English For Seamen - Programme

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Unit 1.

Фонетический алфавит. Числительные, даты, месяцы, дни недели. Время .

A- Alfa
В- Bravo
С- Charlie
D- Delta
Е- Echo
F- Foxtrot
G- Golf
Н- Hotel
I- India
J- Juliet
К- Kilo
L- Lima
M- Mike
N- November
О- Oscar
Р- Papa
Q- Quebec
R- Romeo
S- Sierra
T- Tango
U- Uniform
V- Victor
X- X-ray
Y- Yankee
Z- Zulu


1-12 13-19 20-99 100 and more

(+teen) (+ty)
1 one 100 a (one) hundred
2 two 20 twenty 101 one hundred and
3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty one
4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty 200 two hundred
5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty 354 three hundred and
6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty fifty four
7seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy 1000 a thousand

8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty 2450 two thousand four
9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety hundred and fifty
10 ten 95 ninety five 1000000 a million
11 eleven
12 twelve

Порядковые числительные: Даты:

1й the first On the 25th April 1998

2й the second On the twenty-fifth of April, nineteen ninety-
3й the third eight

On the 25th September 2002
Four+ th = the fourth On the twenty seventh of September two
Five+th = the fifth thousand two
Six+th – the sixth
Fifty six+ th = the fifty sixth

Дни недели, месяцы, времена года

День – Day Месяц – Month Времена года – Seasons
понедельник – Monday январь – January весна – spring
вторник – Tuesday февраль – February лето – summer
среда – Wednesday март – March осень – autumn
четверг – Thursday апрель – April зима – winter
пятница – Friday май – May
субота – Saturday июнь – June
воскресенье – Sunday июль – July
август – August
сентябрь – September
октябрь – October
ноябрь – November
декабрь – December

В понедельник – on Monday В апреле – in April Зимой – in winter


At 7.30 seven thirty/ half past seven

At 3.45 three forty five/ quarter to four
At 1.20 one twenty/ twenty past one
At 14.00 fourteen hundred hours or 2 pm
At 09.00 nine o’clock am

Unit 2.

Личная информация. Personal information. Application Form.

1. Words and expressions.
3. Practice.
4. Interview.

1. Words and expressions.

Crew Экипаж
Officers Командный состав
Master, Captain Капитан
Deck Chief Officer, Chief Mate Старший помощник
Officers 2nd (second) Officer Второй помощник
3rd (third) Officer Третий помощник

Chief Engineer Старший механик

Engine 2nd, 3rd, 4th Engineer 2, 3, 4 механик
Officers Electrical Engineer Электромеханик

Ratings Рядовой состав

Bosun (Boatswain) Боцман
Deck AB (able-bodied) seaman Матрос 1го класса
ratings OS (ordinary) seaman Матрос 2го класса

Motorman (Oiler) Моторист 1го класса

Engine Wiper Моторист 2го класса
ratings Turner Токарь
Fitter Слесарь
Pumpman Донкерман
Welder Сварщик
Carpenter Плотник
Catering Cook Кок
Steward (messman) Стюард

Seaman, seafarer, mariner Моряк

Sailor Матрос
Cadet Кадет

Vessel, ship Судно
At sea В море
House Дом (как здание)
At home Быть дома
Shop Магазин
Child Ребенок
Children Дети
On board На борту
Country Страна
Nationality Национальность
Cargo Груз
Bag Сумка

People Люди
Friend Друг
Port Порт
Job Работа
Age Возраст
Cabin Каюта
Pilot Лоцман
Ladder, gangway Трап
Berth, pier Причал
Passport Паспорт
Lifeboat Шлюпка
Tugboat Буксир
Number Номер
Deck Палуба
Door Дверь
Clothes Одежда
Water Вода
Fire Пожар
Port side Левый борт
Starboard side Правый борт
Colour Цвет
Hold Трюм
Navigator Судоводитель
Loading Погрузка
Engine room (ER) Машинное отделение

New Новый
Young Молодой
Old Старый
Big Большой
Little Маленький
Fast Быстрый
Slow Медленный
Right Правый
Clean Чистый
Left Левый
Dirty Грязный
Glad Рад
Busy Занят
Ready Готов
Available Имеющийся в наличии
Responsible Ответственный
Late Поздний
Good Хороший
Bad Плохой
Light Светлый
Dark Темный
Black Черный
Brown Коричневый
Green Зеленый
White Белый
Grey Серый
Red Красный
Blue Синий
Yellow Желтый

My Мой
Your Твой, ваш
His Его
Her Ее
Our Наш
Their Их

In В
At Возле
On На
From Из
To «по направлению к…»
And И, а
Or Или
For Для
Here Здесь
There Там
This Этот
That Тот
These Эти
Those Те
Very Очень
Now Сейчас

How? Как?
How much? Сколько? (неисчисл.)
How many? Сколько?
How often? Как часто?
What? Что?
What for? Для чего? Зачем?
What kind of? Какой?
When? Когда?
Where? Где?
Which? Который?
Who? Кто?
Whose? Чей?
Why? Почему? Зачем?
Whom? Кого?


Hi/ Hello! Привет! Здравствуйте!

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening! Доброе утро/ день/ вечер!
I’m the new Chief Officer. Я новый старпом.
How are you? Как дела?
I’m fine, thank you. What about you? Хорошо, спасибо. А у Вас?
How old are you? Сколько Вам лет?
Where are you from? Откуда Вы?
I’m from… И из…
What is your full name? Ваши имя и фамилия?
Let me introduce myself. Разрешите представиться.
I speak English a little bit. Я немного говорю по-английски.
Sorry! Excuse me! Извините!
Welcome on board! Добро пожаловать на борт!
Thank you. Спасибо.
Good bye! До свидания!
See you! Увидимся!
Have a nice day! Хорошего дня!

2. Grammar.

 “To be” – переводится «быть, есть». Имеет три формы (am, is, are). Описание каких-
либо качеств, местоположение лица/предмета. Употребляется в предложениях,где
нет «глагола действия».

I (я) am I am a seaman.
I am at sea.
I am 35 y.o. (I’m)
He (он) He is a Master.
She (она) He is from Ukraine.
It (оно) is The deck is clean.
She is my wife.
И сущ. в ед. числе My wife is at home.

You You are sailors.

We We are on board.
They Are They are from London.
Holds are open.
И сущ во множ. числе Engineers are in the ER.

- В отрицании к am, is, are ставится частица “not”.

I am not a sailor.
You are not here.
He is not married.
We are not ready.
They are not seamen.
The vessels are new.

- В вопросе am, is, are выносится на первое место.

Are you on board? Is he young?

Are the holds ventilated? Is she at home?
Are they clean? Am I in London now?

Short answers:
Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Yes, he (she, it) is. No, he (she, it) isn’t.
Yes, we (you, they) are. No, we (you, they) aren’t.

Глагол “to be” в прошедшем времени имеет форму was для ед. числа и were для
мн. числа.
I was in the office yesterday. You were glad.
В будущем времени - will be для всех лиц.
Master will be responsible for the damage. Vessels will be in the port within 24 hours.
I will be on board tomorrow.

 Множественное число существительных образуется с помощью окончания

- S:


Man ----------- Men (motorman – motormen, seaman – seamen, businessman -- businessmen)


Если основа слова заканчивается на S, SH, CH, X, O, то добавляется –ES:

Hatch- hatchES
Photo- photoES
Box- BoxES,
Если основа слова заканчивается на –Y, оно преобразуется в I и добавляется
окончание ES:
Country- countries
Слова, употребляющиеся только в единственном числе:
- субстанции и вещества (bread, milk, snow, steel, water, fuel, glass)…
- абстрактные существительные (love, happiness, kindness)…
- а также: equipment, advice, work, machinery, baggage, money, hair, furniture, knowledge,
news, time, success…

 Артикль является одним из определителей имени существительного и ставится

перед существительным или перед словами, являющимися определениями этого

Неопределенный артикль a ( an- перед словами, начинающимися с гласной)

происходит от числительного one (один) и употребляется для определения предмета
как одного из многих. Ставится перед исчисляемыми существительными в
единственном числе.

A vessel, a sailor, an equipment…

Определенный артикль the употребляется с существительными, как в

единственном так и во множественном числе, корда говорится об уже известных
лицах или предметах.

3. Practice.

1. 2.
1. I am a Chief Engineer. 1. The Master is on board.
2. He is at home. 2. The Chief Officer is busy.
3. You are here. 3. My parents are at home.
4. She is at her work. 4. The cadets are young.
5. They are busy. 5. His wife is at home.
6. It is ready. 6. Our vessel is ready.
7. I am glad. 7. Their cargo is on board.
8. You are late. 8. Your seaman’s book is in my documents.
9. He is on board. 9. Her daughter is glad.
10. We are on deck. 10. These ships are at sea.

1. Our Master isn’t on deck. He is in his cabin. His cabin is light.
2. Those holds aren’t clean. They aren’t ready for loading. They are dirty.
3. You are late. Your documents aren’t available. My documents are here, in my bag.
4. Is he in his house? He isn’t in his house, he is at work.
5. Their vessels are in the port. They are ready for loading.

1. Мое судно в порту.___________________________________________________________
2. Оно готово к погрузке._______________________________________________________
3. Я дома. Я занят._____________________________________________________________
4. Наши документы на столе.___________________________________________________
5. Их старший механик старый.________________________________________________
6. Ты здесь?__________________________________________________________________
7. Этот груз на причале._________________________________________________________
8. Он из Одессы.______________________________________________________________
9. Ваши родители дома?________________________________________________________
10. Ее дети дома?______________________________________________________________
11. Этот груз для нашего судна.__________________________________________________
12. Мой сын – старший помощник на сухогрузе (dry cargo ship)__________________
13. Они мотористы, а мы матросы.______________________________________________
14. Старший помощник ответственный за погрузку._____________________________

5. Заполнить пропуски. Составить вопрос и отрицание.

1. I____a seaman.
2. He____my friend.
3. You____at home.
4. She____young.
5. The hold_____clean.
6. They____on board.

6. Вставить вместо пропусков AM, IS или ARE.

1. The captain _____ on the bridge.

2. The young man_____a student.
3. The officer of the watch ______on the navigating bridge.
4. I _____ at the English lesson.
5. He_____a cadet. He_____at the college.
6. Those women _____beautiful.
7. I______at home.
8. My grandparents______old.
9. The sailors____on the deck.
10. The motor-man ____on the bow.
11. The Second Mate_______in his cabin.
12. Mother_____at home. She_____very busy.
13. The deck_______very clean.
14. I____a first-year student.
15. My friend and I_____seamen. We _____good sailors.
16. This work_____very interesting.
17. The water____clean.
18. The clock_____old.
19. Our cargo____in the port.
20. The cadets_____in the classroom.

7. Вставить AM, IS, ARE, AM NOT, ISN'T, AREN'T.

Model: She isn't a student, she is a teacher.

She is a student, she isn't a teacher.

1. He______a navigator. He______a doctor.

2. They______students, they ______cadets.
3. She______at home, she______in the club.
4. I______busy, I______free.
5. He______on the deck, he_______in the cabin.
6. The teacher_______at the table, she ______at the blackboard.
7. He_____a teacher, he_______a student.
8. It_____ a cargo-plan, it______a document.
9. The officer______on the bow, he_______on the navigating bridge.
10. This family______large, it______small.
11. Those bags_____in the desks, they______under the desks.
12. The family _____in the room, it ______in the yard.

13. I______a teacher, I______a student.
14. Michael_______on the bow, he______in the cabin.
15. The ship _______in the dock, she_____at sea.

8. Поставить глагол to be в соответствующую форму и перевести:

1. He _____ a sailor.
2. I_______a motorman.
3. They ____in the mess-room.
4. ____she a cook?
5. They_____in their cabin.
6. We _____ engineers.
7. _____he on the bridge?
8. ______you a welder?
9. You_____late on the vessel.
10. A heavy-lift ship_______a very large vessel.
11. They _____very tired after work.
12. I ____angry with you.
13. What_____this?
14. Where______the superstructure?
15. What______his name?
16. What____your rank?

9. Перевести на английский язык.

1. Извини, я опаздываю. 15. То судно старое.

2. Капитан на палубе. 16. Экипаж на борту.
3. Я не судоводитель. 17. Старпом на капитанском мостике.
4. Ты в море? 18. Наше судно на якоре.
5. Старпом не доволен. 19. Он в машинном отделении.
6. Ты рад? 20. Капитан в своей каюте.
7. Дети не в школе. 21. Они заняты, они не свободны сейчас.
8. Он старший механик? 22. Матросы на палубе.
9. Это судно очень большое. 23. Мой паспорт моряка в моих документах.
10. Лоцман в порту. 24. Они друзья.
11. Документы в моей каюте. 25. Груз не готов.
12. Я не в порту. 26. Я в офисе.
13. Трюма не чистые, они грязные. 27. Агент болен.
14. Ты здесь? 28. Лоцман не в порту.

4. Interview.

1. What is your name/full name?

2. What is your first name?

3. What is your family/ last name?

What is your surname?

4. What is your nationality?

What is your citizenship?

5. What is your patronym/ middle name?

6. When were you born?

What is the date of birth?

7. Where were you born?

What is your place of birth?

8. What is your profession?

What are you?
What is your position?
What is your total seagoing experience?

9. Where do you live?

Where are you from?

10. What is your home address?

11. Are you married?

What is your marital status?

12. Where does your family live?

13. Do you have children?

How old is your son/ daughter?

14. How old are your parents?

15. Where do they live?

16. How old is your wife?

17. Where is she?

18. What is her job?

19. What is your telephone number?

20. What is your seaman’s book number?

21. What is your education?

Unit 3.

My working day.

1. Words and expressions.

2. Present Simple Tense. Приказ, просьба.
3. Practice.
4. Test. Speaking.

1. Words and expressions.

Daily routine Дневной распорядок

Agent Агент
All Все
Breakfast Завтрак
Crew list Судовая роль
Arrival Прибытие (судна)
Departure Отход (судна)
To dress Одеваться
To wash Умываться
To clean Чистить
To get up Подниматься (просыпаться)
Messroom Столовая, каюткомпания
To eat Есть
To drink Пить
Day День
Morning Утро
Evening Вечер
To go to bed Идти в постель
To keep Держать, хранить
To keep watch Нести вахту
To hand over Передавать
To have Иметь, обладать
To use Использовать
To have breakfast Завтракать
To have lunch/ dinner Обедать
Hour Час
In the evening Вечером
Midnight Полночь
On shore На берегу
To read Читать
To speak Говорить
To repeat Повторять
To sleep Спать
Standby Режим готовности
To start Начинать
To finish Заканчивать
Today Сегодня
Tomorrow Завтра
Yesterday Вчера
To come Приходить
To go Идти
To work Работать
To write Писать
To live Жить
To love Любить
To go Идти
To check Проверять
To want Хотеть
To feel Чувствовать
To like Нравиться
To understand Понимать
To think Думать
To know Знать
To remember Помнить
To see Видеть
To look at… Смотреть на…
To hear Слышать
To listen to… Слушать (музыку, напр.)
To buy Покупать
To sell Продавать
To pay Платить
To break Ломать
To repair Ремонтировать
To put Положить
To bring Приносить
To take Брать
To get Получать
About О, об
Time Время
To need Нуждаться
With С
To tell Говорить
Never Никогда
Usually Обычно
Sometimes Иногда
Seldom Редко
Every day Каждый день
Always Всегда
Music Музыка
Last Последний
To talk Говорить
Impossible Невозможный
Necessary Обязательный
To follow Следовать
To do Делать
To learn Учить

Speak slowly, please! Говорите медленнее, пожалуйста!
Speak distinctly, please! Говорите внятно, пожалуйста!
Repeat, please! Повторите, пожалуйста!
Sure. Certainly. Конечно.
I am not sure. Я не уверен.
By the way… Кстати,
As to me… Что касается меня…
Let me think a little… Дайте немного подумать…
It’s not clear Это неясно.
I don’t understand you. Я не понимаю Вас.
What should I do? Что я должен делать?
Actually В действительности
In general В целом
As soon as possible Как можно раньше
Suddenly Внезапно

2. Grammar.

 Pronouns.

Личные Whose? Чей? Whom? Кому? Кого?

Мест. Притяжат. Объектный падеж
I Я My Мой, моя, мое Me Меня, мне
You Ты, Your Твой, ваш… You Тебя, тебе, Вас,
Вы Вам
He Он His Его Him Ему, его
She Она Her Ее Her Ей, ее
It Оно Its Его (неодушевл.) It Это (неодушевл.)
We Мы Our Наш Us Нам, нас
You Вы Your Ваш You Вам, вас
They Они Their Их Them Им, их

 Present Simple Tense используется при рассказе о событиях, которые происходят

вообще; изо дня в день; не привязаны к настоящему времени.
Часто употребляется со словами: usually, often, seldom, every day, always, never,

- Для I, we, you, they и сущ. во множ. числе – глагол в словарной форме без “to”,
- Для He, she, it и сущ. в ед. числе – глагол с окончанием –S/-ES (если оканчивается на –o,
sh, -ch, -x):

I work. He works.
You work. She works.
They work. It works.
Sailors work. Sailor works.

Master understands you.

I smoke a lot.
You drink coffee.
She reads books.

Отрицание и вопрос образуются с помощью вспомогательных глаголов DO/ DOES.

We do
Сущ. мн.ч. глагол без “to”, без
not окончания
She does

Сущ. ед.ч.

I don’t understand. (DO+NOT=DON’T)

He doesn’t hear. (DOES+NOT=DOESN’T)

Do You
Сущ. мн.ч. глагол без “to”, без
Does She
Сущ. ед.ч

Do I speak French? Does he read English books?

Do we work in the ER? Does she call him?
Do you help your mother? Does Chief Officer hear you?
Do engineers keep watch?

Short answers.

To have – «есть, имеется»

I have
You Have
He haS
She haS
It haS
We have
You have
They have

Отрицание и вопрос образуется с помощью DO/ DOES:

I don’t have a passport.

You don’t have a car.
He doesn’t have breakfast.
Do you have a computer?
Does she have children?
Does Master have a crew list?

 Приказ или просьба.

Утвердительная форма совпадает с инфинитивом глагола без “to”

Take the keys. Clean your cabin. Paint the deck. Ask the Captain.

Отрицание строится с помощью “don’t”

Don’t look at me. Don’t show me the documents. Don’t go there.

 Possessive Case/ Притяжательный падеж существительных

Образуется добавлением ‘s или s’

Master’s cabin каюта капитана

Seamen’s club клуб моряков
Brother’s car машина брата
Bosuns’ tools инструменты боцманов

Форма ‘s употребляется только с одушевленными существительными, а не с

предметами. В случае обозначения принадлежности одного предмета или вещи к другому
используется предлог of (также и для одушевленных предметов).

A porthole of the cabin

A door of the garage
A jib of the crane

3. Practice.

1. Закончить предложения по образцу.

1. I don’t know these words. Do you know them?

2. I don’t know his name. Do you know_____?
3. I don’t know our Chief Officer. Do you know_____?
4. I don’t know this woman. Do you know ______?
5. I don’t know those motormen. Do you know ______?
6. I don’t know this vessel. Do you know______?
7. I don’t know the Cook. Do you know _____?
8. I don’t know his wife. Do you know______?
9. I don’t know the Master. Do you know _____?
10. I don’t know this vessel’s type. Do you know_______?
11. I don’t know your rank. Do you know ______?
12. I don’t know this person. Do you know ______?
13. I don’t know these seamen. Do you know______?

2. Закончить предложения по образцу.

1. I want to see her, but she doesn’t want to see me.

2. We want to see our Master, but ______doesn’t want to see ______.
3. Engineers want to see me, but _____don’t want to see _________.
4. I want to see Cook, but ______doesn’t want to see ________.
5. You want to see motormen, but ________don’t want to see_________.
6. They want to see the Chief Officer, but ________doesn’t want to see________.
7. We want to see our friends, but ______ don’t want to see_________.
8. He wants to see the pumpman, but_________doesn’t want to see _______.
9. She wants to see the manager, but ________doesn’t want to see________.
10. They want to see us, but ________ don’t want to see ________.

3. Вставить необходимые притяжательные местоимения.

1. I like _______job.
2. Do you like________job?
3. My husband works on a ship. _______ship is a container ship. _______hull is grey.
4. Put on ________helmet when you work on a crane.
5. Peter is the Second Officer and _______brother is a Chief Engineer.
6. Thank you for _______help. It was very nice of you.
7. He is very experienced and we often use _______help.
8. Please, repeat ______question.
9. These tools belong to me. Don’t touch my tools.
10. She has two children. ______children are young.
11. Our vessel is old. _____age is 25 years.
12. We have 5 hatches on the deck. _______covers are closed now.
13. We work with a small number of crewmembers. ____crew has 8 people.

4. Переведите русские слова:

1. I am looking at (них) ______.

2. This is a nice table. Look at (него) _____.
3. Give (мне)______ (твой) _______hammer.
4. The Chief Officer is on the poop. The Second Officer is standing near (с ним)______.
5. (Его)_______ friend is on that ship.
6. (Наше)______vessel is large. Look at (него)______!
7. Bring me a bucket with sand. I need (оно)______.
8. Don’t talk to (ними)_______. (Они)_______cannot help you.
9. Explain (ему)_______what to do in (этой) situation.
10. I don’t understand (его)_______ because (мой)________English is not very good.
11. (Их)_______carrier is not as interesting as (наша)________carrier.
12. (Ее)________ words don’t mean much.
5. Закончите упражнения по образцу и переведите устно:

1. I need boatswain’s hammer (boatswain/ hammer).

2. _________________________________________________is on the deck (cover/ hatch).
3. Go to the _______________________________________(table/ Cook).
4. ______________________________________________________is very interesting (job/ Peter).
5. Where is broken_________________________________(rudder/ ship)?
6. He is in the______________________________________(control/ room).
7. _______________________________________________________is in the store-room. (ladder/ Bosun)
8. _____________________________________of your ship is 6 o’clock pm. (time/ departure)
9. I respect __________________________________________________________(my father/ reputation).
10. How does_________________________________________________feel today ?(your sister/ husband).
11. ________________________________________________________________is not in good condition because it
is very old. (equipment/ deck).
12. _______________________________________________________________is the best cabin onboard. (cabin/
13. What are the ___________________________________________________on your vessel?
(messroom/ conditions).

6. Перефразировать словосочетания согласно модели.

Model: the book of my friend. My friend’s book

1. the cabin of the Second Mate__________________________________________________

2. the documents of the captain__________________________________________________
3. the family of my friend_________________________________________________________
4. the map of the motorman______________________________________________________
5. the name of his mother________________________________________________________
6. the textbooks of the cadets_____________________________________________________
7. the room of my parents_________________________________________________________
8. the cargo-plan of the officer_____________________________________________________
9. the work of my father___________________________________________________________

7. Выразить принадлежность одного предмета другому с помощью предлога of.

Model: plan, city. The plan of the city

1. ship, Master____________________________________________________________________
2. port, crane______________________________________________________________________
3. house, roof______________________________________________________________________
4. vessel, crew_____________________________________________________________________
5. room, door______________________________________________________________________
6. cabin, door_______________________________________________________________________
7. ship, decks_______________________________________________________________________
8. vessel, bow_______________________________________________________________________
9. walls, colour______________________________________________________________________
10. city, factories____________________________________________________________________

8. Перевести на английский язык.

1. Каждый день я встаю в 7 утра.

2. Я не читаю книги.
3. Моя жена работает в школе.
4. Она приходит каждый день.
5. У них нет детей.
6. Старпом завтракает в 8 утра.
7. Капитан не завтракает вообще.
8. Ты пьешь кофе?
9. Я живу в Лондоне.
10. Он не понимает.
11. Я не помню.
12. Он тебя не видит.
13. Я люблю моих детей.
14. Матросы работают каждый день.
15. Он возвращается домой в 7.
16. Они живут в этом доме.
17. Я пишу, читаю и говорю по-английски.
18. Обычно после обеда он спит.
19. Я не говорю по-немецки.
20. Он не читает книги.
21. Ты не пьешь кофе вечером.
22. Моя жена не работает.
23. Она не встает в 6 утра.

9. Составить вопросительные и отрицательные предложения.

Model: He has a father. Does he have a father? He doesn’t have a father.

He usually has supper at home.

She has two dogs at home.

We have a rest twice a week.

We have classes on Saturday.

I usually have breakfast at 7 o’clock.

They have two children.

She has a new job.

My father has a modern car.

We usually have our holidays at the seaside.

I often have dinner at work.

They have good cranes in their port.

They have a good time in the club.

10. Употребить 3 лицо вместо 1го. (HE/ SHE).

1. I get up at 7 o’clock.
2. Then I take a shower.
3. At 8.00 I go to work.
4. I live far from city centre, so I usually take a bus.
5. I often miss the bus, but I am seldom late for work.
6. After work I do my shopping.
7. I always buy the bread at the shop near the bus stop.
8. I like music and I often play the piano.
9. In the afternoon I read the newspapers and watch TV.
10. I go to the seaside at weekends, I never go there on weekdays.
11. I don’t know many foreign languages.
12. I don’t understand Italian and Spanish, but I speak English.
13. I want to study German too.

11. Вставить подходящие по смыслу глаголы ИМЕТЬ/НЕ ИМЕТЬ и вспомогательный глагол


Model: We don’t have any petrol in the tank, so we have a problem.

1. He ___________a pen. Give him your pen, please.

2. She_________a daughter. Her name is Helen.
3. If you__________________a text-book, take it from my friend.
4. Do you_______________a watch? Tell me the time, please.
5. _________he________a family?- Ye, he_________a mother and a father. But
he_______________________any brothers and sisters.
6. I____________a lot of work to do. So I ________________much time for sports.
7. He____________many friends. They are good friends.
8. He___________________any days off as he is always busy.

9. She____________many flowers in her room. They are very beautiful.
10. He____________________much coffee in his cup. Give him some coffee, please.
11. They________________a colour TV-set in their cabin. The TV-set is new.
12. He________________a good mark for his dictation, as he______________many mistakes in it.
13. The cadets______________a lot of free time today, as they___________________classes.

12. Попросите Вашего товарища:

1. Идти к двери___________________________________________________________________
2. Нажать кнопку_________________________________________________________________
3. Поддерживать оборудование в хорошем состоянии____________________________
4. Снять перчатки________________________________________________________________
5. Проверить их работу___________________________________________________________
6. Взять щетку____________________________________________________________________
7. Дать Вам щетку________________________________________________________________
8. Не брать щетку________________________________________________________________
9. Пойти на палубу_______________________________________________________________
10. Воспользоваться трапом______________________________________________________
11. Закончить погрузку__________________________________________________________
12. Проверить все краны_________________________________________________________
13. Почистить трюмы____________________________________________________________

13. Вставить необходимое вопросительное слово.

1. How many holds do you have onboard?

2. _________ is your name?
3._________do you live?
4. __________is the cargo on their tanker?
5. ________do you depart?
6. ________long is your usual voyage?
7. ________is responsible for mooring?
8. ________much do you earn per month?
9. ________are my tools?
10. Today I work on deck. _______about you?

14. Поставить глаголы в скобках в нужной форме.

1. My friend ___________on a Ro-Ro. (work)
2. The Rules of the Sea ____________that safety at sea is very important. (say)
3. I usually________________file and a hammer at any work. (use)
4. I ___________to finish this work in 20 minutes. (hope)
5. We____________once a year. (sail)
6. They________ turn the vessel as soon as possible. (need)
7. I always ______________officer’s commands. (follow)
8. People _______________________________in the engine-room. (not, smoke)
9. A tanker ___________________oil in tanks. (carry)
10. The ship __________________in a good condition. (not, be)
11. We_____________to extinguish the fire. (try)
12. The cargo loading ___________________ at 6 o’clock. (start)
13. We often ___________________on the upper deck. (paint)
14. Seamen usually_________________rust. (chip off)

15. Перевести на английский язык.

1. У капитана большая каюта.
2. Не закрывайте дверь.
3. Не бросайте мусор на пол.
4. Пойдите и найдите инструменты.
5. После обеда мы обычно возвращаемся на работу в 14.00 часов.
6. Я звоню домой каждую неделю.
7. Как часто ты разговариваешь с другими членами экипажа?
8. Рядовые обычно спят после ужина?
9. Проверьте все помещения.
10. Когда я на вахте, я всегда выполняю приказы капитана.
11. Спустите трап!
12. Соедините эти два шланга перед бункеровкой.
13. Вы берете груз в этом порту?
14. Ваш брашпиль работает хорошо? Да, он готов.
15. Мой рабочий день с 8 до 17, а с 12 до 13 у меня обед.
16. Я не знаю, какую краску смешать, чтобы получить зеленый цвет.
17. Матрос 2го класса не несет вахту на мостике.
18. Где покрашенная часть палубы? Я не вижу границ покраски.
19. При хорошей видимости мы, как правило, используем автопилот.
20. Мне не нравится отбивать ржавчину скребком. Это тяжело.
21. 2й помощник всегда находится на корме во время швартовки.
22. Матросы закрепляют концы на кнехтах.
23. Перед погрузкой необходимо проверить, чтобы шпигаты и льяла были чистыми.
24. Я не люблю драить палубу, так как это грязная работа.
25. Кто знает, как управлять краном, подойдите к боцману.
26. Тяжелые ящики требуют стальные тросы для погрузки.
27. Кто отвечает за подготовку к разгрузке на судне?

The daily routine.

Working day of AB is usually 8 hours but sometimes he works overtime. He gets up at 7 o’clock and
then goes to the mess-room to have breakfast. In the beginning of the day he usually goes to work on
the deck. Deck works include scrubbing, cleaning, washing, lubricating deck equipment such as
windlass, winch, and derricks. AB seaman also paints a lot. Before he starts painting, he prepares the
surface. He cleans and washes it to remove all dirt, and salt that comes with sea water and uses a
scraper to remove old and loose paint. To remove rust, AB seamen takes a chipping hammer. After
the surface is ready for painting, the Boatswain supplies AB with paint cans, rollers, brushes of
different sizes, and thinner if the paint is very thick. Painting and chipping off rust is the main work
of AB and OS seamen but they also clean holds after unloading. First they shovel and sweep all dirt
from a hold, they scrub and wash it, and later dry and ventilate the hold. After deck work they
usually have lunch. After lunch AB seaman keeps watch on the bridge as a helmsman if a ship doesn’t
have an autopilot system. A helmsman follows watchkeeping officer’s or pilot’s orders for wheel. He
stands at the helm and steers the ship. AB also keeps sharp lookout to avoid collision with other ships
or with dangerous objects. After his watch is finished, he has free time.

4. Test. Speaking.

Unit 4.

На судне.

1. Words and expressions.

2. There is/ are. Предлоги. Some, any, much, many, little, few.
3. Practice.
4. Test. Speaking.

1. Words and expressions.

Anchor Якорь
Bow Нос
Bridge Мостик
Crane Кран
Deck Палуба
Forecastle Бак
Funnel Труба
Hull Корпус
Lifeboat Шлюпка
Mast Мачта
Poop Корма
Propeller Пропеллер
Radar Радар
Rudder Руль
Superstructure Надстройка

Berth Причал
Bitts/ bollards Кнехты
Boiler-room Котельная

Bunk Койка
Cabin Каюта
Capstan Шпиль
Cover Крышка
Engine-room Машинное отделение
Equipment Оборудование
Galley Камбуз
Gangway, ladder Трап
Hatch Люк
Hold Трюм
Laundry Прачечная
Mess-room Столовая, каюткомпания
Mooring gear Швартовное устройство
Mooring winch Швартовная лебедка
Paint-room Малярная
Port side Левый борт
Porthole Иллюминатор
Pump-room Насосное отделение
Rope Канат
Sick-bay/ hospital Лазарет
Signal flags Сигнальные флаги
Starboard side Правый борт
Stern Корма
Store-room Кладовая
Windlass Брашпиль

A little Немного
About Об
Above Над
To arrive Прибывать
Arrival Прибытие
Below, under Под
Between Между
But Но
To enjoy Наслаждаться
To find Находить
For Для
Gym Спортзал
Helmsman Рулевой
Long Длинный
Motor vessel (m/v) Теплоход
Next to; near Рядом с, возле…
On На
To remember Помнить
River Река
To swim Плавать
To the left Слева
To the right Справа

Dimensions Размерения
LOA (length overall) Длина наибольшая
LBP (length between perpendiculars) Длина между перпендикулярами
Breadth, width Ширина
Draught (draft) Осадка
Speed in full load Скорость в полном грузу
Gross Register Tonnage (GRT) Полная регистровая вместимость
Weight of light ship Вес порожнего судна
Displacement Водоизмещение
Depth (moulded) Высота борта (теоретическая)
Freeboard Надводный борт
Airdraught, height Высота наивысшей точки судна над водой
Cargo-carrying capacity (cubic) Грузовместимость
Cargo-carrying capacity (weight), tonnage Грузоподъемность
Deadweight (DWT) Дедвейт
Trim Дифферент
List, heel Крен
Net Register Tonnage Чистая регистровая вместимость
Even keel Осадка на ровный киль
Midships/ midshipsection Мидель/ мидельшпангоут
Safe speed Безопасная скорость
Navigate, steer the ship Управлять судном

Barge Баржа
Bulker, bulk carrier Балкер
Ferry Паром
Bunkering vessel Бункеровщик
LPG/ LNG carrier Газовоз
Dry cargo ship Сухогруз
Fishing vessel Рыболовное судно
Crude oil tanker Танкер для перевозки сырой нефти
General cargo vessel Судно для перевозки ген. Грузов
Heavy-lift ship Тяжеловоз
Multi-purpose ship Многоцелевое судно
Container carrier Контейнеровоз
Reefer Рифер
Research vessel Исследовательское судно
Ro-Ro Ролкер
Salvage tug Спасательный буксир
Supply vessel Судно-снабженец
Timber carrier Лесовоз
Tug, tugboat Буксир
Vehicle carrier Автомобилевоз
Tweendecker Двухпалубное судно
Merchant ship Торговое судно

As you know Как Вы знаете

Excuse me Извините
I’ll see you back here in an hour. Встретимся здесь через час
It’s time for dinner. Время обеда.
There are three rooms on the first deck. На первой палубе три помещения.
There is a mess-room on the second deck. На второй палубе столовая.
Of course! Конечно!
That’s why Поэтому
Perhaps Возможно
It’s not my fault Это не моя вина
Basically В основном
Mainly Главным образом
In general В целом
I understand you hardly Я с трудом Вас понимаю
It goes without saying Это само собой разумеется
To arrange a problem Уладить проблему
Fortunately К счастью
Unfortunately К сожалению
In fact Фактически
2. Grammar.

 Обороты There is, there are.

- в настоящем времени:
Для выражения наличия или отсутствия в определенном месте какого-нибудь лица или
Если подлежащее – сущ. в ед.ч. – there is, перед сущ. неопределенный артикль a/an, если
подлежащее – сущ.. во мн.ч. – there are, сущ. без артикля.
Предложения с конструкцией there is, there are на русский язык следует переводить с
Если в конструкции there is/ there are есть перечисление предметов, то глагол to be
согласуется с первым из указанных предметов.

- Образование:
There is/ There are + подлежащее +

There is a vessel in the port. В порту судно.

There are many vessels in port. В порту много судов.

- Вопрос:
Is there/ Are there + подлежащее + где

Are there many ships in the port? В порту много судов?

Is there a clock on the wall? На стене есть часы?

- Отрицание:
There is/ There are + NO + подлежащее +

There is no hospital in the town. В городе нет больницы.

There are no sailors on the desk. На палубе нет матросов.

Short answers.

 “OF” родительный падеж (кого, чего?)

The name of your pet must be short.
This is the hat of Mr. Brown.

“TO”дательный падеж (кому, чему?)

Send it to my secretary immediately.
You should give such a difficult task to a more experienced specialist.

“BY”, “WITH” творительный падеж (кем, чем?)

The birdhouse was made by my dad.
Our plane was hit by a lightning.
Such toys are cut with a knife.

“ABOUT” предложный падеж (о ком, о чем?)

John likes stories about spies.
Tell us more about sea, what is it like?

 Some, any, much, many, little, few.

1. Some, any – «несколько, некоторые». “Some”- в утвердительных предложениях, “any”- в

отрицательных и вопросительных.

У меня есть несколько вопросов.

I have some questions.

У тебя есть несколько монет?

Do you have any coins?

“Some” может употребляться в вопросительном предложении, если это просьба или

предложение чего-либо.

Будешь кофе?
Would you like some coffee?

“Any” в утверждении употребляется в значении «какой-нибудь».

Дай мне какой-нибудь журнал.

Give me any magazine.

2. “Much, many” – «много». “Many”- с исчисляемыми, “much”- с неисчисляемыми


Много вопросов много денег

Many questions much money

Если слово «много» относится к глаголу – “much, a lot” стоят в конце.

Он много читает
He reads a lot

3. “Few, little” – мало. “Few” – с исчисляемыми, “little” – с неисчисляемыми


Мало вопросов мало денег

Few questions little money

3. Practice.

1. Вставить вместо пропусков there is или there are.

1. ______________________________no any tankers in the port.
2. ______________________________many groups at our college.
3. _______________________________a plan on the desk.
4. _______________________________many sailors on the deck.
5. _______________________________a captain on the bridge.
6._______________________________a river in the centre of the city.
7._______________________________five million people in my native city.
8. ______________________________a cup of tea on the table.
9. ______________________________a radiogram in the radio-room.
10. ______________________________some interesting news in the newspaper.
11. _______________________________a letter, many pens, pencils and a book on the desk.

2. Задать вопрос к предложениям.

Model: There is a book on the table. Is there a book on the table?

1. There are many interesting places in the city.

2. There is a college in our town.
3. There are many students in the hall.
4. There are many tests in this book.
5. There is a radiogram on the desk.
6. There is a tanker at sea.
7. There is a maritime college in this city.
8. There is a sailor on the ship’s bow.
9. There are many seamen on the deck.

3. Вставить вместо пропусков местоимения some, any.

1. There are _________ships in the port.
2. There are no _________boats there.
3. There is_________tea in the cup.
4. There is _________bread on the plate.
5. There are__________books on the table.
6. There are__________students in the college.
7. There are no__________tankers in the port.
8. Are there ____port cranes in this port?
9. Are there___________sailors on the bow?
10. There are no_________cadets on the ship.
11.There is_____________information in this radiogram.
12. There are______________tankers in the docks.
13. Is there___________river in your city?
14. Are there __________ships at sea?
15. There are no__________stevedors on board.

4. Вставить вместо пропусков much или many.

Model: There are many mistakes in your test.

There is much coffee in the cup.
1. How ________________ bread is there in the cupboard?
2. There are_____________ships in the port.
3. There are _______________films on TV.
4. There are ____________national holidays in our country.
5. There are____________plants in my native city.
6. How ____________sailors are there on the deck?
7. There is____________water in the bottle.
8. How______________tea is there in the cup?
9. How____________pens are there in your bag?
10. There is_______________oil in the tank.

5. Вставить вместо пропусков little или few.

1. There is____________coffee in my cup.
2. There are_______________mistakes in your test.
3. There are_______________flowers in the vase.
4. There are_____________oranges on the plate.
5. There is________________beer in the bottle.
6. There are_____________newspapers on the table.
7. There is_______________money in my pocket.
8. There are ______________days off in this month.
9. There is_________________petrol in the tank.
10. There are__________________colleges in this city.

1. There are many cabins on the ship.
2. There is a winch on the deck.
3. There is a brush on the table.
4. How many decks are there on your ship?
5. What is there in the superstructure?
6. How many containers are there on the deck?
7. There is too much cargo on the stern.
8. There is a radar on the bridge.
9. There is frozen fish in our cargo holds.
10. There is new equipment on the bridge.
11. What is there on the main deck?

7. My vessel.

My vessel is not very large and not very new. It is 20 years old. It is a tanker. Our cargo is petroleum.
There are 6 tanks onboard. The vessel’s DWT is 92802 mt, length overall is 243 meters, beam is 42,
draught is 13, gross tonnage is 53287. The port of registry is Panama and the shipmanager is Tanker
Pacific Management Company, Singapore.
There are seven decks on my vessel. The engine-room is under the first deck. There is a pump-room
on the deck near the engine-room. On the first deck there are three compartments: the laundry, the
galley, and storeroom. Above the hospital there is a hospital. It is on the second deck next to the
rating’s messroom. There are no cabins on this deck but there are cabins on the third deck. There is
one cabin for the Chief Engineer and one for the Chief Officer. The officer’s mess-room is between
them. The Master’s cabin is on the fourth deck next to the radio-room. The bridge is on the fifth
deck. Above the bridge there is an upper deck.
Our crew is not very busy now. It’s evening. Our Master is in his cabin. The Chief Officer is on the
bridge. The Second Officer is on the bridge too. The Second Engineer is in the engine-room, the
Chief Engineer is in the boiler-room. There are no seaman on the deck. They are all in the mess-room
because it is dinner time. The Cook is in the galley.
1. What type is your vessel?
2. What kind of cargo is on your vessel?
3. How many tanks or holds are there on your vessel?
4. What is the DWT and her LOA?
5. Where is the Mater’s cabin?
6. Where is the bridge?
7. What deck is the Chief Officer’s cabin on?
8. Is the pump-room next to the engine-room?
9. How many decks are there on your vessel?
10. Where is your cabin?
11. Where is the Master?
12. Are there seamen on the deck?
13. Where is the Cook?

4. Test.

Unit 5.

Рабочий день на судне. Свободное время.

1. Words and expressions.

2. Present Continuous Tense. I am doing… To be going to… Like, want.
3. Practice.
4. Test.

1. Words and expressions.

Again Снова
Themselves Их (возвр. мест)
Already Уже
To be ready Быть готовым
To prepare Приготовить
Slings Стропы
Supplies Снабжение
To place Поместить
To protect Защитить
To supervise Наблюдать, контролировать
Until До того, как…
To be over Заканчиваться
To return Возвращаться
To revise Проверять
To plot the course Прокладывать курс
At the moment Сейчас
To carry Нести, перевозить
To collect garbage Собирать мусор
Emergency switchboard Аварийный щит
Every day Каждый день
To fall Падать
To fix Ремонтировать
Floor Пол
To grease Смазывать
To happen Случаться, происходить
Harbor Гавань
Into В (направление)
Just now Прямо сейчас
To move Двигать
To operate Работать
To sail Идти (о судне)
Steering gear Рулевое устройство
To sweep Подметать
To talk Разговаривать
To tidy up Производить уборку
Tonight Сегодня вечером
Underway На ходу
To wait Ждать
When Когда
To prefer Предпочитать
Instead of… Вместо
Hunting Охота
Fishing Рыбалка
To hang out/ to spend time Проводить время
Action film Боевик
Activity Деятельность
Anything Что-нибудь
Awful Ужасный
Call sign Позывной
Chess Шахматы
To choose Выбирать
To describe Описывать
Difficult Трудный
To drive a car… Водить машину
Everyone Каждый
Excellent Отличный
Except Кроме
To finish Заканчивать
Horror film Фильм ужасов
In the mood Быть в настроении
To laugh Смеяться
Port of registry Порт приписки
Quite good Довольно хороший
Really Действительно
together Вместе
To work overtime Работать сверхурочно

I’m sure. Я уверен

Now way. Никоим образом.
I would like… Я бы хотел…
You’re welcome. Пожалуйста (в ответ на «Спасибо.»)
All the same… Все равно/ без разницы.
As if… Как будто…
As usual… Как обычно…
As well as… Так же, как…
By all means… Любым способом/ во что бы то ни стало
For a change… Для разнообразия
In spite of… Несмотря на…
So that… Так, чтобы…
Just in case… Просто на всякий случай…
Such as… Такой, как…
That’s why… Вот почему/ поэтому…
What about… Как насчет…
Or else… Иначе…

2. Grammar.
 The Present Continuous Tense – продолжительное действие происходит в момент
речи или в период настоящего времени.

Используется с такими словами: now, right now, at the moment.

Stop talking. He is reading manuals.
Usually I read detective stories, but this week I’m reading a novel.
Where are children? They are watching TV.

Present Continuous также используется при описании событий, которые
происходят часто и вызывают раздражение:
He is always shouting at me. She is always complaining.

!!! Present Continuous не используется с глаголами состояния и чувств:

Like, love, hate, know, need, want, mean, believe, suppose, understand,
remember, see, hear etc.
I don’t know him.

I Am
He, she, it
Сущ. в ед.ч. Is workING
We, you, they
Сущ. во множ. ч. Are

Am I
Is He, she, it; сущ. в ед.ч. workING?
Are We, you, they; сущ. во мн.ч.

I Am + NOT
He, she, it
Сущ. в ед.ч. Is + NOT workING
We, you, they
Сущ. во множ. ч. Are + NOT

Short answers.

“To be going to…” – «собираться что-то сделать».

I am going to the cinema. Я собираюсь пойти в кино.
We are going to answer. Мы собираемся ответить.
Is she going to explain? Она собирается объяснить?
What are you going to do? Что ты собираешься сделать?
We are not going to discuss this question. Мы не собираемся обсуждать этот вопрос.

To like (нравиться), to want (хотеть)– не употребляются в Continuous, при

построении предложения они пользуются правилами Simple.
- С глаголами:

Подлежащее + like/ want + to + глагол:

Я хочу пить. I want to drink.
- С существительными:

Подлежащее + like/ want + существительное:

(кому- в первонач.форме) (кто, что - объект)
Мне нравится этот дом. I like this house.
- С местоимениями:
Подлежащее + like/ want + местоимение:
(кому- в первонач.форме) (кто, что- объект)

Она ему нравится. He likes her.

3. Practice.

1. Text.
I’m an AB seaman. Our vessel is at new port now. The crew is mooring our vessel to the berth with the
help of lines and ropes. All seamen are on the deck and they are preparing the ship for the loading.
They all are in helmets during this operation to protect themselves. Trucks are rushing back and
forth, delivering goods in containers. Stevedores are moving cargo in and out of warehouses. Crane
drivers are operating the cranes.
The Chief Officer, the 2nd Officer and the Bosun are in charge of cargo loading. Seamen are opening
hold covers and preparing cranes by lifting jibs to their working position. The ship is already ready
for loading and port workers are starting loading operation. Deck hands are helping them to get all
supplies and provision onboard. The Bosun is driving a crane – he is picking up the cargo and placing it
on the deck. One of the AB seamen is taking off slings and getting provision out. After that he is
putting slings on the hooks again and the Bosun is lowering them to the berth.
At this time the 2nd Officer is supervising the operation and checking if everything is all right. The
operation is repeated until all provision is onboard. All loading is over and seamen are closing all
hatches and returning cranes into their basic position.

2. What’s happening?

1. I/work/on the ship_______________________________________________________________

2. I/ sit/ on a chair_________________________________________________________________
3. I/ eat_____________________________________________________________________________
4. We/ learn/ new English words____________________________________________________
5. He/ read/ his textbook___________________________________________________________
6. You/ keep/ watch________________________________________________________________
7. I/ try to connect/ these two hoses__________________________________________________
8. AB seaman/ grind/ the surface before painting.____________________________________
9. The Sun/ shine___________________________________________________________________
10. The Bosun/ order/ to pant the main deck_________________________________________

3. Translate into English.

1.Он возвращается домой._________________________________________________________

2. Ты зовешь меня._________________________________________________________________
3. Он ремонтирует двигатель
4. Я работаю в трюме._____________________________________________________________
5. Они протирают пол._____________________________________________________________
6. Моя жена готовит обед__________________________________________________________
7. Матросы спускают шлюпку на воду.launch____________________________________________
8. Капитан отдыхает в своей каюте.________________________________________________

9. Старший механик сейчас курит._________________________________________________
10. Мы вытираем масляные капли с палубы._______________________________________
11. Они закрывают иллюминаторы.________________________________________________
12. Они не нажимают кнопки._____________________________________________________
13. Судно сейчас входит в порт.____________________________________________________
14. Ты пишешь письмо?____________________________________________________________
15. Старпом дает указания?________________________________________________________
16. Стивидоры уже заканчивают погрузку.________________________________________
17. Мы идем к вам._________________________________________________________________
18. Он ждет приказа._______________________________________________________________
19. Я работаю на юте.______________________________________________________________
20. Я не знаю тебя._________________________________________________________________

4. Построить предложения, используя глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous.

1. Now it’s 7 o’clock. My brother _________________________________________(to get up).
2. We ____________________________________________________(to go) to the cinema now.
3. He __________________________________________________(to go) to the theatre tonight.
4. I am busy now. I _________________________________________(to write) to my parents.
5. Look! Nick ______________________________________________________(to play) football.
6. They ____________________________________________(to have) classes at this moment.
7. He is on watch now. He ____________________________________(to navigate) the ship.
8. Listen! He _____________________________________________(to tell) about his voyages.
9. Listen! She ____________________________________________________(to play) the piano.
10. We ______________________________________________________(to call) at the port now.
11. We _______________________________________________(to have) a rest at this moment.
12. They _________________________________________________(to have) their holiday now.
13. We _______________________________________________________(to sail) on board ship.
14. We ________________________________________________________(to have) a good time.
15. Our liner __________________________________________(to put) to sea at this moment.
16. He is busy. He __________________________________________(to revise) the radiogram.

5. Построить предложения, используя глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous.

1. Listen! He__________________________________________________ (to knock) at the door.
2. He is on the bridge. He____________________________________________ (to keep) watch.
3. What ____________________________________________________________you (to wait) for?
4. It’s 9 o’clock. The teacher _________________________________(to enter) the classroom.
5. They _______________________________(to discuss) different problems in English now.
6. Our ship __________________________________________________(to leave) the port now.
7. They ______________________________________________________(to go) to the port now.

6. Задать вопрос и ответить отрицательно.

1. They are discussing the latest news.
2. He is revising grammar rules now.
3. She is watching a film in English.
4. He is retelling the text.
5. We are sailing on board a passenger liner.
6. We are waiting for their master.
7. We are speaking English now.
8. They are playing basketball now.
9. He is revising some charts now.
10. She is learning some rules.
11. The lesson is beginning.
12. The cadet is reporting to the teacher now.
13. We are having a grammar test now.
14. He is navigating the ship now.
15. He is reading a maritime journal.
16. The ship is calling at the port.
17. She is having breakfast now.
18. They are speaking English now.
19. I am repairing the car.
20. We are defining the ship’s position.

7. Раскрыть скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени (Present Simple/ Present Continuous).

1. They ___________________________________________(to study) at the Maritime College.

2. They _______________________________________(to learn) some new rules every lesson.
3. Now they ____________________________________________________(to learn) a new
4. He _________________________________________________(to wait for) her every
5. He ___________________________________________________________(to wait for) her
6. This ship ________________________________________(to call) at many ports every year.
7. Look! The ship ________________________________________________(to call) at the port.
8. We often _______________________________________________________(to repair) our
9. Nick is busy. He ________________________________________________(to repair) his
10. He _____________________________________(to read) a book in English every evening.
11. He _____________________________________________(to read) a maritime journal now.
12. Sometimes she ______________________________________________(to leave) for Berlin.
13. She ________________________________________________(to leave) for London tonight.
14. The Second Mate _________________________________________(to finish) to make the
cargo-plan at this moment.
15. He ____________________________________________(to define) the ship’s position now.
16. He_______________________________________ (to define) the ship’s position very often.

8. Составить предложения по образцу.

It’s 7 o’clock. I am getting up. I always get up at this time.

It’s 8 o’clock. I I always at this time.

It’s 10 o’clock. I I always at this time.
It’s 12 o’clock. I I always at this time.
It’s 14 o’clock. I I always at this time.
It’s 16 o’clock. I I always at this time.
It’s 18 o’clock. I I always at this time.
It’s 20 o’clock. I I always at this time.
It’s 22 o’clock. I I always at this time.

9. Вставить предложенные глаголы в предложения и перевести их.

Do lift check clean be carry prepare work

1. I______________________my English homework now.

2. AB seamen__________________________________the deck at the moment.
3. It’s cargo loading operation and one of the cranes_________________________the cargo onboard.
4. Mooring winch _________________________________badly and our Master ____________very angry.
5. They_______________________________the life-boats for launching to save the man overboard.
6. Our vessel_________________________________________sand in bulk.
7. Our work is finished, and the Bosun ________________________________________our work.

10. What’s happening on m/v “Ocean Star”?

The m/v “Ocean Star” is underway. She is sailing across the Atlantic. The Chief Officer is keeping
the watch on the bridge. The helmsman is steering the ship. The A.B. is painting the railings now. The
cadet is sweeping the main deck at the moment. The Bosun is giving instructions to the O.S. how to
collect garbage. The 2nd Officer is updating charts. The Chief Engineer is talking to the
Superintendent about the condition of steering gear. The Electrical Engineer is checking the
emergency switchboard. The 3rd Engineer and the Oiler are repairing the deck crane. The Fitter is
fixing pipes in the pump-room. The Cook is preparing food for the crew. The messman is tidying up
the Pilot’s cabin. Everybody on the vessel is very busy today.

11. Поставить глаголы в Present Continuous.

Am/is/are; talk, clean, board, listen, repair, write, go, clean, watch, check, have

1. What___________you doing? - I’m __________________________________with the Superintendant.

2. What___________messman doing? – He_____________________________________________the floor.
3. What____________cadet doing? – He_______________________________________________the vessel.
4. What______________the 3rd Officer doing? – He___________________________________to the radio.
5. What____________the ratings doing? – They___________________________________the deck crane.
6. What________the helmsman doing? – He_____________________________________________a letter.
7. What_________the Cook doing? – He______________________________________ashore for supplies.
8. What_________the A.B. doing? – He_____________________________________________the portholes.
9. What____________you doing? – We________________________________________________________TV.
10. What__________the Engineers doing? – They_________________________________________the ER.
11. What______the Bosun doing? – He___________________________________________________dinner.

12. Поставить глаголы в подходящую форму (Present Continuous или Present Simple).

Am/is/are; doing/ do/does; work/ works; work, study, talk, go, read, carry, clean, steer, smoke,
watch, drink, have.

1. What__________you___________every day? – I _____________________.

2. What___________you ___________at the moment? – I__________________________________English.
3. What__________the Captain________________right now? – He____________________with the Pilot.
4. What_________the Cook always____________? – He_________________________ashore for supplies.
5. What________you__________every evening? – I_______________________the books.
6. What_____________your ship usually carry? – She____________________________crude oil.
7. What___________the ratings_______________today? – They ___________________________the deck.
8. What________the helmsman________________now? – He_____________________________the vessel.
9. What_________the Surveyor____________every day? – He ___________________________.
10. What_______the Chief Mate________________now? – He_____________________________the radar.
11. What_________you ________________every morning? – I________________________________coffee.
12. What_________the Bosun_________________now? – He______________________________breakfast.

13. In spare time.

The 3rd Officer and the A.B. like to listen to music and to watch TV. Today they want to watch a
movie in their spare time.
The Chief Officer as the Safety Officer wants every crewman to watch a safety video. But the 3 rd
Officer would prefer to watch a comedy. He is in the mood for a good laugh. The A.B. also likes
comedies, but he really likes war films. They will choose a war film or a new comedy.
As for me, I also like to watch interesting movies in my spare time. I like to play chess, cards, listen
to music, swimming. I don’t really like to do shopping and tiding up my flat when I’m at home. I prefer
hunting, fishing and hanging out with my friends.

4. Test.

Unit 6.

Incident reports.

1. Words and expressions.

2. Past Simple Tense: I DID. Was/were.
3. Practice.
4. Test. Speaking.

Action Действие
Careful Осторожный
Careless Неосторожный
Cause Причина
Chemical Химический
To come back Возвращаться
Condition Условие, состояние
Contamination Загрязнение
Dangerous Опасный
During В течение
Else Еще
Exactly В точности
To explode Взорваться
Fault Вина
Fire blanket Пожарное покрывало
Frying pan Сковородка
Full Полный
Heat Нагрев
Injured Раненый
Involved Вовлеченный
Major Значительный
Maneuvering Маневрирование
Minor Незначительный
Moderate Умеренный
Nothing Ничего
Occasion Случай
To be on fire Гореть
Other Другой
Protective clothing Защитная одежда
Quickly Быстро
To show Показывать
To spill Проливать
To suffer Страдать
To take care Заботиться
To travel Путешествовать
To worry Беспокоиться
Additional Дополнительный
To burst Лопаться
To catch Ловить, схватить
Delay Задержка
To discover Обнаруживать
Entry, entrance Вход
To hit Ударить
To hold Держать
Incident Инцидент
Log book Судовой журнал
To lose Терять
To occur Происходить
Previous Предыдущий
To ship Отгружать, перевозить
To steal Воровать
Voyage Рейс
To ask the question Спрашивать
To answer the question Отвечать
To be in time Быть вовремя
To be late Опаздывать
To be in hurry Спешить


How can I get to the bank? Как мне попасть в банк?

Could you explain me, please… Могли бы Вы объяснить, пожалуйста…
It depends. Когда как.
In my opinion… По моему мнению…
On the one hand…on the other hand… С одной стороны…с другой стороны…
Well? Ну и?
It’s lucky. Это удача.
There’s nothing to worry about. Не о чем беспокоиться.
What did you do? Что ты сделал?
Leave me alone, please! Оставь меня в покое, пожалуйста!

2. The Past Simple Tense.

Употребляется для выражения действия в прошлом. Не имеет связи с настоящим.
Может быть:
- одномоментным:
Я вчера разбил окно.
- регулярным:
Он в прошлом году работал.
- последовательные события в прошлом:
Он умылся, оделся и уехал на работу.
Yesterday – вчера;
The day before yesterday – позавчера;
Last week, month, year – на прошлой неделе, в прошлом месяце, году.
That week – на той неделе;
Two hours ago – два часа назад;
In 1995 – в 1995 году;
Last time – в последний раз.

They arrived at the airport at 5 о clock. Они прибыли в аэропорт в 5 часов.

When I was a child I played tennis. Когда я был ребенком, я играл в теннис.
I got up at 7 o'clock and had breakfast. Я встал в 7 часов и позавтракал.
Last summer we went to Paris. Прошлым летом мы ездили в Париж.


Подлежащее + глагол в прошедшем времени.
правильный неправильный
+ ED 2-я колонка

I worked. The vessel arrived. She came. Master slept.


She + DIDN’T + глагол в словарной форме
It (без “to”, без окончания)

I didn’t work. They didn’t come. You didn’t find the tools. He didn’t sleep well.


DID + He + глагол + ….. ?

Did you see him?

Did he visit Istanbul?
Did they learn English at school?

Short answers.

Глагол “to be” в прошедшем времени имеет форму WAS/ WERE. При построении
вопроса и отрицания не используется DID.
He was a Second Officer on that bulker. Was he a Second Officer on that bulker? – He
wasn’t a Second Officer on that bulker.
They were at home yesterday. Were they at home yesterday? – They weren’t at home

3. Practice.
1. Вставить предложенные глаголы и перевести предложения:
1. Yesterday evening I watched TV.
2. I_______________________to the bridge to bring the message to the Chief Officer.
3. We_____________washing at 10 o’clock and ________________at 12 o’clock.
4. I already______________________the holds.
5. Last Saturday we____________________________________Hong Kong.
6. I______________________watch three times last week.
7. Chief Officer________________________me my duties very well.
8. I_______________________home a week ago.
9. The tanks____________________full.

2. Перевести на английский язык.

1. Матросы вошли в кают-компанию с разрешения капитана.

2. Мы посетили Испанию и Италию.
3. Танкер взял 40 тонн воды.
4. Мы отремонтировали ту крышку вчера.
5. Я поговорил со стармехом.
6. Капитан повторил свой приказ.
7. Капитан приказал подготовить лоцманский трап.
8. Мы вышли из каюты.
9. Капитан приказал подготовить лоцманский трап.
10. После разлива топлива мы два дня драили палубу.
11. Парадный трап правого борта был поврежден.
12. Мне очень сильно нужна была эта работа.
13. Мы уважали боцмана, потому что он был хорошим человеком.
14. Второй помощник был недоволен нашей работой.
15. Он закончил сварочные работы на палубе.
16. Матросы закончили всю грязную работу.
17. Во время работы мы делали перерывы не более 10-15 минут.
18. В прошлое воскресенье я не участвовал в погрузке, потому что плохо себя чувствовал и был в
19. Груз был загружен в трюмы.
20. Когда мы подошли к порту, мы снизили скорость.
21. Вчера на море был сильный шторм.
22. У меня была машина год назад.
23. У них не было краски, чтобы покрасить палубу.
24. У капитана были инструкции по погрузке?
25. У него были экзамены в прошлом году.
26. Мы не завтракали вчера утром.
27. Матросы обедали в кают-компании?
28. Мой папа вчера ужинал.

3. Поставьте данные предложения в прошедшую форму и переведите:

1) often work in a helmet.

Last week __________________________________________________________________________
2) We always do our work fast.
Yesterday morning _____________________________________________________________________
3) Watchkeeping officer orders me to look out.
One hour ago_______________________________________________________________
4) They work every day.
Last month____________________________________________________________________
5) We often mix two different paints.
6) Our shipowner doesn’t buy new equipment for the engine-room.
Last year ___________________________________________________________

7) We usually chip off rust before we start painting.


4. Проверьте себя на знание второй формы глаголов:


C A M E F 0 U N D R W T
В В b A H E R T S 0 R K
u G S D U M N G O W T V
и В L I T D A T F D W R
к о K D P D R A N K R R
E и O S P E F X P N O P
b G F E L T F L J E T O
О I b Z 0 N D F U I T F
z A Q S P E N T B S A W

5. Раскрыть скобки, употребив глаголы в Past Simple.

1. They travelled (to travel) to Great Britain last month.

2. I _______________________(to sail) on board a container ship many years ago.
3. He________________________(to define) ship’s position some minutes ago.
4. She______________________(to lock) the door and ___________________(to leave) her
5. He_______________________(to enter) the college last year.
6. I______________________(to decide) to become a navigator three years ago.
7. She_______________________(to play) the piano last night.
8. He________________________(to celebrate) his birthday yesterday.
9. They_______________________(to get) married 10 years ago.
10. Last year we___________________________(to live) in Paris.
11. I __________________(to ask) this question last week.
12. They____________________________(to transmit) the radiogram yesterday.
13. He____________________________(to receive) the letter some minutes ago.
14. My family________________________(to leave) Odessa the day before yesterday.
15. My father______________________________(to advise) me to enter the Maritime Academy
and I ___________________________(to follow) his advice.
16. Last year we _______________________(to visit) Istanbul.

17. You__________________________________(to promise) to tell me about your last voyage.
18. Some years ago our ship_____________________(to call) at this port.
19. When I was a schoolboy, I___________________________________(to attend) a nautical
20. Last summer I _________________________(to learn) to row and to navigate a small sailing
21. The ship_______________________________(to approach) the port yesterday.
22. Five years ago he_________________________(to study) at the port operation department.
23. He_________________________(to join) his vessel the day before yesterday.
24. Last week they__________________________(to prepared) their life-saving appliances.
25. Loading operations ___________________(to commence) 30 minutes ago.
26. They__________________________(to discuss) this problem last week.
27. When he was on watch he __________________(to navigate) the vessel.
28. The Master________________________(to order) to keep this course.
29. I have a terrible headache! I________________________(to drink) so much wine yesterday.
30. He _____________________(to make) many mistakes in his report.

6. Изменить следующие предложения по образцу:

1. She washed up some minutes ago. The hold was clean.

She didn’t wash up some minutes ago. The hold wasn’t clean.
Did she wash up some minutes ago? Was the hold clean?

2. We defined the ship’s

3. He cleaned the
4. Motormen checked the main
5. The Master received a
6. The sea was
7. Yesterday the sea was
8. The sailors were
9. They stopped

10. The Chief Engineer repaired the OWS
11. She listened to the explanation
12. He read a lot in English last
13. He became a motorman last
14. The Second Mate ordered to load the
15. We finished our work some minutes
16. He travelled to the USA two years
17. He waited for her
18. The Boatswain told us about his
19. I was at home
20. My father gave up
21. His friend spoke English when he was in foreign
22. You were on watch the day before
23. Our friends graduated from their college last
24. She locked the
25. The Chief Officer controlled the loading

7. Употребить глаголы, данные в скобках в нужном времени.

1. She_________________________________ (to go) shopping every day.

She _________________________________ (to go) shopping now.
She_________________________________ (to go) shopping yesterday.

2. He often____________________________ (to repair) the main engine.

He__________________________________ (to repair) the main engine now.
He__________________________________ (to repair) the main engine two weeks ago.
3. Somebody always ___________________________________ (to wait) for you at the entrance
Somebody_______________________________________ (to wait) for you at the entrance
door now.
Somebody__________________________________(to wait) for you at the entrance door

4. This ship often________________________ (to put) to sea.

This ship______________________________________________ (to put) to sea now.
This ship_________________________________________ (to put) to sea last week.

5. He__________________________________ (to plot) the route on charts every lesson.

He__________________________________ (to plot) the route on charts now.
He__________________________________(to plot) the route on charts yesterday

6. The liner often_______________________________________ (to approach) this port.

The liner ____________________________________________(to approach) this port now.
The liner_____________________________________ (to approach) this port the day before

7. He_____________________________________(to navigate) a big cargo ship. He is a

He__________________________________ (to navigate) a big cargo ship some years ago.
He_______________________________________________ (to navigate) a big cargo ship

8. They _____________________________________ (to attend) the nautical club twice a week.

They _____________________________________ (to attend) the nautical club last week.
They______________________________________________ (to attend) the nautical club

9. My friend_______________________________________________ (to keep) watch every day.

My friend________________________________________________ (to keep) watch at the
My friend_________________________________________________ (to keep) watch 4
hours ago.

10. They often____________________________________ (to leave) this city.

They__________________________________________ (to leave) this city last month.
They____________________________________________________________ (to leave)
this city now.

11. He sometimes_________________________________________(to wash) the deck of the
He_________________________________________________ (to wash) the deck of the
ship yesterday.
Look! He__________________________________ (to wash) the deck of the ship.

8. Поставить подходящие по смыслу глаголы в прошедшем времени:


1. Last July the m/v “Georgia”_________________________from Ukraine to India.

2. In Honolulu the vessel_______________________________crude oil.
3. The Chief Officer on the ship_________________________the charts.
4. The vessel_____________________________________a cargo of bananas and oranges.
5. A tropical storm________________________________ part of the ship.
6. The ratings______________________________________the deck yesterday.
7. In China the ship__________________________8.000 tonnes of rice.
8. The engineers____________________________________the pump last week.
9. Our ship_______________________________________at Karachi yesterday.
10. There_____________________________________an incident at sea last month.
11. A hose______________________and some oil_______________________on deck.
12. The A.B______________________the helm while I_____________________________the
13. The ratings_____________________________________the pirates on board the vessel.
14. A heavy storm_________________________________________us in the South Atlantic.
15. Because of the weather, we_________________________________ a lot of cargo.
16. The general cargo carrier_______________________________ a cargo of electrical goods.

9. There was a fire on board the MV Moresby yesterday. The fire was in the galley. It started around
The cook forgot to turn off the heat on the stove. He went out of the galley for one minute and when
he came back, the frying pan was on fire. The cook took the nearest fire blanket and extinguished
the fire.
It was a minor accident. Nobody was injured and only the frying pan was damaged.

10. Заполнить пропуски.

1. ________you see the accident? - No, I_______________see the accident.

2. _________the A.B. wear safety boots? - No, he_______________________________safety
3._________he report the accident? - No, he____________________________the accident.
4.______________they shout for help? - No, they_____________________________for help.
5._____________the Cook injure her arm? - No, she_________________________________her
6._____________the water leak into the hold? – Yes, it_________________________into the
7____________the Master go to the bridge? - Yes, he_____________________there.
8.__________________the hose burst?
Yes, it __________________________five minutes ago.
9. ____________________the ratings catch the pirates?
Yes, they_______________________ the pirates in the corridor.
10. _____________ the Bosun have lunch?
Yes, he__________________ lunch at 1300 hours.

11. Составить предложения, используя предложенные глаголы в прошедшем времени.


1. What_________you do yesterday? – Yesterday I___________________________________.

2. What___________the Master do yesterday? –
3. What________you do in the morning? – I_________________________watch.
4. What__________the Pumpman do yesterday? – He_____________________ashore.
5. What____________the ratings do after dinner? –
6. What ______________the Chief Mate do? – He__________________________the cargo.
7. What___________the cadet do after lunch? – He________________________a book.
8. What__________the Cook do? – He___________________the fire.
9. What___________you do yesterday? – I_________________my excerises.
10. What_________the Bosun do in the evening? – He____________dinner.

12. Составьте предложения, используя следующие глаголы:

was / were wasn’t / weren’t

1. _______ you at home last night? - No, I__________________at home. I________________ at

2. _______________the weather good yesterday? - Yes, the weather_______________ fine.
3. ________________ the Captain on board? - Yes, he_____________.
4. ____________ the food delicious? - Yes, it ____________delicious, but
5. _____________ the cargo heavy? - Yes, it__________________very heavy.
6. ________________ you injured? - No, I ________________ but the A.B injured a
7.__________________ the holds full?- Yes, the holds_______________full.
8_________________ the ratings lazy? - No, they________________They__________good at
their job.
9.___________ the tug powerful? - No, it______________. It_________ very small.
10._____________ you busy last year? - Yes, we____________. We even_______________on

13. Составьте предложения, используя следующие глаголы:

did / didn’t was / were wasn’t / weren’t

1._______he fall off the ladder? - Yes, he__________. He fell off it because it___________
2.___________the fire start in the galley? - Yes, it_________. The Cook________very careless.
3.___________the equipment maintained? - No, it_________maintained. We maintain it.
4. The motorman_____________careful and he_________________ his arms.
5. The ratings _____________wear safety goggles because they ____________careful.
6. The cadet______________ cut his finger because he____________ instructed properly.
7. Why____________ the cargo fall? - It fell because it __________too heavy for the crane.
8. Why____________ the A.B. slip on deck? -Because he___________ careless.
He_________wear safety boots.
9. ____________you see the fire in the cabin?- No, I____________see it because
10. Where_______________ you when it happened? – I____________ in my cabin so
I___________ hear anything.

Incident Reports.
1. I was the Bosun on a dry cargo vessel. We came to a new port and prepared for loading of new
cargo. I carried out the inspection of all holds. Last time we had grain in our holds, we cleaned, dried
and ventilated them to remove the smell. We were going to load cotton but the holds were still dirty.
So I ordered 2 Abs to clean and sweep them again.
2. Last week we had 5 cases of officers and ratings drinking onboard. It didn’t happen for the first
time with these crewmembers on the same vessel, though the incidents were not reported to our
office by the Master before. This is totally unacceptable. If a crewmember drinks above the average
and it affects his work, Master should report to our head office immediately. No warning will be given
to this person. There will be an immediate repatriation of this person with all costs paid by him.
3. Two months ago I sailed through the Malaga Canal last month on the m/v “Carmel”. It was a general
cargo carrier and we sailed from Odessa to Karachi. Unfortunately we had to stop at Malaga because
some pirates boarded the vessel. They tried to steal money from the cabins. Some ratings caught
them. We held them on board until the Coastguard arrived. The incident delayed us for about five

4. I was the 2nd Officer on the m/v “Brittany”. It was an oil tanker and we sailed the North Atlantic
route between Europe and North America. We also visited Central America but not often. I
remember there was an incident in Venezuela. We loaded crude oil and a hose burst. Some oil leaked
onto the deck. We discovered it in time and stopped the pumps immediately.

5. I had a terrible time last month in the South Pacific. I was on the refrigerator carrier, m/v “Ice
Crown”. We had a full cargo of bananas and oranges and we were on our way to Canada. On the second
day of the trip a heavy storm hit and damaged the ship. The next day I discovered that some of the
cargo was wet. We lost a lot of the fruit because of that storm.

6. Last October the MV Durban sailed from Ukraine to India. It stopped four times: at Istanbul,
Salonika, Haifa and Karakas. The vessel carried ballast from Nikolaev to Istanbul. At Istanbul we
took 5 seamen aboard: the Engineer, the Officer and 3 ratings. At Salonika the crew loaded 5000
mts of iron. On 18 October heavy storm damaged part of the ship and a fitter repaired the life raft
at Haifa. The ship loaded 45 containers of electrical goods and 18 cars. The vessel proceeded to
Karakas and arrived at 11.00 on 28th of October. In Karakas the ship unloaded 5000 mts of iron and
45 containers of electrical goods.

4. Test.
Unit 7.

Two ships. Appearance.

1. Words and expressions.

2. Comparatives, superlatives.

3. Practice.

4. Test. Speaking.

1. Words and expressions.

To adjust Приспосабливать, налаживать

Automatic Identification System Автоматический идентификатор судна
Best Лучший
Better Лучше
Communication Связь, общение
To connect Соединять
Echo sounder Эхолот
Efficient Эффективный
Global Positioning System Глобальная система позиционирования
Gyrocompass Гирокомпас
To handle Обрабатывать, обращаться
Heavy Тяжелый
High Высокий
Light Светлый, легкий
Loudspeaker Громкоговоритель
Modern Современный
More Больше
Powerful Мощный
To press Нажимать
To pull Тянуть
To push Толкать
Radar system Радарная установка
Range Дальность, диапазон
Short Короткий
Simply Просто
Than Чем
Turn on/ off Включать/ выключать
VHF- radio УКВ-радиостанция
Walkie-talkie Рация
Wonderful Прекрасный
Experienced Опытный
Comfortable Удобный, комфортный
Difficult Трудный
Different Разный
Wide Широкий
Attentively Вниметельно
To compare Сравнивать
Appearance Внешность
Arrogant Высокомерный
Awkward Неловкий, неуклюжий
Beard Борода
Belt Ремень
Black Черный
Blond Блондин
Boots Ботинки
Both Оба
Brown Коричневый
Build Сложение
To describe Описывать
Character Характер
Cap Кепка
Clever Умный
Cross Рассерженный
Confident Уверенный
Courageous Смелый
Colour Цвет
Coat Пальто
Curly Вьющийся
Cheerful Веселый
Dark Темный
Dress Платье
Ears Уши
Eyes Глаза
Easy-going Покладистый
Educated Образованный
Fair Светлый
Face Лицо
Fat Полный
Features Особенности
Friendly Дружелюбный
Funny Забавный
Finger Палец
Forgiving Прощающий
Glasses Очки
Grey Серый
Grumpy Ворчливый
Graceful Грациозный
Generous Щедрый
Intelligent Интеллигентный
Independent Независимый
Hair Волосы
Helpful Помогающий
Hat Шляпа
Hand Рука
Head Голова
Height Рост
Hard-working Трудолюбивый
To join Присоединиться
Lazy Ленивый
Leg Нога
To look like Выглядеть как…
Kind Добрый
Medium build Среднего сложения
Messy Неаккуратный
Moustache Усы
Naughty Непослушный
Nose Нос
To recognize Узнавать
Reliable Надежный
Old-fashioned Старомодный
Security Officer Офицер по безопасности
Serious Серьезный
Shirt Рубашка
Shoes Туфли
Sincere Искренний
Slender Стройный
Shoulders Плечи
Short Короткий, низкий (о росте)
Smart Умный
Small Маленький (о росте)
Shy Застенчивый
Skirt Юбка
Skin Кожа
Socks Носки
Straight Прямой
Spontaneous Непринужденный
Suit Костюм
Sweater Свитер
Tall Высокий (о человеке)
The same То же самое
Thin Узкий, тонкий
Tie Галстук
Trousers Брюки
t-shirt Рубашка
Untidy Неаккуратный
Vest Жилет
Well-behaved Воспитанный
Worried Обеспокоенный
Young Молодой

As yet Пока что

He’s good at his job. Он хороший работник.
What does he look like? Как он выглядит?
What’s he like? Какой он человек?
What’ s the matter? В чем дело?
What do you think about it? Что Вы об этом думаете?
Where is it from? Откуда это?
Could you please write it down? Могли бы Вы это написать?
Could you spell it, please? Произнесите по буквам, пожалуйста.
I think… Я думаю…
I guess… Я считаю…

2. Grammar.

- Степени сравнения прилагательных, наречий.

Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная
(+ -ER) (the)+(-EST)

- Односложные и Tall Taller The tallest

некоторые Thin Thinner The thinnest
двусложные Happy Happier The happiest

- Односложные Soon Sooner Soonest

наречия. Late Later Latest
Hard Harder Hardest

More + … (The) most + …

- Многосложные Comfortable More comfortable The most comfortable

прилагательные. Difficult More difficult The most difficult
Interesting More interesting The most interesting

- Наречия на –ly. Quickly More quickly Most quickly

Attentively More attentively Most attentively

Good (well – adv.) Better The best
Bad (badly – adv.) Worse The worst
Little Less The least
Much More The most

Far Farther (расст.) The farthest

Further (время) The furthest

Old Older (старше) The oldest

Elder (в семье) The eldest

- в положительной степени: AS…AS, NOT SO…AS
- в сравнительной степени: THAN

This cabin is as large as that one. I speak English as well as Nick (does).
This book is not so interesting as that one. I speak English not so well as Nick (does).

You are taller than your father. Nick speaks English better than I (do).

- Притяжательные местоимения-существительные (употребляются вместо


I – я; Mine - мой
You – ты, вы; Yours – твой, ваш
He – он; His – его
She – она; Hers – ее
We – мы; Ours – наш
They – они; Theirs – их

I don’t have a pen. Give me yours, please. This is not my car, mine is there.
3. Practice.

1. Образовать степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных:

Lazy, big, cold, dry, fine, large, early, warm; popular, difficult, comfortable, wonderful, beautiful,


This text Large

This vessel Long
This day Is Busy That one.
These cabins Are Popular As Those ones.
These seamen Difficult
These films Fine

3. Выразить несогласие.

Example: This hall is as large as that one.

— I am afraid, you are wrong. This hall is not so large as that one.
1. This room is as dark as that one.
2. This pen is as good as that one.
3. This room is as small as that one.
4. These streets are as wide as those ones.
5. These cabins are as new as those ones.


Kate Taller The

This exercise Bigger
Those ones
The Black Sea Is Shorter Than
In July the days Are Younger
In January
These books More difficult
That exercise
These cabins More comfortable

More interesting

5. Ответить на вопросы.

1. Which is the largest country of the world?

2. Which is the longest river in the world?

3. Which is the largest sea in the world?

4. Which is the deepest lake in our country?

5. Which is the oldest city in Ukraine?

6. What place is the most beautiful in your native city?

7. What monument is the best in your city?

8. What park is the most popular in it?

1. My room is ___________________(large) than my sister’s room.
2. Oil is ________________________(light) than water.
3. He is_______________________(good) student in our group.
4. My cabin is _______________________________(comfortable) than his one.
5. I make_______________________(good) coffee than Mike does.
6. Winter is _____________________________(cold) season in a year.
7. ______________________________________(tall) tree is over 110 meters.
8. The Sun is_________________________________(near) star.
9. The Baikal is_______________________________(deep) lake in the world.
10. This street is much_____________________(wide) than that street.
11. This liner is ____________________(big) than that vessel.
12. Our captain is __________________(experienced) than the Chief Officer.
13. Thank you for _____________________(wonderful) evening in my life!
14. My students are ______________________(good) students in our Maritime College!

7. Вставить as…as, (not) so… as.

Model: This writer is as famous as that one.

These articles are not so interesting as those ones.

l. This actor is Popular that one.

2. This port is not Large that one.

3. This cabin is Comfortable that one.

4. This monument is Old that one.

5. These students are Clever those ones.

6. This deck is not Clean that one.

7. The water in this river is not warm the water of that


8. This text is Interesting that one.

9. This park is Large that one.

10. This lake is not Deep that one.

ll. This text is not Difficult that one.

12. The tea is not Hot the coffee.

13. This rock group is not popular that one.

8. Перевести на английский язык.

1. Этот текст самый трудный в этом учебнике.

2. В Вашем диктанте меньше ошибок, чем в Вашем упражнении.
3. Ждите дальнейших инструкций.
4. Этот мальчик - старший сын моего друга.
5. Моя каюта менее удобная, чем Ваша каюта.
6. Зимой дни короче, чем летом.
7. У Джона меньше работы, чем у меня.
8. Десятое упражнение труднее, чем девятое. А восьмое упражнение - самое легкое.
9. Моя комната больше, чем комната моих родителей. Но в ней меньше мебели.
10. Какой вид спорта Вы любите больше всех?
11. В этой газете меньше информации, чем в том журнале.

9. Заполнить пропуски.

1. I have a car. This car is_________________________(I).

2. My cabin is larger than_____________________(you).
3. Our ship is more beautiful than_________________(they).

4. These are his documents, and those are________________(she).
5. This is their vessel, and that one is______________(we).
6. Our Second Mate is busy with the cargo-plan. This cargo-plan is_________(he).
7. Don’t take these letters. They are ______________(I).
8. This is my pen, and that one is ___________________(you).
9. That is our liner. She is___________(we).
10. It is not your money. It is_____________(she).
11. Whose newspaper is it? Is it _____________________(you)?
12. Give me that note-book, please. It isn’t_____________(you). It is______________(I).
13. It is not my problem. It is________________(they).

10. Перевести предложения на английский язык.

1. У меня нет учебника. Дайте мне Ваш, пожалуйста.

2. Наше судно больше вашего.
3. Мои знания английского лучше, чем ее.
4. Это не мои документы, а ваши.
5. Это моя работа, а та - их.
6. Это не моя проблема, а Ваша.
7. Моя комната светлее, чем его.
8. Наш капитан старше вашего.
9. Его книги не такие интересные, как ее.
10. Моя сумка тяжелее, чем его.
11. Ее отпуск дольше, чем наш.
12. Мой день рождения раньше, чем ее.
13. Наше упражнение сложнее, чем их.
14. Чья это радиограмма? - Наша.
15. Чье то прекрасное судно? - Это не наше судно. Оно – их.

11. Two ships.

The m/v “Singapore Fortune” is newer than the m/v “Carmel”, so the navigational and
communication equipment on board the “Singapore Fortune” is more modem.

The radar system is more powerful. It has a wider range, and the signal is much stronger.

The Global Positioning System (GPS), the autopilot, the gyrocompass, the echo sounder and the
speed log are better, too. The equipment is a lot easier and more efficient to repair.
The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is also different. The loudspeaker system is similar to
the one on board the “Carmel”, but the VHF-radio is more reliable.
The m/v “Singapore Fortune” and the m/v “Carmel” are not the same. The “Carmel” is older than
the “Singapore Fortune”. The “Singapore Fortune” is longer than the “Carmel”. It is also wider and
higher. The cargo on board the “Singapore Fortune” is heavier than the cargo on board the

Vessel details MV Singapore MV Carmel

Type of vessel Container General Cargo
Carrier Carrier
Flag Norwegian Swedish
Date of build August 1999 April 1997
Place of build Hamburg, Kobe. Japan
L ength overall 176.55 m 160. 50 m
Width 31.42 m 23. 49 m
Depth 16.60 m 9.55 m
Cargo on board 80300 mt 50900 mt

12. Поставить предложенные слова в сравнительную степень.





1. This vessel is__________________and_________________than our ship.

2. Your cargo is__________________and_________________than their cargo.

3. These bags are________________and__________________than those bags.

4. The new engine is___________________________________than old engine.

5. This juice is_________________than that juice, but it is__________________________.

6. That ship is____________________than your ship. And she’s______________________.

7.This tugboat is______________________and_______________________ than our tugs.

8. This barrel is___________________and______________________than that barrel.

9. The Captain is___________________and________________________than you.

10. The Pilot is___________________and__________________________than the Bosun.

13. Поставить предложенные слова в превосходную степень.






1. YOUR SHIP IS______________ SHIP IN THE PORT.

2. YOUR SHIP IS______________________ AND______________________ SHIP IN THE PORT.
3. THE ENGINE IS________________________ ON THIS SHIP.
4. THIS CARGO IS_______________________ CARGO ON THE SHIP.
5. THE COTTON IS____________________________ IN THE STORE.
6. THE MASTER IS_____________________________ MAN ON THE SHIP.
7. THIS VESSEL IS___________________________ VESSEL TO CHARTER IN THIS PORT.
8. THESE BARRELS ARE_____________________ IN THE HOLD.
9. THESE MACHINES ARE____________________ ON DECK.
10. THIS BREATHING APPARATUS IS_________________________ ON OUR SHIP.
11. THIS CHICKEN IS_________________________ IN A RESTAURANT .
12. THIS CABIN IS_________________________ AND_____________________________ ON

14. Appearance.

(What does he look like?)

Captain Larson is 51 years old. He is thin and tall. He is about 1m 90 cm. He has short blond hair and
green eyes. He doesn’t have a beard or a mustache. He usually wears dark trousers and a white shirt.
When it’s cool he wears a jacket and a hat.
(What’s he like?)
He is clever and funny. He is not very serious, but the crew likes him because he is very good at his

15. Составить рассказ о ком-нибудь, не менее 10ти предложений.

4. Test.
Unit 8.

A new voyage.

1. Words, expressions.
2. Future Simple Tense: I WILL DO.
3. Practice.
4. Test. Speaking.

1. Words and expressions.

Be away Отсутствовать
By then К тому времени
Depart Отход
Do some shopping Делать покупки
Fly details Авиабилет
Ill Больной
In two days Через два дня
Multi-national, mixed crew Смешанный экипаж
Pack Упаковывать
Return Возвращаться
Rise Подниматься
Set Устанавливать
Two days from now Через два дня
I consider Я считаю…
I think Я думаю…
In my opinion По моему мнению…
I suppose Я думаю
It seems to me Мне кажется
In the very beginning В самом начале
As far as I know Насколько мне известно…
From my experience По моему опыту…
Probably Вероятно
I doubt Я сомневаюсь
I don’t think so Я так не думаю
So to speak Так сказать…
To say honestly Честно говоря…
No offence, but Не обижайтесь, но…
I’m absolutely sure Я абсолютно уверен…
Without any doubt Без сомнений
First of all Прежде всего
It’s clear Это понятно.
I’m convinced Я убежден
The most likely Вероятнее всего…
Generally speaking Вообще-то…
Finally Наконец
Don’t worry Не беспокойтесь.
Everything will be fine Все будет хорошо.

All is well Все отлично.

2. Grammar.
The Future Simple Tense.
Время Future Simple (lndefinite) употребляется для выражения действия или
нескольких повторяющихся действий, которые будут совершаться в будущем.


Не will come back in two days. Он вернется через два дня.

We will have English three times a week. У нас будет английский три раза в неделю.
I will start work at 3 pm and finish it at 9 pm. Я начну работу в 15.00 и закончу ее в

Часто употребляется со словами: tomorrow; next week/ month/ year; in five days,

Будущее действие в английском языке может также выражаться при помощи:

• оборота to be going to + инфинитив

I am going to help him soon - Я собираюсь помочь ему скоро
We are going to finish this repair by tomorrow - Мы собираемся закончить этот
ремонт к завтрашнему дню

• времени Present Simple, особенно с глаголами движения, когда идет речь о

The train leaves in 15 minutes - Поезд отправляется через 15 минут.

 Времени Present Continuous с глаголами движения (когда результат заранее


The crew is coming back home in two weeks. – Экипаж вернется домой через 2 недели.
(уже точно известно, что возвращается – билеты куплены, вещи упакованы.)

Утвердительная форма:
They will Work1

1- смысловой глагол в словарной форме: без “to”, без окончания.

I will work tomorrow. Я буду завтра работать.

Вопросительная форма:
Will They Work?

Will you work tomorrow? Will she come later?

Отрицательная форма:
We Will not (won’t) Work.

They will not work. The Master will not sign the documents.

 Форма to be going to служит для выражения действия в будущем. «Собираться (что-

то сделать)».

I Am
You Are Going to work.
She Is

Вопросительная форма: To be+ подлежащее+ глагол4? Am I

going to work?
Отрицательная форма: Подлежащее+ to be+ not+ глагол4. I am not
going to work.

3. Practice.

1. Напишите, что вы собираетесь или не собираетесь делать завтра:

(buy a car)__I’m not going to buy a car tomorrow_______________________________
(get up before 7 o’clock)______________________________________________________________________
(have breakfast)______________________________________________________________________________
(learn new English words)____________________________________________________________________
(watch TV in the evening)____________________________________________________________________

2. Это - план на следующие дни. Скажите, что вы будете делать в эти даты:

7 – be at home to get ready for departure;

9-11 – go to Kiev to get a US visa;
16 – go to Kiev airport to fly to France;
17 – come to Paris to meet the company agent;
17-18 – spend time in Paris;
19 – arrive to my ship.

On the 7th ______I will be at home to get ready for departure________

On the 10th ___________________________________________________________________________________
On the 16th ___________________________________________________________________________________
On the 17th ___________________________________________________________________________________
On the 18th ___________________________________________________________________________________
On the 19th ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. Составьте предложения, употребив форму простого будущего времени глагола и

обстоятельства типа tomorrow, tonight, next Monday…
Write him a letter, go to the country, walk in the park, visit her relatives, play the guitar, read a
detective story, give a party, work in the garden, buy some books, go shopping, wash his car, go to

4. Переведите на русский язык.

I. I’ll keep watch on the navigating bridge. 2. Will you change the ship’s course
soon? — Yes, we will. 3. The Motorman will maintain the engine during his watch. 4.
Will the weather be better in the near future? — No, it won’t. 5. Will you get the
engine ready in an hour? — No, we won’t. We’ll get it ready in two or three hours. 6.
Who will be responsible for the safety of your ship in the coming (в предстоящем)
voyage? — The captain will. 7. They won’t call at this port.

5. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.

Модель: The chief officer will change the ship’s course.
Will the chief officer change the ship’s course? The chief officer will not
change the ship’s course.
1. The radio-officer will transmit 2 radiograms in 5 mi nutes. 2. Our boatswain will
launch a motorboat. 3. We shall paint the deck superstructures. 4. The sailors will go
ashore tomorrow. 5. The ship Vyborg will leave the port next Thursday.

6. Shipboard training.
The cadets of maritime colleges usually have their practical studies either on
board training vessels or merchant ships. Now summer is coming and the cadets are
going to have their shipboard training. The cadets of the Navigation Department will
keep watch at the wheel, paint the hull, deck superstructures, masts, wash and scrub
decks. They will launch and hoist life-boats, learn how to use life-saving appliances.
They are going to work in the wheel-house as helmsmen. Skilled officers will instruct
our boys how to handle a sextant and other navigational instruments. The apprentices
will learn how to take bearings of some light-vessels, lighthouses, different coastal
objects and define the ship’s position on charts. They must also know how to use echo-
sounders, logs, finders and satellite navigation systems.
During their shipboard training the cadets of the Radio Engineering Department
will work in the radio-room transmitting and receiving radiotelegrams, weather reports
and navigational warnings. They will learn how to tune and repair the ship’s radio
equipment in case of trouble.
The cadets of the Engineering Department will work in the engine-room. They will
learn how to maintain the main engine, auxiliary machinery, how to lubricate and
repair the engine-room equipment.
The cadets of the Port Operation Department will work in ports and on board
ships during their training. When in ports' they will learn how to load, unload and
stow cargo.
All the cadets must work hard to master their profession.

Прочитайте текст еще раз и согласитесь или опровергните следую щие утверждения,
используя выражения: I quite agree with you (Совершенно с вами согласен) или Sorry,
1 can’t agree with you (Простите, я не могу с вами согласиться). В обоих случаях
повторите правильную версию.
Модель 1: — The Third Officer will keep watch in the
engine-room. t
— Sorry, I can’t agree with you. The Third Officer will not keep watch
in the engine- room. He will keep watch on the navigating bridge.

Модель 2: — Radio-Officers will keep watch 8 hours a day.

— I quite agree with you. The Radio- Officers will keep watch 8 hours a

1. The cadets of maritime colleges have training on board training vessels. 2. Only
the cadets of navigational department have ship-board training. 3. The cadets of
navigational department don’t keep watch at the wheel. 4. Skilled officers instruct
the cadets how to use navigational instruments. 5. The cadets of the radio
engineering department learn to plot the ship’s position. 6. The future radio
engineers learn to use life-saving appliances in case of trouble. 7. The cadets of the
engineering department keep watch and relieve each other of watch every eight
hours. 8. The future engineers must know how to lubricate and repair the engine-
room equipment. 9. The port operation department cadets have their training on
board ships. 10. All the cadets must work hard to master their profession.

7. Измените следующие предложения, используя время Future Indefinite и предложенные в

скобках слова.
Model: Не takes bearings on the nearest ship, (tomorrow)
He will take bearings on the nearest ship tomorrow.
1. The radio-officer transmits a radiogram, (in five minutes)___________

2. We lift the life-boat, (in some minutes)_________________________

3. I keep watch on the bridge, (in four hours)______________________

4. The ship leaves the port, (next Monday)_________________

5. We paint the deck superstructure, (tomorrow)____________

6. He goes ashore, (the day after tomorrow)_______________

7. They prepare the ship for the departure, (in three hours)___

8. He is responsible for the safety of the ship, (in the nearest future)

9. He enters the wheelhouse. (in a minute)_________________

10. We approach the port, (in some minutes)

11. He arrives at the railway station, (tomorrow)

12. They relieve each other of watch, (in 4 hours)

13. He doesn’t check the life saving equipment, (tomorrow)

14. The dockers unload the cargo, (soon)__________________

15. The Third Engineer repairs the air-conditioning system, (in a week)

16. The Radio officer tunes the radio devices, (one of these days)

17. He plots the course on the chart, (in 2 hours)

18. Our ship puts to sea very often, (tomorrow)

19. He tunes the emergency transmitter very seldom, (in a week)

20. We sometimes decrease the ship’s speed, (in an hour)

8. Задайте общий вопрос к предложениям.

Our ship will make voyage to London_______________________________________________________

We will call at this port tomorrow.__________________________________________________________
Our captain will send a short telegram in some
They will take bearings on the approaching ship.

The Third Mate will make entries into the log-
I’ll show the life saving equipment to the
They will regulate the navigational
The sailors will clean the holds tomorrow.___________________________________________________
The pump-man will lubricate the equipment._______________________________________________
I’ll tune the emergency transmitter
We’ll show our satellite communication device to the

9. A new voyage.

Danila is a marine engineer. He is getting ready for his new voyage. He is very busy because he is
going to sea very soon. His wife Olga is going to pack his things. Danila isn’t going to take much
because many of his things are already on board. The office manager is going to arrange for his visa,
fly details and other documents. Even his son Dima is going to get some new books for him. Danila is
going to read more at sea.

1. What company are you going to work for?

2. What are you going to take with you?

3. Are you going to buy some new books and DVDs?

4. When are you going to sea?

5. How are you going to travel to your ship?

6. Do you speak English when work on board?

7. When will you be back home?

8. Are you ready to work in a mixed crew?

9. What was your last job?

10. Составить предложения, используя конструкцию с GOING TO.

1. What are you going to do tomorrow?

2. What__________the Captain______________to do? – He_______________to write a report.
3. What__________you _____________to do? – I___________________repair the pump.
4. What__________the Chief Engineer_____________to do? – He____________________to talk to the engineers.
5. What_____________your children________________to do? – They_______________to school.

11. Составить предложения, используя WILL.

1. Will the ship arrive soon? – Yes, she will. She’ll arrive in two hours.
2. _____the plane arrive soon? – Yes, it ______. It_______ arrive in an hour.
3. ______the Captain be back soon? – No, he__________. He___________be back in three hours.
4. _________the Doctor be here soon? – Yes, he___________. He_________be here in five minutes.
5. __________the train arrive soon? – No, it_____________. It___________arrive in six hours.
6. When__________the show begin? – It_________begin at 19.30.
7. When__________the ratings be ready? – They___________be ready in a little while.
8. ____________the weather be nice tomorrow? – No, it___________. It _________be nice in a week.

12. Употребите будущее время вместо настоящего:

1. Steve catches the train to London. 2. He leaves the house at 8 o’clock. 3. The bus doesn’t stop
here. 4. Is she happy? 5. I always spend a few days in New York. 6. Grandmother takes care of the
children. 7. The girls are angry and disappointed. 8. Andrew always agrees with me. 9. Does Ron come
here every day? 10. They drink beer and play cards. 11. You don’t need a visa. 12. Sarah usually goes to
Spain for her holiday. 13. Mr. Nelson makes a speech at every party. 14. Jack often goes to the dance
with Jennie.
13. Закончите предложения, использовав форму простого будущего времени.
1. Last Sunday Mr. Watson and his children went to the Zoo, but next Sunday they____ 2. Yesterday
I visited my uncle, but tomorrow____ 3. Last summer Stan and Mark were at a camp, but next
summer they____ 4. Last year my son invited ten friends to his birthday party, but this year____5.
Last week I was ill and stayed at home, but next week___6. Usually we have breakfast at 8, but
tomorrow___ 7. Last night Pat and Bruce were at home and watched TV, but tomorrow night____.

14. Перевести на английский язык.

1. Надежное крепление груза поможет избежать повреждений при шторме.

2. Он расскажет мне об этой проблеме завтра.
3. Наше судно войдет в порт в 19.00 по местному времени.
4. Я поищу его на камбузе.
5. Капитан даст им разрешение войти в кают-компанию.
6. Бункеровка закончится в 18.00.
7. Мы не собираемся заходить в порт под руководством лоцмана.
8. Во сколько закончится твоя вахта?
9. В каком порту вы будете через месяц?
10. Мы собираемся тщательно проверить трюмы.
11. Я отнесу огнетушители на палубу.
12. Вы сообщите об этом инциденте на мостик?
13. Я не думаю, что он спустят шлюпку так быстро.
14. Отремонтируйте эту лебедку как можно скорее, она нам нужна будет во время швартовки.
15. Я вымою палубу.
16. Я отобью ржавчину на этом оборудовании, затем использую наждачную бумагу, загрунтую и
нанесу краску.

4. Test.

1. Раскройте скобки и употребите глагол в нужной по смыслу форме – в настоящем,

прошедшем или будущем времени.

1. Mr. Scott always (read) the Times. 2. I (see) them tonight. 3. His exams (start) in three days. 4.
Alice (brush) her hair every night. 5. Yesterday we (get) up very early. 6. Peter (live) in London
now. 7. Laila (take) Pat to a concert next Saturday. 8. Bill (visit) his brother last week. 9. Most
men (shave) every day. 10. They (be) back tomorrow. 11 She never (forgive) me. 12. Mike (be)
next week. 13. I (go) to a party last Friday. 14. We (know) the results in a week. 15. He (step) on
a banana skin and (fall) 16. Jack always (get) a cold when he (get) his feet wet. 17. This morning
I (meet) Carol at a bus-stop. 18. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.

Long, long time ago there (live) a lot of mice in an old house. There (live) a cat in that house too.
The cat (kill) a lot of mice every day. The mice (be) afraid of the cat but they (not know) what to
do. So one day they all (come) to the old clever mouse and (begin) to talk about the cat. “What
must we do?” they (say). “The cat (kill) us all”. “I know what to do” (say) one little mouse. “The
cat (kill) us because we (not hear) her. Let’s put a bell round her neck. Then we (hear) her when
she comes into the room”. “That (be) a very good idea”, (say) all the mice. “Now the bad cat (not
kill) us.” They (be) very glad and (begin) to dance. Suddenly the old clever mouse (say), ”I (want)
to ask one question. Who (put) the bell round her neck? ”

2. Переведите.

1. Я знаю его имя. 2. Мистер Нельсон дал книгу. 3. Вчера я видел твоего брата. 4. Она
всегда меня понимает. 5. Они живут неподалеку от вокзала. 6. Мы купили мясо и сыр. 7.
Том выпил все вино. 8. Мистер Джонс продал свою машину. 9. Завтра я увижу Мэри. 10. Я
одолжил тебе 10 долларов. 11. Хиллари потеряла свой зонтик. 12. Я вижу его каждый день.
13. Джек пришел рано. 14. Я оплачу счет

3. Употребите нужную форму времени.

1. I (see) that film last night. 2. Mr. Green (wait) for his wife now. 3. I think it (snow) tonight. 4.
Last year she (lie) on a beach in Spain while I (work) in my office in London. 5. Most children
(like) sweets. 6. I hope they (sing) it again. 7. Last Sunday we (go) to a concert. 8. Colin always
(go) to work by bus. 9. Now this house (belong) to Joe. 10. I normally get up at 7. 11. I (sleep)
very little last night. 12. The letter (arrive) yesterday. 13. Last week she (go) to a party without
me. 14. Before the marriage Harry (smoke) a lot. 15. Jack is not here, he (leave) ten minutes
ago. 16. He (come) back at 5 o’clock. 17. When Mary (come) in they (sit) in the living room. Mr.
Dell (do) a crossword puzzle, Mrs. Dell (knit) and Tom (read). Mrs. Dell (smile) at Mary and (say)
“Come and sit down”. 18. The children (watch) TV when they heard their mother’s footsteps.
They (switch) off the TV set at once and (take) out their textbooks. 19. As Steve was crossing the
street he (step) on a banana skin and (fall). He (lie) on the road when he (hear) a car. Luckily the
driver (see) Steve and (stop) the car in time. 20. Jennie (buy) some flour and apples yesterday.
She (bake) an apple-pie tomorrow. 21. Peter usually (walk) to his office but this morning he
(take) the bus because it (rain) when he (leave) home.

4. Образуйте вопросительные предложения.

Jack loves Jill. Does Jack love Jill?

1. She speaks French.
2. Bob has met your sister.
3. The wind was blowing hard.
4. He has played tennis for two years now.
5. I am right.
6. She brought him a glass of water.
7. They came to a village.
8. The children have had breakfast.
9. You have heard of him.
10. She will do her best.
11. The cat was lying under the table.
12. She knows English well.

5. Измените вопросительные предложения в утвердительные.

Does he love her? He loves her.

1. Will they come tonight?

2. Has Tom painted this portrait?
3. Do you want to go to Paris?
4. Have the girls gone home?
5. Did they go home at six o’clock?
6. Has he drunk all the whisky?
7. Does Graham speak Spanish?
8. Have they sold their old car?
9. Did she visit Tom every day?
10. Has she changed much?

6. Употребите правильно формы времени.

1. We (go) to the theatre quite often. We (go) to the theatre twice last month and (be)
there three times this month.
2. Jane is not at home now, she (go) for a walk. She (return) in an hour.
3. I (know) Jack since 2005. We (work) together in the same office for two years. Now we
(be) close friends.
4. I (visit) Dora last night and (ask) her to come to the cinema with me. She (not want) to
go to the cinema because she (see) the film already.
5. I (do) some English exercises every day. I (do) only one exercise yesterday but I (do)
three today.
6. At three on Sunday (I read) a book in the garden. My dog (lie) beside me.

My brother Roy is in the Unites States. He (be) there for three years already. He(be) an
engineer and he (work) for a big firm there. He already (visit) a great number of different
places in the US. He (buy) an American car. Soon he (buy) a house in Los Angeles.
Dimon Wheeler (work) in a bank five years ago but now he (work) in a lawyer’s office. He
(get) a good salary but he (like) to borrow money from his friends. He never (pay) it back.

Jack Turner (spend) a lot of money on records. He (buy) one or two new records every
week. He (stay) at home in the evenings and (listen) to music. He often (lend) his records
to his friends. Sometimes his friends (keep) them. Jack (lose) many records in this way.

7. Измените предложения в утвердительные.

He didn’t tell her the truth. He told me the truth.

1. Lucy doesn’t agree with you.
2. Jack didn’t listen to her.
3. Bill hasn’t taken his medicine.
4. Ted won’t come with us.
5. I haven’t read the instructions.
6. They haven’t gone already.
7. Sally didn’t want to change her job.
8. You won’t get there on time.
9. It wasn’t cold in December.
10. He won’t have finished it by six.
11. She hasn’t given them those books.
12. Pat didn’t go to the party.

8. Употребите правильно формы времени.

Yesterday Peter had a very bad day. Everything (go) wrong. When he (hang) out the
washing it (start) to rain. Then he (decide) to clean the kitchen. While he (wipe) the top
shell of the kitchen cupboard he (lose) his balance and (fall) off the stool. When he (wash)
the kitchen floor the dog (rush) in and (knock) over the bucket of water. And he also (cut)
his finger when he (peel) the potatoes. It (be) really a rotten day!
One afternoon, only a week after she had passed her driving test and got her driving
license Helen (decide) to drive to town. When she (come) to her first traffic lights she (see)
that they (be) red so she stopped the car abruptly. But when the lights (change) to green
again she couldn’t start the car. She (look) in the rear mirror and (see) that a long line of
cars (form) behind her car. A policeman (stand) on the street corner. He (look) in her
direction. Helen (get) very nervous. At last the car (start) and Helen (drive) off quickly.

9. Переведите, употребив необходимые формы времени.

1. Они живут в Лондоне.

2. Он говорит на французском языке.
3. Она сейчас играет в теннис.
4. Я не видел ее сегодня.
5. Пошли ли они домой в шесть?
6. Он встал, надел шляпу и вышел.
7. Он уже читал эту книгу.
8. Сегодня светит солнце, но вчера было облачно.
9. Вернулась ли мама?
10. Она ждет тебя в кухне.
11. Они поехали в Африку в 2003г.
12. Я встретил их на улице.
13. Обычно я встаю в семь, но сегодня я спал дольше.
14. Мы много работали.
15. Я никогда не был в Париже.
16. Он еще не ходит в школу.
17. Он уже видел этот фильм.
18. Завтра он посетит свою тещу.
4. Test. Speaking.

Unit 9.

1. Words and expressions.

2. Conditional sentences. IF I COULD…
3. Practice.
4. Test. Speaking.

1. Words and expressions.

To steer the course Держать курс
To screw Завинчивать
To stop a hole Заделывать пробоину
To tighten Затягивать
To measure Измерять
To drop Ронять
To get off course Сбиться с курса
To hide Прятать
To contact with Связаться с…
Expenses Расходы
Insurance Страховка
Overtaken vessel Обгоняемое судно
Overtaking vessel Обгоняющее судно
Privileged vessel Судно, которому обязаны уступить
Give-way vessel Судно, которое обязано уступить
To wear Носить
To be dressed in Быть одетым в…
To put on Надевать
To take off Снимать
To try on Мерить
Shirt Рубашка
Skirt Юбка
Dress Платье
Trousers Брюки
Suit Костюм
T-shirt Футболка
Shorts Шорты
Socks Носки
Underwear Нижнее белье
Cardigan Кофта
Sweater Свитер
Blouse Блузка
Jacket Куртка
Coat Пальто
Gloves Перчатки
Scarf Шарф
Tie Галстук
Shoes Туфли; обувь
Boots Ботинки
High boots Сапоги
Uniform Униформа
Slippers Тапочки
Cap Кепка

2. Условные предложения.
1-й тип:
Описывают реальное действие. Относятся к будущему времени.
If the weather changes tomorrow, they will put to sea.

Present Simple/ Continuous; will+


В придаточной части не употребляется будущее время (после союзов if, when,

after, before, till, until, as soon as, on condition).
If he moves quickly, he will come in time.
He will call you when he finishes his work.
If it looks like rain, we’ll stay at home.
If I have more time, I’ll come over.
If he is working on Saturday, he won’t be able to come with us.

2-й тип:
Нереальное действие в настоящем или будущем.
If the weather changed tomorrow, they would put to sea.

Past Simple/ Continuous; would (could, might) + Infinitive

(were – для всех форм)

If I knew his telephone number, I would call him now.

If I were him, I wouldn’t do it. If I were you, I would go there myself.
If I had more time, I would come over.
If you knew him better, you wouldn’t think so.
If it were not raining, I could go out.

3-й тип:
Нереальное действие. События, которые могли произойти в прошлом, но не

If the weather had changed yesterday, they would have put to sea.

Past Perfect; would (could) + have+


You would have met her yesterday if you had come in time.
If you had gone there, you would have seen him.
If it hadn’t been so hot last summer, you could have gone to the South.
If your instructions had been received 10 days ago, the cargo would have been shipped

3. Practice.

1. Перевести на руський я зык.
1. They will take bearings of the lighthouse “A” if they see it.
2. The ship Vilnus will not enter the port if the ice is too thick.
3. The cadets of the navigation department will launch life-boats if their Boatswain
tells them to do it.
4. As soon as the Master receives a telegram from the college he will send the
cadets back to studies.
5. The motor vessel will leave the port after the pilot arrives.
6. We will not enter the port until the tugs come.

2. Поставить соответствующие союзы вместо русских слов.

1. (Если) the engineers repair the main engine tomorrow the ship will leave the port
in time.
2. I can’t show you this telegram (пока) the Master permits.
3. He will translate navigational warnings easily (если) he works hard at his English.
4. I will wait for our Chief Engineer in his cabin (до тех пор, пока) he arrives.
5. John will visit a lot of museums (если) he comes to St. Petersburg.

3. Поставить глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени.

Модель 1: If the weather is fine we (to put) to sea.

If the weather is fine we will put to sea.

1. As soon as Mr Brown arrives in Kiev we (to invite) him to our college.
2. When it stops raining the children (to go) for a walk.
3. Unless you pass your exam you (not to go) on holiday.
4. Until Jack finishes his work we (not to have dinner).
5. If Mary phones, 1 (to invite) her to come.

Модель 2: We’ll go to the theatre if we (to get) any tickets.

We’ll go to the theatre if we get any tickets.

We’ll go on a sailing practice as soon as we (to pass) our exams.

2. Jerry will play tennis well if he (to train) much.
3. I’ll cook supper while you (to do) your homework.
4. The shipyard won’t launch the newbuilding (новое судно) unless the results
of the test (to be) good.
5. We’ll let you know about the repairs when we (to arrive) at the port.

4. Перевести предложения на русский язык.

1. Когда ты приедешь в Одессу, я покажу тебе город .
2. Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдем в парк.
3. Если судно прибудет вовремя (in time), мы начнем погрузку завтра.

4. Когда вы осмотрите суд но, старпом расскажет вам о предстоящем рейсе (coming
5. Когда прибудет лоцман (pilot), мы войдем в порт.
6. Когда вахтенный помощник определит место судна, мы изменим курс.
7. Если мы придем в порт вов ремя, докеры разгрузят судно быстро.

5. Продолжите предложения.

Модель 1. If the weather is fine we (to put to sea).

If the weather is fine we will put to sea.

1. When the ship comes we (to visit it).
2. As soon as we put to sea we (to paint the deck).
3. If the weather changes they (to stay at home).
4. Until the Master orders we (not to change the course).
5. Before we write a dicta tion I (to learn the new words).

Модель 2. We will put to sea if the weather (to be fine).

We will put to sea if the weather is fine.

1. They will read the text if the teacher (to tell them to do it).
2. We shall help Pete if he (to ask us about it).
3. They will not leave the port until the storm (to be over).
4. Mary will come to Lvov when the holiday (to begin) .
5. We will speak English well as soon as we (to study hard).

6. Возразите, выразив уверенность в своей точке зрения.

— I’m afraid there-will be no taxi at the taxi-rank.
— I am sure there will be a taxi at the taxi-rank.
1. I’m afraid this bus won’t take us to the centre. 2. I’m afraid it isn’t the right
bus to the port. 3. I’m afraid it isn’t the quickest way to the airport. 4. I’m afraid we
mustn’t turn round the corner. 5. I’m afraid there isn’t an under ground station in this
street. 6. I’m afraid we won’t get to the port in time.

7. Употребить глаголы в скобках в нужном времени.

Example: If the Boatswain ___ orders _____(to order), we will paint the hull.

1. When the Captain__________(to come), we will launch life-boats.
2. As soon as we _______________(to approach) the port, we’ll take a pilot.
3. As soon as our ship____________(to enter) the port, the dockers will unload the
4. When we ___________(to moor), we’ll go sightseeing.
5. If he________________(not to join) me, I’ll go there alone.
6. When they____________(to be) free of watch, they’ll go ashore.
7. If you__________(to get) off at the next stop, you will find yourself not far
from Trafalgar Square.
8. If you __________(to go) by bus, it will take you 5 minutes to get there.
9. If there__________(to be) heavy traffic, I’ll be late for my classes.
10. If you ____________(to turn) to the left, it won’t be a long way to the port.
11. If he___________(to lose) his way, he will ask a passer-by to tell him the way.
12. If she __________(to take) bus 12, it’ll take her straight to the centre.
13. If we____________(to go) straight on, we’ll see the post-office there.
14. When the pump-man______________(to return), he will lubricate the pumps.
15. If the Master___________(to order), we’ll plot the course.
16. When he___________(to arrive), he will tune the receiver.

8. Употребить глаголы в скобках в нужном времени. Все предложения относятся к

будущему времени.

1. As soon as they ____________(to finish) unloading, we_____________(to

prepare) the ship for the departure.
2. If she_________(to lose) her way, she___________(to phone) me.
3. If he______________(to decide) to go by underground, it____________(to
take) him 20 minutes to get there.
4. Any policeman___________(to tell) you the way, if you__________(to ask) him.
5. When he__________(to have breakfast), he_____________(to go) to work.
6. When he____________(to repair) the transmitter, he_______________(to
transmit) a radiogram.
7. Until he_____________(to finish) his work, he_______________(not to go)
8. He______________(to keep) watch, until the Radio-Officer___________(to
relieve) him.
9. I___________(to transmit) the radiogram, as soon as you___________(to give)
it to me.
10. As soon as our students______________(to finish) their shipboard training, they
____________ (to return) to college.
11. As soon as the cadets_____________(to come), he_____________(to instruct) them.
12. After the Third Mate____________(to make) entries into the log-book, he___________(to
join) us.
13. After he______________(to speak) to the Captain, he ______________(to show) us how to
handle an equipment.
14. As soon as they___________(to return), they__________(to keep) watch on the navigating
15. When he ___________(to arrive) in Odessa, he__________(to ask) me to come.
16. We__________(to have) a talk, when the lesson______________(to be) over.
17. He___________(to go) home, after he_______________(to pass) his exams.
18. He____________(to phone) me, as soon as he____________(to come) home.
19. If I _______________(to get) a ticket, I_____________(to leave) Odessa for Kiev.
20. We_____________(to finish) the work, before he____________(to return).
21. I_____________(to do) this work, before he___________(to arrive).
22. I never _______________(to listen) to the radio, before I_______________(to do) my
23. I never__________(to watch) TV before I__________________(to translate) the text.
24. When the ship _____________(to cross) the channel, she_____________(to put) to sea.
25. If the Chief Enginner_________(to tell) me, I____________(to maintain) auxiliary machinery.
26. As soon as we ____________(to receive) a navigational warning, we_________(to tell) the
Master about it.
27. If the Master _____________(to order), we _____________(to change) the ship’s course.
28. If it___________(to be) necessary, they_______________(to launch) a motorboat.
29. When he____________(to return), he_____________(to take) your documents.

9. Закончите предложения.

1. If I have a lot of money,____________________________________

2. If the weather is fine,______________________________________

3. When I am a skilled navigator,________________________________

4. If I know English well,______________________________________

5. If I receive a navigational warning,_____________________________

6. If I lose my way,__________________________________________

7. When I have my shipboard training,____________________________

8. As soon as I pass my exams,__________________________________

9. If it is heavy traffic,_______________________________________

10. When I am free of watch,__________________________________

11. As soon as I arrive in New York,______________________________

12. When I get married,______________________________________

13. I am going to restaurant. If you join me,________________________

14. As soon as we change the ship’s course,_________________________

15. As soon as the ship moors,__________________________________

16. If I become a captain,_____________________________________

10. Сравните условные предложения I, II и III типов и переведите их на русский язык.

а) 1. If the weather is fine today, we will go for a walk. 2. If the weather were fine today we
should go for a walk. 3. If the weather had been fine we should have gone for a walk.
б) 1. If he knows your address he will write to you. 2. If he knew your address he would write to
you. 3. If he had known your address he would have written to you long ago.
в) 1. If you take a taxi now you will not miss the train. 2. If you took a taxi now you would not
miss the train. 3. If you had booked a taxi in advance you wouldn’t have missed the train.
r) 1. If the engine is repaired today they will put to sea in time. 2. If the engine was repaired
today they would put to sea in time. 3. If the engine had been repaired they would have put to sea

11. В условных предложениях I типа поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующей форме.

Модель: If the weather is fine tomorrow we shall put
to sea.
a) 1. If we increase the ship’s speed we (to arrive) at the port in time. 2. If it rains tomorrow we
(to stay) at home. 3. If I go to London I (to visit) the British Museum.
6) 1. If I (to study) hard I’ll be a good seafarer. 2. If my friend (to come) we shall listen to music. 3.
If the cargo (to be unloaded) quickly we shall have some free time.
в) 1. If I (to know) English well I (to read) English books in the original. 2. If Mr Brown (to arrive)
in Ukraine he (to visit) many places of interest. 3. If they (to go) on an excursion they (to take) a
photo camera with them.

12. В условных предложениях II типа поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующей форме.

Модель: If the weather was / were fine tomorrow we would put to sea.

а) 1. If we took a taxi we (to catch) a train. 2. If you sent a telegram we (to be met) at the
station tomorrow. 3. If I were him I (to stay) at home today.
Б) 1. If we (to book) tickets in advance we would have better seats at the theatre. 2. If I (to be)
you I would speak English every day. 3. If my friend (to take) part in the coming competition he would
1. в) 1. If Boris (to come) now he (to help) us. 2. If I (to be) you I (to visit) all the places of
interest in New York If you (to look through) the latest newspapers you (to find) a lot of interesting

13. В условных предложениях III типа поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующей форме.

Модель: If the weather had been fine yesterday we wouId have put to sea.

а) 1. If they had followed the pilot’s instructions the ship (not to have) an accident. 2. If I had
known your telephone number I (to phone) you long ago. 3. If we had sent for a tug in time we (to
moor) some hours ago.
б) 1. If they (to pack) the goods properly the cargo wouldn’t have been damaged. 2. If the wind
(not to be) so strong we would have reached the port yesterday. 3. If he (to do) sports when he was
at school he wouldn’t have been so ill now.
в) 1. If you (to phone) me yesterday I (not to forget to bring the book. 2. If you (not to take)
extra cargo the ship (not to capsize). 3. If she (to spend) more time on studies she (not to fail) her
exam in math.

14. Переведите на английский язык.

а) 1. Если завтра погода будет хорошая, мы поедем за город. 2. Если бы завтра погода была
хорошая, мы бы поехали за город. 3. Если бы вчера погода была хорошая, мы бы поехали за
б) 1. Если судно увеличит скорость, оно придет в порт вовремя. 2. Если бы судно увеличило
скорость, оно пришло бы в порт через час. 3. Если бы судно увеличило скорость, оно бы пришло
в порт еще вчера.
в) 1. Если не будет шторма, мы выйдем в море завтра.
2. Если бы не было шторма, мы бы завтра вышли в море.
3. Если бы вчера не было шторма, мы бы вышли в море.

15. Употребить глаголы в нужном времени.

Models: If I have much money, I ___will buy___(to buy) a new car.
If I had much money, I___would buy__ a new car.
If I had had much money last month, I ___would have bought__ a new car.

1. If you study hard, you______________________(to know) English perfectly.

If you studied English hard, you_______________________________________________________.
If you had studied hard at school, you____________________________________________________.
2. If I go ashore, I_______________________________(to do) the city.
If I went ashore, I________________________________________________________________________.
If I had gone ashore yesterday, I____________________________________________________________.
3. If the Master orders, we _____________________________(to change) the ship’s course.
If the Master ordered, we_________________________________________________________________.
If the Master had ordered yesterday, we____________________________________________________.
4. If you open a newspaper, you_______________________(to read) a very interesting article.
If you opened a newspaper, you_______________________________________________________________.
If you had opened a newspaper last week, you_________________________________________________.
5. If he calls me tomorrow, I ____________________(to ask) him.
If he called me tomorrow, I____________________________________________________________________.
If he had called me yesterday, I________________________________________________________________.
6. If the dockers fasten the cargo properly, the ship__________________________(not/ to capsize).
If the dockers fastened the cargo properly, the ship____________________________________________.
If the dockers had fastened the cargo well, the ship____________________________________________.
7. If I am free of watch, I _______________(to have) an opportunity to go to the nearest pub.
If I were free of watch, I_______________________________________________________________________.
If I had been free of watch yesterday, I ________________________________________________________.

4. Test.

Unit 10.

1. Words and expressions.

2. Passive Voice.
3. Practice.
4. Test. Speaking.

1. Words and expressions.

That’s why Вот почему

Of course Конечно
It depends. Когда как…
In my opinion По-моему
Well? Ну?
Sunny Солнечный
Snowy Снежный
Rainy Дождливый
Windy Ветреный
Cloudy Облачный
Stormy Штормовой
Foggy Туманный
Dry Сухой
Wet Мокрый
Icy Ледяной
Cool Прохладный
Cold Холодный
Hot Горячий, жаркий
Warm Теплый
It is raining. Идет дождь.
Cancelling Крайний срок прибытия судна в порт под
Formal notice Официальное уведомление
ETA (estimated time of arrival) Расчетное время прибытия судна
Shifting of the vessel Перетяжка судна
Watertight Водонепроницаемый
Surface Поверхность
Maintenance Техническое обслуживание
Cash Наличные
Exchange rate Курс обмена
Note Банкнота
Coin Монета
Change Сдача
Free of charge Бесплатно
Currency Валюта
To spend money on Тратить деньги на…
To borrow from Занимать у…
To lend smb. Давать взаймы…
To haggle Торговаться
Follow me Следуйте за мной.
From here to there Отсюда туда
From time to time Время от времени
To go along… Идти вдоль
Good idea! Отличная идея!
Have a good trip! Хорошего путешествия!
Why not? Почему бы и нет?
You’re right. Ты прав.
You’re welcome. Пожалуйста!

2. Passive Voice.
Показывает, что действие совершается над предметом/ лицом, выраженным
I repaired the engine.
The engine was repaired.

TO BE + P||

A hammer is used
Hammers are used
A hammer was used
Hammers were used
A hammer will be used
Hammers will be used

Спряжение глагола to receive в Indefinite Passive

Время Утвердительная форма

Present The weather information is received every day. Информация о
Indefinite погоде принимается каждый день.

Past The weather information was received yesterday. Информация о

Indefinite погоде была принята вчера.

Future The weather information will be received tomorrow. Информация

Indefinite о погоде будет принята завтра.

Время Вопросительная форма

Is the weather information received every day?

Was the weather information received yesterday?

Will any weather information be received tomorrow?

Время Отрицательная форма

The weather information is not received every hour.
Past The weather information was not received yesterday.

Future The weather information will not be received soon.


Если лицо, совершающее действие, известно, перед ним может стоять предлог
The weather report was received by me.

- Утвердительная форма глаголов Passive Voice в Perfect Tenses образуется

при помощи глагола to be в соответствующем времени и Participle II:

have / has
had been + P II
will have

The ship has been repaired

lately. Судно было недавно отре -
The ship had been repaired by
last week.
Судно было отремонтиро вано к
The ship will have been repaired прошлой неделе.
by next week
Судно будет отремонтиро вано к
будущей неделе

- При образовании вопросительной формы пер вый

вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подле жащим.
- При образовании отрицательной формы части ца not ставится после
первого вспомогательного глагола.

The ship has been repaired.

Has the ship been repaired? - Yes, she has. (No, she hasn’t).
The ship hasn’t been repaired.

Present Perfect Passive часто употребляется с теми же наречиями неопределенного

времени, что и Present Perfect Active: already, yet, just, ever, never, lately, recently.
Наречия already, ever, never, just ставятся после п е р в о г о вспомогательного глагола:
This book has just been published. Эту книгу только что опубликовали.

3. Practice.

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

а) 1. English is spoken in many countries. 2. Are the cadets allowed to go home

every day? 3. This port isn’t visited by the Russian ships. 4. The ship’s position is
defined by navigators with the help of modern navigational equipment.
б) 1. This port was reconstructed some years ago. 2. The ship Varna was not loaded

in time. 3. Was the ship’s course plotted by the Captain? 4. The Chief Engineer was
asked how to repair the main engine. 5. How many radiotelegrams were transmitted
в) 1. The ship’s holds will be cleaned tomorrow. 2. Every newcomer to London will
be shown the British Museum. 3. The ship’s position will be defined in some minutes.
4. When will the bearings be taken? 5. The ship’s radio equipment will not be
examined today.
г) 1. He was told an interesting story. 2. They were recommended to change the
route. 3. All visitors to London are usually shown the Houses of Parliament. 4. The
tug was not sent for yesterday. 5. This book is much spoken about. 6. He is said to be
a good master.

2. Построить предложения в Passive Voice.

Example: A bulk carrier carries such cargo as coal or grain.
Such cargo as coal or grain is carried by a bulk carrier.
1. The seamen use fresh water to clean the deck.
2. They clean the anchor.
3. The helmsman steers the ship.
4. Bosun supplies the tools.
5. The Third Officer examines the fire extinguishers.
6. He hoisted signal flags.
7. The crew tests new breathing apparatus.
8. Ship’s builders designed a container ship to carry standart-sized containers in the cargo holds and
as deck cargo.

3. Вставьте предложенные глаголы в предложения и переведите их:

Damage finish fit make open execute check use do
1. After the bunkering is finished, Chief Engineer reports to the Master.
2. The hull of our vessel___________________________________________of good steel.
3. Gangway_________________________________________to get from ashore onboard.
4. Bitts__________________________________________________on the starboard side.
5. Ladder on the port side_____________________________________________________.
6. All hatch covers_______________________________________________by AB seamen.
7. The orders of watchkeeping officer__________________________________________.
8. The duties ______________________________________according to the muster list.

4. Перевести на английский язык:

1. Краску разводят растворителем.
2. Каюты убираются стюардами.
3. Крышки баков были открыты.
4. Приказы отдаются офицерами.
5. Мне сказали, где сейчас старпом.
6. Инструменты выдаются боцманом.
7. На судне используется только водостойкая краска.
8. Лебедку красят матросы второго класса.
9. Этот трюм используется редко.
10. Ржавчину очищают при помощи скребка.
11. Трап поврежден.

5. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы используя модели.

Модель 1: The life-boats are examined before every voyage.
Are the life-boats examined before every voyage?
The life-boats are not (aren’t) examined before every voyage.

1. Many new houses are built in our city every year. 2. The ship’s hull is usually
painted black. 3. The English language is learnt in many countries. 4. Tankers are
loaded on the roads (рейды). 5. These problems are usually discussed at our club.
Модель 2: The training ship Vyborg was reconstructed last year.
Was the training ship Vyborg reconstructed last year?

The training ship Vyborg was not reconstructed last year.

1. All crewmen were examined by the ship’s doctor a week ago. 2. The ship’s hull
was painted black in the port of Riga. 3. The gas-carrier Chita was built in Finland in
1988. 4. Weather reports were received by the Radio-Officer yesterday. 5. The
cargo was delivered in March.
Модель 3: This ice-breaker will be built in Finland.
Will this ice-breaker be built in Finland?
This ice-breaker will not be built in Finland.
1. Our cadets will be examined in English next week.
1. The grammar test will be written in a week. 3. We will be given a scholarship at the
end of the month. 4. I will be invited to the Ukrainian Museum next Sunday. 5. A
watch officer will be ordered to change the ship’s course.

6. Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в соответствующем времени.

1. The cadets of our college (to send) to the port every summer. 2. They (to
instruct) in seamanship next year. 3. Radio apprentices (to tell) how to repair
transmitters in case of trouble last term. 4. The boatswain (to order ) by the captain
to repair three life-boats last week. 5. The Ukrainian Museum (to visit) by thousands
of people every year. 6. Kate (to invite) to see a new film yesterday. 7. A new TV set
(to buy) by our Chief Officer next month.

7. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Одесский порт посещается (to visit) многими рос сийскими и иностранными

судами. 2. Корпус судна был покрашен в белый цвет. 3. Меня попросили
определить местоположение судна. 4. Эта книга была переведена на английский
язык два года назад. 5. Курсантов обучают судовождению. 6. Это судно будет
построено через два года. 7. Его послали в машинное отделение пять минут назад.

8. Раскрыть скобки, употребив глаголы в Passive Voice.

Model: Bread is eaten every day.

1. The telegram______________________________________________(to receive) yesterday.
2. They______________________________________________(to send) to Moscow next week.

3. I__________________________________________(to ask) at the English lesson yesterday.
4. I________________________________________________(to give) a very interesting book.
5. Many colleges ______________________________________(to build) in our town every year.
6. This work _____________________________________________________(to do) tomorrow.
7. This text________________________________________________(to translate) yesterday.
8. We ________________________________________(to invite) to an exhibition last Saturday.
9. My question________________________________________________(to answer) yesterday.
10. Many sports __________________________________________________(to play) in winter.
11. Many houses________________________________(to burn) during the Great Fire of London.
12. His report__________________________________________________(to finish) next year.
13. Fruit___________________________________________(to sell) in shops and in the streets.
14. St. Petersburg________________________________________________(to found) in 1703.
15. This captain___________________________________________(to know) all over the world.

9. Изменить предложения, используя Indefinite Passive.

Model: They built a new house. A new house was built by them.
1. People will respect you if you do it.
2. They sent for the doctor immediately.
3. Everybody listened to his report attentively.
4. They always waited for me after the lessons.
5. Nobody painted the lifeboat.
6. Everybody lost sight of the boat in the fog.
7. Why didn’t they help her?
8. They will listen to him.
9. Students often read these texts.
10. They laughed at him.
11. He often invites me to his lessons.
12. Seamen speak English in different parts of the world.
13. We unload the ship with cranes.
14. They build this house in 1950.
15. Somebody locked the door of the cabin.
16. They finished their work in time.
17. They will publish this book next year.
18. They will tell you when to come.
19. When will they build a new vessel?
20. Someone will ask him about it.

10. Раскрыть скобки, употребив глагол в Passive Voice.

1. The emergency transmitter________________________________(to tune) by him yesterday.
2. The ship ____________________________________(to unload) by the dockers in three days.
3. Our country______________________________(to visit) by thousands of tourists every year.
4. This building_______________________________________(to destroy) by German fascists.
5. We__________________________(to take) to the navigating bridge, when we visited the ferry.
6. The ship ______________________(to prepare) for the departure by the sailors in some hours.
7. Our vessel _______________________________(to search) by customs officers two days ago.
8. The ship’s navigational equipment _________________________________(to show) to us soon.
9. The air conditioning system _______________________________(usually / to regulate) by him.
10. Satellite communication devices ________________(usually / to maintain) by our Radio Officer.
11. His work ____________________________(to interrupt) by the Second Engineer a minute ago.
12. The new dock________________________________________________(to built) next year.
13. I ___________________________________________(to take) to the museum every month.
14. We___________________________________________(to meet) at the gangway yesterday.
15. Next summer we________________(to use) life-saving appliances during our shipboard training.
16. Ships_________________________________________(to unload) by the dockers last week.
17. The navigational warning ________________________________(to receive) some minutes ago.
18. Last summer our apprentices ___________________________(to instruct) by skilled officers.
19. The equipment ________________________________________(to repair) in case of trouble.
20. Auxiliary machinery ___________________(to maintain) by our cadets next shipboard training.

11. Составить вопросы.

Model: Many ships are built in Poland. Are many ships made in Poland?
This ship was built in Poland. Was this ship built in Poland?
1. This ship was built last year.
2. A new ice-breaker will be launched in September.
3. All Ukrainian ships are equipped with modern radars.
4. The book was translated into English some years ago.
5. English is learnt in many countries.
6. The cargo will be loaded in time.

12. Составить предложения в прошедшем и будущем времени согласно модели.

Model: A new tanker is built at our in shipyard. A new tanker was built at our shipyard a few
months ago.
1. Our ship is usually repaired in Finland.
2. This exercise is usually done at home.
3. These problems are sometimes discussed at college.
4. The hull is usually painted black.
5. They are often tested in navigation.

Model: A new passenger liner is built in Poland. A new passenger liner will be built in Poland
next year.
1. These documents are usually checked by the Master.
2. The cargo is usually checked by the Third Mate.
3. The deck is usually cleaned by sailors.
4. This work is usually done by the Boatswain.
5. This equipment is usually lubricated by or motormen

13. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык.

а) 1. This book has been translated into English.
2. They have already been invited to a birthday party.
3. Has this film been shown on TV yet? — No, it hasn’t.
4. The tug hasn’t yet been sent for.
5. The problem of the port reconstruction has just been discussed.

б) 1. The new radar had been repaired by last Monday.
2. This film had been on at all cinemas before it was shown on TV.
3. When we arrived at the port the ship had already been launched.
4. Have you been to the “Shipbuilding Exhibition” yet? — Yes, we have. It had been
so much spoken about before opening that we went to see it on the first day.

в) 1. This work will have been finished by next Wednesday.

2. The deck will have been painted in two hours.
3. The reconstruction of the port will have been completed by the end of next year.

14. Напишите форму пассивного перфектного инфинитива (Perfect Passive

Infinitive) указанных глаголов.
Модель: to do — to have been done
to speak, to send, to feel, to repair, to find, to give, to inform, to found, to
make, to build, to show, to ask, to tell

15. Поставьте данные ниже предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

Модель: This shipyard has been built lately.
Has this shipyard been built lately?
This shipyard hasn’t been built lately.
I. All the voyages of Thor Heyerdahl have been much written about. 2. This work
has been successfully done. 3. The latest football match has been criticised. 4. This
equipment has been much spoken about. 5. A new spaceship has just been launched.

16. Составьте предложения по модели, используя данную ниже таблицу. Переведите

предложения на русский язык.
Модель: the book; to be talked about; just

The book has just been talked about.

The film to be spoken about just

The latest events to be discussed already

The football match
The space flight to be commented on since
The new ice-breaker
The tug to be shown on TV last week

to be sent for yet

to be called for lately


17. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Этот дом построен недавно. 2. Нам только что сооб щили прогноз погоды. 3.
Наше судно было спущено на воду в этом году. 4. Этот фильм никогда не
показывали по телевидению. 5. Лоцмана вызвали до того, как при шла
радиограмма. 6. К трем часам все насосы были отре монтированы.

18. Раскрыть скобки, употребив в Perfect Passive.

Model: The navigational warning has just been received. (just/ to receive).
1. He______________________________________________________(just/ to interview) by some correspondents.
2. I__________________________________________________________(already/ to tell) them about their voyage.
3. Great achievement __________________________________________(to make) in space exploration and science.
4. The ship ______________________________________________________________________(not/ to repair) yet.
5. The accident ____________________________________________________(to describe) in this newspaper lately.
6. The new atomic ice-breaker ________________________________________________________(to launch) lately.
7. The propeller ______________________________________________________(just/ to damage) by a floating log.
8. The propeller _________________________________________(to repair)at the port of destination by next week.
9. The list to starboard _____________________________________________________________(just/ to increase).
10. The boat ____________________________________________________________(to capsize) by a severe storm.
11. The searchlight________________________________________________________________(just/ to switch) on.
12. The cargo__________________________________________(to shift) to starboard before the Captain returned.
13. The darkness__________________________________________________________(to pierce) by the ray of light.
14. When we saw the yacht, it_____________________________________________(to push) by the wind far away.
15. The navigational warnings ____________________________________________(to transmit) before we arrived.
16. The latitude and longitude _____________________________________________(just/ to define) by our sailors.
17. The ship’s course ____________________________________________________________(already/ to change).
18. The arrival of our ship__________________________________________________________(to delay) by a gale.
19. The ship could capsize as the cargo___________________________________________ (not/ to fasten) properly.

19. Раскрыть скобки, употребив глаголы в Perfect Passive.

1. The ship’s generators__________________________________________(to overhaul) by the Chief Engineer lately.
2. The hatches ___________________________________________________________________(not/ to cover) yet.
3. The SOS signal________________________________________________(just/ to receive) from an unknown ship.
4. Some seamen __________________________________________________(just/ to save) by sailors of the tanker.
5. The survival appliances _________________________________________________________(to check) this week.
6. The building ___________________________________________________________(to destroy) by the fire lately.
7. This shipyard ________________________________________________(already/ to reconstruct) before we came.
8. The cargo_______________________________________________________________(just/ to load) into hold#2.
9. The transmitter________________________________________________________________(to tune) this week.
10. The boxes __________________________________________________________(to stow) by 10 a.m. tomorrow.
11. Soon the ship’s position _______________________________________________________(to define) on charts.
12. A radiogram________________________________________________________________(to receive) from the
shipping company and the Master ordered to call at the nearest port.
13. The divers found the ship which __________________________________________________________(to lose).
14. We couldn’t make a trip in a speed-boat as the petrol _______________________________________(to use) up.
15. The sunken ship ________________________________________(to bring) to the surface by 5 o’clock tomorrow.

16. A lot of things were brought to the surface from the ship, which _________________________________(to sink)
by an enemy submarine.

20. Изменить следующие предложения, используя Passive.

Model: We haven’t changed our course yet. Our course hasn’t been changed yet.
1. The engineers have just tested a new engine.
2. Our transport industry has just achieved good results during last few years.
3. We have discussed many important problems.
4. Our scientists have developed new types of cargo-ships.
5. The weather has affected the work of apparatus.
6. They will have raised the sunken ship.
7. They had found the lost ship.
8. I had read a lot about the country’s industry.
9. The doctor will have examined the patient before the operation.
10. They have built this shipyard lately.
11. We will have completed the reconstruction of the port by the end of the next year.
12. They have shown their modern industrial enterprises to me lately.
13. The dockers haven’t fastened the cargo properly.
14. They had inspected the holds.
15. We will have launched the life-boat soon.
16. The sailors had switched the searchlight on.
17. They have asked the crewmen several questions.
18. The ray of light had pierced the darkness.
19. The doctor had rendered the Boatswain the first aid.
20. They have just switched the searchlight on.

21. Изменить предложения, используя соответствующую группу Passive.

1. No one has seen him anywhere this week.

2. Somebody has invited her to the party.
3. They have done all the exercises in written form.
4. They had done everything before we came.
5. I thought they had already sent the letter.
6. Evidently somebody had informed him of the news before they announced it.
7. They have not told him about it yet.
8. The branches of the tree hid her face.
9. I know her family.
10. Her brother has taken me there more than once.
11. Everybody looked at them with interest.
12. They have finished the work at last.
13. The children surround their teacher after the lessons.
14. I lost the key yesterday.
15. He has brought the letter.
16. We shall send for the doctor a t once.
17. One can rely on this man.

18. They have discussed the examination questions.

19. Have they asked you about it?
20. People met the delegation at the station.
21. Suddenly we heard some steps.
22. They will tell you everything about it.
23. We can win peace if we fight for it.
24. Nobody has answered my question yet.
25. What have people done about it?
26. They haven’t typed the text. You’ll have to wait.
27. Students often ask of this book.
28. People speak well about her.
29. They spoke to each student.
30. They have just discussed the question.
31. Shakespeare wrote “Hamlet”.
32. They have arrested her for shoplifting.
33. They haven’t repaired your car yet.
34. People in Chile speak Spanish.
35. Has anybody asked Peter?
36. My mother made this dress.
37. Electricity drives this car.
38. Somebody will tell you where to go.
39. A drunken motorist knocked her down.
40. A vessel has just put to sea.
41. The Chinese invented paper.
42. You need hops to make beer.
43. They don’t sell stamps in bookshops.
44. The director considers your application.
45. Somebody has just phoned you.
46. He has already done everything by Tuesday.
47. The policeman gave him his money back.
48. Austrians speak German.
49. The washing-machine has washed all my clothes.

50. English (to speak) in Australia.

51. The Taj Mahal (to built) around 1640.
52. The new port (to built) next year in our town.
53. They (to interview) yesterday.
54. The article (just/ to publish).
55. (you/ to invite) to his birthday party?
56. He found that his money (to steal) by somebody.
57. The modern computers (to make) in Japan.
58. Passengers (to ask) not to smoke in the saloon.
59. The main engine (to repair) yesterday.
60. The village church (to reconstruct) last year.
61. This ship (to launch) this year.
62. I thought that equipment (to buy) before we entered the college.
63. I (just/ to inform) that our ship is approaching the port now.
64. I (not to please) that my friend rang me up at four in the morning and asked me stupid questions.
65. I (to confuse) by the fact that the ship looked completely different from the last time I had
seen her.
66. We (just/ to bring) certificates to sign.

22. Перевести на английский язык.

1. Этот радар только что отремонтировали.
2. Эта работа будет закончена завтра к трем часам.
3. Через два часа эта надстройка будет покрашена.
4. Эта сводка погоды была получена до начала шторма.
5. Этот причал был восстановлен до нашего приезда.
6. О нашем путешествии было сегодня напечатано в утренних газетах.
7. Ужин был приготовлен к 7 часам вечера.
8. Боцмана только что вызвали к капитану.
9. Когда пришел капитан, все было подготовлено к отправке.
10. Меня уже приняли на новую работу.
11. Эти документы еще не подписаны.
12. Курс этого судна еще не определен.
13. Судно уже разгрузили?
14. Недавно мне рассказали о нечастном случае на море.
15. Этот текст будет переведен к следующему уроку.

16. Этот порт был построен много лет назад.

17. Новое судно только что спустили на воду.
18. Эта проблема часто обсуждается на наших собраниях.
19. Наше судно было задержано в порту.
20. Эту шлюпку спустят на воду через несколько минут.
21. Наша шлюпка была опрокинута сильной волной.
22. Этими приборами часто пользуются.
23. Вас уже пригласили на выставку?
24. Мою статью опубликуют к концу следующей недели.
25. Вспомогательные механизмы были осмотрены до того, как судно вышло из порта.
26. Эти генераторы будут настроены завтра к 10ти часам утра.
27. Погрузка судна только что закончена.
28. К 5ти часам будут сделаны необходимые записи в судовом журнале.

4. Test. Speaking.

Unit 11.

Bunkering operation.

1. Words and expressions.

2. The Present Perfect Tense. I have done…
3. Practice.
4. Test. Speaking.

1. Words and expressions.

Alongside Вдоль борта, лагом.

Bargeman Капитан баржи
Bunker pipeline Бункеровочный трубопровод
Bunkering procedure checklist Контрольный список по бункеровке
To complete Завершать
To confirm Подтверждать
Dirty Грязный
Duties Обязанности
Fender Кранец
Firewater pump Пожарный насос
To forget Забывать
Hose Шланг
In position На месте
To inspect Инспектировать
Maintenance checklist Контрольный список по обслуживанию
Mooring Швартовка
To practice Практиковать
Pressure valve Клапан давления
Railing Поручень, леер
Rusty Ржавый
Scupper Шпигат
Seal Уплотнение, пломба
Service Обслуживание
Sound the tanks Промерять танки
Yet Еще, уже
Flag signal Флажный сигнал
To visit Посещать
Ever Когда-нибудь
Never Никогда
Just Только что
Already Уже
Lately Недавно
Recently Недавно
To transmit Передавать, пересылать
Unknown Неизвестный
Auxiliary Вспомогательный, технический
Skilled Опытный

Experienced Опытный
Swamp Свалка
To impress Производить впечатление
Floating Плывучий
Instance Пример, случай
Standby Режим готовности

It’s new to me. Первый раз слышу.

It’s out of place. Это неуместно.
It’s up to you. Решай сам.
It’s all the same to me. Мне без разницы.
It’s waste of time. Это трата времени.
What for? Зачем?
So what? Ну и что?
You can take it from me. Можешь мне поверить.
Let’s clear it up. Давайте разберемся.
It doesn’t make sense. Это не имеет смысла.
Here and now Здесь и сейчас.
I wish I knew. Хотел бы я знать!
That’s not the point. Это к делу не относится.
What are you talking about? О чем ты говоришь?

2. Present Perfect употребляется для выражения действий, которые совершились к

настоящему моменту. Важен результат действия, («уже»).
I have visited London.
I haven’t seen this film.
Have you done your homework?

Have/ has + P||

- Слова-указатели: ever, never, just, already, lately, recently, yet.

- В отрицании “not” ставится после have/ has.

He hasn’t cleaned the deck yet.

- В вопросе have/ has на первом месте.

Have you written the report?

- Present Perfect также употребляется со словами, вы ражающими период

времени, еще не закончивший ся к настоящему моменту (действие
закончилось, а время еще не истекло): today, this week (month, year).

The ship has arrived today.

They have checked the survival appliances this week.
- Present Perfect используется с предлогами since с тех пор как и for в течение.

I haven’t been here since my last holiday.

I have known Alexander for two years.

3. Practice.

1. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык.

1. The training ship has left the port of Odessa today. Have you ever been to New
York? — Yes, I have. 3. Have you transmitted my radiotelegrams yet? — Yes, I have.
4. She has asked our captain to show her the ship this week.
2. We haven’t called at this port since last summer. 6. The tanker has just arrived. 7.
How long have you known our agent? — I’ve known him for five years.

2. Составить предложения.
Model: The sailors have cleaned the deck.
The Chief Officer changed watch at the helm
Our Motormen kept the life-boat
The Radio-Officers have cleaned weather reports
The Boatswain has launched the main engine
The Helmsman received the life-saving
Our sailors repaired equipment
The Chief Engineer checked the holds
the ship’s course

3. Открыть скобки, употребив Present Perfect.

1. Our Boatswain (to be) to the Atlantic this year.
2. Mary (to visit) her daughter this month.
3. The workers of the Admiralty Shipyard (to launch) a new ice-breaker recently.
4. We (to visit) two Chinese ports lately.
5. You (to see) our new survival appliances? – Yes, we have already seen them.
6. Junior officer (to give) me good binoculars today.
7. Where is Agent? – I don’t know, but he just (to be) here.
8. He (to be) ever to London? – No, he never (to be) there.
9. They (to load) 20 cars on deck.
10. The tug already (to arrive).

4. Переписать предложения, вставив вместо русских слов их английские эквиваленты.

1. The ship has (только что) entered the port.
2. Has Jack (когда-либо) been to Germany? – Yes, he has.
3. She has (никогда) been to Paris.
4. Our Third Officer has been to Kotka (недавно).
5. I have given Petrov my textbook (в этом месяце) but he has not returned it (еще).
6. I have known Pete (с тех пор как) we entered our colledge.
7. Has your electrician repaired the pump (уже)? – No, he hasn’t (еще нет). He is still repairing it.

5. Поставить предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

Model: The ship has already put to sea. Has the ship put to sea yet? The ship hasn’t put to
sea yet.

1. We’ve just received the SOS signal from an unknown ship.
2. The sailors have scrubbed the deck lately.
3. The ice-breaker has already conducted the cargo ship to the port.
4. They have visited the office today.
5. We have studied how to navigate sailing boats.

6. Задать вопрос к предложениям.

Model: The stevedore has ordered to begin loading. Has the stevedore ordered to begin
loading? Who has ordered to begin loading?
1. Their ship has come to Glasgow.
2. Mike has learnt the English text well.
3. The dockers have opened the hatches.
4. The tanker has saved ten foreign seamen.
5. The mates on the navigating bridge have taken bearings of the lighthouse

7. Перевести на английский язык.

1. Ты когда-нибудь был в Австралии? – Да. – Когда ты там был? – Я был там год назад.
2. Ты уже видел новый фильм? – Да. – Он тебе понравился? – Нет.
3. Когда ты купил этот словарь? – Я только что его купил.
4. Как долго ты знаешь нашего капитана? – Я знаю его 10 лет. Мы впервые встретились когда он
был третьим помощником.
5. Ваш капитан уже подписал документы? – Да. Он подписал их час назад.

8. Поставить глаголы в скобках в Past Indefinite или Present Perfect.

1. You ever (to be) in London? – Yes, I (to be) there several times. – When you (to be) there last? – I
(to be) there last a month ago.
2. You (to see) Mary this week? – No, I …not. But I (to see) her last month.
3. When you (to enter) the Nautical College? – I (to enter) it last autumn.
4. The ice-breaker just (to arrive) at the pilot station.
5. We (to learn) about our next voyage lately. – But I (to know) about our coming voyage three days
6. When you (to make) your first voyage? – I (to make it) four month ago, but my brother just (to
put) to sea.
7. The sailors already (to launch) the life-boat . – When they (to lift) the life-boat No. 2? – They (to
lift) it 10 minutes ago.
9. Перевести на английский язык.
1. Капитан уже пришел? – Да. – Когда он пришел? – Он пришел полчаса назад.
2. Где радист?? – Я его только что видел. – Когда вы его видели? – Я видел его четверть часа
3. Старпом осмотрел трюмы сегодня, а второй помощник сделал это вчера.
4. Вы уже были в Испании? – Нет, я не был там никогда.
5. В каком английском порту вы были? – Я был в Лондоне. – Когда вы там были? – Я там был в
1997 году.
6. Мы не заходили в этот порт с прошлого лета.
7. Танкер только что пришел в наш порт.
8. Как долго ты знаешь агента? – Я знаю его пять лет.

10. Употребить глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.
Model: He has just transmitted (just/ to transmit) a radiogram.
1. The ship_________________________________________________________________(just/ to enter) the port.
2. They ____________________________________________________________________(already/ to put) to sea.
3 . I________________________________________________________________(never/ to sail) on board bulkers.
4. He_________________________________________________________________(to check) the lifeboats today.
5. They____________________________________________________(to come) back from their shipboard training.
6. I_______________________________________________________________________(never/ to be) to London.
7. He______________________________________________________________________(to visit) Istanbul lately.
8. He____________________________________________________________(already/ to repair) the transmitter.
9. She_______________________________________________________________________(just/ to come) home.
10. He is out. He _________________________________________________________________(just/ to go) away.
11. I _____________________________________________________________(to know) our Captain for 10 years.
12. We ____________________________________________________________________(to live) here since 1996.
13. The barge ______________________________________________________________(to leave) the port today.
14. The new vessel ______________________________________________________(already/ to arrive) at the port.
15. They _______________________________________________________________(just/ to launch) a new vessel.
16. The cars_____________________________________________________________(already/ to roll on) the ferry.
17. I can find my keys nowhere. I _______________________________________________________(to lose) them!
18. He________________________________________________________________________(just/ to phone) you.
19. The Radio-Officer_______________________________________________ (already / to transmit) the radiogram.
20. We ______________________________________________________(not/ to receive) the weather reports yet.
21. He _____________________________________________________________(not/ to tune) the transmitter yet.
22. They ________________________________________________(already/ to show) the auxiliary machinery to us.
23. We__________________________________________________________________(not/ to stow) the cargo yet.
24. The cadets_______________________________________________(already/ to learn) how to make bearings on
different coastal objects.
25. He___________________________________________________(not/ to lubricate) the engine-room equipment.
26. They _____________________________________________________________(not/ to discharge) the ship yet.
27. We___________________________________________________(already/ to study) satellite navigation system.
28. Our officer___________________________________ ___(to instruct) the cadets how to use echo sounder lately.
29. We__________________________________________________________(not/ to see) the life-saving appliances.
30. He______________________________________________________________(just/ to receive) a short telegram.
31. We_________________________________________________________________(to live) in Madrid for 5 years.
32. _____________you__________________________(to see) this film yet?
33. _____________you ever _________________________(to be) in China?
34. _____________you_________________________(to have) dinner yet?

11. Употребите после формы вспомогательного глагола HAVE третью основную форму
смыслового глагола (P||), заключенного в скобки.
Tim has (finish) his work. ---- Tim has finished his work.
1. I have (finished) my work at last. 2. Tom has (play) in every match this season. 3. I have already
(earn) a thousand dollars this month. 4. He has (live) here all his life. 5. I have (ask) some friends to
dinner tonight. 6. My friends have just (arrive) from Berlin. 7. He said that he had (enjoy) the opera
very much. 8. Hundreds of people have (visit) this exhibition. 9. I have (bake) you a birthday cake. 10.
His parents have (decide) to go to Spain for their holidays. 11. Peter has (clean) the car. 12. Post the
letter as soon as you have (finish) it.

12. Употребите третью форму глагола (P||)

1. I have already (see) this film, it’s very good. 2. Emily and Ben have already (leave). 3. I know this
book, I have (read) it. 4. Canada has (win) the World Cup. 5. They haven’t (learn) English before. 6.

Traffic has (become) a difficult problem. 7. Look, the Sun has (come) out. 8. Larry Jones has (write)
a lot of plays. 9. Help! I think I have (break) my arm. 10. She has (lose) all her money. 11. Mary has
(go) to school. 12. They have (built) a new house. 13. He has (do) this exercise. 14. Tom has (burn) a
hole in his pocket. 15. John has (buy) flowers for her.

13. Употребите настоящее время перфекта.

1. Frank (buy) two English books. 2. They (go) out together. 3. She (be) to Oxford before. 4. Daisy
(change) very much. 5. The boys (eat) all the cakes. 6. I (not meet) Sharon for a long time. 7. The
secretary (type) the letter. 8. She (not see) Frank since last winter. 9. Bruce (post) the letter. 10. I
(live) in this flat for a few weeks already. 11. We (be) to several good concerts lately. 12. Mary (buy)
some new dresses. 13. She (not come) yet. 14. They (have) their supper already. 15. You (not changed)
at all.
14. Образуйте вопросительные предложения. Вместо already употребите yet.
He has already read this book. – Has he read this book yet?
1. He has already seen this film. 2. You have already bought a present for Rose. 3. Nora has already
gone to bed. 4. Joy has already finished her work. 5. Ronald has already found a new job. 6. Frank has
already sold his car. 7. You have already written to Ben. 8. Steve has already paid his debts. 9. He has
already come. 10. You have already had lunch.
15. Измените предложения согласно модели.
He is still washing the cups. – He hasn’t washed the cups yet.
1. He is still making the bed. 2. He is still sweeping the floor. 3. He is still feeding the baby. 4. She is
still reading the paper. 5. She is still drinking her tea. 6. We are still having our breakfast. 7. Bill is
still watering the tomatoes. 8. Sally is still painting the walls. 9. The teacher is still cleaning the
blackboard. 10. I am still finishing my composition.

16. Употребите Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1. I (know) her for years. 2. Yesterday Bob (play) football in the park. 3. He (like) to play football
since he was a child. 4. Mr. Taylor (drive) me to the airport last night. 5. Peter (fall) from the tree
yesterday. 6. John (paint) this portrait two years ago. 7. Sarah (come) to see us last Monday. 8. I like
this book very much, I (read) it twice. 9. We (go) to a concert last night. 10. I (not meet) him since he
left England. 11. Yesterday I (go) to bed at midnight. 12. His family (live) in this small village for ten
years. 13. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays. 14. Bob (not finish) his letter yet.

17. Задать вопрос к предложениям.

Model: I have already received the radiogram.
Have you received the radiogram yet?
1. We have just plotted the ship’s position.
2. They have already relieved each other of watch.
3. The cadets have already come.
4. He has just received the navigational warning.
5. I have never used finders.
6. I have never been to Africa.
7. He has tuned the equipment today.
8. They have just approached the ferry.
9. We have already unloaded the ship.
10. We have never seen satellite communication devices.
11. I have already overhauled the emergency transmitter.
12. The ship has been on regular service since 1982.

13. The motor-man has lubricated the pump.
14. The Captain has just decreased the ship’s speed.
15. We have already repaired a radio direction finder.

18. Перевести на русский язык.

1. Докеры только что погрузили ящики.

2. Мы уже подготовили судно к отправке.
3. Вы уже отремонтировали двигатель? - Нет еще.
4. Я не видел моего друга с прошлого воскресения.
5. Судно только что покинуло порт.
6. Вы когда-нибудь были в Третьяковской галерее?
7. Я только что настроил аварийный передатчик.
8. Этот капитан очень опытный. Он никогда не ошибается!
9. Я уже получил радиограмму. Вот она.
10. Мы только что сменили друг друга на вахте.
11. Мы недавно научились пользоваться секстантом.
12. Матросы только что открыли люки.
13. Я знаю нашего боцмана уже 6 лет.
14. Что случилось?... Вы уже вызвали полицию?
15. Я только что встретил нашего капитана.
16. Недавно они спустили на воду новое судно.

19. Употребить глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.

1. This is the first time_______________________________________________________________(to see this film).

2. That’s the eighth time you____________________________________________________(to sing that song today)
3. This is the only time this week I_______________________________________________________(to feel happy).
4. This is the third serious mistake you_______________________________________________(to make) in this job.
5. This is the only time I__________________________________________________________(ever/ to see) her cry.
6. That’s the tenth cup of coffee you_____________________________________________(to drink) since breakfast.
7. It’s the first time all the family ______________________________________(to be) together since Sue’s wedding.
8. This is the best meal I_____________________________________________________________(to eat) this year.
9. “Excuse me.” “That’s the first thing you___________________________________________(to say) to me all day.”
10. These are the first clothes I____________________________________________(to buy) myself since Christmas.
11. I____________________________________________________________(just/ to read) a very interesting story.
12. The ship ____________________________________________________________(already/ to leave) the harbor.
13. The dockers _______________________________________________________(not/ to discharge) the cargo yet.
14. Today they ___________________________________________________(to tow) the damaged ship to the port.
15. What ocean_______________________________this liner___________________________________(to cross)?

20. Употребить глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

1. The deck is clean now. The sailors_________________________________________________(to scrub) the deck.

2. The dockers_______________________________________________________(to load) the cargo two hours ago.
3. I___________________________________________________________________(already/ to be) to the cinema.
4. I__________________________________________________________________(to be) at the cinema yesterday.
5. Our ship_______________________________________________________(to call) at London port several times.
6. Last year our ship______________________________________________________________(to call) at this port.

7. I__________________________________________________________(never/ to see) the Houses of Parliament.
8. I_________________________________________________________________(to see) the Capitol several times.
9. Last year we__________________________________(to live) in this part of London but the rent (to be) very high.
10. I________________________________________________________________________(to see) this film today.
11. The Buckingam Palace_____________________________________________________(to attract) my attention.
12. I__________________________________________(to visit) London lately, the Trafalgar Square_____________
____________________________(to impress) me greatly!
13. The Romans___________________________________(to build) the first bridge over the Thames and since then
London___________________________________________________________________(never/ to stop) growing.
14. Many years ago London _______________________________________________(to be) a small swampy place.
15. London double-deckers_______________________________________________(to impress) my friend greatly!
16. Yesterday we_______________________________________________________________(to visit) the theatre.
17. We___________________________________________________________________(to visit) the theatre lately.

21. Taking in Fuel Oil.

Bunkering can be done from a floating barge when the ship is at anchorage or from the shore
when the ship is alongside the wharf. In both instances, a big hose will be connected from the
supplier to the ship.

The ship is ready for bunkering. The Bargeman and the Chief Engineer have already checked
the bunkering procedure checklist. The deck watch has hoisted “I am taking in dangerous goods” flag
signal, secured all moorings and confirmed the fenders are in position. The engineers have put the
main engine on standby. The Pumpman has checked the scuppers and sounded the tanks. He has also
turned on the fire water pumps.

22. Составить предложения, используя предложенные глаголы в Present Perfect.

Model: Have you secured the mooring lines? – Yes, we have secured all the lines.


1. ____________you______________the fire pumps? – Yes, we________________them.

2. ________the Pumpman______________the scuppers? – No, he___________________.

3. ________the A.B._____________the poop deck? – Yes, he_____________________it.

4. ________the ship_____________in port? – No, she_________________________yet.

5. ________you__________the accident? – Yes, I _____________________________it.

6. _______they____________the safety manual? – Yes, they_____________________it.

7. ______the Second Officer_____________the telex? – No, he_______________it yet.

8. ______she __________a letter to you? – No, she______________________to me yet.

9. ______the Bosun________dinner? – No, he____________. He_______________lunch.

23. The dialogue.

B: - Good afternoon, Chief. The bunker barge is now alongside. Five hundred tons of fuel oil ready to
load. Are you ready to bunker?

Ch: - Good afternoon. Bargeman. Ibe crew is still finishing the preparations. We will be ready for
bunkering in about 15 minutes. We can start checking the bunkering procedure checklist now, though.

B: - Sure. I have my list here. First, the deck inspection. Have you secured the moorings?

Ch: - Yes, we have secured all moorings and we have confirmed the fenders are in position.

B: - Good. Have the engineers put the main engines on standby?

Ch: - Yes, they have. The main engines are on standby.

B: - Right. And has the Pumpman checked the scuppers?

Ch: - No, not yet. He has just finished sounding the tanks.

B: - OK - so he has sounded all tanks but we have to wait until he checks the scuppers. Fine.

What about the fire hoses on board?

Ch: - Well, we have checked the hoses but the water supply is not ready yet.

B: - So the hoses are in position, but the Pumpman has not turned on the fire water pumps yet?

Ch: - That’s correct. Wait for ten minutes, please.

B: - OK. Tell me as soon as he has checked the scuppers and turned on the fire water pumps.
Then you can sign my checklist and we will be ready to start bunkering.

Ch: - Understood.

4. Test.

Unit 12.

Emergency party. Medical assistance.

1. Words and expressions.

3. Practice.
4. Test. Speaking.

1. Words and expressions.

Able Способный
Advice Совет
To advise Советовать
To alter Изменять
Ambulance Скорая помощь
Amount Количество, сумма
To appear Появляться
To approach Приближаться
To arrange Организовать, условиться
At all Вообще
Best regards Наилучшие пожелания
Canvas Брезент
Coast road Прибрежный рейд
Comfortable Удобный, комфортный
Delivery Доставка
To discuss Обсуждать
Drugs Лекарства, наркотики
Estimated Расчетный, предполагаемый
Extent Размер, степень
For the attention of… Вниманию…
Hook Крюк
In the meantime Тем временем…
To lie Лежать
Medicine Лекарство
Message Сообщение
Patient Пациент
To recommend Рекомендовать
Regarding Относительно
Rust Ржавчина
To see a doctor Консультироваться с врачом
Sling Строп
Spanner Гаечный ключ
To suggest Советовать, предлагать
Unable Неспособный
Unknown Неизвестный

All the same Без разницы
As a rule Как правило…
As if Как будто
As usual Как обычно
As well as Так же, как…
By all means Любым способом
For a change Для разнообразия
So that Так, чтобы
Just in case На всякий случай
What about Как насчет…
Iы it so? Это так?
How did it happen? Как это случилось?
Where did it happen? Где это случилось?
I must think about it. Я должен подумать об этом.
How can I get there? Как мне туда добраться?
At what time? Во сколько?
Where is it from? Откуда это?
For how long? Как долго?

2. The Modal Verbs.

Выражают вероятность, необходимость, возможность, способность,
желательность выполнения действия.
- не употребляются самостоятельно, только в сочетании со смысловым глаголом
без “to”.
- не требуют вспомогательных глаголов в вопросе и отрицании.
- не изменяются и не имеют окончаний.
1) CAN – «уметь», «мочь» - физическая возможность или способность
He can speak 5 languages.

- разрешение:
You can go home now.

- просьба:
Can I have some juice, please?

-запрет – в отрицательных предложениях:

You can’t park here!

В прошедшем времени – “COULD” He could swim when he was little.

Эквивалент в будущем времени – “will be I will be able to finish work soon.

able to”

2) MAY – «можно», «может быть». - возможность:

I may become a Boatswain.

- разрешение:
You may go now.
May I ask you?

MIGHT – то же значение, но с большей He might know her address.

степенью неуверенности.

3) MUST – «должен», «обязан». - приказы:

You must do it now!

- запрет (в отрицательных конструкциях –
строже, чем CAN)
You mustn’t smoke here!

Эквивалент - “TO HAVE TO” («вынужден в - I had to leave the bridge.

силу обстоятельств») - We will have to stay in the port longer because
the main engine doesn’t start.

4) SHOULD – «следует» - совет

Эквивалент – “OUGHT TO” You should help him.
You shouldn’t eat too much.
Should I tell her the truth?

5) NEED – «нужно».
В вопросе и отрицании настоящего времени.

3. Practice.

The organization of the crew of a cargo ship is changing, but usually one can find
at least two departments on such ships: the deck department and the engine
The deck department includes navigators, radio-officers, a boatswain, sailors and
a doctor.
The Master is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the crew. He must be an
experienced navigator.
The Chief Officer is the Master’s main assistant and the head of the Deck
Department. He must be always ready to replace the Master and perform his duties.
All the navigators must keep watch on the navigating bridge. They may not leave it
when on watch. The navigators relieve each other of watch every four hours. Every
navigator must know how to define the ship’s position, plot her course on the chart
and take bearings.
Radio officers keep watch in the radio-room and are responsible for radio-
communications. There is often one or two Radio Officers on board ship, but on ships
with continuous radio watches there may be even three radio officers.
A Boatswain and sailors must keep the ship’s hull, holds and tackle in good
The Engine Department consists of the Chief Engineer, the Second, Third and
Fourth Engineers, some motormen and two or three electricians. They keep watch in
the engine- room and must maintain and repair its equipment.
Only well-qualified, sailors can perform their duties properly that’s why the crews’
training is very important.


At all times there must be lookout on the bridge. In some situations the officer of the watch
may be the only person to lookout in daylight but if there is a need in help on the bridge, this
help must be provided immediately.

During daylight hours when the watchkeeping officer is the only look out - his watch man
must be available to come to the bridge as soon as possible. The officer of the watch must know
where his watch man is and how he can contact him.

During the hours of darkness a lookout will be provided on the bridge, bridge wing or other
places if the watchkeeping officer orders.

The look out may leave the bridge to call the watch, carry out safety rounds or other tasks
as required only if they are for short periods of time when the watchkeeping officer will give all
his attention to keep sharp look out.

These are international and company requirements about bridge look outs that must be
followed to escape collisions and groundings.

From the Contract:

- Sailors must keep their places clean and in order.

- Sailors should not bring aboard any weapons, narcotics or alcohol with the exception of those
that are provided by the Shipowner as part of the vessel provisions.
- Sailors should not go ashore in any foreign port except by permission of the Master

1. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, may, must. Дайте несколько

вариантов, где возможно.
1. The Master____________________________ be responsible for the ship, her cargo and crew.
2. All the navigators_________________________________keep watch on the navigating bridge.
3. _____________________I go ashore?
4. _____________________I come in? – Yes, you_________________.
5. I am a sailor. I ______________swim very well.
6. The Boatswain_____________________keep the ship’s hull, holds and tackle in good condition.
7. He is a skilled navigator. He _________________________________operate a ship very well.
8. Our engineers __________________________________maintain and repair the equipment.
9. Only well-qualified sailors______________________________perform their duties properly.
10. Radio-officers_____________maintain the radio communications. They are responsible for the equipment in the
11. Every ship______________________have a lot of complex equipment.
12. You___________________________see many cargo ships in the port.
13. The Chief Officer______________________________be always ready to replace the Master.
14. Our motormen and electricians __________________________keep watch in the engine room.
15. Every navigator_________________________________know how to define the ship’s position.
16. ___________________________________________you plot our course on the chart, please.

2. Вместо пропусков употребите CAN/ COULD (+NOT)

1. I_______________________repair this pump.
2. When I was a child, I__________________________swim very well.
3. I wasn’t hungry yesterday, so I _________________________________eat at all!
4. The text is difficult. Nobody__________________translate it.
5. How_______________I get on board a passenger liner?
6. The Radio Officer_____________________transmit the radiogram yesterday.
7. When________________you relieve each other from watch?
8. Last year we __________________learn to repair the radio-communications.
9. Now we___________________plot the route on the chart.
10. Last week they ____________________take bearings.
11. Our Chief Mate always ___________________replace the Master.
12. We___________________do it yesterday. We were very busy!
13. When I was a child, I ____________________go shopping.
14. Now we__________________________define the ship’s position.
15. I wasn’t good at English, so I __________________pass the entrance examinations.

3. Составьте отрицательные предложения, употребив прошедшее время.

I can do it now. (yesterday). I couldn’t do it yesterday.

1. I can help you now. (on Sunday)

2. He can speak Spanish. (two years ago).
3. They can leave now. (an hour ago).
4. Dimon can drive a car. (last year).
5. I can give it to the children. (yesterday).
6. Rose can go with them. (in the morning).
7. I can meet you tonight. (yesterday morning).
8. Kate can play the violin. (three month ago).

4. Изменить форму времени, употребив в прошедшем времени had to вместо must.

I must hurry. I had to hurry.

1. You must do it at once.
2. They must get up early.
3. You must write home.
4. She must take that medicine.
5. They must wait outside.
6. Tom must work hard.
7. Bill must go to doctor.
8. He must take a package to the post office.
9. You must leave the town at once.
10. The children must stay in their room.

5. Вместо must употребить should.

I must help him. I should help him.

1. You must try it again.

2. He must drive slowly.
3. You must give up smoking.
4. Alice must see them at once.
5. You must take a holiday, you look very tired.
6. What must I do about that?
7. You are ill, you must stay in bed.
8. Little boys must not tell lies.
9. They must eat more vegetables.
10. You must pay our debts.
11. She must tell him all about us.
12. I really don’t know what I must do.

6. Расскажите, что Томми может (Tommy may), должен (He must), делать, что ему нельзя
(He mustn’t ) или следует (he should).
Wash his hands
Go out now
Play the piano
Work hard
Tell lies
Go swimming
Go to school every day
Help his parents
Work so carelessly
Take this medicine
Play with matches
Shout so loudly
Disturb grandfather
Buy some chocolates

7. Заполнить пропуски нужным модальным глаголом.

1. Cindy____________speak several foreign languages.
2. _____________________________I ask a question?
3. I__________________________hardly believe you.
4. __________________________you play the guitar?
5. You_____________________always speak the truth.
6. _______________________you stand on your head?
7. _____________________I see your passport please?
8. You________________read this book, it’s very good.
9. Mary___________draw very well when she was four.
10. ________________________you help me, please?
11. I______________open the window, _____________you help me?
12. You _________work hard if you want to go to university.
13. The children________________________not play in the street.
14. Tom_________________not play football, he has broken his leg.
15. The baby_________________________already stand.
16. You_________________________stop telling lies.
17. I___________drive a car but I think I ____________not drive a bus.
18. They__________________arrive tonight or tomorrow.
19. Granny_____________not dance now but she___________when she was young.

8. Перевести, употребив необходимые модальные глаголы.

1. Я не могу купаться так как очень холодно. 1. То судно, медленно идущее вдали, должно войти в
2. Я должен усердно учиться, чтобы овладеть наш порт.
будущей профессией. 2. Когда судно заходит в порт, нам можно сойти на
3. Боюсь, что Ваши студенты не могут прийти берег.
вовремя. 3. Мне нельзя сойти на берег, когда я на вахте.
4. Можно ей пойти в кино сегодня вечером? 4. В этом году я должен сдать пять экзаменов!
5. Я не знаю смогу ли помочь Вам. 5. Я не смог прийти, так как был очень занят.
6. Я не могу закончить работу сегодня. 6. - Где ваш капитан?
7. Можете ли Вы перевести этот текст с русского 7. Он должен быть на мостике.
на английский язык без словаря? 8. Не могли бы Вы нам помочь? Мы должны
8. Я мог пойти вчера в театр, но не захотел. определить местоположение судна.
9. Когда я был ребенком, я умел играть в 9. Я не умею наносить курс судна на карту, но я должен
баскетбол. научиться это делать.
10. В прошлом году я мог гораздо хуже говорить 10. Можно мне взять Ваши журналы?
по-английски, чем в этом году. 11. Можно я позвоню Вам сегодня вечером?
11. В прошлом году у меня было больше времени 12. Где Ваш друг? - Он может быть в
и я мог посещать клуб юного моряка. порту.
12. Он мог вчера отремонтировать эти приборы. 13. Они должны были вчера прибыть в этот порт, но не
смогли, так как погода была плохая, а море бурное

1.Я не могу поднять этот мешок, он слишком 1. Я должен теперь пойти.

тяжелый. 2. Ты можешь пользоваться моими карандашами.
2. Этому мужчине, должно быть, больше 3. Я не умею играть на пианино.
пятидесяти лет. 4. Ты должен это сделать сразу же.
3. Мой друг умеет хорошо играть в футбол. 5. Мэри умела плавать, когда ей было пять.
4. Он закончил Академию в прошлом году и 6. Том должен пойти в школу.
сейчас может водить суда. 7. Могу я задать один вопрос?
5. Мы должны взять на борт лоцмана. 8. Ты меня слышишь?
6. Курсанты должны изучать английский язык в 9. Могу я одолжить твой нож?
училище. 10. Умеешь ли ты плавать?
7. Он не может перевести этот текст. 11. Могу ли я тебе помочь?
8. Лайнер отправляется через 5 минут. Вы 12. Мы должны очень рано вставать.
можете опоздать. 13. Это может быть правда.

9. Emergency Party

If there is an accident in an enclosed space on the ship, you must call the Officer of the
Watch (OOW). All members of the emergency party must wear the protective clothing and
the breathing apparatus when they enter an enclosed space. They must also take an extra
face mask. One person must carry the resuscitation equipment.

If the victim is breathing, they must help him get out the space quickly.

If the victim is not breathing normally, the emergency party must not remove him from
the space. They must apply a face mask and monitor his breathing.

If the victim is not breathing at all, they must begin resuscitation. After that a doctor
must see the victim immediately.

10. Поставить глаголы в нужную форму (must/ mustn’t) и перевести на русский язык:

1. There's a smell of gas in the hold. You _________wear your breathing apparatus.
You____________________ enter.

2. There’s an electrical fire. You ______________a foam fire extinguisher.

You______________________use a COz one.

3. The fire alarms are ringing. You ____________proceed to your muster stations immediately.
4. There's a man overboard. You ________________throw a life buoy.
5. A hatch cover is open. You___________________call the Master immediately.
You___________________enter that area.
6. There’s a fire in the galley. You__________get a fire extinguisher and try to put out the fire.
7. There’s an oil spill. You__________________stop the pumps immediately.
8. The air in the hold is toxic. You______________ put on a breathing apparatus before you enter the hold. You
_________________enter the hold without a breathing apparatus.

11. The Letter.

The Master of m/v “Singapore Fortune”.. Osaka, 26th of March

Dear Sir,
thank you for your message which I received today. We have discussed the situation
regarding Second Officer Vladimir and would advise you to alter the course for Osaka as soon as

You should get the injured man ashore as soon as possible. He needs to see a doctor. In the
meantime, I advise you to make the patient comfortable. He must not move. You should continue to
give him painkillers until we see him.

I can meet you when the vessel is alongside in Osaka. I have arranged for an ambulance to meet us
for transfer to the nearest hospital.

Please advise the Agent in Osaka to contact me with the estimated time of arrival.

Best regards,
Dr. Yamaguchi Hideo.

12.Составить предложения, использовав следующие слова: SHOULD/ SHOULDN’T.

1. My leg hurts. What do you think I__________do? – I think you ____________walk.

2. I cut my finger. What_____________________? – I think______________________.
3. It’s cold and cloudy. What _______ I wear? – Ithink____________________________.
4. The radar is faulty. What________we do? – I think____________________________.
5. Which scraper____________I use to clean this rust?__________________________.
6. There’s air in the fuel line. What__________________________________________?

The Doctor’s Advice

Mr Bell felt very bad. Every day he had bad headaches, he ___________ eat and sleep. One of
his friends said that Mr Bell _________ see doctor Green who always gave his patients good advice .
Mr Bell phoned the doctor and was told to come the next day.

After the doctor had examined Mr Bell he told the patient that he __________ go to a village
and stay there not less than a month. He also added that Mr Bell ___________ go to bed early,
drink milk, eat a lot of vegetables and fruit and smoke only one cigar a day. “You _________ follow
my advice,” said the doctor, “and in a month you will feel as well as before.” Mr Bell looked a little
surprised when he heard the doctor’s advice and said, "________ I ask you...,” but the doctor had
already invited another patient in and Mr Bell ____________ to leave not having asked his question.

As you remember Mr Bell ___________ to come to see the doctor a month later. When the
doctor saw him he said: “You look much better now. Has my advice helped you?”

“Thank you, doctor,” said Mr Bell. “I did everything you had recommended: I went to the country,
I ate a lot of fruit and vegetables, drank milk but I ___________ to give up one of your
recommendations. You see one cigar a day nearly killed me. It is impossible to begin smoking at my

At the Dentist

Dentist: What’s the trouble?

Patient: I have a bad toothache. I’m afraid my tooth needs filling (зуб нужно запломбировать).

Dentist: Open your month, please. Well, your tooth should be pulled out (зуб нужно удалить).

Patient: Shall I take any painkiller (болеутоляющее средство) first?

Dentist: I’ll make you an injection (укол).

At the Chemist’s

Chemist: What can I do for you?

Patient: I’d like to buy some mixture (микстура). Here is my prescription.

Chemist: Will you pay cash (вы будете платить наличными)? Patient: Cash, please. How much is it?

Chemist: Two pounds, sir. You should take this medicine three times a day after meals (после еды).

Patient: Thank you.

14. Поставить необходимый модальный глагол.

1. Your friend is ill. He _______________go to the hospital.

2. You look terrible. You________________stay in bed.

3. I have a headache. What medicine____________I take?

4. He is not seriously ill, and he______________spend more time in open air.

5. You____________keep your documents with you.

6. According to the contract you_________________perform duties during loading operations.

7. You__________________________(not) be X-rayed.

8. We__________________take a pilot on board in that fairway.

9. I think you_____________read and translate this text.

10. You___________________ smoke here!

11. They_________________take the cargo in that port.

12. A fishing boat is sinking. A salvage ship_______________come to its rescue.

13. He ordered, “You______________stow the cargo into the holds”.

14. The damaged engine_______________be repaired!

15. The captain thinks we_____________sail towards the tip of that cape.

16. They ____________take soundings during the drift.

17. He is busy with unloading. You________________disturb him.

18. I suppose, you____________pay more attention to the development of this port.

19. The severe storm is coming! You____________look for shelter.

20. According to the Master’s order, we_______________proceed to the port of destination at a

high speed.

21. Your knowledge is very poor. You____________study better.

22. When you keep watch, you _________________go ashore.

23. I think, we______________reduce the ship’s speed.

24. Under the Contract, our ship ______________be bound for India.

25. Their Master says that they __________________deliver machinery to that port.

26. You______________get food and supplies at this port.

27. You____________approach the rocky coast during a severe storm.

28. Your English is quite well, but you____________read more.

29. Under the Contract the new ship_____________be launched next month.

30. You ____________change your course to avoid the hurricane and reduce the danger as much as

15. Health Tips for Travellers.

Travel is fun! Travel is exciting! But it is not fun or exciting if you get ill. So what
______you do to stay in good health? There are three things you __________
remember when you travel: relax, sleep and eat well.
There are so many places to visit: museums, shops, parks and churches. You ________ spend most days walking
around these places. This _______________be very tiring. Your feet _____________ hurt. You’ve got a terrible
headache after a few hours. If this is the way you feel, you _______________ take a rest.
So sit down for a few hours in a nice spot. In good weather you ____________look for a quiet park bench. Or you
8__________________stop at a cafe.
You not forget about sleep. If you want to stay healthy you _________ get a good night’s rest. You
________________have trouble sleeping at night when you travel. Your hotel _____________ be noisy. Or your bed
___________ be uncomfortable. You _____________
not get enough sleep for another reason. In this case you plan to sleep for an hour during the day. Finally, if you
want to stay in good shape , you _________eat well. That means eating the right kinds of food. When you are in a
new country, you will wish to try some new food. But you ________________be careful about how much you eat.
You __________try to avoid eating lots of rich food.
So you _________ remember this: if you want to enjoy your holiday, you _________ take good care of yourself!
Give your body some rest. Get enough sleep and eat good, healthy food!

16. Перевести на английский язык:

1. Прежде чем изменить курс судна, вам следует
определить широту и долготу.
2. Я думаю, Вам следует осмотреть генераторы судна
перед тем, как покинуть порт.
3. Вам не следует заходить в этот порт, если Вы не
достаточно хорошо знаете подходы к порту. Вам
придется взять лоцмана.
4. Из-за плохой видимости вам не следует идти на
предельной скорости.
5. Вы должны быть заняты разгрузкой судна.
6. Вам следует быть более внимательным, вы сделали
очень много ошибок в вычислениях (calculations).
7. Вы не должны приближаться к опасной зоне.
8. Вам следует снизить скорость судна.
9. Я не смог подготовиться к уроку английского языка.
Дело в том, что вчера мне пришлось нести вахту, т.к.
вахтенный заболел.
10. Корпус нашего судна смог выдержать огромные волны.
11. . Вы должны доставить этот груз в порт и разгрузить
судно очень быстро.
12. В нашем распоряжении было не достаточно
провизии. Вот почему мы вынуждены были зайти в бли-
жайший порт.

1. Вы сегодня можете быть свободным от вахты.

2. Мне придется закончить эту работу до ужина.
3. Вам следует привести в порядок вашу форму.
4. При данных работах вы можете использовать зубило.
5. Вам следует проинформировать капитана об этом инциденте.
6. Вы должны идти к месту сбора как можно скорее.
7. Когда вы стоите там, я могу вас не услышать.
8. При пожаре следует воспользоваться огнетушителем.
9. Вам не следует работать в таком состоянии.
10. Они смогут применить английский в рейсе.
11. Вы должны попросить о помощи, если не можете сделать это сами.
12. Могу ли я задать вам вопрос?
13. Сигнальные флаги могут многое рассказать о судне.
14. Следует ли мне начинать ремонт сейчас или можно немного подождать?
15. Вы должны проверить их работу.
16. Я не могу выполнить вашу команду.
17. Вы должны отплыть в 10 часов.
18. Мы не можем начинать погрузку, т.к. грузовой план еще не готов.
19. Вы можете начинать швартовку.
20. Рулевой должен выполнять все приказы вахтенного офицера.
21. Ты можешь мести пол быстрее?
22. Вы должны остановить двигатель как можно скорее.
23. Я не могу измерить силу тока в цепи.
24. Зазоры должны быть измерены при сборке мотора.

4. Test. Speaking.


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