Urban Transport Planning and Policies

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Urban Transport Planning and Policies

Akash 15001006004
Himanshu Dua 15001006024
Khileshwari 15001006029
Transportation Planning
• Transportation planning is a preparation planning to move/transfer
human, animal or other item to some place to another place. This
planning is related to the operation of the highway system,
geometry, andoperation of trafficfacilities

Functions of Transport Planning

• Toidentify highway systemcomponent
• Todefine transportationplanning
• Torecall the process and purpose of construction planning design
• Toidentify 4 models oftransportation
Importance of Transportation Planning
• Efficiency – to achieve efficient managementand better management
of existingresources
 Effective use of transportationsystem
 Uses of technology
 Land use and resource controlling
• Quality
Toreduce a negative impact to the trafficthat produce
• Equity
to meet travel demand and response forall communities
Transportation Planning period
Short Term(ActionPlan)
• review matters that can be completed within three years and
involve highcosts.
• Example: program an engineers to optimize the use of existing
transportation systemsby installing various traffic control devices
such assigns and signals
LongTerm( ≥ 5years)
• This type of planning is more structured and complicated and it
must be designed better than short termplanning
• urban transportation planning process involves planning
the next 20 to 25year
Characteristics of Transportation Planning
• determine the transportationneeds
• make/built a transportation formulas
• study the profitability
• traffic/travel pattern is clear, stable and canbe control
• Relationship between the various modesof transport.
• The transportation system can influence the development for that
area and ready toserve it.
Transportation Planning Element

• Studied/Research stage
 research and analysis that shows the
current demand and the relationship of
movement with the and environmental demands
• Forecast stage
 formulating the plan, predict future travel
demand and make a recommendation to fulfill MONITORING AND
traffic demand.
• The evaluation stage
 to assess whether the proposals
made satisfactory demand and provide maximum
benefit to the community

Transportation Planning process
• Situation definition
• Problemdefinition
• Searchfor solution
• Analysis of performance
• Evaluation of alternative
• Choice of project
• Specification andconstruction
1. Situation definition Involve all of the activities required to understand the
situation that gave rise to the perceived need for a
transportation improvement.
Information about surrounding area, its people andtheir
travel habits may be obtained.

2. Problem definition Todescribe the problem in term of objectives to be

accomplished by the project.
Objectives are statements of purpose such as to reduce
traffic congestion, to improve safetyetc.
3. Search for solution Consideration is given to variety of ideas, design,
location, and system configuration that might provide
solution to the problem.
4. Analysis of performance Toestimate how each of the proposed alternatives would
perform under present and future conditions
5. Evaluation of alternative Todetermine how well each alternative will be achieve
the objectives of the project
6. Choice of project Made after considering all the factorsinvolved.

7. Specification and Once the transportation project has been selected, the
construction project move into the detailed design phase which each
of the components of thefacilities is specified
Inventory transportation facilities
Situation definition
Measure travel pattern
Review prior studies

Problem definition
Define objective
~Reduce travel time

Search for solution Consider option

~Location and type
~Toll charge

Analysis of performance For each option, determine

~Traffic flow
Evaluation of alternative For bridge project, determine
~Benefit vs. cost

Consider factors involved

Choice of project
~Revenue cost forecast
~Site location
~Political judgment

Specification and Design the bridge

construction Contractor selection
Transfer of completed bridge to
authority for operation and
Transportation Planning process

Inventory Land uses

• include the establishment • required a detailed
of the data for the assessment and forecasting
evaluation of the in terms of distribution of
existing travel
area, population,
demand and existing travel
employment, economic,
social and land use
• will involve 2 main task
which is collecting and activities.
processing data.
Trip generation Trip Distribution
• The first model of travel • The second model travel
demand used in demand used in
transportation planning transportation planning
process. process.
• Used to predict which zone • Toget a travel/traffic
the traffic will flow. pattern (in/out) in azone
• Shows the total traffic in
certain time, distance
and cost
Modal Split TrafficAssignment
• to estimate the number • Intended to give a traffic
of trips by different types direction to which roadin
of transport road/transport network.
• Limited to public and
private transport only

• contains the testing and evaluation of the alternativesselected
• emphasis on the ability of the traffic and environmental impact of
each alternative strategy
• to choose and determine the best transportation system for future
Travel Demand Model
Is the process of determining the number of trips that
will begin or end in each traffic analysis zone within a
study area.
TRIP Todevelop a relationship between trip end production
or attraction and land use.
GENERATION To use the relationship to estimate the number of trips
generated at some future date under a new set of land
use condition.

trip distribution is a process by which the trip

generated in one zone are allocated to another zonesin
TRIP the study area.
These trips may within the study area (internal –
DISTRIBUTION internal) or between the study area and area outsidethe
study area (internal – external)
Toget a travel/traffic pattern (in/out) in azone
Travel DemandModel

Modal Split is that aspect of the demand

MODAL analysis process that determines the number(or
percentages) of trips betweenzones.
SPLIT Depends on factors such as the traveler’s
income and the availability of transitservice
limited to public and private vehiclesonly

The final step in the forecastingprocess

Todetermine the actual street and highway
TRAFFIC routes that will be used and the number of
ASSIGNMENT vehicles that can be expected on eachhighway
to give a traffic direction to which road in
road/transport network
Purpose of Travel DemandModel
• This process is important to be intransportation planning for:
 provide new transportation system
 improve the existingsystem
 build highways, transit systems andother

• to determine the number of trips that will use the existing

transportation system. trips taken in the form of vehicle / non-
and private vehicles and publictransport
Transportation Studies in Planning Process

• Origin and Destination study(O-D)

• Traffic Volume Studies
• Spot speedstudies
• Travel time and delaystudies
• Parkingstudies
Origin and Destination study(O-D)

• Toshow the pattern and nature of dailytrips made by the residents

• The main purpose of O-Dstudy is to planthe transportation in
urban city especially the type of land use, road/traffic network
and public transportation system.
Application of O-Ddata

• Determine the traffic flow – if traffic congestion occurs, a short

cut must be plan to give a comfortable travel to roaduser.
• Determine whether the existing road systemis adequate or not
• Determine the suitable/best position ofa bridge or new transport
terminal tobe constructed.
• Built a transportation models to make sure the transportation
planning will be more easier and also make a prediction about the
traffic patternin the future.
Traffic VolumeStudies

• Tocollect data on the number of vehicles / pedestrian that passa

point during aspecified time period
• Toknow whether the existing road can accommodate the vehicles
that using aroad.
• ensure the smooth movement ofvehicles and traffic safety
Application of traffic volumedata

• Design for roadrehabilitation

• Study the traffic atintersection
• Study of traffic controlsystems
• Forecast/predict traffic volumes
• Study of traffic accidents
• Analysis of costs - benefits forhighway projects
Spot speedstudies
• Conducted to estimate the distribution of speeds of vehicles in
astream of trafficat particular location.
• Carried out by recording the speed ofa sample of vehicles at
• Will be valid only for the traffic and environmental
conditions that exist atthe time of study.
Application of spot speeddata

• Establish parameter for traffic operation such as speed zones, speed

limits, and passingrestriction
• Evaluate the effectiveness of traffic control devices such as
variable message sign at work zone.
• Evaluate /determine the adequacy ofhighway geometric
• Evaluate the effect of speed onhighway
• Determine speedtrends.
Travel time and delaystudies
• Atravel time study determines the amountof time required to
travel from one point to another on a givenroute.
• Information may also collected on the location, duration,
and causes of delays.
• data also aid the traffic engineer inidentifying problems at the
Application of time &delay data
• Determine the efficiency of aroute with respect to its ability to
carry traffic
• Identification of locations withrelatively high delay and the
causes for thosedelay.
• Determine the traffic times on specific link for use in trip assignment
• Performance of economic studied in the evaluation of traffic
operation alternativethat reduce travel time.
• Toevaluate the change in efficiency and levelof service with time.

• The need of parking spaces is usually very great in the areas where land
uses including business, residential and commercial activities
• Providing adequate parking space to meetthe demand for parking in
central parking district may affect the level ofservice.
Application of parkingdata
• Toget the valid information (before andlatest)
• Toknow whether it is adequate parking ornot
• Toprovide information needed to enablethe implementation of
payment by the parties involved.
General policy of transportation
• socialaspects
 improve the social aspects as can be done safelyand
• economicaspects
with the existence variety of travel pattern, activities
such as employment, population and household income
will beincrease.
• physicalaspects
 create an efficient transportation system becausethere
are various modes of transportationintroduced
• in an effort to reduce traffic congestion in urban
areas, the following elements have been introduced
• widening access, traffic lights, sidewalks, traffic lights, parking(cars,
motorcycles, bicycles)
• priority to bus routes, truck, space is limited(pedestrian), parking
• access control, incentives to use public transport, car sharing, land-
use policy.
The role of transportpolicy
 High quality urban transport impacts onthe pattern of living,

1. affect / improve the productivity and

economic growth
2. provide increased accessibility and influence and prices
and land use
3. affect the standard ofliving
4. affect the environment in thecity
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