Grade 5 Spelling Challenge 3

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Spelling practice: body words

Grade 5 Spelling Worksheet

Circle the word in each row that is spelled

correctly. Cover it and write it again.

cromosome chromosome chromoseom ___________________

esopagus essophagus esophagus ___________________

infectius infecteous infectious ___________________

anatomy anotomy anatomi ___________________

skeletal sceletal skaletal ___________________

mascular muscular musculear ___________________

nureons neureons neurons ___________________

hormones horemones horemons ___________________

enzaimes enzymes enzimes ___________________

metabolisim metabolism metabalism ___________________

protein protien protene ___________________

capilary capillary cappilary ___________________

cardeac cardiac cardeaic ___________________

presure pressur pressure ___________________

nutrient nutreint nutriente ___________________

imune imunne immune ___________________

Reading and Math for K-5 ©


cromosome chromosome chromoseom chromosome

esopagus essophagus esophagus esophagus

infectius infecteous infectious infectious

anatomy anotomy anatomi anatomy

skeletal sceletal skaletal skeletal

mascular muscular musculear muscular

nureons neureons neurons neurons

hormones horemones horemons hormones

enzaimes enzymes enzimes enzymes

metabolisim metabolism metabalism metabolism

protein protien protene protein

capilary capillary cappilary capillary

cardeac cardiac cardeaic cardiac

presure pressur pressure pressure

nutrient nutreint nutriente nutrient

imune imunne immune immune

Reading and Math for K-5 ©

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