Learning Activity Sheet

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Name: ______________________________________________Level: __________

Teacher: ___________________________________________ Score: __________

Learning Strand: 3 Mathematical & Problem-Solving Skills

Learning Competency: Solves Daily Life Problems Involving Ratio and Proportion
and Rate
LC Code: LS3MP-NN-PSB-AE-113
References: ALS K to 12 BEC CG 2019 pg.132, ALS Module for Junior High School
Brownstein, S. C. Barron’s How to Prepare for the Scholastic
Aptitude Test. Manila: Global Publishing. 1991., 991.Cariño, I. D.
General Mathematics for High School 1. Pasig City: Anvil
Publishing, Inc. 1999.
LAS Writer: Karla Nelie T. Solatorio
Content Editor: Nieva G. Bermudo

Ratio and Proportion

In this lesson, you will apply your learning in solving ratio, proportion,
and rate. You will be solving real-life problems involving ratio, proportion, and rate.
Ratio – comparison of two (2) quantities of the same kind in the same unit
a :b= =a÷ b
Fraction form - b

Ratio form – a :b
Example problem for ratio no 1:

In an ALS Community Learning Center, there are 10 male learners and 15 female learners in
one learning group. What is the ratio of the male learners to the female learners?

10 males
15 females
Since the question is asking the ratio of male learners to female learners, you can
write the ratio like this:
Answer: Fraction form –
Ratio form -

Example problem for ratio no 2:

Jose took 18 days to finish his project while Romy took 3 weeks. What is the ratio the length of
time it took the two boys to finish their project?
Jose – 18 days
Romy – 3 weeks
Let’s analyze!
The given quantity is 18 days and 3 weeks. You can observe that the given
doesn’t have the same unit of measuring time. The first thing we should do is to
convert 3 weeks to 21 days. Now, we have 18 days for Jose and 21 days for Romy.
The problem is asking the ratio of the length of time two boys took to finish their
Thus, Jose’s time: Romy’s time ¿ 18 :21. This means that the ratio of the time it took
the 2 boys to finish their project is:
Simplest form:

Try this!
Activity 1
A. Write the following as a ratio in fraction form and ratio form. The first is done for
Problem Fraction Form Ratio Form

1. 25 learners to 1 Instructional Manager 25 25 :1


2. 6 tablet chairs to 6 learners

3. 6 lessons to 2 modules

4. 5 learning centers to 10 Instructional Managers

5. 1 table to 5 learners

B. Find the ratio of the first quantity to the second quantity. Make sure the two
quantities are first expressed in the same unit. The first one is done for you.
1. 6 cm to 2 dm = 6:20
2. 15 days to 2 weeks = _______
3. 5 dm to 1 meter = _______
4. 15 hrs. to 1 day = _______
5. 10 days to 1 week = _______
Rate - compare two quantities of different kinds by division
Example problem for rate no. 1:
Rolly can type 300 words in 5 minutes. About how many words a minute can he type?
In this problem, we compare the number of words to the number of minutes (time) it
takes to type the words.
STEP 1 Solution:
300 words
=60 words/min
5 min

This means that the rate of Rolly’s typing is 60 words.

STEP 2 Simplify the ratio.
300:5 =60 :1

This means that the rate Rolly can type 60 words per minute.
Notice that the first term (60) is expressed in words while the second (1) is
expressed in minutes. This rate can be written in symbols as 60 words/minute. This
example deals with the rate expressed as quantity over time.

Example problem for rate no. 2:

3 kilos of rice cost P60.00. What is the unit price of the rice?
In this problem, we are again comparing quantities of different kinds: the cost
and quantity of a product. Hence, we are computing the rate.
P 60.00
=P 20.00 /kl
3 kl .
The ratio of the amount in pesos to the amount in kilos is 20 to 1. This means
that the rice costs P20.00 per kilo.
Notice that the first term (20) is expressed in pesos while the second term (1)
is expressed in kilos. This rate can be written in symbols as P20.00/kilo.
Try this!
Activity 2
Find the rate of the following.
1. A 50-kilo sack of rice costs P900.00. What is the price per kilo?
2. Bong can finish the 100-meter dash in 20 seconds. How many meters can he
cover per second?

Proportion – an expression which states that two ratios are equal

a :b=x : y thus , bx=ay

Extremes – first and fourth term (a , y )

Means – second and third term (b , x )

Extremes and means are equal.

Example no. 1:
Look at the two rectangles below. Their lengths and widths are given.

2 cm 4 cm
6 cm
the ratio of the length to the width of the two rectangles.
⮚ The ratio of the small rectangle is 3:2 or 2

⮚ The ratio of the big rectangle is 6:4 or 4

For the meantime, focus your attention on the fraction form. If you divide the
numerator by the denominator of both ratios, what do you observe?
=3 ÷2=1.5
=6 ÷ 4=1.5

The quotients of both ratios is 1.5. Therefore, we can say that:

3 6
= ∨3 :2=6 :4
2 4
Since the ratios of the length to the width of the two rectangles are equal, then we
can say that the two rectangles are proportional.
Example no. 2:

Using the example of the hotcakes, 3 eggs make 5 hotcakes and 12 eggs makes 20 hotcakes.
Expressing this as a proportion, we have:
3 12
5 20
Or 3 :5=12 :20 (It is read as 3 is to 5 as 12 is to 20)
A proportion has four terms as labeled below.

The first and fourth terms (the outer numbers) are called extremes while the second
and third terms (the inner numbers) are called means.

To check if the two ratios are proportional, the product of the means should be equal
to the product of the extremes. Hence:
3 x 20=60

5 x 12=60

In this case the two ratios are proportional since extremes and means have an
equal product of 60.
Example no. 3:
Now, let’s try computing proportions with a missing number.
A recipe needs 3 eggs to make 5 hot cakes. If Joseph was asked to make 20 hotcakes, how
many eggs does he need?

In solving this problem, let’s follow the steps below:

STEP 1 Identify the ratio in words:
the number of eggs to the number of hotcakes.
STEP 2 Write down the proportion in numbers,
a :b=x : y

3 :5=x :20

STEP 3 Determine which formula to use in finding the missing number in the
( axd ) ÷ b=x

STEP 4 Substitute the values in the formula and solve for the missing number.
(3x20) ÷ 5 = x
60 ÷ 5 = 12
Therefore, the missing number to form a proportion is 12.
The proportion is:
3 :5=12 :20

STEP 5 Check your answer by using the general formula:

3 × 20 = 5 × 12
60 = 60
Example no. 4:
How many days will it take a dressmaker to sew a dozen dresses if it takes her 2 days to
sew 3 dresses?

STEP 1: Identify the ratio in words.

The number of days to the number of dresses sewn
STEP 2: Write down the proportion in numbers.
a: 12 = 2 : 3
a: b = c : d
STEP 3: Determine which formula to use in finding the missing number in the
(b × c) ÷ d = a
STEP 4: Substitute the values in the formula and solve for the missing number.
(12 × 2) ÷ 3 = a
24 ÷ 3 = 18
Therefore, the missing number that forms the proportion is 8.
The proportion is
8: 12 = 2 : 3
STEP 5: Check your answer by using the general formula:
8 × 3 = 12 × 2
24 = 24
Try this!
Activity 3
1. Alex earns P700 in selling newspapers a week. How many weeks will it take
him to earn P3,500?
STEP 1: Identify the ratio in words.
STEP 2: Write down the proportion in numbers.
STEP 3: Determine which formula to use in finding the missing number in the
STEP 4: Substitute the values in the formula and solve for the missing number.
Therefore, the missing number that forms the proportion is ____.
The proportion is:
STEP 5: Check your answer by using the general formula:

Activity 4: Answer the following questions

1. In a survey, 36 respondents said they are satisfied with the performance of their
Barangay officials while 64 respondents said they are dissatisfied with their
performance. Find the ratio of the following. Simplify your answers to the lowest
a. Find the ratio of the number of satisfied respondents to the number of
dissatisfied respondents. (1 point)
b. Find the ratio of the number of dissatisfied respondents to the number of
satisfied respondents. (1 point)

c. Find the ratio of the number of dissatisfied respondents to the total number
of respondents. (1 point)

d. Find the ratio of the number of satisfied respondents to the total number of
respondents. (1 point)

B. Solve the following problems using ratio and proportion.

1. The standard mixture of cement and sand for plastering purposes is 1:3. If
Mang Pedro has 4.5 buckets of cement, how many buckets of sand does he

2. In a class, 4 out of 5 students passed the math exam. If there are 40 students
in the class, how many students passed the exam?

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