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CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Digital Mockup (DMU)
Version 5 Release 16

DMU Fitting
DMU Kinematics

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

DMU Fitting
Simulate part motions for assembly and maintainability issues


A. DMU Simulation: Key tools for DMU

Fitting C
B. DMU Check: Measure Interference,
distance, detect Clash while moving
C. Manipulation: Manipulate model or D
Compass while creating a track
D. Recorder: Record or modify the track
E. Player: Play the track

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

General Process
Open an Assembly Document
Using DMU Manipulation Toolbar to
change the position of the Compass:-
Create a Track
1) “Detach” the Compass from
Move a Component the selected Part (it will be
Record the Track
2) “Snap” the Compass onto a
Repeat creating tracks for other components new position

Create a Sequence of Tracks

3) “Attach” the Compass
again (it will be Green)
Create a Simulation

Analyze the results and modify the design if


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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Detect Clashes automatically during the part movement:-

Three modes are available:
(1) On (default mode), which deactivates clash detection
(2) Off, which highlights in the geometry area products in
collision while playing a simulation
(3) Stop, which stops the simulation when the first clash is
On/ Off/ Stop
Measure distances AFTER a simulation:-
- Click “Distance” icon
- Select two components
- Click “Apply” to get the minimum distance

Measure distances DURING a simulation:-

- After “Distance.1” is created, double-click “Sequence.1” on
the tree
- Select the Tab Page “ Edit Analysis”
- Put “Distance.1” on the list called “Analyses in Sequence”
- Set it Active

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 1
(1) File Open:-
• File/Open/Excavator_a.CATProduct

(2) Change workbench to DMU Fitting:-

• If the current workbench is not “DMU Fitting”,
select “Start/Digital Mockup/ DMU fitting” on
the top menu to change. (otherwise, it needn’t

(3) Make the 1st Film:-

• Click “Track” icon
• Select Upper_Assm(Upper_Assm.1) on tree
• (The Compass will be snapped onto the
assembly and it will turn GREEN)

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 1
(3) Cont’:-
• Drag the upper assembly out by Compass
• Then Click “Record(Insert)” icon to record the
new position
• Drag the assembly to another position
• Click “Record(Insert)” icon again
• Click ok complete

(4) Repeat Step 3 to make the remaining

Films for the below components:-
• Bucket
• Front_Arm
• Back_Arm
• Arm_Support
• Cabinet
• Engine
• Exhaust
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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 1
(5) Create a Play Sequence of the films:-
• Click “Edit Sequence” icon
• Select Track.1 under the list of “Action in
• Click
• Select Track.2, then
• …Repeat the steps until all Tracks are inserted

(6) Play the Sequence of films:-

• Click “Simulation Player” icon
• Select Sequence.1
• (The Player is activated on top of the screen)
• Click “Parameters” icon
• Enter 5s as Sampling Step (Run the simulation
• Click

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 1
(6) Cont’:-
• Click “Change Loop Mode” icon to run the
simulation continuously
• Click “Stop” icon to stop Change Loop Stop
• Click “Simulation Player” icon again to exit

(7) Reset the positions:-

• Click “Reset Position” icon
• (all components will be back to their original

(8) Hide all Track Lines on screen:-

• Right-Click “Tracks” on the tree
• Select “Hide/Show”

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 1
(9) Refine Environment Settings (optional):-
• To improve the resolution, select
ces/3D Accuracy/Fixed” on the top menu and
change it to 0.01(smallest value)

• Change the shading mode to “Shading with

• Select “View/Render Style/Perspective” on
the menu
• Select “View/ Lighting…” and then select “Two

• To Hide Compass, Deselect “View/ Compass”

on the top menu
• To Hide Tree, Deselect “View/ Specifications”
on the top menu

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 1
(10) Export Simulation into AVI format
• Click “Tools/Simulation/Generate Video” on
the top menu
• Select Sequence.1 on tree
• Select “VFW Codec” as default
• Click “Setup” button and select “Cinepak
Codec by Radius” as Compressor
• Click “File name…” to define the destination
of the exported file and the file name
• Click ok to complete

(Remark: During the conversion, we can manipulate

the geometry by mouse)

END of Exercise 1
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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

DMU Kinematics
Simulate the mechanism of an assembly


A. DMU Kinematics: Key tools for DMU

B. Simulation: Make Simulation with
C. Kinematics Joints: Create Joints
between components
D. Kinematics Update: Restore or Update D
positions of components
E. DMU Generic Animation: Record or
Export Simulation into other format

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

General Process
Open an Assembly Document

Delete all Constraints & Create Joints manually

Convert Constraints into Mechanism

Browse the Mechanism with Commands

Create a Simulation

Analyze the results and modify the design if


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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2 Top
Arm (x2)

Scissor Jack Screw

- Create Kinematic Joints Lower
- Simulate the mechanism with Arm (x2)
- Study the mechanism behavior Mid Nut
(Displacement and Speed)


(1) File/Open/

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(2) Change workbench to DMU kinematics:-
• If the current workbench is not “DMU
kinematics”, select “Start/Digital Mockup/
DMU kinematics” on the top menu to change.
(otherwise, it needn’t change)

(3) Delete all Constraints:-

• Right-Click on “Constraints” on the product
tree and then select “Delete”
• (We are going to create kinematic joints
manually. Once a joint is created between two
parts, the corresponding constraints will be
made automatically between them. To prevent
redundancy, we need to delete all the
constraints, which were made on the
“Assembly Design” workbench, before creating

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(4) Fix “Base” in place:-
• Select “Fixed Part” icon
• Click “New Mechanism” icon on the pop-up
• Click ok to accept the default name
• Select “Base” (by clicking “Base” on tree or
clicking on the geometry directly)
• (A Fix Constraint is created automatically, and at
the same time, a fixed part is defined in

(5) Create a Revolute joint between Right

Lower Arm and Base:-
• Select “Revolute Joint” icon
• Click Axis of LowerArm and then Axis of Base (Put
the mouse cursor onto the cylindrical surface to
get its axis)
• Click Face of LowerArm and then Face of Base
• Click ok to complete

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(6) Create a Revolute joint between Left Lower
Arm and Base:-
• Select “Revolute Joint” icon
• Click Axis of LowerArm and then Axis of Base
• Click Face of LowerArm and then Face of Base
• Click ok to complete

(7) Create a Revolute joint between Right

Lower Arm and Right Upper Arm:-
• Select “Revolute Joint” icon
• Click Axis of LowerArm and then Axis of UpperArm
• Click Face of LowerArm and then Face of
• Click ok to complete

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(8) Create a Revolute joint between Left Lower
Arm and Left Upper Arm:-
• Select “Revolute Joint” icon
• Click Axis of LowerArm and then Axis of UpperArm
• Click Face of LowerArm and then Face of
• Click ok to complete

(9) Create a Revolute joint between Right

Upper Arm and Top:-
• Select “Revolute Joint” icon
• Click Axis of UpperArm and then Axis of Top
• Click Face of UpperArm and then Face of Top
• Click ok to complete

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(10) Create a Revolute joint between Left
Upper Arm and Top:-
• Select “Revolute Joint” icon
• Click Axis of UpperArm and then Axis of Top
• Click Face of UpperArm and then Face of Top
• Click ok to complete

(11) Create a Revolute joint between Left

Upper Arm and Mid-Nut:-
• Select “Revolute Joint” icon
• Click Axis of UpperArm and then Axis of MidNut
• Click Face of UpperArm and then Face of MidNut
• Click ok to complete

A- 18
Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(12) Create a Revolute joint between Right
Upper Arm and Mid-Joint:-
• Select “Revolute Joint” icon
• Click Axis of UpperArm and then Axis of Midjoint
• Click Face of UpperArm and then Face of MidJoint
• Click ok to complete

(13) Create a Revolute joint between Mid-Joint

and Screw:-
Select this
• Drag the Screw out of the hole by Compass planar face
• Show xy-plane, yz-plane & zx plane of Mid-Joint
• Select “Revolute Joint” icon
• Click Axis of Mid-Joint and then Axis of Screw
• Click zx Plane of Mid-Joint and then Face of Screw
• Enter 10mm as Offset
• Click ok to complete
• Hide xy-plane, yz-plane & zx plane A- 19
Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(14) Create a Screw joint between Mid-Nut and
• Drag the Screw out of the hole by Compass again
so that we can see the screw hole
• Select “Screw Joint” icon
• Click Axis of MidNut and then Axis of Screw
• Select “angle driven” option
• Enter 1 as Pitch
• Click ok to complete

(15) Create a Gear joint between Right Lower

Arm and Left Lower Arm:-
• Select “Gear Joint” icon
• Select Revolute.1 and then Revolute.2
• Select Opposite as Rotation Directions
• Click ok to complete

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(16) Create a Gear joint between Right Upper
Arm and Left Upper Arm:-
• Select “Gear Joint” icon
• Select Revolute.5 and then Revolute.6
• Select Opposite as Rotation Directions
• Click ok to complete

(Finally, a window pops up, saying that the mechanism

can be simulated)

Revolute.6 Revolute.5 Gear.2



A- 21 Revolute.1
Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(17) Hide all Constraints:-
• Right-Click on “Constraints” on the product tree
and then select “Hide/Show”

(18) Simulate the Mechanism:-

• Select “Simulation with Commands” icon
• Click “…” button next to Command.1
• Enter -30000 as Lowest Value
• Enter 30000 as Highest Value
• Click ok to confirm

• Select “Immediate” Simulation

• Put the mouse cursor onto the screw (double-
arrow appears)
• Press and Hold the Right Button to rotate the
screw (The whole mechanism moves)

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(19) Get the Smallest Height of Scissor Jack:-
• Select “Activate Sensors” option (another menu
• Select the third button “Stop when Clash”
• Select “On Request” Simulation
• Select 40 as Number of steps
• Adjust Command.1 to -30000 (lowest value)
• Click “Play” icon

• (The mechanism moves until the clash occurs;

When Command.1 is ~21000, it stops)
It is now fully contracted
• Select “Close” on both menus

(20) Reset Command.1 to Zero:-

• Double-Click Command.1 on tree
• Click “Reset to Zero” button
• Click ok to complete
• (Now when Command.1=0 deg, the scissor jack is
the shortest)
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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(21) Define the relation between Command.1
and Time:-
• Click “Formula” icon
• Click Mechanism.1 on tree
• (Two related parameters are sorted out:
“Mechanism.1\KINTime” &
• Select
• Click “Add Formula” button
• Enter (Mechanism.1\KINTime /1s)*360*2deg
• Click ok
• Click ok again
• (The formula is now stored under Mechanism.1)

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(22) Define a Sensor:-
• Click “Speed and Acceleration” icon
• Select Base as Reference Product
• Select any endpoint of the Top
face as Point Selection
• Select “Main axis”
• (Remark: “Main Axis” is the axis
system of the Product, which is also
the axis system of Base (1st
• Click ok to complete

(23) Run the Simulation with

• Click “Simulation with Laws” icon

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(23) Con’t:-
• Select “Activate Sensors”
• Select “Speed-Acceleration.1\z_vertex” and
• Click “Stop when Clash” button

• Click “…” button

• Enter 200s as Maximum time bound
• Click ok

• Click button

(The mechanism moves, but stops at ~130s when

clash is detected)

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Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham
CATIA V5R16 Digital Mockup

Exercise 2
(24) Study Results:-
• Click “Graphics…” button
• We get two curves on the graph:
Yellow – Displacement of the Top Face;
Green – Speed of the Top Face

• Smallest Height = 95mm

• Largest Height = 326mm
• Range = (326-95) = 231mm
• Total Time (from Full contraction to Full
Extension) = 133sec (assuming the angular
speed of the screw is 2 rev/sec)

(25) Restore original positions:-

• Click “Reset Positions” button


A- 27 END of Exercise 2
Version 1b- Mar07 Written By Dickson Sham

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