Discuss - Advantages and Disadvantages Essays

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Discuss (thảo luận về ưu nhược điểm của 1 chủ đề, hoặc cho 2 quan điểm, hãy thảo luận 2
quan điểm nói trên) Từ khóa: advantages; disadvantages; positive aspects; negative
aspects; benefits; drawbacks (bất lợi); pros (thuận lợi); cons (bất lợi); merits (thuận
lợi); demerits (bất lợi); good points; bad points;
Ví dụ:
1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of …..?
2. Discuss the positive and negative aspects of ….?
3. What are the benefits (ưu điểm) and drawbacks (nhược điểm) of ……?
4. Discuss both views and give your personal opinion.
5. Discuss two sides? What is your opinion?
6. Discuss both of the views. Which do you agree with?

Discussion essays Templates

PLAN A: What are the advantages and disadvantages of ......

Mở bài

Câu 1: giới thiệu chủ đề chính

- Over the past few years/ In recent years, (chủ đề) …… has become a broad issue to
the general public.

Hoặc (Chủ đề) ……………… is becoming more and more popular/ is becoming a
serious problem nowadays. (chỉ dùng serious problem với chủ đề mang nghĩa tiêu cực
ví dụ obesity, smoking, ….)

= In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about …..(chủ

= People hold different opinions about ….. (chủ đề) …public transport…

Câu 2,3: giới thiệu 2 quan điểm, đưa 2 quan điểm vào

Some people believe that (chủ đề) ……… has several advantages however; others think
that it could have some negative effects. Discussions below are several benefits and
drawbacks of this issue.

Thân bài

On the one hand, there are some main advantages to/benefits of /positive effects of/merits of
(topic)____________________. Firstly,
condly, ____________________________________________

On the other hand, there are some main disadvantages to/ drawbacks of/problems of (topic)/
demerits of ____________________. Firstly,
condly, ____________________________________________

In short, taking everything into account, we can reach the conclusion that ……… (chèn chủ
đề) has several positive impacts. However, there are some negative impacts besides. In my
opinion, the advantages of …………(chèn chủ đề vào) far outweigh the disadvantages.
People should have further considerations on this issue.


Topic 1: Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a student.
When studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and
obtain an international degree which is an advantage for their future personal
development and better job opportunities. However, students also have a number of
difficulties such as language barrier and homesickness. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of studying overseas.


A. Benefits

1. Foreign countries offer better courses

- find a good job

- have a higher quality of life

2. Studying abroad helps students become more independent

- do everything by themselves

- become more mature and gain a lot of skills

3. Students can broaden their mind and relationships

- make new friends

- visit new places

B. Drawbacks

1. Living abroad causes homesickness

- feel lonely and bored

- affect health badly

- not focus on study

2. Learning a foreign language is usually difficult

- not speak the target language well, not communicate well with others

3. Studying abroad is expensive

- tuition fee

- get a part-time job

- affect academic performance

Bài tham khảo:

Sample for B1

Nowadays more and more people choose to more abroad to study. Many people think that
studying overseas brings students a lot of benefits, others believe that students have to face a
lot of challenges. This essay will discuss both sides of this trend.

On the one hand, there are several advantages of studying in another country. First of all,
foreign countries often offer students better courses than their home country. Therefore, they
can learn with better teachers and more modern equipment. Besides, they can gain foreign
degrees and have more chances to get a good job with high salary. It also means that they
have a higher quality of life. Secondly, studying abroad helps students become more
independent. When living overseas, they have to do everything by themselves such as
cooking, cleaning houses and getting money. Finally, students can broaden their mind and
relationships. They can make new friends and visit new places in a foreign country.

On the other hand, studying abroad has some drawbacks. Firstly, living abroad causes
homesickness. When living far from home, students may feel lonely and bored, which
affects their health badly and makes them not focus on their study. Moreover, learning a
foreign language is usually difficult, so if students do not speak the target language well,
they can not communicate with other people. Finally, studying abroad is very expensive.
Many students have to work part time to pay for living costs; as a result, their study may be
badly affected.

In conclusion, taking everything into account, we can reach the conclusion that studying
abroad has several positive impacts. However, there are some negative impacts besides. In
my opinion, the advantages of overseas study far outweigh the disadvantages. People should
have further considerations on this issue.

Sample for B2

These days, there has been an increasing number of students who opt to study abroad. It is
believed that studying overseas offers students a life-changing opportunity; however, they
have to face a variety of obstacles when taking overseas courses. This essay will examine
both sides of this tendency.

On the one hand, studying abroad is beneficial to students in several ways. First and
foremost, foreign educational institutions provide students with better courses compared
those in their homeland. Obviously, students are taught by excellent teachers from well-
known universities, which allows them to acquire the best skills. Besides, when obtaining an
international qualification, students can seek for better job opportunities which contribute to
a higher standard of living in the future. Another benefit is that students are able to develop
independence. More specifically, living in another country require students to do everything
on their own such as doing housework, managing time and money. Therefore, they will
become more mature and gain more valuable skills. Last but not least, students have more
chances to widen their knowledge and relationships. To illustrate, they can build more new
friendships and explore new destinations in a new country.

On the other hand, overseas students have to encounter plenty of challenges. One of the most
obvious drawbacks is that living alone in a strange country results in homesickness and
culture shock. Living far away from home might make students feel so lonely and depressed
that they can not concentrate on study. In addition, they find it hard to adapt to a new culture,
which leaves negative effects on their mental and physical health. Language barrier is
another detrimental side of overseas life. Mastering a foreign language is a challenging task;
therefore, many students have difficulty in communicating with foreigners. The final demerit
is that studying abroad costs a great deal of money. Because the high cost of living and
expensive tuition fees in a foreign country, many students have to get a part-time job after
school to earn more money, which influences their academic performance negatively.

All in all, it is clear that studying overseas has its own merits and demerits. Although
drawbacks of learning are various, students should learn abroad to build a brighter future.

PLAN B: Discuss two views and give your opinion. THẢO LUẬN 2 QUAN ĐIỂM VÀ

Mẫu 1:
Mở bài:
Câu 1: giới thiệu chủ đề lớn, chủ đề chung (nowadays/ these days/ today ….. is becoming
a. Over the past few years/ In recent years, (chủ đề là cụm danh từ)
(Internet/tourism/Computers/ who are responsible for deciding school subjects)……
has become a broad issue to the general public.
b. In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about …(chủ
đề/cụm danh từ)……
Câu 2,3: giới thiệu 2 quan điểm, chèn 2 quan điểm vào (2 views)
Some people think/believe/say that…………….. (view 1)
Some other people hold the view that/ Some other people believe that ………….. (view
Each of these ideas/views has its own merits. (mỗi một ý này đều có thuận lợi riêng của
nó) / This essay will discuss both of these views and give personal opinion./ Both of the
views will be fully analyzed as follows. (Chọn 1 trong 3 câu này, màu xanh hoặc màu

Tóm tắt lại cấu trúc mở bài:

In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about …(chủ
đề/cụm danh từ) Some people think/believe/say that…………….. (view 1)
Some other people hold the view that/ Some other people believe that ………….. (view
2) This essay will discuss both of these views and give personal opinion.

Thân bài:

There are some arguments in favor of the idea that (liệt kê view 1) ____________________.
________________________ ________________________. Secondly,

However, there are some advantages to the idea that (liệt kê view 2) ___________________

Kết luận

In short, I personally believe that (support view ½; ủng hộ quan điểm nào? 1 hay
2?)______________________________________________ because (liệt kê lại các lý do mà
mình đã nêu ở thân bài) ……….. và đưa ra lời khuyên nếu có.

Mẫu 2:
I. Introduction
People hold different opinions about (chủ đề) Cụm danh từ/Ving…. Some argue that
…..(chèn view 1). Others, however, suggest that …(chèn view 2). Both of the views will
be fully analyzed as follows. / This essay is going to state both views as follows.

Topic: Some think that information should be best taken from written books; others

think that it should be best from TV and the Internet. Discuss both of the views. Which

do you agree with?

Ví dụ 1 (có paraphrase 2 views)

People hold different opinions about taking information. Some argue that it is a good
idea for people to get information from written books. Others, however, suggest that
people are supposed to obtain information from TV and the Internet. Both of the views
will be fully analyzed as follows. / This essay is going to state both views as follows.
Ví dụ 2 (có paraphrase 2 views)
People hold different opinions about taking information/ how to take information. Some argue
that written books give people more reliable information. Others, however, assert that TV and
the Internet provide people with better sources of information. Both of the views will be
analyzed as follows. / This essay is going to state both views as follows.
II. Body

In the first place, it is clear that there are many reasons for the first view, which is (liệt
kê view 1 1st view). To be more detailed, Firstly, ……… . Secondly, ………. Finally,
……. (2-3 more sentences Mỗi lý do giải thích 2-3 câu).

On the other hand, we can see that there are several reasons for the second view, which

is (liệt kê view 2 give the 2nd view). To make this view much clearer, one good reason for

this might be that, …….. Another reason is that …… The final reason is that ….. ((2-3

more sentences) mỗi lý do giải thích 2-3 câu)

III. Conclusion:
1. In conclusion, I find the first/ second view much better. This can be well explained by the
fact that (ý chính/lý do nêu ở phần thân bài). Đưa ra lời khuyên nếu có.

Bài tham khảo dạng DISCUSS BOTH VIEWS:

Some people believe that the subjects that children are taught in schools should be
decided by central authorities (chính quyền trung ương) because they can guarantee
the standardization of teaching. Others say that teachers, not politicians should be
responsible for this task as they can choose subjects based on students’ interests and
abilities, which can promote learning. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Topic: Ai là người lựa chọn các môn học? who are responsible for choosing school

B1 B2
1. central authorities ensure the 1. they take responsibility for
quality of teaching all over the guaranteeing the standardization of
country national education system
- compare different schools - make a comparison of various schools
- decide education quality - make a decision on education
View 1: Central
standards standards
- choose a suitable curriculum - opt for an appropriate curriculum
should choose
for students - increase level of education
- gain the aims of education 2. they are well aware of society’s
2. they know needs of society demands
- know what knowledge and - have a broad range of knowledge and
skills are needed in society experience related to different fields
- help students get a good job - improve students’ career prospects
- tackle unemployment
1. teachers have more practical 1. teachers are more experienced in
teaching experience teaching
- know what and how to teach - be more concerned about what and
students well how to educate children best
- update new information and - adapt materials, change syllabus
View 2:
knowledge 2. they determine educational materials
2. they choose subjects that based on students’ interests
should choose
students like and that are - make them engaged in learning
suitable to students’ ability - promote their strengths
- help students feel interested in - better academic performance
- learn better
- develop their strengths

Sample for B1:

While some people argue that central authorities should decide the subjects that children are
taught at schools, others think that teachers should be responsible for choosing the
curriculum (chương trình học). This essay will discuss both views and give my personal
opinion. /Each of these views has its own merits/Both of the views will be fully analyzed as

On the one hand, school subjects should be decided by the government because of some
following reasons. Firstly, central authorities can ensure the quality of teaching all over the
country. They compare educational needs of different schools and decide education
standards. Therefore, they can choose a suitable learning program for students throughout
the country. This helps to gain the aims of education of the country. Secondly, they know
needs of society well. Politicians know what knowledge and skills are needed in society.
Therefore, they can decide subjects that are useful for students; life and help them have a
good job in the future.

On the other hand, teachers should be mainly in charge of deciding subjects for students
because of some causes. First of all, teachers have more practical teaching experience.
Therefore, they know what and how to teach students well. They can also update new
information and knowledge to use in subjects. Moreover, they can also choose the subjects
that students like and that are suitable to students’ ability. When learning favorite subjects,
students feel more interested in learning. This helps them learn better and have chances to
develop their strengths (phát huy thế mạnh).

In conclusion, both central authorities and teachers play important roles (đóng vai trò quan
trọng) in choosing subjects for students. I support that they should work together to decide
the most suitable school curriculum and improve the education system of the country.


1. Some people believe that the aim of university education is to help graduates get

better jobs. Others believe that there are much wider benefits of university education
for both individuals and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
(Topic: University education
View 1: mục đích của giáo dục đại học là giúp cho người đã tốt nghiệp có công việc tốt
hơn. Graduates: người đã tốt nghiệp; undergraduates: sinh viên (qualifications: bằng
cấp University degree; certificate: chứng chỉ; skills: kỹ năng)
View 2: giáo dục đại học có nhiều lợi ích cho cả cá nhân và xã hội (individuals: broaden
the knowledge; practice; Society: provide labours for the society; increase the people’s
2. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of online learning hoặc studying abroad
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of collecting information on the Internet.
4. Online shopping: advantages and disadvantages.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following text from an article about the Internet

In some countries, people are increasingly doing their shopping on

the Internet instead of going to stores. Some people, especially those
with a limited time budget, regard online shopping as a positive
development since they can buy products at home or office without
having to go to stores or shopping malls. However, there are those
who argue that making online transactions can be disadvantageous to
them in several ways.

Now, write an essay to an educated reader to discuss your opinions about the positive
and negative aspects of online shopping. Include reasons and any relevant examples to
support your answer. You should write at least 250 words.

5. Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some
people, however think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
(View 1: phát triển kinh tế là mục tiêu quan trọng nhất
View 2: có những tiến bộ khác/ sự phát triển khác quan trọng ko kém)
6. Some people think that university students should study whatever they like. Others believe
that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future such as
those related to science and technology.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
(View 1: sinh viên đại học nên học bất cứ gì họ thích
View 2: sinh viên đại học chỉ nên học những môn hữu ích cho tương lai ví dụ khoa học, công
7. Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences (lái xe vi phạm) are the
key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be
more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
(View 1: xử phạt nghiêm khắc lái xe vi phạm là chìa khóa để giảm tai nạn giao thông
View 2: còn có nhiều giải pháp khác hiệu quả hơn trong việc cải thiện an toàn giao thông)
8. These days more and more people are going to other countries for significant periods of
time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to doing this, but people
who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of living and working in a foreign country.
9. It is generally believed that the Internet is an excellent means of communication but some
people suggest that it may not be the best place to find information.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Topic: Internet
View 1: Internet là công cụ giao tiếp tuyệt vời (fast; convenient; cheap; )
View 2: Internet ko phải là nơi tốt nhất để tìm thông tin (unreliable information; plagiarise:
đạo văn)
10. Computers bring us many benefits even in learning like saving time, has a large storage
capacity but there are people who say it brings a lot of negative effects on learning. Discuss
both options and give your opinion.
Topic: Computers
View 1: Thuận lợi cho việc học
View 2: Bất lợi đối với việc học
11. Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful
career while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
12. You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following extract from an article.

Using public transport has become familiar to everyone in Vietnam. Millions of people today are
travelling by lots of kinds of public transport. Some people think that using public transport
brings a lot of advantages to the society in general and to themselves in particular; others argue
that they have to face disadvantages when using public transport.

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using public
transport. Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer. You should write at least
250 words.

13. Working from home (teleworking = telecommuting): advantages and disadvantages

14. Advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling.

15. Advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

16. Advantages and disadvantages of public transport.

17. Some people say that tourism is developing in many countries, which brings a lot of
benefits to the countries. Thanks to tourism, countries earn a lot of money. However,
some other people believe that tourism is also causing a lot of problems. Discuss both
views and give your personal opinion.

18. Advantages and disadvantages of online courses.

19. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.

20. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of children’s watching TV


1. Online learning is a great, revolutionary alternative to traditional training. Online learning is a

form of distance learning that takes place over the Internet including online courses, exams. Some
people believe that e-learning will replace traditional classes in the future.
Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online learning.
B1 B2
Advantages Advantages
1. Online learning is very convenient 1. Online learning is a convenient way of
- learn anytime, anywhere learning
- take courses in another country - have flexible learning hours
2. Online learning helps learners save time - Learn at their convenience
and money - Take overseas courses
- save time and money of travelling 2. Online learning is not only time-saving
- take cheap or free online courses but also money-saving
3. a lot of learners can take an online course - save a great deal of time and transportation
The number of students in each class is costs
unlimited - take low-cost or even free online courses
3. e-learning allows a large number of
learners to attend the course
- easily accessible to a wide range of
Drawbacks Drawbacks
1. Online learning can be bad for people’s 1. online learning can be harmful to
health people’s health
- get diseases - suffer from health problems
2. it decreases real human interaction, not 2. it causes reduced face-to-face
improve soft skills communication
3. students easily get distracted from their - have negative effects on learners’ soft
study, get bad marks skills
3. students find it easy to get distracted from
their study
- get bad learning results

Sample for B2
These days, with the ever-increasing use of technology, online learning plays an important
part in education. It is believed that this method of learning is very beneficial to students’
learning process; however, many people think that its drawbacks are various. This essay will
shed light on both sides of this form of distance learning.

On the one hand, learning on the Internet if advantageous in several ways. First and
foremost, online learning is considered as a convenient way of learning. It enables learners to
have flexible learning hours; as a result, they can arrange time and place to study at their
convenience. In addition, it is very easy for them to take overseas courses which are
instructed by excellent teachers in prestigious universities. The second merit is that online
learning is not only time-saving but also money-saving. Because of not having to travel to
classes, learners can save a great deal of time and transportation costs. Additionally, they can
take low-cost or even for free online courses because there is no need to rent equipment or
classrooms. Last but not least, e-learning allows a large number of learners to attend a
course. Online classes are easily accessible to a wide range of learners, especially they are
not limited to the number of students like traditional classes.

On the other hand, there are numerous disadvantages of learning online platforms. The first
one is that online learning can be harmful to people’s health. When spending too much time
going online, learners may suffer from health problems such as obesity, shortsightedness.
Furthermore, it causes reduced face-to-face human interaction. In fact, students have fewer
opportunities to discuss topics with their classmates and teachers directly, which has
negative effects on their soft skills such as communication skills and teamwork skills. The
final demerit is that students might find it easy to get distracted from their study. Many of
them tend to surf other websites such as Youtube, Facebook while learning, which makes
them not concentrate on study and get bad learning results.

All in all, it is obvious that e-learning is both beneficial and negative in its own way. In my
opinion, its plus points far exceed its bad points. It is important that learners control the time
they spend online in a proper way to make use of its benefits.

Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a student. When
studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and obtain
an international degree which is an advantage for their future personal development
and better job opportunities. However, students also have a number of difficulties such
as language barrier and homesickness. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
studying overseas.

Sample for B2
These days, there has been an increasing number of students who opt to study abroad. It is
believed that studying overseas offers students a life-changing opportunity; however, they
have to face a variety of obstacles when taking overseas courses. This essay will examine
both sides of this tendency.

On the one hand, studying abroad is beneficial to students in several ways. First and
foremost, foreign educational institutions provide students with better courses compared
those in their homeland. Obviously, students are taught by excellent teachers from well-
known universities, which allows them to acquire the best skills. Besides, when obtaining an
international qualification, students can seek for better job opportunities which contribute to
a higher standard of living in the future. Another benefit is that students are able to develop
independence. More specifically, living in another country require students to do everything
on their own such as doing housework, managing time and money. Therefore, they will
become more mature and gain more valuable skills. Last but not least, students have more
chances to widen their knowledge and relationships. To illustrate, they can build more new
friendships and explore new destinations in a new country.

On the other hand, overseas students have to encounter plenty of challenges. One of the most
obvious drawbacks is that living alone in a strange country results in homesickness and
culture shock. Living far away from home might make students feel so lonely and depressed
that they can not concentrate on study. In addition, they find it hard to adapt to a new culture,
which leaves negative effects on their mental and physical health. Language barrier is
another detrimental side of overseas life. Mastering a foreign language is a challenging task;
therefore, many students have difficulty in communicating with foreigners. The final demerit
is that studying abroad costs a great deal of money. Because the high cost of living and
expensive tuition fees in a foreign country, many students have to get a part-time job after
school to earn more money, which influences their academic performance negatively.

All in all, it is clear that studying overseas has its own merits and demerits. Although
drawbacks of learning are various, students should learn abroad to build a brighter future.

Some people believe that the subjects that children are taught in schools should be
decided by central authorities because they can guarantee the standardization of
teaching. Others say that teachers, not politicians should be responsible for this task as
they can choose subjects based on students’ interests and abilities, which can promote
learning. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

B1 B2
1. central authorities ensure the 1. they take responsibility for
quality of teaching all over the guaranteeing the standardization of
country national education system
- compare different schools - make a comparison of various schools
- decide education standards - make a decision on education
View 1: Central - choose a suitable curriculum standards
authorities for students - opt for an appropriate curriculum
should choose - gain the aims of education - increase level of education
subjects 2. they know needs of society 2. they are well aware of society’s
- know what knowledge and demands
skills are needed in society - have a broad range of knowledge and
- help students get a good job experience related to different fields
- improve students’ career prospects
- tackle unemployment
1. teachers have more practical 1. teachers are more experienced in
teaching experience teaching
- know what and how to teach - be more concerned about what and
students well how to educate children best
- update new information and - adapt materials, change syllabus
View 2:
knowledge 2. they determine educational materials
2. they choose subjects that based on students’ interests
should choose
students like and that are - make them engaged in learning
suitable to students’ ability - promote their strengths
- help students feel interested in - better academic performance
- learn better
- develop their strengths

Sample for B1:

While some people argue that central authorities should decide the subjects that children are
taught at schools, others think that teachers should be responsible for choosing the
curriculum. My essay will discuss both views and give my personal opinion.

On the one hand, school subjects should be decided by the government because of some
following reasons. Firstly, central authorities can ensure the quality of teaching all over the
country. They compare educational needs of different schools and decide education
standards. Therefore, they can choose a suitable learning program for students throughout
the country. This helps to gain the aims of education of the country. Secondly, they know
needs of society well. Politicians know what knowledge and skills are needed in society.
Therefore, they can decide subjects that are useful for students; life and help them have a
good job in the future.

On the other hand, teachers should be mainly in charge of deciding subjects for students
because of some causes. First of all, teachers have more practical teaching experience.
Therefore, they know what and how to teach students well. They can also update new
information and knowledge to use in subjects. Moreover, they can also choose the subjects
that students like and that are suitable to students’ ability. When learning favorite subjects,
students feel more interested in learning. This helps them learn better and have chances to
develop their strengths.

In conclusion, both central authorities and teachers play important roles in choosing subjects
for students. I support that they should work together to decide the most suitable school
curriculum and improve the education system of the country.

Sample for B2

The curriculum is of great importance to the quality of education. Many people state that
governments should be in charge of determining school subjects, others argue that the
decision of educational program should be made by the teachers. My essay will shed light on
both views of this issue and give my personal view.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why central authorities should decide subjects
taught for children. First and foremost, they take responsibility for guaranteeing the
standardization of national education system. To be more specific, they make a comparison
of various schools’ educational needs and make a decision of education standards. It means
that can opt for a curriculum which is appropriate for students of different levels, aiming to
increase level of education of the country. In addition, they are well aware of society’s
demands. As politicians have a broad range of knowledge and experience related to different
fields, they are capable of selecting subjects which provide students with knowledge and
skills needed in society. This helps to improve students’ career prospects and tackle
unemployment among graduates in the future.

On the other hand, teachers should be responsible for designing school curriculum due to
some causes. The first one is that they are more experienced in teaching than politicians. As
a result, they are more concerned about what and how to educate children in the best way.
They are also able to adapt teaching materials and change the syllabus to make it more
suitable with the students. Furthermore, they tend to determine educational materials based
on students’ interests. Learning subjects attracting their interest makes them more engaged in
learning and promotes their strengths. As a consequence, they can gain better academic

All things considered, both governments and educators play essential parts in determining
national education program. In my opinion, it is advisable that both parties share a common
responsibility for selecting the most appropriate school curriculum and enhance the quality
of education system.

Task 2: Some people say that tourism is developing in many countries, which brings a lot of
benefits to the countries. Thanks to tourism, countries earn a lot of money. However, some other
people believe that tourism is also causing a lot of problems. Discuss both views and give your
personal opinion

Some people hold the view that tourism is developing in many countries, which brings a lot of benefits
to the countries. However, others think that it could have some negative effects. Discussions below
are several benefits and drawbacks of this issue.
There are some main positive effects to tourism. Firstly, the tourism industry is vital for some
countries. People rely on tourism for their income. Tourism attracts investment from governments
and companies. It creates employment due to demand for goods and services (hotels, entertainment
etc.). It helps to improve the standard of living. Secondly, tourism is a popular leisure activity. The
increased number of foreign people coming to visit another country would evidently enhance tourism
industries, contributing greatly to the wealth of that country. If tourists enjoy their trips, they will
recommend the destination to their friends or perhaps they will come back in the future.
However, there are some main drawbacks to foreign visitors. Firstly, tourism can have a negative
impact on the environment. For example, in Vietnam, many tourism companies are excessive building
(roads, hotels, etc.). It is destroying natural habitats and spoiling the landscape. In addition, tourism
creates pollution and waste. It puts pressure on local resources such as food, water and energy.
Secondly, as for the countries that play host to international tourists, the rise in costs of living may
weigh on the price of goods and services. People in the neighborhood and domestic visitors would
suffer in comparison.
In short, there are both advantages and disadvantages of tourism. In my opinion, there are more
advantages than disadvantages because it has an extremely positive impact on a country's economy
and provides a large number of new jobs for the local people.
Có 2 quan điểm về việc học. 1 là học là quá trình cả đời mãi mãi, quan điểm 2 là học
trong 1 khoảng thời gian thôi. Hãy thảo luận 2 quan điểm trên
(Learning is a lifelong process; Learning is a period of time)

In recent years, learning has become a broad issue to the general public. Some people think
that learning is a lifelong process. On the other hand, the others may believe that it is a
period of time. In the following essay, both sides of the argument will be discussed in more

On the one hand, the idea of learning is a lifelong process is approved by a majority of
people. Firstly, the knowledge of our world is so vast that learning is never enough.
Moreover, we not only study in school, but also learn in society, when we go to work or even
when we are old. In fact, Secondly, society is always changing. Therefore, we must learn
continuously to keep up with the development of society. For instance, when the telephone
was invented, we had to learn how to use it.

On the other hand, some people may argue that learning is only a period of time. In fact, we
usually study when we need to. For example, we only study math in school, but when we
work a non-math related job, we don't need to improve our knowledge about it anymore. It
also means that most of us only learn on purpose. And of course, such learning only takes
place at a certain point in time.

To sum up, the above mentioned facts have created a dilemma when people evaluate this
issue, and it is still a controversial issue. However, from my point of view, I believe that
learning is a lifelong process.

Travelling alone and travelling with groups

People hold different opinions about travelling. Some argue that people should travel alone.
Others, however, suggest that travelling in groups with a tour guide is better. Both of the
views will be fully analyzed as follows.

On the one hand, people should travel alone because of some following reasons. Firstly, you
will have more experiences when traveling alone. You can explore different places that you
have never been before. In addition, you would enjoy some food and drink they like.
Secondly, you also save a lot of money. If you travel alone, you can control your budgets by
yourself. For instance, you may find accommodation with reasonable prices or buy what you
really need for your trip. Last but not least, travelling alone is more flexible and comfortable.
If you are tired, you can take a rest during the trip. Besides, you totally own your time
without bothering anyone.

On the other hand, people ought to travel in groups with a tour guide because of some
causes. First of all, it is safer when travelling in groups. You are not worried about getting
lost because you have a tour guide during the trip. When you are in trouble, others will
support you immediately. Moreover, travelling in groups is really fun. You are not alone
since you have friends to talk or play together around.

In conclusion, both travelling alone and travelling in groups with a tour guide are exciting. I
suggest that you should choose the way of travelling depending on your interest and

Topic 5: Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal.
However, some people think that other types of progress are equally important for a
country. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Each nation that wants to develop sustainably must clearly define the goals. Many
governments believe that developing economics is their most important goal. Some others
hold to the view that other types of progress are equally important for a country. Each of
these views has its own merits.

There are some arguments in favor of the idea that economic progress is their most important
goal with a country. First, economic development will help create financial resources, from
that to infrastructure development, electricity, water, transportation systems and public
construction to serve the needs of the people. Secondly, promoting economic progress at the
same time will solve social problems, create jobs and promote other fields such as culture,
education, medical ... etc to develop together towards improving the quality of life and
taking care of the people's health.

However, there are some advantages to the idea that other types of progress are equally
important for the country. First, for sustainable development, the country must have
development in all aspects of economic, politics, culture, society, defence security.
Therefore, a peaceful country, rich in culture, equality of citizens and consensus of society
are equally important as developing the economics, which helps the country develop

In short, depending on the reality of each nation, the governments will set which goals are
the most important to determine for country development. In my opinion, development in all
fields will promote strong economic and social development together.

Topic 5: Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some
people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.

View 1: Economic progress is the most important goal
 Prosperous country
 More money to invest in infrastructure projects
 Improvement of civil life
 Destroy environment
 Lead to rising social inequality
 Harm traditional culture

View 2: other types of progress are equally important

 Peaceful society
 Equitable quality education
 Conserving traditional culture


Nowadays, it is popular that nations are emphasizing on developing their country's economy.
While some governments think that economic progress is their most important goal, many
others hold the view that other types of progress are equally important for the country. Each
of these ideas has its own merits. This essay will discuss both views and give personal

There are many arguments in favor of the idea that governments should give priority to the
economic development of their country. Firstly, a more developing economy absolutely makes
the country become more prosperous. In addition, when the macroeconomy is maintained at a
high rate of growth, the government collects more tax and therefore, it has much more money
to invest in infrastructure projects. Finally, the civil lives are also improved thanks to the
development of the country’s economic progress.

However, there are drawbacks to an overheating economy because it brings various problems
to the society such as environmental pollution, social inequality and traditional culture harm.
For these reasons, many people feel that the nation should have a balanced development in
which the economy is sustainable and other matters of the country are taken into account. The
public resources should be used not only in developing the economy but in maintaining a
peaceful society, guaranteeing equitable quality education, protecting the natural
environment and conserving traditional culture also.

In conclusion, I personally believe that the country should be sustainably developed because
it is much better when we meet the economic goals without compromising the ability to reach
social objectives.

Topic: Some people think that university students should study whatever they like.
Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in
the future such as those related to science and technology.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Nowadays, there are a lot of subjects students need to study. There are subjects they really
like and some that are compulsory subjects. Some people think that university students
should learn their favorite subjects. Others believe that they should only study required
subjects that will be useful in the future such as those related to science and technology.
Each of these ideas has its own merits.

There are some arguments in favor of the idea that university students should study whatever
they like. Firstly, everyone can do well with what they really like and that holds true for
learning. Studying their favorite subject helps them get a better result. Secondly, this helps
them feel less pressured and in a better attitude. Doing things they like makes them feel

However, there are some advantages to the idea that they should only be allowed to study
subjects that will be useful in the future such as those related to science and technology.
Firstly, compulsory subjects are selected by experts, this is helpful for holistic development
of students. Secondly, letting students actively choose subjects can make them missing
important knowledge - some things they need for the future.

In my opinion, the purpose of education is to help students acquire comprehensive

knowledge so students should only be allowed to study compulsory subjects that are better
than to study whatever they like.

Topic: Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to
reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more
effective in improving road safety. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Each year, traffic accidents cause the loss of a lot of human lives, this is a big social issue.
The government is trying to reduce the number of traffic accidents by many different
solutions. Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to
reducing traffic accidents. However, others believe that there are many solutions to be more
effective in improving road safety. Each of these ideas has its own merits.

On the one hand, strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to drive more
safely. Penalties for dangerous drivers can act as a deterrent, meaning that people avoid
repeating the same offence. There are various types of driving penalty, such as small fines,
licence suspension, driver awareness courses, and even prison sentences. The aim of these
punishments is to show dangerous drivers that their actions have negative consequences. As
a result, we would hope that drivers become more disciplined and alert, and that they follow
the rules more carefully.

However, strict punishments for some people did not produce the expected results. They will
have to do some other things such as escape from the checkpoints, this sometimes causes bad
consequences. So other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. First,
organizing propaganda sessions about the harmful effects of traffic accidents is an example.
It helps people understand the harms of traffic accidents. From that, people will know about
severity when an accident occurs and be careful on drive. The second example is teaching
children the law of traffic at schools. This makes children become aware and habitually
careful in traffic. Finally, governments or local councils could reduce road accidents by
investing in better public transport, which would mean that fewer people would need to
travel by car.

In short, I think making people become voluntarily aware is better than forcing them to
comply. I personally believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road

Topic : It is generally believed that the internet is an excellent means of communication
but some people suggest that it may not be the best place to find information.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Internet has always been a hot topic for discussion. It is believed that the internet is an
excellent means of communication. Some people suggest that it may not be the best place to
find information. Each of these ideas has its own merits.

There are some arguments in favor of the idea that it is an excellent means of
communication. The Internet brings a lot of useful utilities to users, one of the popular
utilities of the Internet is the email system, online chat, search engine data, commercial and
money transfer services. They provide a huge amount of information and services on the

However, there are some advantages to the idea that it may not be the best place to find
information. Firstly, In addition to the internet, we can search for information through other
means such as newspapers, books, libraries, television, magazines, .... it is also a very useful
means to find information. Second, we should not be too dependent on the internet? fake
news on facebook and some websites; not reliable information

In short, the internet has both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion the internet is a
very useful means for my life.

Topic l:. These days more and more people are going to other countries for significant
periods of time, either to find a job or to study. There are clearly many benefits to
doing this, but people who live abroad can also face some difficulties. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign country.
Working abroad is the dream of many young Vietnamese. However, besides the countless
opportunities, you must anticipate the difficulties you will face while living and working in a
foreign country.

There are four common difficulties working abroad: cultural barriers, language barriers,
silence from employers, lack of assistance. Therefore, you should look and read books about
the culture and society of that country. You need to learn the basics: ordering food, opening
a bank account, asking for directions ...
But besides that, there are still many benefits to living in a foreign country. You will have
many jobs. Most foreign companies want to hire young employees because they work hard,
do not require much retirement and are willing to work overtime to have more fun and
experience. You can meet people from many parts of the world. Maybe you will find like-
minded people or best friends while working abroad. Working abroad means an opportunity
to go to new lands, to contact new cultures, to understand unique customs.

In short, living and working abroad has many benefits and also many difficulties. According
to my personal expectation, working abroad will bring development opportunities in the
future, so you need to try to overcome the difficulties to be able to live abroad.

Topic 2

Using public transport has become familiar to everyone in Vietnam. Millions of people
today are travelling by lots of kinds of public transport. Some people think that using
public transport brings a lot of advantages to the society in general and to themselves
in particular; others argue that they have to face disadvantages when using public
Nowadays, people have many choices of commuting to work including public transport.
Let’s consider its pros and cons.

It’s the fact that public transport has many benefits. Firstly, using bus, train,… save you an
amount of money. Furthermore, the price of buying one car or motorbike is expensive itself.
Bus, tram,… is for everyone, even the lowest-income people. Another advantage I want to
mention is that using public vehicle is a method to reduce air pollution and traffic jams.
Especially in the city, where the number of vehicles increasing makes the road crowded, the
public transport system is developed to deal with traffic jam and reduce the pollutant
released by petrol-run vehicles.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages with public transportation. The problem that
confuse people most is that it wastes time. Usually, people need to wait for some minutes to
catch a bus a train, so they need to be punctually in order not to miss is. In some crowded
cities, buses meet difficulties moving among so many vehicle, so people have to wait for
quite a long time before the buses come, which annoy them and cause them to be late for
schools or work. Besides, as I mentioned above, the fares are cheap so many people want to
use it, sometimes it is crowded that it is impossible to breath and convenient for the
pickpocket criminals to commit crime.
In conclusion, there are both positive and negative aspects of the using public transportation.
Personally, I still believe that public transport is advantageous when the government build a
modern public transport system to avoid the drawbacks.

Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of online learning.

Mở bài: Discussions below are several benefits and drawbacks of this issue.
Thân bài:
1. Advantages:
a. Flexible, comfortable
b. Many online learning platform, many course (coursera, udemy)
c. price affordable
d. Increase knowledge

e. Covide 19 -> safety
2. Drawbacks:
. Internet problem, power outage
a. Lack of face-to-face communication
b. Many course published with the content not verification
Kết bài: tóm lược, nêu lại thesis statement.

Bài làm:

In recent years, study online has become a broad issue to the general public. Some people
believe that online learning brings many advantages while others think that it could have
some negative effects. Discussions below are several benefits and drawbacks of this issue.

There are some advantages to studying on the Internet. First, online learning is flexible and
comfortable. Users can use smartphones, tablets or laptops to study at any time and
anywhere. In the past we needed to get up early and prepare for school but now, we could
save a lot of time to do other work. Second, online learning is becoming easier day by day
due to the development of technology. Many online learning platforms were born like
Coursera, Udemy, and so on. It contains thousands of online courses on different topics at
affordable prices or even free. Moreover, online learning helps us to increase our knowledge.
We can learn as many subjects as we want. In my point of view, facing the global epidemic,
e-learning is an efficient way for everybody to not only stay safe but also be able to
acknowledge studying programs.

However, there are some main drawbacks to studying on the Internet. First, the Internet
might be a big problem for online learning. If we lose connection or power outage, we can’t
do anything. Second, staying at home and using too much Internet could lead to a lack of
face-to-face communication. And when studying in real life, it is hard to interact or we will
lose confidence. Besides, many sources are published without verification of the content. If
users learn from those sources, they will acquire wrong information.

In conclusion, there are both benefits and drawbacks of online learning. In my own opinion,
studying on the Internet helps us a lot. In the future, this issue will be more developed and its
advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.

Task 2. Advantages and disadvantages of public transport

Mở bài: both advantages and disadvantages

Thân bài:

 Flexible, comfortable
 Price affordable: cheap, monthly ticket
 Able to work while using public transport
 Good for older people


 Some public transport system are quite bad

 Long waiting times
 Crowded at rush hour
Kết bài: pros outweigh the cons

Bài làm:

In recent years, public transport has become a broad issue to the general public. Some people
say that using public transport brings many advantages while others think that it could have
some negative effects. Discussion below are several advantages and drawbacks of this issue.

There are many advantages to using public transport. First, public transport is flexible and
comfortable. Nowadays, there are hundreds of public transportation that are being used in
our life. Especially in Japan, people use trains more than use their private transport. Public
transport like buses or trains have large size and good furniture. Second, the price for using
public transport is affordable. Many people don’t have enough money to buy a bike or car
today. And public transport seems to be a good choice for them. For example, in Hanoi one
ticket is under 10.000 dong and if you buy a monthly ticket, the price will be cheaper.
Besides, it is able to work while using public transport. We will have free time when using
public transport so it might be useful for us.
However, there are some main drawbacks of public transport. First, some public transport
systems are quite bad. Many old transports that are used for a long time can be degrading.
Second, it may take a long waiting time to catch the bus or train. If we are late, we can’t do
anything and must wait. Moreover, public transport is usually crowded at rush hour. It’s
terrible to get on a bus that is overcrowded.
In short, there are both advantages and disadvantages of public transport. From my
perspective, public transport is becoming more and more popular day by day. In the future,
public transport will be developed and its advantages far outweigh its negative effects.

11. Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a

successful career while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Today, a lot of teenagers find it difficult to choose between getting a job or continuing their

education after graduating from high school. Some people think that studying at university or

college is the best route to a successful career, whereas others hold to the view that working

right after school is much better. Each of these views has its own merits.

There are several reasons why people believe that getting a job is the better choice. First, if

people start to work at the age of 18, they could earn money on their own and be able to live

independently without their parents’ financial support. In fact, many students in Western

countries tend to find a job after high school to afford their living. Second, people who

choose to start their career early instead of going to university or college can have more

opportunities to gain real experience and learn exclusive skills for their jobs. Therefore, this

may bring out a good chance of getting promoted to higher positions such as managers or


On the other hand, I strongly believe that students would gain more benefits if they continue

their studies. Firstly, plenty of employers might ask for high academic qualifications from

people applying for some professional jobs. For many high-paying jobs such as statisticians,

economists, and medical jobs, a master’s degree is one of the most vital requirements.

Secondly, today’s job market is more competitive and a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree

in your resumé can be a huge advantage compared to other applicants. Employers would

prefer a person who has an adequate amount of knowledge to work efficiently with less

training time.

For the above reasons, even though there are some benefits of working straight after school,

I believe that going to college or university is the better option. It seems to me that students

with higher academic backgrounds are likely to be more successful in pursuing their dream


Task 2: The advantages and disadvantages of public transport.

Using public transport has become familiar to everyone in Viet Nam. Millions of people

today are travelling by lots of kinds of public transport. Some people think that using public

transport brings a lot of advantages to society in general and to themselves in particular;

others argue that they have to face disadvantages when using public transport. This essay

will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of public transport.

There are some main advantages of public transport. Firstly, going by public transport helps

to reduce traffic jams because fewer people are using motorbikes or cars. Secondly, using

public transport is good for the environment, it helps to protect the environment and reduce

pollution. Those are 2 advantages that public transport brings to society. Finally, the

advantages for individuals are to save money and enjoy the view of the city.

However, there are some main disadvantages of public transport. The biggest problem of

public transport is that it wastes people’s time. People need time to walk to the public

transport stations, wait for the bus or train, then walk to the office or school. Besides, in the

rush hours, public transport usually is very crowded, which makes people so tired and

creates favourable conditions for the pickpocket criminals.

In short, there are both advantages and disadvantages of public transport. The decision

to use what kind of transport depends on each individual. In my opinion, the advantages

outweigh the disadvantages

Topic: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling.

In recent years, homeschooling has become more and more popular. Many people believe that

homeschooling has a lot of benefits. However, others think that it has some drawbacks. This

essay will discuss both advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling.

There are some main advantages of homeschooling. First, the children can learn at the space

and at a time convenient for them and their parents or teacher. They can arrange a reasonable

and convenient time for learning. They don't have to wake up early every morning to go to

school. Second, when children learn at home, their parents or teacher can give them 100

percent attention. This is particularly beneficial for slow learners who need more time and

attention to grasp concepts. Third, the home environment is also a safe environment for

children. At home, the children will develop in an atmosphere which is free from bullying,

pressure from other students.

However, there are some main disadvantages of homeschooling. First, when a child learns at

home, she hardly gets any opportunity to interact with other children. A school is not just a

place where kids learn the alphabet and arithmetic. It is a microcosm of the world.

Homeschooled children have hardly any interaction with the outside world and maybe in for

a rude shock when they enter the job market. Second, another disadvantage of homeschooling

is about the cost. The children are educated at home all the time, it will spend much more

money on things which related to education, the parents are responsible for purchasing books

and other materials for their children. For example, when kids learn science, need to do

experiments, their parents have to buy equipment for their kids to do experiments. If they study

in school, these equipment are available.

In short, while it is true that homeschooling has some advantages. I am in favour of sending

children to school because a lot of skills that they learn at school can not be learned or taught

at home.

Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of working from home

In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about remote work.
Many people believe that working from home has a lot of benefits. However, others think
that it has some drawbacks. Discussions below are several advantages and disadvantages of
this issue.
On the one hand, there are some main advantages to working from home. Firstly,
Working from home will have a flexible schedule. It doesn’t affect normal business hours.
Moreover, It lets you schedule your work around your most productive times and set up a
workflow that best works for you. You can take breaks whenever you want, eat lunch
whenever you want…Secondly, online working will save money. You do not need to dress
up and go to the office facing traffic jams. Hence, saving money and reducing traveling time
and transportation expenses. Besides, online working will improve technical skills.
Technology-based tools such as online meeting platforms, team collaboration, and
communication platforms are necessary for telecommuting. And operating such tools
requires technical knowledge, which results in developing skills that aren’t used in a typical

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to working from home. Firstly, you can be
isolating and lonely without interacting with coworkers and colleagues. You will not reduce
stress when working in a space with long time then the work efficiency is not high.
Secondly,Working from home makes it harder to concentrate. You may be affected
by children, family, pets, work, friends, and neighbors. Due to these too many distractions,
your productivity and concentration will be affected. Moreover, would be lacked of
teamwork and community. When you work from home, you don’t get to work with a team
then it may generally decrease the productivity of the team.

In short, taking everything into account, we can reach the conclusion that working from
home has several positive impacts. However, there are some negative impacts besides. In my
opinion, the advantages of working from home far outweigh the disadvantages. People
should have further considerations of this issue.

There is a big number of people who wish to live in big cities. Write an essay to an
educated reader to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Living in big cities.
Nowadays, there is an increasing number of people who want to live in big cities while
others like to choose the countryside. In this essay, I want to discuss both of the benefits and
the drawback of living in big cities.
On the one hand, citizens in big cities can approach many social services. Children can
learn in the best school with modern teaching - learning methods. Patients can be treated with
modern and useful treatments. We have many opportunities to have a high salary job and
promotion. Besides, in big cities, there are many kinds of entertainment to relax and help us
to reduce the pressure of life.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages in big cities. First, the rate of crime is
high. Second, traffic jams are a serious problem in every big city, that is common in peak
hours. Third, air pollution is caused by dirt and smoke from vehicles, one source of many
pulmonary diseases. Modern life separates the family relationship, which explains why the
rate of divorce in cities is higher than in the countryside.

Overall, the life in big cities has the advantages and the disadvantages. The choice of
accommodation depends on personal interests. If you like the quiet atmosphere, you can live
in the countryside. In contrast, if you like active life, a good job you choose a big city. In my
opinion, I want to earn money to take care of my family, so a big city like Hanoi is my available

Topic: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a car in an urban area and
state your opinion.


1. Advantages = benefits = good points = positive effects = pros = merits

- Comfort: not have to wait; comfortable in the bad weather

- Safety: at night; in the bad weather

2. Disadvantages = drawbacks = problems = cons = negative effects = bad points

- Expensive: the cost, car insurance, car maintenance, car repair, parking fee; gasoline

- Worry and stress: stolen; drive on the freeway; traffic jam; stress of accident;

3. Opinion: advantages outweigh/exceed disadvantages


As the standard of living is getting higher, more and more people are buying cars just as they
are buying T.V. sets. It is however debatable if buying a car in an urban area is advantageous
or not. Having a car in an urban area on the one hand provides the owner with comfort
and safety but on the other hand involves a lot of worry and expenses.

There are some main advantages to owning a car in an urban area. First, sitting in your
car is much more comfortable than having to wait a long time for the arrival of the bus or train.
In bad weather the driver of the car is warm and comfortable and is always guaranteed a seat.
Second, in urban areas it is much safer to be in your car, especially at night, than having to
walk down a dark street to get to a bus stop or train.

On the other hand/ However, there are some main disadvantages to owning a car. First,
a car is expensive. Gasoline is not cheap and car insurance rates in urban areas are very high.
There are other expenses (chi phí) to be considered too, such as car maintenance and repairs
as well as parking fee. Second, owning a car causes (gây ra) a lot of worry and stress. If you
leave you car in the street at night, it might get stolen or its parts might get stolen. It is also

very stressful to be driving on the freeway or in traffic jams and there is the constant fear and
stress of being involved in an accident.

In short, owning a car in an urban area can be both advantageous by providing comfort
and safety and disadvantageous by causing worry and stress as well as a lot of expenses
to the driver. In my own opinion, owning a car is indispensable (không thể thiếu được) for
getting around safely and freely in a big town and its advantages far outweigh (vượt trội hơn
nhiều) its disadvantages.


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