Glycobiology and Extracellular Matrices:: Erythrocyte Membrane Protein Structural Basis For Binding of
Glycobiology and Extracellular Matrices:: Erythrocyte Membrane Protein Structural Basis For Binding of
Glycobiology and Extracellular Matrices:: Erythrocyte Membrane Protein Structural Basis For Binding of
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Received for publication, January 9, 2007, and in revised form, June 6, 2007 Published, JBC Papers in Press, June 11, 2007, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M700231200
James G. Beeson‡1, Katherine T. Andrews§, Michelle Boyle‡, Michael F. Duffy¶, Ee Ken Choong¶, Tim J. Byrne¶,
Joanne M. Chesson‡, Alexander M. Lawson储, and Wengang Chai储2
From ‡The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria 3050, Australia, §Clinical Tropical Medicine
Laboratory and the Griffith Medical Research College, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Queensland 4066, Australia,
Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria 3050, Australia, and 储Glycosciences
Laboratory, Imperial College London, Northwick Park and St. Mark’s Campus, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 3UJ, United Kingdom
Extraction and Identification of Native PfEMP1 and Its
Specific Binding to Immobilized CSA Polysaccharides—We
first sought to determine whether native PfEMP1 isolated
from parasite cultures binds specifically to immobilized CSA
in a manner similar to the characteristics of IE adhesion.
Membrane-bound proteins were isolated from mature stage
IEs of the CSA-binding isolate CS2 and tested for binding to
biotinylated CSA, CSC, and BSA immobilized on streptavidin-
coated beads. Proteins eluted from the beads were probed with
anti-ATS antibodies to detect PfEMP1 by Western blotting. A
single PfEMP1 band was observed in proteins eluted from CSA-
from CS2 IEs to the CSA NGLs compared with CSC NGLs. In of the extent and pattern of sulfation of CS for parasite adhe-
additional experiments, we observed similar findings using sion to placental tissue (Fig. 3B and Table 1). CSA-derived
CSA and CSC 18-mer NGLs (data not shown). As a reflection of 14-mers effectively inhibited adhesion. CSA 14-mer subfrac-
specificity, PfEMP1 isolated from CS2 IEs bound CSA 18-mer tion CSA-14D was composed of 13% 0S, 46% 4S, and 41% 6S,
and 20-mer NGLs, whereas PfEMP1 from the ICAM-1-binding and CSA-14F was composed of 1% 0S, 55% 4S, and 44% 6S
isolate 3CI did not bind to CSA NGLs (Fig. 2B). (38). Their inhibitory activity was enhanced by selective
Testing NGLs of CSA oligosaccharides with 2–16 monosac- de-6-O-sulfation (Fig. 3B), indicating that 6-O-sulfation
charide units in length suggests significant binding occurs with inhibits parasite-CS interactions even when a sufficient
8-mer or longer chain oligosaccharide NGLs (Fig. 2C). This number of 4-O-sulfate groups are present. CSA-14F-de6S
pattern is similar to size-dependent inhibition of IE adhesion to (55% 4S) was somewhat more inhibitory than CSA-14D-
CSA by oligosaccharides with which 12-mer or larger frag- de6S (45% 4S). CSC-de6S (16% 4S) was not inhibitory,
ments were required for maximum inhibition of adhesion to whereas CSA-de6S (55% 4S and 45% 0S) was highly inhibi-
immobilized CSA (36 –38). tory, indicating the significance of the extent of 4-O-sulfa-
Structural Requirements for IE Adhesion to Placental Tissue— tion for placental adhesion.
Having defined structural requirements of CS for binding To evaluate the importance of GlcUA versus IdoUA, we com-
PfEMP1 and confirming that PfEMP1 is a ligand for binding CS, pared the inhibitory activity of CSA and CSB. However, CSB
we next investigated the specificity of IE adhesion to placental has a much higher level of 4-O-sulfation than CSA (Table 1).
tissue to further define the molecular basis of parasite seques- Therefore, CSB was partially de-4-O-sulfated to enable a more
tration. This was studied by inhibition of the interaction using direct comparison with CSA. CSB-de4S was composed of 50%
various sequence-defined CS oligo- and polysaccharides (Table 4S and 46% OS disaccharides, similar to the sulfation level of
1) (38) that may have potential for therapeutic development. CSA-de6S, but has IdoUA rather than GlcUA (36, 38). CSB-
Oligosaccharide fractions of 4 –18 monosaccharide residues de4S was not inhibitory compared with CSA-de6S, indicating
in length derived from either CSA or CSC were tested for inhi- the importance of uronic acid type for adhesion (Fig. 3B). Fur-
bition of binding of IEs to fresh placental cryosections using the thermore a CSB 14-mer was relatively non-inhibitory com-
parasite line CS2 (Fig. 3A) to determine the minimum chain pared with CSA 14-mers. CSB with or without various degrees
length for interaction. The inhibitory effects of the CSA oligo- of desulfation (30 –50% 0S) did not inhibit adhesion of IEs to
saccharides were highly dependent on length. Maximum inhi- immobilized CSA (data not shown).
bition of adhesion equivalent to that observed with the polysac- In earlier experiments we found that partially 4-O-sulfated
charide was found with the CSA-derived 10-mer or larger CSA oligosaccharides, generated by selective de-6-O-sulfation,
oligosaccharides at 10 g/ml. Substantial inhibition (83%) was were the most effective inhibitors of adhesion to immobilized
also observed with CSA 8-mer at 20 g/ml (data not shown) but CSA polysaccharide (38). We demonstrated here that these are
not at 10 g/ml. By comparison, inhibition by the 10-mer was also highly effective inhibitors of placental adhesion. The inhib-
79% (Fig. 3A) and 98% (data not shown) at 10 and 20 g/ml, itory activity of the partially sulfated CSA 14-mers, CSA-14F-
respectively. Little inhibition was observed with shorter CSA de6S, was equivalent to that shown with CSA-de6S (Fig. 3C);
oligosaccharides or CSC-derived oligosaccharides of the same both preparations (CSA-de6S and CSA-14F-de6S) contained
lengths. around 55% 4S and 45% 0S disaccharides, which is similar to the
The inhibitory activities of partially desulfated polysac- level of 4-O-sulfation of optimal 12-mer inhibitors (Fig. 4A).
charides and oligosaccharides demonstrated the significance The IC50 of CSA-14F-de6S was 0.15 g/ml.