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UNTT TST- 2| 2023-24|

MM: 5)
Time :2 hrs.
SECTION-A (1X10=10)
) Arelation R is defined from ( to (} by x Ry x is relatively prime to y then domain of R is

a) (2.3,5) b) (3.51 c) (2,3,4 }d) {2.3.4,5|

A,,A:,As. What is the value of A U A:UA1
2) Ancquivalence relation R in A divides it into cquivalence classes

a) A,O b) AUB.0 c) AnB, 0 d) None

3) 1fA is a square matrix of order 3 then |Adi(AdjA)=....... d) |A|l
a) AP b) |A| c) A
[1 0 1]
4) IfA= 0 1 2 and (3A|- k|A|then the value of Kand |A|
lo 0 4J d) 4 .4
a) 27. 4 b) 27, 3 c) 1, 27
[2 0 01
5) IA =|olo 02 2Jo then A' is ...
b) 10A c) 16A d) 32A
a) 5A

6) IfA = and A' -4A +10|=Athenk=... d) 4 not 1

a) -4 b) 0 c) Ior 4
3cosx 2

7) Iff(«) = X=
is continuous at x =then (at+b) is...
b(1-sin x)
(TT-2x)² 2
c) 1 d) 0
a) 3 b) 2
8) Ify = sinx sinrthen what is dy/dx.
a) y cot x / 1-y log sin x b) y /cot x + sin x c) y² / 1-y log sin x d) None

9) Ifx"y"" = (x+yymtn thenb)what is d'y /dx?.

ym / xm c)0 d) None
a) 1
[1 0 0] 1 then uj + uz is equal to
U2 are column matrices such that Au,
10)Let 4=|2l3 21 olifu and

hiiectiye, Justify your answer. f:R’

1 (0 0
17. The matrix A=|2 1 5
-2 2
b) Orthogonal b) Idempotent c) Lower Triangular d) None of these AA=32
18. For fx) =x- 8x2 + 16x + 5,x = 2 is a point of 11
..... =
a) Local maxima b) local minima c) point of inflexion d) None +
In the following questions a statement of Assertion is followed by a statement of
the correct option: Reason. Pick 1t

a) Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct
explanation of the Assertion.
b) Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not the correct 36.Provethat
explanation of the Assertion.
c) Assertion is true but Reason is false. 37.Usingi
d) Assertion is false but Reason is true.
19.Assertion : The relation R in the set A of human beings in atown at a particular time is given by: Find

R= {(x,y): x is exactly 5 years younger thany} is symmetric.

Reason: A relation R on the set Ais said to be symmetric if (a, b) ¬ R, but (b,a)eR.
20. Assertion : Value of x for which the matrix |0 1 2 is singular ifx= 5
Room Noi..
Time :3 hrs.
SECTION-A|1 mark eachl
clement then the number of function from A to B.
1 If set A having 3 elements and set B having 2
a) 8 b) 6 c) 9 d) None
2. The domain of Sec x is...
c) R-(-1,1) d) None
a) R b) R--1,1|
3. The value of sin-sin( is......
a) -n/6 b) n/8 c) -n/8 d) n/ 12
4. 1fR= ((xy):x, yE Z,x² +y' 4) is a relation in set Z, then domain of RiS...
a) {0,1,2} b) (-2,-1,0, 1,2} c) (0,-1,-2) d) (-1,0,1)
5. IfA and B are any 2x2 matrices, then det (A+B) = 0 implies..... d) None
a) |A|= 0 and |B| =0 b) |A| +|B| #0 c) |A0 or |B| 0
6. IfA is a square matrix of order 3 and |A|=-5, then ladj A| is ....
a) 125 b) -25 c) 25 d) + 25
7. Ifx =t+;,y = t - then is ..
a) y/x b) x/y c) -y/x d) -x/y
8. The maximum value of sin'x. cos'x is ......
b) 1/8 c) -1/8 d) None o
function x-62x? + ax +9 attains its maximum value on the interval [0,2] then the valuIe
9. It is given that at x = 1 the
a) 100 b) 120 c) 140 d) 160
10 J cqual to

a) V2 tan(J)+c b) tanJ)+c ) cot+e

d) None

1- Jasin x+bcos zequals to
d) None
a) a cot x+b a(a tan x+b) +c
b) otanx+a) tc
12. The area of the region bounded by the ellipse+=1

a) 6 n sq unit b) 20 ² sq unit c) 15 sq unit d) None

1 2 2]
3. The matrix A =2 1 -2 is
-2 2 -1l
b) ldempotent c) Null Matrix d) None of these
a) Orthogonal
4. IfA is a square matrix of order 3 then |Adi (AdjA) =
a) A b) |AP c) |AP d) None of these

5. ifxY = eYthe is
1-logx logx
b):1+logx c) Not Defined
a) 1+logx
[1 2 1]
S. IfA =2 1 -1| then
l3 -1 1
a) A+ 3A + A -9 1; =0 c) A'+ 3A - A+9 1, = 0
b) A'-3A² -5 A+15 l; =0 d) None of these
where A,y denotes they A

value of =1 yjAij. 7.

|-7. thenthe
square matrix of order 3 y
13. Given that A a] is d) 49 na

cofactorof element a, is:

then P(ANB) equalsto:
b)-7 c)0
P(B) =4/9, eferee
a) 7 events with P(A) = 53nd d) 2/9
14. IfA and B are two c) 1/3

a) 4/15 b)8/45
differential equation 1ty? is: 28
15. The solution of the dx

a) (y-x)(y+x'txy+3) =C
b) (xty)Xxtytxy+2) =C
c) (xty)(x-y+2xy) = C
d) None of these
equal to:
16. Ify = 5cosx -3 sin x, thenis
dx? d) none of these
c) 25 y
b) y be a unit vector?
then what is the angle between and b for 3 ã-b to
17. Ifa and b are unit vectors, d)90º
a) 30" b) 45° c) 60 ofk is:
18. The lines-and k -5 are mutually perpendicular, if the value
2 -2
1 1
d)none of these
b) 2/3 c)-2 statement I1
question contains statement I (Assertion) and
a) -2/3
20): In the following questions, each
Directions (Q 19 to Q correct. The choices are:
of which only one is
1. Ifthe matrix is commutative with the matrixthen:
a) A=0, b=c b) b=0. c=d c) c-0, d=a d) d-0, a=b
2. Iffor the matrixA = A | = 125, then the value of ais:
a) +3 b) -3 c)± 1 d) 1
3. The values of xfor which P=is
a) x = t2V2 b) x = -2V2 c)x= 2v2 d) none of these
-2 for x Ls continuous at x = 2, then a is
2 for x=2 equai to
a)0 b) 1 d) None of these
secx c) -I
5. dx equals:
secx+tan x

a) sinx-cos x +C b) cot x- cos x +C sec x +C d) sin x + cos x+C

C) tan x -
6. Degree of the differential equation x ++y² =0is:
a) 1 b)2 c) 3 d) None of these
7. The region represented by the inequalities x 26,y > 2,2x +y<10, x > 0,y 20is :
a) unbounded these
b) a polygon e) a triangle d) None of
8. ABCD is arhombus whose diagonals intersect at E. Then EÃ +EB + +ED equals:
a) 0 b) AD c) BC d)2AD

9. S(sin 2x. log tan x) dx equals:

a) z/2 b) d) 0

10. For what value ofx: [1 2

a) -1 b) 0 c) 2 d) none of these
the feasible region determined by a set off constraints (Linear inequalities) are P(0,5), Q3,5), R(5,0)
11. The corner points of that the maximum Z
+ 2by where a h>0, The condition on a and b such
and S (4,1) and the objective function is Z = ax
ocCurs at Q and S.
b)a-3b=0 c) a- 2b =0 d) a -8b =0
a) a - 5b =0
12. IfA =H and B= |
, then find the value of afor which A? =B.
c) 4 d) No real values
a) 1 b) -1
MM: 25
ee I hrs. (1X5 = 5)
The interval in which the function f(x)= sin x-cos x, 0<x< 27t is strictly decreasing ub
3n 3n
c)<x< 7 d) None
a) 0 <I< 4 b)<x< 2it 4 4
then ais
its max value at x = 1, on the interval [0,2] d) 120

2 The function x 62x* + ax +9 attains c)121

a) 102
b) 122
3 is ......
The maximum value of sin 4x + b) 4
c) 3 d) 2
Tt at x =0
4 find of ycoSx + xcosy = c) -1 d) 2
b) 1
a) 0 1-cos 4x

8x2 ,if x * 0
of kif f() =
s find the value (k, if x= 0 d) none
c) 3
b) 2 the len
SECTION-B area increasing when

SECTION-A|1 mark each |

1. Let f:R’R be defined as f ) =[xt7
a) Relation b) Function c) Not Relation dy Not Function
2. Let A be a finite set containing n elements. The nunber of one-one functions that can be defincd from Ato Ais
a) 2 b) n c) 2n' d)n!
3. Let A = (1.2.3} the number of relation containing (1.2)and (1,3) which are reflexive and symmetric but not
transitive is ..
b) 2 c)3 d) 4
a) 1
[a 0 01
4. a 0 then A" is equal to....
0 al
0 0 [a" 0 0] 0 0
0 d) None
a" 0 b)0 a c) 0 a"
a) 0
LO 0 a"
0 a 00

tan(x) cos) and fcor (x) cos(G) then A-B is . .

1 B=
5. IfA =
|sin () sin (x) "|sin-cos (r)
d) ½1
c) 21
a) I b) 0
SECTION - B|2 marks each |
-1 (-1)ltn -1 x,X

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