Advantagesdisad-B 1

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+ In recent times, (Paraphrase the topic). From my viewpoint, the
benefits/drawbacks are eclipsed by the drawbacks /benefits.

***In my opinion, this trend has both positive and negative effects in equal

+ As a matter of fact, there are several reasons why individuals believe (the topic) is
(not) beneficial. First and foremost, reason and example. Secondly, reason and

+ Turning to other side of the argument, something is a major problem (xấu)/ a plus
point (tốt) . Another issue/ fruitful/detrimental aspect is that S+ V.

Note: Ở trên viết quan điểm tốt thì ở dưới qan điểm xấu và ngược lại. Hoặc là nhớ ớ
dưới là qan điểm của mình.

+ In conclusion, there are two detrimental aspects of the situation in terms of A and
B although C and D are the fruitful effects of (the topic). Personally, I believe the
pros/cons in terms of……. eventually outweigh any negatives/positives.

How to paraphrase:
Advantages= pros= benefits= plus points= fruitful aspects/respects= positives
Disadvantages = cons= drawbacks= setbacks= detrimental aspects=negatives

+ You should use 40 minutes for this task.
+ Please try to finish on time with three main parts.

It is time for your work:

1. Nowadays, more and more people are moving to big cites. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
 In recent times, numerous individuals relocate to metropolises. From my
viewpoint, the drawbacks of this trend are eclipsed by the benefits.
2. These days, people work in more than one job, and often change career several
times during their life. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
3. Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language. Do
you think this is a positive or negative social development?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working from home?


These days, more and more people are going to other countries for
significant periods of time, either to find a job or to study. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of living and working in a foreign

In recent times, taking a year out to live or study overseas has become
increasingly popular. From my viewpoint, the drawbacks of moving
overseas are eclipsed by the benefits.

As a matter of fact, there are a couple of compelling reasons why

people move away. First and foremost, going abroad can broaden
individuals’ horizons simply because they have the chance to meet
people from different cultural backgrounds and learn to cope with
foreign customs and food. This can make individuals more rounded as
a person. Secondly, moving abroad can lead to a better quality of life.
Take British people for example; thousands of citizens from the UK
move to Spain and Australia every year since these nations have
warmer climates as well as encourage a better work-life balance.

Turning to the other side of the argument, culture shock is a major

problem. Numerous people who take a year out find it hard to cope
with the language barrier, the food and general cultural differences.
This often leads to homesick and in some cases a sense of isolation.
Another drawback is that it can be hard to start a new life from
scratch. In other words, once individuals go abroad, they have to
make new friends and seek their accommodation in the community.
This process takes plenty of time as well as can be especially
challenging if there is also a language barrier to deal with.

In conclusion, starting life in a foreign country is never easy. People

need to weigh up the positives of the better lifestyle, weather as well
as knowledge, and the negatives of culture shock and language
barrier. Personally, I believe the benefits in terms of personal growth
eventually outweigh any negatives.
1. Nowadays, more and more people are moving to big cites. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
 In recent times, numerous individuals relocate to metropolises. From my
viewpoint, the drawbacks of this trend are eclipsed by the benefits.

+Big cities = metropolies=metropolitan areas = urban areas = urban centers = megacities
+move to = relocate to = emigrates.
+ adequate = decent = good >< detrimental = bad
+ basic : cơ bản
+ booming : bùng nổ
+ detrimental = bad = catastrophic:
+ enormous = big = huge
+ pressing = urgent = alarming khẩn cấp
+ staggering =surprising

1 booming
2 enormous

Cụm hay : employment and educational opportunities (cơ hội việc làm và giáo dục) are the
main attraction of urban centres.
Put an enormous strain on sb/sth (đặt 1 cái gánh nặng)
Ex: My parents put an enormous strain on me, especially my study
Myriad= much = nhiều

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