Drafting Catia V5

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Contents –

Chapter 1
1.1 How to enter into Drafting Workbench
1.2 Drafting workbench Interface
1.3 What is Generative Drafting and Interactive Drafting

Chapter 2
2.1 Selecting drawing standards
2.2 Inserting Frames and Title block
2.3 Editing the Sheet Properties.

Chapter 3
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.1 Opening a Part
3.1.2 Creating Front View
3.1.3 Creating Projection View
3.1.4 Creating auxiliary view
3.1.5 Creating Isometric view
3.1.6 Creating Offset Section View and Aligned Section View
3.1.7 Creating Offset Section Cut and Aligned Section Cut
3.1.8 Creating Detail View
3.1.9 Creating Clip view
3.1.10 Creating Broken view and Brokeout view
3.1.11 Creating view using Wizard
Contents –
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
3.2.1 Crating Axis and Threads
3.2.2 Crating Dimensions
3.2.3 Crating Annotations

3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation

3.3.1 Opening a Assembly
3.3.2 Creating Section View
3.3.3 Overload properties
3.3.4 Generating Balloons
3.3.5 Generating Bill of material
Chapter 1 : 1.1 How to enter into Drafting Workbench
METHOD 1: Step 1

You can change the settings in the Step 2

even after entering the workbench hence “
Hide when Starting workbench” check box is
provided. By checking this option catia will
skip the second step and directly enters the
drafting workbench.

Step 2

Step 1: Select Start>Mechanical Design>Drafting from the menu bar

as highlighted.

Step 2 : - Standards such as ISO, ANSI etc. for the drawing can be selected
using drop down menu.
- Sheet Style (size) A0,A1,A2, etc. can be selected as required.
- And orientation of the sheet Portrait or Landscape can also be set
at this stage.
Click to enter the Drafting workbench.
1.1 How to enter into Drafting Workbench
Step 1: Select File>New from the menu bar

Step 2: - Select “Drawing” from the Dialog box Click

- After clicking OK you will get “New Drawing”
Dialog box explained in Step 2 in METHOD 1.

Step 2

Step 1
1.2 Drafting workbench Interface

Views : Creating and Modifying views

Dimensioning : Creating Dimensioning

Annotations : Creating text, Annotations &

Generative tables
Drafting Dress-up : Creating Axis, Fill
Drawing : Inserting New sheets, Empty views
and crating details views

Geometry Creation
1.3 What is Generative Drafting & Interactive Drafting

Generative Drafting:
Generative Drafting involves creation of 2D Drawing views from 3D models and assemblies,
here views will have link with the 3D model. This training document cover Generative
Drafting only.

Interactive Drafting:
Interactive Drafting involves creation of views without using 3D models and assemblies and
hence there will be any with the 3D.
Chapter 2 : 2.1Selecting drawing standards
Step 1 : Select File>Page Setup from main menu.
Step 2 : Select the Drop down menu provided for standards in Page setup dialog box.
Step 3 : Select the Standards as required Click to apply.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

2.2 Inserting drawing template
- Generally Sheet background views ( title block plus elements) are added
From the another drawing sheet. Which requires some setting in the
Tools>Option>Mechanical Design>Drafting>Layout.
- Check “Copy background view” and Select “Other drawing”
- Click to apply.
- This will let you copy the Title block and elements from the reference drawing.

Step 2
Step 1
2.2 Inserting drawing template
Once setting are completed. Follow bellow step to copy the background from the other file.

Step 1: Select File>Page Setup, Page Setup Dialog box will appear.
Step 2: Select “Insert Background View…” highlighted in red box

Step 1 Step 2
2.2 Inserting drawing template

Step 3: Select “Browse..” button from “Insert element into a sheet” dialog box.
Step 4: File Selection window will pop up and here you can select reference file from where
you need to select the background view. Select the file and click on “Open”

Step 3

Step 4
2.2 Inserting drawing template

Step 5 : Click on and click on Page Setup box to apply.

Step 6 : final drafting sheet after application of title block

Step 6

Selected reference file

Preview of the Background
Step 5
2.3 Editing sheet properties
Sheet size can be selected from the same “Page Setup” dialog box ( Step 2)
Previous slide.
Step 1 : Select drop down menu “Sheet Style” from the “Page Setup” dialog box
Step 2 : Select the Drawing sheet size as required and Click to apply.

Step 1 Step 2
2.3 Editing sheet properties
Step 1 : Right click ( Mouse button) on the “Sheet.1” from the tree and select “Properties”
Step 2 : - In the “Property” dialog box Sheet name “Sheet.1” can be renamed as needed.
- Select the scale of the sheet as required highlighted with red box.
- Select the “Format” drop down menu and Select appropriate sheet size.
- Select the Projection Method by selecting the Radio button provided in Properties
Dialog box. Finally click to apply.

Step 1 Step 2
Chapter 3: 3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.1 Opening a Part
Step 1 : Select File>Open
Step 2 : “File Selection” window will appear select the file (Sample) and click on

Step 2

Step 1
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.2 Creating Front View
Step 1 : Click on “Front view” icon
the same option can be accessed by other method shown in below.


Step 1
3.1.2 Creating Front View
Step 2 : Select window, and select the part for which views to be generated here we are
selecting 1 Sample.CATPart. That will take you Sample model.
Step 3 : Select the datum planes or Flat face of the solid. Here we have selected YZ plane.
Preview of the view which is going to be generated is displayed at right bottom of
screen and immediately the CATIA will automatically take you to drafting mode.

Best Practice is to select the Plane instead of solid face.

Step 2 Step 3 Preview

3.1.2 Creating Front View
Step 4: Once you come back to drafting workbench(do not click on the screen) you will see
screen as shown below
- Here the orientation of the view can changed as required by using navigator which in top
right corner of sheet (high lighted in red box)
- If we assume the X axis as horizontal axis arrow pointing towards right of the screen and
Y axis as vertical axis pointing upwards and Z axis as normal to screen,
then, clicking on Blue arrows will rotate the view about X and Y axis directions and clicking
on Blue curved arrows will rotate the view about Z axis.

Blue curved
arrows Blue arrows

Step 4
3.1.2 Creating Front View
Step 5: Once the orientation of the view is set then click left bottom on the screen
or on the blue circle at the center of the navigator to create the view.

View Name

View Frame
(in RED color) View Frame
(in BLUE color)

Step 5
Under Line for “Front view” in the tree show it is Active currently and hence View Frame for
that view will appear in Red color as shown in First figure above.
If the view is not active View Frame would appear in BLUE color and view name in the tree
Will not underlined as shown in second figure above.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation

3.1.3 Creating Projection View

To create the projection view Activate the Main view from which projection view to
Be created.
Step:1 Activating the view: This can be done using two methods
Method 1: By right clicking on the Main view in the tree or on the view frame
and selecting the “Activate View”
Method 2: By Double clicking left button on the view frame.

Before Activating (View frame in After Activating (view frame in

BLUE) Step:1 RED)
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Step 2: Creating the projection view: click on the icon from the view creation tool bar,
same can be accessed by selecting Insert>Views>Projections>Projection
Here the view creation depends on the position of mouse pointer. if the pointer is right side of
the main view then Left side view (Left view ) will be created and if the pointer is left side of
the main view then Right Side View will be crated and it will work similarly for Top and Bottom
view. ( Here projection method is First angle projection.)


Left View
Bottom view
Top view Right view
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Step 3: Once the view to be created is decided lift click on that position. Here left view is

Step 3
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.4 Creating auxiliary view
Auxiliary view is the project of main view at an angle.

Step 1: Click on
Step 2: Select Start point and End point of a callout line, then auxiliary view
perpendicular to that line will be generated.
viewing direction can be changed by moving the mouse pointer
away from main view on either sides.

Viewing Direction

End Point

Start Point Callout

3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Orientation of the auxiliary view
Select the Start point and right click on the reference line catia will prompt the option shown in the
figure below.
Midpoint: Mid point of the Reference line will be selected as End point.
Nearest End Point: Nearest end point of the Reference line will be selected as End point
Parallel : callout line will be created parallel to the Reference line. For this option you can
directly select the line.
Perpendicular: callout line will be created perpendicular to the Reference line.

Start Point

Reference line
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.5 Creating Isometric View
Step 1 : Open the sample model and Select Isometric view , so that model will be in
isometric view.
Step 2 : Go to Drafting workbench, select the Insert Isometric view from either of the option


Step 2

Step 1
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Step 3 : Go to Part model and select the either of three plane, immediately it takes you to
drafting workbench, here also we can change the orientation of the view, finally click on
screen to create view.

Step 3
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.6 Creating Offset Section View and Aligned Section View
Before creating Section view it is recommended that you tile the drawing and the part windows
horizontally or vertically.
- To tile the windows go to Windows>Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically
- To go back to single window double click on the either part or Drawing window.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.6 Creating Offset Section View and Aligned Section View
Before selecting the section view option make sure that front view (parent view) is active.
If required double click on the front view’s view frame which makes it active.
Step 1: Select Offset Section View.

Step 1
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Step 2: Select Point, edge (linear or curved) or axis to define the cutting profile on the view.
As you select the second point, the section plane appears and moves dynamically on the 3D
part while you define the profile on the drawing. To crate cutting profile double click at the end

If you select a circle, the

profile will go through
the circle center.
If you select an edge,
the profile will
be parallel to the
selected edge.

Step 2
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Step 3: Double clicking at the end point will end the cutting profile creation.
-Then select the direction of viewing by moving the cursor on either side of the parent view.
-Finally click on the screen to generate the view.

Step 3
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
In sectioning through irregular objects, it is often desirable to show several features that
do not lie in a straight line by offsetting or bending the cutting plane as shown below.
In other words offset section view is cutting the object by parallel planes.

-Here keep selecting the point so the cutting profile passes through the features that you
wanted to show and while selecting final point double click to end cutting profile creation.
The final output after offsetting the cutting plane is as shown below.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
In Aligned section view object is cut by using non parallel planes.
To access the aligned section view click on small black pyramid just below the section
view icon. Then the tool bar expands and open sub tool bar.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation

3.1.7 Creating Offset Section Cut and Aligned Section Cut

Offset/Aligned section cut view profile creation is similar to offset/Aligned section View.
Difference will be in view generated. Which is shown below.

Parent view Section view Section Cut

3.1 Part Drawing Creation

3.1.8 Creating Detail View

Detail view : used to create detail view with circular callout.

Detail view profile: used to create user defined callout

profile (non circular).

Quick Detail view: used to create detail of broken views.

For more details on Broken view refer section 3:1:10

Quick Detail view profile: used to create user defined callout

3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.8 Creating Detail View
Before creating detail view make sure that the view from which detail view to be created
is active.
Step 1: Click on Detail View in the Views toolbar (Details sub-toolbar).
Step 2: Click where you want to position the callout center.
Step 3: Drag the cursor to define the callout radius, radius value can be given in the box
highlighted and click when you are satisfied.
A dashed, blue circle appears at the position of the cursor. Shown in next slide.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Step 4 : Move this circle to where you want to position the detail view, and click to generate
the view.
Scale of the view will be by default 2:1 it can be changed by accessing properties of view.
i.e right click on the view and select properties and change scale.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Creating Detail View profile
Detail view profile will let you to define own profile other than circle.

Step 1: click on the icon

Step 2: create the callout profile as required.
Step 3: click on the screen to generate the view.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation

If detail view is created from a view which contains broken view then it will not be
Reflected in the detail view. In order to reflect the same we have to use Quick Detail

After creation of Detail View the detail profiles can be modified by double clicking on the
Profile, if Detail View is created by using Quick Detail View or Quick Detail view profile
then profile can not be modified.
Detail view profile modification
Double click on the profile. will take you
profile modification mode Where you
can modify or replace the Profile.
After modifications click on to exit.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation

Quick Detail View

Procedure of creating the view is same as Detail view, but it is generally used when
Parent view contains broken view.

Profile creation in Quick Detail view profile is similar to Detail view profile. So it is not
explained here.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.9 Creating Clip view
Clip View is partially generated view that shows only what is necessary in the clear description
of the object. The difference between a clipping view and a detail view is that the clipping view
replaces the primary view, when a detail view is created in addition.

Clip view.

Clip view profile.

Quick Clip view.

Quick Clip view profile.

The procedure of crating callout profile is similar to detail view.

Clipping View command uses a boolean operator from the 3D whereas the Quick Clipping
View command computes the view directly from the 2D projection. The representation is
therefore different.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation

Step 1: Click on clip view in the Views toolbar (Details sub-toolbar).

Step 2: Click where you want to position the callout center.
Step 3: Drag the cursor to define the callout radius, radius value can be given in the box
highlighted and click when you are satisfied, immediately view will be clipped and features
within the circle will only appear.
The view generated by using Quick Clip is as shown in the figure.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation

Clip view profile and Quick Clip view profile are similar to Detail view profile so these are not
covered here.

Once a clipping has been applied on a view, it is impossible to create detail views,
breakout views and broken views from this view.

Once a clipping has been applied on a section, detail or auxiliary view, modifying
the section, detail or auxiliary view profile may lead to an update error if this
modification places all of the generated geometry outside the clipping profile
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.10 Creation of Broken and Brokeout view.

Broken views are used to shorten elongated objects.

Step 1 : Click Broken View in the Views toolbar.

Step 2 : Select the first point at the first extremity. Green doted lines (vertical an Horizontal)
will appear on the object.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Step 3 : Select the respective line (vertical or horizontal) along which you want to create the
Broken View. Here vertical line is selected to break the object along horizontal direction.
Step 4 : select the second point at the other end up to which the object needs to be broken
then click some where else on the screen. To create the Broken view.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Breakout view.
In Breakout view you will remove locally material from a generated view in order to visualize
the remaining visible internal part.
Step 1: Click the first point of the breakout profile. Click as many points as desired for creating
the profile. If needed, double-click to end the profile creation and close this profile automatically.
You can also click on the profile first point to close and end the profile creation. After closing the
Profile 3D Viewer window will appear.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
Step 2: To position the cutting plane (or Depth definition) select the Reference element from
Other view and give the depth value and click to generate the Breakout view.
You can also crate the Breakout view by clicking without selecting the Reference element.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
3.1.11 Creating view using Wizard

Step 1: click on Wizard icon view wizard dialog box will appear.
Step 2: select the configuration of views to be created (it will create the view automatically based
On the angle of project selected).
Step 3: click on you can select some more views and finally select the
3.1 Part Drawing Creation

Step 4: Then go to part model and select the part face or plane then automatically
the selected configuration of view will be generated as shown.
3.1 Part Drawing Creation
The different configuration available in the wizard are as below.

In our scenario, the ISO standard and the first angle projection method are used,
and the following configurations are available:
front view
front, bottom and left
rear view
front, bottom and right
top view
front, top and left
bottom view
front, top and right
left view
projection and isometric
right view
projection, rear and isometric
isometric view

clear preview
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
3.2.1 Crating Axis hidden lines and Threads
To create axis hidden lines and threads right click on the view from the tree or right Click on the
view frame and select properties Select the check boxes Hidden lines, Axis, thread, centre lines
to these elements then click .
The view appears as below.
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
3.2.2 Crating Dimensions
To crate the dimensions generally used option is Dimensions on dimension tool bar

If you open the sub tool bar by clicking on the black pyramid just below the icon it appears
as below.

Step 1: Click on Dimensions tools pallet will appear on the screen

Projected dimensions Forced horizontal dimension

Forced dimension on element Forced dimension along a direction

Forced vertical dimension True length dimension

Here by default either of the first two option will be selected if not select
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations

Step 2: select the element to which dimension to be created.

If single line is selected then catia will create length of that line
if two Parallel lines selected it will create distance between them and
If tow lines at an angle are selected then automatically angle between then is created.

Step 3: Length dimension created and it will move along with mouse pointer (with
default settings) click left button to option the dimension.
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations

Distance between two lines Angle between two lines Diameter of circle

After creation of the dimensions you can change the potion of the dimension selecting the
Dimension (left mouse button) and draging the dimension.

Creation of forced Horizontal and vertical dimension

3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Creation of forced Horizontal and vertical dimension
Step 1: select the element to which horizontal or vertical dimension to be given
Step 2: select the Forced Horizontal Dimension option same can be accessed from
contextual menu (by right clicking).
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Creation of Forced dimension along a direction
To create dimension along a direction select , tools pallet will expand and will give three

Dimension along a direction. Here first select the direction and then select the element
To be dimensioned. Here dimension will be parallel to direction.

Dimension perpendicular to a direction. Here first select the direction and then select
the element to be dimensioned. Here dimension will be perpendicular to direction.

Dimension along fixed angle in a view. Here keen in the angle value and select the
line to be dimensioned, then the dimension of line (element) will at an angle defined.
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Intersection point detection

Step 1: select Dimensions and use projected Forced projected dimension option

Step 2: select first element , Line. Then click on Intersection point Detection
When mouse point near the intersection point of two line then catia will highlight the point as
Shown then select the point to crate the dimension.
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Dimensioning of a line and a circle or an arch of a circle (anchor Point selection)
Step 1: select Dimensions and use projected Forced projected dimension option
Step 2: Right click on the dimension (contextual menu) and select Extension Lines Anchor
Select the Anchor 1, Anchor 2 or Anchor 3.
Anchor 1 selecting this will give dimension between line and Far extreme point of circle.
Anchor 2 selecting this will give dimension between line and Center of the circle.
Anchor 3 selecting this will give dimension between line and Nearest extreme point of circle.
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Creating interruptions in the dimension line.
Step 1: select “Crete interruption(s)” in dimension tool bar.

Click here to expand the tool bar.

Step 2: Select the dimension line to which interruption to be added, Tool pallet will appear.

It gives option to crating interruption single side or both sides.

Select second option to create both sides.

Step 3: Select the start and end point to create the interruption.
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Remove Interruption

Step 1: To remove the interruption click on “Remove Interruption(s)”

Step 2: Tools Pallet will appear with following option.

Remove one interruption: Select dimension and click near the interruption on dimension
Remove interruptions on one side: Select dimension and click on the dimension line on
Which interruptions to be removed.

Remove all interruptions: Select the dimension it will remove all the interruptions on the
Dimension lines.
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Changing the properties of Dimensions (size, arrow type etc)
Right click on the Dimension and select properties>Properties dialog box will appear.
Select the “Value” tab.

- Here you can change the orientation of the value with reference to the dimension line
- Show Dual value where you can represent
Two value eg: both in Inches an mm for
Single dimension.
- Format: here you can select mm value with “.”
or ”,” as separator.
-Fake dimension: by selecting this we create
fake dimension both numeric and alpha
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations

To change tolerance representation select tolerance tab.

To change the representation of dimension line select the Dimension Line tab.
Similarly user should check different tabs to change the properties of dimensions.
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
3.2.3 Crating Annotations

Step 1: Select Create text.

Step 2: Click on the screen where you want place the text. Text editor window will
Step 3: Type the text in the editor box and click

To change the position of the text select the test and drag it.
And to edit the text double click on the text which is already created.
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Adding Leader to text.
Step 1: To add leader right click on the text and select Add Leader from contextual menu.
Step 2: click to create the anchor point of the leader. Here we are selecting the Holes in front
view (circle)

Step 1: To remove the leader select the text, a yellow anchor point will appear near the arrow.
Step 2: Right click on the yellow anchor point. And select “Remove Leader”
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Removing Leader to text.

Step 1: To remove the leader select the text, a yellow anchor point will appear near the arrow.
Step 2: Right click on the yellow anchor point. And select “Remove Leader/Extremity”
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Creating Text with Leader

Step 1: Click on small pyramid to access the sub tool bar “Text”.

Step 2: select or click on the element where you want to crate the Anchor point.
Step 3: Now click on the screen to place the text, Text editor box will appear.
Step 4: Type the required text and click on
3.2 creating dimensions and annotations
Inserting Table
Step 1: Click on the icon Table Editor Box will appear.
Step 2: Define the number of Rows and Columns and click
Step 3: click on the screen to position the table. By default table will be generated in active
Step 4: Editing table and inserting the Text in the cell.
Double click on the table to edit the length and width of cells drag the lines highlighted and to
insert the text. Further double click on the cells so that text editor dialog box will appear where
you can type text and click ok.
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation
3.3.1 Opening a Assembly
Step 1: select File>Open> Select the assembly file to open.
Step 2: Now select File>New>Drawing to start new drawing.
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation
3.3.2 Creating Section View
Step 1: Create Front View, Top view and Isometric view.
Step 2: Create section view from Front view. So that cutting plane passes through almost all the
parts. The section view is as shown below.
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation
Overload Properties:
Using this option we can change properties such as Line type, Line thickness, color,
Visibility to cut section for individual components.

Step 1: Right click on the Section view from the tree or on the view frame of the
Section view. Characteristics Dialog box will appear.
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation
Step 2: Select individual component one by one from section view so that it gets added in the
Characteristic Dialog box.
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation
Step 3: select the component from characteristics dialog box for which properties to be
Changed and click on Edit, Editor dialog box will appear where you will have check boxes

Cut in Section view: selecting this box will show section of the selected object.
Represent with hidden lines: it will show the selected object in hidden lines.
Use when projecting: the selected object will project in the view and if unchecked the selected
Object will be removed from the view.
Show: it will hide the selected object from the view and it will be available in No shown mode.
And also you will have options to change color, line thickness and line type for the selected
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation
For our drawing we change the color of the Allen Screw to red and will represent
it without cut.
Step 4: “uncheck the Cut in section View” and change the color in Graphical properties
to red as shown below click in editor box and click in characteristics
dialog box to apply. Output is as shown in second figure.
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation
3.3.4 Generating Balloons
Before creating the balloons the components in the product should be numbered to known
more about it please refer Generate numbering in Assembly design workbench. As balloon
numbers are generated from 3D.
Balloons can created by manually (one by one) or by automatic generation.
Step 1: select the Balloon option from Annotation tool bar.
Step 2: Move the mouse pointer on the components in ISOMETRIC VIEW, the components
Gets highlighted.
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation

Step 3: Click on the component to generate balloon (number is taken form 3D) and click on the
screen then balloon creation dialog box will appear where you can also assign (change) the
number to the component.
Step 4: After assigning the number click to create.
Repeat the same for other components in the view the final output will appear as below.
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation
Automatic Balloon Generation:
This potion accessed from Insert>Generation>Balloon Generation or From the Dimension
Generation tool bar.
Step 1: Before selecting this option activate the view in which balloons are to be generated.
Step 2: Click on the Balloon option
Step 3: immediately after clicking on the balloon command balloons will be generated in the
Active view. Balloon numbers are generated from 3D reference but we can change the number
By double clicking on the balloons.
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation
Generate Bill of material:
This potion accessed from Insert>Generation>Bill of Material
With this option you can generate the bill of material if the active view has link with product.
If the active view has no link with a product, a message will appear, letting you know
whether you can insert the Bill of Material.
Step 1: Select the Bill of Material option
Step 2: click on the screen to create the table.

Step 1
Step 2
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation

Insert Bill of Material in Background.

Step 1: Edit>Sheet Background to enter background
Step 2: select Insert>Drawing>Bill of Material
Step 3: Select Window>select the product file which will you take product (3D)
3.3 Assembly Drawing Creation

Step 4: select the main assembly from the tree which will immediately take you to drawing
Step 5: click on the screen to position the Bill of Material.
Step 6: Select Edit>Working view to go back.

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