Food Safety Emergency Response Guide 1705870373

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Food Safety

Pocket Guide
Disaster Edition
USDA Food and Nutrition Service’s Office of
Food Safety would like to acknowledge the editors,
reviewers, and designers involved in the development
of the Food Safety Emergency Response Pocket
Guide for their expertise and contributions. This
resource was developed in collaboration with
the Institute of Child Nutrition, The University of
Mississippi, School of Applied Sciences.
4 Introduction
4 FNS Programs
5 Using this Pocket Guide
6 Types of Emergencies
8 Foodborne Illness in the United States
9 Causes of Foodborne Illness
10 Symptoms of Foodborne Illness
11 Foodborne Illness Risk Factors and Interventions
12 Food Safety Risks During Emergencies
13 Safe Food Temperatures
15 Hand Hygiene
20 Glove Use
21 Sanitizing and Disinfecting
22 Bleach and Water Solutions
25 Sanitizing
26 Disinfecting
27 Prepare
32 Respond
33 Power Outages
40 Water Outages
46 Water Contamination
53 Sewage Issues
61 Floods
67 Fires
72 Returning to Normal Operations
74 Useful Tips
76 References and Resources

Through the administration of 15 Federal nutrition

assistance programs, including the school meal
programs, the U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA), Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) works
to increase food security and reduce hunger by
providing children and low-income people access
to food, a healthful diet, and nutrition education
in a way that supports American agriculture and
inspires public confidence.

The FNS Supplemental Nutrition and Safety Programs

(SNAS) Office of Food Safety develops and delivers
food safety education, training, and technical
assistance to support FNS program operators with an
emphasis on Child Nutrition Programs including the:
• National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
• School Breakfast Program (SBP)
• Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
• Seamless Summer Option (SSO)

Page 4
Emergencies may disrupt food service operations
and increase food safety risks. Although closures
may occur in some cases, during many emergencies
food service in schools continues. Some schools
may also be designated as shelters and may need
to provide food to the community.

As a school nutrition professional, you play a critical

role in ensuring that children continue to have access
to safe meals during emergency situations.
Developing, reviewing, and following an effective
emergency response plan is an important component
of your food safety program.

This pocket guide is designed to help child nutrition

program operators respond to emergencies but
can be utilized by any nutrition assistance program
operator in a variety of emergencies. Always follow
local, State, and Federal food safety regulations
and contact the local health authority as soon as an
emergency impacts your food service operation.

Page 5
TYpes of
Emergencies may be caused by severe
weather events and natural disasters such
as hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, and
floods. The region’s weather trends and
history should be considered to determine
what types of disasters or emergencies
are more likely to occur which will assist
in planning and preparation. Types of
emergencies may include:

power outages
(Interruption of
electrical service)

Water Outages
(Interruption of water service)

Page 6
Water contamination

Sewage issues



Page 7
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) estimates that each year, foodborne illnesses
cause 48 million people to get sick, 128,000
hospitalizations, and 3,000 deaths.

Page 8
A foodborne illness—or food poisoning—is a
disease caused by consuming contaminated food
or beverages. More than 250 foodborne illnesses
have been identified and most are infections
caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites. The
most common foodborne pathogens in the United
States are:
• Norovirus

• Salmonella
• Clostridium perfringens
• Campylobacter
• Staphylococcus aureus

Page 9
Foodborne illness symptoms may range from mild
to severe. Common symptoms include:

Upset stomach Stomach cramps

Nausea Vomiting

Diarrhea Fever

Food service employees, and volunteers, who are

experiencing symptoms of foodborne illness, or
have a diagnosis of a foodborne illness should:
•  eport the information to their supervisor/
manager immediately,
•  Not work while sick, and

• Follow the employee health policy,

including any required restriction or
exclusion from normal work activities.

Page 10
The top five foodborne illness risk factors are:
• Poor Personal Hygiene
• Food from Unsafe Sources
• Inadequate Cooking
• Improper Holding Temperatures
• Contaminated Equipment

Key interventions to preventing foodborne

illness include:
• K
 nowledge and Application of
Food Safety Practices
• Implementation of Employee Health Policies
• C
 ontrolling Hands as a
Vehicle of Contamination
• T
 ime and Temperature Parameters for
Controlling Pathogens

Page 11
Emergency events can lead to increased food safety
risks, including:
• Contaminated food and water
•  ross-contamination between surfaces
and locations
• L ack of time and temperature control
for safety

Key interventions to keep in mind during an

emergency response include:
• Maintaining safe food temperatures
• Proper handwashing and glove use
•  anitizing and disinfecting
contaminated surfaces

Page 12
Foods that require time and temperature control for
safety, commonly referred to as TCS foods, must be
kept at certain temperatures for certain amounts of
time to prevent the growth of foodborne pathogens
or formation of toxins.

Hot Hold:
135˚F or above

Danger Zone:

Cold Hold:
41˚F or below

Page 13
as measured with a food thermomenter

Food Type Internal Temperature

Beef, Pork, Veal, and Lamb
145°F with a 3-minute rest time
(chops, roasts, steaks)

Ground Meat 155°F

Ham, uncooked (fresh or smoked) 145°F with a 3-minute rest time

Ham, fully cooked (to reheat) 135°F

Poultry (ground, parts, whole,

and stuffing)

Eggs Cook until yolk and white are firm

Egg Dishes 155°F

145°F or flesh is opaque and

Fin Fish
separates easily with fork

Shrimp, Lobster, and Crabs Flesh pearly and opaque

Clams, Oysters, and Mussels Shells open during cooking

Flesh is milky white or opaque

and firm

Leftovers and Casseroles 165°F

Adapted from U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2019).

Safe minimum cooking temperatures charts.

Page 14
Hand Hygiene
Hand hygiene, or handwashing, reduces potential
pathogens (harmful germs) on your hands. When it’s
done right, handwashing is one of the best ways to
protect yourself and others from getting sick.

Page 15
Hand Hygiene

Wash your hands often before, during, and after

food preparation to prevent the spread of germs.
Key times to wash your hands include:
• Before food preparation, including working
with clean equipment and touching utensils
or single-service items
• During food preparation, as often as
needed to prevent cross-contamination
• Before putting on gloves to work with food
and between glove changes
• Before and after eating or drinking
• After handling dirty equipment or utensils
• After using the toilet
• After
 coughing, sneezing, or touching body
parts such as your face or hair
• After handling animals or animal waste
• After handling garbage
• When hands are visibly dirty
• After any activity that contaminates or may
contaminate the hands

Page 16

Wet your hands with clean, running water

(warm water recommended).

Lather your hands by rubbing them

together with soap.

Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.

Rinse your hands well under clean,

running water.

Dry your hands using a clean disposable

towel or mechanical hand dryer.

Avoid using your clean hands to turn off

the faucet and open the bathroom door.

Adapted from OSHAcademy. (2020). Hand hygiene - Reduce the risk of transmitting
infections from person-to-person.

Page 17
When there is an interruption in the water supply, or
a hand sink is not accessible, you may need to use a
temporary handwash station.

5 gallon Thermal Container

Paper Towels

Flow Spiget


Page 18
HAND Sanitizers
Handwashing with soap and water is more effective
than hand sanitizers at removing many germs that
cause foodborne illness. If a handwash station is not
available, determine how you can modify your meal
service options (e.g., serving pre-packaged foods)
and talk to your local health authority to determine
whether hand sanitizers or sanitizer towelettes are
appropriate alternatives. Hand sanitizers should
contain at least 60 percent alcohol.


Apply sanitizer to the palm of your hand.

Rub your hands, covering all surfaces of

hands and fingers.

 ub all surfaces of your hands until they

feel dry.

Page 19

Stop Transmitting Germs

Handling food with your bare hands can transfer
germs from your hands to the food you prepare
and serve. Wearing gloves puts a barrier between
the germs on your hands and the food you’re
working with.

Change Your Gloves Often

Wearing gloves doesn’t guarantee that pathogens
won’t be transferred during food preparation. Soiled
gloves can contaminate food. To ensure pathogens
aren’t spread, change your gloves:
• If they become damaged
• If they become contaminated
• When switching tasks

Wash Your Hands

Always wash your hands before putting on
new gloves.

Adapted from State Food Safety. (2016). Wearing gloves for food safety poster.

Page 20
and Disinfecting
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
establishes standards for sanitizers and disinfectants.
Sanitizers reduce levels of germs to safe levels and
are approved for use on food contact surfaces.
Disinfectants are much stronger substances that
destroy or inactivate germs and are designed for
use on non-food contact surfaces. Always follow
the directions on the label of a commercial sanitizer
or disinfectant and allow enough contact time for
the chemical to be effective. Change solutions
periodically–every 2 to 4 hours, or sooner, if
visibly soiled.


Removes soil from a Reduces the number of Destroys or irreversibly
surface, but does not bacteria to safe levels inactivates bacteria and
kill any organisms viruses

Page 21
Bleach and
water solutions
Regular, unscented household bleach with a sodium
hypochlorite concentration between 5 percent
and 9 percent mixed with water can be used
as sanitizers or disinfectants. Bleach and water
solutions are cost-effective and easy to prepare
in the event of an emergency.


Page 22
Bleach and
water solutions

Mix 1 tablespoon of bleach with 1 gallon of

water. Use chlorine test strips to check the
concentration of the solution, which should
typically be 50–100 parts per million (ppm).
• Clean visibly soiled areas.
• Wash
 surfaces with soap and water.
If available, use hot water.
• Rinse with clean water.
• Sanitize in bleach solution (at least
10 seconds).
• Allow to air dry.

Page 23
Bleach and
water solutions

Mix 1 cup of bleach with 1 gallon of water.

• C
 lean visibly soiled areas. Scrub rough
surfaces with a stiff brush.
• W
 ash surfaces with soap and water. If
available, use hot water.
• Rinse with clean water.
• Disinfect surfaces with bleach solution.
• Allow to air dry.

Page 24
Pre-clean Air Dry

Wash Rinse Sanitize


Page 25
6 Steps for Safe and Effective Disinfectant Use

1 Make sure the product is EPA-registered.

Check and registration number.

2 Read and follow the directions.

Look for precautionary statements (e.g., ventilation).

3Pre-clean the surface with detergent and water.

Wash any surface grime before disinfecting.

Follow contact time.

Keep surface wet for the directed time.

5 Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Use reusable gloves and safety glasses, etc.

Wash your hands.
Remove gloves, discard them in a trash can, and wash your
hands thoroughly.

Adapted from UC San Diego, Blink. (2020). COVID-19 disinfection guidance.

Page 26
There are ways you can prepare to ensure that
you are ready to respond quickly and effectively to
almost any emergency.

Page 27
• Develop
 an emergency response plan.
Review and update it at least annually.
There are resources and information
available (
food-safety-resources) to assist with the
development of an emergency response
plan, including the Emergency Readiness
Plan (
• Develop
 handwashing procedures for
emergencies in case standard procedures
cannot be implemented and/or handwash
facilities are not available.
• Develop
 an “emergency menu” with
simplified recipes and food items that
require limited preparation (e.g., shelf-
stable, canned, and packaged food items).
• T
 rain staff in emergency response
procedures. Be prepared to provide on-the-
spot training during an emergency.

Page 28
• Work with your State agency to understand
the types of operational flexibilities and
program adjustments that may be available
(e.g., multiple meals at a time, grab-and-go
meals, mealtime adjustments).

• Check with your local health authority

for more information regarding specific
regulations and guidance that may apply to
emergency situations and when developing
an emergency response plan.

• Keep paper copies of important records

and documents that may not be available
or accessible electronically; copies can be
printed in advance and compiled in a disaster
binder for easy access and portability.

Page 29
• Designate essential staff and substitutes in
emergency situations. Review and update
contact information at least annually and
when there are staff changes.
• Compile an emergency contact list with
information for important resources and
organizations including:
° Essential staff and other key employees
° School administration and officials
° Emergency management officials
° State and/or local health departments
° Fire departments
° Police departments
° Utility companies
° Waste handling services
° Supply vendors, etc.

Page 30
Create an emergency kit that includes a labeled,
waterproof container with essential supplies. Consider
assembling different kits with various combinations
of supplies for different types of emergencies.
Examples of Emergency Supplies

Documenting Updated Emergency
materials (pens, emergency response plan
equipment (PPE)
etc.) contact lists and blank logs
(gloves, etc.)

Chemical Thermometers
Generators Alcohol pads to
sanitizer and (digital,
and/or other clean probes of
sanitizer test ambient, and
power sources thermometers
strips infrared)

Batteries of
Disinfectants Hand sanitizer
assorted sizes Flashlights and/
and cleaning (60% alcohol or
for various or light sources
agents higher)

Bottled water Packaged and Sealed storage Garbage bags

and shelf-stable containers of and storage
beverages food items various sizes bags

Disposable Cleaning tools

Alcohol swabs Ice packs
utensils (mops)

Soap Paper towels First aid kit Utility knife

Tape Coolers Timers Scissors

Determine the best way to obtain emergency

supplies that are not available on site.
Page 31
How you respond to an emergency will depend
on the type of emergency and how it affects food
safety in your operation.

Page 32

Page 33
Power outages, or interruptions of electrical service,
are one of the most common emergencies that
impact food service operations. Shorter outages
(e.g., up to 2 hours) may not require emergency
procedures, which would otherwise need to be
implemented during an extended loss of power
(e.g., multiple days). The primary food safety risk
during a power outage is time and temperature
control of food; temperature abuse may result in
unsafe food.

Page 34
• Immediately assess the impact on your food
service operation (i.e., the size of the affected
area and affected equipment).
• D
 etermine, in consultation with the health
authority and emergency management official(s),
if and how limited food service operations
can continue (i.e., pre-packaged food items
that require limited preparation). Food service
activities should discontinue if there is an
immediate health hazard.
• C
 oordinate with school officials to contact the
power company to determine the cause, extent,
and estimated duration of the outage. The length
of the power outage will determine if a long-term
or short-term plan needs to be utilized.
• R
 ecord the date, start time, and end time of the
power outage.

Page 35
• Locate the appropriate emergency equipment
and supplies needed (e.g., generators, light
sources, ice packs, thermometers).

• Identify the equipment and food products that

need immediate attention and priority. Prioritize
food that requires time and temperature control
for safety and refrigeration equipment.

• Frequently monitor and record food and equipment

and temperatures from the start of the power
outage, including during storage and transport.

• Transfer foods that require time and temperature

control for safety from more vulnerable
equipment to equipment that will maintain safe
temperatures (e.g., from smaller units without
doors/covers to freezers and walk-in units).

• Some schools may be able to contact and access

a central storage or distribution site with power
where food can be relocated and stored safely.

Page 36
• Ice packs and ice help keep refrigeration units
cold temporarily. If power is lost for a prolonged
period, moving food that requires time and
temperature control for safety to a location with
power is a safer option.

• Keep equipment doors closed as much as possible

to minimize temperature loss and maintain proper
temperatures. With doors closed, a refrigerator
may keep food cold for about 4 hours, and a
full freezer for about 48 hours (or 24 hours if it is
half full).

• When power is restored, check and record

temperatures of all refrigerators and freezers,
and internal temperatures of food that requires
time and temperature control for safety.
• Refrigerated food that doesn’t require time
and temperature control for safety should be
checked for signs of spoilage, damage, or other
quality issues.

• Frozen foods that remain solid or semi-solid and

have not exceeded 41°F can be refrozen if the
packages show no evidence of damage.

Page 37
• Residue and water may accumulate from melted ice
and packages. It is important to clean and disinfect
surfaces of affected equipment. After disinfection,
food contact surfaces should be rinsed, sanitized,
and allowed to air dry prior to use.

• Confirm that equipment and facilities are

working properly (e.g., lighting, food equipment,
dishwashing machines).
• During extended power outages (e.g., more than
a day), designate staff to check equipment and
temperatures, at least daily, to dispose of unsafe
food items as needed and to avoid spoilage and
unsanitary conditions in the refrigeration units.

Page 38
The Conference for Food Protection developed
recommendations for handling and discarding
refrigerated foods that require time and temperature
control for safety during a power outage. Procedures
for salvaging food should be prepared in advance,
maintained at the facility, and available upon request.

These guidelines should only apply if time and

temperature are monitored according to a written
plan. Food that requires time and temperature
control for safety should be discarded if it is not
monitored during the power outage and the
temperature may have exceeded 41°F (5°C).

Page 39

Page 40
It is always important to have safe, clean water in
school nutrition operations. The primary food safety
risk during a water outage is a lack of water to safely
prepare and serve food, which may affect:
• Drinking water
• Handwashing
• Food preparation
• Using water as a food ingredient
• Cleaning
• Sanitizing

Page 41
• Immediately assess the impact on your food
service operation (i.e., the size of the affected
area and affected equipment).
• Determine, in consultation with the health authority
and emergency management official(s), if and
how limited food service operations can continue
(i.e., pre-packaged food items that require
limited preparation). Food service activities should
discontinue if there is an immediate health hazard.
• Coordinate with school officials to contact the
water utility company to determine the cause,
extent, and estimated duration of the outage.
The length of the water outage will determine if a
long-term or short-term plan needs to be utilized.
• Record the date, start time, and end time of the
water outage.

Page 42
• Locate the appropriate emergency equipment
and supplies needed (e.g., bottled water, bulk
water storage containers, disposable utensils,
gloves, hand sanitizer).
• If the school remains open, coordinate with
school officials to obtain additional supplies
needed including approved water sources.
• Identify all equipment and plumbing systems
that require clean water and limit use until the
water supply is restored. This includes sinks,
dishwashers, and toilets.

Page 43
• Use only clean water from an approved source.
Do not use the affected water supply if it has not
been determined safe.
• Set-up a temporary handwash station to continue
handwashing. Determine if hand sanitizer is an
appropriate alternative to handwashing. Refer to
pages 18–19.
• Use disposable utensils and supplies; limited
food service should be discontinued when these
items are exhausted or unavailable.

Page 44
• When water service is restored, check all
equipment and facilities to ensure they
are working properly. Review the water
contamination section of this guide to address
concerns about the safety of the water supply.
• Flush plumbing systems including faucets, toilets,
and fountains before use. At least 5 minutes of
flushing is typically recommended for faucets and
at least 10–15 minutes is typically recommended
for equipment water lines (e.g., ice machines,
fountains, and beverage machines).
• Clean and sanitize food contact surfaces,
utensils, and equipment before use including
those with water connections (e.g., beverage
machines and dishwashers).

Page 45

Page 46
Potable water refers to water that is suitable for
human consumption—water that is safe for drinking
or food preparation. The primary food safety risks
during a water contamination incident is an unsafe
water supply which may affect:
• Drinking water
• Handwashing
• Food preparation
• Using water as a food ingredient
• Cleaning
• Sanitizing

Page 47
After an emergency event or a natural disaster,
the potable water supply may be unsafe due to
contamination. In these cases, a “boil water” advisory
is typically issued by the local health authority to alert
the public and protect public health from harmful
contamination. During a water contamination event,
any tap water used for human consumption must be
boiled, then allowed to cool before use. The water
should be brought to a rolling boil for at least 1
minute or 3 minutes at elevations above 6,500 feet.

Page 48
• Immediately assess impact on your food service
operation (i.e., the size of the affected area and
affected equipment).
• Determine, in consultation with the health
authority and emergency management official(s),
if and how limited food service operations
can continue. Food service activities should
discontinue if there is an immediate health hazard.
• Coordinate with school officials to contact the
water utility company to determine the cause,
extent, and estimated duration of the event.
• Locate the appropriate emergency equipment
and supplies needed (e.g., bottled water, bulk
water storage containers, disposable utensils,
gloves, hand sanitizer).

Page 49
• Do not use any equipment connected to the
water line, including ice machines and water
fountains. Covers or signs should be posted at
equipment to prevent use.
• Discard any food, beverages, and ice prepared
before the advisory or incident, or that may have
been exposed to contamination.
• Use bottled water or clean water from
an approved source; if these options are
unavailable, only boiled water should be used
for consumption and food service activities.
• Additional alternative water sources that may
be used include hauled water from an approved
public water supply in a covered sanitized
container or a licensed potable drinking water
tanker truck.

Page 50
• Use only clean water from an approved source
(e.g., bottled, boiled, or treated water). Do not
use the affected water supply if it has not been
determined safe.
• Set-up a temporary handwash station to con-
tinue handwashing. Determine if hand sanitizer
is an appropriate alternative to handwashing.
Refer to pages 18–19.
• Do not handle ready-to-eat foods with your
bare hands. Use gloves, utensils, and paper to
handle food.
• Use disposable utensils and supplies until a
clean and safe water supply is available for
dishwashing and sanitizing. Limited food service
should be discontinued when these items are
exhausted or unavailable.
• When the water supply is safe, take
follow up action in accordance with the
water utility company’s guidelines and
manufacturer’s instructions.

Page 51
• Flush plumbing systems including faucets,
toilets, and fountains before use. At least 5
minutes of flushing is typically recommended for
faucets and at least 10–15 minutes is typically
recommended for equipment water lines (e.g.,
ice machines, fountain, and beverage machines).
• Clean and disinfect contaminated utensils,
equipment, and affected surfaces first. After
disinfection, food contact surfaces should be
rinsed, sanitized, and allowed to air dry prior to use.
• Discard the ice through three cycles in the ice
machine, then clean and sanitize the ice machine
prior to use.
• Discard and replace water filters in equipment
connected to the water supply. (e.g., ice
machines and beverage machines).

Page 52

Page 53
A sewage backup is the overflow of sewage from
equipment or plumbing facilities. A sewage backup
or issue may occur from a broken or obstructed
sewer pipe or through a floor drain, toilet, sink, or
another appliance. Pathogens may be present in
sewage that can contaminate equipment, surfaces,
and cleaning tools, as well as personal clothing and
shoes. The primary food safety risks during a sewage
issue include the presence of contaminants in the
sewage, contaminated food and equipment, and
poor personal hygiene (e.g., not following proper
handwashing procedures).

Page 54
• Immediately assess the impact on your food
service operation (i.e., the size of the affected
area and affected equipment).
• Determine, in consultation with the health
authority and emergency management
official(s), if and how limited food service
operations can continue (i.e., pre-packaged
food items that require limited preparation).
Food service activities should discontinue if
there is an immediate health hazard.
• Coordinate with school officials to contact the
utility company to determine the best course
of action.
• Locate the appropriate emergency
equipment and supplies needed (e.g.,
cleaning supplies, disposable gloves,
personal protective equipment).

Page 55
• In the case of damaged or blocked drain lines,
it may be necessary to request a service visit or
repair from a service company. They may find
and remove the obstruction and/or replace
damaged plumbing, as needed.
• Discontinue the use of affected equipment and
facilities such as sinks and toilets. Label them to
prevent additional use (e.g., marking a toilet “out
of order”).
• Block/separate the affected area and prevent
traffic between affected areas with sewage and
nonaffected areas. Employees should remove
footwear and protective clothing when leaving
the affected area.
• Limit contamination from sewage by clearing the
surrounding area. Move nearby items and food
to an alternate and elevated location to avoid
contact with sewage.

Page 56
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
(e.g., eye protection, disposable gloves,
disposable plastic apron) before handling and
contacting sewage. Remove the sewage before
starting clean-up procedures.
• For small affected areas or plumbing systems
that do not affect the food service operation
(e.g. one of three toilets), contact the health
authority once the backup is cleared or repaired
for guidelines on resuming operations.
• For larger affected areas involving onsite sewage
disposal, a sewage pumping contractor can be
used to pump exposed sewage (as well as the
septic tank) and disinfect affected areas.

Page 57
• Clean and disinfect the affected surfaces,
including floors and walls, using disinfectants and
items suitable for vomiting and diarrheal events
(e.g., bleach solution with a concentration of
1,000–5,000 parts per million (ppm)).
• Clean and disinfect faucets and other surfaces
around the handwash sink areas to prevent
• Dispose and replace cleaning equipment or
tools that cannot be decontaminated after they
are used for clean-up activities.

Page 58
• Discard linens or uniforms contaminated by
sewage or use an industrial laundry service that
can disinfect the items.
• Discard food, disposable materials, and single-
service items that were exposed to contamination.
• Clean and disinfect utensils, equipment,
containers, and affected surfaces that were
exposed to contamination. After disinfection, food
contact surfaces should be rinsed, sanitized, and
allowed to air dry prior to use.

Page 59
• Confirm that repairs are in progress and when
they are completed. Check that equipment is
working properly before resuming use.
• Food in hermetically sealed intact containers
(e.g., cans, rigid plastic, pouches) can typically
be salvaged and used after the containers are
washed, rinsed, sanitized, and relabeled with all
required information. Do not use cans that are
severely dented, bulging, leaking, or rusted.
• Food and other items that were not in the
affected area or contaminated can be used.

Page 60

Page 61
Floods can be caused by poor drainage systems,
overflow from a body of water, a broken water line,
and weather events (e.g., hurricanes or heavy rain
for multiple days). Floods can vary in intensity and
duration; factors to consider include the amount
of flood water, the type of flood event, and the
effect on drainage systems that may not handle
large volumes of water for extended periods. Flood
water may contain pathogens that can contaminate
food, equipment, surfaces, and an employee’s
clothing, or personal items. In some cases, weather
trends and forecasts for the region can be used
to monitor flood risk and take action before the
flooding occurs to minimize damage. Generally,
food, equipment, and utensils should be stored at
least 6 inches above the floor for protection from
contamination. The primary food safety risks during
a flood include the presence of contaminants in the
flood water, contaminated food and equipment, and
poor personal hygiene (e.g., not following proper
handwashing procedures).

Page 62
• Immediately assess the impact on your food
service operation (i.e., the size of the affected
area and affected equipment).
• Determine, in consultation with the health authority
and emergency management official(s), if and
how limited food service operations can continue
(i.e., pre-packaged food items that require limited
preparation). Food service activities should
discontinue if there is an immediate health hazard.
• Locate the appropriate emergency equipment
and supplies needed (e.g., cleaning supplies,
disposable gloves, personal protective equipment).
• Block/separate the affected area and prevent
traffic between affected areas with flood water,
and unaffected areas. Employees should remove
footwear and protective clothing when leaving
the affected area.

Page 63
• Limit contamination from flood water by clearing
the surrounding area. Move nearby items and
food to an alternate and elevated location to
avoid contact with flood water.
• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment
(e.g., eye protection, disposable gloves,
disposable mask, disposable plastic apron)
before handling and contacting flood water.
Remove the standing water prior to beginning
clean-up procedures.
• For a larger and widespread flood event, a
janitorial or custodial service with flood expertise
may be used as an alternative.
• Clean and disinfect the affected surfaces, including
floors and walls, with a suitable disinfectant.
• Clean and disinfect faucets and other
surfaces around the handwash sink areas to
prevent contamination.

Page 64
• Dispose and replace cleaning equipment or tools
that cannot be decontaminated after they are
used for clean-up activities.
• Discard linens or uniforms contaminated by flood
water or use an industrial laundry service that can
disinfect the items.
• Discard contaminated food, disposable materials,
and single-service items.
• Clean and disinfect utensils, equipment,
containers, and affected surfaces that were
exposed to contamination. After disinfection,
food contact surfaces should be rinsed, sanitized,
and allowed to air dry prior to use.

Page 65
• Food in hermetically sealed intact containers
(e.g., cans, rigid plastic, pouches) can typically
be salvaged and used after the containers are
washed, rinsed, sanitized, and relabeled with all
required information. Do not use cans that are
severely dented, bulging, leaking, or rusted.
• Food and other items that were not affected by
flood water or contaminated can be used.
• Remove affected equipment from service. Some
equipment and equipment parts may need to
be replaced if the flood water enters the seams,
openings, and damaged areas (e.g. coolers with
porous wood flooring).
• Confirm that equipment and facilities in the
affected area are working properly before
resuming use.

Page 66

Page 67
Responses to fires vary based on nature and scope,
including the size of the affected area and the cause
of the fire (i.e., electrical, grease, mechanical). Other
building systems like electrical power may also be
impacted by fires. Considerations to keep in mind
include fire damage, smoke damage, and the impact
of water, foam, and other processes used to fight
the fire such as use of high-pressure fire suppression
systems and devices (i.e., ventilation hood fire
suppression system or professional fire department
equipment). Food can be compromised in a fire
by three factors: the heat of the fire, smoke fumes,
and chemicals used to fight fire. The primary food
safety risks during a fire are contaminated food and
equipment, and improper holding temperatures.

Page 68
• Immediately discontinue food service activities
and remove yourself from danger. Notify the fire
department about any fire immediately. In some
cases, smaller fires may be extinguished using a
nearby fire extinguisher.
• Assess the impact on your food service
operation (i.e., the size of the affected area and
affected equipment).
• Determine, in consultation with the health
authority and emergency management official(s),
if and how limited food service operations
can continue (i.e., pre-packaged food items
that require limited preparation). Food service
activities should discontinue if there is an
immediate health hazard.
• The affected area may be closed/restricted if the
fire is smaller; larger and widespread fires may
lead to an expanded and/or extended closure.
Employees should not access affected areas
until safety is determined. Avoid traffic between
affected areas and other areas.

Page 69
• When it is safe and access is allowed, determine
the impact on your operation (i.e., the size of the
affected area and affected equipment).
• Locate the appropriate emergency equipment
and supplies needed (e.g., cleaning supplies,
disposable gloves, personal protective equipment).
• If the fire is caused by equipment, then it may need
to be removed and replaced due to damage.
• Clean and disinfect utensils, equipment, containers,
and affected surfaces that were exposed to
contamination. After disinfection, food contact
areas and surfaces should be rinsed, sanitized,
and allowed to air dry prior to use.

Page 70
• Discard food, disposable materials, and
single-service items that were exposed to
contamination (this includes exposure to heat,
smoke, water, or fire extinguishing chemicals).
• Food in hermetically sealed intact containers
(e.g., cans, rigid plastic, pouches) can typically
be salvaged and used after the containers are
washed, rinsed, sanitized, and relabeled with all
required information. Do not use cans that are
severely dented, bulging, leaking, or rusted.
• Food and other items that were not in the
affected area or contaminated can be used.
• In more severe cases, smoke damage may have
to be removed by a professional restoration
company and/or with the use of specialized
equipment like air purifiers.

Page 71
• Prior to reopening or resuming operations, consult
with school officials and the local health authority.
• The emergency plan and response should
be reviewed, to include strategies that were
effective and revise areas that need to be
corrected or improved.
• After an emergency, the school premises may
not be safe to enter if there is significant and
extensive damage. Prior to entry, confirm with
emergency personnel or another available official
(e.g. the fire department or building inspector)
that entry is permitted.
• The local health authority may determine what
food items will be disposed or salvaged depending
on the exposure to contamination and severity
of the emergency.
• Take detailed notes of inventory and items to
be disposed, including the names and quantities
of products. This documentation can be used
to ensure that proper disposal procedures are
followed and for insurance claim purposes.

Page 72
• Materials to be disposed of should be stored
separately in designated covered refuse
containers and kept in a separate and secure
location for disposal by a waste management
or refuse disposal company.
• Disposal should be conducted in accordance
with State and local waste disposal regulations.
Hazardous and non-hazardous material
should be separated before disposal.
• Conduct a thorough inspection after the
emergency to check for any significant or long-
term damage. Some surfaces and systems may
need repairs, replacement, and/or additional
service (e.g., certain absorbent surfaces and
insulation materials exposed to water damage
may be susceptible to mold growth that
should be removed and replaced).

Page 73
• Schools should include a food recovery plan
in their school food safety program based
on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
(HACCP) principles. A process to transfer
food from defective equipment or closed
facilities to a safer, approved location should
be included (e.g., local business, warehouse,
large school site). The local health authority
may request to review the plan in advance.
• Shelf-stable and pre-packaged items should
be incorporated in planning for emergencies
and disasters. Keep a supply on hand or
have a contract with a vendor/supplier that
can quickly provide the items.
• Check and replace designated emergency
supplies that may have been used over time
to ensure they are always readily available.

Page 74
• Follow cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing
procedures approved by the local health
authority. For example, disinfectants identified
for use during vomiting and diarrheal events
are likely suitable for emergencies involving
sewage and flooding. (More information can
be found at
• Refrigeration units should not be stocked to
a capacity that blocks air circulation; leaving
space between and around products allows
better air flow and temperature distribution to
keep foods safe.
• Generally, food, equipment, and utensils
should be stored at least 6 inches above the
floor for protection from contamination.
• When relocating or elevating items to safer
locations, do not obstruct exits/entrances,
utility areas, traffic areas, or damage utility
lines by stacking items too high.

Page 75
AND REsources

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AND RESources

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Page 78
To access this pocket guide online, visit:

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Food and Nutrition Service
USDA is an equal opportunity provider,
employer, and lender.
FNS-885, April 2022

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