Gwen Harwood Essays
Gwen Harwood Essays
Gwen Harwood Essays
Writing an essay on Gwen Harwood can be both challenging and rewarding. Harwood, an Australian
poet and critic, is known for her complex and nuanced works that delve into themes such as identity,
gender roles, and the passage of time. To create a comprehensive essay, one must navigate through
the intricacies of her poetry, analyzing the layers of meaning embedded in her verses.
One of the difficulties lies in decoding Harwood's poetic language, which often combines
symbolism, allusion, and metaphor. Unraveling the subtleties of her imagery requires a keen
understanding of literary devices and an appreciation for the historical and cultural contexts that
influenced her work. Moreover, her poems often blur the lines between reality and illusion,
demanding a careful examination of the interplay between the tangible and the abstract.
Another challenge is the need to synthesize information from various sources to construct a well-
informed analysis. Gwen Harwood's life experiences, literary influences, and critical reception all
contribute to the rich tapestry of her poetry. Integrating these elements into a cohesive and insightful
essay requires meticulous research and an ability to discern the significance of different factors in
shaping her artistic vision.
In conclusion, writing an essay on Gwen Harwood is a formidable task that demands a combination
of literary acumen, historical awareness, and analytical prowess. However, the process of unraveling
the enigma of Harwood's poetry can be intellectually stimulating and ultimately rewarding for those
who embark on this literary journey.
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Gwen Harwood Essays Gwen Harwood Essays
Jones Town Religion
909 Found dead in Jones town,Guyana South America from Kool aid flavored
cyanide, screams headline news November, 18 1979.What seems to be a peaceful
New religion movement started in California for People in search for Hope and relief
in Desperate Times from the Social inequalities, Unjust Killing, poverty ,and despair
during the late seventies to early eighties.In the beginning people promise utopia a
perfect society tens to hundreds of single mothers ,blacks, homosexuals and families
all alike dropped their lives to flocking onto planes for a vision of the good life. Over a
thousand people joined the Peoples Temple . This entire Religious Movement was run
by one man said to be the by followers Deliver of Peace ,Shepherd of his sheep,Father,...
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Time is the key difference in a new religious movement and a religion.There were
thousands of failed religious movements most come to fall from failing to popularize and
convince people of the world that their word is the best word.Currently there are four
hundred two confirmed new religious movements. This is little to the four thousand two
hundred estimated religions on earth. One of the many reasons American colonist seized
from the British, was the heavy religious control of Christianity there. When they finally
claimed independence one of the first things declared was the freedom of religion,
allowing all to practice their religion within the united states without persecution, but
freedom at what cost?
Numerous amount of studies have taken place on why new religious movements are so
popular. It seems to be people have some mental disorder that leads them to believe that
they have no purpose in life and everything they do is just a sham. recent study by the
National Institute of Mental Health found that approximately 20% of the general
population has at least one psychiatric
Nowra s play is set in a burnt out theatre . Discuss the importance of setting and imagery
in conveying Nowra s idea on Cosi .
The setting and imagery used in Louis Nowra s play Cosi explore the turbulent time that
took part in Australia. The play is set in a mental institution in Melbourne, in the 1970 s.
Using the ominous presence of the Vietnam War, Nowra explores the insanity of the war;
and the need to condemn war and to protest against Australia s involvement in Vietnam.
The main presence of the institution and involving patients explored the inhumanity and
ineffectiveness of the mental health system in the 1970 s in Australia. Nowra used the
play within a play to explore the Importance of theatre, as a way of enriching ... Show
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Ruth s character reminds us that the process of producing the play within the play is
about finding a deeper, more real reality. For characters such as Ruth and Roy, the play
is about creating an escape from their reality within the institution, such as characters
like Zac whom can t stand real things . For other characters such as Julie, the mental
institution surrounds them, but performing the play allows them to break free from
reality. Through producing the play, Lewis explores what is real and what is normal ,
Nowra introduces the concept that the two concepts contrast with each other. Nowra
concluded the play with Lewis narration. Turning off the lights sets the realisation of the
brief tails of their lives given by Lewis, which are powered by reality and not a pristine
ending, as life continues to happen.
Louis Nowra s play Cosi explores important concepts dealing with important issues of
Australia in the 1970 s. Through the play, Nowra considers the inhumanity and
insensitivity towards the mental health system in the 20th Century. After examining the
insanity of war; the need to condemn war and to protest the involvement of Australian
solders, Nowra positions the audience to lean towards Henry s point of view,
supporting the solders for their sacrifice with the respect for their service to their
country. Nowra explores the power of art, as a powerful tool to open up the lives of
Lewis and the patients. Through
The Theme of Kate Chopin’s “the Storm” Essay
Kate Chopin in the Storm uses symbolism in characters to develop the theme that
marriages are not perfect. Although there is a physical storm in the story, there is also a
storm of emotions. Chopin is able to convey the emotions of her characters throughout
the story because the storm that takes place at the very beginning of her story. As the
storm approaches Calixta is home sewing, while husband Bobinot and son Bibi are out at
the store. Bobinot notices the sombre clouds that were rolling with sinister intention from
the west, accompanied by a sullen, threatening roar. (page 394) The description makes it
obvious that it s a threatening, dangerous storm. The father and son decide to remain at
the store till the storm passed by.... Show more content on ...
They did not heed the crashing torrents, and the roar of the elements made her laugh as
she lay in his arms (page. 396) The storm reaches its climax, as do Calixta and Alcee,
and in his arms she is no longer scared, she now laughs at the roaring storm. The growl
of the thunder was distant and passing away. The rain beat softly upon the shingles...
(p. 396). The storm is passing, the threat is over The storm is menacing, it rolls in
somber...with sinister intention. Chopin allows us to see the storm build up slowly,
reaching its highpoint, and passing. The storm builds chaotically to its climax, Alcee
and Calixta are together. As the storm dies out and fades away everything is quiet
again in terms of the relationship. The reader can make the assumption that the
marriages are unharmed, but it shows that they aren t perfect. Once the storm has
passed and all is normal, Alcee leaves and Calixta s family returns. Bobinot and Bibi
make themselves look presentable for Calixta, the over scrupulous wife (page 397) after
going through the heavy roads and wet fields the storm left behind. Calixta seemed to
have forgotten the encounter she had with Alcee moments before, and seemed to express
nothing but satisfaction at their safe return. (page 397) The family sat at the table and
enjoyed themselves for the remainder of the time, everything was forgotten and back to
normal. Alcee the same night wrote to his wife, Clarisse, who was out of
Jared Diamond
The journal article by James Aimers and Jared Diamond s TED presentation both
acknowledge that multiple factors led to the decline of the Mayan empire such as
climate change, wars, and socio economic factors. Where Diamond and Aimers differ
is their description of the rapidity of the collapse of the Maya. Jared Diamond uses the
example of the Maya of the Yucatan whose society collapsed in the early 800 s quickly
in the span of decades, directly after a period of great growth and prosperity. Diamond
uses this single example of rapid decline for the Maya while the Aimers reading
describes the gradual migration of some Maya people away from cities and established
infrastructure. James Aimers also describes that the collapse of society may not
necessarily be the destruction of tradition and the looting of valuables for the spoils of
war but also the gradual decline in complexity of constructions, writing and
discontinuation of the Long Count for the Maya (Aimers, 2007) which indicates a slower
evolution of society rather than a sudden disruption.... Show more content on ...
However in the case of Angkor, the capital of the Khmer empire, there limited choice to
prevent the El Nino cycles that caused irregular weather and droughts to decimate their
crops in the 14th and 15th centuries. Brendan Buckley s journal article focuses on the
climate stressors to Angkor but also describes the conflict the Khmer empire had with the
Siamese kingdom which caused various social and economic problems to the Khmer
empire at the same time as the droughts. While the Khmer empire could have managed
their relations with the Siamese kingdom in a way to ensure less conflict, the droughts
they faced were inevitable and would have hampered their agriculture
Characteristics Of Greek Architecture
Greek Architecture:
The Architectures of Greek was produced by the Hellenic group of people who used to
speak Greek as a language. Ancient Greek is very well known for its architecture of
temples and also the architecture of open air theatres. Ancient Greek architecture is
distinguished from other architectural work in terms of its structure and decoration. The
temples mainly were constructed on high grounds, so that elegance of its proportion can
be visible and the effect of light can be seen from all angles. Greek architecture was all
about simplicity and symmetry.
Ancient Greek architecture is divided into three main architectural styles Ionic, Doric and
The domestic buildings in the Greek time period used to have open porches ... Show more
content on ...
The temples in those days did not function in the same way as today. Temples then were
a storage for the treasures associated with the cult, where the devotees would leave their
offerings such as helmets, weapons and also statues for the god. Public spaces more
gracious and dignified and would have similar architectural properties so that they could
relate to each other.
The architecture of ancient Greece is a composition of posts, which are the vertical beams
and lentils which are the horizontal beams. Originally, for the construction of the
buildings wooden beams were used, but later they were replaced with stone for stronger
structural support. Some of the temples which are still standing were made with stones.
The entablature is a horizontal structural element which supports the roof and runs
around the entire length of the building. In case of Ionic and Corinthian, the decoration
or sculpting runs in a continues manner throughout. But in Doric it is divided into two
sections Metopes and Triglyphs. Triglyphs are the vertical grooves and Metopes are the
space between each Triglyphs. In the front and rear of each temple, the entablature
supports a triangular structure known as the Pediment. The pediment is known for the
extraordinary decoration on the exterior of the
Compare And Contrast Qin And Han Dynasty
The Qin and subsequent Han dynasties unified China and established a centralized
empire, which endured and passed down hundreds of years down through the 20th
century. The periods of the Qin and Han dynasties began around 221 BC and ended in
220 AD . The Qin Dynasty was the first feudal dynasty to rule all over China. Even
though the Qin dynastydid not last that long, the empire had a long lasting impact on
Chinese history. Right after the fall of the Qin dynasty, Han dynastycomes in. The Han
dynasty lasted 400 years after Qin dynasty. Also during the period of Qin and Han
dynasties started to connect China with Romans and western world by the Silk Road.
The two dynasties were similar in that both had an idea of an emperor and the two