutraceutical supple-
ments, and management of emotional stress, can prevent, delay the
onset of, and treat hypertension in many patients. An integrative
approach combining these lifestyle suggestions with pharmacologic treatment
will best achieve blood pressure goals, and reduce the likelihood of cardiovas-
cular complications.
The Integrative Approach to Hypertension 225
Oxidative stress (an imbalance of harmful oxygen species and the antioxidant
defense mechanism) may contribute to the etiology of human hypertension
(Kitiyakara and Wilco 1998; Nayak et al. 2001; Vaziri, Liang, and Ding 1999).
Hypertensive patients have a high level of oxidative stress and a greater than
normal response to oxidative stress (Lacy, O’Connor, and Schmid-Schonbein
1998). In addition, hypertensive patients have an impaired endogenous and
exogenous antioxidant defense mechanism (Kumar and Das 1993; Russo et al.
An imbalance of vasodilators (such as nitric oxide), vasoconstrictors (such
as angiotension), and radical oxygen species contribute to the initiation and
perpetuation of hypertension (McIntyre, Bohr, and Dominiczak 1999).
Patients with blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg who have no risk factors,
target organ disease, or clinical cardiovascular disease may be initially success-
fully treated with lifestyle modifications alone. As many as 50 to 60 percent of
essential hypertensive patients are included in this classification (Houston
1992). Those with more significant hypertension or with end- organ disease will
often require a combination treatment of lifestyle modifications and drugs.
When antihypertensive medication is needed, lifestyle changes potentiate
the effects of antihypertensive drugs, often permitting fewer drugs and/or
lower doses to be used (Houston 1992; Houston, Meador, and Schipani 2000).
In order to obtain optimal results and to keep the patient actively involved in
their care, lifestyle modifications should always be continued following initia-
tion of drug therapy (Houston 1992; Houston, Meador, and Schipani 2000).
30 percent above the overall mean than for those 30 percent below the overall
mean (81 grams/day versus 44 grams/day).
Soy protein at intakes of 25 to 30 grams/day lowers blood pressure and increases
arterial compliance. Soy contains many active compounds that produce these
antihypertensive effects, including isoflavones, amino acids, saponins, phytic acid,
trypsin inhibitors, fiber, and globulins (Hasler CM, Kundrat S, Wool D 2000).
Sardine muscle protein, which contains Valyl-Tyrosine (VAL-TYR), signifi-
cantly lowers blood pressure in hypertensive subjects (Kawasaki et al. 2000).
Kawasaki et al. (2000) treated 29 hypertensive subjects with 3 mg of Valyl-
Tyrosine sardine muscle concentrated extract for four weeks, and lowered BP
9.7 mmHg/5.3 mmHg (p < 0.05). Valyl-Tyrosine is a natural angiotensin con-
verting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI). The antihypertensive effect of sardine may
also be due to its high concentration of both calcium and CoQ10.
acids, saturated and trans fats, alcohol, and aging via inhibitory effects on delta
desaturase enzymes.
The clinical trials with various types of fiber to reduce blood pressure have
been generally favorable, but inconsistent. Soluble fiber, guar gum, guava,
psyllium, and oat bran lower blood pressure and possibly reduce the need for
antihypertensive treatments (Pereira and Pins 2000; Vuksan et al. 1999).
Vuskan and colleagues (1999) reduced SBP 9.4 mmHg in hypertensive
subjects with the fiber glucomannan. The doses required to achieve these
BP reductions are approximately 60 grams of oatmeal (slightly more than
one-quarter cup) per day, 40 grams of oat bran (dry weight) per day, or 7 grams
a day of psyllium (Stamler et al. 1996).
Consuming four sticks of celery or eight teaspoons of celery juice three times
daily, or the equivalent in the form of extract of celery seed (1,000 mg twice a
day) or oil (one-half to one teaspoon three times daily in tincture form) seems
to provide an antihypertensive effect in human essential hypertension (Le and
Elliot 1991; Duke 2001).
While the diet discussed earlier in this chapter can significantly lower blood
pressure, it is difficult for most patients to consistently adhere to a prescribed
diet. Complementing the diet with targeted nutritional supports may further
support blood pressure lowering.
Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to the development of high blood
pressure. In a 2008 case-controlled study involving 1,484 women between the
ages of 32 and 52, plasma levels of vitamin D were found to be lower among
women who developed hypertension. The authors concluded that vitamin D
levels are inversely and independently associated with the risk of developing
hypertension (Forman, Curhan, and Taylor 2008).
In a group of 148 women with low vitamin D levels, the administration
of 1,200 mg calcium, plus 800 IU of vitamin D3, reduced SBP 9.3 percent more
(p < 0.02), compared to 1,200 mg of calcium alone. The HR fell 5.4 percent
(p = 0.02), but DBP was not changed (Pfeifer et al. 2001).
which met strict entry criteria for experimental quality. The random-effects
metaanalysis model for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively,
indicated that TM, compared to control, achieved clinically significant reduc-
tions in blood pressure. The results showed the following changes: systolic
−4.7 mmHg (−7.4 to −1.9 mm) and diastolic −3.2 mmHg (95% CI −5.4 to
−1.3 mmHg). The duration of studies ranged from 8 to 52 weeks, with a median
length of 15 weeks.
In 1987, Orme-Johnson reported on a study of health insurance statistics in
more than 2,000 individuals practicing the TM program over a 5-year period.
He found that those who meditated consistently had less than half the number
of hospitalizations and doctor visits than did other groups with comparable
age, gender, profession, and insurance terms. There were 87 percent fewer hos-
pitalizations for heart disease (Orme-Johnson 1987).
TM was brought to the West in the late 1950s by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a
visionary Indian sage trained in physics, who saw meditation as a means of
alleviating stress in individuals and society. His emphasis on scientific research
proved that the timeless practice of meditation was not just an arcane mystical
activity for Himalayan recluses, but rather a mind–body method hugely rele-
vant to and beneficial for modern society.
In 2007, an analysis of 107 studies compared the effects on high blood pres-
sure of multiple stress reduction and relaxation methods. The TM technique
was found to produce a statistically significant reduction in high blood pres-
sure not found with relaxation, biofeedback, or stress management training
(Rainforth et al. 2007).
Therfore, many studies strongly support the inclusion of TM as a major
mind–body tool for blood pressure management, either as the sole or an
adjunctive therapy. Side benefits include reductions in related CVD risk fac-
tors, such as psychological stress, metabolic syndrome, CVD morbidity, and
mortality (Anderson, Liu, and Kryscio 2008; Rainforth et al. 2007).
8. Garlic 4 cloves/day
(continued )
The Integrative Approach to Hypertension 239
11. Celery
Celery stalks or 4 stalks/day
Celery juice or 8 teaspoons TID
Celery seed extract 1000 mg BID
Celery Oil (tincture) ½–1 teaspoon TID
Caffeine None
The practice of yoga can help reduce weight and lower blood pressure as an
adjunctive means of treating hypertension, most favorably in conjunction with
a healthy diet, exercise, and pharmaceutical treatment (Yang 2007).
In studies of adults with high blood pressure, with and without coronary
disease, reductions in medication requirements have been observed among
those participants completing a yoga-based intervention, as compared to con-
trolled counterparts receiving usual care (Yang 2007; Yogendra et al. 2004).
For example, in a study of thirteen hypertensive individuals aged 41–60,
practicing one hour of yoga per day, six days per week, resulted in a significant
drop in blood pressure: systolic dropped from 141.7 to 127.9 mmHg by the
third week and then to 120.7 mmHg by the fourth week (Yang 2007). Even
30 minutes of daily yoga has been shown to decrease blood pressure in studies
involving hypertensive individuals (Selvamurthy et al. 1998)
Anderson J. W., C. X. Liu, and R. J. Kryscio. 2008. Blood pressure response to transcen-
dental meditation: a meta-analysis. Am J Hypertens 21: 310–16.
Appel L. J. T. J. Moore, E. Obarzanek, W. M. Vollmer, L. P. Svetkey, F. M. Sacks,
G. A. Bray, T. M. Vogt, J. A. Cutler, M. M. Windhauser, P. H. Lin, N. Karanja . 1997.
A clinical trial of the effects of dietary patterns on blood pressure. DASH
Collaborative Research Group. N Engl J Med 336(16): 1117–24.
Aybak, M., A. Sermet, M. O. Ayyildiz, and A. Z. Karakilcik. 1995. Effect of oral pyri-
doxine hydrochloride supplementation on arterial blood pressure in patients with
essential hypertension. Arzneimittelforschung 45: 1271–73.
Braunwald, E. 1994. Cellular and molecular biology of cardiovascular disease.
In Harrison’s principles of internal medicine, ed. K. J. Isselbacher, E. Braunwald,
J. D. Wilson. 13th ed. New York: McGraw Hill.
Burke, B. E., R. Neustenschwander, and R. D. Olson. 2001. Randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial of coenzyme Q10 in isolated systolic hypertension. South
Med J 94: 1112–17.
Chobanian, A. V., G. L. Bakris, H. R. Black, W. C. Cushman, L. A. Green, J. L. Izzo Jr.,
D. W. Jones, B. J. Materson, S. Oparil, J. T. Wright Jr, E. J. Roccella. 2003. National
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Joint National Committee on Prevention,
Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure; National High
Blood Pressure Education Program Coordinating Committee: The Seventh Report
of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 report. JAMA 289: 2560–72.
Chopra, R. K., R. Goldman, S. T. Sinatra, and H. N. Bhagavan. 1998. Relative bioavail-
ability of coenzyme Q10 formulations in human subjects. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 68(2):
Cooke, J. P. 1998. Nutriceuticals for cardiovascular health. Am J Cardiol 82(10A): 43S.
DeFronzo, R., and E. Ferrannini. 1991. Insulin resistance: A multifaceted syndrome
responsible for NIDDM, obesity, hypertension, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular
disease. Diabetes Care 14: 173–94.
Digiesi, V., F. Cantini, and B Brodbeck. 1990. Effect of coenzyme Q10 on essential
hypertension. Curr Ther Res 47: 841–45.
Digiesi, V., F. Cantini, A. Oradei, G. Bisi, G. C. Guarino, A. Brocchi, F. Bellandi,
M. Mancini, G. P. Littarru. 1994. Coenzyme Q-10 in essential hypertension. Mol
Aspects Med 15: S257–S263.
P. H. Lin. 2001. Effects on blood pressure of reduced dietary sodium and the
dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet. N Engl J Med 344: 3–10.
Santić, Z., A. Lukić, D. Sesar, S. Milicević, and V. Ilakovac. 2006. Long-term follow-up
of blood pressure in family members of soldiers killed during the war in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. Croat Med J 47(3): 416–23.
Schussler, M., J. Holzl, and U. Fricke. 1995. Myocardial effects of flavonoids from
Crataegus species. Arzneim Forsch 45(8): 842.
Selvamurthy, W., K. Sridharan, U.S. Ray, R. S. Tiwary, K. S. Hegde, U. Radhakrishan, K.
C. Sinha. 1998. A new physiological approach to control essential hypertension.
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 42(2): 205–13.
Stamler, J., P. Elliott, H. Kesteloot, R. Nichols, G. Claeys, A. R. Dyer, and
R. Stamle. 1996. Inverse relation of dietary protein markers with blood pressure.
Findings for 10,020 men and women in the Intersalt Study. Intersalt Coopera-
tive Research Group. International study of salt and blood pressure. Circ 94:
Suetsuna, K., and T. Nakano. 2000. Identification of an antihypertensive peptide from
peptic digest of wakame (undaria pinnatifida). J Nutr Biochem 11: 450–54.
Todaro, J. F., B. J. Shen, R. Niaura, A. Spiro, and K. D. Ward. 2003. Effect of negative
emotions on frequency of coronary heart disease (The Normative Aging Study).
Am J Cardiol 92(8): 901–06.
Tsai, J. C., W. H. Wang, P. Chan, L. J. Lin, C. H. Wang, B. Tomlinson, M. H. Hsieh,
H. Y. Yang, J. C. Liu. 2003. The beneficial effects of tai chi chuan on blood pressure
and lipid profile and anxiety status in a randomized controlled trial. J Altern
Complement Med 9(5): 747–54.
Tsigos, C., and G. P. Chrousos. 2002. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, neuroen-
docrine factors and stress. J Psychosom Res 53(4): 865–71.
Vaziri, N. D., K. Liang, and Y. Ding. 1999. Increased nitric oxide inactivation by
reactive oxygen species in lead-induced hypertension. Kidney Int. 56: 1492–98.
Vibes, J., B. Lasserre, J. Gleye, C. Declume. 1994. Inhibition of thromboxane A2 bio-
synthesis in vitro by the main components of Crataegus oxyacantha (Hawthorn)
flower heads. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 50: 173.
Vuksan, V., D. J. A. Jenkins, P. Spadafora, J. L. Sievenpiper, R. Owen, E. Vidgen,
F. Brighenti, R. Josse, L. A. Leiter, C. Bruce-Thompson. 1999. Konjac-Mannan
(Glucomannan) improves glycemia and other associated risk factors for coronary
heart disease in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 22: 913–19.
Wang, C., J. P. Collet, and J. Lau. 2004. The effect of tai chi on health outcomes in
patients with chronic conditions: a systematic review. Arch Intern Med 164(5):
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Integrative Approaches to
Cardiovascular Disease
key concepts
ardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the major progressive lifelong
diseases in the modern era, affecting the lives of one out of two men
and one out of three women. The disease begins silently in adolescence
and slowly progresses in middle age. It results in clinical events starting
after 55 years of age in men and after 65 years of age in women. The Interheart
Study defined the relative risks for acute myocardial infarction of the various
cardiovascular risk factors in a population of 29,972 individuals from fifty-two
different countries (Ogden et al. 2006). Nine risk factors were found to account
for 90 percent of the populations’ attributable risk in men, and 94 percent of
the risk in women (see Table 12.1).
Smoking 2.87
Hypertension 1.91
Diabetes 2.37
Although Western allopathic medicine excels in the area of acute care, such
as treating heart attacks and providing lifesaving surgeries, it falls short in its
treatment of chronic disease management and prevention. It is in the arena of
prevention and chronic disease management that integrative cardiology has
the opportunity to complete the circle of care, addressing all of the risk factors
for cardiovascular disease from a holistic perspective.
The causes of CVD are multifactorial, and treatment almost always requires
lifestyle changes and mind–body interventions. Almost all cardiac risk factors
are dependent on lifestyle and environment. Prevention is the best interven-
tion for CVD, yet in a recent survey of primary care physicians and cardiolo-
gists, it was found that discussions of lifestyle including nutrition, exercise,
and psychosocial stressors continue to be poorly addressed (Mosca et al. 2005;
Vogel and Krucoff 2007).
Almost all CVD is closely related to and affected by inflammation, which is
a direct result of obesity, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, and maladaptive
responses to stress and tension. In fact, poor nutrition and physical inactivity
are identified as probably the true leading “actual” causes of death in the
U.S. (Mokdad, 2004). Increasing BMI has been linked to an increasing risk of
diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. Conversely, as the BMI is
lowered, so is the prevalence of all risk factors. Multiple avenues of research
Integrative Approaches to Cardiovascular Disease 249
have shown that lifestyle intervention alone can alter the course of disease. For
example, in the Diabetes Prevention Study, type 2 diabetes was prevented in
high-risk individuals who underwent individualized counseling on weight
loss and physical activity alone, when compared to appropriately matched
controls and patients taking metformin alone (Tuomilehto et al. 2001).
An integrative approach to cardiovascular care broadens the traditional
diagnosis and treatment of disease, utilizing both Western-based diagnostic
tests and pharmaceuticals along with an aggressive focus on all aspects of
health, including nutrition, exercise, and psychosocial stress. In almost all
cases, a comprehensive lifestyle change approach is necessary.
From Hippocrates we learned that “food is medicine.” In fact, a single high-
fat meal transiently impairs endothelial function and blood flow (Vogel,
Corretti, and Plotnick 1997). A very large epidemiologic study evaluated the
effect of nutrition on disease in rural China and the United States. In this study
of over 10,000 individuals, the U.S. fat intake was twice as high, fiber intake
was three times lower, animal protein intake was 90 percent higher. The heart
disease death rate was 16.7-fold greater for men and 5.6-fold greater for
women. The incidence of other diseases were also higher in the U.S. including
cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, and hypertension (Chen et al. 1990). Importantly,
Asian immigrants to the U.S. reached the American level of heart disease and
cancer deaths within two generations.
In order to fully understand the nutritional status of my patients, a three-
day food diary is used to assess the quantity and quality of calories consumed.
The Department of Agriculture reported an 8 percent increase in food con-
sumption from 1990 to 2000, and the CDC reports that the doubling of
the prevalence of obesity between 1971 and 2000 correlated with a 22 percent
increase in calorie consumption for women and a 9 percent increase for men
(Ogden et al. 2006). Interestingly, despite indications that the percentage of
calories consumed as fat is decreasing, surveys indicate that we are consuming
more calories overall (Eckel and Krauss 1998). Reduction in total caloric intake
and exercise should be emphasized as a first-line approach to weight loss.
Determination of the basal metabolic rate allows a more precise estimate of
calories needed, along with exercise and stress management, to achieve an
ideal body weight.
Simple handouts to guide patients on nutrition choices can be extremely
valuable. It is important to teach patients about the glycemic index; you might
consider providing handouts that label food choices as high, moderate,
and low on the glycemic index. Patients should be taught to eliminate liquid
calories, most notably soda and fruit juice. Our patients are also taught to
eliminate high-fructose corn syrup and trans fatty acids. If sweeteners are
necessary, organic agave nectar or stevia can be used. A plant-based vegetarian
diet is preferred. For those individuals who consume fish, options are sug-
gested that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, low in mercury, and not farm
raised, such as wild salmon and sardines. Foods high in antioxidants are
strongly recommended. Functional foods, which have bioactive properties as
well as nutrient value, are incorporated into the nutrition program. These
include almonds, chocolate, tea, soy, and viscous fibers such as eggplant, oats.
and psyllium. Tea and chocolate are able to reduce free radicals due to their
high concentration of flavonoids. We recommend five cups of green tea daily
to reduce cardiovascular mortality and to lower cholesterol (Kuriyama et al.
2006). Flavonoids, especially those found in green tea, have been shown to
have antithrombotic effects (Son et al. 2004). Consumption of black tea is asso-
ciated with a reduction in acute myocardial infarction (Geleijnse 2002), and
improved endothelial relaxation (Duffy 2001).Supplements, like nutrition and
exercise, play an important role in the prevention of CVD. In my integrative
cardiology practice I use omega-3 fish oil, CoQ10, red yeast rice, vitamin D,
and niacin on a daily basis. I believe that disorders determine treatment and
that a supplement regimen should be tailored to the individual. For example,
those individuals with low HDL and/or high triglycerides will be placed on a
low glycemic index diet, a daily exercise program, omega-3 fish oil, and niacin.
An individual with high LDL may be placed on a low- saturated-fat diet, red
yeast rice, plant stanols, soluble fiber, statin therapy (if indicated), and omega-3
fish oil. Green tea, soluble fiber, exercise, low glycemic/antiinflammatory diets,
and stress management are universal recommendations for health.
One of the important variables missing from all of these studies is nutri-
tional status. Until biomarkers and nutritional status are included with these
research variables, it is premature to conclude that antioxidants offer no ben-
efit in cardiovascular disease prevention.
Exercise is one of the most powerful methods for decreasing cardiac risk and
enhancing health. Looking at patients after myocardial infarction, percutaneous
rates and event rates were lowered by 50 percent in the treatment group as well
(Pederson et al. 1994).
Multiple studies have shown that there is a benefit in using aggressive lipid
lowering therapy instead of angioplasty in patients with chronic stable angina
(Boden, 2007; Pitt et al. 1999). The AVERT study used 80 mg of Atorvastatin
compared to PTCA for chronic stable angina. The Atorvaststin group had
fewer ischemic events, including stroke, and a longer time period until a first
event (Pitt et al. 1999), thus showing lipid therapy to be preferable in this pop-
ulation. With this and other related studies demonstrating treatment benefit
with medication and lifestyle change, the AHA and ACC made the following
statement: “Based on the data available from randomized trials comparing
medical therapy with PTCA, it seems prudent to consider medical therapy for
the initial management of most patients with Canadian Cardiovascular Society
Classification Class I and II and reserve PTCA and CABG for those patients
with more severe symptoms and ischemia” (Smith et al. 2001).
While statins alone may be preferable to invasive procedures for the patient
with chronic stable angina or CAD without ischemia, statin therapy only
manages one aspect of coronary disease—the lipids. If you take a truly holistic
approach and address diet, exercise, and the patient’s emotional health, the
gains are far greater.
normalized counts worsened in controls (mean +/- SE, + 10.3% +/- 5.6%) and
improved in the experimental group (mean +/- SE, -5.1% +/ 4.8%) (p=0.02);
the percentage of left ventricle with activity less than 60 percent of the maxi-
mum activity on the dipyridamole PET image of normalized counts worsened
in controls (+13.5% +/ 3.8%) and improved in the experimental group (-4.2%
+/- 3.8%) (p=0.002); and the myocardial quadrant on the PET image with the
lowest average activity expressed as a percentage of maximum activity wors-
ened in controls (-8.8% +/- 2.3%) and improved in the experimental group
(+4.9% +/- 3.3%) (p=0.001). The size and severity of perfusion abnormalities
on resting PET images were also significantly improved in the experimental
group as compared with controls. The relative magnitude of change in size and
severity of PET perfusion abnormalities was comparable to or greater than the
magnitude of changes in percent diameter stenosis, absolute stenosis lumen
area, or stenosis flow reserve documented by quantitative coronary arteriogra-
phy. These studies, though small in size, provide the most insight into the power
of lifestyle change, particularly in coronary artery disease progression.
EECP uses an inflatable suit that surrounds the lower limbs and expands to
compress the extremities during diastole. In doing so, it mimics the effects
of intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation. This reduces loading conditions in
systole, while increasing coronary perfusion pressures in diastole.
In multiple studies, EECP has been shown to be beneficial in lowering
chronic stable angina by one class, while improving quality of life by 50 per-
cent at a two-year follow-up (Michaels et al. 2004). It has also been shown to
improve exercise tolerance and decrease anti-anginal medication utilization
(Arora et al. 1999; Linnemeier et al. 2003).
An EECP patient registry based on nation-wide data collection demon-
strated the following (Bonetti et al. 2003):
It is believed that the sheer force induced by EECP may influence athero-
genesis and angiogenesis by up-regulating the production of growth factors
such as vascular endothelial growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor
(Bonetti et al. 2003).
Psychological Risk
Studies by Blumenthal et al. (2005), Dusseldorp et al. (1999), and Schneider et al.
(2005) demonstrated the impact of stress reduction on cardiovascular mortality.
Blumenthal and colleagues (2005) demonstrated, in a five-year follow-up
study, that stress management significantly reduced the risk of cardiovascular
events compared to controls. One hundred and thirty-four patients with CVD
participated in sixteen 1.5-hour sessions on stress management and exercise.
Patients were instructed in biofeedback, a cognitive-social learning model,
and progressive muscle relaxation. For patients with stable ischemic heart dis-
ease (IHD), exercise and stress management training reduced emotional dis-
tress and improved markers of cardiovascular risk more than usual medical
care alone.
Randomized controlled trials on stress reduction with the Transcendental
Meditation technique show reductions in CVD risk factors, morbidity and
mortality (Barnes and Orme-Johnson, 2006; Walton et al. 2004). A systematic
review and metaanalysis of 107 well-designed trials on stress reducing meth-
ods for high blood pressure found that the Transcendental Meditation pro-
gram was associated with significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood
pressure (Rainforth et al. 2007). This was confirmed by a later metaanalysis
(Anderson et al. 2008) Other meta-analyses have reported reductions in
psychosocial stress factors, smoking and alcohol abuse with Transcendental
Meditation practice (Orme-Johnson and Walton 1998). A series of NIH-
supported RCTs of Transcendental Meditation compared to health education
reported improvements in insulin resistance and autonomic tone in CHD
patients and reduced atherosclerosis, measured by carotid intima-media
thickness [Castillo-Richmond, 2000; Paul-Labrador et al. 2006]. A pooled
analysis of long-term trials with an average follow up of 8 years demonstrated
30% reduction in cardiovascular mortality in patients randomized to
Transcendental Meditation program compared to controls [Schneider et al.
2005]. The Transcendental Meditation program may be a useful adjunctive
therapy in heart failure based on a pilot trial that reported improved func-
tional capacity, reduced depression and enhanced quality of life in the
Transcendental Meditation subjects compared to controls [Jayadevappa et al.
These clinical results are consistent with cost analysis studies that have
shown that the practice of Transcendental Meditation lowered health insur-
ance utilization, hospital inpatient days, hospital admissions and hospital
Anderson, J. W., C. Liu, and R. J. Kryscio 2008. Blood pressure response to transcen-
dental meditation: A meta-analysis. Am J Hypertens 21:310–316.
Arora, R. R., T. M. Chou, D. Jain, et al. 1999. The multicenter study of enhanced exter-
nal counterpulsation (MUST-EECP): Effect of EECP on exercise-induced myocar-
dial ischemia and anginal episodes. Journal of the American College of Cardiology
33(7): 1833–40.
Barnes, V. and D. Orme-Johnson 2006. Clinical and Pre-Clinical Applications of the
Transcendental Meditation program in the prevention and treatment of essential
hypertension and cardiovascular disease in youth and adults. Current Hypertension
Reviews 2: 207–218.
Bigger, J. T., J. L. Fleiss, L. M. Rolnitzky, and R. C. Steinman. 1993. The ability of several
short-term measures of RR variability to predict mortality after myocardial infarc-
tion. Circulation 88(3): 927–34.
Blumberg, J. B., and Frei, B. 2007. Why clinical trials of vitamin E and cardiovascular
diseases may be fatally flawed. Commentary on “The relationship between dose of
vitamin E and suppression of oxidative stress in humans”. Free Radical Biology and
Medicine 43(10): 1374–46.
Blumenthal, J. A., A. Sherwood, M. A. Babyak, et al. 2005. Effects of exercise and stress
management training on markers of cardiovascular risk in patients with ischemic
heart disease: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical
Association 293(13): 1626–34.
Boden, W. E., R. A. O’Rourke, K. K. Teo, et al. 2007. Optimal medical therapy with or
without PCI for stable coronary disease. New England Journal of Medicine 356(15):
Bonetti, P. O., D. R. Holmes, Jr., A. Lerman, G. W. Barsness. 2003. Enhanced external
counterpulsation for ischemic heart disease: What’s behind the curtain? Journal of
the American College of Cardiology 41(11): 1918–25.
Brown, B. G., X. Q. Zhao, A. Chait, et al. 2001. Simvastatin and niacin, antioxidant
vitamins, or the combination for the prevention of coronary disease. New England
Journal of Medicine 345(22): 1583–92.
Caracciolo, E. A., K. B. Davis, G. Sopko, G., et al. 1995. Comparison of surgical
and medical group survival in patients with left main equivalent coronary artery
disease. Long-term CASS experience. Circulation 91(9): 2335–44.
Integrative Approaches to Cardiovascular Disease 261
Kleiger, R. E., J. P. Miller, J. T. Bigger, Jr., and A. J. Moss. 1987. Decreased heart rate
variability and its association with increased mortality after acute myocardial
infarction. American Journal of Cardiology 59(4): 256–62.
Knudtson, M. L., D. G. Wyse, P. D. Galbraith, et al. 2002. Chelation therapy for isch-
emic heart disease: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical
Association 287(4): 481–86.
Kshettry, V. R., L. F. Carole, S. J. Henly, S. Sendelbach, and B. Kummer. 2006.
Complementary alternative medical therapies for heart surgery patients: Feasibility,
safety, and impact. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 81(1): 201–05.
Kuriyama, S., T. Shimazu, K. Ohmori, et al. 2006. Green tea consumption and mortal-
ity due to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all causes in Japan: The Ohsaki study.
Journal of the American Medical Association 296(10): 1255–65.
Lehrer, P. M., E. Vaschillo, and B. Vaschillo. 2000. Resonant frequency biofeedback
training to increase cardiac variability: Rationale and manual for training. Applied
Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 25(3): 177–91.
Linnemeier, G., M. K. Rutter, G. Barsness, E. D. Kennard, R. W. Nesto, and IEPR
Investigators. 2003. Enhanced external counterpulsation for the relief of angina in
patients with diabetes: Safety, efficacy and 1-year clinical outcomes. American
Heart Journal 146(3): 453–58.
Lopez-Garcia, E., M. B. Schulze, J. E. Manson, et al. 2004. Consumption of (n-3) fatty
acids is related to plasma biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial activation
in women. Journal of Nutrition 134(7): 1806–11.
Michaels, A. D., G. Linnemeier, O. Soran, S. F. Kelsey, and E. D. Kennard. 2004. Two-
year outcomes after enhanced external counterpulsation for stable angina pectoris
(from the International EECP Patient Registry [IEPR]). American Journal of
Cardiology 93(4): 461–64.
Mosca, L., A. H. Linfante, E. J. Benjamin, et al. 2005. National study of physician aware-
ness and adherence to cardiovascular disease prevention guidelines. Circulation
111(4): 499–510.
Mokdad, A. H., J. S. Marks, D. F. Stroup, and I. L. Gerberding. 2004. Actual causes of
death in the United States, 2000. Journal of the American Medical Association
291(10): 1238–45.
Nakao, M., S. Nomura, T. Shimosawa, et al. 1997. Clinical effects of blood pressure
biofeedback treatment on hypertension by auto-shaping. Psychosomatic Medicine
59(3): 331–38.
Nakao, M., S. Nomura, T. Shimosawa, T. Fujita, and T. Kuboki. 2000. Blood pressure
biofeedback treatment of white-coat hypertension. Journal of Psychosomatic
Research 48(2): 161–69.
Ogden, C. L., M. D. Carroll, L. R. Curtin, M. A. McDowell, C. J. Tabak, and K. M. Flegal.
2006. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United States, 1999–2004. Journal
of the American Medical Association 295(13): 1549–55.
Orme-Johnson, D. W. 1987. Medical care utilization and the Transcendental Meditation
program. Psychosomatic Medicine 49: 493–507.
Integrative Approaches to Cardiovascular Disease 263
key concepts
n estimated 550,000 individuals are diagnosed with heart failure each
year. More than 5 million Americans suffer from heart failure, which
is the leading cause of hospitalizations in the United States. In the
year 2007, it was estimated by the American Heart Association that approxi-
mately 432 billion dollars was spent on cardiovascular disease. An estimated
33 billion dollars was spent on heart failure alone. While the mortality rate for
acute myocardial infarction has decreased, it has increased for heart failure,
because more people are living with chronic heart problems that result in heart
failure. The mortality statistics for heart failure are frightening. An astounding
percentage (80 percent of men and 70 percent of women under the age of 65)
diagnosed with heart failure will die within eight years (Rosamond et al. 2007).
Once beyond the acute care period, a shift in focus to other issues harnessing
mind–body interactions is helpful, including Healing Touch. Healing touch
treatments are ideal for patients with heart failure because they promote a state
of deep relaxation, which decreases stress hormones. The Healing Touch treat-
ments allow for healing on all levels: emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical,
providing a great complement to Western allopathic methods. Once dis-
charged from the hospital, an integrative approach to heart failure like coro-
nary artery disease gives a person the greatest opportunity to achieve optimum
health, well-being and healing. Long-term goal setting might include conven-
tional medications, herbs, and supplements, as well as dietary and lifestyle
changes including exercise, Tai Chi or guided imagery and meditation.
There are two classification systems of heart failure. The first is the New York
Heart Association (NYHA) system which classifies patients based on func-
tional capacity (Table 13.1). Many patients do not come to medical attention
until they are Class II, and often times Class III. This is easily understood, as a
person with Class I heart failure is asymptomatic, having no physical limita-
tions. In Class II, a person has slight limitation of physical activity. They are
comfortable with normal daily physical activity, but moderate exercise such as
walking long distances or inclines or climbing two flights of stairs is limited by
Table 13.1. New York Heart Association Functional Classification (ACC/AHA, 2005)
Class Patient Symptoms
Class I No limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause
(Mild) undue fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnea (shortness of breath).
Class III Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but less than
(Moderate) ordinary activity causes fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnea.
Class IV Unable to carry out any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms of
(Severe) cardiac insufficiency at rest. If any physical activity is undertaken,
discomfort is increased.
A—high risk for developing At risk of HF but without structural heart disease or
heart failure HF symptoms
HF = Heart Failure
Conventional Medicines
Supplements in CHF
and subcellular levels. Lastly, it has been shown to stabilize cell membranes.
On the basis of its antioxidant properties and its role in energy production,
CoQ10 has been used to treat a wide variety of cardiovascular disorders.
There is conflicting evidence for the benefits of CoQ10 in the treatment of
heart failure, hypertension, and ischemic heart disease. The mechanism of
these effects is multifaceted, with increased energy production, protection
against lipid peroxidation, and attenuation of ischemic injury all contributing
to potential improvements following CoQ10 therapy. CoQ10 is decreased in
the myocardial cells of patients with heart failure. The extent of cellular defi-
ciency has been correlated with the clinical severity of heart failure (Folkers
et al. 1985; Mortensen 1993). Plasma CoQ10 concentrations have been shown
to be an independent predictor of survival in patients with acute congestive
heart failure exacerbation. The implication that CoQ10 deficiency may be
detrimental to the outcome of patients with CHF suggests that there is reason
to examine the possible benefits of supplementation with intervention trials
(Molyneux et al. 2008). A small randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial compared the effects of oral CoQ10 (200 mg/d) versus placebo over
six months. Parameters examined included left-ventricular ejection fraction,
peak oxygen consumption, and exercise duration in patients with New York
Heart functional class (NYHF class) III-IV symptoms. No benefit was observed
in the CoQ10-treated group (Khatta et al. 2000). In direct contrast, a second
study with a similar patient population reported an improvement in ejec-
tion fraction following the administration of 100 mg CoQ10 (Langsjoen,
Vadhanavikit, and Folkers 1985). A third study involving NYHF class II-III
patients in a double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over design used oral
CoQ10 at 100 mg three times daily. Exercise training, peak oxygen consump-
tion, left-ventricular contractility as measured by systolic wall thickening
score (SWTI), and endothelial dependent relaxation were examined. Exercise
capacity, LV contractility, and endothelial function were shown to improve
(Belardinelli et al. 2006). Still other studies have noted improvement in pul-
monary capillary wedge pressure (Munkholm et al. 1999), improvement in
NYHA functional class (Keogh et al. 2003) and decreased hospitalization as
well as decrease in life threatening pulmonary edema (Morisco et al. 1993)
Of note, ejection fraction and outcome measures examined were different in
each study. These inconsistencies may explain the controversial results noted
in the literature, and support the need for large standardized double-blind
randomized control trials to further elucidate the true efficacy of CoQ10 in
heart failure. Trials involving CoQ10 supplementation use doses ranging from
60-300mg/day (Soukoulis et al. 2009).
In general, CoQ10 is well tolerated. Its side effect profile is relatively benign.
No major adverse side effects have been reported in the literature. Minor side
Integrative Approaches to Heart Failure 275
Several studies have demonstrated the favorable effects of omega-3 fatty acids
in treating cardiovascular disease, including dyslipidemia, coronary artery
disease, sudden death due to arrhythmia, and most recently heart failure.
Consuming two servings of fatty fish per week seems to reduce the risk of
developing cardiovascular disease in primary prevention (Ascherio et al.
1995). Cold-water fish such as salmon, sardine, trout, herring, kipper, mack-
erel, and to a lesser extent shellfish including scallops, oysters, and shrimp
contain omega-3 fatty acid or n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).
Specifically, these fatty acids include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosa-
hexaenoic acid (DHA). Consuming 1gm/day of omega-3 fatty acids (three
ounces of fatty fish) seems to decrease the risk of recurrent myocardial infarc-
tion, sudden death, stroke, and progression of atherosclerotic disease (second-
ary prevention) (Burr et al. 1989; GISSI-Prevenzione Investigators 1999).
A recent large-scale, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial (the
GISSI-HF trial) showed mortality benefit in heart failure—specifically with
NYHF class II-IV patients who took 1gm of omega-3 fatty acids daily. It was
demonstrated that 56 patients needed to be treated for a median of 3.9 years to
avoid one death, or 44 patients required treatment to avoid one major cardio-
vascular event such as death or a cardiac-induced hospital admission
(GISSI-HF Investigators et al. 2008).
Integrative Approaches to Heart Failure 277
Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit platelet activity (but to a lesser degree than
aspirin) by inhibiting platelet aggregation, and cause modest vasodilation by
inhibiting the synthesis of thromboxane A2 and increasing the production of
prostacyclin. Omega-3s are well known for their potent antiinflammatory
effects, as they suppress the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and
leukotrienes and are used in many inflammatory states, including cardiovas-
cular disease. They have additional immuno-modulating effects by inhibiting
cell adhesion molecules, resulting in decreased endothelial cell activation.
The vasodilatory and positive endothelial cell effects may contribute to the
increased survival noted in heart failure. However, stabilization of the myocar-
dial cell membrane by the incorporation of omega-3s is likely to have reduced
electrical excitability of the myocyte. This in turn decreases the incidence of
arrhythmic death.
Fish oil by oral administration is in general well tolerated. The most common
side effects include belching, halitosis, heartburn, nausea, loose stool and rash.
Taking supplements that are frozen or with meals has been reported to decrease
the incidence of belching (Harris, 2004). There is potential for increased bleed-
ing, bruising, and possible hemorrhagic stroke with 3 gm/day or more of ome-
ga-3 due to platelet inhibition (Pedersen et al. 1999). The potential for platelet
inhibition is greatly affected by conventional medications such as aspirin and
Plavix. We routinely use fish oil as an antiinflammatory/antiarrhythmic agent
and for hypertriglyceridemia. Fish oil is also added to statin therapy at 1800
mg EPA following the results of the JELIS trial, which demonstrated a 19%
reduction in cardiovascular events (Yokoyama, 2003).
Studies examining the effects of the amino acid L-arginine on heart failure are
small but the results are promising, and certainly suggest the need for further
research. Given the activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis in
heart failure and resultant endothelial cell dysfunction, it is not surprising that
l-arginine would be effective. L-arginine is the substrate for nitric oxide syn-
thetase, whose end product nitric oxide—otherwise known as endothelium-
derived relaxation factor (EDRF)—is a potent vasodilator. Studies have
demonstrated that positive vasodilatory effects may increase coronary artery
blood flow and decrease peripheral vascular resistance, resulting in increased
cardiac output and improved organ perfusion. The exact cellular mechanism by
which this occurs is unknown, but may be secondary to increased production
of nitric oxide (EDRF), resulting in vasodilation or reducing the concentration
Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) has been used in heart failure for its diuretic
effect. It has been studied in animal models with mixed results, and further
evaluation in humans is needed. It has been traditionally used for gastro-
intestinal maladies as well as for its antiinflammatory properties. Other natu-
ral medicines used in heart failure but not yet proven to be effective or safe
include corn silk and stinging nettle (see; www.
Multiple diets have been tested in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD)
to evaluate the relative benefits in risk factor reduction and cardiovascular
adverse events. Preventing CAD is the best way to prevent congestive heart
The relationship between incident heart failure (death or hospitalization)
and intake of seven food categories (whole grains, fruits and vegetables,
fish, nuts, high-fat dairy, eggs, and red meat) were investigated in the
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study, an observational cohort
of 14,153 African-American and Caucasian adults, age 45 to 64 years, sampled
Integrative Approaches to Heart Failure 279
Mind–Body Interactions
Stress remains one of the most important triggers for a CHF exacerbation and
decompensation. Most notably, the stress hormones aldosterone, epinephrine,
and cortisol set up a cascade of events that lead to salt and water retention, coro-
nary vasoconstriction, platelet adhesion, and arrhythmia. All of these events,
plus the activation of inflammatory cytokines and the renin- angiotensin-
aldosterone system, can rapidly lead to clinical decompensation. Many of the
medications prescribed for the treatment of CHF target the stress hormones
(beta-blockers block adrenaline, aldactone blocks salt and water retention,
ACE inhibitors and ARBs block the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis).
To further combat the effects of stress, harnessing mind–body interactions
such as meditation, yoga, Tai Chi and biofeedback maybe helpful. Tai Chi has
been shown to enhance the quality of life, exercise capacity, and sleep stability
in patients with New York Heart Functional Class I-IV heart failure (Yeh et al.
2004; Yeh, Wayne, and Phillips 2008). An 18-week study of biofeedback in
29 patients with New York Heart Functional Class I-III heart failure showed
an increase in exercise tolerance (p = 0.05) in patients with left-ventricular
ejection fraction >31% (Swanson et al. 2009).
These techniques have the potential to modulate the effects of stress on
the sympathetic nervous system and neurohormonal bombardment of the
cardiovascular system by stimulating the autonomic nervous system.
without significant adverse events (Soran et al. 2002). The use of EECP in heart
failure is suggestive. A study using EECP for seven weeks demonstrated modest
improvements in heart failure symptoms and exercise duration, but no changes
in peak oxygen consumption, suggesting a possible placebo effect (Feldman
et al. 2006).
The treatment of heart failure with biventricular pacemakers for cardiac resyn-
chronization therapy has been shown to improve quality of life, decrease the
combined risk of death of any cause or first hospitalization, and when com-
bined with an AICD, decrease mortality (Bristow, Saxon, and Boehmer 2004;
Young et al. 2003). In addition, automatic implantable cardiac defibrillators, in
comparison to medications alone, are now well-established to improve mor-
tality in all patients with heart failure and ejection fractions ≤ 35–40% (Bardy
et al. 2005; Buxton et al. 1999; Moss et al. 1996; 2002). In end-stage heart fail-
ure, where life expectancy is limited, left ventricular assist devices (external
mechanical circulatory-support devices) have been shown to prolong survival,
improve quality of life, functional capacity and have been used as bridges to
cardiac transplantation. (Rose E.A., et al. 2001; Rogers J.G., et al. 2007;
Slaughter M.S., et al. 2009). Percutaneous coronary artery intervention and
surgical revascularization may improve heart failure due to coronary artery
disease. Similarly, left-ventricular dysfunction caused by underlying valvular
pathology, as in aortic stenosis, can be significantly improved by valve replace-
ment. Following percutaneous intervention or surgery, left-ventricular func-
tion often returns to normal and symptoms of heart failure resolve.
treatments often fall short, as they only address symptoms related to the
physical body in what we feel is a myopic manner. Eliminating the term
heart failure and replacing it with heart recovery or heart health offers the
opportunity to shift the underlying message we give our patients from one of
defeat to hope.
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A Brief Note About Arrhythmias
Editors’ Note
key concepts:
Graboys, T. B., B. Lown. 1983. Coffee, arrhythmias and common sense. N Engl J Med
308: 835–37.
Graboys, T. B. 1984. Stress and the aching heart. N Eng J Me, 311: 594–95.
Graboys, T. B. 1985. The treatment of supraventricular tachycardias. N Eng J Med 312:
Harvey, W. 1628. On the motion of the heart and blood in animals. Translated by Robert
Willis. New York: P.F. Collier & Son Company 1909.
Integrative Approach to Patients
Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
key concepts
espite significant improvements in drug therapy, in technology, and
in reduction of risk factors for cardiovascular events, heart disease
remains the leading cause of death for both men and women. For a
select group of patients, heart surgery is and will remain a viable therapeutic
option. Though the frequency of percutaneous coronary interventions have
dramatically increased over the past few years, coronary artery bypass grafting
(CABG) is still one of the most common operations performed in the world.
Integrative Approach to Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery 293
It accounts for more resource expenditure than any other single surgical
procedure. For patients with valvular heart disease, heart valve repair and
replacement are frequently performed.
For a select group of patients with end-stage heart disease, a heart transplant
provides excellent long-term results. But for patients with end-stage heart dis-
ease who are not candidates for either a conventional surgical procedure or a
heart transplant, implantation of a ventricular assist device as destination ther-
apy may be necessary (Park, Tector, and Piccionis 2005). As the population
ages, the demand for cardiac procedures will obviously continue to grow. The
outcome after cardiac surgery is steadily improving, even though an increasing
number of patients undergoing this surgery are much older, with a higher
rate of coexisting morbid conditions. The improvement in cardiac anesthesia,
operative techniques, cardiopulmonary bypass technology, myocardial preser-
vation techniques, and postoperative care has resulted in very low operative
mortality and morbidity rates after CABG. The widespread use of the left inter-
nal mammary artery for a graft, postoperative pharmacologic intervention
with antiplatelet therapy and lipid-lowering drugs, aggressive measures to
control diabetes, smoking cessation, behavioral modification, and cardiac reha-
bilitation programs has significantly improved long-term survival after CABG.
Other improvements include the ability to perform CABG without using
a heart-lung machine (beating heart, or off-pump coronary artery bypass), with
minimally invasive techniques, and with robotics. Other technological advances
include mechanical suture devices and graft to coronary and aortic connectors.
Even though these newer modalities are still relatively controversial, well-
designed studies will help determine their efficacy in the very near future.
Integrative medicine is healing-oriented medicine that takes into account
the person as a whole: mind, body, and spirit. It combines mainstream medical
therapies with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), as long as
scientific evidence supports the particular CAM therapy’s safety and effective-
ness. Patients take an active role in choosing various CAM practices that may
aid their healing. Increasing evidence suggests that the integrative approach
may lead to better short-term and long-term outcomes (Ai, Peterson, and
Koenig 2002; Charlson and Isom 2003; Halpin et al. 2002; Kshettry et al. 2006;
Tusek, Cwynar, and Cosgrove 1999).
Surgery is always a stressful time, for patients and families alike. Pain,
anxiety, fear, helplessness, and uncertainty are common concerns before any
operation. Like any other surgical procedure, cardiac procedures are associ-
ated with significant pain, which peaks within the first few days postopera-
tively and then gradually diminishes, and finally dissipates. If this pain is
not adequately controlled, it causes stress and dissatisfaction and can compro-
mise recovery. Pain also compromises patients’ ability to breathe deep, thus
Prepare Patient and Family for Surgery Use Pharmacologic and Behavioral
Use CAM Therapies to Reduce Stress and Make Use of Lipid-Lowering Drugs
Anxiety, Including:
Laughter Therapy
Preoperative Preparation
friends to pre- and postoperative visits (Oxman and Hull 1997). Depression
affects almost half of all patients undergoing CABG and is a strong predictor
of an adverse outcome; it increases operative mortality, decreases late survival,
and may undermine quality of life even after technically successful surgery.
Blumenthal et al. (1997) reported that patients who adopt various approaches
to manage stress have a significantly reduced incidence of cardiac events
and an improved quality of life. In the preoperative care of patients under-
going cardiac surgery, it is well worth the effort to incorporate techniques
to manage stress, depression, lack of social support, and anxiety. As a result,
short- and long-term clinical outcome improves in terms of an increase in
patient satisfaction, a better quality of life, and a decrease in later cardiac
Smoking is, by far, the single most important risk factor for preventable pre-
mature cardiac mortality (Wasley et al. 1997). It is also associated with an
increased incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications. All smokers
should receive educational counseling. Patients who quit smoking not only
are less likely to develop postoperative pulmonary complications, but also tend
to have a lower incidence of recurrent angina or myocardial infarction and
are less likely to require reoperations (Charlson et al. 1999; Wasley et al. 1997).
CAM therapies such as acupuncture, guided imagery, and hypnotherapy have
been very effective as smoking cessation tools.
In some patients, drug therapy may be necessary. For patients who are
unable to quit smoking by behavioral modification or CAM therapies, trans-
dermal nicotine patches and nicotine gum, which have been used widely with
excellent results, should be considered (Kornitzer et al. 1995). For smokers
who quit, bupropion, a sustained-release antidepressant, may help reduce the
nicotine craving and anxiety. However, for patients with acute myocardial
infarction, bupropion should be used with caution.
CAM Therapies
Religion, prayer, and touch have been used as traditional healing therapy
for centuries. Involvement in religious and communal activities has been pos-
itively related to all dimensions of social support and to a decreased likelihood
of depression. The social network also reduces emotional distress and anxiety,
aiding postoperative recovery and resulting in better physical health and
longer survival time. Many studies have shown that stress, anger, hostility, and
social isolation increase the risks for heart disease and impair recovery after
myocardial infarction. Optimistic, relaxed, and confident patients seem to
come through cardiac operations better than those who are anxious and
depressed. Faith-based, positive coping styles may protect the psychological
well-being of patients and have been associated with improved short-term
postoperative overall functioning after heart surgery (Ai et al. 2002).
The role of spirituality and prayer for patients undergoing myocardial
revascularization has not been fully evaluated. We do not know why some
patients with a low surgical risk die while others with a high risk survive. Is it
because of prayers, spirituality, willpower, supernatural power, luck, or a com-
bination of all of these? The effect of prayers on patients with heart disease is
controversial. A couple of notable studies reported a beneficial effect of prayer
for patients in coronary care units (Byrd 1988; Harris et al. 1999).
Two excellent studies recently evaluated the efficacy of intercessory prayer
for patients with coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous interven-
tion or surgery. Krucoff et al. (2004) did not find any benefit of intercessory
prayer for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Benson
et al. (2006) studied the therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer for patients
undergoing coronary artery bypass. The major postoperative events and
the 30-day mortality were similar across the groups. However, complication
rates were higher in patients who were certain (vs. noncertain) of receiving
Integrative Approach to Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery 299
intercessory prayer than those who were uncertain of receiving it. Benson et al.
had no explanation for their surprising findings. In any case, it seems reason-
able to encourage patients who want to use their faith for coping to do so.
Meditation is a form of conscious relaxation that makes the mind calm and
peaceful. It teaches patients to reach a state of serenity, creating an inner mental
space for clarity. In mindful meditation, the person sits comfortably and
silently for 10 to 15 minutes, centering attention by focusing awareness on an
object or process (such as on breathing or on a mantra). The practical purpose
of focusing on breathing or on a mantra (which entails silent internal mental
repetition of a word, phrase, or sound) is to deflect the mind from bothersome
situations, leading to calmness and new insights. Meditation can lead to a
decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, and stress.
Yoga aims to create balance in the body through developing strength and
flexibility. It involves meditation, spiritual discipline, stretching, diet, and the
rhythmic control of breathing. It develops flexibility and muscular endurance
by allowing muscles to be stretched and strengthened. It can decrease blood
pressure, heart rate, and anxiety; it can increase agility and muscle relaxation.
Laughter therapy can be used safely with all patients with heart disease.
Postoperatively, before initiating the laughter therapy, the patients should
have no incisional discomfort and they should also check with their physician
and surgeon.
It is obvious that more research needs to be done in this field to make laugh-
ter therapy more acceptable to the public and caregivers alike.
Postoperative Care
Late postoperative results after CABG surgery depend on graft patency. Early
postoperative administration of aspirin improves the graft patency rate for
saphenous vein grafts and reduces the incidence of death, myocardial infarc-
tion, stroke, renal failure, and bowel necrosis (Goldman et al. 1990; Mangano
et al. 2002). To achieve optimal results, aspirin should be administered within
six hours postoperatively, either through the nasogastric (NG) tube or rectally;
however, if the patient is bleeding, aspirin may be delayed for 24 hours. Aspirin
therapy should be continued indefinitely. In case of aspirin allergy, Clopidogrel,
a very effective platelet inhibitor that can be used.
The use of ACE inhibitors is recommended for patients with left ventricular
dysfunction (left ventricular ejection fraction, below 40 percent), hyperten-
sion, diabetes, or chronic renal disease. Their use has been shown to decrease
the rates of myocardial infarction, stroke, and death in patients with coronary
artery disease (Talbot 2000).
Lipid-Lowering Drugs
Diabetic (vs. nondiabetic) patients tend to have higher rates of operative mor-
tality, deep sternal wound infections, and strokes. They also have longer hospi-
tal stays and are at high risk for subsequent cardiovascular events (Estrada et al.
2003). Perioperative hyperglycemia, with or without diabetes, is associated with
increased resource use for patients undergoing CABG (Furnary et al. 2003).
Meticulous control of hyperglycemia with continuous intravenous infusion of
insulin preoperatively has been shown to reduce the incidence of sternal wound
infections, death, and morbidity (Hoogwerf et al. 1999). It is extremely impor-
tant to aggressively control diabetes and have the patient take lipid-lowering
drugs in order to achieve good long-term results (Domanski et al. 2000).
A large proportion of the American population uses CAM therapies, yet many
patients do not disclose their use of CAM to physicians, even when they
are prompted. Liu and colleagues (2000) surveyed 376 patients (mostly well-
educated) undergoing cardiac surgery at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical
Center in New York. Excluding prayer or the use of vitamins, 44 percent had
Integrative Approach to Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery 305
tried some type of CAM therapy. Of those patients, only 17 percent said that
they discussed their use of CAM therapy with their physicians, while 48 per-
cent admitted that they did not want to discuss this topic with anyone
This lack of communication is potentially dangerous. Herbal medications,
for example, possess significant pharmacologic activity; consequently, they
may have potentially adverse effects and interact in harmful ways with other
drugs. Some can speed up or slow down the heart rate, inhibit blood clotting,
alter the immune system, or change the effect and duration of anesthesia.
Several herbs directly affect platelet aggregation and bleeding time, while
others interact with anticoagulation medications. Fish oil, garlic, onion, and
vitamin E inhibit platelet aggregation. Feverfew, ginkgo biloba, coenzyme
Q10, ginger, ginseng, and St. John’s wort interact with warfarin. Hawthorn
berry, kyusin, licorice, plantain, uzara root, ginseng, and St. John’s wort inter-
act with digoxin. St. John’s wort also alters the metabolism of cyclosporine and
increases the risk of rejection in heart transplant recipients.
Because of the extensive use of CAM therapies by the general population,
physicians and patients must be open in their discussions, and bring up any
use of such therapies. The surgeon should specifically ask patients about any
herbal medications used, in order to prevent perioperative complications. The
American Society of Anesthesiologists recommends that patients stop taking
all herbal medication two weeks before undergoing cardiac surgery. Herbal
medications may be resumed postoperatively, if they will not potentially inter-
act with other prescribed drugs.
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n behalf of all the chapter authors, we hope that this volume has been
helpful to those seeking to incorporate aspects of integrative cardiol-
ogy into clinical care and research. Adopting this new approach can
be challenging, however, as it involves a data set not typically part of current
medical training. Furthermore, since the field is relatively new, reliable refer-
ence material may be difficult to identify.
For these reasons, we have compiled a focused list of resources that the
authors have found to be most useful.
Continuing Education
312 Additional Resources
The Web site of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative
Medicine, sponsored by the National Institute of Health, contains reference
material as well as information about government-funded research opportuni-
The authors have found the following journals to be especially helpful and
Nutritional Supplements
This group provides an independent laboratory analysis of the content and purity
of various supplements. Many practitioners find this information to be helpful in
the selection of the brand of supplement to recommend. This service is available
for a fee. More information is available at:
Additional Resources 313
This resource, available online and in hard copy, is a highly useful reference
for learning about the science and practical use of supplements including
mechanism of action, dose, and interactions with drugs and supplements.
This service is available for a fee. More information is available at: www.
This searchable database of supplements (which requires a fee for access) includes
a ranking of the quality of supporting evidence:
This Web site provides dietary supplement fact sheets and a link to the
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS). It
can be accessed for free at:
Note: Page numbers followed by “f ” and “t” denote figures and tables, respectively.