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OPEN ACCESS Asian Journal of Plant Sciences

ISSN 1682-3974
DOI: 10.3923/ajps.2018.1.18

Review Article
Review on Quality Enhancement of Bamboo Utilization:
Preservation, Modification and Applications
Aminudin Sulaeman, 2Rudi Dungani, 2Nuruddin Nurudin, 3Sri Hartati, 2Tati Karliati, 2Pingkan Aditiawati,
Anne Hadiyane, 2Yoyo Suhaya and 4Sulistyono

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 40132 Bandung, Indonesia
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 40132 Bandung, Indonesia
Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, 45363 Bandung, Indonesia
Faculty of Forestry, Kuningan University, 45513 Kuningan, Indonesia

The properties of bamboo are unique compared to solid wood and other ligno- and non-lignocellulosic materials especially for
manufacturing, designing and construction usages. Recent technological advancements for bamboo processing has proven the positive
advantages of bamboo for various interior and exterior applications including furniture, bio-composites, packaging, transport, building
and so on. The variability in size, length and diameter of bamboo, its growth and production is a big challenge for their applications as
bio-based material along with durability. Since bamboo has a low durability, protection against biotic and abiotic degradation. Since it
has vital importance for its longer service life. Preservation and modification treatment of bamboo are therefore regarded as a necessity.
Those preservation and modification techniques would ensure the quality and durability of bamboo resulting sustainability and advanced
engineering utilization of bamboo. This article reviews the preservation and modification techniques of bamboo which are crucial for
advanced products manufacturing and utilization. The article also summarizes the importance of preservation and modification process,
its principles and the challenges in quality and durability enhancement of bamboo products. At the end of the article, applications
specially the modern one has also been discussed along with its further advancement.

Key words: Bamboo, preservation, modification, durability, biocomposites

Received: July 15, 2017 Accepted: October 23, 2017 Published: December 15, 2017

Citation: Aminudin Sulaeman, Rudi Dungani, Nuruddin Nurudin, Sri Hartati, Tati Karliati, Pingkan Aditiawati, Anne Hadiyane, Yoyo Suhaya and Sulistyono,
2018. Review on quality enhancement of bamboo utilization: preservation, modification and applications: A review. Asian J. Plant Sci., 17: 1-18.

Corresponding Author: Rudi Dungani, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 40132 Bandung, Indonesia
Tel/Fax: +62-22-2500258

Copyright: © 2018 Aminudin Sulaeman et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Competing Interest: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.

Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its supporting information files.
Asian J. Plant Sci., 17 (1): 1-18, 2018

INTRODUCTION recognized as the source of raw materials that can be

processed and shaped into the form of a number of
Bamboo as the great potential as solid wood substitute commodities. Advancement in science and technology, has
materials, their has 1575 species which each particular species led in terms of its value of diversity in the production of
has different properties and qualities. Its rapid growth is bamboo bio-composite products4.
acknowledged as one of the eco-products on the In recent years, bamboo use as raw material for various
environment1. The bamboo is generally thought to be a plant products. This invention had showed the great potential and
more associated with growing in subtropical and tropical bright future by using bamboo as raw materials. The
regions like Southeast Asia2. The unique nature of bamboo has laminated products, structural boards, trusses, concrete
attracted researchers to investigate and explore, especially in reinforcement and ply-bamboo has been explored5-9. The
the field of quality and durability enhancement of bamboo suitability of bamboo for crushed ply-bamboo for form work
products. (C-Bam for form work) and compressed parallel-orientated
Bamboo is a plant with many advantages and is used for bamboo skewer that bound and glued together to form a
many purposes from cradle to grave and is found in vast areas structurally wood V-Bam was studied by Wahab et al.10. This
throughout the world. Because of its fast growing nature, it is raw material has been used for particle board, fiberboard, pulp
an easily renewable raw material which has attractive and and paper11,12.
unique appearance and toughness2. The bamboo dependency Research in material processes such as bamboo
could directly reduce the deforestation or degradation of contributes to various products because it is concerned with
forest because of its short rotation. The woody plants simply factors such as safety, aesthetics, functionality, consumer
take a long time up to 20 years to reach their maturity, while acceptance and the potential impact on the environment.
bamboo only takes less than 4 years to reach their maturity. Many researchers have already shown that modern furniture
The use of bamboo in some of the tropical countries like using material such as bamboo can create something unique,
Indonesia and Malaysia is still at the minimum level, while in outstanding and biodegradable such laminated, veneer,
the other countries (China and Japan), it is a source which ply-bamboo, bamboo flooring, bio-composites bamboo,
contributes to the growth of the economy. According to Maoyi chopstick, tooths ticanel and handicraft 13, etc. (Fig. 1).
and Xiaosheng3, value of world trade of bamboo has reached Bamboo is a multi-use biological raw material, it is easy
4 billion U.S. dollars and is monopolized by China. Bamboo to work and in the tropics, is often inexpensive. Its natural
properties of being lightweight and high-strength are durability is however not to be compared with that of

The top end portion (height 1.5 m, diameter < 3 cm) for bamboo poles for agricultural crops,
handicraft, charcoal, bamboo broom

The middle portion (height 2 m, diameter 4-6 cm) for curtin, chopstick, tooth stick, mats,
matting, pulp, fan, handicraft

The base portion, for bamboo board (laminated, veneer, bamboo ply, bio-composites
bamboo), bamboo flooring, bamboo furniture, bamboo charcoal, bamboo vinegar

Fig. 1: Potential using of bamboo culm in various application (Van der Lugt et al.14 with modification)

Asian J. Plant Sci., 17 (1): 1-18, 2018

Bundles zone

Ground tissue

Transverse section
Culm of bamboo

Free fiber strands

Vascular bundles

Cross section

Fig. 2: Schematic drawing of anatomical and fiber morphological of bamboo

materials such as concrete or metal. This has resulted in the technologies for the production and processing of
bamboo is susceptible to microorganisms (e.g., decay fungi) bamboo as well as principles and importance in
and xylophaegous boring insects (e.g., termites). Under designing sustainable bamboo products are also discussed
unfavourable conditions, fungi and insects can greatly curtail in this study.
its service life. There are many different types which infest and
deteriorate bamboo under different environment conditions NATURE OF BAMBOO
and which produce various visible changes of the bamboo
products attacked. All microorganisms use bamboo and its The stem of bamboo is known as a culm and is normally
contents as their energy source, i.e., food15. Bamboo consists bright green in colour when young and becomes dull green
of 50-70% hemicellulose, 30% pentosans and 20-25% lignin16. when mature. The bamboo culm is normally cylindrical and
The lignin present in bamboos is unique and undergoes smooth in shape and characterized by nodes along its
changes during the growth of the culm17. According to length. Culms arise from underground rhizomes which can
Wang et al.18, bamboo is also known to be rich in silica be single-stemmed (leptomorh type) or form dense clumps
(0.5-4%) but the entire silica is located in the outer layer (pachymorph type)25. It grows in nature, which makes it a
(1 mm), with hardly any silica in the rest of the wall. Bamboos renewable material26.
also have minor amounts of waxes, resins and tannins but Most of the bamboo species show on the transverse
none of these have enough toxicity to improve its natural section outer layer is known as epidermis as shown in Fig. 2.
durability17. The culm of bamboo itself is surrounded by outermost layer,
According to Chavan and Attar15, carbohydrate content of the bark, consists of epidermal cells that contain a waxy
bamboo plays an important role in its durability and service layer called cutin27. The culm bamboo cells consists of
life. Further they mention that, durability of bamboo against parenchymatous cells forming the ground tissue and the
mold, fungal and borers attack is strongly associated with the vascular bundles are composed of vessels, sieve tubes with
chemical composition. These variations in bamboo durability companion cells and fibres. There are no radial pathways in
strongly depend on the species19-21, the length of the culm, the culm tissues. The extent of conducting tissues are only
thickness of the wall22 but also the time of harvesting23. 8% of the culm tissues. Finally, movement of preservative
Because low durability of bamboo in an exposed environment, solution for penetration difficult in radial direction and time
the bamboo-protection have long been employed to try and consuming process28. The thickness of the cell-wall and the
enhance its natural durability. There are various treating ratio of cell-wall to cell-volume determines the density. A
method for getting long time use often preservation with close correlation exists between density and most of the
chemicals15,24. properties of bamboo like hardness, strength and mechanical
This review effectively summarises the quality properties29,30. However, two most important exceptions to
enhancement of bamboo utilization, including this relationship are bamboo's natural durability to resist
characterization, properties and its applicability towards biological attack and its treat ability, neither corresponds to its
sustainable products of bamboo. The need of modification density31:

Asian J. Plant Sci., 17 (1): 1-18, 2018

C The outer zone of the culm wall is called the cortex/cutin.

It consists of epidermis cell covered with cutinized waxy
layer. This layer protects against physical damage and
preventing loss of moisture30. After felling it inhibit rapid
drying and thus prevents checks and splits. On the other
hand, if bamboo is moist it may be attacked by harmful
fungi. Futhermore, cortex/cutin cannot be penetrated by
preservatives, thus leading to insufficient treatment32,33.
On the other hand for sap-displacement methods
(Boucherie treatment), the presence of cutin is essential
for the process33
C Vascular bundles zone are many in numbers and
scattered all over any piece of bamboo34,35. It reveals that
the population of the vascular bundles varies from outer Fig. 3: Fine structure of internode bamboo demonstrating the
to inner periphery of a piece of bamboo27. This part more cross section, radial and tangential phase (photo by
resistant to attack than tissue parenchyma. At the same Liese31)
it is mostly not permeable for liquids, such as water, V: Vessel, F: Fibers

organic solvent, etc36

C The parenchyma zone consists of longitudinal elongated (vessels and sieve tubes), with some variation according to
cells interspersed with small cubical (isodiametric) cells37. species17,40. Li et al.41 investigated parenchyma cell-walls in
Numerous small, simple pits connect parenchyma cells to Neosinocalamus affinis. They were found to consist of about
each other38. Whereas, a young culm does not contain 15 lamellae, which were arranged in broad and narrow layers.
starch, (since all nutrients are immediately utilized), the The broad lamellae were about 0.2 µm while the narrow
parenchyma of older culms is filled with starch grains32. lamellae were about 0.04 µm. The parenchyma cell-walls are
Parenchyma zone may be treated with chemicals to get therefore highly lamellated than fibers.
high durability. However, it is often difficult to treat it The vessel wall has numerous bordered pits in opposite
properly, which has to be considered when using certain as well as alternate arrangements17. The small metaxylem
bamboo species in fields where attack may occur vessels at the nodes possess more perforation. The pits
generally have elliptical apertures with a slightly oblique or
The properties of bamboo are mainly determined by the horizontal orientation. Most of the movement of sap in the
structure of the culms anatomy. It is thus important to culms takes place through the vessels. However, some species
understand the structural variability within a culm and produce tyloses in the vessel that might interrupt this
possible trends of the characteristics of its features, which may movement. The fibre cells differ considerably in size and shape
have significant importance on the physical, mechanical and according to their position in the bundle in the culm wall and
durability properties. Most of the bamboo species have with species40. The fibers are found to be long-living and
separate fibre strands on the inner or both on the inner and contain nuclei even after several years of age41,42. The fibers
outer side of the vascular bundle35. It was concluded by this often increase in length from the periphery towards the centre
study that vascular bundle size is larger at the basal and of the bamboo culm wall and decrease back towards the inner
gradually decreases at the top. The total number of vascular portion (Fig. 3).
bundles decreases steadily with height, whereas their
closeness increases. 50-80% of the vascular bundles are BAMBOO AS PART OF NATURE
located in the outer one third of the culm wall with 10-35% in
the middle third and about 10-20% in the inner third35. The Bamboo is a biological product and therefore subject to
vascular bundles become progressively more densely packed a continuous cycle of composition and decomposition. In
towards the periphery of the culms39. principle, this cycle including decomposition is most
The total culm comprises about 50-52% parenchyma, important for all life in nature. Various organisms, mainly
40% fiber and 8-10% (cross-sectional area) conducting tissues insects and fungi break down woody substance into organic

Asian J. Plant Sci., 17 (1): 1-18, 2018

matter in the soil and the resulting accumulation of nutrients

again enables the growth of new plants. Studies reported that
the soil biological properties plays effective role in plant The beetles tunnels

growth and development, such as bamboo43-46.

Bamboo consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin as
main constituents and resins, tannins, waxes and inorganic
salts as minor constituents47,48. The latter being responsible for
individual properties of bamboo species, such as colour or
natural durability38,49. Bamboo culms do not produce any toxic
The frass in tunnels or cracks
substances during their lifetime, unlike the heartwood of
many trees, so that the whole culm can be destroyed. In
addition, the culm contains about 50% parenchyma cells, filled
with starch as stored energy, which is needed for the Fig. 4: Boring tunnels by adult beetle and larva (Photo by
development of new culms32,50-52. Huang et al.53 reported the Norhisham)76
starch affects the susceptibility against borers and blue-stain
fungi. They also reported the bamboo culms do not produce strength properties are already reduced. A prophylactic
any toxic substances during their lifetime, unlike the treatment in due time will enhance quality.
heartwood of many trees, so that the whole culm can be Freshly cut stem of bamboo can be attacked within few
destroyed. Although bamboo is one of the strongest structural hour of felling by certain insects and by spores of blue stain
materials available, it is often vulnerable to destruction by fungi66. Furthermore, the harvested and stored bamboos, if
bamboo deteriorating agents and is then called bamboo not protected adequately are often seriously infested by insect
deterioration and regarded as a severe disadvantage. During borers, termites and fungi:
post-harvested period bamboos are prone to fungal and
insect attack during storage period as the moisture contents C The bamboo borer beetle, belongs to powder-post
is very high. It is estimated that an average weight loss of beetles and long-horned beetles are small family
25-40% occurs due to biodeterioration54. The correlation of with approximately 650 species in 7 subfamilies and
chemical composition of bamboo and damage in bamboo has 80 genera67-70. They are all important insects damaging
been investigated in recent years. Dhawan et al.55 found that post-harvest bamboo69,71-73. Thapa et al.74 reported that a
nitrogen content in bamboo was directly related to termite bamboo stack may be lost approximately 40 % within
damage. These authors found also that quantity of lignin, ash a period of 8-10 months due to borer attack.
and silica present in bamboo influenced termite damage and Muthukrishnan et al.75 considered that Dinoderus brevis,
played a significant role in termite resistance. D. minutus and D. ocellaris are the serious pests of
As a matter of fact, bamboo deterioration causes much felled bamboos. Acda76 reported that infestation by
loss if a long-term use of bamboo products is intended and for D. minutus on bamboo is mainly associated with the
many types of utilization, like constructional bamboo, poles or availability of carbohydrate content. According to Garcia
furniture, it is essential to avoid an early decomposition53. and Morrell77, the physical properties are mainly moisture
There are of treatment have been applied to long time service content and density of the bamboo is an important
life for protect bamboo from deterioration process such as factors that determines the rate of development of
heat treatment56-58, preservative chemical treatment14,59-61, D. minutus in bamboo. Study by Norhisham et al.78
microwave modification62, fumigation techniques63, pressure shown the beetles will deposit their eggs into the
impregnation64, traditional water leaching method and bark/cutin and the larvae penetrate into the bamboo of
smoking65 etc. moisture contents between 12 and 30% (Fig. 4)
C Termites are the most aggressive insect enemy of
Time of attack: It is essential for effective bamboo bamboo and are therefore of considerable economic
preservation to know the time when bamboo may be significance54. The main food of most termite species is
infested by deleterious organisms. In practice the 1st signs bamboo, wood and other plant material. They are among
of attack are often neglected and much bamboo is treated the few insects capable of utilizing cellulose as a source of
which is already badly infested or even deteriorated. This is food79. Bamboo susceptibility towards biodegradation
not only an economical waste but it may cause danger if the agents, particularly termite has been studied by many

Asian J. Plant Sci., 17 (1): 1-18, 2018

(a) (b)

Fig. 5(a-b): SEM micrograph showing termite attack on bamboo culm (a) Before termite attack (Photo by Amada and Untao82),
(b) After termite attack

(a) (b)

Fig. 6(a-b): TEM image of decay in Bamboo fibers (a) Decay soft-rot by Chaetomium globosum, (b) Decay white-rot by Pleurotus
ostreatus (Photo by Wahab et al.88)

researcher. Hapukotuwa and Grace80 conducted mechanism of termite attack on bamboo is described by
laboratory evaluations of the natural resistance of Dungani et al.83 using scanning electron microscope. They
different bamboo species using Coptotermes formosanus investigated that termites began by attacking the
and Coptotermes gestroi. They report that none of them samples from the middle and then progressed to
were highly resistant to termite attack. Mishra and Rana81 attacking the bamboo meal, which was the bamboo
and Mishra and Thakur82 has been carry out on studies of culm. Termite attacked the center of the culm by making
bamboo natural resistance against termites. They a hole, thereby penetrating inside of the culm (Fig. 5)
reported that natural resistance of bamboos was more or C Fungi are the microbial decomposition of biomaterial.
less comparable to that of some of the moderately Attack fungi in bamboo have found that the initial fungal
durable commercially important timber species. pathways for penetration are via the vascular bundles.
Furthermore, they also observed that the outer layer of Furthermore, based on Fig. 6, the mycelium spreads
bamboo is highly resistant and that termites normally characteristically in an axial direction in the parenchyma
invade bamboo from the cut end portion only. The adjacent to the vessel elements. The development of

Asian J. Plant Sci., 17 (1): 1-18, 2018

decay cavities caused by growth of the soft rot fungus. the starch content of the bamboo and concluded that the
According to the many studies of natural decay resistant higher starch content of bamboo species reduce the degree
of bamboo on several fungi were belonged to little decay of caused by insects and fungi attacks.
18,48,85,86 54
resistance . Liese have been reported that the In India, found 13 bamboo species have the termite
bamboo is considered as susceptible to fungi. However, resistance was more or less comparable to that of some
in the further study, Norul-Hisham et al.87 found that the of the moderately durable commercially important timber
resistance of bamboo related by the bamboo age. species81,82. In addition, Hapukotuwa and Grace80 analyzed the
Suprapti19 suggested that, the resistance of Indonesian resistance levels of 6 bamboo species in Hawaii by
bamboo decayed by fungi was not significantly different Coptotermes formosanus and C. gestroi. They provide
by the culm portions but studied by Schmidt et al.20 evidence none of them were highly resistant to termite attack
found that the bamboo culm aged 6 months decayed and most should be considered perishable. The durability of
more than the older. Schmidt 88
investigated bamboo bamboo against fungi also have been studied. Wei et al.21
degradation by white-rot fungi and Kim et al. by soft-rot 89
investigate 5 bamboo species against brown rot, white rot
fungi. They provided morphological changes of the cell and soft-rot fungi. They found Guadua angustifolia was rather
wall structure during decay using TEM (Fig. 6) resistant to Trametes versicolor and Dendrocalamus asper
against Chaetomium globosum. Previous study by Kim et al.96
The hyphae of white rot penetrated into the metaxylem found the major fungi causing serious damage on bamboo are
vessel. Furthermore, from the lumen, the hyphae further Trametes versicolor and Arthrinium arundinis, which caused
penetrated into the parenchyma cell, where starch was mostly the largest weight losses of approximately 21.6 and 17.9%,
deposited86. respectively. Furthermore, this investigation confirms that the
natural durability of bamboo in outdoor utilization is low.
Natural durability of bamboo: The ability of bamboo species
to resist biological deterioration is called natural durability or PRESERVATION VERSUS MODIFICATION
natural resistance . This property varies depends on bamboo
species, the inner part, outer part and among the butt end and In order to overcome the natural defects, there have been
the top of culm and also climatic condition. many attempts in research on the bamboo modification. As
Low durability of bamboo against bio-deterioration well, there have been many studies on preservation of
ranges between 1-36 months investigated that untreated bamboo against termite and fungal attack and weathering,
bamboo has a service life of only 2-5 years. They reported with increasing needs for structures and products. Based on a
that fungi, bacteria and subterranean termite as well as one or review of the literature, the modification of chemical into
more of these organisms attacking the bamboo culms in bamboo has been studies starting in 193697. On the other
succession. Material of bamboo (quantity) gets degraded hand, modification by non-chemical was reported in the early
during transportation, storage in the depots as well as in mill 1950s98.
yards due to stain fungi and insects. Dhawan and Mishra23 did To protect the lignocellulosic of bamboo material from
study on natural durability of bamboos against termites based biodegradation and enhance its service life. Protection
the felling season and moon phase. They found bamboos method of treating bamboo material has been using various
felled during moon phase were less durability to termites than preservation such as mineral oil, coal tar and preservative
those felled in dark phase. other99-101. Studies were also carried out to improve other
Most countries have started to establish research and performance properties of bamboo through modification
development-based bamboo products such as in rural treatment, such as steam treatment56,102,103, smoking65,56,
community to substitute wood for housing material. Bamboo treating with various etherifying and esterifying agents104,105,
products is susceptible to termite and powder post beetle. acetals, alkylene oxide and alkoxysilane-coupling agents106.
Consequently, bamboo and its derivative products have Several treatments methods have been developed to prolong
relatively short service life. Many researcher have been bamboo s usefulness using irradiation into bamboo surface.
observe and report that natural durability of bamboos against The irradiation is treatment by hydrogen ions, He+ and Ar+ for
Coptotermes cynocephalus and Anobium sp. and white rot 94
improve wettability of outer surface of bamboo107. They
fungus95 were resistant to poor. They also observed effect of reported that hydrogen ion bombardment, vascular bundles

Asian J. Plant Sci., 17 (1): 1-18, 2018

Native bamboo scaffold Pore filled preservatives


Penetration of
preservatives onto lumina

Preservation process

Fig. 7: Schematic drawing of presence of preservatives within the bamboo lumina after preservation process

were etched faster than parenchyma lignin. The dipping had the best green color conservation. Chang and Yeh105 and
modification was studied to improve the tensile performance Zhang et al.113 considered that an alkali pretreatment was
of bamboo fiber by sulfate process. Wang et al.108 considered required removed the waxes and silica on bamboo surface.
that sulfate isolated fiber surface cause increase of tensile They suggested that pretreatment was caused by a
strength, modulus of elasticity and elongation at break. penetration and reaction with the green color protector in the
cellulose bamboo.
Preservation method to protection of bamboo: Similar to The main purpose of bamboo preservation was applied
wood, bamboos have a low resistance to biological degrading to protect culm tissue against biological agents of
organisms, therefore, need bamboo preservation techniques deterioration. Based on a review of the literature, starting in
during storage and use. The sap-replacement pressure 1957/58, Dr. Ashtakala Purushotham had already begun to
technique, the pressure impregnation, soak and diffusion use chemical preservative for preservation bamboo24. The
process can be used23. Bamboo preservation is the process by preservation by chemical treatment must considered of
which bamboo is preserved. Proper preservative treatment characteristics of bamboo as described by Liese and Kumar24
will enable to enhance durability of bamboo. Therefore, it is and Jansen114 are: (i) The outer skin is high in silica and waxy
very essential to use bamboo after proper preservative layer content, (ii) The absence of ray cells, (iii) The refractory
treatments. Preservation method with boraks is the other way nature of bamboo culms and (iv) Thin culms. They reported
to improve quality of bamboo betung (Dendrocalamus asper). that the flow of preservative was restricted into the culm. They
Its influence on the mechanical properties indicate that also reported that the flow of preservative on longitudinal
bamboo was preserved has a higher strength than the direction will be constrained. Meanwhile, radial flow of the
strength of bamboo without preservatives109. Optimum preservative is hindered due to the refractory (Fig. 7).
increasing of tensile strength of bamboo betung Disadvantages of many these preservatives are the toxic
(Dendrocalamus asper) acquired at borax and 60% boric acid effects on environment and human hearth, researcher are
preservative. Immersion time increase the tensile strength of attempting to develop botanical extract-based preservatives.
bamboo betung and optimum increasing of tensile strength Several studies of these preservatives have been such as neem
acquired at 24 h of immersion time110. The effects of oil63,115,116, oil nut of kukui plant117, cashew nut shell oil118, cedar
preservative treatment on the durability properties of bamboo oil119,120, oil camphor93,121 and resin from Guayule122.
strips have been studied by Hanim et al.111. They observed Meanwhile, many attempts have been made to
that the water borne preservative gave the best protection protection bamboo by non-chemical method. Magel et al.123
against termite. and Othman et al.124 investigated the lowering starch and
Once harvested the bamboo turn yellow and the color sugar in bamboo culms by harvesting of bamboo during
starts to decay cause their degrade their performance. The the low-sugar content season. Sulthoni125 and Nguyen126,
protection based preservatives, is also an effective method of protected fresh bamboo using submersion in running or
fresh bamboo for green-color conservation112. Chang and stagnant water for 1-3 months.
Wu104 protected fresh bamboo under treated with chromated
copper phosphate (CCP) or chromated phosphate (CP). They Modification of bamboo: The modifications in bamboo can
reported that appropriate chemical reagents were CrO3 and use many kinds of the wood modification techniques, such as
H3PO4. They reported that, treated with 1% CrO3, 1% H3PO4 thermal modification127,128, chemical modification129, surface

Asian J. Plant Sci., 17 (1): 1-18, 2018

Wood OH + O Wood O + H3C
O Acetic acid


Acetic anhydride reacts with the The reaction replaces hydroxyl

hydroxyl groups in the cell wall groups with acetyl groups

Fig. 8: Schematic principle of acetylation reaction in the bamboo cell wall

modification130 and impregnation modification131. The Many studies on thermal modification results in several
chemical modification using acetylation method is a chemical physical and mechanical changes and chemical composition
treatment which depends on the amount of compounds in to the bamboo56,139,142. They reported that correlation between
the bamboo which can be extracted during the treatment. The chemical and physical properties after thermal modification
bamboo modification using chemicals that produce formation produce increased dimensional stability, reduced hygroscopic
of chemical bonds between the acetyl groups of the chemical characteristics and improved decay resistance. Starke et al.143
reagent with hydroxyl groups of bamboo constituents132. The investigated the thermal modification of African alpine
chemical modification of bamboo using acetylation reaction bamboo by heat treatment under temperature 160-220EC.
can be represented in Fig. 8. This study shown that, thermally modified bamboo reflected
Sugiyanto133, bamboo acetylated using acetic anhydride the decomposition of hemicelluloses and correlated with the
on species Dendrocalamus asper. He reported that the deterioration of impact resistance. They also observed the
bamboo strip in acetic anhydride improving the liquid uptake. treatment temperatures had a stronger effect than the time of
The study has been previously conducted on bamboo modi cation.
modification through acetylation reaction without a catalyst
Bremer et al.57 investigated effect of thermal modification
using supercritical carbon dioxide134. Other research has been
on the properties of 2 Vietnamese bamboo species
conducted by Chang and Wu104, Wu et al.135 and Chang and
(Dendrocalamus barbatus and Dendrocalamus asper). From
Yeh105 on modification of green bamboo culms with chemical
their studied considered that in thermal modification
reagents without arsenic. They reported that treated
process depending on the treatment parameter like
chromated phosphate (1% CrO3, 1% H3PO4) had the best
atmosphere, temperature and duration. They reported that
green color conservation on the bamboo. Wu et al.136,137
treatment at 130EC cause only slight changes and significant
investigated the appropriate method and process
changes occur by modification above 180EC. Meanwhile, the
treatment to achieve the green colour protection of bamboo
thermally-modified Dendrocalamus asper on the termite
culms. They showed that green colour protection was
resistance were investigated by Manalo and Gracia144. The
obtained treated with methanol-borne copper chloride
results showed that heating bamboo under heat conditions at
(CuCl2), copper phosphorous salt and under 60EC condition in
water bath for 2 h. high temperature (140EC) is effective method for improved
Furthermore, the chemical other using such as, acetic acid bamboo s resistance to termites.
and propionic acid inhibited mould growth on Buddleja
stenostachya and Thorea siamensis. The bamboo species ADVANCEMENT IN UTILIZATION
Bambusa procera and D. asper can full protection with 10%
propionic acid60. Silviana138 investigated the chemical Bamboo as a sustainable material has been well-accepted
modification of bamboo using acetic anhydride and silicone in the global market for its many applications as an alternative
oil assisted by supercritical CO2 as medium. They showed that to traditional timber resources. Recent advancements in
the acetylated bamboo can be categorized as a durable bamboo technology has proven the positive advantages of
material with hydrophobic. They also reported that the bamboo for innovative design and product in various
silicone oil-modified bamboo is still degrading during the applications for interior and exterior, which include in
assessment. furniture, bio-composite products, automotive, building and

Asian J. Plant Sci., 17 (1): 1-18, 2018

construction and so forth. The utilization of bamboo is on as aircraft and zeppelins. They suggested that natural fiber
materials renewable fiber based products, that is particularly bamboo materials have highly potential to be used in
in building and construction, furniture, reinforcement automotive parts. They also reported that, the aircraft bamboo
material, automotive and so forth. were built in Philippines and Chinese.

Furniture design: Bamboo furthermore, is a material that Application of bamboo based products in housing: In Asian
replaces the wood used in furniture manufacturing. Bamboo countries, bamboo is extremely important material for
furniture have to integrate technology, science, art, and Traditional houses. The various applications of bamboo
humanism to create more possibilities for the future utilization, such as traditional bamboo houses using a bamboo
products . Many countries have started to establish frame and prefabricated houses made of bamboo laminated
technique combining-based furniture such as Malaysia, boards is easy to find in China, India, Thailand and other Asia
China and Taiwan to produce of bamboo furniture. areas154.
Bamboo-based furniture products have been produced using There are many uses of culms of bamboo for housing and
bamboo bio-composite. Nowadays, application of ceramic construction purpose such as glue-laminated bamboo,
furniture and material in furniture design have been studied laminated woven bamboo mat panel, bamboo pole, woven
by Huang et al. 146
. The combination between bamboo and bamboo mat and flattened bamboo155-159. In several countries
ceramics complements each other to bring about the new have been application of these materials integrated into
modern furniture designs. Furthermore, they suggested that engineered constructive systems160,161.
this technique combination needs understanding of ceramic Towards consumer product, bamboo fibers based
and bamboo culture and rational innovations on superiority of composites play the most important role in enhancement of
two kinds of material. product. The composites of polymer and bamboo fiber are
Bamboo based furniture uses round or split bamboo expected will many applications. They are used for girder,
and glue-laminated bamboo panels. The new design as purlin, post, rafter, ceiling, flooring, roofing, partitions, doors
pack-flat, knockdown furniture can improving the various and window frames162-166. Further applications of bamboo
characteristics bamboo such as physical, mechanical and products include its use as scaffolding, water piping and as
aesthetic . In recent years, recombinant bamboo shuttering, reinforcement for concrete and concrete
developed with makes use of bamboo waste as raw materials. formwork167-171.
This technology of recombinant bamboo through compressed Further, hybrid bamboo-based products have been
bamboo ties or bamboo slices into a mold148. They reported used as the home decorative accessories was studied by
that the application of recombinant bamboo in furniture Suhaily et al.172. Based on the studies by Abdul Khalil et al.29, it
industry is still in the initial stage of exploration. was proved that hybrid bamboo material have aspects
aesthetic as well as physical and mechanical. With the
Automotive components: In the past decade, the use of treatment such as heating and clamping, the bamboo can be
natural fibers in composite plastics is gaining popularity, bent or straightened. This is further proving that hybrid
particularly the automotive industry. The natural fibers such as bamboo material can overcome other types of materials. One
flax, jute, bamboo, kenaf, hemp, roselle, banana and sisal offer of more example of applications on the industry for interior
such benefits as natural-fiber composites with thermoplastic decoration was Madrid Barajas International Airport, Spain.
and thermoset matrices. The use of these composites as This international airport was built using laminated bamboo
automotive parts production such as the interior of the car, laths from all walks of bamboo veneer173.
rear seats, door panels, dashboards, headliners and package
trays149,150. Davoodi et al.151 reported that fiber bamboo Others applications: Bamboo has been widely recognized for
materials has several advantage, such as high strength and excellent production of fiber and has great potential in the
stability, sound insulation, resistance to dampness, pressure bio-composite industries. Bamboo fiber is longer than wood
resistance and flexibility. fiber, these fibers are approximately 12.91-42.32 µm in
Earlier studies by Ismail et al. 152
and Cobonpue and diameter15 with length of the fibers is 2.98-5.63 mm and cell
Birkner153, shown that bamboo has been used to build boats, wall thickness were 2.41-13.32 µm174-175. The extraction of fiber

Asian J. Plant Sci., 17 (1): 1-18, 2018

from bamboo is done in 3-4 years old bamboo. Several of SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTS
studies have reported bamboo fiber is produced through
sulphuric acid hydrolysis176-179, autohydrolysis180, alkaline This study discovers the preservation and modification
181 182 183
treatment , phosphoric acid and oxalic acid . techniques of bamboo that can be beneficial for advance
Over the past 2 decades, numerous studies have been products manufacturing and utilization. This study will help
performed to application bamboo fiber as a reinforcement the researcher to uncover the critical areas of quality and
material in polymer composites. These cellulose fibers are durability enhancement of bamboo products that many
an interesting alternative to synthetic fibers because of researchers were not able to explore. Thus a new theory on
its clean emissions and biodegradability184-186. Several Preservation, modification and applications of bamboo may
investigators have producing the polymer composites from be arrived at.
bamboo fibers, such as medium density fiberboard101,187,
bamboo fibers in combination with wood veneer as bamboo ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
mat veneer composites product188,189, bamboo-glass fibres
composites190,191, bamboo fibres as reinforcement material, The authors would like to thank Institute Teknologi
such as in thermoplastic polypropylene162,191, polyester192, Bandung, Indonesia (ITB), for providing Research Grants of
vinyl ester193, epoxy194-196, elastomer polymer matrix197,198 and Increase Citation for ITB World Class University Ranking No.
rubber matrix199 to be used in many applications. Meanwhile, 1355/SK/11.B03.2/KU/2016. The authors would also like to
utilization of bamboo fibers as cement replacement also thank Forestry Research and Development Agency (FORDA)
become a new approach in bamboo development progress200. Indonesia, for providing the necessary facilities.
However, few studies shown that bamboo fiber is brittle
compared with other natural fibers49,199-204. They investigated REFERENCES
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