The Uttar Pradesh Trade Tax Act

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(As on July 01, 2006)

1. (1) (2) (3)

Short, title, extent and commencement. This Act may be called the Uttar Pradesh Trade Tax act, 1948. It extends to the whole of Uttar Pradesh. It shall be deemed to have come into force from April 1, 1948.


Definitions.In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:assessing authority means any person appointed by the State Government or the Commissioner to perform all or any of the functions of assessing authority under this Act; business, in relation to business of buying or selling goods, includes(i) any trade, commerce or manufacture or any adventure or concern in the nature of trade, commerce or manufacture, whether or not such trade, commerce or manufacture, adventure or concern is carried on with a motive to make profit and whether or not any profit accrues from such trade, commerce, manufacture or concern; the execution of any works contract or the transfer of the right to use any goods for any purpose whether or not for a specified period, and any transaction of buying, selling or supplying plant, machinery, raw materials, processing materials, packing materials, empties, consumable stores, waste or byproducts, or any other goods of a similar nature or any unserviceable or obsolete or discarded machinery or any parts or accessories thereof or any waste or scrap or any of them or any other transaction whatsoever, which is ancillary to or is connected with or is incidental to, or results from such trade, commerce, manufacture, adventure or concern or works contract or lease,

(a-1) appellate authority means the authority to whom an appeal lies under section 9; (aa)

(ii) (iii)

but does not include any activity in the nature of mere service or profession which does not involve the purchase or sale of goods; (b) Commissioner means the Commissioner of trade tax appointed by the State Government and includes an Additional Commissioner, or a Joint Commissioner of Trade Tax appointed by the State government; Trade Tax means a tax payable under this Act on the sales or purchases of goods, as the case may be; dealer means any person who carries on in Uttar Pradesh ( whether regularly or otherwise) the business of buying, selling , supplying or distributing goods directly or indirectly, for cash or deferred payment or for commission, remuneration or other valuable consideration and includes(i) a local authority, body corporate, company or any co-operative society or other society, club, firm, Hindu undivided family or other association of persons ;which carries on such business; a factor, broker, arhti, commission agent, del credre agent, or any other mercantile agent, by whatever name called, and whether of the same description as hereinbefore mentioned or not, who carries on the business of buying, selling ,

(bb) (c)


supplying or distributing goods belonging to any principal , whether disclosed or not; (iii) an auctioneer who carries on the business of selling or auctioning goods belonging to any principal, whether disclosed or not, and whether the offer of the intending purchaser is accepted by him or by the principal or nominee of the principal; a Government which , whether in the course of business or otherwise, buys, sells, supplies or distributes goods, directly or otherwise for cash or for deferred payment or for commission, remuneration or other valuable consideration; every person who acts within the State as an agent of a dealer residing outside the State, and buys, sells, supplies or distributes goods in the State or acts on behalf of such dealer as (A) a mercantile agent as defined in the Sale of Goods Act,1930, or (B) an agent for handling of goods or document of title relating to goods; or (C) an agent for the collection or the payment of the sale price of the goods or as a guarantor for such collection or such payment; (vi) a firm or a company or other body corporate, the principal office or the headquarter whereof is outside the State, having a branch or office in the State, in respect of purchases or sales, supplies or distribution of goods through such branch or office;



Provided that a person who sells agricultural or horticultural produce grown by himself or grown on any land in which he has an interest, whether as owner, usufructuary mortgagee, tenant, or otherwise, or who sells poultry or dairy products from fowls or animals kept by him shall not, in respect of such goods, be treated as a dealer. (vii) every person who carries on the business of transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form) involved in the execution of a works contract; (viii) every person who carries on the business of transfer of the right to use any goods for any purpose (whether or not for a specified period) for cash, deferred payment or other valuable consideration; (c-1) Place of business means any place where a dealer carries on business and includes(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (d) any shop, ware- house, godown or other place where a dealer stores his goods; any place where a dealer produces or manufactures goods; any place where a dealer keeps his books of accounts; any place where a dealer executes the works contract or where the right to use goods is exercised; in any case where a dealer carries on business through an agent (by whatever name called), the place of business of such agent;

goods means every kind or class of movable property and includes all materials, commodities and articles involved in the execution of a works contract, and growing crops, grass, trees and things attached to, or fastened to anything permanently attached to the earth which, under the contract of sale, are agreed to be severed, but does not include actionable claims, stocks, shares, securities or postal stationery sold by the Postal Department;

(d-1) declared goods means goods declared by section 14 of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, to be of special importance in inter-state trade or commerce; (e) importer in relation to any goods means the dealer who makes the first sale of such goods after their import into the State;

(e-1) manufacture means producing, making, mining, collecting, extracting, altering, ornamenting, finishing or otherwise processing, treating or adapting any goods; but does not include such manufacture or manufacturing processes as may be prescribed;


manufacturer in relation to any goods means the dealer who makes the first sale of such goods in the State after their manufacture and includes:(i) (ii) a dealer who sells bicycles in completely knocked down form; a dealer who makes purchases from any other dealer not liable to tax on his sale under the Act other than sales exempted under section 4, 4-A and 4-AAA;

(f) (g) (gg)

prescribed means prescribed by the rules made under this Act; State Government means the Government of Uttar Pradesh; purchase price means the amount of valuable consideration paid or payable by a person for purchases of any goods, less any sum allowed by the seller as cash discount according to trade practice and shall include any sum charged for anything done by the seller in respect of the goods at the time of or before the delivery thereof, other than the cost of freight or delivery or the cost of installation when such cost is separately charged; 'sale' with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, means any transfer of property in goods (otherwise than by way of mortgage, hypothecation, charge or pledge) for cash or deferred payment or other valuable consideration and includes(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) a transfer, otherwise than in pursuance of a contract, of property in any goods for cash, deferred payment or other valuable consideration; a transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form) involved in the execution of a works contract; the delivery of goods on hire purchase or any other system of payment by instalments; a transfer of the right to use any goods for any purpose(whether or not for a specified period) for cash, deferred payment or other valuable consideration; the supply of goods by any unincorporated association or body of persons to a member thereof for cash, deferred payment or other valuable consideration; the supply, by way of or as part of any service or in any other manner whatsoever of goods, being food or any other article for human consumption or any drink (whether or not intoxicating) where such supply or service is for cash, deferred payment or other valuable consideration; in a case falling under sub clause (ii), if the goods are in the State at the time of transfer of property in such goods (whether as goods or in some other form) involved in the execution of the works contract, notwithstanding that the agreement for the works contract has been wholly or in part entered into outside the State; in a case falling under sub clause (iv), if the goods are used by the lessee within the State during any period, notwithstanding that the agreement for the lease has been entered into outside the State or that the goods have been delivered to the lessee outside he State.

(ggg) registered dealer means a dealer registered under section 8-A; (h)

Explanation IA sale or purchase shall be deemed to have taken place in the State,(i)


Explanation II Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, two independent sales or purchases shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have taken place (a) (b) when the goods are transferred by a principal to his selling agent and from the selling agent to his purchaser, when the goods are transferred from a seller to a buying agent and from the buying agent to his principal, if the agent is found, in either of the cases aforesaid,(i) (ii) to have sold the goods at one rate and passed on the sale proceeds to his principal at another rate; or to have purchased the goods at one rate and passed them on to his principal

at another rate; or (iii) not to have accounted to his principal for the entire collections or deductions made by him, in the sales or purchases effected by him on behalf of his principal; or (iv) to have acted for a fictitious or non existent principal; (h-1) Tribunal means the Trade Tax Tribunal constituted by section 10; (i) turnover means the aggregate of amount for which goods are supplied or distributed by way of sale or are sold, by a dealer, either directly or through another, on his account or on account of others, whether for cash, deferred payment or other valuable consideration; Explanation I: Omitted. Explanation II: subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be prescribed in this behalf:(i) the amount for which goods are sold or purchased shall include the price of the packing material in which they are packed, and any sums charged for anything done by the dealer in respect of the goods sold, at the time of or before the delivery thereof, other than cost of freight or delivery or cost of installation or the amount realized as trade tax on sale or purchase of goods when such cost or amount is separately charged; any cash or other discount on the price allowed in respect of any sale and any amount refunded in respect of articles returned by the customer shall not be included in the turnover; and where for accommodating a particular customer, a dealer obtains goods from another dealer and immediately disposes of the same without profit to the customer, the sale in respect of such goods shall be included in the turnover of the latter dealer alone;




turnover of purchases with its cognate expressions means the aggregate of the amounts of purchase price paid or payable by a dealer in respect to purchases of goods made by or through him after deducting the amount, if any, refunded to the dealer by the seller in respect of any goods returned to such seller within such period as may be prescribed; (i) (ii) assessment year means the twelve months ending on March 31; Omitted;

(j) (k) (l) (m)

'vehicle includes a bicycle, a bullock cart, a vessel or an animal-carrying load; Office-in-charge of a check-post or barrier includes an officer not below the rank of a Trade tax Officer posted at such check post or barrier; works contract includes any agreement for carrying out for cash, deferred payment or other valuable consideration, the building construction, manufacture, processing, fabrication, erection, installation, fitting out, improvement, modification, repair or commissioning of any movable or immovable property; tax includes an additional tax and the composition money accepted under section 7-D and the State Development Tax; 'lease means any agreement or arrangement whereby the right to use any goods for any purpose is transferred by one person to another (whether or not for a specified period) for cash, deferred payment or other valuable consideration, without the transfer of ownership and includes a sub-lease but does not include any transfer on hire purchase or any system of payment by instalments; 'lessee means any person to whom the right to use any goods for any purpose is transferred under a lease;

(n) (o)



lessor means any person by whom the right to use any goods for any purpose is transferred under a lease.


Exemption from tax. No tax under this Act shall be payable on(a) the sale or purchase of water, milk, salt excluding processed or branded salt, newspapers or any other goods which the State Government may, by notification, exempt; or the sale or purchase of any goods by the All India Spinners Association or Gandhi Ashram, Meerut and their branches; or the sale or purchase of such goods by such class of persons as the State Government, may, by notification in the Gazette, exempt:

(b) (c)

Provided that while granting exemption under clause (a) or clause (b) or clause (c), the State Government may impose such conditions including the condition of payment of such fees, if any, not exceeding eight thousand rupees annually as may be specified by the State Government by notification in the Gazette. Explanation In this section, expression(a) Water does not include mineral water, aerated water, tonic water, distilled water or scented water or manufactured or processed water sold in container sealed with a cork or otherwise or in a capsule; Milk includes reconstituted or recombined milk prepared from skimmed milk powder, butter or butter oil but does not include condensed milk, milk powder or baby milk.


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