KHU3083 Veterinary Virology and Viral Diseases

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Course: Veterinary Virology and Viral Disease

Academic Year : 2017/2018

A. Course Identity

Modul name : Veterinary Virology and Viral Disease

Level modul: Bachelor
Abbreviation, if applicable: KHU 3083
Sub-Heading, if applicable: -
Courses included in the -
module, if applicable
Semester/term: 5 / year 3
Module Coordinator(s): Prof. drh. Widya Asmara, SU., Ph.D.
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. drh. A.E.T.H. Wahyuni, M.Si.
Dr. drh. Tri Untari, M.Si.
Dr. drh. M. Haryadi Wibowo, MP.
drh. Sidna Artanto, M.Biotech
Language: Bahasa Indonesia
Classifications within the Compulsory Course
Teaching Format/ class 3 hours lecture/week and 2 hours laboratory practice/week
hours per weeks during the
Workload 3 hours lecture x 15 weeks = 45 hours
2 hours laboratory practice x 9 weeks = 18 hours
2 hours exam x 2 = 4 hours
1 hour practical exam x 2 = 2 hours
4 hours FGD x 3 weeks = 12 hours
2 hours self study x 15 weeks = 30 hours
Total = 111 hours equivalen 4.44 ECTS
1 ECTS = 25 hours
Credit points: 4 (3/1)
Requirements Veterinary Bacterial and Mycotic Disease (KHU 2028)
Learning goals/ CO1:
competencies: Able to understand about viruses and their differences with other
microorganisms, viral structures, viral genetics, viral replication,
viral evolution, viral pathogenesis, cellular responses to viral
infections, understanding some important diseases especially in
animals and in some cases in humans due to viral infections.
Able to understand about prions. CO2:
Able to understand and have expertise in detecting viruses,
viral cultivation techniques, both in embryonic eggs and cell
cultures, diagnosis of viral infectious diseases, principles of
biosafety and biosecurity
Able to recognize viral infectious diseases, both clinically and
laboratorically. Have the ability and expertise to recognize and
handle a number of viral infectious diseases, both in livestock
and wildlife. Have the management ability to control viral
infectious diseases, prion infection in animals and zoonotic
Content 1. Principle of virology
2. Structure, composition, nomenclature, and
classification of virus
3. Genetics, replication, and evolution of virus
4. Virulence and pathogenesis of virus
5. Laboratory diagnosis of viral disease
6. Types and mechanisms of antiviral drugs
7. Rhabdoviridae
8. Paramyxoviridae and Orthomyxoviridae
9. Poxviridae
10. Coronaviridae
11. Flaviviridae
12. Parvoviridae
13. Picornaviridae and Papovaviridae
14. Rioviridae and Herpesviridae
15. Prions
Study/ exam achievement: Assessment Assessment Point Course outcome (CO)
aspect element
Cognitive Mid term 65 CO1
Final exam
Psychomotor Laboratory 15 CO2
Affective Focus Group 20 CO3
(FGD), lecture
dan laboratory

Final indexed is defined as follow:

Score Alphabetical Score Alphabetical
score score
≥ 75 A (4,0) 57,4 - 55 C (2,0)
74,9 - 72,5 A- (3,75) 55,9 - 2,5 C- (1,75)
72,4 - 70 A/B (3,5) 52,4 - 50 C/D (1,50)
69,9 - 67,5 B+ (3,25) 49,9 - 45 D+ (1,25)
67,4 - 65 B (3,0) 45,9 - 40 D (1,0)
64,9 - 62,5 B- (2,75) < 40 E (0)
62,4 - 60 B/C (2,5) incomplete TL
59,9 - 57,5 C+ (2,25)
NA : Absolute score
Forms of Media: LCD projectors and whiteboard
Literature: 1. Mahy, BWJ.,and Regenmortel, MHVV. 2009. Desk
Encyclopedia of Animal and Bacterial Virology, Elsevier.
2. Maclachlan, NJ., and Dubovi, EJ. 2016. Fenner's
Veterinary Virology, 5 Edition, Elsevier.
3. Murphy, FA., Gibbs, EPJ., Horzinek, MC., and
Studdert, MJ. 1999. Veterinary Virology, 3 Edition. AP
4. Markey, B., Leonard, F., Archambault, M., Cullinane,
A., and Maguire, D. 2013. Clinical Veterinary Microbiology,
2 Edition. Elsevier.

B. Mapping PLO to CO

PLO3 Mastering skills in applying Science and Technology √
laboratory of biomedical anatomy, histology, physiology,
biochemical, embryology, reproduction, clinical pathology,
pathology, microbiology, parasitology, immunology,
pharmacology, toxicology, radiology and Veterinary Public
PLO6 Able to do agent identifications that are; virus, bacteria, √
parasite, fungi and toxin, and cause determination of
animal diseases.
PLO7 Mastering skills in doing agent identification, such as; √
virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi and toxin, and cause
determination of animal diseases
PLO8 Mastering and understanding knowledge about √
zoonotic and non zoonotic animal diseases.

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