Ielts Essay Writing Task 2

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Ielts Essay Writing Task 2

Writing an essay on the topic of IELTS Essay Writing Task 2 can be quite challenging for various
reasons. Firstly, it requires a deep understanding of the specific format and requirements set by the
IELTS exam. This includes being able to address the given question effectively, organize ideas
coherently, and present arguments logically within a limited word count.

Furthermore, mastering the art of synthesizing information and expressing complex ideas in a clear
and concise manner is crucial. Achieving a balance between providing sufficient details to support
your arguments and avoiding unnecessary verbosity can be tricky. Additionally, maintaining a
consistent tone and style throughout the essay is essential to convey a professional and coherent

Moreover, IELTS Essay Writing Task 2 often demands critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate
various perspectives on a given topic. Formulating well-structured paragraphs with strong topic
sentences and supporting evidence is essential for scoring well. The ability to showcase a wide range
of vocabulary and use it accurately adds another layer of complexity.

The time constraint during the IELTS exam adds pressure to the essay-writing process. Crafting a
thoughtful and well-organized essay within the stipulated time frame requires effective time
management and planning.

In conclusion, writing an essay on IELTS Essay Writing Task 2 can be a challenging task that
demands a combination of linguistic proficiency, critical thinking, and time management skills.
However, with thorough preparation and practice, one can overcome these challenges and excel in
this aspect of the IELTS examination.

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you can find professional support for your academic needs.
Ielts Essay Writing Task 2Ielts Essay Writing Task 2
Time to Put an End to Affirmative Action Essay
Time to Put an End to Affirmative Action

Affirmative action is the set of public policies and initiatives designed to help eliminate
past and present discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This
set of public policies has had quite a history beginning with the Thirteenth Amendment,
which made slavery illegal. The Thirteenth Amendment was followed by the Fourteenth,
that guarantees equal protection under the law. The Fifteenth Amendment brought up the
rear, which forbids racial discrimination in access to voting. When affirmative action was
set into place during the 1960 s it was needed and very necessary. Although in history the
need for affirmative action is obvious, it has reached the point where ... Show more
content on ...
Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8802 which outlawed segregationist hiring policies
by defense related industries which held federal contacts (Sykes, 1995). This order
was brought about because of the actions of a Black trade union leader, A. Philip
Randolph. During Harry Truman s second term, in 1953, his Committee on
Government Contract Compliance urged the Bureau of Employment Security to act
positively and affirmatively to implement the policy of nondiscrimination (ibid).
Finally, after 58 years, the Supreme Court overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, and
therefore the separate, but equal doctrine with Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.
The term affirmative action was first used in 1965 by President Lyndon Johnson in
Executive Order 11246, which mandated federal employees to take affirmative action
to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during
employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin (ibid). This
Executive Order was expanded 2 years later, in 1967, to include affirmative action
requirements to cover women. There were two more laws passed in the 1960 s to make
discrimination illegal. The first of which was the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Within this act,
Titles II and VII forbid racial discrimination in public accommodations and race and sex
discrimination in employment. The next act to make discrimination illegal was the 1965
Voting Rights Act, adopted after a probe by Congress found
Medulloblastoma Case Study
4.3 Medulloblastoma Group 3/Treatment
Group 3 accounts for 28% of all patients diagnosed with medulloblastoma. Unfortunately,
these patients face the worst outlook in comparison to their SHH, WNT, and Group 4
counterparts, which are in part due to the high rate of metastasis in this subtype [41].
Group 3 tumors are most frequently found in infants and children with very few adults
and older individuals. Molecular characterization of these tumors demonstrates many of
these patients display MYC amplification with an associated poor overall prognosis.
Furthermore, many of these patients have an overexpression of OTX2. There has been a
correlation found between MYC over expression and OTX2. More precisely, OTX2
overexpression has been thought to contribute to the over expression of MYC [41, 44]
This known interaction serves as a potential therapeutic target in these patients, but at
present, very few treatment specific ... Show more content on ...
The overall prognosis of this tumor is not optimistic with mean survival sitting between 6
and 11 months [52]. This diagnosis is most often associated with infants and young
children. Given the significant neurologic complications of radiation to the developing
brain, physicians are often hesitant to radiate. Furthermore, the efficacy of chemotherapy
has been historically difficult to quantify given a wide variety of regimens used with few
patients enrolled in each study [53].
Historically, rhabdoid tumors have been difficult to diagnose given their heterogeneous
nature. When using histological features alone, these tumors would often times be
diagnosed as medulloblastoma or PNET [54]. Now, these tumors must be positive for
mutations in INI1 or BRG1 in order to be diagnosed as an AT/RT [8]. This creates a
much more objective standard for diagnosing these tumors, which in turn will lead to
more homogenous groups of patients to better inform treatment and
Who Is Cornelia Funke
Presentation Discussion: Reflection on Researching for an Author History Cornelia
Funke is by far one of the most accessible authors I have ever encountered. In a time of
social media and instant gratification, she is ever inclined to remain connected with
her audience. In thanks to Funke s open nature, research was quite manageable.
Between her website, her own involvement with answering fan inquiries on the
website, GoodReads, as well as an abundance of interviews, I can see another reason
why it may be relevant to consider her the German J.K Rowling, though I do prefer to
think of her as her own entity of greatness without the comparisons. My approach was
to look at Funke through the lens of The Thief Lord and then use the same tactic
inversely in order to analyze how she places piece of herself into her characters. What
was of particular interest to me was how... Show more content on ...
This helped to build a relationship between myself and the author from which I gained
a greater appreciation for the text. It also gave me the idea that children should be
able to do the same. It is incredibly fulfilling to put a personal spin on the sort of the
authoritative sense we get from a writer when we are reading their work, that we only
have their words to go off of, but in this day and age, it is clear that we can look up
information and even communicate from anywhere at any time and this is empowering.
If children have access to research engines, they can personalize and contextualize the
books they reads, which thankfully authors like Funke encourage. My own research was
based on the idea that I wanted to instill this power in my classmates as a means to not
only see The Thief Lord in a new and or different light, but also that they would see the
importance of vesting their students to do the
An Account of the Mysterious Damien Echols Life in Arkansas
Although there is a vast amount of famous Arkansans none have had such a troubling
past with the Arkansas court system then this man. From being sent to life in prison to
being considered the ringleader of the infamous clique the West Memphis 3. This man
who was once known by his birth name Michael Wayne Hutchinson is today recognized
as the mysterious Damien Echols.
Damien Echols was born on the 11th of December at an unknown location in West
Memphis,Arkansas in the year of 1974 to his parents Pam Echols and Joe Hutchinson.
Damien only had one sibling who happened to be his sister Michelle Echols, who was
born three years after him in 1977; in an unknown location as well. In 2012 Damien
published a book about some of his fondest childhood ... Show more content on ...
Him and his wife Lorri Davis eloped on the third of December in 1999 at the Tucker
Max Security Unit in Arkansas. During the spring of 1996 Davis began writing letters
to Damien and in the time span of three years they wrote each other 5,000 letters.
During August of 2011 Damien was released from prison and was able to receive
somewhat of his freedom back using the Alford Plea. The Alford Plea is essentially
designed to allow defendants to maintain their innocence by simply saying they didn t do
it, but that the state has enough evidence to prove their guilt.Although Damien Echols,
Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley might be free men that doesn t stop the eyes of the
law from seeing this trio as horrendous people who pleaded guilty to murdering three
young boys (French).
In conclusion, there was indeed an ample amount of famous Arkansans to choose from
but not a single one of them will ever carry the same horrific past in the state of
Arkansas as him. From divorces and dark childhoods to even prison time this man
conserved his innocence throughout many years not only during a trial but also through
what was supposed to be life in prison. This mystifying man of many years of suffering
is known as Damien
Social Psychological Theories On The Film Of Kill A...
The film To Kill a Mockingbird is an extraordinary illustration of the Southern United
States stereotypical racial injustice that were exist in the American history. The main
highlights of the film is the innocent black man was falsely accused of raping a white
girl. There were many social psychological theories and phenomenon were found such
as mass delusion, confirmation bias, self serving bias, conformity, group influence,
traditional gender roles throughout the movie. By providing strong evidences from
the film there paper will discuss these social psychological concepts in detail. An
important psychological concept named mass delusion is observed in the film. A
mass delusion is when a large group of people all hold the same false belief. In the
film, all the whites hold false belief about the blacks. The white folks typically sees the
blacks as criminals, rapist etc. That is why when the black guy Tom Robinson is
accused of raping a white girl, none of the white folks tried to find out the actual truth.
They totally believed that the black guy was the rapist. However, the defendant lawyer
Atticus believed that Tom did not commit the crime. In spite of being a white man, he
decides to take Tom s case and get justice for him. Confirmation bias is noticed in the
movie among the white folks. Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for
information that confirms one s preconceptions. The whites had the wrong perceptions of
blacks for many years. Therefore, all the
The Purpose Of Music Video
THE PURPOSE OF MUSIC VIDEO The overview requirements: Promotional
Extension of income Extension of outlets (music channels, DVD and CD sales,
website download) Synergy Producers strategies (major label and independent)
History Modern music videos were initially made and used as a publicizing device
intended to promote the sale of music recordings. They are often called promos . In
1940, Walt Disney created Fantasia , an animated film based around famous piece of
classical music. The original music videos were shot in the 1950s. In 1956 Tony
Bennett was shooting walking along The Serpentine in Hyde Park as his song
Stranger in Paradise played. This was dispersed to TV stations in the UK and US. The
Beatles first major motion picture A hard Day s Night in 1964 arguably set out the
basic visual vocabulary of today s music videos. Penny Lane in 1967 used methods
derived from underground and avant garde film to exemplify the song in an artful
manner. 1970s In the UK the significance of Top of the Pops to promote a single
created an environment of revolution and competition amongst bands and record labels
as the show s producers placed strict limits on the number of videos it would use,
consequently a good video would increase a song s sales. Queen s Bohemian Rhapsody
also started a whole new age for using music videos as promos. 1980s 1981 MTV is
launched. The first video to be aired was Buggles Video Killed the Radio Star . David
How Did North America Change Over Time
Over the years, North America has developed in many different ways. However, one
particular time period in which change was significant was the 1600 s, a time of trade,
labor, and territorial settlements. As many people began to settle in different areas of
North America, such as the Native Americans, Pilgrims, and more, there came along the
fur trade, colony building, and more foreigners looking to live in North America. With
these different people coming to North America, they have created ways in which
cohabitation is possible, but unlikeable. As more Europeans and Spaniards arrived, the
more likely spread was to happen, thus creating an unexpected competition between the
developing colonies. In the early 1600 s, after Christopher Columbus discovered North...
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During the time the Spanish built a military post at St. Augustine while also wiping the
French interlopers, there were fishing fleet activity involving the English and French, in
Cape Cod. There, were also local Native Americans who decided to trade with the English
and French, fur, in return for manufactured goods such as guns, cloth, and metal utensils.
With this, trading became more well known and accessible to the other English and
French, thus becoming a daily activity for the Europeans and the Native Americans.
However, as time passed, more animals with fur began to diminish, thus enacting the
competition of fur against the English and French. Unlike the French who took up many
of Canada s land (home of many fur bearing animals) and traded with the Natives there,
the English trading took place in Newfoundland and on the Atlantic coast south of the
French settlements. However, with the diminishing of fur bearing animals, the French
began to move further west in search of it. This then gave the French an advantage of
exploring more of Canada and North America, while also building relationships with
more Native

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