Successful Student Essay

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Successful Student Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of a "Successful Student" may initially seem like a straightforward task,
but delving into the intricacies of what makes a student successful can make the process quite
challenging. The difficulty lies in the subjective nature of success and the diverse criteria that
different individuals may use to define it. One might argue that academic achievements are the
primary indicators, while others may emphasize personal development, leadership skills, or
extracurricular involvement.

To successfully tackle this essay, one must navigate through the multitude of perspectives on success
within an educational context. It requires extensive research to incorporate various viewpoints and
statistical data that support or challenge commonly held beliefs about student success. Furthermore,
the writer needs to maintain a balanced and unbiased tone to ensure the essay appeals to a broad

Crafting a compelling narrative that engages readers is another challenge. The essay should not be a
mere list of achievements but a coherent and persuasive argument that demonstrates a deep
understanding of the topic. Incorporating personal anecdotes or real-life examples can add depth to
the essay, but striking the right balance is essential to avoid straying off the main theme.

Moreover, organizing the essay cohesively can be demanding. The writer must decide on a logical
structure that guides the reader through the different facets of student success. Each paragraph
should seamlessly transition to the next, building a persuasive case for the chosen definition of a
successful student.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of a "Successful Student" demands a comprehensive

understanding of the subject matter, the ability to present a nuanced argument, and skillful
organization of ideas. It is not merely a matter of listing achievements but requires a thoughtful
exploration of diverse perspectives on success within an educational context.

For those finding it challenging to navigate this complex topic or any other writing tasks, assistance
is available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on , where experienced writers
can provide support and guidance in crafting compelling and well-researched essays.
Successful Student Essay Successful Student Essay
Lovers stopped in time, unable to proceed to the lip...
Lovers stopped in time, unable to proceed to the lip locking trophy of affection. A
simple four letter word that has changed the world by its beauty and awe. What are
these interesting pictures of words and love? The Kiss, a dramatic scene unfolding
before everyone created by Auguste Rodin, and LOVE, the simplistic sucker punch
created by Robert Indiana, are wonderful creations that have both an impact and a
meaning. These two sculptures have graced the art world with all their beauty leaving
some breathless. They mean so many different things with different imagining, reside in
separate parts of the world, but some sculptures are more well known. In this case LOVE
is more Known.
To begin with, we all think of love as this beautiful, ... Show more content on ...
The only words he would see were God is love. and he became involved in it to show his
love spiritually. The italicized O can be interpreted as it can roll away
Joseph 2 and break the square like structure of the display. This is meant to show how
fragile love can be. The colors of the piece of work are red and blue. A color pattern
that is pleasing to the eye, but to Indiana shows an honor to his father who worked at a
Phillips 66 gas station. Whatever this word means to you, your interpretation will
probably not be what it means to him.
Then, everything with artful beauty is normally put out on display in museums for
everyone to see, point fingers, and ohh and ahh . The Kiss is memorialized in the Musée
Rodin, a museum dedicated to the artist. Originally was a hit at its unveiling in its first
exhibit in 1877 in Paris. It was originally going to be a part of another sculpture The
Gates of Hell , but later it got a full sized version in 1889. It was shown at Salon de la
Société Nationale des Beaux Arts in 1889 for its first public appearance. One year
later, it was moved to Musée du Luxembourg, where it became no longer free to the
public due to its almost provocative nature. The Kiss only resided there for another
eighteen years before being hulled to its current home at Musée Rodin in Paris, France.
Some pieces of work are flaunted in open areas for all to see. LOVE is showcased in
New York City
Meditation And Religion
The question I will be answering first is the first question on the question guide. The
ritual that I will be talking about comes from the Buddhist religious movement. One thing
that I found very interesting is the practices of meditation that the Buddhist people use to
help find peace within themselves. On, I found probably the simplest yet
most accurate answer to the question What is Meditation? That is Meditation is a
conscious effort to change how the mindworks. The Pali word for meditation is bhavana
which means to make grow or to develop ( . A Buddhist meditates for a
couple of different reasons. One is to find enlightenment; another is to create more
mindfulness for someone to help better there mindset. I personally enjoyed learning
about this topic and now use my own form of it to help me with different problems that I
encounter. However, instead of using meditation to develop I use it more of short term
method of relaxation.... Show more content on ...
I have found a lot of success from this in my attempts to go to sleep. Another example
of me using meditation, or controlled breathing in this case, is from the amount of
sports I ve played throughout my lifetime. The best example comes from baseball. If
the score is close late in the game and I m on the on deck circle my blood pressure
naturally rises so I ve countered that by stopping what I m doing and taking slow deep
breaths to try and slow down my heart
authors who wrote first five books of the Bible Essay
Documentary hypothesis says that there were several authors who wrote first five
books of the Bible. In my essay I will try to discuss J, P, and E authors of Genesis,
Exodus and Numbers. I must admit that all these authors had lived after the division of
the kingdom.
This author was identified as J for using word Yahweh or Jehovah for the name of God.
Also there is an interesting theory that author J was a woman. Of course, there are
statements that prove it. First of all I want pay your attention on the fact that we are
speaking about patriarchal society where a man was a head of the family and the role of a
woman was to give a birth to children. But in the Bible we can find verses and even
whole chapters that tell us about ... Show more content on ...
That s why Judah is the main character in all stories of J. For example: in Gen.37:26 27
he proposes to sell Joseph, then in Gen.43:3 10 Judah persuades Israel to send
Benjamin with him and guarantees his safety. And one more interesting thing is that
although Judah was only the fourth son, in Gen.49:8 Israel says that his brothers will
praise and bow down to him. So in such a way he gets a birthright. Also Jerusalem and
Ark of the Covenant (a sign to the people that God is with them) are very important for J
(2 Samuel 5,6).
I want to emphasize that political and religious systems were very close in that time: J
never mentioned Joshua in her passages because he is from Ephraim (Jeroboam is
from Ephraim) and in Num.25:1 5 J writes that men from Israel began to indulge in
sexual immorality with Moabite women and God said Moses to kill them. This is
political decision because Moabites were enemies of Israel.
Also J author has several trademarks . First of all, God in her passages is always
anthropomorphic, it means that all action He is doing by His hands. This is shown in
creation story: Gen.2:7 LORD God formed the man , in Gen.2:21 He took one of the
man s ribs and in Gen.3:8 He was walking in the garden in the cool of the day .
And now I d like to talk about doublets. Besides creation story, we also have two flood
stories (J says that rain lasted 40 days), two stories when Abraham says that Sarah is his
sister (J
Shepherds Manor
What shepherds produced supported the manor with its economy. Animals had a big
part in the manor, and produced a lot of goods thanks to the shepherds. Pigs were the
most numerous of livestock and they could mainly support themselves by foraging in
the woods. Cows were kept to breed oxen for the plow team. Sheep and goats were used
for milk and cheese and sheep was also used for wool (Gies and J Gies 22).
Landowners had trading links with traders abroad, but peasants dealt with travelling
merchants. Large numbers of sheep were bred and taken care of to produce a lot of
wool and enough wool was made for families and abroad, and families in little cottages
turned it from rough wool to cloth (Johnson). A lot of cheese was produced from female
... Show more content on ...
Shepherd s produced many different goods for feudalism. Livestock grazed in tofts, this
livestock being cows, oxen, pigs, and chickens. Villagers owned sheep, but they were not
kept in tofts. In the summer and fall, they went to the marsh to graze and in the winter,
they went to pens in the manor fold so the lord could profit from the manure (it was very
valuable because it was used as fertilizer) (Gies and J Gies 35). Wool became a
backbone to medieval economy, and even lords, abbots and bishops started to count
wealth in terms of sheep (Johnson). Wool became taxed and this helped the King fund
his military endeavors (Johnson). These goods helped support the different ranks of
feudalism. The goods shepherds provided helped out the lord and the king especially.
Wool was a very popular product that was produced by shepherds, and was bought and
sold constantly. The king got all tax on this, so he got a lot of money. This helped him
to fund the military, which supported him for protection, but also the lords and
peasants. The lords benefited from the manure produced from the sheep shepherds
raised. They got money from this and could have used it for many reasons, personally
or for the people of feudalism. Feudalism and manorialism gave people ranks, economy,
and military that helped people live their lives in the dark times of medieval ages. The

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