Worksheet GR.10 W1 Q1 Primary & Secondary Sources

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NAME:____________________________________________________ ENGLISH 10 WEEK 1 (Back to PRIMARY SECONDARY

back page) SOURCE SOURCE
Directions: Put a check mark () in the appropriate column whether the statement is a PRIMARY SOURCE or 1) I was watching ANC and one of the reporters said
SECONDARY SOURCE. SEE PAGES 6 – 9 PIVOT 4A LEARNERS MATERIAL he had heard good reviews about a new romcom
PRIMARY SECONDARY movie. When he talks about the movie, what is he?
1) I was watching ANC and one of the reporters said 2) My friends and I found an old wedding dress in our
he had heard good reviews about a new romcom attic. My father said it belonged to my grandmother.
movie. When he talks about the movie, what is he? What is the dress?
3) I like to read People magazine. I really like the
2) My friends and I found an old wedding dress in our articles written by others about Hollywood actors.
attic. My father said it belonged to my grandmother. When I read these stories, what am I reading?
What is the dress? 4) When I am doing homework for Araling Panlipunan
3) I like to read People magazine. I really like the and I read the commentaries by Supreme Court
articles written by others about Hollywood actors. Justices on landmark cases, what am I reading?
When I read these stories, what am I reading?
4) When I am doing homework for Araling Panlipunan 5) When I was at summer training a few years ago, I
and I read the commentaries by Supreme Court found an arrowroot, a tropical tuber native to
Justices on landmark cases, what am I reading? Indonesia; I did research and found out it usually
processed into a powder, also called arrowroot flour.
5) When I was at summer training a few years ago, I What did I find?
found an arrowroot, a tropical tuber native to 6) I found a letter to one of my friends in the locker
Indonesia; I did research and found out it usually room after school the other day. I know it’s private,
processed into a powder, also called arrowroot flour. but I want to read it! What is the letter?
What did I find?
6) I found a letter to one of my friends in the locker 7) At school we use textbooks to learn about the
room after school the other day. I know it’s private, history of the United States. When we use
but I want to read it! What is the letter? textbooks, what are we using?
8) My mom has CDs of my grandparents telling stories
7) At school we use textbooks to learn about the about when they were kids. We love to listen to
history of the United States. When we use these at family gatherings. What are we listening to?
textbooks, what are we using?
8) My mom has CDs of my grandparents telling stories 9) My friend Tim said I should read a book that he
about when they were kids. We love to listen to really liked. He told me about it—it sounds good!
these at family gatherings. What are we listening to? When Tim talks about the book, what is he?

9) My friend Tim said I should read a book that he 10) I am writing an essay on President Rodrigo Roa
really liked. He told me about it—it sounds good! Duterte for my Literature class. I used articles from
When Tim talks about the book, what is he? CNN and another News Website. What am I using?

10) I am writing an essay on President Rodrigo Roa Directions: Read each sentence carefully. CIRCLE THE LETTER of your answer.
Duterte for my Literature class. I used articles from 1) A website is _____________________.
CNN and another News Website. What am I using? A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
2) A first-hand account is _____________________.
NAME:____________________________________________________ ENGLISH 10 WEEK 1 (Back to A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
back page) 3) A newspaper is _____________________.
Directions: Put a check mark () in the appropriate column whether the statement is a PRIMARY SOURCE or A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
SECONDARY SOURCE. SEE PAGES 6 – 9 PIVOT 4A LEARNERS MATERIAL 4) A letter is _____________________.
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
5) A magazine is _____________________.
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
6) An encyclopedia is _____________________. A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 21) An encyclopedia is _____________________.
7) An original document is _____________________. A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 22) An original document is _____________________.
8) A research study is _____________________. A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 23) A research study is _____________________.
9) Diaries are _____________________. A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 24) Diaries are _____________________.
10) Journals are ____________________. A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 25) Journals are ____________________.
11) An original document that does not analyze other documents is __________________. A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 26) An original document that does not analyze other documents is __________________.
12) Interpretations of original documents are _________________. A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 27) Interpretations of original documents are _________________.
13) Film footage of a historical event is _________________. A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 28) Film footage of a historical event is _________________.
14) A textbook is _________________. A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 29) A textbook is _________________.
15) A Biography of a historical figure is _________________. A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source 30) A Biography of a historical figure is _________________.
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source

Directions: Using your definitions, give examples of Primary and Secondary Sources in the web diagram below.
Write your answers on the circles.


Directions: Using your definitions, give examples of Primary and Secondary Sources in the web diagram below.
Write your answers on the circles.
Directions: Read each sentence carefully. CIRCLE THE LETTER of your answer.
16) A website is _____________________.
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
17) A first-hand account is _____________________.
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
18) A newspaper is _____________________.
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
19) A letter is _____________________.
A. Primary Source B. Secondary Source
20) A magazine is _____________________.

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