Sample Personal Essay College

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Sample Personal Essay College

Writing an essay on the topic of a "Sample Personal Essay for College" can be a challenging task that
requires a careful balance between self-expression and adherence to academic conventions. Crafting
a personal essay involves delving into one's own experiences, aspirations, and values while
simultaneously meeting the expectations of the college admissions process.

The difficulty lies in the need to strike a harmonious chord between showcasing individuality and
adhering to the conventions of a well-structured essay. The writer must artfully weave personal
anecdotes, reflections, and achievements into a cohesive narrative that not only captures the attention
of the reader but also provides insight into the writer's character and potential contributions to the
college community.

Additionally, the challenge lies in avoiding clichés and ensuring that the essay stands out from the
multitude of other personal statements submitted by applicants. It requires a delicate balance between
authenticity and strategic storytelling, as the essay needs to be both compelling and reflective of the
writer's genuine personality.

The writer must navigate through the pressure of meeting word limits while ensuring that each
sentence adds value to the overall narrative. Finding the right tone—engaging yet not overly casual,
introspective but not self-indulgent—is crucial. The essay should demonstrate self-awareness,
growth, and a clear sense of purpose, all while adhering to the conventions of formal writing.

In conclusion, crafting a personal essay for college is a formidable task that demands introspection,
creativity, and a deep understanding of one's own narrative. It is a process that requires multiple
revisions and careful consideration of every word to ensure that the final product is not only a
testament to the writer's unique qualities but also aligns with the expectations of the academic setting.

For those seeking assistance, it's worth noting that similar essays and much more can be ordered on , where professionals can provide support in refining and perfecting personal essays
for various purposes.
Sample Personal Essay CollegeSample Personal Essay College
What Caused The Blitz
In 1940 the Luftwaffe started to drop bombs consecutively on London and other major
British cities. This is mainly known as the Blitz, the Blitz left families separated mainly
because children were evacuated from major cities to the country side to keep them
safe. Also families were left with hardly anything left and Britain in complete fear and
always worrying when the next air raid would happen. World War two lasted for six
years and left Britain in devastation this caused major effects for British people and their
lives due to rationing, bomb shelters, blackouts and constant bombing that affected
everyone no matter where they were. The Blitz on Britain began on Saturday 7th
September 1940 in the late afternoon. The Blitz was Germanys attempt
European Discrimination In America
American culture can be summed up into one word, discrimination. From the time
Europeans first came to the Americas, prejudice has been a part of the life in the
Americas. In 1492 Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas, and found it to be
easily conquered and the people taken advantage of. Slavery was a part of colonial
America, written into the Constitution of the United States, remained legal until 1865,
and the state of Mississippi did not officially abolish slaveryuntil 2013. Civil rights have
been an ongoing struggle for many groups in America since its inception, even if you
were white and European, it did not automatically ensure you rights in the United States.
The list of groups discriminated on by those living in America... Show more content on ...
The treatment of the Japanese during WWII is a stain on Americas legacy, one of many
which will never wash away. We were fighting war against Germany because of the
treatment of Jews in Europe, but interred Japanese Americans here that had done nothing
more than live here, some for generations. The America government stripped them of
property and sent them far away to live in camps. The American government once again,
with malice and forethought, discriminated against other Americans, because of how
they looked. The camp conditions were described in the book Women in America:
refocusing the Past, the condition of camp life profoundly altered family relations and
affected women of all ages and backgrounds. Family unity deteriorated in the crude
communal facilities and cramped barracks. Moving forward in time some American
have the same mind set, but have turned it towards the Muslim community in the United
States. Many politicians in the United States today have made disparaging remarks
about Muslims whether they are American citizens or not. These people are our leaders,
and have a duty to lead us in a direction which is in line with the spirit of freedom which
Americans espouse as their own
Mount Etna Research Paper
Mount Etna
Mount Etna is no boring regular volcano. It has been continually active since the Greek
times. It is located in Sicily, Italy. To the locals in Sicily it is called Mongibello meaning
the beautiful mountain. Mount Etna has been involved in the Greek myths. Mount Etna
is an amazing and unique volcano. Mount Etna is almost twice the size of Mount Vesuvius
, the volcano that destroyed Pompeii. Etna has four very prominent craters. There is the
Bocca Nova and the Voragine, the central craters, and there is also the Northeast crater
and the Southeast crater. Mount Etna once erupted in Roman times in the city of Catania.
After the eruption taxes were cancelled for about ten years just so the town people could
rebuild. Another
Self-Knowledge And Virtue In The Apology By Plato
The Apology by Plato Socrates was a Greek philosopher who stood for knowledge and
virtue. He believed that in order for people to live their best lives, it is necessary for
them to do what is right. It is wicked and shameful to do wrong, to disobey ones
superior, be he god or man (Cooper, 29b). Socrates represents self knowledge which is
evident through his quest for finding someone who was wiser than he was. After his run
ins with the likes of the local politicians, craftsmen and poets, Socrates comes to the
realization that although these individuals had mastered their craft and were
knowledgeable in their field of work, they were clueless in many other important aspects
of life. Through this awareness, he accepts the fact that... Show more content on ...
There were also statements of him charging individuals for teachings which Socrates
states are untrue. After some time, Socrates finds himself standing at trial refuting the
charges against him. He explains his innocence to the men of Athens that he hasn t
done any of the things they are saying he did. He also lets them know that even though
he is said to possess an abundance of wisdom, he doesn t believe that he does. Socrates
tells them how the statements made by Delphi in fact left him bewildered. He asked
Meletus and the jurors countless times to stand up and deliver sufficient proof of
these accusations which they failed to do. Socrates went back and forth explaining
his innocence but failed to change the opinions of the jury and judges. He was
ultimately sentenced to death. Because Socrates knew he was innocent, he felt as
though the only alternative punishment that would be suitable for the so called crime
he committed would be to provide a lifestyle suitable for the likes of celebrities for
himself and his family at the cost of the public. He reached this conclusion because he
deserted his own affairs and did everything for the benefit of others. Since I am
convinced that I wrong no one, I am not likely to wrong myself, to say that I deserve
some evil and to make some such assessment against myself (Cooper, 37) . The jury
could not accept that alternative and asked Socrates to think of a different
Aristotelian Rhetoric
1. How does the Aristotelian triangle determine the choices in this example of rhetoric?
The Aristotelian triangle determined the choices in this example of visual rhetoric
because the speaker is using details to manipulate the target audience into wanting to buy
the product. Giorgio Armani s target audience is men looking for a sensual scent that
attracts women, and the company is implying that Armani Code is the perfect cologne
for them through the body language of the woman in the ad. She s completely hypnotized
by the man s cologne, holding him as close as she can to savor the scent. The black and
white color scheme captivates the subject while giving a sense of tastefulness. I get the
impression that this cologne is for a man who wants
The Glass Ceiling
The Glass Ceiling Does It Still Exist?

There are many questions that come to mind when looking at the structure of any
organizations. Within the social organization, employees face many challenges such as
sexual harassment, violence, rape, depression, and discrimination. These issues in their
respective organizations are a hindrance to their success and can cause their personal
and career development to suffer. But the key factor that will be focused regarding
discrimination is women s struggles advancing in their careers often called the glass
ceiling effect. In this research, the term glass ceiling will be defined, answer the question
Who is affected by such barrier and why , what acts helped pave the way, and determine
any ... Show more content on ...
Surely, people want to know whether men or women are on top of these hierarchies.
They also want to know which ethnic groups hold these positions. Looking at the
workforce, women and minorities are struggling to advance in their careers. They are
the ones who are mostly affected by the glass ceiling. This gives Caucasian men the
upper hand in their battles to reach top management positions. In our organizations, men
s experiences are assumed to be the norm, while women s experiences are looked down
upon. Women s experiences are considered beneath those of men, narrowly categorized,
or often times excluded altogether. We see more women positions in the Administrative
or Clerical fields and not so often in the Technical fields.

When compared to men, women are often left behind when it comes to advancement
even if they have the same educational background and work experiences. But the work
place is now changing. Women are shooting to the top of high tech companies,
startups and Internet favorites, with a speed that promises to permanently change the
way we think about women, work and power (Gerber, 2000). Despite women s
advances in the workforce, they still strive to emerge and grow out of male oppression
and move to a higher social position where they belong.

This institutionalized gender discrimination affects both the private and the public
sectors where women are often the victims of this type of crime. Through observation it
is concluded that we

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