CR Ne Z) : Section A

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Time 3 Hours 15 Minutes
1) The question paper has five parts namely A, B, C, D and E. Answer all the parts.
of 1 mark each.
2) Section Ahas 10 MCQ's 5, fill in the blanks and 5, very short answer questions
3) The sub questionland ll of Part A should be answered continuously at one or two page. Only first
answer is considered for the marks in sub question Iland ll of partA.
in Part-D.
2) Use the graph sheet for the question on linear inequality
Answer ALL the multiple choice questions 10X1=10

1) If U is universal set and AcU, then UNA=

A) A B) U C) A

2) If (r+1), y-2)=(3, 1) then (x, y) is

A) (1, 2) B) (2, 3) c) (3, 2) D) (2, 1)

3) Domain of f{r)=cosx is

A) -o, o) B) R-(ntn<Z} CR ne z} D)-1,1]

4) The conjugate of a complex number -5-3i
B) -5+3i C) 5-3i D) 5+3i

5) Given 4 flags of different colours, then the number of different signals can be generated.
If a signal requires the use of 2 flags one below the other.

4 B) 6 C12 D) 24
6) The 4th term of the sequence defined by a,s1, a,a,-1t2, n>2 is

A) 3 B) 5 7 D) 9

7) Equation of the line parallel to xaxis and passing through (-2, 3) is

A) x 3 B)-2 C) y-2 D) y=3

8)hm is equal to
A) 1 B) C) 0 D)

9Which of the following is a the negation of statement "Every natural number is an integers".
A) Every integer is a natural number
B) At least one integer is a natural number
C) At least one natural number is an integer
D) At least one natural number is not an integer

10) If A is any event associated with sample

a space S then
A) 0<P(A)s1 B) O<P(A)<1 C) P(A)>1 D) P(A)s0
1 Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate answer from those given in brackets: 5X1-5

(1, 2, 3, 4,5)
={2, 4, 6, 8) and B-(6, 8, 10), then n(A-B)"
11) If A .. A.

12) If 5x-3<3x+1, when x is a natural number. The number of values of x is ...

13) If 1>C=C, then r=
*****:************ .

14) The coefficients of a in the expansion of (1+a" is.. * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' * * *

15) The radius of the circles (x+5) + (y-3)=16 is ************' ** '**

III. Answer ALL the following questions. 5X1=5

16) If cos x=-, x lies in the 3rd quadrant then find the value of tanx.
17) Find the slope of a line which cuts off intercepts of equal lengths on axes.
18) Find the octant in which the point (-3, 1, -2) lie.

19) Find the derivative of

fx)-2x -2w.r.tx.
20) Find the mean of the first n natural numbers.

Answer ANY NINE of the following questions. 9X2=18
21) If A-[3., 6,9, 12, 15, 18, 211, B=[4, 8, 12, 16, 20) Find A-B and B-A
22) If X and Y are two sets such that XU Y has 50 elements, X has 28 elements and Y has
32 elements, then how many elements does X NY have ?
23) Let A and B be two sets such that n(A)=3 and n(B)=2, If (x, 1), (y. 2), (z, 1) are in AXB,
find A and B, where x, y and z are distinct elements.
24) A wheel makes 360 revolutions in one minute, through how many radians does it tun
in one second?
25) Prove that (sin3x+sinx) sinx+(cos3x-cosx) cosx=0.
26) Express in the atib form.

27) Find all pairs of consecutive odd positive integers both of which are smaller than 10 such
that their sum is more than 11.
28) Write the equation of the line for which tan - where is the inclination of the line
and x-intercept is 4.
29) Find the angle between the lines 3y-x+6=0 and y-V3x-5= 0
30) Find the coordinates of a point on y-axis which are at a distance of 52 from the point
P(3, -2, 5)
31) Evaluate lim
32) Write the contra positive and converse of "If x is a prime number, then x is odd".
33) Coefficient of variation of two distributions are 60 and 70, and their standard deviations
are 21 and 16, respectively. What are their arithmetic means.
34) Consider the experiment of rolling a die. Let A be the event 'getting a prime number, B
be the event 'getting an odd number. Write the sets representing the event A but not B.

Answer ANY NINE of the following questions 9X3=27
35) If U={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, A={2, 3} and B-{3, 4, 5} verify(AUBY=A'NB'.
36) Let fu)-x and gl')-2x+1 be two real functions. Find +8) (), (-8) (). VE) (7).
37) Find the general solution of 2cos2x+3sinx=0.
38) Convert the complex number 1+i3 into polar form.
39) Solve -x+x-2=0.

40) In how many ways can 5 girls and 3 boys be seated in a row so that no two boys are

together ?
41) Find the middle term in the expansion of(+9y
42) In an A. P if mh term is n and the nth term is m, where m*n, find the p" term.

43) Find the sum of the sequence 7, 77, 777, 7777 *** ......
tO n terms.

44) Find the coordinates of the focus, the equation of the directrix and latus rectum of the parabola

45) Find the derivative of tanx w.r.t.x from first principle.
46) Check whether the following statement is true or not. "If x, y ¬Z are such that x and y

are odd, then xy is odd".

The discs similar
47) A bag contains 9 discs of which 4 are red, 3 are blue and 2 are yellow. are

in shape and size. A disc is drawn at random from the bag. Calculate the probability
it will be i) red, i) yellow and ii) not blue discs.
and B)=0.16. Determine
48) A and B are events such that P(A)=0.42, P(B)=0.48 and P(A
i) P (not A), i) P(not B) ii) P(A or B)

Answer ANY FIVE questions. 5X5-25
49) Define modulus function. Draw the graph of it. Also write its domain and range.

50) Prove thatn Dx-2sin 3x +sinx = tan x

cos SxcoSx
51) Prove by mathematical induction that 12+22+32+ n = . nEN.

62) Solve graphically x-2ys3, 3x+4y>12, xe0, y21.

53) A committee of 7 has to be formed from 9 boys and 4 girls. In how many ways can this
be done when the committee consists of
i) exactly 3 girls ? i) atleast 3 girls ?

54) State and prove Binomial Theorem for all natural numbers.
55) Derive an expression for the perpendicular distance between a point ( y) and a line
66) Derive a formula to find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining
the points ( 1 z1) and ( y2 z,) in the ratio m: n internally.

57) Prove geometrically lim where x is in radian

58) Find the mean deviation about the mean for the following data.
Marks obtained 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
Number of students 2 3 8 14 8 3 2
Answer the following questions.
59) Prove geometrically that cos(x+y)=cosx.cosy-sinx.siny and hence prove that

Define ellipse and derive the equation of the ellipse in standard form as
l (6)
60) Find the derivation of with respect to x.
tan x

Find the sum of first n terms of the series 1x2+2X3+3x4+ *'***************'.
. .


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