Natural Disasters Essay

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Natural Disasters Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of natural disasters is undoubtedly a challenging task that demands a
comprehensive understanding of various aspects. To begin with, one must delve into the scientific
intricacies behind each type of natural disaster, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes,
and wildfires. This requires thorough research to grasp the geological, meteorological, and
environmental factors contributing to the occurrence and intensity of these disasters.

Moreover, discussing the impact of natural disasters on human lives, communities, and the
environment involves a nuanced exploration of both short-term and long-term consequences.
Addressing topics like emergency preparedness, response strategies, and the role of governments and
organizations in mitigating these disasters further adds complexity to the essay.

Crafting a well-rounded essay also necessitates an examination of the socio-economic disparities that
often exacerbate the effects of natural disasters, leading to disproportionate impacts on vulnerable
populations. Analyzing historical events and case studies can provide valuable insights into how
societies have coped with and adapted to such challenges.

Structuring the essay in a coherent manner, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a
compelling conclusion, is crucial for conveying the information effectively. Additionally, maintaining
a balance between scientific facts and engaging storytelling is essential to keep the reader's interest.

Overall, writing an essay on natural disasters requires a combination of research, analytical thinking,
and effective communication skills. It is not just about presenting facts but also about conveying the
human and environmental dimensions of these catastrophic events. While challenging, the process
can be rewarding, as it allows the writer to contribute to a better understanding of the impact and
importance of natural disaster management.

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, there are resources available to assist you. For
instance, you can explore writing services like , where you can order similar essays
and access a wealth of information on various topics.
Natural Disasters Essay Natural Disasters Essay
Rise Of The Mayans Essay
The Maya s were an ancient civilization being traced back all the way to 2,000 B.C.,
being in Central America known as (Mesoamerica). Being a colony it was vast being
all over southeastern parts of Yucatan known today as Mexico, Guatemala, Belize,
Honduras and parts of El Salvador. The Mayas believed in their own god by the names
of Tezcatlipoca (god of sky). They believed that if they provided human sacrifice
towards the sky, the god will provide them with food (agriculture) growth following the
date along of the (Tzolkin) calendar known for rituals. The Mayas were known as an
intelligence civilization when it came to agriculture due to their knowledge of
Astronomy. The fall of the Mayas leave many people concerned on how this big colony
could just vanished without a trace leaving a lot of different theories on their
disappearance. The ancient civilization of the Mayas has been around for more than
1,000s of years most of its ancient settlement can still be found in today s time located in
Central America and in Mexico. Many of these cities were unique and special in their
own way, The Maya excelled at agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph writing, calendar making
and mathematics, and left behind an astonishing amount... Show more content on ...
Someone with high quality expectations, chosen by a god also known as (halach uinic)
meaning lord therefore offering their own bloods towards the gods. Considering that
their civilization was stable the king main priority was to fight in wars against rival
cities states and were meant to be wise and well prepare on what problems cities were
facing. The Mayas religion has been shown several aspects of nature following with
astronomy and rituals following their god of Sun known as Kinih Ahous. With their
following calendar of Ritual (Tzolkin) to start this ceremony, believing that if god
received the ritual in return god will give a good amount of crop harvest and pleasant
Facing The Giant Character Essay
My favorite character from Facing the Giants is David. He enrolled in a new school,
having just moved to the town with his father. He played soccer, but since the school
did not have a soccer team, he tried out for the football team as a second string kicker.
He is conscious of his small size and football skills, and is not confident that he will
even kick the ball straight. This affects him greatly when, at the state championship,
David had to kick a fifty one yard field goal in two seconds to win the game after the
main kicker is injured. The farthest he had kicked was thirty nine yard field goal, and
he argued with Coach Taylor about his idea. The coach encourages him, telling him to
do his best. Larry, who had MS, stands up for his son, holding up his arms in the shape
of a goalpost. Everyone at the game doubted that... Show more content on
In the beginning of the movie, David didn t think he could do the possible and kept
doubting himself about everything he did. His father was the only person that
encouraged him to try out for the football team, and he also told him that even though
he is small, it doesn t make him weak. When David got the kicker position, he still didn
t think he was good enough to play with the rest of the boys. He thought that he wasn t
going to make it before he even kicked the ball. When his father noticed this behavior,
he raised both of his hands up straight until David saw him. This small act of belief in
David made him do his best in football. David received a lot of support from his
coaches, and especially his dad. By the end of the movie, David scored a point for the
team that made them win the state championship against the Giants, a team that was
twice their size and never lost a game. This is a great story of personal growth and this is
what made him my favorite character from the movie. What intrigues me the most is
what happened after he made that winning
Designing a Reward System Essay
Designing A Reward System ANONYMOUS HSM AU COLLEGE page 1 A good
manager or supervisor will implement a reward system. Employee award systems are
used for motivation to ones employees, with the goal being not to just meet expectations
but to exceed them performing at their best capabilities. This system includes all benefits
monetary and non monetary that proves to be worth something to the employee.
Implementing a reward system for a human services organization will help ensure basic
needs are met, competitive benefits are offered, benefits are equally distributed, and
empoyees are treated as individuals. I will include intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in my
system. A suitable reward systems is essential to ensuring that an... Show more content on ...
The ability to acquire a retirement fund is a huge incentive I would want for my page
2 organization because many occupations do not offer this benefit. Bonuses such as
Christmas bonuses and such are also great incentives to the employee to maintain
their workload and create high performance. These benfits will be offered to all
employees elgibile for them. Another benefit I would want to iclude is a school
subsidy to give my employees a chance to further their education with the organization
subsidizing some of the costs. This will help to improve my employees performance
by educating them and also giving them incentive to keep working hard. It is
important in an orgaization that employees share the mission. I will ensure my
employees receive the benefits alotted to them for the work that they put into the
establishment. The employees will be distinguished as individuals catering to their
individual needs and that of their families. A personal and professional relationship is
required to ensure the employees don t feel like just a body filling a space, but apart
of an entity working towards a common goal. I will ackowledge employee grievances
and handle them in a caring professional manner realizing that no two employees are the
same nor have the same needs. I will allow and encourage my employees to come up
with new and exciting ideas for the organization that they want to be personally
Oracle Systems Corporation Essay
Oracle Systems Corporation
1. What factors might have led analysts to question Oracle Systems method of revenue
recognition in mid 1990? Are these legitimate concerns?

Analysts might have been led to question Oracle s method of revenue recognition
because of revenue recognition timing, quality of receivables, and aggressive sales
practice. These were all legitimate concerns.

Oracle recognized licensing and sublicensing revenues on the date of contract rather than
upon delivery when certain conditions were met. The company justified the practice
stating its contractual obligation had been substantially performed at the time of signing
the agreement. The concerns over this accounting method is legitimate because the
company obviously ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, the period between contract signing and delivery is equal to 40 days. So, we
adjusted revenues to remove this 40 day early recognition. This resulted in a decreased,
but more conservative, amount of revenue recognized per fiscal year. (See appendix)

Question 3: What accounting or communication changes would you recommend to

Oracle s Board of Directors?

The following accounting and communication changes are recommended to the Oracle
Board of Directors to accurately recognize revenue in accordance to actual business
performance and common industry practice:

Revenues for license fees should be recognized when the product is delivered. This
practice is in accordance with common industry practice and provides a more accurate
accounting of when revenue is earned by the company. The current policy for
recognizing revenue when the contract is signed as an accurate time period indicator is
clearly contradicted by the associated receivables being outstanding in excess of 160
days. As industry norms indicate an average of a 62 day collection period, this indicates
that the contract date is not a reasonable basis for estimating the degree of collectability
for the receivable and that more accurate estimate measures exist.

The non refundable portion of the license fee specified in the agreements should be
recognized either upon delivery of the product or at the time
Baseball Has No Game Clock Essay
The batting team attempts to score runs by hitting a ball that is thrown by the pitcher
with a bat swung by the batter, then running counter clockwise around a series of four
bases: first, second, third, and home plate. A run is scored when a player advances
around the bases and returns to home plate.
Players on the batting team take turns hitting against the pitcher of the fielding team,
which tries to prevent runs by getting hitters out in any of several ways. A player on the
batting team who reaches a base safely can later attempt to advance to subsequent bases
during teammates turns batting, such as on a hit or by other means. The teams switch
between batting and fielding whenever the fielding team records three outs. One turn
batting for both teams, beginning with the visiting team, constitutes an inning. A game is
composed of nine innings, and the team with the greater number of runs at the end of the
game wins. Baseball has no game clock, although almost all games end in the ninth
Baseball evolved from older bat and ball games already being played in England by the
mid 18th century. This game was brought by immigrants to North America, where the
modern version developed. By the late 19th century, baseball was widely recognized as
the national sport of the United States. Baseball is now popular in North America and
parts of Central and South America, the Caribbean, and East Asia.
In the United States and Canada, professional Major League Baseball (MLB) teams

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