MBG 311 - LDH Assay Presentation
MBG 311 - LDH Assay Presentation
MBG 311 - LDH Assay Presentation
• An enzyme is a substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate
at which chemical reactions proceed without itself being altered in the process
• Nearly all known enzymes are proteins, but RNA molecules called ribozymes can also
have catalytic activity.
• They form enzyme-substrate complexes by binding the substrate through the active sites. This stabilizes
the transition state and lowers the activation energy, which in return speeds up the reaction.
• Some enzyme require cofactors to be active. Cofactors can be organic molecules (coenzymes) or inorganic
ions e.g., Ca2+ , Zn2+ (prosthetic group)
• The specificity of enzyme-substrate interactions is determined by the unique three-dimensional structure
of the active site.
• pH, enzyme concentration (transcription, translation, etc.), substrate concentration, temperature,
activators, and inhibitors can all regulate enzyme catalyzed reactions.
• Enzyme kinetics is the study of the chemical reactions that are catalyzed by enzymes
• The concentration of substrate [S] is a key factor affecting the rate of a reaction catalyzed by an enzyme [E]
• The Michaelis-Menten equation describes the kinetic behavior of many enzymes
• The conditions that lead to • Enzymatically active lactate dehydrogenase consists of four
increased LDH levels in the subunits (tetramer). They can form five possible tetramers
serum: (isoenzymes):
Ø Liver disease Ø LDH-1 : Present primarily in cardiac myocytes and
Ø Anemia erythrocytes.
Ø Heart attack Ø LDH-2 : Present mostly in white blood cells.
Ø Bone fractures Ø LDH-3 : Present in highest quantity in lung tissue
Ø Muscle trauma Ø LDH-4 : Highest amounts found in pancreas, kidney,
Ø Cancers
and placenta
Ø Infections (encephalitis,
meningitis, encephalitis, Ø LDH-5 : Highest amounts found in liver and skeletal
and HIV) muscle.
• The aim of an LDH assay is to measure the activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in a sample
• ΔA450 : ODSample-ODControl
• f: Dilution factor of the sample before the test
• CPr: Concentration of protein in sample (mg/mL)
• In our experiment we will be using liver sample. Concentration before dilution 9.3 mg/mL . Dilution factor 1:100
• We will measure the LDH activity of the sample over time (Generate a graph).
1h 45 min
1h 30min
1h 15min