2 Level Adults

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Lesson 1

Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)

Active Voice: S + V + C
1) Нам известно кто совершил действие
2) Нам это важно.
Umid opened the door
Passive Voice: S + to be + V3/ed + by someone
1) Нам не известно кто совершил действие.
2) Нам это не важно.
The door was opened by Umid.
*Passive Voice – используется когда:
1) Нам не известно кто совершил действие.
Money was put on my table.
Деньги были положены на мой стол.
2) Нам не важно, кто совершил действие.
Homework is done. (by Rauf)
(Не важно что, главное делается)
* В Passive Voice всегда используется to be
The topic is discussed.
I am paid 200$
* Формы глагола в Passive Voice всегда V3/ed
The tree was cut.
The patients will be healed.
* Без Complement Passive Voice сделать НЕЛЬЗЯ!
A: I go to school.
P: To school I go
* To be depends on the complement

Present Simple Passive

Active Passive
S + Vs/es + C (+) C + am/is/are + V3/ed (+)
I watch TV Tv is watched by me
S + don’t/doesn’t + Vs/es + C (-) C + am not/isn’t/aren’t + V3/ed (-)
I don’t watch TV TV isn’t watched by me.
Do/Does + S + Vs/es + C? (?) Am/Is/Are + C + V3/ed? (?)
Do I watch TV? Is Tv watched?
Don’t/Doesn’t + S + Vs/es + C? (-) Am + I + not + V3/ed? (-?)
Don’t I watch TV? Aren’t/Isn’t + C + V3/ed?
Isn’t Tv watched?

Present Continuous Passive

Active Passive
S + am/is/are + Ving + C (+) C + am/is/are + being + V3/ed (+)
I am watching TV. Tv is being watched.
S + am not/isn’t/aren’t + Ving + C (-) C + am not/isn’t/aren’t + being + V3/ed (-)
TV is being watched TV is not being watched.
Am/Is/Are + S + Ving? (?) Am/Is/Are + C + being + V3/ed? (?)
Am I watching TV? Is TV being watched?
Am + I + not + Ving? (-?) Am + I + not + being + V3/ed? (-?)
Isn’t/Aren’t + S + Ving? Isn’t/Aren’t + C + being + V3/ed?
Am I not watching TV? Isn’t TV being watched?

Past Simple Passive

Active Passive
S + V2/ed + C (+) C + was/were + V3/ed (+)
I watched TV TV was watched
S + didn’t + Vs + C (-) C + wasn’t/weren’t + V3/ed (-)
I didn’t watch TV TV wasn’t watched
Did + S + Vs + C? (?) Was/Were + C + V3/ed? (?)
Did you watch TV? Was TV watched?
Didn’t + S + Vs? (-?) Wasn’t/Weren’t + C + V3/ed? (-?)
Didn’t I watch TV? Wasn’t TV watched?

Past Continuous Passive

Active Passive
S + was/were + Ving + C (+) C + was/were + being + V3/ed? (+)
I was watching TV. TV was being watched.
S + wasn’t/weren’t + Ving + C (-) C + wasn’t/weren’t + being + V3/ed (-)
I wasn’t watching TV. TV wasn’t being watched.
Was/Were + S + Ving + C (?) Was/Were + C + being + V3/ed (?)
Was I watching TV? Was TV being watched?
Wasn’t/Weren’t + S + Ving + C (-?) Wasn’t/Weren’t + C + being + V3/ed (-?)
Wasn’t I watching TV? Wasn’t TV being watched?
Lesson 2
Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)
 У Future Simple и Future Continuous одинакова структура в Passive
Future Simple и Future Continuous Passive
Active Passive
S + will + Vs + C (+) C + will be + V3/ed (+)
S + will be + Ving (+) TV will be watched.
I will watch TV.
I will be watching TV.
S + will not + Vs + C (-) C + won’t be + V3/ed (-)
S + will not be + Ving + C (-) TV won’t be watched.
I will not watch TV.
I will not be watching TV.
Will + S + Vs + C? (?) Will + C + be + V3/ed? (?)
Will + S + be + Ving + C? (?) Will TV be watched?
Will you watch TV?
Will you be watching TV?
Won’t + S + Vs + C? (-?) Won’t + C + be + V3/ed? (-?)
Won’t + S + be + Ving? (-?) Won’t TV be watched?
Won’t you watch TV?
Won’t you be watching TV?

Present Perfect Passive

Active Passive
S + have/has + V3/ed + C (+) C + have/has + been + V3/ed (+)
I have watched TV. TV has been watched.
S + haven’t/hasn’t + V3/ed + C (-) C + haven’t/hasn’t + been + V3/ed (-)
I haven’t watched TV. TV hasn’t been watched.
Have/Has + S + V3/ed + C? (?) Have/Has + C + been + V3/ed? (?)
Have I watched TV? Has TV been watched?
Haven’t/Hasn’t + S + V3/ed + C? (-?) Haven’t/Hasn’t + C + been + V3/ed? (-?)
Haven’t I watched TV? Hasn’t TV been watched?

Modal Verbs Passive

Active Passive
S + Modal Verb + Vs + C (+) C + Modal Verb + be + V3/ed (+)
I can watch TV. TV can be watched.
S + Modal Verb + not + Vs + C (-) C + Modal Verb + not + be + V3/ed (-)
I can’t watch TV. TV can’t be watched.
Modal Verb + S + Vs + C? (?) Modal Verb + C + be + V3/ed? (?)
Can I watch TV? Can TV be watched?

Lesson 3
Modal Verbs
 Модальные глаголы используются для обозначения смысла. Они дают
определённый смысл предложению.
I can read. (Я могу читать)
I must read. (Я должен читать)
I need to read. (Мне нужно прочитать)
 There are 5 types of Modal Verbs in English:
1) Permission – Разрешение;
2) Possibility – Вероятность;
3) Ability – Способность;
4) Obligation – Обязательство;
5) Deduction and Assumption – Вывод и предположение.
 Модальные глаголы делятся на 2вида:
True Modals (Нельзя видоизменять)
He can speak
We are musting
Semi-Modals (Можно видоизменять)
I have to tell you
She has to tell you
She dared to speak
 После Modal Verbs всегда используется V simple
S + Modal Verbs + Vs
I must came. She can runs.

Permission - Разрешение (Can/May)

1) Когда даём разрешение:
Can - Обычное разрешение May - Специальное разрешение
S + Can + Vsimple S + May + Vsimple
*Используется, когда мы даём *Используется, когда мы даём
разрешение на то, что и так можно. специальное разрешение на что-то (если
You can park here что-то нельзя, но кто-то даёт личное
(Ты можешь парковать тут) (тут всем разрешение)
можно) You may park in my garage.
You can call me from 8 to 21:00 (Никому кроме меня нельзя, но тебе
(Я подниму все звонки в это время и можно)
тебе тоже отвечу) You may call me after 21:00
You can go (Только тебе отвечу в это время)
(Время урока кончилось вы можете You may go
идти) (До конца урока ещё есть время, но только
тебе можно идти)
2) Когда спрашиваем разрешение
Can – когда спрашиваем у 2+ людей May - Когда спрашиваем к 1го человека
Can + S + Vsimple? May + S + Vsimple?
Can I clean the blackboard? May I come in?
(Учитель спрашивает у учеников) (Ученик спрашивает у учителя)

Could – general permission.

S + could + Vsimple
S + couldn’t + Vsimple
Could + S + Vsimple? Favor
Could you close the window?
To be allowed to – specific permission.
S + are + allowed to + Vsimple (+) ….разрешено
will be
I am allowed to go home.
We were allowed to spend money.
S + are + not + allowed to + Vsimple (-)
S + will not be + allowed to + Vsimple (-)
She will not be allowed to miss lessons.
Are + S + allowed to + vsimple? (?)
Will + S + be + allowed to + Vsimple?
Was he allowed to leave the school?

Lesson 4
Possibility – Вероятность
(might/may/to be likely to/will)
Might – 15% May – 50% To be likely to – 75%
S + might + Vsimple S + may + Vsimple (скорее да, чем нет)
(скорее нет чем да) It may rain Am/is/are
It might rain (Собираются тучи, S + Was/were + likely to + Vsimple
(На улице солнце, нет наверное будет Will be
туч, врядли будет дождь 50/50) It is likely to rain
дождь) (Скорее всего будет дождь)
Will – 100% вероятность S + will + Vsimple It will rain

S + might/may + be + Ving
He might be doing homework now.
S + may/might + have + V3/ed
She may have forgotten about the lesson.
S + may/might + Vs
She might call back. I know her
Lesson 5
Ability – Способность (Can/To be able to)
Can – General Ability (Могу/общая способность)
S + can + Vs
*Используется тогда, когда мы говорим о том действии которые многие
умеют делать.
I can drive
*Или когда мы говорим что умеем делать что-то и при этом ничего не
I can run
To be able to – Specific Ability (Могу/Специальная способность)
S + was/were + able to + Vs (+)
will be
*Используется тогда когда мы говорим о действии, которое мало кто может
I am able to drink 5 liters at once.
*Или когда есть какая-то преграда, но не смотря на неё, кто-то может
выполнять какое-то действие.
I am able to run.
S + was/were + not able to + Vs (-)
will not be
was/were +S + able to + Vs (?)
will +S + be + able to
Past form of Can – Could:
I could swim.
Future form of Can – Will be able to
I will be able to do that.
S + could have + V3/ed Мог бы сделать (но не сделал)
You could have helped him y-y.
(Ты бы мог помочь ему вчера, но ты не помог)
Manage - Справиться/Успеть
S + manages + to + Vsimple
I managed to finish my work on time.
I think, I can manage.
Lesson 6
Obligation – Обязательство (should /must/ have to)
Should – Следует (как совет)
Ought to - Следует (как совет)
S + should/ought to + Vsimple
You should read this book.
S + Shouldn’t/ought not to + Vsimple
You shouldn’t do it.
Should + S + Vsimple?
Shouldn’t + S + Vsimple?
Should I meet her?
S + should be + Ving
Используется когда мы жалуемся что кто-то не выполняет какое-то действие.
S + should + have + V3/ed Должен был сделать (но не сделал)
You should have learnt words.
S + shouldn’t have + V3/ed Не должен был делать (но сделал)
You shouldn’t have cheated on her.
Must – Должен (по своей воле)
*Своё мнение об обязанности
*Нас никто не заставляет
S + must + Vsimple
I must help my parents. (Своя воля)
You must study harder. (Моё мнение)
Have to - Должен (не по своей воле)
*Когда мы говорим не своё мнение об обязанности
*Нас заставляют
S + have to/has to + Vsimple
I have to serve in the army. (Я обязан/должен служить)
The teacher says I have to study. (Я говорю об его мнении)
I/We/You/They/Plural – have to
He/She/It/Singular – has to
S + didn’t + have to + Vsimple Не обязательно
You don’t have to come at 6.
She won’t have to read the whole book.
S + mustn’t + Vsimple Нельзя (запрет)
You mustn’t come late to the classes.
S + had to + Vsimple Пришлось
I had to do that.
S + will have to + Vsimple Придётся
I will have to come earlier.
Lesson 7
Deduction and Assumption (Вывод и предположение)
Deduction – Must – (Должно быть)
*Используется когда основываясь на своих знаниях мы делаем своё
Present: S + must be + Ving
He isn’t picking up the phone. He must be talking with his girlfriend.
Past: S + must + have + V3/ed
Diyor must have forgotten his phone at home.
Future: S + must + Vs
Rauf has a lesson today. He must come.
Assumption – Can’t (не может быть)
*Когда мы логически понимаем что какое-то действие невозможно.
S + can’t/couldn’t + Vs
You can’t be married since you are 10.
She couldn’t leave I have just seen her.
Lesson 8
Used to – Бывало/Привычка
Used to - Используется когда:
1) Мы говорим о привычке в прошлом(которой нет сейчас)
I used to smoke.
Я курил
Бывало я курил
Я раньше курил
2) Мы говорим о действии которое было в прошлом, но сейчас оно не
He used to smoke here.
We used to leave here.
S + used to + Vs (+)
He used to be a doctor.
S + didn’t use to + Vs (-) Не было привычки в прошлом
I didn’t use to come late.
S + used not + to + Vs (-) Была привычка что-то не делать
I used not to do homework.
Used + S + to + Vs? (?)
Did + S + use to + Vs?
Used he to be a doctor?
Did he use to be a doctor?
To be Used to - Привычка
To be
S + get + used to + Ving
S + used to + Vs S + to be/get/become + used to + Ving
I used to smoke I was used to smoking
(Привычка была в прошлом, но нет (Я привык курить, привычка есть и
сейчас) сейчас)

S + got + used to + Ving Привык
They were/got/became used to coming late.
S + get/gets + used to + Ving Привыкают
They are/get/become used to coming late.
Will be
S + will get + used to + Ving Привыкнут
will become
They will get used to coming late.
Lesson 9
Dare – Осмелиться
*Dare Указывает на то что у кого-то хватает смелости выполнить какое-
либо действие.
S + dares + to + Vs (+)
They dare to miss the classes
S + don’t + dare + (to) + Vs (-) Не осмелился сделать
They didn’t dare to come.
S + dares + not to + Vs (-) Осмелился не сделать
They dared not come!
Did/Do/Does + S + dare + (to) + Vs?
Dare/Dares/Dared + S + Vs?
Do they dare to miss the classes?
Dare they miss the classes?
How + dares + S + Vs? Как…..смеет?
How dared you tell it to him?
Nobody/Noone + dares/dared + (to) + Vs Никто не смеет
Nobody dared to speak.
I daresay – по моему/могу сказать
I daresay, It will rain.
I don’t know him well, but I daresay he is a good person.
S + dares + somebody + to + Vs Бросить кому-то вызов
I dare you to date her.
He dared me to kiss you.
Lesson 10
Present form:
S + need to + Vs (+)
I need to visit her.
S + needn’t to + Vs (-)
I needn’t to miss lessons.
Future form:
S + will need to + Vs Придётся
I will need to finish my work.
S + won’t + need to + Vs Не придётся
I won’t need to leave this room.
S + needn’t + have + V3/ed Не нужно было делать, но сделано
You needn’t have worked till night.
S + didn’t + need + to + Vs Не нужно было делать, и не сделано
You didn’t need to do it.
Lesson 11
Question and Question words
*Все вопросы в английском языке делятся на 2вида:

General Questions - (Общие вопросы) Special Questions - (Специальные вопросы)

Вопросы на которые можно ответить Вопросы на которые нельзя ответить Да
Да или Нет. или Нет, надо дать полный ответ.
Aux verb + S + Verb? Who/When
Do you work at school? Why/Where + aux verb + S + Verb?
Is she a student? What/How
Согласие: Yes, S + aux verb Where does she study?
Yes, I do What will we do?
Yes, she is
Отрицание: No, S + Negative aux
No, I don’t
No, she isn’t

 После What/Which/Whose используется noun

What color do you like most?
Which book did you buy last time?
Whose pen is it?
 После How используется Adjective/Adverb
How + Adj/Adv + aux verb + S + Verb?
How quickly can you run?
How strong are you?
 Old age
deep depth
How + high = What + height
long length
wide width
How old are you = What age are you?
How long is this river? = What length is this river?
 What …….. for? = Why….? Почему
Why are you crying? = What are you crying for?
 What + to be + S + like? Когда мы хотим получить информацию о чем-то
What was the exam like?
What does she like?
 What + do/does/did + S + look + like? Когда мы спрашиваем о внешности
What does he look like?
 What is + noun? Когда спрашиваем о профессии
What is your father?
Lesson 12
Question Tag (Не так ли?)
Как сделать Question Tag? (Как сказать не так ли?)
1) Определить время предложения.
I talk with him a lot. (Present Simple)
2) Определить Auxiliary verb
Present Simple – do/does
3) Если предложение (+) то auxiliary verb будет (-)
Если предложение (-) то auxiliary verb будет (+)
I talk with him a lot, don’t I?
I don’t talk with him a lot, do I?
*Если предложение (+)
S + Positive Sentence, Negative auxiliary + S?
You are sitting there, aren’t you?
We help them every day, don’t we?
They told it to them, didn’t they?
She was learning the words, wasn’t she?
We will fix this situation, won’t we?
You have come late, haven’t you?
*Если предложение (-)
S + Negative Sentence, Positive auxiliary + S?
You aren’t sitting there, are you?
We don’t help them every day, do we?
They didn’t tell it to them, did they?
She wasn’t learning the words, was she?
We won’t fix this situation, will we?
You haven’t come late, have you?
There is/are…………… , ……….there?
There is a pen on the table, isn’t there?
This………. , …….It?
It was very surprising, wasn’t it?
This pen isn’t writing, is it?
No one/Nobody…………. , ……..they?

These cars need to be repaired, don’t they?

Everybody wants to be rich, don’t they?
 Следующие слова автоматически несут в себе негативное значение (-)
No one
Barely…………….. , Positive auxiliary + S?
Hardly ever
No one came to my party, didn’t did they?
I seldom go to school, do I?
Let’s – Давайте
Let’s + Vsimple (+)
Let’s help him
Let’s + not + Vsimple (-)
Let’s not help him
Let’s + Vsimple, shall we? Давайте….., хорошо?
Let’s be a bit quiet, shall we?
!!! I am here, amn’t I? Aren’t I? Am I not?
Lesson 13
Commet Tag (Да ладно? Серьёзно? Да ну?)
*Как сделать Comment tag (Как сказать Да ладно?)
1) Определить время предложения
I passed the exam.
2) Определить auxiliary verb
Past Simple = did
3) Если предложение (+), то auxiliary verb будет (+)
Если предложение (-), то auxiliary verb будет (-)
I am listening to music, Are you?
He hasn’t done homework, Hasn’t he?
*Если предложение (+)
S + Positive sentence, Positive auxiliary + S?
You are lying to me, am I?
We help them every day, do you?
They told it to them, did they?
She was learning new words, was she?
We will fix this situation, will you?
You have told it to them, have I?
*Если предложение (-)
S + Negative Sentence, Negative auxiliary + S?
You aren’t lying to me, am I not/aren’t I?
We don’t help them every day, don’t you?
They didn’t tell it to them, didn’t they?
She wasn’t learning new words, wasn’t she?
We won’t fix this situation, won’t you?
You haven’t told it to them, haven’t I?
Lesson 14
Addition to remark (Я/Ты/Он тоже)
 Для согласия с (+)
S + Positive Auxiliary + S
S + Positive Auxiliary + too/also
I earned $5million. So did we/We did too/also.
I go to school. So do I/I do too/also
I am a doctor. So is he.
 Для соглашения с (-)
Neither/Nor + Positive Auxiliary + S
S + Negative Auxiliary + either
I didn’t earn $5million.
Neither/Nor did we.
We didn’t either,
I am not a doctor.
Neither is he.
He isn’t either.

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