Refrigeration Basics 101: By: Sunil Kumar

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By: Sunil Kumar

Refrigeration Basics 101


• Refrigeration is the removal of heat from a material or space, so that

it’s temperature is lower than that of it’s surroundings.

• When refrigerant absorbs the unwanted heat, this raises the

refrigerant’s temperature (“Saturation Temperature”) so that it
changes from a liquid to a gas — it evaporates. The system then
uses condensation to release the heat and change the refrigerant
back into a liquid. This is called “Latent Heat”.

• This cycle is based on the physical principle, that a liquid extracts

heat from the surrounding area as it expands (boils) into a gas.

• To accomplish this, the refrigerant is pumped through a closed

looped pipe system.

• The closed looped pipe system stops the refrigerant from becoming
contaminated and controls its stream. The refrigerant will be both a
vapor and a liquid in the loop.
“Saturation Temperature” – can be defined as the temperature of a
liquid, vapor, or a solid, where if any heat is added or removed, a
change of state takes place.

• A change of state transfers a large

amount of energy.

• At saturation temperature, materials are

sensitive to additions or removal of heat.

• Water is an example of how saturation

property of a material, can transfer a
large amount of heat.

• Refrigerants use the same principles as

ice. For any given pressure, refrigerants
have a saturation temperature.

• If the pressure is low, the saturation

temperature is low. If pressure is high,
saturation temperature is high.
“Latent Heat”- The heat required to change a liquid to a gas (or the heat
that must be removed from a gas to condense it to a liquid), without any
change in temperature.

• Heat is a form of energy that is

transferred from one object to
another object.

• Heat Is a form of energy transferred

by a difference in temperature.

• Heat transfer can occur, when there

is a temperature difference between
two or more objects. Heat will only
flow from a warm object to a colder

• The heat transfer is greatest, when

there is a large temperature
difference between two objects.
The Refrigeration Cycle

There are four main components in

a refrigeration system:

• The Compressor
• The Condensing Coil
• The Metering Device
• The Evaporator

• Two different pressures exist in the

refrigeration cycle. The evaporator
or low pressure, in the "low side"
and the condenser, or high
pressure, in the "high side". These
pressure areas are divided by the
other two components. On one
end, is the metering device which
controls the refrigerant flow, and on
the other end, is the compressor.
The Compressor

• The compressor is the heart of the

system. The compressor does just
what it’s name is. It compresses
the low pressure refrigerant vapor
from the evaporator and
compresses it into a high pressure

• The inlet to the compressor is

called the “Suction Line”. It brings
the low pressure vapor into the

• After the compressor compresses

the refrigerant into a high pressure
Vapor, it removes it to the outlet
called the “Discharge Line”.
The Condenser

• The “Discharge Line” leaves the

compressor and runs to the inlet of the
• Because the refrigerant was compressed,
it is a hot high pressure vapor (as
pressure goes up – temperature goes
• The hot vapor enters the condenser and
starts to flow through the tubes.
• Cool air is blown across the out side of
the finned tubes of the condenser
(usually by a fan or water with a pump).
• Since the air is cooler than the
refrigerant, heat jumps from the tubing to
the cooler air (energy goes from hot to
cold – “latent heat”).
• As the heat is removed from the
refrigerant, it reaches it’s “saturated
temperature” and starts to “flash”
(change states), into a high pressure
• The high pressure liquid leaves the
condenser through the “liquid line” and
travels to the “metering device”.
Sometimes running through a filter dryer
first, to remove any dirt or foreign
Metering Devices

• Metering devices regulate how much

liquid refrigerant enters the evaporator .

• Common used metering devices are,

small thin copper tubes referred to as
“cap tubes”, thermally controller
diaphragm valves called “TXV’s”
(thermal expansion valves) and single
opening “orifices”.

• The metering device tries to maintain a

preset temperature difference or “super
heat”, between the inlet and outlet
openings of the evaporator.

• As the metering devices regulates the

amount of refrigerant going into the
evaporator, the device lets small
amounts of refrigerant out into the line
and looses the high pressure it has
behind it.

• Now we have a low pressure, cooler

liquid refrigerant entering the evaporative
coil (pressure went down – so
temperature goes down).
Thermal expansion Valves

• A very common type of metering device is

called a TX Valve (Thermostatic Expansion
Valve). This valve has the capability of
controlling the refrigerant flow. If the load on
the evaporator changes, the valve can
respond to the change and increase or
decrease the flow accordingly.

• The TXV has a sensing bulb attached to the

outlet of the evaporator. This bulb senses the
suction line temperature and sends a signal
to the TXV allowing it to adjust the flow rate.
This is important because, if not all, the
refrigerant in the evaporator changes state
into a gas, there could be liquid refrigerant
content returning to the compressor. This
can be fatal to the compressor. Liquid can
not be compressed and when a compressor
tries to compress a liquid, mechanical failing
can happen. The compressor can suffer
mechanical damage in the valves and
bearings. This is called” liquid slugging”.

• Normally TXV's are set to maintain 10

degrees of superheat. That means that the
gas returning to the compressor is at least 10
degrees away from the risk of having any
The Evaporator

• The evaporator is where the heat is

removed from your house , business or
refrigeration box.
• Low pressure liquid leaves the metering
device and enters the evaporator.
• Usually, a fan will move warm air from
the conditioned space across the
evaporator finned coils.
• The cooler refrigerant in the evaporator
tubes, absorb the warm room air. The
change of temperature causes the
refrigerant to “flash” or “boil”, and
changes from a low pressure liquid to a
low pressure cold vapor.
• The low pressure vapor is pulled into the
compressor and the cycle starts over.
• The amount of heat added to the liquid
to make it saturated and change states is
called “Super Heat”.
• One way to charge a system with
refrigerant is by super heat.
Basic Refrigeration Cycle
• Starting at the compressor;
• Low pressure vapor refrigerant is compressed
and discharged out of the compressor.
• The refrigerant at this point is a high
temperature, high pressure, “superheated”
• The high pressure refrigerant flows to the
condenser by way of the "Discharge Line".
• The condenser changes the high pressure
refrigerant from a high temperature vapor to a
low temperature, high pressure liquid and
leaves through the "Liquid Line".
• The high pressure refrigerant then flows
through a filter dryer to the Thermal Expansion
valve or TXV.
• The TXV meters the correct amount of liquid
refrigerant into the evaporator.
• As the TXV meters the refrigerant, the high
pressure liquid changes to a low pressure, low
temperature, saturated liquid/vapor.
• This saturated liquid/vapor enters the
evaporator and is changed to a low pressure,
dry vapor.
• The low pressure, dry vapor is then returned to
the compressor in the "Suction line".
• The cycle then starts over.
Using a P/T chart

• When you are charging or just checking a

refrigeration unit, you use a set of gauges.
The blue hose connects to a port on the low
side of the system and your red hose will
connect to the high side of the system.
• To properly know what your pressures and
temperatures should be, you will need to
know what refrigerant you are working with
and a “Pressure\Temperature Chart” (P/T
• With a P/T chart, if you know a temperature
or a pressure of the ambient air or the
refrigerant in your system, you can use a
P/T chart to convert it to the equal pressure
or temperature.
• For an example using the chart at the right,
at 100°f R22 refrigerant pressure would be
• R502 at 100° would be 218.6, R12 at 100°
would be 119.4 lb’s pressure.
• If you just know a pressure, cross the
pressure on the chart to the corresponding
•A common method for checking or charging is by “head
•Find the units design condenser temperature from the
specifications, add 30° to the outside ambient air temperature
(70° is the outside air temp. add 30°, that gives you 100°). Take
your P/T chart and see what the pressure crosses up to at 100°
using R22.
•At 100°f R22 equals 198.4 PSI, so you would charge your
system up until you “head pressure” was close to 198.4.
•If the unit has a sight glass, check it for bubbles. If it does
have bubbles, add more refrigerant slowly until it clears
•Always charge refrigerant into the suction line as a vapor. This
is done by keeping your refrigerant cylinder right side up. If
your cylinder is on it’s side or upside down, you will be
charging liquid refrigerant and it could damage your
•If you are charging a cap tube system, charging by “super
heat” is a good method. Check your units specifications and
pick a desired “super heat” (10° to 16°), add or subtract
refrigerant until the super heat is achieved. The superheat is
fixed at 8 to 12 degrees in most residential air conditioning
Sub-Cooling & Super-Heat
• Measure Sub-cooling:
• Get the refrigerant saturation pressure-temperature. Take a
pressure reading of the liquid line leaving the condenser.
Refrigerant saturation temperature is the pressure-
temperature, when the refrigerant is turning from a high-
pressure vapor into a high-pressure liquid (giving up heat). At
saturation pressure-temperature, both liquid and vapor are at
the same temperature.
• (1) Convert pressure to temperature with a P/T chart.
• (2) Take a temperature reading at the leaving liquid line of the
• Compare both, the saturated temperature and leaving liquid
line temperature. Subtracting one from the other, the
difference is the amount the refrigerant has cooled past
saturated temperature.
• Measure Evaporator Superheat:
• Get a pressure reading of the suction line leaving the
evaporator to get refrigerant saturation pressure-temperature.
Refrigerant saturation temperature is the pressure-
temperature, when the refrigerant is turning from a low-
pressure liquid to a low-pressure vapor (absorbing heat). At
saturation pressure-temperature, both liquid and vapor are at
the same temperature.
• Convert pressure to temperature with a P/T chart. If reading is
obtained at the compressor, not at the evaporator line leaving,
you may have to add a few pounds of pressure due to
pressure drop in the suction line.
• Take a temperature reading at the leaving suction line of the
• Compare both, the saturated temperature and the leaving
suction line temperature. Subtracting one from the other, the
difference is the amount the refrigerant gas has heated past
saturated temperature.
By : Sunil Kumar

 The Vapor Compression Refrigeration (VCR) Cycle

Refrigerator used for Cooling

energy sought Q
E   in  COPC
energy that costs Wcycle

Observation: E may be >1 E  100%

The concept of an efficiency being greater than 100%

makes people uneasy. Therefore, the conversion
TL efficiency for a refrigerator is called the Cooling
Coefficient of Performance (COPC). A refrigeration
system that is used for cooling is called a refrigerator.
Refrigerator used for Heating

energy sought Q
E   out  COPH
energy that costs Wcycle

Observation: E may be >1 E  100%

The concept of an efficiency being greater than 100%

makes people uneasy. Therefore, the conversion
TL efficiency for a refrigerator is called the Heating
Coefficient of Performance (COPH). A refrigeration
system that is used for cooling is called a heat pump.
Analysis of the Carnot Refrigerator
For the Refrigeration cycle …
Qin Qin 1
th  COPR   
Wcycle Qout  Qin Qout / Qin  1
1 1 TL
COPR,Carnot   COPR,Carnot 
 Qout / Qin rev  1 TH / TL  1 TH  TL

For the Heat Pump cycle …

Qout Qout 1
th  COPH   
TL Wcycle Qout  Qin 1  Qin / Qout
1 1 TH
COPH,Carnot   COPH,Carnot 
1   Qin / Qout rev 1  TL / TH TH  TL

 Refrigeration cycle
 The cycle is operating in a refrigeration cycle
 The goal is to keep the cold space cold
 Transfer heat from a low-temperature source to the cycle

 Heat pump cycle

 The cycle is operating in a refrigeration cycle
 The goal is to keep the hot space hot
 Transfer heat to a high-temperature sink from the cycle

The words refrigeration or heat pump define the goal of the cycle.
The Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle


The Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle
7  Two phase changes
Working fluid = Refrigerant
 Boiling (evaporator)
 Condensing (condenser)
 Low temperature boiling fluids
Most refrigerants are halogenated hydrocarbons. The naming
convention adopted by ASHRAE is,

R(a-1)(b+1)d = CaHbClcFd c = 2(a – 1) – b – d

Example: R22 (R022)

a 1  0  a  1 H
b 1  2  b  1
d 2 F C F chlorodifluoromethane
c  2  a  1  b  d
c  2 1  1  1  2  1 Cl
The Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram
Vapor Compression Refrigeration Analysis
& h 2  h3 

& h2  h1 
h3  h 4

& h1  h4 
The Ideal VCR Cycle on the P-h Diagram
P 11
1-2: Isentropic compression
2-3: Isobaric heat rejection
3-4: Isenthalpic expansion
4-1: Isobaric heat addition
qout  Q&out / m
& h 2  h3 
3 2

4 & h2  h1 
1 h3  h 4

qin  Q&in / m
& wc  W&c / m

& h1  h 4 
Refrigeration Effect and Capacity

Refrigeration Effect: qin  h1  h4

Refrigeration Capacity: Q&in  m& h1  h4 

Refrigeration capacity is often expressed in tons of

refrigeration. Definition …

1 ton of refrigeration is the steady state heat transfer rate

required to melt 1 ton of ice at 32°F in 24 hours.

1 ton = 12,000 Btu/hr = 3.516 kW

VCR Cycle Irreversibilities

Pressure drop through 2
the condenser 3
Isentropic efficiency
Pressure drop through 4
of the compressor
the evaporator 1

Practical VCR Cycle
P T3 SCT SCT = Saturated Condensing Temperature
DSC = Degrees of Subcooling = SCT – T3

Subcooling increases the

2s 2 refrigeration capacity

Superheating provides a dry

vapor at the compressor inlet

SET = Saturated Evaporating Temperature

DSH = Degrees of Superheat = T1 – SET

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