Reading Vocabulary Development Level3 GEP Facts Figures

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lesson The Kiwi

Before You Read

Look at the picture. Read the sentences.
Check (II) True, False, or Don't Know.
True False Don't Know

1. The kiwi is a kind of bird. D D D

2. The kiwi is very big. D D D
3. The kiwi lives in New Zealand. D D D

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Unit 1: Animals
1 The Kiwi
The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a very
strange bird because it cannot fly. The kiwi is the same
size as a chicken. It has no wings or tail. It does not
have feathers like other birds. Its feathers look like hair.
Each foot has four toes. Its beak is very long.
A kiwi likes to have a lot of trees around it. It sleeps
during the day because the sunlight hurts its eyes. It can
smell things very well. It smells things better than most
birds do. The kiwi's eggs are very big.
There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now.
People do not often see them. The government says that
people cannot kill kiwis. New Zealanders want their
kiwis to live.
There is a picture of a kiwi on New Zealand money.
People from New Zealand are sometimes called "kiwis."


Lesson 1: The Kiwi ---
a Vocabulary

Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.
government strange fly beak only
kill smell hurts feathers tail
wings size during
1. It sleeps the day because the sunlight _____ its eyes.
2. It is a very ______ bird because it cannot ______
3. The says that people cannot ______ kiwis.
4. It can things very well.
5. It has no or ______
6. The kiwi lives ______ in New Zealand.
7. It does not have like other birds.
8. Its ______ is very long ..
9. The kiwi is the same ______ as a chicken.

f6l Vocabulary: New Context

Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for words in the text.
during smells kill only feathers
size strange wings beak government
hurts fly tail
1. Cats and dogs _______ birds.
2. A bluebird has blue _______
3. Some students have a scholarship from their-------
4. An airplane can because it has ______
5. What are you cooking? It good.
6. My leg . I can't walk on it.
7. Most cats have a long-------
8. A person has a mouth. A bird has a _______
9. Some students are very . They want to learn English,
but they don't come to class.
10. I cannot buy this shirt. I have three dollars.
11. What shoes do you wear?


The asterisk(*) means you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. Where does the kiwi live?
2. What is a kiwi?
3. How big is a kiwi?
4. Does a kiwi have feathers?
5. Does it have a tail and wings?
*6. How many toes does it have?
7. When does a kiwi sleep?
8. Can most birds smell?
9. Why can't people kill kiwis?
*10. Why does New Zealand have a picture of a kiwi on its money?

(cl] Comprehension: True/False

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if it is false (not true). The asterisk(*) means
you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. Kiwis live in Australia and New Zealand.
__ 2. A kiwi has a tail but no wings.
__ 3. A kiwi has a big beak.
__ 4. It sleeps during the day because the sunlight hurts its eyes.
__ *5. You can see a kiwi in some zoos in New Zealand.
__ 6. The New Zealand government does not want all the kiwis to die.
__ 7. A kiwi is like most other birds.

[ej Main Idea

Circle the number of the main idea of the text.

1. The kiwi is a strange New Zealand bird.
2. The kiwi sleeps during the day and has no tail or wings.
3. New Zealanders like kiwis.

� 5
Lesson 1 : The Kiwi
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.:, ---
lesson The Camel

Before You Read

Look at the pictures. Read the sentences.

Check (11) True, False, or Don't Know.
True False Don't Know

1. Camels live in hot places. D D D

2. The camel has a tail. D D D
3. All camels have two humps on D D
their backs.

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2 The Camel
The camel can go without water for a long time.
Some people think it stores water in its hump. This is keeps
not true. It stores food in its hump. The camel's body
changes the food into fat. Then the fat is stored in the
hump. A camel cannot store the fat all over its body. everywhere on
Fat all over an animal's body keeps the animal warm.
Camels live in the desert. They do not want to be warm
during the day.
The desert is very hot. The camel gets hotter and
hotter during the day. It stores this heat in its body noun for hot
because the nights are cool. a little cold
The Arabian camel has one hump. The Bactrian
camel of Central Asia has two humps. It also has too
long, thick hair, because the winters are cold in
Central Asia.
There is a lot of sand in the desert. The camel has
long eyelashes. The eyelashes keep the sand out of the
camel's eyes.
Arabic has about 150 words to describe a camel. more or less
Many people who speak Arabic need all these words to tell about
because the camel is very important to them.

Lesson 2: The Camel

.•:it-•... 7
[ij Vocabulary

Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.
a11 over camel describe thick
also during about heat
stores cool eyelashes desert
1. Arabic has 150 words to a camel.
2. The can go without water for a long time.
3. The camel has long _______
4. Some people think it _______ water in its hump.
5. Camels live in the _______
6. It _______ has long, _______ hair, because the
winters are cold in Central Asia.
7. A camel cannot store the fat its body.
8. It stores this in its body because the nights are _____

[ti! Vocabulary: New Context

Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for words in the text . .
also eyelashes heat store
camels all over thick desert
during cool about describe
1. We milk, fruit, and vegetables in the refrigerator.
2. Fall is _______ in Canada. Winter is cold. Winter is
_______ cold in Russia.
3. Can you _______ an elephant? What does it look like?
4. There are different animals ------- the world.
5. Some people have long _______· around their eyes.
6. It does not rain very much in the _______
7. Mark's dictionary is very------· It has more than 1,000 pages.
8. We cook food with _______ from a stove.
9. Not many people ride on _______ now. They use cars.
10. Tom is 25 years old. Maybe he is 24 or 27.

� Questions

1. Where do camels live?

2. What does a camel store in its hump?
3. The camel doesn't store fat all over its body. Why?
4. Why does it store heat during the day?
5. Which kind of camel has one hump? Which has two?
6. Why does a Bactrian camel have long, thick hair?
7. Why does a camel need long eyelashes?
8. Why does Arabic have 150 words to describe a camel?

Comprehension: Multiple Choice

Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.

1. The camel can go without __ for a long time.
a. food b. water c. fat d. heat
2. It stores in its hump.
a. water b. heat c. food d. hair
3. The camel has one hump.
a. Arabian b. Bactrian c. desert d. fat
4. Long keep sand out of the camel's eyes.
a. thick hairs b. humps c. eyelashes d. ears
5. The Bactrian camel has long, thick hair because __
a. it lives in a hot desert c. winters are cold in Central Asia
b. it stores fat in its hump d. the sand gets in its eyes

fiJ Main Idea

Circle the number of the main idea of the text.

1. There are two kinds of camels.
2. The camel has a good body for life in the desert.
3. The camel stores food in its hump.

� 9
Lesson 2: The Camel •:. ---
lesson The Polar Bear

Before You Read

Look at the picture. Read the sentences.

Check (I/) True, False, or Don't Know.
True False Don't Know

1. Polar bears eat fish. D D D

2. Polar bears have long, thick hair. D D D
3. Polar bears like hot weather. D D D

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3 The Polar Bear

,..North Pole
The polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it
the polar bear because it lives inside the Arctic Circle
near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the
South Pole.
The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. At the
North Pole, there is only snow, ice, and water. There is \.South Pole
not any land. People cannot see the polar bear in the
snow very well because its coat is yellow-white. It has a·.
very warm coat because the weather is cold north of the
Arctic Circle.
This bear is three meters long, and it weighs
450 kilos (kilograms). It can stand up on its back legs
because it has very wide feet. It can use its front legs
like arms. The polar bear can swim very well. It can
swim 120 kilometers out into the water. It catches fish
and sea animals for food. It goes into the sea when it
is afraid.
Some people want to kill the polar bear for its
beautiful white coat. The governments of the United
States and Russia say that no one can kill polar bears
now. They do not want all of these beautiful animals
to die.


Lesson 3: The Polar Bear ---
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Ii] Vocabulary
Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.
polar bear South North warm
wide catches afraid weighs
bear snow swrm ice
1. The polar bear lives in the and _______
2. The is a very big white bear.
3. It goes into the sea when it is -------
4. It has a very coat because the weather is cold.
5. There are no polar bears at the Pole.
6. The polar bear can very well.
7. It lives inside the Arctic Circle near the _______ Pole.
8. It _______ fish and sea animals for food.
9. This bear is three meters long, and it _______ 450 kilos.
10: It can stand up on its back legs because it has very ______ feet.

[6j Vocabulary: New Context

Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for words in the text.
swim afraid North south
warm weigh ice wide
snow coat bears catch
1. There are brown and black _______ in North America.
2. How much do you ? Fifty kilos?
3. Winter is cold. Spring is . Fall is cool.
4. Sometimes children are of animals.
5. Do you like to in a swimming pool?
6. Italy is of France.
7. Do you want some _______ in your soft drink?
8. There is all over Canada in the winter.
9. The Sahara Desert is in Africa.
10. Tenth Street is a _______ street.
11. Can you the ball?

.�-:- ---------------------�
• Unit 1: Animals
[cl Vocabulary Review

Write C before the words or phrases about camels. Write K before the words or
phrases about kiwis.
1. stores heat in its body
2. hump
3. tail
4. big eggs
5. goes without water
6. long, thick hair
7. eyelashes
8. beak
9. desert
__ 10. wing
__ 11. hair on its body
__ 12. feather

� Questions

The asterisk(*) means you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. Why do we call the big white bear the polar bear?
2. Why can't people see the polar bear very well?
3. Why does it have a warm coat?
4. How much does it weigh?
5. What does it eat?
6. Where does it go when it is afraid?
7. Why do some people want to kill the polar bear?
8. What do the governments of Russia and the United States say?
*9. Can a polar bear live near New Zealand?
*10. Why doesn't a polar bear eat fruit and vegetables?

� 13
Lesson 3: The Polar Bear .:, ---
eI Comprehension: Multiple Choice
Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.
1. The polar bear lives ___
a. at the South Pole c. near the North Pole
b. in warm countries d. on land
2. At the North Pole, there is no ___
a. ice c. snow
b. water d. land
3. People cannot see the polar bear in the snow very well because ___
a. it has a yellow-white coat c. it can run very fast
b. it goes under the snow d. it goes into the water
4. The polar bear for food.
a. catches land animals c. catches sea animals and fish
b. looks for trees d. looks for fruit and vegetables
5. When the polar bear is afraid, it ___
a. goes into the sea c. runs away
b. goes under the snow d. stands up on its wide feet
6. The governments of Russia and the United States say that ___
a. the polar bear is beautiful c. no one can kill the polar bear
b. the polar bear has a warm coat d. the polar bear cannot live near
the North Pole

Circle the number of the main idea of the text.

1. People like to kill polar bears because they have beautiful coats.
2. Polar bears live north of the Arctic Circle in the snow and ice.
3. Polar bears live north of the Arctic Circle, eat fish and sea animals, and
have warm, yellow-white coats.

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-:. ---------------------�
• Unit 1: Animals
The Hippopotamus lesson

Before You Read

Look at the picture. Read the sentences.

Check (ti) True, False, or Don't Know.
True False Don't Know

1. The hippopotamus is big. D D D

2. It lives in the snow and ice. D D D
3. It has wings and a tail. D D D

Lesson 4: The Hippopotamus .:, ---
4 The Hippo otamus
The hippopotamus, or hippo, lives in the hot part of
Africa. It is a mammal. That is, its babies are born alive,
and they drink milk from the mother's body.
The hippopotamus is a large animal. It weighs four big
tons. Its stomach is seven meters long, and it eats only
plants. It is a mammal, but it spends a lot of time in
the water.
During the day, it sleeps beside a river or a lake. at the side of
Sometimes it wakes up. Then it goes under the water to
get some plants for food. It can close its nose and stay
under water for ten minutes. Its ears, eyes, and nose are
high up on its head. It can stay with its body under the
water and only its ears, eyes, and nose above the water. over
Then it can breathe the air.
At night, the hippo walks on the land and looks for
food. It never goes very far from the water.
A baby hippo often stands on its mother's back. The
mother looks for food underwater. The baby rides on
her back above the water.

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.. Unit 1: Animals
[al Vocabulary

Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.
stomach stay beside mammal
breathe lake plants spends
above alive large high
1. The hippopotamus is a ------- animal.
2. During the day, it sleeps ______ a nver or a------
3. It is a-------
4. Its is seven meters long, and it eats only______
5. It can close its nose and under water for ten minutes.
6. It can stay with its body under the water and only its ears, eyes, and nose
------- the water.
7. Then it can _______ the air.
8. It is a mammat but it ------- a lot of time in the water.
9. Its eyes, ears, and nose are up on its head.

[6l Vocabulary: New Context

Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for words in the text.
beside large stays mammal spend nose
plants lake above breathe stomach high
1. The camel is a _______ , but the kiwi is a bird.
2. Food goes from your mouth into your-------
3. How do you smell a beautiful flower? You in
through your nose.
4. Hippos eat . Polar bears eat fish and sea animals.
5. I want to talk to you. Please sit me.
6. Tom likes to his free time in the Student Union.
He ------- there a few hours every day.
7. Birds can fly the trees.
8. Geneva is a beautiful lake in Switzerland.
9. The polar bear is a ------- animal. It is very big.
10. New York City has a lot of buildings.
Lesson 4: The Hippopotamus .:, ---
Vocabulary Review

Put a circle ar�und the letter of the best answer.

1. Can you __ a polar bear? What does it look like?
a. hurt b. describe c. catch d. store
2. Many birds fly in the winter to a warmer place.
a. north b. wing c. south d. wide
3. These birds fly in the summer to a cooler place.
a. north b. wing c. south d. wide
4. Roses beautiful.
a. swim b. catch C. smell d. hurt
5. The kiwi is a bird.
a. strange b. warm c. hurt d. wide
6. My hand . I can't write.
a. flies b. catches C. smells d. hurts


The asterisk(*) means you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. Where does the hippopotamus live?
*2. Is a kiwi a mammal?
3. How long is a hippo's stomach?
4. Does a hippo eat meat?
5. Why does a hippo go under water?
6. How can it stay under water for ten minutes?
*7. Can it breathe under water? Why?
8. What does it do at night?
9. Where does a baby hippo ride?
*10. Is a bear a mammal?

Comprehension: True/False/No Information

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if it is false. Write NI if there is no

information about the sentence in the text.
__ 1. Hippo babies are born alive.
__ 2. Hippos eat plants.
__ 3. Hippos live under water.
__ 4. A hippo can close its eyes.
__ 5. A hippo breathes under water.
__ 6. A hippo looks for food on the land during the day.
__ 7. A hippo has long eyelashes to keep water out of its eyes.

Main Idea

Circle the number of the main idea of the text.

1. The hippopotamus is a large African animal that spends a lot of time in the
water and eats plants.
2. The hippopotamus has its eyes, ears, and nose high up on its head.
3. The hippopotamus walks on the land at night, and it sleeps during the day.

� 19
Lesson 4: The Hippopotamus .:, ---
lesson The Dolphin

Before You Read

Look at the picture. Read the sentences.

Check (II) True, False, or Don't Know.
True False Don't Know

1. Dolphins are mammals. D D D

2. Dolphins live in water. D D D
3. Dolphins can swim very well. D D D

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Unit 1: Animals
5 The Dolphin

Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can't talk with

words, but they talk with sounds. They show their
feelings with sounds.
Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a three or more people
or animals
"school." They don't study, but they travel together.
Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together
in a school.
Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school.
They give information. They tell when they are happy
or sad or afraid. They say "Welcome" when a dolphin
comes back to the school. They talk when they play.
They make a few sounds above water. They make
many more sounds under water. People cannot hear
these sounds because the sounds are very, very high.
Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.
Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large
aquarium. (An aquarium is a zoo for fish.) People can
watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don't like to be
away from their school in an aquarium. They are sad
and lonely.
There are many stories about dolphins. They help
people. Sometimes they save somebody's life. Dolphin
meat is good, but people don't like to kill them. They
say that dolphins bring good luck. Many people
believe this.

� 21
Lesson 5: The Dolphin .:, ---

-Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.
together luck travel believe
dolphins lonely group feelings
save show sounds scientists
1. Dolphins _______ ma----- --
2. Sometimes they _______ somebody's life.
3. Can _______ talk?
4. They are sad and·------ -
5. They _______ their with sounds.
6. make tapes of their sounds and study them.
7. Many people this.
8. They don't study, but they travel _______
9. Maybe they can't talk with words, but they talk with ______
10. They say dolphins bring good _______

Vocabulary: New Context

Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for the words in the text.
lonely dolphin together save
sounds believe scientists stories
show travel feels group
1. The is a mammal, but it lives in the sea.
2. Many students at a large university feel . They don't
have many friends.
3. Do you like to _______ to different countries?
4. Please me your picture.
5. Children like to play in the snow.
6. There is a _______ of Omani students in our class.
7. Is it true? Do you _______ it?
8. study animals and many other things.
9. She happy today because it's warm outside.
10. You must your money. Don't spend it on a new car.
11. It is difficult to pronounce some English -------

.. ----------------------
Unit 1: Animals
[cl Vocabulary Review
Put each word in the correct group in the chart. Some words go in both groups.
eyelashes hump wmg feather
tail beak nose arm
leg stomach hand eyes

Parts of an Animal's Body Parts of a Person's Bodv

@) Questions
The asterisk(*) means you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. Can dolphins talk?
2. What is a school of dolphins?
3. What do dolphins talk about?
4. When do they say "Welcome"?
5. Do they make more sounds above water or under water?
6. Can people hear dolphin sounds? Why?
7. How does a dolphin feel in an aquarium?
*8. Do dolphins bring good luck?
*9. Dolphins are not fish. What is the difference between dolphins and fish?

Lesson 5: The Dolphin ., �

eI ComQrehension: Multiple Choice

Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.

1. Dolphins talk with ___
a. words b. their hands c. sounds d. music
2. Dolphins talk when they __
a. play b. listen c. show d. kill
3. They make more sounds __
a. above water b. under water c. for tapes d. in school
4. Scientists study __ of dolphins.
a. shows b. schools c. aquariums d. tapes
5. Dolphins like to be __
a. at an aquarium b. in their school c. lonely d. on a tape
6. What sentence is not true?
a. A dolphin can save a person's life.
b. People like to watch dolphins.
c. Dolphins always bring good luck.
d. A dolphin can talk with sounds.

f Main Idea
Circle the number of the main idea of the text.
1. Dolphins use words to show how they feel and to give information.
2. Dolphins travel together and talk with sounds.
3. Dolphins live in the sea and in aquariums.
4. The dolphin is a mammal, and scientists can tape it.

- -------------------- --
Unit 1: Animals
laJ Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to somebody.

Examples: My car is new. Their hair is thick.
Singular Plural
I-my we-our
you-your you-your
she-her they-their
Put the right pronoun in each blank.
1. The camel stores food in _______ hump.
2. Maria likes classes this year.
3. I use _______ dictionary every day.
4. Polar bears use front legs like arms.
5. Do you have cassette tapes with you?
6. Scientists listen to _______ tapes.
7. Carlos and his family swim in ------- pool
every day.
8. David drives _______ car to class.
9. We go to the university on _______ bicycles.
10. A baby hippo rides on mother's back.

Word Study
[Ii] Verbs: Present Tense
Put an s on the simple verb to make the present tense. Do not put an s
on the simple verb if it goes with I, you, we, or they.
a dolphin plays I play
a girl plays you play
a man plays we play
she plays they play
he plays
it plays

IC I Spelling
1. When a simple verb ends in y with a consonant before it,
change the y to i and add -es.
fly-:- flies study-studies
2. When a simple verb ends in y with a vowel before it, add -s.
play-plays say - says
3. When a simple verb ends in s, ch, sh, x, or z, add -es.
catch-catches finish-finishes
4. Irregular verbs:
be-am, is, are go-goes do-does have-has
Change each sentence to make a new one. Use the word or words in
parentheses. Sometimes you must change other words, too.
Example: (I) They study every day.
I study every day.
(a polar bear) 1. We catch fish and eat them.
(they) 2. Mike usually flies home.
(I) 3. Betty has a beautiful plant in her living room.
(people) 4. David likes dolphin shows.
(we) 5. They travel only in the summer.
(a dolphin) 6. You play in the water.
(they) 7. We go swimming in a lake in summer.
(Tom) 8. I usually finish my work early.
(a mammal) 9. People are born alive.
(Ann and Bill) 10. Ali does his homework in the afternoon.

Sometimes we compare two things. We tell how they are
different. Add -er to short words (words with only one syllable)
to compare two things. Use than with the word ending in -er.
Examples: A camel is big.
A polar bear is bigger than a camel.
Carlos is 20 years old. David is 18.
Carlos is older than David.
Spelling: If a word has one syllable with one vowel in the
middle and one consonant at the endJ double the consonant
when you add -er. This is the one-one-one (1-1-1) rule.
Examples: big - bigger hot - hotter
Put the right comparison form in each sentence.
(strange) 1. A kiwi is a bluebird.
(thick) 2. A Bactrian camel's hair is an
Arabian camel's hair.
(hot) 3. Oman is Switzerland.
(warm) 4. Italy is France.
(large) 5. Saudi Arabia is Kuwait.
(tall) 6. Marie is Masako.
(fat) 7. John is Robert.
(young) 8. My sister is my brother.
(cold) 9. Ice is water.
(small) 10. A dolphin is a polar bear.

e Writing
Use real information to write your answers.
1. Which animal in Unit 1 is the most interesting to you? Why?
2. Describe an important animal in your country.
3. What can some animals do that people cannot do?

-:. 27
Word Study .:, ---
(a: Before You Watch

1. What do you already know about dolphins? Write one fact.

2. What do you want to know about dolphins? Write a question.

3. Study the map. Then complete the sentence�.

Honduras is between Guatemala and ________
The north coast of Honduras is on the ________ Sea.

f6] As You Watch

What mammals are in the video?

fish camels dolphins
people polar bears

C After You Watch

1. Use the diagram below.

Write the letters of facts that are only true for people in the
left circle.
Write the letters of facts that are only true for dolphins in the
right circle.
Write the letters of facts that are true for both dolphins and
people in the middle.
a. live in the sea e. have arms and legs
b. live on land f. eat fish
c. can talk to each other g. swim together in schools
d. are mammals h. make sounds under water

People Dolphins

b f a

2. What is the most interesting fact you learned from the video?
Write it here, and then discuss it with your classmates.

� 29
Video Highlights .:, ---
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[al Crossword Puzzle

1 3 4

2 7 8

1. Camels, humans, and dolphins are all _______
2. Both dolphins and humans have these.
6. A large body of water
9. This land mammal lives in the desert and has a hump.
2. This helps a dolphin to swim.
3. Possessive form of I
4. Scientists study the _______ dolphins make
under water.
7. A hippopotamus is not small; it's _______
8. Same as #6 across

[61 Guess the Animal

Do this activity with a partner.

1. Think of an animal from Lessons 1-5.Do not tell your partner.
2. Your partner asks three questions.Each question must begin
with "Does it ..." or "Is it ...."
Examples: Is it a mammal?
Does it live on land?
Is it white?
3. Answer your partner's questions with "Yes" or "No." Your
partner tries to guess the name of the animal.

Activity Page .::, ---
o�'.>:!' ol,,j '5'.Y'
Finding Antonyms
Antonyms are words that are opposite (or nearly opposite) in
meaning. For example, the words large and small are antonyms.
Not all words have an antonym.
1. A good dictionary gives antonyms for many words. Read the
dictionary definition below. What is an antonym for the word
warm adjective
1 having heat, but not hot: I like warm
summer days.
2 friendly: Her friends love her for her warm
smile. See: hot. Antonym: cool.
2. Match each word in Column A with its antonym in Column B.
Write the letter of the antonym to the right of the word in
Column A. Use your dictionary to check your work.
Column A Column B
high a. outside
same b. down
long ___ c. cold
big __ d. false
true ___ e. low
hot __ f. short
inside __ g. small
up ___ h. different
3. Work with a partner. One person is Partner A, and the other is
Partner B. Partner A reads a sentence aloud. Partner B repeats the
sentence, using not with an antonym for the underlined word.
Example: A: It's hot in the desert.
B: It's not cold in the desert.
a. That story is false.
b. My car is small.
c. His hair is short.

32 11.� �--------------------�
.• Unit 1: Animals
For each sentence, choose the word, phrase, or symbol that means the
same as the word in bold type. Do not use your dictionary. The bold
words are new in this unit.
1. Sarah is in the hospital. I plan to visit her at the hospital this
a. take c. hate
b. go to see d. drive to her house
2. Can you express your feelings with your hands?
a. hear c. show
b. believe d. kill
3. Eating good food affects your health. It can make you feel
a. changes c. kills
b. equals d. yawns
4. Cola drinks are popular all over the world.
a. liked by many people c. hated by many people
b. natural d. possible
5. People started to make things with machines during the
century from 1800 to 1900.
a. ten years c. a hundred years
b. fifty years d. a thousand years
6. When you add two and two, you get four.
a. + b. - c. X d.
7. Some bands are small, with just three or four musicians.
a. towns c. groups of musicians
b. countries d. groups of museums

1-0-6- fJ .,---------------U -t
n i_4_ : M-us-ic
8. Mr. Baker has his own company. The company sells fruit and
vegetables to supermarkets.
a. business b. motorcycle c. car d. job
9. It's dangerous to talk on the telephone while you drive your
a. after c. when
b. before d. but
10. Bill and Paul planned to go to Europe together. Then Bill got
sick, so Paul went alone.
a. in a group C. quickly
b. by himself d. by ship

______ i1 107
Context Clues � "
lesson Music and Behavior

Before You Read

Look at the picture. Read the sentences.

Check (ti) True, False, or Don't Know.
True False Don't Know

1. You often hear music in restaurants. D D D

2. Music helps you relax. D D D
3. Music helps you think better. D D D

Unit 4: Music
1 Music and Behavior
Where did you go yesterday? Did you hear music at
any of those places? There is a good chance that you
did. Today most stores and restaurants play music. You
might even hear music in an office or on a farm.
Scientists believe that music affects the way people changes
behave. According to some scientists, the sound of act, do things
western classical music (Mozart and Bach) makes
people feel richer. When a restaurant plays classical
music, people spend more money on food and drinks.
When the restaurant plays modem music, people spend
less money. With no background music, people spend
even less.
Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes having a strong sound
people eat faster. People actually chew their food faster
when the music gets faster. Some restaurants play fast
music during their busy hours. This gets people to eat
faster and leave quickly. Restaurants can make more
money this way.
Some scientists think that music makes you think
and learn better. They say that music helps students to
be more alert. It is true that people learn better when
they are relaxed. And listening to music can help
you relax.
The next time you hear music somewhere, be
careful. It might change the way you behave.

______ r1 109
Lesson l : Music and Behavior � J
a Vocabulary
Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.
affects careful loud office
background farm alert chew
behave classical music scientists
1. Studies also show that------, fast music makes people eat faster.
2. You might even hear music in an or on a farm.
3. The next time you hear music somewhere, be -------
4. According to some scientists, the sound of western _______
music (Mozart and Bach) makes people feel richer.
5. Did you hear _______ at any of these places?
6. With no music, people spend even less.
7. People actually their food faster when the music gets faster.
8. Scientists beli�:ve that music the way people _____

b Vocabulary: New Context

Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for words in the text.
affect believe loud office
background chew careful better
sound classical music behave
1. You should ______ your food well. You don't want to get
a stomachache.
2. Her is very small. There is only a desk and a chair in it.
3. The children can't go to the movies this week because they didn't
_______ well at school.
4. We couldn't study because there was a loud noise in the ______
5. What is your favorite kind of ?
6. You should be _______ when you drive your car.
7. music can hurt your ears.
8. Laughter can your feelings. Usually it makes you feei better.

Unit 4: Music
[cJ Vocabulary Review

Underline the word that does not belong with the other two.
1. camel, dolphin, rice
2. hate, raise, produce
3. wonderful, boring, lovely
4. eastern, western, even
5. seeds, soil, skin
6. date, orange, exercise
7. government, art museum, aquarium
8. farm, roof, office

d Questions

The asterisk(*) means you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. What kind of music makes people feel richer?
*2. Why do some restaurants play classical music?
3. Why do some restaurants play fast music?
4. How can you get people to chew their food faster?
*5. Why is there background music in some offices?
6. How might music help you to learn better?

e Comprehension: True/False/No Information

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence iffalse. Write NI if there is no
information about the sentence in the text.
___ Mozart and Bach wrote classical music.
___ 2.
Music can affect how quickly someone eats.
__ 3.
It's possible that music can help you learn better.
__ 4.
Some restaurants use music to make more money.
__ 5.
People in restaurants spend more money when they hear loud,
fast music.
__ 6. Office workers are more productive when they listen to music.

______ �r111 111

Lesson 1 : Music and Behavior
m Main Idea

Circle the number of the main idea of the text.

1. Music affects the way people behave.
2. Loud, fast music makes people eat faster.
3. Music might make you think and learn better.

Unit 4: Music
Blues and Jazz lesson

Before You Read

Look at the picture. Read the sentences.

Check (ti) True, False, or Don't Know.
True False Don't Know

1. Jazz is a type of music. D D D

2. Jazz is different from classical D D D

3. Some jazz musicians play D D D

the guitar.

______ i1 113
Lesson 2: Blues and Jazz � -
2 Blues and Jazz
People from Europe and America brought Africans
to America as slaves before and during the nineteenth
century. These Africans brought their music with them. 100 years
After the American Civil War (1861-1865), the African
American people in the United States were not slaves.
Their African American music became famous. It started
in the South, in Louisiana and Mississippi. Then it
traveled to the North. This music became the blues and
then jazz.
Blues and jazz became very popular in the twentieth liked by many people
century. A person who "sings the blues" feels sad.
Usually he or she lost something-a person, or maybe
money or a job. Blues songs express sad feelings, say or tell
sometimes in a funny way. People played the blues first
with only one or two instruments, for example, a guitar,
a harmonica, or sometimes a piano. Sometimes they
sang without any instruments. Some famous blues
musicians and singers are Bessie Smith, John Lee
Hooker, and B. B. King. B. B. King named his
guitar "Lucille."
Jazz came soon after blues. Composers added more music writers; put in,+
musical instruments. Jazz can be happier than the blues
and is often faster. Some famous jazz musicians are
Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, and �
Wynton Marsalis. �--
Musicians who play blues and jazz change the music
to express their feelings. They play the music differently
each time. People all over the world still like to listen to
blues and jazz.

Unit 4: Music
a Vocabulary
Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.
century popular added feelings
listen express guitar composers
usually instruments slaves harmonica
blues jazz listen piano
1. This music became and then _______
2. People from Europe and America brought Africans to America as
_____ before and during the nineteenth ______
3. Blues and jazz became very in the 20th century.
4. People played blues first with only one or two , for example,
a-----, a -----, or sometimes a _____
5. Blues songs sad feelings, sometimes in a funny way.
6. more musical instruments.

Vocabulary: New Context

Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for words in the text.
century popular add piano
listen composed express guitar
usually instrument slaves harmonica
feelings blues jazz composer
1. There are one hundred years in a _______
2. You play the and the _______ with your
hands but not your mouth.
3. You play the _______ with your mouth and hands.
4. Can you these numbers? 456 + 142 + 862 =?
5. Some people their feelings by crying or laughing.
6. Mozart classical music.
7. John Lee Hooker sings the , and Wynton Marsalis
plays _______
8. The piano is a musical _______
9. The dolphin is a _______ animal at an aquarium.
10. worked on American farms in the nineteenth century.

Lesson 2: Blues and Jazz �
11 5
C Vocabulary Review
Match each word in Column A with the word or phrase in Column B that means the
same. Write the letter on the line following the word in Column A.
Column A Column B
1. ago a. act
2. however __ b. the top of a house
3. listen __ c. new
4. affect __ d. not quiet
5. modern __ e. before now
6. lovely __ f. hear
7. thin __ g. beautiful
8. rice __ h. a kind of shoe
9. behave __ i. change
10. roof __ j. not fat
11. sandal __ k. an important food for many people
12. loud __ 1. but

d Questions
The asterisk(*) means you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. Why did European and American people bring Africans to America
before and during the nineteenth century?
2. Where did blues and jazz start?
3. When did blues and jazz become very popular?
4. How does a person who "sings the blues" feel?
*5. When do you feel like singing the blues?
6. With what instruments did people first play the blues?
7. What is the name of B. B. King's guitar?
*8. Why do you think B. B. King gave his guitar a name?
*9. What is the difference between jazz and blues?
*10. Why are blues and jazz popular all over the world?

1 6_JJ
Unit 4: Music
e Comprehension: True/False
Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. The asterisk (*)
means you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
Blues and jazz come from African music.
The American Civil War ended in 1865.
Jazz and blues started in the southern part of Europe.
A person who "sings the blues" feels happy because he
found something.
__ *5. If someone gives you a million dollars, you will sing the blues.
6. People can sing the blues with no instruments.
7. John Lee Hooker is a famous blues musician.
8. Jazz is sometimes happier music than the blues.
9. Musicians play jazz and blues the same way each time.

[!J Main Idea

Circle the number of the main idea of the text.
1. The nineteenth century was an important time for American music.
2. Jazz is happier music than blues.
3. Jazz and blues are two important types of African American music.

11 7
Lesson 2: Blues and Jazz
lesson Rock and Roll

Before You Read

Look at the picture. Read the sentences.

Check (.-') True, False, or Don't Know.
True False Don't Know

1. Rock and roll is popular today. D D D

2. Rock and roll musicians don't D D D
play instruments.

3. Rock and roll music is loud. D D D

1 8_JJ
Unit 4: Music
3 Rock and Roll
Rock and roll came from jazz and the blues during
the 1950s. One of the first rock and roll songs was Bill o�1�1 ot,,j /!:.?.>"
Haley's "Rock Around the Clock." One of the first very
famous rock and roll singers was Elvis Presley. Others
were Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry. Now almost every
country has many rock and roll bands and singers.
Sometimes performers call their music by different
names, like "rap" or "punk." They sing and play
mixtures of rock and roll and talking or other sounds. two or more things put
together (noun form of
Rap and punk both came from rock and roll, or mix)
rock music.
Some fans who like rock music think that classical
music is boring. Many fans play rock music very loudly.
They forget about the people who enjoy soft music. not loud
Loud music can make these people nervous. Many fans
also like to dance to rock and roll.
When rock and roll was new, people had only
records to play the music at home. After that, people
used cassette tapes and records. Now we listen to music
on compact discs (often called CDs). Most modem

bands and singers pay companies to make videos of
their songs. With videos, fans can see the performers
at the same time that they listen to the music. Making
compact disc
a recording and the video that goes with it is
very expensive.

J J9
Lesson 3: Rock and Roll
[al Vocabulary
Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.
soft records nervous fans
composers performers mixtures companies
baskets raise bands compact discs
1. Most modem bands and singers pay ------· to make videos of
their songs.
2. Some who like rock music think that classical music is boring.
3. They forget about the people who enjoy music.
4. Loud music can make these people _______
5. Now almost every country has many rock and roll _______
and singers.
6. When rock and roll was new, people had only _______ to play
the music at home.
7. Now we listen to music on _______
8. Sometimes _______ call their music by different names, like
"rap" or "punk."
9. They sing and play _______ of rock and roll and talking or
other sounds.

[b] Vocabulary: New Context

Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for words in the text.
soft company nervous boring
mixture records cassettes compact discs
raise fan band performer
1. Hot chocolate is a _______ of chocolate, sugar, and milk.
2. Ahmed works for a large in Riyadh.
3. Elvis Presley was a wonderful _______
4. Students are usually _______ before a big test.
5. Loud music is not good for our ears, but music is okay.
6. Are you a of rock and roll or classical music?

Unit 4: Music
7. A large played at Laura 1 s wedding.
8. are more expensive than tapes.
9. People listened to music from only at home, not in
their cars.

CI Vocabulary Review

Match each word in Column A with the word or phrase in Column B that means the
opposite. Write the letter on the line following the word in Column A.
Column A Column B
1. calm a. east
2. thin b. soft
3. loud c. nobody
4. different d. thick
5. before e. save
6. store f. throw away
7. west g. after
8. all over h. nowhere
9. spend i. same
10. warm j. cool
11. somebody k. nervous

[d1 Questions

The asterisk(*) means you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. What are rap and punk?
*2. Who was Bill Haley?
3. Where did rock and roll come from?
*4. Why do some rock and roll fans think that classical music is boring?
5. In the 1950s, what did people use to play rock and roll music at home?
6. Why do some fans like videos better than cassette tapes or compact discs?
7. Is it cheap to make a video?
8. Some people don't like loud music. Why?
9. Who were Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, and Chuck Berry?
*10. Why does almost every country have many rock bands and singers?

______ �i1" 121

Lesson 3: Rock and Roll
feJ Comprehension: Multiple Choice .
Put a circle around the letter of the best answer.
1. Many rock and roll fans like to the music.
a. dance to b. collect c. listen to d. listen and dance to
2. Bill Haley's "Rock Around the Clock" was one of the first songs.
a. blues b. rap c. rock and roll d. punk
3. Rap is a of rock and roll and talking.
a. mixture b. record c. performer d. company
4. Many fans like their rock music __
a. soft b. nervous c. loud d. boring
5. Rock and roll came classical music.
a. before b. after c. during d. at the same time as
6. The first rock and roll fans listened to "Rock Around the Clock" on a --
a. video b. cassette tape c. compact disc d. record
7. Elvis Presley was a famous
a. farmer b. performer c. band d. company
8. Rock and roll began about years ago.
a. 10 b. 100 c. 50 d. 25

l Main Idea
Circle the number of the main idea of the text.
1. Rock and roll is a popular type of modem music.
2. Most rock and roll music is loud.
3. Many rock performers make videos of their songs.

122 fJ Unit 4: Music

Country-Western Music lesson

Before You Read

Look at the picture. Read the sentences.

Check (V') True, False, or Don't Know.
True False Don't Know

1. Country-western music is D D D
good dance music.

2. You need a guitar to play D D

country-western music.

3. Country-western music is loud. D D D

Lesson 4: Country-Western Music
u�l.>:!1 01.,,j t!;;?>"
4 Country-Western
Country-western music is very old. It came from
the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Great Britain.
Country-western music is a mixture of music from all of
these places.
In the American West, cowboys had to take care of
the cattle. They had to watch them all day and all night
because the cattle were nervous and sometimes ran
away. A cowboy's life was lonely and dangerous. When
he was alone with the cattle, he drank strong coffee to
stay awake at night. He also sang music to the cattle to
calm them. He sang about the stars and the moon, about make quiet
his family and his friends. The cattle listened to the
cowboy and went to sleep. They did not run away if he
sang beautiful, peaceful music.
The cowboys also sang music when they traveled to
town to relax and have a good time. Sometimes they
played either guitars or harmonicas. Later they used
violins and other instruments.
In the American South, many people came from
Ireland, Scotland, and England. Other people came from
French Canada. They enjoyed their own kind

of music. They used guitars, violins, and harmonicas,
too. They also added instruments from their homes, like
bottles, cans, and spoons. When they visited their
friends and families on holidays like Thanksgiving, they bottle can
usually sang and played country music.
Country-western music describes life. It talks about
love, jobs, home, and money. People in many parts of
the world like country-western music because everyone
knows something about these ideas. Also, many fans of
this music wear western clothes and dance together to
country-western music. Many bands all over the world
now perform country-western music.

Unit 4: Music
a Vocabulary

Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.
dangerous bottles cattle calm
either peaceful listened cans
alone visited violins country
1. When he was _______ with the cattle, he drank strong coffee
to stay awake at night.
2. When they their friends and families on holidays like
Thanksgiving, they usually sang and played country music.
3. They also added instruments from their homes, like _______
-------, and spoons.
4. Cowboys had to take care of the _______
5. A cowboy's life was lonely and _______
6. Sometimes they played _______ guitars or harmonicas.
7. He also sang music to the cattle to _______ them.
8. They did not run away if he sang beautiful, _______ music.
9. Later they used _______ and other instruments.

b Vocabulary: New Context

Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for words in the text.
dangerous bottles cattle stars
either peaceful cans calms
alone visit country violin
1. It is to drive a car on icy roads.
2. You can buy vegetables and soup in _______
3. You can buy orange juice in cans and _______
4. Those children their grandparents every week.
5. When a war ends, the countries are _______
6. _______ are mammals.
7. Some people do not like to be _______
8. Mario wants to study ______ the guitar or the ______
9. Sometimes classical music animals and people.

______ �i111 125

Lesson 4: Country-Western Music
[cl Vocabulary Review

Underline the word that does not belong with the other three.

1. blues, jazz, mammals, rock and roll

2. calm, beside, relaxed, not nervous
3. around, eastern, southern, western
4. violin, guitar, cassette, harmonica
5. cattle, fans, composers, performers
6. grass, jazz, rice, palm
7. lovely, sweet, afraid, wonderful
8. listen, relax, express, slave


The asterisk(*) means you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. Where did country-western music come from?
*2. Why was a cowboy's life dangerous?
3. When did the cowboys sing?
4. What instruments do people use to play country-western music?
*5. Where did many people .in the American South come from?
6. When people in the American South visited their families on holidays,
what did they do to have a good time?
7. What does country-western music talk about?
8. Why do people all over the world like country-western music?

126 r1
Unit 4: Music

e Com rehension: True/False/No Information

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. Write NI if there is no
information about the sentence in the text.
__ 1. Many fans like to dance to country�western music.
__ 2. Country-western music is new.
__ 3. Country-western music came from the American West and the
American South.
__ 4. The cattle became calm when they listened to the cowboys' songs.
__ 5. Cowboys sometimes had to stay awake all night.
__ 6. Cowboys always stayed alone with the cattle.
__ 7. Many people in the American South came from Malaysia, China,
and eastern Australia.
__ 8. Country singers sing about unusual ideas.
__ 9. Some fans enjoy country-western music instead of rock and roll.

[i] Main Idea

Circle the number of the main idea of the text.
1. Guitars and violins are popular instruments for country-western music.
2. Cowboys sang country-western music because it helped them relax.
3. Country-western music describes life.

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lesson Latin Music and Salsa

Before You Read

Look at the picture. Read the sentences.

Check (ti) True, False, or Don't Know.
True False Don't Know

1. Latin music is loud. D D D

2. Latin music is good dance music. D D D
3. Latin music is from Africa. D D D

Unit 4: Music
5 Latin Music and Salsa
Latin music is very common in countries where
people speak Spanish or Portuguese. However, people
all over the world can enjoy it. This music comes from
Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South
America. Salsa is one kind of Latin music. Big cities like
Miami, New York, San Juan, Havana, and Panama City
have their own kinds of salsa.
Latin music is a mixture of European music and
African music. It has a strong beat. Many years ago,
people played Latin music mostly on guitars with
drums, but now whole orchestras with lots of other
instruments play it. Composers of Latin music express
their feelings in their music. Sometimes they are very
happy, and sometimes they are sad. Ruben Blades and
Juan Luis Guerra are two famous modern Latin
American composers. They perform their own music
with their own orchestras.
People play salsa and other Latin music at home or
when they visit their friends. Sometimes salsa fans play �cards
cards in the afternoon or at night on weekends or
holidays while they listen to Latin music. Some people when, at the same time
bring guitars and play them while they sing. The other
people relax and enjoy the music, but they don't stop
playing cards. They roast or bake food in the oven or
fry it on top of the stove in oil. When the food is ready,
they stop playing cards. They listen to the music while
they eat. The food tastes good.
People who dance enjoy Latin music because it is
easy to dance to. The beat is very strong. Dancers can
move their whole bodies. They can dance alone or with
someone. Other people enjoy listening to Latin music.
Usually the words are in Spanish or Portuguese, but
sometimes they are in English or another language.
Many Latin songs have beautiful words, but if a person
does not understand them, it is not important. A person
can still enjoy the music. The sound is international.

Lesson 5: Latin Music and Salsa
[!J Vocabulary

Put the right word in each blank. The sentences are from the text.
oven beat common fry
international cards while bake
orchestras enjoy roast tastes
1. Sometimes salsa fans play _______ in the afternoon or at night
on weekends or holidays they listen to Latin music.
2. Latin music is very in countries where people speak
Spanish or Portuguese.
3. They or ______ food in the
_______ or _______ it on top of the stove in oil.
4. The food _______ good.
5. It has a strong _______
6. The sound is _______
7. Many years ago, people played Latin music mostly on guitars with drums,
but now whole with lots of other instruments play it.
8. However, people all over the world can it.

(!,j Vocabulary: New Context

Put the right word in each blank. These are new sentences for words in the text.
beat common cards oven
baked enJoy while tastes
roast international fry orchestra
1. Rita usually listens to music _______ she studies.
2. Carmen a chocolate cake yesterday.
3. Many people playing soccer.
4. Do you know how to play ?
5. Sometimes we meat in oil on top of the stove. We
bake or food in the _______
6. There is a dance tomorrow night for the _______ students.
7. Rock and roll fans enjoy the of the music.

Unit 4: Music
8. Classical music is _ _____ all over the world.
9. Chocolate cake better than grass.

fcJ Vocabulary Review
Put the right word in each blank.
express boring describe fan
protect relax instrument dangerous
museum even sections around
1. This television program is . It's not interesting.
2. Can you salsa?
3. What is your favorite musical ?
4. Music is a way to feelings.
5. Some people love jazz. They listen to it during breakfast.
6. Most people like to after work or class.
7. There are _______ 200 students in the English program.
8. What do you do to your CDs?
9. Are you a of rock and roll?
10. The book has four . Each one is about a different subject.
11. There are some beautiful new photographs in the art-------
12. Bears are , but dolphins are not.


The asterisk (*) means you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. Where does Latin music come from?
2. What is salsa?
3. Name some cities that have their own types of salsa.
4. What kinds of music were mixed to get Latin music?
*5. Why does Latin music have a strong beat?
6. Who are Juan Luis Guerra and Ruben Blades?
*7. What are some things to do while you are listening to Latin music?
8. What is the difference between roasting and frying?
9. How does a person dance to Latin music?
*10. How is Latin music different from the blues or country-western music?

Lesson 5: Latin Music and Salsa
J 3J
eI Comprehension: True/False

Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. The asterisk(*) means
you have to think of the answer. You cannot find it in the text.
1. Caribbean countries have salsa.
2. Both African music and European music are part of Latin music.
3. Ruben Blades usually performs with Juan Luis Guerra's orchestra.
4. Latin music does not express feelings.
5. Latin food tastes good.
6. It is difficult to dance to Latin music.
7. If you don't understand Spanish, you can't enjoy Latin music.
8. Salsa fans sometimes listen to Latin music while they play cards.
__ *9. If you want to dance to music, it's important to listen to the beat.
__ 10. Many Latin songs have beautiful words.

Main Idea
Write the letters of the supporting details after the topics. Some supporting details are
about more than one topic.
1. Country Music _______ 4. Blues ______
2. Rock and Roll ______ 5. Latin Music _______
3. Classical Music _______
Supporting Details
a. It is common in countries where people speak Spanish.
b. It began during the 1950s.
c. Musicians play it differently each time.
d. Videos of its performers are very popular.
e. B. B. King plays it on "Lucille."
f. Bach and Mozart composed some of it.
g. People like to dance to it.
h. Cowboys sang this to their cattle.
i. People in the American South who came from Ireland, Scotland, and
England sang this.
j. It came from the African slaves' music.
Unit 4: Music
a Forming Questions: Past Tense
The verb be: Put was or were before the subject.
Example: subject
Tom was home last night.
Was Tom home last night?
Other verbs: Put did at the beginning of the sentence. Use the
simple verb.
Example: subject verb
The farmers planted corn last spring.
Did the farmers plant corn last spring?
Change these sentences to past tense questions.
1. The dancers listened to the music.
2. The orchestra ate dinner ·after the performance.
3. The meat was in the oven for two hours.
4. The cowboys raised cattle in the country.
5. The cook fried some thin pieces of meat.
6. The band sold compact discs to fans at the nightclub.
7. The blues singers were asleep on the bus.
8. Our neighbor went to San Francisco to hear Wynton Marsalis.

Iii] Irregular Verbs

Memorize these irregular verbs. Put the right verb form in each blank.
Simple Verb Past Tense Simple Verb Past Tense
do did go went
� � �w �w
see saw sell sold

Word Study
(do) 1. Carlos his homework early
(get) 2. Did you a good grade on your
(see) 3. Helen her friends at the
Student Union this morning at breakfast time.
(go) 4. They to the football game last
(give) 5. We our mother a birthday
present every year.
(sell) 6. Did the Browns their house?
(be) 7. Paul and Robert at home last
(grow) 8. Coffee in Brazil.
(think) 9. I of the answer after the
teacher asked someone else.
(take) 10. Will you the test next month?
(eat) 11. We pizza for lunch yesterday.
(come) 12. All the students to the class
party last night.

-ly Adverbs

An adverb describes a verb. Many adverbs end in -ly. We can add
-ly to many adjectives to make adverbs .
Example: slow - slowly
Spelling: If the word ends in y, change the y to i.
easy - easily happy - happily
If the word ends in -ble, drop the le.
possible - possibly

134 JJ Unit 4: Music

Add -ly to each adjective. Then use the correct adverb in each blank.
Underline the verb.
easy different cheap busy
happy loud possible warm
1. You must dress _______ in winter, or you will
catch a cold.
2. You can _______ do the homework in a half hour.
There are only three short exercises.
3. People from Spain and Mexico speak Spanish, but they speak a
little _______
4. Could I _______ borrow your car? I need one this
5. My son plays his CDs very _______
6. You can live _______ if you live in a dormitory,
cook your own food, and ride a bicycle.

[d, Word Forms: Noun and Verb the Same

Many words have the same form for both the noun and the verb. Read
these words. Then choose the right word for each sentence. Use the
correct verb form or the singular or plural noun.
Verb Noun Verb Noun
feed feed taste taste
use use cook cook
poison p01son work work
plant plant drink drink
1. Ruth has lovely _______ growing in front of her
house. She them last spring.
2. Robert is a good . He likes to bake cakes,
and he also international dishes.
3. What are you eating? Can I have a ?
I never that kind of food before.
4. Do you ____ coffee? Would you like a cold ____ ?

5. I have a lot of _____ to do. I _____ all day
yesterday, but the isn't finished.
6. Farmers buy one kind of for chickens.
They their horses something different.

� Collocations

Collocations are words that we often put together. We often use

certain verbs and nouns together. For example, we often use the
verb spend with the noun time or the noun money.
Examples: I spend a lot of time at school every day.
He spends a lot of money on food.
Which verbs and nouns do we often use together? Write the correct
nouns from the list on the lines beside each verb.
Verbs Nouns
spend time cards
money a job
play money
lose time


Answer the questions. Check(.!) Yes or No.

Yes No

1. Do you like to play cards? D D

2. Did you lose any money last week? D D
3. Did you spend some time reacling D D

4. Did you save much money last year? D D

Unit 4: Music
[fJ Writing
Use real information to write your answers.
1. What kinds of music do you enjoy most? Why?
2. Choose two of the kinds of music described in Unit 4. Tell
how they are alike. Then tell how they are different.
3. Describe your country's national music or some other kind of
music not described in Unit 4.

Word Study
a. Before You Watch

Walk around the class, and ask questions to find someone who fits each
description below.

Write a classmate's name to the left of each description.

Classmate's Name Description
Gabriela loves to sing.
can play the guitar.
watches music videos.
likes country music.
likes to wear blue jeans.
doesn't like music at all.
can write songs.

Unit 4: Music
u�1>.! 1
ot.,,j I!:?>°
6 As You Watch

What kind of music is the video about? Check only one.

__ Jazz and blues
Rock and roll
__ Classical
Latin and salsa

After You Watch

1. Check (\I") the sentences that are true about all three singers in
the video.
__ They are all women.
__ They all write their own songs.
__ They all wear hats when they sing.
__ They all play the guitar.
2. Work with a partner or a small group of your classmates. Write
facts that you learned in the video about each of the singers. If
you need to, watch the video again to find the answers.
The name of Sherrie Austin's new album:

The kind of clothes Michael Peterson likes to wear:

What Matraca Berg wants to do next:

Video Highlights
o�'J:!' ul,,j {!:?.JD
� Draw the Word
What instrument is missing from each of the pictures? Finish the
picture by drawing in the missing instrument. Then write the
name of the instrument below the picture.

� Music Bingo
Write one word from the list below in each box of the Bingo card.
When everyone is ready, your teacher will call out a vocabulary
word. If you have written the word in a box, mark it with an X.
Whoever has five X's in a row or a column wins Bingo.
Vocabulary Words to Choose From
alone add beat boring blues
cards common soft classical violins
fans feelings tastes instrument record
Jazz nervous behave popular visit

Unit 4: Music
o�1.>:!1 ol,,j e:='.JD
Understanding Grammar
1. Look up the words below in your dictionary to find out if they
are adjectives or nouns. Write noun or adjective next to each
word. If the word you looked up is an adjective, change it to a
noun. If it is a noun, change it to an adjective.
boring adjective boredom (noun)

a. classical
b. peaceful
c. danger
d. natural
e. nerve

2. Use the correct forms of each word you identified above to

complete these sentences.
a. Gabriela doesn't like _______ music.
b. After many years of war, the people prayed for

c. Some of the animals in the rain forest are

_______ to humans.
d. For thousands of years, the Bakas lived close to

e. The singer was _______ when she first walked

on stage.

Dictionary Page
� Before You Watch

1. Interview a partner. Write your partner's answers below

each question.
a. What job would you like to have?

b. What job wouldn't you like to have? Why?

c. What are some dangerous jobs?

Report your partner's answers to the class.

2. Discuss this scene from the video with your classmates.
a. What is happening?
b. Why do you think this firefighter likes his job?
c. What are some of the difficult things about a
firefighter's job?

[ii; As You Watch

Listen for these facts from the video. Write in the missing

The name of the firehouse Firehouse 11

The number of firefighters

on the crew
The number of fires and
rescues each year

_ _ • 175
V-i-d-eo-H-g_i h_il g-h-st _________ __
C After You Watch
1. Check (v') all the correct answers to the question below.

Why do these firefighters like their job?

__ It is exciting and full of action.
__ There is never anything to do.
__ The firefighters like to save lives.
__ The part of Los Angeles where they work is peaceful
and safe.
2. Complete the sentence, and then share your sentence with
your classmates.
I (want I do not want) to be a firefighter in Los Angeles,
California, because

o�'Y-' o�j {:-'JD
Unit 5: Work and Leisure
Workplace Ladder
Play this game with 3 or 4 people. Choose one of your group to
be the judge. The other people will each need a coin or a button,
and the group will need one die. All players begin with their
coins (or buttons) on START. Follow these directions:

1. Put your coin (or button) on START.
2. Roll the die. Move your coin the same number of squares as
the number on the die.
3. When you get to a square, say the word that belongs in the button
blank and spell it correctly. The judge decides if you are right
or wrong. If you are right, you get another turn. If you are
wrong, it is the next player's turn. 11�1
4. The player who reaches FINISH first wins the game. �

Sylvia is Jon's Kate is a police _.

emploree. Jon is She wears a uniform to FINISH
Sylvia s -· work.

A bus driver drives a

bus. A_ flies an

When you go to a
Tito writes music. He is restaurant, If you have a
a_. the _ toothache, you should
brings you your food. go to a_.

Anna is studying the

history of art. She
wants to work in an art

A manager usually Jorge grows crops and
START works in an _ with raises animals on a
a desk, a telephone, small_.
and a computer.

Activity Page • 177

Learning Word Forms
1. Use the dictionary definitions to complete the chart below.
em•ploy /cm'pb1, Im-/ v. [T] em,ploy,ee /cm'pbii, cmpb1'i/
1 to provide paid work to n. s.o. who works for a person,
people: That company employs business, or government: She is
1,000 workers. 2 to use: The an employee of this company.
company employs computers to em•ploy•ment / cm'pl::nm�nt,
keep track of expenses. Im-/ n. [U] 1 a job paying
em•ploy•able I cm'pb1;:,b�l/ adj. a salary or wages: He is out
1 ready and able to be of work and looking for
employed: She has computer employment. 2 frml. use: the
skills and a positive outlook; she's employment of force will lead to
employable. 2 frml. usable, greater violence.
workable: That computer is
employable for accounting
purposes. -n. employability.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb


2. Use your dictionary to find the missing forms of the words in

the chart below.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb


178 -"
Unit 5: Work and Leisure

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