Essay Report Sample

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Essay Report Sample

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Report Sample" presents a unique challenge due to the
broad scope it encompasses. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between providing
comprehensive insights while maintaining focus on a specific aspect of the topic. Gathering relevant
information from various sources, organizing thoughts coherently, and ensuring the content is both
informative and engaging are tasks that require meticulous attention. Additionally, maintaining
originality while discussing a topic that has been explored extensively poses its own set of challenges.

Moreover, the process of composing such an essay demands critical analysis, synthesis of ideas, and
effective communication of arguments. It requires the writer to delve into the intricacies of the
subject matter, possibly exploring different perspectives and theories to offer a well-rounded
discussion. Furthermore, incorporating proper citations and adhering to academic conventions adds
another layer of complexity to the task.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the topic of "Essay Report Sample" necessitates careful planning,
research, and writing skills to produce a high-quality piece of academic work.

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Essay Report Sample Essay Report Sample
Contributions Of Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale is most commonly known for her great influence in modern

Medicine, even did consults on queens and kings and when the Civil War came around

the president asked her advice on how to help the injured soldiers, but she also was a

great contributor to mathematics. Many people tend to overlook the fact the fact that

Florence Nightingale is credited with developing a form of the pie chart now known as

the polar area diagram, or occasionally the Nightingale rose diagram, equivalent to a

modern circular histogram to dramatize the needless deaths caused by unsanitary

conditions and the need for reform during the Crimean War . (Lingarajabhu, 2009,

Par.4). Though Nightingale mainly ... Show more content on ...
Her sister and her were often together but the only difference being

Florence was always focused, always learning something. At a young age

she already understood many languages very well. Her father took particular interest

in her education, guiding her through history, philosophy, and literature. She excelled in

mathematics and languages and was able to read and write French, German, Italian,

Greek, and Latin at an early age. Never satisfied with the traditional female skills of

home management, she preferred to read the great philosophers and to engage in

serious political and social discourse with her father. (Selanders, par.2). Though her

family wanted the typical Victorian woman lifestyle for Florence, get married and have

children, she was more focused on doing something more. At one point she even

begged her family is she could focus and study mathematics, her mother s response

was that she should not neglect her homely duties for mathematics.

Florence Nightingales actions were greatly influence by her religious views. Multiple

times she claimed that her interest in nursing was Gods way of telling her it was her
duty to heal people. At first, it s written that the calls were unsettling for her as she

was unsure what this service was but

The Corrupted Christ Figure In The Poisonwood Bible
The Corrupted Christ Figure
A Christ figure can share attributes with Jesus and be the antagonist of the story. In
Thomas C. Foster s novel How to Read Literature like a Professor, he analyzes what a
Christ figure looks like in literature. He argues that a character who shares personality
traits and or physical characteristics with Christ is a representation and reflection of Jesus
. Similarly, in Barbara Kingsolver s novel The Poisonwood Bible, her character Nathan
Price believes he is synonymous to Christ while in reality, he is far from perfect. She
uses irony to exploit the idea of the Christ figure. The use of irony as seen in
Kingsolver s novel, up ends Foster s claims as to what makes a Christ figure by creating
a character who assumes he is Christ yet does not reflect Christ s attributes.
A Christ figure represents the attributes of Christ in the way they live. Foster expands
on this idea by arguing a list of characteristics regarding Jesus. As readers, he claims,
while we may not be all that versed in types and archetypes from the Bible, we
generally recognize, whatever our religious affiliation, some of the features that make
Christ who he is (Foster 125). If Christ s attributes reflect themselves in a character,
readers can use their knowledge to assume the character is a Christ figure. Likewise,
Kingsolver uses Nathan Price as an examples of a Christ figure. Nathan comes to the
Congo to redeem an unworthy people, has disciples (his family), and wanders the
Serial Killer Vs Mass Killer
Over the course of the semester we discussed many things in this class one being serial
and mass murderers. Under that umbrella we discussed the differences between the
two, the victims they may attack, the reasons why they kill, personal backgrounds,
and explanations to why they kill. At the end of this course we were asked to pick a type
of killer and explain what it is we learned from them. For this paper I chose to talk about
serial killers. The killers I chose to discuss are Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolkabut we
will get to them later on.
Serial killers differ from mass murderers because serial killers kill over a period of time
with a cooling off period whereas mass murderers have one big killing with four or more
victims and no cooling ... Show more content on ...
However, there was some childhood trauma for Paul. At a young age his father was
convicted of child molestation. His mother suffered from depression. This caused Paul
to beat/harm his girlfriends he had in college and to eventually become a sexual sadist.
Paul was a bright young man who graduated from the university of Scarborough.
Neither killer had a criminal record prior to their convictions stated above. I classified
each serial killer as both organized and disorganized. I say that because DNA was left at
the scene of their crimes but they strategically lured and disposed of their victims.
Over the course of the semester we have discussed many types of killers such as partner
groups, serial, and mass murderers. We discussed why killers kill and we also discussed
specific killers. I have grown to enjoy the criminology of killers. I have also learned that
we can t really screen for certain types of killers due to self fulfilling prophecy. I chose
the Ken and Barbie killers because I wanted to know why certain killers engage in
relationships and kill at the same time. I wanted to know what the purpose was of that
type of dominance and I was able to find
Acne, A Teen Epidemic Essay
Acne, A Teen Epidemic

Sarah walked into the Doctors office. She was just turning 15, and had long black hair,
with bright green eyes. She was so pretty, except she had acne. People at school would
laugh and make fun of her, just because she had pimples.
Sarah McMahon s here for her appointment, Sarah s mother told the receptionist. Sarah
went and sat down in the waiting room. There were little children running around,
playing with toys. Sarah missed those day s. No one made fun of her for her acne, and
the biggest problem in life was who s turn it was to play in the sand box.
Sarah McMahon? A woman opened the office door and called her. Sarah ... Show more
content on ...
She was Sarah s doctor, and had her white coat on and everything. Hello Sarah. She said.
Hello Doctor Higgins, Sarah said politely.
I see you re here to see me about your acne, She looked over at Sarah. I m sure we can
have that cleared up in a few weeks. It s not as bad as you think it is. I just don t want
it scarring. The doctor said to Sarah. As soon as she mentioned it could be cleared up in
a few weeks, Sarah smiled and perked up, thinking about her face without acne. It had
been so long.
A few weeks?! Really? Sarah asked.
Yea, why don t we go into my office and we can look through a few of the ways to get
rid of it. They all gathered their stuff and followed Doc. Higgins to her office. They all
took a seat, and Doc. Higgins handed them both pamphlets for (retina).
We could also put her on the pill for a while. It s been shown to clear up the skin, and
actually helps with acne. It s up to you though. I have a few patients on the pill, and
their skin has cleared up very nicely. That with the cream, and it could clear up pretty
quickly. Doc Higgins stopped to get input from Sarah s mother.
I don t want her on the pill. But the cream sounds good. He mother said quite stubbornly.
Ok, we can try
Amitav Ghosh the Hungry Tide and the Interesting Narrative...
Both The Hungry Tide and The Interesting Narrative Of Olaudah Equiano are tales of
sociological hardships combined with a life bound to the sea. The ocean plays a
significant role in the text offering disempowerment to some whilst empowering others.
In The Interesting Narrative the slave trade was in full swing and a capitalist attitude
heavily dominates the text, whilst in The Hungry Tidecapitalism plays a smaller role and
the humanitarian backdrop of the story is a more central theme. In this essay I will draw
into focus the various ways in which the ocean is represented as empowering and
disempowering to the lives of characters looking at them as they develop through the text
and contrasting their empowermentagainst that of others.... Show more content on ...
To attempt to leave the island would likely result in death and the most fearful
disempowerment possible. Hywel Dix argues that with no money, power, or political
influence, they are simply treated as objects to be shunted from one location to
another. [9] Dix is here arguing that the weak become weaker at the hands of a greater
force, which is exactly what happens to the settlers. The ocean is therefore seen as
disempowering at the hands of the powerful government forces. This use of the ocean
as a way of the strong disempowering the weak is also seen in The Interesting
Narrative. In the same way the ocean is used to imprison the settler s, the Africans
find themselves similarly imprisoned by it on board their ship. Equiano makes a
direct reference to his ship as being like a prison; I was ready to curse the tide that bore
us, the gale that wafted my prison. [10] The ocean is much like the police controlled
perimeter that keeps them captive with the looming threat of death for those who
attempt to escape. Gilbert C. Klingel supports this notion of the ocean as being like
that of a prison; it is a prison without bars or cells, the only walls are the lines of
gleaming surf. [11] Much like the settlers, Equiano is powerless to resist and is therefore
kept captive by the ocean. In exactly the same way

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