Problem Solving Essays

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Problem Solving Essays

Writing an essay on problem-solving can be a challenging yet intellectually stimulating task. The
difficulty arises not only from the necessity to thoroughly understand the intricacies of the chosen
problem but also to propose viable solutions. The process demands critical thinking, analytical skills,
and the ability to articulate ideas coherently.

To start, one must delve into extensive research to comprehend the root causes and various facets of
the problem. This requires sifting through a myriad of sources, ranging from academic journals to
real-world examples. Identifying relevant data, statistics, and expert opinions is crucial for building a
strong foundation for the essay.

Crafting a compelling thesis that succinctly encapsulates the essence of the problem and the proposed
solutions is no small feat. It necessitates the ability to distill complex ideas into a clear and concise
statement. Moreover, the essay should present a well-structured argument, progressing logically from
the introduction to the body and finally, to the conclusion.

Addressing counterarguments and potential challenges to the proposed solutions adds another layer
of difficulty. It requires the writer to anticipate opposing viewpoints and provide persuasive rebuttals,
demonstrating a nuanced understanding of the issue at hand.

The language used must strike a balance between accessibility and sophistication. Clarity is
paramount, but it is equally important to convey the depth of one's analysis. Achieving this balance
requires careful consideration of vocabulary, sentence structure, and overall tone.

Editing and revising become integral steps in the essay-writing process. Ensuring coherence,
eliminating redundancies, and refining language contribute to the overall quality of the piece. It is
during this phase that the writer can fine-tune their arguments and enhance the overall flow of the

In conclusion, composing a problem-solving essay is no walk in the park. It demands a combination

of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. While the difficulty may be
daunting, the process can be immensely rewarding as it hones various intellectual faculties. For those
seeking assistance, similar essays and more can be ordered on , where experienced
writers are ready to help you navigate the complexities of essay writing.
Problem Solving EssaysProblem Solving Essays
The Colonials Of The Boston, Concord Area
The colonials of the Boston, Concord area were vital in the beginning of the American
Revolution. Paul Revere and other members of the Whig Party were key in alerting
the colonists to the impending British. The supporters of Revere and his platform
made up a majority of the New England coast line, specifically New Hampshire and
Massachusetts and were essential pieces in allowing Revere s plan to prevail. From
these people birthed a militia who were able to defend the land and other materials
from the British and set up the foundation for our American armed forces. This society,
in order to succeed, had to be able to communicate, play to their strengths, and be
willing to risk everything for a shot at freedom. Using these traits, the colonists, with
Revere as their leader, were able to defeat the British. Communication is key The ability
to communicate is one skill that sets the minutemen and supporting colonist apart from
others of that time. More importantly, it set them apart from the British enemies. In the
beginning chapters of the book I had the perception that Paul Revere was just a gossip
monger. A skilled horsemen who liked to stir up trouble for General Thomas Gage.
Once I completed the book, I realized that he in fact was a communication expert and so
were the colonist around him. Fisher writes about the tactics and skills that Revere and
his supporters used to aide in the defeat of the British. This society wasn t just using
communication to defeat British
Summary Of Andy And Peers
Andy has lived with memory loss all his life, but after he finds Hadley s nightgown
torn to pieces, he panics, refusing to be alone with her. What happens when he blacks
out? What he needs is someone he trusts to keep him inline during those heated
moments. Hadley has a solution: Peers. He s fun, honest, and safe. When she arranges
for Andy and Peers to meet, she has no idea how deep Andy and Peers pasts entwine or
how hot fevered hot things were about to get. Peers promises Andy that he ll keep his
alter ego in check, but when Andy s brother is hurt and Hadley is kidnapped, Peers
needs him. The boys find her drugged and trapped in a room with someone from their
past. Someone they both want to forget. During a tragic struggle, Peers is hurt and loses
an arm. While he recovers and gets used to his new limited body, the others struggle with
their own issues. Hadley is pregnant. Neither of the boys can have children. So what
happened in that room between her and their haunting past? Adding to their stress, Andy
s alter personality is feeding him memories he doesn t want to relive.... Show more
content on ...
Six years later, they sit together under the moon, their demons gone, as they enjoy a
happy moment. As parents and lovers, they ve discovered the depth of trust. 15 A
permanent happily ever after for all the main romantic
Analysis Of Joseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness
In Joseph Conrad s Heart of Darkness, Marlow and Kurtz are two different types of
competing heroes; each of the characters has strong ideologies. There is the classic
European hero, at least at that time, taming the natives, the Congolese people, and
exploiting them by forced labor. This hero is Kurtz. Marlow resembles more of a
traditional hero in more of today s terms. He is tough, diligent, and an independent
thinker. Although he doesn t really save the natives, he does start to see them more
than just savages, he sees them as people. The natives see Kurtz as sort of god , but this
doesn t mean he is a hero hero. He is a tragic hero; because of his bad deeds, he is
corrupted and died from it. He is cruel and brutal to the... Show more content on ...
All the death and brutality around him made him lose hope; he didn t embrace that
brutality like Kurtz did; he didn t become the tragic hero, he stayed with tradition.
Kurtz is spared by Marlow because he could see the bit of good that was once in him,
but also the madness that corrupted him. Marlow stated, . . . his soul was mad. Being
alone in the wilderness. . . I tell you, it had gone mad. I had for my sins, I suppose to
go through the ordeal of looking into it myself. No eloquence. . . so withering to one s
belief in mankind as his final burst of sincerity (Conrad 111). Marlow doesn t want to
kill him. He sees that his soul, him madness, has already killed him. Being the hero he
is, he carries Kurtz back to the pilot house. Tragic heroes are usually from noble birth.
When Marlow reads Kurtz s pamphlet, he describes it as, . . . the unbounded power of
eloquence. . . and the words as, burning noble words (Conrad 82). This observation
shows that Kurtz probably had an education, and that education gave him connections
to the ivory trade to assert his power of eloquence more. His lust for power and greed
were the flaws that led to his demise. The Russian even stated, . . . he would shoot me
unless I gave him the ivory. . . (Conrad 94), Marlow has started to see Kurtz s true
colors. When Kurtz dies, he finally
Changes In The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
In the Middle East, the Israeli Palestinian conflict has been one of the most
controversial conflicts in modern history, dating back to when the region was
dominated by British rule. Beginning long before the formation of the state of Israel
in 1948, Israel and Palestine have clashed over who can claim the holy land. The
Israelis believe that they should solely have possession of the holy land, being a gift
from God to Abraham to Isaac, according to the Bible. Contradicting the Israelis, the
Palestinians believe the holy land was given to Ishmael from Abraham, who is an
ancestor to the Muslim people. From 1914 to modern times, Israelhas underwent positive
changes between the Israelis and Palestinians through the formation of declarations...
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As the Nazis began killing Jews by the mass in Europe, Jews starting fleeing to
Palestine in large numbers. Jewish armed groups began emerging in Palestine,
fighting British authorities in pursuit of an independent Israeli state. The fighting in
Palestine led to the United Nations dividing Palestine into Jewish and Arab states in
1947. In less than a year, the British mandate ended and Israel declared independence.
Beginning in 1948, the first Arab Israeli war occurred and Israel gained more land
than expected, including western Jerusalem. This war resulted in about two thirds of
the 1.2 million Arabs living in Palestine to flee the country. One major change
occurring in Israel in 1956 was the reopening of the Suez Canal. Israel, along with
Britain and France, invaded Europe in the Suez Crisis, opening back up shipping into
Israel. In 1957, Israel with the help of France, began the construction of a large nuclear
reactor, which became the basis of the country s unconfirmed nuclear weapons program.
In 1962, Israel began relations with President John F. Kennedy and the United States,
who sold missiles to Israel. As the independent state of Israel began gaining power, they
launched an attack on Egypt because the Straits of Tiran were closed, ending shipping
Argumentative Essay On Japan Before Pearl Harbor
1942 was a very pivotal year the the United States during the War. Pearl Harbor has
been attacked a few months earlier on December 7, 1941, which launched the official
start of the U.S entering the war. The U.S was now faced with a war on two fronts.
Roosevelt was being pulled between attacking the Japanese in the West or to aid his
ally England in the East. Although Roosevelt promised Churchill to aid them as soon as
the U.S enters the war, Roosevelt decided to deal with matters in the West first. He
would execute Executive order 9066 (the relocation of Japanese Americans into
concentration camps). Shortly after this order was executed, the coast of California was
attacked a few days later. Roosevelt did send aid and help England against the Germans,
but that was not America s main... Show more content on ...
I will be highlighting the untalked about German weapons that will be used against
Great Britain, but first I will recap the fighting between America and Japan throughout
the duration of 1942. America continues to battle with the Japanese in the Pacific after
Pearl Harbor. Tensions would rise when a once American, Japanese student (Iva Toguri
A.K.A Tokyo Rose), would go to Japan and criticize the Americans and try to kill the
American moral. Instead Americans would be reminded of what they are fighting for
and continue to be strong on their attack against the Japanese. In the Spring of 1942,
America would suffer the loss at the fall of the Philippines. The battles in the Philippines
was led by General Douglas MacArthur. Following the fall of Bataan and in the
Philippines, the Americans would suffer through the brutal Bataan Death March on April
9. Men were forced to march all through the Philippines to a concentration camps and an
prisoners who would fall or become

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